Item 1 - Staff Report and Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 11/05/2020 ITEM: 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: October 30, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Initial Draft of the Land Use Element and the Initial Draft of the Community Design Element. BACKGROUND: The Los Gatos General Plan update process has so far included: • Task A: Initiation; • Task B: Background Report; • Task C: Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Report; • Task D: General Plan Vision and Guiding Principles; and • Task E: Land Use Alternatives Report. Based on the Background Report, visioning, and alternatives planning in previous tasks, the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) has begun Task F, which is the process of reviewing the Goals, Policies, and Implementation Programs of the General Plan elements. In addition to the Vision and Guiding Principles, the General Plan is made up of a collection of elements, or topic categories. State law requires the General Plan to address nine elements: land use; circulation; housing; conservation; open space; noise; safety; environmental justice; and air quality. A jurisdiction may organize its general plan in any format, including consolidated elements, so long as all the relevant statutory issues are addressed. The Town’s existing General Plan contains the following elements: • Land Use Element; • Community Design Element; • Housing Element (not part of this update); • Transportation Element (now called the Mobility Element, reviewed on July 16, 2020); • Vasona Light Rail Element (now part of the Mobility Element, reviewed on July 16, 2020); PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Initial Drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements October 30, 2020 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2020\11-05-20\old documents\Item 1 - Staff Report.docx BACKGROUND (continued): • Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element (reviewed on March 5, 2020); • Environment and Sustainability Element (reviewed on July 2, 2020); • Noise Element (now part of the Hazards and Safety Element, reviewed August 6, 2020); • Safety Element (now called the Hazards and Safety Element, reviewed August 6, 2020); and • Human Services Element (now called the Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element, reviewed on June 18, 2020). This update will integrate the environmental justice and air quality topic categories into the existing elements, and will include a new element, the Racial, Social, and Environmental Justice Element. This update will also include consolidation and renaming of elements, and redistribution of goals, policies, and implementation programs between the elements. On June 11, 2020, the Town hosted an online community workshop which included a live webinar presentation by Jim Heid of UrbanGreen and Eric Muzzy from Dahlin Group who provided an in-depth overview of community design concepts and how design options can be used to maintain the Town’s character while being open to new styles and residential types. The video is available for viewing online (http://losgatos2040.com/participate/community- design.html). The workshop presentation was followed by an online survey. A summary of the survey results is available as Attachment 1. DISCUSSION: As discussed at previous GPAC meetings, the Town Council has indicated that the current General Plan is serving the community well, and this update provides the opportunity to refine the General Plan, address emerging trends and recent State laws, and consider new issues. The purpose of this GPAC meeting is to review the initial drafts of two closely linked elements, the Land Use Element (Attachment 2) and the Community Design Element (Attachment 3). The meeting will begin with a short presentation to walk the GPAC through the Elements. This presentation will be followed by a discussion by the GPAC of recommendations for additions, deletions, or revisions. To prepare for this discussion, the GPAC is encouraged to watch the recording of the June 11, 2020 workshop (link available above) and review the survey results in Attachment 1. The review of the Land Use and Community Design Elements is expected to continue at the next GPAC meeting where there will be further discussion of any recommendations for additions, deletions, or revisions, including any locations in the Element where additional objective standards might be appropriate. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Initial Drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements October 30, 2020 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2020\11-05-20\old documents\Item 1 - Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): All suggestions for changes to the text of these elements, whether from committee members or the public, that are received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, will be provided to the GPAC in an Addendum Report that afternoon so that text changes can be considered by all committee members prior to the meeting. Any comments received after that time, but before 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting will be provided in a Desk Item. NEXT STEPS: The next GPAC meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2020, for continued review of the Land Use and Community Design Elements. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Attachment 4 contains the public comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020. Attachments: 1. June 11, 2020 Community Workshop and Online Survey Summary 2. Initial Draft of Land Use Element 3. Initial Draft of Community Design Element 4. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 1 of 31 Community Workshop #3: Community Design Online Webinar Online Workshop Thursday June 11, 2020 June 11 thru July 3, 2020 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm www.losgatos2040.com Los Gatos, CA On Thursday, June 11, 2020, the Town hosted the third community workshop on the General Plan update to inform the community about the update process and solicit community input on the topic of community design. The community’s input will be used to assist in the development of the Land Use and Community Design Elements. The Community Workshop included an introductory live webinar presentation by Jim Heid of UrbanGreen and Eric Muzzy from Dahlin Group. This webinar included an in-depth overview of community design concepts and how design options can be used to maintain the Town’s character while being open to new styles and residential types. The webinar lasted for approximately 50 minutes. Following the webinar, participants were invited to take part in an online visual preference survey that allowed participants to comment on their preferred design features for Los Gatos. The online visual preference survey was located on the General Plan website (losgatos2040.com) and was active from June 11 – July 3, 2020. In total 39 individuals took part in the survey. The feedback gathered through the online visual preference survey will be used by Town staff, the Consultant team, and Town’s General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) to develop a set of unique community design policies for the Community Design Element. These policies will guide future development in the Town over the next 20 years. The following is an overview of the public comments and feedback from both the online visual preference survey. ATTACHMENT 1 Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 2 of 31 Online Visual Preference Survey The online survey consisted of a series of 10 different development types with varying architectural styles, uses, and urban design enhancements. Along with each image were two questions, one rating their thoughts on the overall design using a preference scale and the second asking what the participant liked and disliked about the development. These questions focused on the identification of specific design elements that could be carried through a set of objective standards in the form of policies in the Community Design Element. To start the survey, a couple of questions were asked to understand who was taking the survey. Online Visual Preference Survey Results 1. Do you live in Los Gatos? 95% 5% Live in Los Gatos Live Elsewhere Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 3 of 31 2. How long have you lived in Los Gatos? 0%10%20%30%40%50% Less than 3 years 3 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10 - 20 years More than 20 years Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 4 of 31 Example 1: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The primary four-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. Architectural Style(s): Industrial Modern Thoughts on Design? Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 5 of 31 Example 1: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The primary four-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. Architectural Style(s): Industrial Modern What do you like or dislike about this development? I don't like how the balconies stick out Visual interest with the different facades. Clean lines but integrated well with more traditional lamps. Mixed use - residential, hospitality, retail, plus outdoor hangout space. Too tall for narrow streets. Good use of the space. Uncluttered. Live/work in same area Minimizes traffic problems Additional housing opportunities It reminds me of Santana Row, not sure if the Town of LG is really ready for the modern look. Very attractive I would hope that Los Gatos will keep its charm, which to.me means Victorian and Spanish, style buildings - not the latest trendy box or beige Mediterranean look. I strongly support mixed retail/housing. I also prefer multi-story development in the downtown/retail corridor areas. It minimized driving, and creates a more vibrant (aka not Saratoga-dead) downtown. Like the concept of residential over commercial for main streets. Like that shops have inset areas. Don't like fake balconies or the height for Los Gatos. I think we are learning that housing should have real areas for people to at least sit outside. Clean lines. Uniformity. Mixed use- ability to access retail and restaurants easily. Not in character to existing architectural properties. Too "city" infill looking. Needs more open space. Facades too flat, more articulation needed. Post-modern design and mid-Century inappropriate. 34.29% 25.71% 8.57% 11.43% 20% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 6 of 31 Example 1: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The primary four-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. Architectural Style(s): Industrial Modern Wide sidewalks. Outdoor dining. Less cars. I do not like fake balconies and the flatness of the building on the left. Too much glass and metal, building height. This design is now prevalent in the valley....suitable for more dense communities, but too tall and ‘commercial’ for our town, in my opinion I like the mix of retail, office, and residential. I do wish it looked a bit more historical. It destroys the residential aspect of the Town. I lived in Santa Row for 5 years and experienced the worst of this type of development. Question - is the Town "required" to enforce local zoning laws? Street trees, big garage doors indoor/outdoor seating, exposed timber beans and broad glazing The building on the right side of the street looks pretty blocky and uninteresting. I like the angled roof and overhang of the building on the left, though. Industrial Modern design is appealing. Mixed use is appealing too. Building is not too tall either, allowing views of our beautiful surrounding hills. Vitality for residents It’s clean. I like the variation of wood, light & metal accents. Although I like the look of the building, I can’t think of anywhere in town to place it. The building height and solidness would make it stand out negatively most places, including the opportunity areas. Looks like Santana Row; not small town. But good if not near downtown; would reduce need for traffic with retail on site. Like the design of the retail on the left, but the placement of benches and planters seems to isolate pedestrians from the retail and does not take advantage of the wide sidewalks Structures across the street are too high for LG, and there is not any setback to make the buildings more visually appealing Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 7 of 31 Example 2: Small Lot Single-Family Homes Description: Small lot single-family homes that are either two- or three-stories. This small lot single-family development includes reduced side setbacks, increased street activation by reducing the front setback, and varying architectural styles. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Cottage, Spanish, Craftsman Thoughts on Design? Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 8 of 31 Example 2: Small Lot Single-Family Homes Description: Small lot single-family homes that are either two- or three-stories. This small lot single-family development includes reduced side setbacks, increased street activation by reducing the front setback, and varying architectural styles. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Cottage, Spanish, Craftsman What do you like or dislike about this development? The designs of each aren't bad. My eye likes symmetry and this is not symmetrical. You have 2 very different styles mixed in together Is ok, but a little bland / predictable, although the integration of Spanish and craftsman styles is intriguing. A little monotonous and no variation in use. No unifying elements. Just a bunch of odd things pushed together. Inefficient use of land Reduces my chance of obtaining single person housing Density The different styles are nice, however being crowded together isn’t a great feature. Good use of space I like to have more greenspace around homes, and don’t want to see LG urbanized just to suit the rich people who move here for work and want to change the Town to suit their needs and preferences. I like these developments, but there must be sufficient height (3 stories) and/or a full basement to maximize the land use. The one concern on such sites is where they are "internally-focused" rather than facing the street/sidewalk. Those developments (like across from Orange Theory) turn their back on the community. Architecture is varied. They are practical for getting density in Los Gatos. Hopefully, they each have a small yard in the back. I like the real balconies on the Spanish one. 17.14% 28.57% 20.00% 14.29% 20% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 9 of 31 Example 2: Small Lot Single-Family Homes Description: Small lot single-family homes that are either two- or three-stories. This small lot single-family development includes reduced side setbacks, increased street activation by reducing the front setback, and varying architectural styles. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Cottage, Spanish, Craftsman I like the architecture examples but would not want to live there due to high density/ lack of privacy. Cookie cutter boxes with faux architectural elements. Bad mix of styles. Central valley development overtones (Hollister, Gilroy, Salinas) Attached housing not conducive to family living. Since we have little space left for housing it should be more of the same rather than infill, and dense developments. Not deep enough setbacks. I like the look of the traditional and cottage. They fit the look of Los Gatos. We are an old town that does not need to be turned into a modern town. I think the Spanish style is too tall. I do not like the mix of Spanish, traditional and cottage all so close together and the mixing of the styles when they are that close together. Traditional design, lots of articulation, natural finishes, variegated roof line Setbacks reduced too much. Buildings are imposing. Humans will feel like ants here. A bit too dense for my liking, but I have seen some of these communities that are well done. OK if there is some common/green space, etc No green/yard space at all. This just looks cramped. This will increase the density factor for sure. If however this allows for more affordable housing to be constructed, then the trade off might be appropriate. I like the density of the homes. I don’t like the street scape and landscaping doesn’t look very community oriented or friendly neighborly I really dislike single family homes pushed closely together like this. These are not as bad as some I've seen--I do appreciate the different styles and architectural features, but it just looks really crowded to me. Will there be low income housing? Single family home more conducive to raising families Little outdoor space is a disadvantage. This strategy is used effectively by LG Boulevard and Roberts. The houses blend in and provide more housing units on less space. They also appeal to people who don’t like yard maintenance. To maintain green space, I would minimize how many developments like this are allowed in one area. I like that it is a mix of styles. Street setback too uniform, height of individual houses to uniform, Like the variety of styles, though prefer height be limited to 35 feet and prefer there be setback on the corner Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 10 of 31 Example 3: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: This development includes ground floor retail and residential on the upper floors. This mixed-use development also incorporates a stepback of the building on the second and third floors, providing a space for outdoor patios for the dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Traditional Thoughts on Design? 20.59% 32.35% 14.71% 17.65% 15% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 11 of 31 Example 3: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: This development includes ground floor retail and residential on the upper floors. This mixed-use development also incorporates a stepback of the building on the second and third floors, providing a space for outdoor patios for the dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Traditional What do you like or dislike about this development? Not a big fan. I don't care for the black railings on the bottom. Doesn't seem like Los Gatos charm...do we really need residential on top of businesses in our small town?? Like the mixed use a lot. The design of the residential apartments could be a lot better. The windows are off - looks like a 1970s school. Like the mixed use and outdoor space for the residents. Same advantages as #1. Like the setback and trees. Mixed use like Santana Row This is a little more reasonable than the more modern look. It would give the Town an updated feel while addressing housing and retail needs. Santana row! The biggest problem of step-backs is that they are forced onto developments, and just waste potential floor space, as most of those decks/patios are never really used. Then, you have to make up the lost square footage by building up or out in some other direction. Height is good. I like the real balconies. Hopefully, the third floor has something similar at the back. I love brick. It has warm feel. Mixed use housing and retail still up for grabs. North forty will soon give us the answer. There is not enough open land space to support this kind of project. Old towns University ave building is a better example to pose. It has walk in shops, the picture shown has no shop entrances much like Lyndon Plaza and it doesn't work well. This style architecture is not people oriented. Service business's possibly but where? Los Gatos Blvd so full already and retail doesn't want to go that direction. Everything today needs to be designed for easy transformation into other types of business. I like the idea of providing outdoor space for tenants/ owners. Mixed use. Broad sidewalks I love the set back from the street and the outdoor space above. I wish it was not so flat, like down at the far right. Ramp or whatever that is in front of the retail breaks coordination with the sidewalk. Good for more urban settings.....the step backs are better This looks generic. Again this is inconsistent with the current Town environment. Also, our issue is not more businesses, it is more affordable housing. I like the idea of ground floor retail and residential above. I dont like the architectural design here- too corporate/ordinary I appreciate the setback, but overall it's pretty blah. Not as much as #1 More in favor of example #1 Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 12 of 31 Example 3: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: This development includes ground floor retail and residential on the upper floors. This mixed-use development also incorporates a stepback of the building on the second and third floors, providing a space for outdoor patios for the dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Traditional Unattractive Very boring, but nothing to dislike. Better height for LG. Too uniform brick looking; not welcoming. Like the separation of access to the retail from the public sidewalk - it works with the wide sidewalk and benches to feel inviting. Like the use of the balconies to form a covered access to the retail and eliminates that would otherwise be a 3 story flat facade. There is no street access to each shop, the brick facade above retail is boring and looks unappealing to anyone walking the street. Not enough variety in style or colors. Example 4: Infill Residential (Duplex) Description: This development is an infill two-story duplex in an existing residential neighborhood. Architectural Style(s): Industrial Modern, Contemporary Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 13 of 31 Example 4: Infill Residential (Duplex) Description: This development is an infill two-story duplex in an existing residential neighborhood. Architectural Style(s): Industrial Modern, Contemporary Thoughts on Design? What do you like or dislike about this development? I don't like any of it and don't think it fits the character of our town Interesting design concept. Fun and more innovative than the typical craftsman copycats that are being built. Looks a little too industrial though - think it is the small windows. Any infill is good. Only as a last resort UGLY !!! It would depend what else is around it as in similar structures or styles. Sometimes the modern styles fit in and other times they are not a good fit. Good use of space again I like the modern design, as it actually has style versus many other poor designs, where low cost (builder profit) is the motivating factor. You can reduce the visual impact if the town would follow other communities (Winnetka, IL) by making basements and garages that don't face the street (behind or under) count as free square footage. Housing looks much better when you don't only see a garage door, and duplexes have two. Duplex is okay in residential neighborhood if it resembles single family. I always dislike very modern architecture put in with more traditional. But I do realize that people have a right to build it. In other words, I hate the house but am okay with the concept. Los Gatos has numerous examples of contemporary homes, that’s what makes us unique. 17.65% 17.65% 23.53% 17.65% 24% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 14 of 31 Example 4: Infill Residential (Duplex) Description: This development is an infill two-story duplex in an existing residential neighborhood. Architectural Style(s): Industrial Modern, Contemporary I like the idea of infill duplex if it is on the edge of existing single family dwellings and not in the middle. Our town is warm, inviting and charming. This looks cold and uninviting. Again, our town is historical. Let's keep it that way. House is ugly. Exaggerated articulations on a basic form will do that. Single family should remain single family if possible. Duplexes are not often owned, in my experience How is this consistent with current environment? What does this achieve? I like the idea of infilling existing res neighborhoods with duplexes or townhomes. I like the idea of allowing contemporary design styles to mix in I like the building design and the fact that the 2 sides of the duplex are different from each other. Not sure how it fits in with the houses next door. If there are some other 2-story houses on the street, it might be fine. Dislike totally Infill is fine, but do not like the modern style Too modern Love idea of strategically adding duplexes to increase housing without large complexes. Don't like the look -- bits and pieces of squares here and there -- looks industrial Central element too high Height, set back, variety of style for a multifamily site looks comfortable different, yet comparable to each other unit. Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 15 of 31 Example 5: Small Lot Single-Family Description: This development small lot single-family attached units. These single-family units are three levels with garage parking in the rear of the unit. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Spanish Thoughts on Design? What do you like or dislike about this development? Better than others. Still doesn't fit the character of our town. Do we need to squish so much in together? Good use of space. But almost too much articulation. 6.06% 18.18% 45.45% 15.15% 15% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 16 of 31 Example 5: Small Lot Single-Family Description: This development small lot single-family attached units. These single-family units are three levels with garage parking in the rear of the unit. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Spanish Too busy on the details. Like the plantings. Inefficient use of space, but good appearance. 3 floors of stairs in a home could be difficult for some people. I really would not want to climb stairs every day to go to the bedroom. Affordable housing opportunity These styles would be a better fit overall for the feel of LG although I’m not a fan of high- density housing. Good design Don't count the basement square footage as part of the density calculation, and you will minimize the visual impact (eg; height). If we must have greater density, row houses with a small yard and adequate parking are a good answer. Back area should be deep enough so that upper floor windows aren't too close to rear neighbors if they are homes. I like the solidness of the style. The fake design and cram in look is a put off, Resembles the new creek side homes in Campbell. Need space on ground level. We should demand more street parking and underground parking. Turn around space. Architectural design is appealing. Not interested in living in such a high-density area. I like the covered porches and depth. I do not like how close together the from doors are to each other and the porches should be big enough to fit a couple of chairs and little table (not just a little decorative table. Everyone will regret these in about 10 years. Too narrow and tall Too dense for the feel of our town in general. Generally unattractive in my experience in the valley Looks bland and too cramped Again, this design is not consistent with the current environment of the Town. I like density here; the front porches and landscaping make them seem more friendly than the previous small lot single fam res, though I don’t think it has to be uber traditional arch style like this I feel like I've seen a lot of this type of style; kind of tired of it. Also, is it practical to have a house on 3 levels at any stage of life, whether you're trying to keep track of young children or have trouble navigating stairs? Somewhat attractive but no outdoor space Very cookie cutter with little unique charm. Based on presentation last night, I feel like you need a fairly long line of them to be economical. 4 or 5 attached houses in a row is all I think looks good. Not bad -- looks like some of the development downtown San Jose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 17 of 31 Example 5: Small Lot Single-Family Description: This development small lot single-family attached units. These single-family units are three levels with garage parking in the rear of the unit. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Spanish Modifying details of the facades not enough. Would like more variation in height between units. Reminds me of the basic uniformity of track homes of the 50's - only slight differences in the facade details Variety of style looks appealing and set back is comfortable, However, the height is too high. Should only be less than 35 feet. Example 6: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The four-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. This mixed-use development has varying massing and roof styles which allows for balcony/patio spaces for units on the second floor. Architectural Style(s): Craftsman Thoughts on Design? Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 18 of 31 Example 6: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The four-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. This mixed-use development has varying massing and roof styles which allows for balcony/patio spaces for units on the second floor. Architectural Style(s): Craftsman What do you like or dislike about this development? Roof patios look better. I don't care for all the industrial bike spaces out front Like the mixed use and outdoor use on the second floor. Something about the roof lines in jarring though. Like the simpler lines and outdoor spaces for the residents. OK concept but ugly Not a fan of the 4 stories. Not sure how it different from earlier mixed-use example It's a reasonable use of space, but I find the chopped-up visual design to be ugly. What is nice is the planting of significant (size) trees on the parkway/sidewalk. Too often, Los Gatos doesn't require/plant/maintain large tree species. Instead, we let them die and/or plant stupid ornamental trees (crepe myrtle, etc.) that never grow to give the shade canopy that makes a great neighborhood This is good in the setting that is shown. For example, it would be good on Los Gatos Blvd. Bike racks in front are kind of ugly. Architecture would be good for Los Gatos. Architectural mishmash. Looks like bad remodel of once attractive City neighborhood building best used for housing. Craftsman style mix use does not seem to fit current existing towns mix use architecture. Don’t like Craftsman style Proper street interface with space for humans. 12.90% 29.03% 32.26% 16.13% 10% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 19 of 31 Example 6: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The four-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. This mixed-use development has varying massing and roof styles which allows for balcony/patio spaces for units on the second floor. Architectural Style(s): Craftsman Could work for downtown or retail areas. This style is more compatible with our community architecture This looks really nice and I like the mixed use. It also has a somewhat timeless look to it. How does this increase the number of affordable units? We should be focused on more housing and not mixed-use development. I like the varying roof styles and masses and step backs but would prefer a modern style. Style is not very appealing, but the possibility of roof patios is. Too tall Nope I like the spacing between buildings so visually look like separate units. I like the corner units being different. I like that only 3 look same. Not very interesting. Not fond of the 3 rectangles on top in the middle -- they look stark. Too much massing on corner First level retail, with individual access is appealing. Too much height and repeating style for each unit of housing takes away from what could have been a nice building. Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 20 of 31 Example 7: Infill Residential (Multiple Units) Description: This development is an infill residential development in an existing residential neighborhood with a maximum of two floors. This development provides underground parking for the dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Modern, Contemporary Thoughts on Design? What do you like or dislike about this development? Not sure I care for the moderness. I like that it is not high and towering Balconies, underground parking - love. Interesting design. 6.45% 35.48% 25.81% 12.90% 19% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 21 of 31 Example 7: Infill Residential (Multiple Units) Description: This development is an infill residential development in an existing residential neighborhood with a maximum of two floors. This development provides underground parking for the dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Modern, Contemporary Generally in favor of infill. Style not so important. Like underground parking; Don't like modern style Workable in my neighborhood It’s subtle enough, nice to have underground parking. Not sure the benefits of this These tend to drastically change the nature of a neighborhood. The parking impact (where each unit doesn't have 2 spaces off-street) can be severe. Also, they often aren't maintained as nicely as single-family residences, since these small developments don't have the scale to afford much overhead (compared to larger apartment/condo complexes). At least the balconies are real and there is underground parking. Would be okay someplace like Winchester, University Ave. or Blossom Hill Rd. It would not fit in more traditional neighborhoods. Simple, clean, followed all the rules. What's to like or dislike..... it is boring. They were stymied by small town thinking, planner meddling. Budget landscaping. BUT someone’s dream home. Perfect for someone who should have built in Palo Alto. But it is only 3.7999. million here and 8.5 million there. Like the architecture but would prefer infill residential to be placed on the edge of existing single family residential or next to retail. Too modern Looks like a shoebox. Single family should remain single family Inconsistent with the current environment. The design has to blend with the surrounding existing environment. I like this. Modern, looks like it might be ok scale wise with the house next door. Some room around it as well. The underground parking is a good use of the space. Like only 2 stories but do not like the modern style Too modern I like that it could be one big house visually but that it provides multiple units Underground parking is good, but the building is not welcoming. Blocky looking, rather than residential. If the intent was to build a duplex that looked like a single-family house that fit with the existing neighborhood it missed. While the size may be ok, it does not fit with the massing of adjacent Single-Family house. The center garage entrance with the gate is not welcoming and does not blend with the SF character of the neighborhood. Like the style and height, as well as set back. However, not sure this style fits with neighborhood. More variance between left and right side of building could be appealing, and there is no public access to units. Looks like you have to either drive into underground parking Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 22 of 31 Example 7: Infill Residential (Multiple Units) Description: This development is an infill residential development in an existing residential neighborhood with a maximum of two floors. This development provides underground parking for the dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Modern, Contemporary (underground parking is fine) or gate on right side of house. Example 8: Mixed-use Large Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The four-story building includes ground floor large format retail in the form of a grocery store, the second floor includes leasable office space, and residential is located on floors three and four. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Italianate Thoughts on Design? Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 23 of 31 Example 8: Mixed-use Large Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The four-story building includes ground floor large format retail in the form of a grocery store, the second floor includes leasable office space, and residential is located on floors three and four. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Italianate What do you like or dislike about this development? I don't care for any of it and I don’t really think it fits into our small town A little too imposing for Los Gatos Like the step back upper floors. Needs room for balconies. Good concept May be too big for Los Gatos (North 40 ???) Fine for Los Gatos Blvd and Los Gatos Almaden Road Not a fit for LG, looks like downtown SJ. Seems a bit much for Los Gatos but vibe The key is placement. They need to have access to walking/transportation to minimize excess traffic/parking. This would be good where Whole Foods, Lunardi's or the former Ford dealership are located. Might be okay in a commercial area or over near Netflix and similar buildings. The variation in materials and colors is nice. Perfect example of Netflix will make perfect conversion into housing. But use for retail is inappropriate except for Senior living which we need badly. Supermarket, drugstore and destination location retail only. Not Italian enough to attract much harm, just bad taste. Look more Greek. Just add the statues. Does not fit the character of Los Gatos. Impersonal. The other mixed-use ideas project better atmosphere. 3.23% 16.13% 16.13% 22.58% 42% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 24 of 31 Example 8: Mixed-use Large Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The four-story building includes ground floor large format retail in the form of a grocery store, the second floor includes leasable office space, and residential is located on floors three and four. Architectural Style(s): Traditional, Italianate Too tall and dense. Needs to be set back farther from the side street and needs bigger trees to hide the building like at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Meh. Ok for urban areas, not right for our town - too big and dense. Looks like there will be inadequate parking and this just looks like a bland strip mall. You have to be joking? Why would this be compatible with the existing nature of Los Gatos? We don't need a Santana Row in Los Gatos. We need affordable housing. Why not focus on that goal and stop worrying about building more commercial space. Boxy, boring. I think we could have a better design. It looks so cookie cutter and like every other development no character Nope I very negatively imagine a unit like this replacing the one story Safeway in the opportunity area. Much too imposing. Would be better if variation in setback of top floors. Fine for a city block. Corner element too high Looks like office above a grocery store, NOT dwelling units. Example 9: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The primary four-story building includes ground floor retail and office with residential on the upper floors. This development also provides a building stepback on the fourth floor to allow for outdoor patio space, as well as an ornamental corner tower. Architectural Style(s): Italianate, Spanish, Mission Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 25 of 31 Example 9: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The primary four-story building includes ground floor retail and office with residential on the upper floors. This development also provides a building stepback on the fourth floor to allow for outdoor patio space, as well as an ornamental corner tower. Architectural Style(s): Italianate, Spanish, Mission Thoughts on Design? What do you like or dislike about this development? Too tall and too big for our town Better than the previous one. But the it doesn't feel very welcoming / open like the very first design. Looks too massive. Windows too small. Practical fit for Los Gatos Not a fan of 4 stories for LG. Looks nice I like the patio/setback on the top floor. Residents would also prefer that location for lower noise and fewer people looking into their space. 4 stories is a good height for our downtown, where views are already blocked by the classic (old) buildings, or anywhere near a highway (because who really cares about the mountain vistas from a car?!). Okay in a downtown area if there aren't single family homes behind it. The concept of outdoor space on the top floor is nice. Spanish architecture is pleasing. Actually, quite nice. Campbell tried this on Winchester, but too far from the central core. Looks like Carmel or Santa Barbara. LOOK real parking not planter boxes and sidewalk seating. Too expensive to build in Los Gatos. So lets just stay small and charming and let the landlords come down on rents. Nothing wrong with empty storefronts if they create a more profitable 13.33% 20.00% 20.00% 26.67% 20% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 26 of 31 Example 9: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The primary four-story building includes ground floor retail and office with residential on the upper floors. This development also provides a building stepback on the fourth floor to allow for outdoor patio space, as well as an ornamental corner tower. Architectural Style(s): Italianate, Spanish, Mission living for merchants. But as Napoleon said when asked why he never invaded England," who wants a nation of shopkeepers". Too high in density. Too tall and dense. Needs to set back more. Pretty decent. Mixed use, California esthetics, arches, tower, higher density, full use age of lot, parking in back or underground, place making The design is tasteful, but may not fit our town - too tall and dense I like, so long as there is sufficient parking options. More of the same. We don't need mix use space. Boxy, boring. Boring visually Nope Too dense No charm. I disagree with buildings this high in lg Nice detail in the repeated arches all along the top and curved balcony railing. Again, Corner to high and needs to be set back Variety looks fine, its too high for Los Gatos. Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 27 of 31 Example 10: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The three-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. This development includes stepbacks on the second and third floors to allow for balconies and patios, as well as roof-top decks for dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Modern Thoughts on Design? Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 28 of 31 Example 10: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The three-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. This development includes stepbacks on the second and third floors to allow for balconies and patios, as well as roof-top decks for dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Modern What do you like or dislike about this development? Too sterile and design does not fit into town Like the design and the mixed use of materials on the facade. Could be more open / inviting for the retail on the ground floor. Clean simple lines. Like the outdoor spaces. May be practical but I wouldn’t want to live here; Ugly Too modern for the Town of LG. Ok I like the modern style for a house, but not most street (retail/office) spaces. This style clashes with the classic style of the core downtown businesses. Concept of outdoor space for residential is good. I think we have been learning that such space is needed. I don't like the look of the building. It isn't what we need in Los Gatos. Ugly woo. Bad windows slopped on facade. No character at all. Dark glass not good for retail. Can't be saved. Budget job. Density is tolerable, but modern architecture does not fit town. Step backs are a positive aspect. Prefer the other mixed-use ideas which promote outdoor dining, strolling, less automobiles. Too modern for our town not city. Looks like it fell onto that site from outer space. 12.12% 18.18% 15.00%24.24% 30% Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor Neutral Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 29 of 31 Example 10: Mixed-use Retail, Office, and Residential Description: The three-story building includes ground floor retail and office, and residential on the upper floors. This development includes stepbacks on the second and third floors to allow for balconies and patios, as well as roof-top decks for dwelling units. Architectural Style(s): Modern Too angular and modern looks too cold same as before......no mix use space! This is boxy too overall, but because there are setbacks and step backs and breaks in the facade at the 2nd and 3rd floor level, it's more interesting to me. Also it's modern, which I prefer. Also different materials: wood, light and dark stucco. Also 3 floors instead of 4 is nice. I prefer the more modern designs Nope Don’t like modern style Size is reasonable, however the architecture is unattractive Photo lighting might be part of problem. Looks massive & solid even though not that tall Nothing to stop the eye, nothing welcoming Like wide sidewalk, setback at corner, articulation along street side, material changes, change in materials and set back of the parts of the building away from the corner section. Architectural design is fine, but again, TOO HIGH. As the Town continues with the update of the General Plan, are there any additional ideas or thoughts you would like the Town to consider? Less housing...when it isn't Covid-time, way too much traffic. You can't get downtown. The town loses it's charm. Keep some open space. Keep things simple and beautiful. The way the town has been since I have been here. Mixed use please. This will help traffic too as residents can grab coffee etc locally on occasion. Makes for happier neighborhoods as people will walk around and get to know each other more. Bike parking and outdoor eating will be a great improvement to the town. There needs to be an ordinance for how long vacant buildings can sit. Property owners need to be fined after a period of time. They also need to be fined if the property looks abandoned like C.B. Hannigans and the old Chevrolet building on LG Almaden and LG Blvd. Our town needs to have someone who drives or walks around to see what needs to be cleaned and fixed throughout our town. Even though the the on and off ramps are the responsibility of Caltrans it is up to town officials to contact Caltrans and request them to be cleaned up. Uptown (between highway 9 and Bascom Ave from Winchester to Lark Ave. ..needs gutters and sidewalks cleaned, along with sidewalks and streets repaired The gutters and public walkways, outside of the downtown district, are a disgrace Town wide 25 MPH speed limit. Narrow roads with physically separate cycling paths. Parking requirements for all future designs should be reduced as Uber and self-driving cars take up the slack. No more 2-car families, or even 1-car owners. Los Gatos should operate a Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 30 of 31 As the Town continues with the update of the General Plan, are there any additional ideas or thoughts you would like the Town to consider? fleet of "free" autonomous cars (at tax-payers' expense). Eventually convert the multi-story car parks to homeless shelters. Create more affordable housing Bringing the Town into this century is a great idea, however taking away its character and charm with modern buildings doesn’t seem like a good plan. It has already lost much of its charm because of the traffic, etc, let’s not give it all away. Keep it charming and authentic. We already have a serious traffic issue. More outdoor dining! More residential options for younger people! Pedestrian movement must be a very high priority. Improve sidewalks all over town. If they are broken or heaving, make the property owner pay. We shouldn't wait for the re- development of a certain lot to build a sidewalk that connects the town or allows children to stay out of the street. In that situation, the town should subsidize the installation (like the cost of removing the tree or the fence). Also, narrow Winchester, with sidewalks on each side and a tree covered median. There is no real need for 5 lanes of traffic: cut it to 2 with scattered turn lanes. Plant more trees: make it required and give a list of permitted street trees. Stop letting certain people block development of a house/building that complies with zoning simply because they don't like the look, or because it is "inconsistent with the neighborhood!" If it is permitted by zoning (height, density, etc), then it should be approved. Just because someone doesn't want to put in window shades because they now have a neighbor (or a second story), is pathetic and similar to redlining to keep out "other" people. Use row houses or duplexes if we must add density in single family areas. Mixed commercial and residential belongs on main roads that have commercial on them. Also, housing needs some kind of outdoor space. Developers should contribute to putting in parks nearby if they don't include sufficient useable open space. Four stories is too high except on main roads where there aren't single family homes close behind. There should be enough parking and never less than one space per unit of housing. Los Gatos is too far from public transportation to assume people will use it. Think ahead. What your showing us is old news. Do the projects you have shown us apply to Los Gatos? It would be better to show us what is built already to criticize good or bad. Does this kind architecture planning limit us? We have such a beautiful climate. Promote more outdoor dining, music, ambiance. The downtown is underserved. We need to be very careful to recognize what makes our town unique. An abundance of truly single family homes, and lower (height and density) retail and office space. If we want to condense single family housing, I think this can be done well (we have examples). I don’t want Los Gatos to look like many of the communities in the area, though, with this mass retail/housing density. If that is done, the area needs to be restricted to clearly more urban/zoned areas, should be limited, and should have setback/step backs and features that are really visually appealing.... I am very concerned that the proposed land use alternatives are based on an inflated number Community Workshop #3 Summary June 11, 2020 Page 31 of 31 As the Town continues with the update of the General Plan, are there any additional ideas or thoughts you would like the Town to consider? of new housing requirements. This plan is being driven by the predetermined "need" to add at least 2,000 housing units. There is no objective evidence to support this requirement. What if the RHNA requirement is only 10% increase over the last RHNA requirement? Would we still pursue the proposed alternative land use? I appreciate the chance to give feedback. I'll try to participate more in the future. Affordable housing, parking Please, please ensure smart traffic flow, and please do not introduce metered parking. I think the look and feel of Los Gatos business areas and neighborhoods need to Be considered. Very modern styles do not do this and make it difficult to like basic Building design. Open up General Plan 2040 as an agenda item for all commissions and boards to get more citizen exposure I believe we should maintain the historic character of Los Gatos. None of the designs excite me. They are generally too big or do not have compatible architecture for Los Gatos. I prefer scattering two and three story multifamily & multiuse buildings into town over mammoth buildings. I am not fond of the blocky, modern 'contemporary' style. It doesn't look very modern or contemporary to me. Yes Why did we not get designs that fit the Town's height limit to be considered for our comments? This Page Intentionally Left Blank 3 3.Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-1 Los Gatos is a mature, predominantly built-out community. While there is a limited amount of vacant land within the community, land use is dynamic, and changes within the existing built portions of the community will occur as needs and demands fluctuate over time. Managing land use change in order to maintain overall quality of life is a priority of this General Plan and the community. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The Land Use Element includes two key components that provide a framework to guide and shape the future physical development of Los Gatos. First, this Element includes policies establishing land use designations that identify the type and intensity of uses permissible in the Planning Area. These designations are shown on the Land Use Diagram, which graphically illustrates the locations for t hese land use designations. The intent of these land use designations is also described through the text and a table of accompanying development standards in this Element. Second, this Element includes a series of goals and policies identifying the Town’s philosophy for future change and development. Combined with the Community Design Element, these two elements address a broad range of topics related to the physical structure and appearance of the Town’s built environment and establish the image and character of the Town. These two elements serve as the primary policy guidance for ensuring that new land uses are logically organized and developed in a way that is sustainable and enhances Los Gatos’ unique identity. [Source: New Text] The Land Use Element is divided into the following sections: Contents Section Title Page Key Terms ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.1 General Plan Buildout ......................................................................................................... 3-4 3.2 Land Use Diagram, Designations, and Standards ............................................................. 3-7 3.3 Community Development ................................................................................................. 3-12 3.4 Special Planning Areas ..................................................................................................... 3-22 3.5 Community Place Districts ................................................................................................ 3-24 3.6 Preserving Our History ..................................................................................................... 3-29 3.7 General Plan Use and Maintenance ................................................................................. 3-31 3.8 Civic Engagement ............................................................................................................. 3-33 3.9 Lifelong Learning .............................................................................................................. 3-35 3.10 Healthy Community........................................................................................................... 3-36 3.11 Interagency Coordination .................................................................................................. 3-37 3.12 Implementation Programs ................................................................................................. 3-38 ATTACHMENT 2 Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-2 Public Review Draft October 2020 Key Terms Acre (Gross). An acre is a measurement of land area equal to 43,560 square feet. The gross acreage of a lot includes all land within the boundaries of the lot (including, but not limited to, easements, streets, and rights -of- way). The gross acreage is defined as the total area, measured on a horizontal plane, and is the measure used for determination of density and intensity calculations. Cluster Development. This is the grouping of residential structures in one portion of a development site, with the intent to maintain larger areas of the overall site for open space, recreation, or agriculture uses. Community Place District. Within the Los Gatos Planning Area, eight Community Place Districts were identified based on the proximity of commercial services or employment to support additional development, easy access to transportation systems, and having access to infrastructure needed to support future development. These locations have the potential to facilitate mixed-use development and redevelopment at a variety of densities and intensities. See Sections 3.5 and 4.5 for more information. Density. Residential developments are regulated by an allowed density range (minimum and maximum) measured in “dwelling units per acre.” Residential density is calculated by dividing the number of housings units on the site (excluding second units) by the gross acreage of the site. The diagram shows prototypical examples of different residential densities for one- acre properties. State planning law requires general plans to include standards for measuring population density. Population density is determined by multiplying the maximum number of units allowed within a land use designation by the average number of persons per household (as determined by the California Department of Finance). Flag Lot. A flag lot (also called a Corridor Lot) is a lot with access to a street by means of a strip of land having less frontage or width than that required for the parcel and which expands into a larger area. 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-3 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Total building size is regulated by a maximum FAR standard. FAR is calculated by dividing the floor area of all buildings (combined) on the site by the total (gross) square footage of the site. Floor area means the entire enclosed area of all floors that are more than four (4) feet above the existing or proposed grade, measured from the outer face of exterior walls or in the case of shared walls from the centerline. The maximum FAR standard limits the overall size of development on a property. As an example, a maximum FAR of 0.75 would allow 75,000 square feet of building floor area on a 100,000-square foot lot. The 75,000 square feet could be provided in one buildi ng or divided between multiple buildings. The diagrams illustrate various building configurations representing FARs of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0. As shown in the diagram, different interpretations of the same FAR standard can result in very different building forms, and site characteristics. Lot Coverage. Lot coverage is the percentage of a lot that is covered by all buildings compared to the total area of the lot. Missing Middle Housing. Missing middle housing is a term used to describe a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units that are compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes. Common housing types include duplexes; triplexes; fourplexes; courtyard apartments; cottage courts; townhomes; triplex stacked (vertical); and live-work spaces. Mixed-Use Development. Development projects where a variety of uses such as office, commercial, institutional, and residential are combined in a single building or on a single site in an integrated projec t. These developments are regulated by both the maximum residential density (units per acre) and maximum FAR standard that incorporates both the residential and non-residential building floor areas. As an example, a one- acre site with a maximum FAR of 2.0 and an allowed density range of 16 to 32 units per acre could be developed with 87,120 square feet of total building space (commercial and residential, combined). The 87,120 square feet could be divided into a combination of commercial space and residential space. Up to 32 residential units would be allowed within the 87,120 square feet. Multi-Family Residential. Land with three or more attached dwelling units, such as triplexes, fourplexes, microunits, apartments, and condominiums. Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-4 Public Review Draft October 2020 Planning Area. State planning law requires that the General Plan cover all territory within the boundaries of the Town as well as “any land outside its boundary which in the planning agency’s judgment bears relation to its planning.” (Government Code Section 65300) This larger area is referred to as the Town’s “Planning Area.” The Planning Area for the Los Gatos 2040 General Plan encompasses the entire area within the Town Limits and unincorporated areas within the Town’s Sphere of Influence. Sensitive Land Uses. Relative to issues of land use compatibility and adjacency, sensitive land uses typically include residences; schools; nursing homes; historic sites; open space areas; hospitals and care facilities; places of worship; and libraries. Single-Family Residential. Detached dwelling units for residential uses, such as single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums, and duplexes. Sphere of Influence. The Sphere of Influence is the area determined by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Santa Clara County to represent the probable physical boundary of the Town. The adoption of Spheres of Influence is required by Government Code Section 56425. 3.1 General Plan Buildout The 2040 General Plan designates land uses defining the type of development that could occur throughout the Town through the planning horizon year of 2040 (see Figure 3-1 for the Land Use Diagram). Development projections for the General Plan were based on direction from the Town Council on potential housing needed to meet the Town’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) and potential market demand for non-residential uses. The development projections include the development potential of the General Plan ’s Community Place Districts (see Section 3.5), as well as infill and redevelopment throughout the community. The 2040 General Plan development projections are shown in Table 3‐1. [New Text] Table 3-1 General Plan Buildout Land Use Existing (2019) Additional Development Projected through 2040 Total by 2040 Residential (units) Commercial/Office (acres) Industrial (acres) Parks (acres) Schools (acres) Source: Xxxx 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-5 Figure 3-1 Land Use Diagram Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-6 Public Review Draft October 2020 This page left intentionally blank (back side of Figure 3-1) 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-7 3.2 Land Use Diagram, Designations, and Standards The core of the Land Use Element is the description of land use designations to classify and distinguish the various land uses needed within the Town and corresponding levels of intensity, density, and allowable uses as required by Government Code Section 65302(a). [New Text] Land Use Diagram The General Plan Land Use Diagram (see Figure 3-1) uses color-coded land use designations to express the intended use of land within the Town of Los Gatos Planning Area. It shows where and what kind of development may occur. State planning law requires that the General Plan cover all territory within the boundaries of the adopting Town or county as well as “any land outside its boundary which in the planning agency’s judgment bears relation to its planning.” (Government Code Section 65300) To carry out this directive , most Towns and cities formally delineate a “planning area” boundary in their general plans. [New Text]  It is common for the Land Use Diagram to be updated over time. Please check with the Los Gatos Community Development Department to ensure you have the current version. The General Plan Land Use Diagram includes residential, commercial, employment center (office and industrial), specific plan, and public and open space designations that depict the types of land uses that will be allowed within the Planning Area. Table 3-2 describes all of the land use designations along with their corresponding development standards using the following columns: ▪ Group. The 16 land use designations in the General Plan are categorized into five groups. These groups contain designations with similar land use types and purposes. ▪ Designation. This column provides the name of each designation and the acronym used when referring to the designation. ▪ Color. To the right of each designation name is the color that is assigned to this designation on the Town’s Land Use Diagram (Figure 3-1). ▪ Description. This column contains a description of the purpose and application of each designation. The Town’s Zoning Regulations provide further refinement and expansion of the list of uses allowed on any given property. Not all allowed land uses may be appropriate for specific properties due to location, adjacent uses, site-specific constraints, and other applicable General Plan policies. ▪ Standards. Designations allowing residential uses provide a minimum and maximum density, expressed as dwelling units per acre (du/ac). Designations in the Residential Group also provide a maximum lot coverage. For non-residential designations, a maximum FAR is provided for non-residential components. All designations include a maximum height. ▪ Compatible Zoning. This column lists the Town’s zoning designations that are consistent with each General Plan designation (as required by Policy LU-16.3). A copy of the Land Use Diagram is available from the Town’s Community Development Department or can be downloaded from the Town’s website. [New Text] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-8 Public Review Draft October 2020 Land Use Designations and Standards A total of 16 land use designations, divided into six designation groups, are used on the Land Use Diagram and defined in Table 3-2. Table 3-1 provides guidance on types of uses appropriate for each designation as well as standards on density and intensity. [New Text] The Land Use Diagram is largely implemented through the Town’s zoning regulations. As shown on Table 3-2, each land use designation has one or more compatible zoning districts. Whereas the General Plan land use designations are intentionally broad, the zoning designations are more detailed and provide a variety of specific development standards, including permitted and conditional uses, building heights, setbacks, lot coverage, and parking requirements. While the Land Use Diagram guides zoning, it is not the same as the Town’s Zoning Map. [New Text] For non-residential land uses, the specific uses mentioned are illustrative, and other compatible uses, including those authorized in any other Zoning District within the Town, may be permitted where authorized by a Conditional Use Permit or Planned Development Overlay Zone. [Existing General Plan] Table 3-2 General Plan Land Use Designations and Development Standards Group Designation Color Description Standards Compatible Zoning RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATIONS HR Hillside Residential The purpose of this designation is to provide for very low density, rural, and single-family residential development types that can be done on large single lots or as part of a cluster development. This designation allows for development that is compatible with the unique mountainous terrain and vegetation of parts of Los Gatos. Density: 0 – 1 du/ac Max. Height: 30 feet HR LDR Low Density Residential The purpose of this designation is to provide for single-family residential properties. It encourages single-family residential development in either the standard development established by standard zoning or by innovative forms obtained through a planned development. Density: 1 – 12 du/ac Lot Coverage: Up to 50% Max. Height: 30 feet R-1 MDR Medium Density Residential The purpose of this designation is to provide for multi-family residential, duplexes, and/or small lot single-family homes. Density: 14 – 24 du/ac Lot Coverage: Up to 75% Max. Height: 35 feet R-1D R-D R-M 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-9 Group Designation Color Description Standards Compatible Zoning HDR High Density Residential The purpose of this designation is to provide for more dense multi-family residential development. Its objective is to provide quality housing in proximity to transit and/or commercial and business areas. Density: 30 – 40 du/ac Lot Coverage: Up to 75% Max. Height: 45 feet R-M MIXED-USE DESIGNATION MU Mixed-Use The purpose of this designation is to provide a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use project, along with lodging, service, recreational uses, and restaurants. Projects developed under this designation shall maintain primary orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. Density: 30 – 40 du/ac FAR: Up to 3.0 Lot Coverage: Up to 75% Max. Height: 45 feet CH COMMERCIAL DESIGNATIONS NC Neighborhood Commercial The purpose of this designation is to provide for necessary day-to-day commercial goods and services required by the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods. This designation encourages concentrated and coordinated commercial development at easily accessible locations. Residential uses, developed using a mixed-use format, are allowed in the designation. Density: 10 – 20 du/ac FAR: Up to 1.0 Max. Height: 35 feet C-1 CC Community Commercial The purpose of this designation is to provide for commercial goods and services to support residents, businesses, and visitors, and are located to serve the entire community. Residential uses, developed using a mixed-use format, are allowed in the designation. Density: 20 – 30 du/ac FAR: Up to 3.0 Max. Height: 45 feet C-1 Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-10 Public Review Draft October 2020 Group Designation Color Description Standards Compatible Zoning CBD Central Business District The purpose of this designation is to encourage a mixture of community- orientated commercial goods and services within the Downtown. This designation applies exclusively to the Downtown, with the goal to accommodate and retain small- town merchants and preserve the Town’s character. The District shall maintain and expand open spaces and mature tree growth without increasing setbacks, as well as integrate new construction with existing structures of archeological and historical significance. Residential uses, developed using a mixed-use format, are allowed in the designation. Density: 20 – 30 du/ac FAR: Up to 2.0 Max. Height: 45 feet C-2 EMPLOYMENT CENTER DESIGNATIONS OP Office Professional The purpose of this designation is to provide for professional and general business offices and innovation centers. This designation applies to various locations throughout the Town, often in proximity to neighborhood- or community-oriented commercial facilities, or as a buffer between commercial and residential uses. The intent of this designation is to satisfy the community’s need for general business and professional services, local employment, and residential uses. Density: none FAR: Up to 1.0 Max. Height: 35 feet O SC Service Commercial The purpose of this designation is to provide for service businesses. These businesses include auto repair, building materials sales, paint suppliers, janitorial services, towing businesses, contractors offices and yards, laundries and dry cleaners, as well as wholesaling, and warehousing activities. Density: none FAR: Up to 1.0 Max. Height: 35 feet LM LI Light Industrial The purpose of this designation is to allow for large-scale office developments, well- controlled research and development facilities, innovation centers, industrial parks and service-oriented uses subject to rigid development standards. These uses shall respond to the community and regional- wide needs. Density: none FAR: Up to 1.0 Max. Height: 35 feet CM 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-11 Group Designation Color Description Standards Compatible Zoning SPECIFIC PLANS A-SP Albright Specific Plan The purpose of this designation is to provide land for the Albright Specific Plan. As defined in Specific Plan A-SP NF-SP North Forty Specific Plan The purpose of this designation is to provide land for the North 40 Specific Plan. As defined in Specific Plan NF-SP PUBLIC & OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS PUB Public This designation identifies public and institutional facilities in the Town such as the Civic Center, schools, parks, libraries, hospitals, churches, and fire stations. Density: none FAR: Up to 1.0 Max. Height: 35 feet All zones OS Open Space This designation identifies the location of public parks, open space preserves, private preserves, and stream corridors. Density: none Max. Height: 30 feet RC AG Agriculture This designation identifies areas for commercial agricultural crop production and properties under a Williamson Act contract. Density: 1 du/20 ac Max. Height: 30 feet RC Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-12 Public Review Draft October 2020 3.3 Community Development Over the course of this General Plan, the community will continue to develop and grow to meet the needs of current and future residents, businesses, and visitors. Unlike many communities where growth is primarily on vacant land, Los Gatos will see a higher percentage of change through the redevelopment of lands that have additional potential. In order to approach change in a way that maintains the high quality of life enjoyed in Los Gatos and protect the small town feel and aesthetic, additional policy gu idance on the various land use groups (identified in Table 3-2) is provided in this section. [New Text] GENERAL Provide for well-planned, careful growth that reflects the Town’s existing character and infrastructure. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-4] LU-1.1 Healthy Balance of Land Uses Promote and support a healthy balance of residential, commercial, office, open space, institutional, and industrial businesses within the Town. [Source: New Policy] LU-1.2 Adequate Physical Infrastructure Allow development only with adequate physical infrastructure (e.g. transportation, sewers, utilities, etc.) and social services (e.g. education, public safety, etc.). [Source: Existing Policy LU-4.2] LU-1.3 Public Costs Only approve projects for which public costs can be justified by the overall benefit to the community. [Source: Existing Policy LU-4.3] LU-1.4 Reducing Project Impacts Project’s shall be evaluated and the Town shall apply needed mitigation measures and/or conditions of approval to reduce impacts on urban services, including schools, utilities, police, and fire. [Source: Existing Policy LU-4.4, modified] Use available land efficiently by encouraging appropriate infill development. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-7] LU-2.1 Infill Projects and Neighborhood Compatibility Require that infill projects are compatibile with surrounding neighborhood, demonstrate that the development meets the criteria contained in the Town’s Development Policy for In-Fill Projects, contribute to the enhancement of the surrounding neighborhood when possible (e.g. improve circulation), and do not detract from the existing quality of life in the neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policies LU-7.2 and LU-7.3, modified] LU-2.2 Infill Development in Context Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to the existing scale and character of surrounding structures and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. [Source: Existing Policy LU-7.4] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-13 RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATIONS For land use designations under the Residential Designations Group on Table 3-2, the following apply. Designations in this group are Hillside Residential, Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and High Density Residential. Preserve and enhance the existing character and sense of place in residential neighborhoods while expanding housing opportunities. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-6, modified] LU-3.1 Infill and Reuse of Underutilized Sites for Housing Promote infill residential development and redevelopment of underutilized parcels while maintaining or enhancing the positive qualities of the surrounding neighborhoods. [Source: New Policy] LU-3.2 Missing Middle Housing Promote and pursue a variety of residential densities and housing types so that housing can be available in a broad range of costs, including housing affordable to low- and very-low income households. This should include allowing a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types, compatible in scale with detached single-family homes and neighborhoods. [Source: Existing Policy LU-6.7, modified] LU-3.3 Housing Needs Capacity The Housing Element assumes that sites designated medium and high density residential will be developed at the upper end of the density range. If the Town approves a development at a lower density on one of these sites, staff shall identify one or more other sites to maintain the Town’s capacity to meet its housing needs as identified in the Housing Element, subject to neighborhood compatibility and mitigation of traffic impacts. [Source: Existing Policy LU-6.9] LU-3.4 Neighborhood Characteristics Promote livability, enjoyment, and safety for all residents through quality neighborhoods. Characteristics of quality neighborhoods vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, but include one or more of the following characteristics: ▪ A mix of housing types, styles, density, and affordability; ▪ Design and circulation features that create and maintain a pedestrian scale ; ▪ Nearby services and facilities including schools, parks, retail (e.g., grocery store, drug store), restaurants and cafes, and community centers or other public facilities; ▪ A tree canopy and well-maintained landscaping; ▪ A sense of personal safety; ▪ Convenient access to public transportation ; and ▪ Well-maintained housing and public facilities. [Source: New Policy] LU-3.5 Mixed Uses and Convenience Promote a mix of compatible uses in neighborhoods to serve the daily needs of nearby residents, including schools, parks, churches, and convenience retail stores. Neighborhood shopping and services should be available within about one mile of all dwellings. [Source: New Policy] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-14 Public Review Draft October 2020 LU-3.6 Adjacent Non-residential Development Protect existing residential areas from the impacts of non-residential development. This could include, but is not limited to, limitations on operations, placement of structures, height, and placement of loading docks. [Source: Existing Policy LU-6.1, LU-6.3, modified]  For specifics on community design requirements, please refer to Chapter 4, Community Design. LU-3.7 Home-Based Businesses Allow small scale home-based businesses in residential designations, subject to regulations that reduce potential negative impacts and ensure that the business won’t adversely impact the character and overall quality of the neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policies LU-2.2 and LU-6.2, modified] LU-3.8 Public and Institutional Uses in Residential Neighborhoods The Town shall permit non-commercial recreational uses, educational uses, faith organizations, and daycare and congregate living facilities in residentially-designated areas when they meet standards for development that protect neighborhood character. [Source: New Policy] LU-3.9 Impacts to Neighborhood Character and Public Safety Prohibit uses that may lead to the deterioration of residential neighborhoods, or adversely impact the public safety or the residential character of the neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policy LU-6.4, modified] LU-3.10 Walkable Neighborhoods Encourage walkable neighborhoods by managing vehicle speeds, providing bike lanes, and maintaining sidewalks and street tree canopies. [Source: New Policy] LU-3.11 Retrofit Neighborhoods to Improve Connectivity Encourage existing developments to be retrofitted over time, as appropriate, to reduce unnecessary walls and barriers and improve bike and pedestrian connections between residential neighborhoods. [Source: New Policy] LU-3.12 New Construction Compatibility Ensure new construction, remodels, and additions are compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policy LU-6.8] LU-3.13 Neighborhood Maintenance Support the maintainance and improvement of neighborhoods through the use of systematic cod e enforcement, regulatory measures, cooperative neighborhood improvement programs, and other measures. [Source: New Policy] LU-3.14 Flag Lots Flag lots shall only be allowed if their use would decrease the amount of public street required for the subdivision; they arenecessary due to the physical constraints of the site; they provide for protection of open space, mature native trees, or other natural resources; they are in context with the existing scale and established character of the neighborhood; and they are deemed safe for fire access and protection. [Source: Existing Policy LU-4.5, modified] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-15 LU-3.15 Flag Lots – Low Density and Medium Density Residential Flag lots shall only be allowed in LDR and MDR residential designations if their use would allow division of existing lots for residential infill development, and if the resulting lots meet designation standards for minimum lot size and setbacks, are in context with the existing scale and established character of the neighborhood, and are deemed safe for fire access and protection. Lot frontage requirements can be waived if access is found to be safe. [Source: Existing Policy LU-4.5, modified] MIXED -USE DESIGNATIONS For land use designations under the Mixed-use Designations Group on Table 3-2, the following apply. The designation in this group is Mixed-Use. Encourage development that integrates a mix of residential, commercial, and/or office uses in appropriate areas, enabling residents to live close to businesses and services. [Source: New Goal] LU-4.1 Encourage Mixed-use Development Implement and promote a land use pattern that facilitates the development of projects that mix residential, commercial, and/or employment uses to enable residents to live close to businesses and employment; promote walking, biking, and transit use; and increase opportunities for community gathering and social interaction. [Source: New Policy] LU-4.2 Mixed-use Objectives The Town shall require mixed-use projects to comply with the following objectives: ▪ Include residential uses as a significant component of the project; ▪ Provide a blend of uses that are physically and functionally integrated through site layout, architectural design, and landscaping to create a synergy between different uses and a unique sense of place; ▪ Feature a compact design that reduces reliance on automobiles and promotes transit, walking, and biking; ▪ Increase economic vitality; ▪ Feature a pedestrian-oriented design; and ▪ Include an attractive and accessible public realm that encourages community members to gather and socialize. [Source: New Policy] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-16 Public Review Draft October 2020 COMMERCIAL DESIGNATIONS For land use designations under the Commercial Designations Group on Table 3-2, the following apply. Designations in this group are Mixed-Use, Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial, and Central Business District. Provide residents, businesses, and visitors with an appropriate range of commercial activities and services. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-9, modified] LU-5.1 Strong Neighborhood Commercial Centers Maintain a variety of commercial uses, including a strong Downtown commercial area combined with Los Gatos Boulevard and strong neighborhood commercial centers to meet the shopping needs of residents and to preserve the small-town atmosphere. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.2] LU-5.2 Commercial Use Mix Encourage a mix of retail and office uses in commercial areas, except in the Central Business District designation, where retail should be emphasized and office should be limited to upp er floors and other areas as defined by the Town Code. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.3] LU-5.3 Locally Owned Businesses Encourage the development and retention of locally owned businesses and independent stores and shops that are consistent with Los Gatos’ small-town character and scale. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.5 and LU-10.1, modified] LU-5.4 Resident-oriented Services and Employment Opportunities Encourage development that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for local residents. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.6] LU-5.5 Retail Sales Tax Leakage Retail sales tax “leakage” should be kept to a minimum by encouraging the development of in- town convenience and comparative shopping opportunities. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.8, modified] LU-5.6 Buffers for Non-residential Uses Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval for non-residential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist of landscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks, or open space. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.9] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-17 Preserve Downtown Los Gatos as the historic center of the Town, with goods and services for residents, while maintaining the existing Town identity, environment, and commercial viability. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-10] LU-6.1 Commercial Areas within Downtown Recognize and encourage the different functions, land use patterns, and use mixes of the various commercial areas within the Downtown (area defined on Figure 3-2). These include: ▪ The pedestrian scale and orientation of the Central Business District; ▪ The neighborhood-serving commercial land use pattern of areas north of Los Gatos-Saratoga Road to Blossom Hill Road; and ▪ The mixed-use commercial activities along Santa Cruz Avenue and the service commercial activities along University Avenue between Andrews Street and Blossom Hill Road. [Source: Existing Policy LU-10.2, modified] LU-6.2 Central Business District Boundaries Establish and maintain clearly defined boundaries between the Central Business District designation and adjacent residential neighborhoods. [Source: Existing Policy LU-10.3, modified] LU-6.3 Mixed-Uses in Commercial Zones Encourage mixed-uses to increase residential opportunities in commercial zones Downtown, taking into consideration potential impacts to loss of commercial opportunities. [Source: Existing Policy LU-10.4] Ensure an appropriate mix of commercial land use types to maintain the economic vitality of the community and continue to serve the needs of Town residents. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-12, modified] LU-7.1 Vacated Businesses Encourage replacement of vacated business south of Los Gatos–Almaden Road and north of Roberts Road/Shannon Road with neighborhood commercial, multi-family, or office uses. [Source: Existing Policy LU-12.9] LU-7.2 Residential Opportunities in Commercial Zones Encourage mixed-uses to increase residential opportunities in commercial designations. [Source: Existing Policy LU-12.4, modified] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-18 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 3-2 Downtown Area Map 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-19 LU-7.3 Existing Auto Dealerships Retain and enhance auto dealerships. [Source: Existing Policy LU-12.5] EMPLOYMENT CENTER DESIGNATIONS For land use designations under the Employment Centers Designations Group on Table 3-2, the following apply. Designations in this group are Office Professional, Service Commercial, and Light Industrial. Employment Center designations provide space for light industrial, office, and research and development in order to increase access to local jobs. [Source: New Goal] LU-8.1 Industrial Compatibility Require that industrial projects be designed to limit the impact of truck traffic, air, and noise pollution on adjacent sensitive land uses. [Source: New Policy] LU-8.2 Protect Industrially Designated Sites Discourage the conversion of land designated as Office Professional, Service Commercial, or Light Industrial to commercial, residential, or institutional uses. [Source: Existing Policy LU-9.4] LU-8.3 Support Conversion of Warehouses The Town shall support the conversion of existing warehousing and distribution facilities into more employment intensive uses, such as light industrial, flex/incubator spaces, research and development, and collaborative work spaces. [Source: New Policy] LU-8.4 Employee Services Enhance the working environment by promoting small retail areas and restaurants to serve employees in Office Professional, Service Commercial, or Light Industrial designations . [Source: New Policy] SPECIFIC PLANS A specific plan is a planning tool authorized by Government Code Section 65450, et seq., for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for a defined portion of a community’s planning area. A specific plan must specify in detail the land uses planned; public and private facilities n eeded to support the planned land uses; phasing of development; planned infrastructure; standards for the conservation, development, and use of natural resources; and a program of implementation measures, including financing measures. Specific plans and the Town Zoning Code are key implementation mechanisms for the General Plan. All provisions of specific plans adopted by the Town must be consistent with the General Plan that they implement. Two of the Town’s Specific Plans also have associated General Plan land use designations, which are listed under the Specific Plans Group on Table 3-2 and shown on Figure 3-3. For the Albright Specific Plan (A-SP) and North Forty Specific Plan (NF-SP) designations, the following apply: Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-20 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 3-3 Specific Plan Locations 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-21 ▪ Albright Specific Plan. Approved by voter initiative on June 3, 2014 (Measure A), the Albright Specific Plan established a 21.6-acre special planning area located at 90-160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard. The Specific Plan included development of up to 485,000 square feet of new office/research and development space (including office serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and open space. ▪ North Forty Specific Plan. The North 40 Specific Plan was adopted by the Los Gatos Town Council on June 17, 2015. The Specific Plan area is approximately 42 acres. The vision statement for the plan states that “The North 40 Specific Plan is designed to reflect the special nature of our hometown. It celebrates our history, agricultural heritage, hillside views, and small-town character. The North 40 is seamlessly woven into the fabric of our community, complementing other Los Gatos residential and business neighborhoods. It is respectful of precious community resources and offers unique attributes that enrich the quality of life of all of our residents.” [Source: Background Report] Use specific plans for strategic new growth areas with complex land use programs. [Source: New Goal] LU-9.1 Using Specific Plans Require that specific plans are prepared, amended, updated, and implemented consistent with this General Plan. Following adoption, specific plans should be considered for update over time if to better reflect and serve the changing needs of the community. [Source: New Policy] PUBLIC AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS For land use designations under the Public and Open Space Designations Group on Table 3-2, the following apply. Designations in this group are Public, Open Space, and Agriculture. [Source: New Text] Provide for governmental, utility, institutional, educational, cultural, faith-based, and social facilities and services that are located and designed to complement and minimize incompatibility with Los Gatos’ neighborhoods and nearby sensitive land uses. [Source: New Goal] LU-10.1 Compatible Civic and Institutional Uses Ensure that Town-owned buildings, sites, and infrastructure as well as those of other public agencies and non-profit organizations and institutions are designed to be compatible in scale, mass, character, and architecture with the neighborhood in which they are located or are adjacent. [Source: New Policy] LU-10.2 Compatibility with Los Gatos Civic Center Complex Ensure that development (including new construction and remodeled and rehabilitated structures) surrounding the Civic Center complex is compatible with the Civic Center. [Source: New Policy]  Policy direction on open space can be found in Chapter 6, Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element, in Section 6.1, Open Space. Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-22 Public Review Draft October 2020 3.4 Special Planning Areas Development in Los Gatos is focused to achieve more specific outcomes by designating specific overlay zones and special planning areas. These special planning areas have more detailed development guidelines while remaining consistent with the overall direction of the General Plan. Los Gatos has three Overlay Zones (discussed below), five Historic Districts, three Specific Plans, and the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan.  Policy direction on Historic Districts can be found in Section 3.6, Preserving our History of this chapter and in Chapter 4, Community Design Element in Section 4.3, Historic Preservation. Policy direction on the Albright and North Forty specific plans which have individual land use designations can be found in Section 3.3 under the heading Specific Plans of this chapter. OVERLAY ZONES There are three overlay zones in the Town Code, Landmark and Historic Preservation, Planned Development, and Public School Overlay Zones. ▪ Landmark and Historic Preservation (LHP) Overlay Zone. This zone is designated by Town Council and is applied to individual sites and structures or small areas deemed to have architectural and/or historical significance. The structure(s) in LHP overlays are subject to special standards regarding their appearance, use, and maintenance. ▪ Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone. The PD overlay zone is intended to ensure orderly planning and quality design that will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhood. The Planned Development Overlay is a specially tailored development plan and ordinance which designates the zoning regulations for the accompanying project, sets specific development standards, and ensures that zoning and the General Plan are consistent. Commercial, residential, or industrial property or a mixture of these uses may be considered for a Planned Development Overlay. ▪ Public School (PS) Overlay Zone. The PS overlay zone permits a variety of community-related and education-related uses, including, but not limited to, museums, community centers, playgrounds, and nursery schools. Any land owned by a public school district (regardless of underlying zone) may be designated PS. [Source: Existing GP] Implement overlay zones for specific areas requiring additional zoning protections. [Source: New Goal] LU-11.1 Using Overlay Zones Apply an overlay zone on properties requiring additional direction relative to the use and development of properties within each zone, consistent with this General Plan. [Source: New Policy] LU-11.2 Updating Overlay Zones Overlay zones shall be considered for update over time if the update would better reflect and serve the changing needs of the community. [Source: New Policy] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-23 LU-11.3 Planned Development Overlays Development proposals on parcels greater than 40,000 square feet may be processed as a planned development. [Source: Existing Policy CD-17.4] LU-11.4 Public School Overlay Use the Public School Overlay Zone to keep closed school sites in public ownership and to preserve the playing fields as developed recreation spaces. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.7] LU-11.5 School Site Reuse Allow redevelopment of unused school sites commensurate with the surrounding residential neighborhood and availability of services. [Source: Existing Policy LU-7.1] LOS GATOS BOULEVARD PLAN Adopted by Town Council in 1997, the Los Gatos Boulevard Specific Plan is a policy framework for meeting a series of short, medium, and long-range goals related to the commercial revitalization of Los Gatos Boulevard. Under the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan, the community expressed interest in creating a shopping experience and destination that complements but does not compete with the Downtown. This Specific Plan is based on a land use concept for which higher density, mixed-use commercial development in the north of the Specific Plan area transitions into residential and community clusters, and then into existing residential neighborhoods just south of the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan area. The Los Gatos Boulevard Plan contains policies and design standards targeting safe, attractive public improvements; pedestrian-oriented activity nodes; vital, commercial land use; distinct gateways; and site-appropriate private improvements. [Source: Background Report] Promote appropriate and compatible development along Los Gatos Boulevard that complements the whole Town and serves residents and families. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: LU-13] LU-12.1 Los Gatos Boulevard Uses Encourage a mix of uses along Los Gatos Boulevard, including, where appropriate, mixed -use parcels that are compatible with surrounding uses. [Source: Existing Policy LU-12.2] LU-12.2 Los Gatos Boulevard Intensity Development shall transition from higher intensity uses at the north end of Los Gatos Boulevard to existing residential uses at the south end of Los Gatos Boulevard. [Source: Existing Policy LU-13.1] LU-12.3 Commercial Uses along Los Gatos Boulevard Commercial activity along Los Gatos Boulevard shall complement the whole Town and shall provide a dependable source of income, employment opportunities, goods, and services. [Source: Existing Policy LU-13.2] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-24 Public Review Draft October 2020 HILLSIDE SPECIFIC PLAN The Hillside Specific Plan establishes land use policy for the Hillside Study Area, an area of mountainous terrain in the southeastern portion of the Town designated for Hillside Residential development. Adopted by Town Council in 1978, the Specific Plan establishes a series of policies and standards related to land use, facilities, services, circulation, fire protection, safety, and open space. These policies and standards are intended to prevent deficiencies in access to water and sewer services, ensure conservation of the se nsitive natural environment, and address differences in Town and County land use regulations. Development in the Hillside Specific Plan area is prohibited outside of designated “least restrictive development areas” (LRDAs) unless it is compliant with conditions established in the Hillside Specific Plan. Provision of housing for people of various income levels within the hillside area in a manner that will not adversely affect the mountain environment or endanger public health and safety. [Source: Hillside Specific Plan Goal 2] LU-13.1 Maintain and Update Hillside Specific Plan Maintain and update the Hillside Specific Plan as needed to reflect changes in community and the need to protect the community from wildfire threats. [Source: New Policy] LU-13.2 Preservation of Open Space Open space easements shall be required by the deciding body for hillside subdivisions in accordance with the topographical, ecological, aesthetic, and other conditions pertinent to the making of such easements. [Source: Hillside Specific Plan, Policy 4.3.1] LU-13.3 Clustering of Dwelling Units Clustering of dwelling units should be encouraged to preserve the scenic nature of the hillsides and to allow for economies in the construction of required public and private facilities. [Source: Hillside Specific Plan, Policy 1.3.3] 3.5 Community Place District s Within the Planning Area, eight Community Place Districts (individually referred to as “Districts”) were identified as having the capacity to accommodate additional mixed-use development that would combine residential development with new and existing commercial services and offices (Figure 3-4). Each of the eight Community Place Districts are centered on a major intersection or corridor and extend generally a quarter-mile in all directions. Although there are development opportunities in locations throughout Town, these eight locations have been selected because they have the existing infrastructure necessary to support new mixes of land use and additional housing. Each location has unique opportunities and challenges that are addressed in the General Plan to create vibrant new community places. [New Text]  The policies in this section are supported by the design vision, policies, and programs provided in Chapter 4, Community Design Element, Section 4.5, Community Place Districts. This section also contains more detailed maps of each of the Community Place Districts. 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-25 ▪ Downtown District. The Downtown District is defined by the Downtown CBD land use designation. The core area of the Downtown District is anchored by the Los Gatos Town Plaza Park, the main square at the intersection of Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street and includes several distinct subareas: the historic residential neighborhoods on the west; North Santa Cruz Avenue corridor in the middle; the Towne Terrace subarea on the east; and the Old Town/Main Street subarea to the south. The Downtown District is composed of an abundant collection of retail shops, boutiques, coffee shops, restaurants, and other hospitality-oriented uses. Being that the Downtown is the original historic center of the Town, it is naturally home to some of the iconic architectural styles that makes Los Gatos unique. Harwood Road District. The Harwood Road District is focused on the intersection of Harwood Road and Blossom Hill Road in Los Gatos. This District includes the Blossom Hill Square Shopping Center which anchors the intersection. This area abuts the City of San Jose and beyond the commercial center it primarily includes low-density residential, with a few medium-density residential designated parcels intermixed. ▪ Lark Avenue District. The Lark District extends from Winchester Boulevard, down a segment of University Avenue, east to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. The area includes most of the Town’s industrial uses and office complexes, a mix of low- and medium-density residential, as well as primary frontage on Los Gatos Creek. Old Town/ Main Street Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-26 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 3-4 Community Place Districts Chapter 4, Community Design Element, Section 4.5, Community Place Districts, contains more detailed maps of each of the Community Place Districts. 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-27 ▪ Los Gatos Boulevard District. The Los Gatos Boulevard District extends from Louis Van Meter Elementary School north to the Town border along Los Gatos Boulevard. Currently, this area is primarily an auto-oriented corridor with a mixture of stand-alone retail and offices as well commercial centers, such as Blossom Hill Pavilion, King’s Court, Cornerstone, El Gato Village, and Los Gatos Village Square. Residential neighborhoods backing the commercial corridor are primarily low-density residential but include some medium- density parcels. ▪ North Santa Cruz Avenue District. The North Santa Cruz Avenue District extends along North Santa Cruz Avenue between Blossom Hill Road and Los Gatos- Saratoga Road. This area includes a mix of medium- and high-density housing, as well as a strip of commercial uses along North Santa Cruz Avenue. Uses along North Santa Cruz Avenue vary from office and professional, retail, light industrial, and hospitality. Intermingled along North Santa Cruz Avenue are also national retail chains such as a Safeway grocery store, as well as infill high-density housing developments. ▪ Pollard Avenue District. The Pollard Road District is focused around the intersection of Pollard Road and More Avenue, abutting the City of Campbell. The District includes the Rinconada Shopping Center which anchors the intersection of Pollard Road and More Avenue. The layout of the center, like many commercial centers in Los Gatos, is auto-oriented with street fronting surface parking with access points on either side of the intersection. Surrounding the shopping center are low - density and medium-density residential uses. ▪ Union Avenue District. The Union Avenue District is focused on the intersection of Union Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road southwest of Blossom Hill Road and Union Avenue in Los Gatos. Similar to the Harwood District, this area abuts the City of San Jose. This District includes the Downing Center (commercial shopping center) which anchors the intersection of Union Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. Other than the shopping center, this area primarily includes low-density and medium-density residential. Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-28 Public Review Draft October 2020 ▪ Winchester Boulevard District. The Winchester Boulevard District is focused on the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Knowles Drive, abutting the City of Campbell. Unlike other areas in Town, this District also includes designated office and medical uses adjacent to Netflix and El Camino Hospital. Mixed in with these uses are pockets of medium-density and high- density residential. Create well-defined nodes of activity containing an integrated mix of commercial, office, and residential uses that enable Los Gatos residents to live close to businesses and services, reduce automobile use, and increase bike and pedestrian activity. [Source: New Goal] LU-14.1 Integrated Approach Take an integrated approach to planning Community Place Districts that considers and includes opportunities to integrate with future uses that could be in each location, such as planning for shared access, bike and pedestrian facilities, and protection of adjacent uses. [Source: New Policy] LU-14.2 Mixed Use Design Requirements Require new development in designated Community Place Districts to incorporate mixed-use developments to provide ▪ active uses behind sidewalks, ▪ limit the number of access driveways, ▪ use build-to lines when placing buildings on the site to minimize street -facing building setbacks, and ▪ provide public ground floor spaces adjacent to sidewalks. [Source: New Policy] LU-14.3 Variability within Mixed Use Designations Require mixed-use developments in designated Community Place Districts along an arterial street-frontage to include vertical mixed-use unless a project proponent can demonstrate that a vertical mixed-use frontage is not contextually appropriate given the location, scale, size, shape, or other characteristic of the site and its surroundings. [Source: New Policy] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-29 3.6 Preserving Our History In addition to individually designated sites and structures, Landmark and Historic Preservation (LHP) overlay zones are designated by the Town Council and applied to small areas deemed to be of architectural and/or historical significance. The structure(s) in LHP overlays are subject to special standards regarding their appearance, use, and maintenance. The Town has established five historic districts with LHP overlay zones (see Figure 3-5). [Source: New Text] ▪ Almond Grove Historic District. The Almond Grove Historic District was the first established district. The approximately 40-acre area of land was originally an almond orchard. Many important contributors to the development of the Town lived in the Almond Grove area. Fenilen Massol, Los Gatos may or from 1894-97; George McMurty, the first treasurer of incorporated Los Gatos; and W.H.B. Trantham, who in 1885 became the first owner of the Los Gatos News are a few of the district’s notable historic figures. The district was established by ordinance in 1980. ▪ Broadway Historic District. The Broadway Historic District is the site of the first residential subdivision and first residential street in Los Gatos. The District is approximately 100 acres and was established by ordinance in 1985. ▪ Los Gatos Historic Commercial District. The Los Gatos Historic Commercial District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places and established by ordinance in 1991, is the home of the Town’s earliest commercial intersection and surviving intact historic commercial buildings. The District is bounded by Elm Street to the north, Main Street to the south, Los Gatos Creek to the east, and North Santa Cruz Avenue to the west. ▪ Fairview Plaza Historic District. The Fairview Plaza Historic District, established by ordinance in 1992, retains some of the same configurations mapped in 1885, as part of the “Fairview Addition.” It is also home to a rare collection of Victorian and Craftsman homes, unique in their compact scale and proximity to one another. ▪ University/Edelen Historic District. The University/Edelen Historic District, established by ordinance in 1991, is composed of five subdivisions that predate 1900, and contain a number of residential and commercial structures of mixed architectural styles. The District is bounded by Los Gatos-Saratoga Road to the north, the Historic Commercial District boundary near Main Street to the south, Los Gatos Creek to the east, and the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the west. [Source: Background Report] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-30 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 3-5 Historic Districts 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-31 All of Los Gatos’s historic districts are defined by structures that contribute to the district. In every district, the transformation of these structures is tightly regulated, and the demolition of contributing structures is strictly restricted. In addition, all restoration, rehabilitation, and new construction of principal units must adhere to a series of guidelines for preserving architectural heritage and conforming to existing style within the district. Any modifications to the original design are either restricted or prohibited. [Source: Background Report, modified] Provide for the protection of Los Gatos’ cultural heritage through the protection and maintenance of historic resources. [Source: New Goal] LU-15.1 Historic Districts and Landmarks Maintain maps on the Town’s website of Landmark and Historic Preservation (LHP) overlay zones (districts are shown on Figure 3-5) and landmarks. These are districts and individual sites deemed to be of architectural and/or historical significance. The properties or buildings may be those that provide significant examples of architectural styles of the past, are landmarks in the history of architecture in the Town, are unique and irreplaceable assets to the Town, or provide for future generations examples of the physical surroundings in which past generations lived. [Source: New Policy] LU-15.2 Preserve Public Landmarks Actively work to preserve public Landmarks. [Source: New Policy] LU-15.3 Support the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historical Resources Support public and private efforts to preserve, rehabilitate, and continue the use of historic sites and structures. [Source: New Policy]  For specifics on design requirements within a historic district, please refer to the Community Design Element, Section 4.3, Historic Preservation. 3.7 General Plan Use and Maintenance The Los Gatos General Plan is designed to be a living document that reflects the Town’s needs and desires, which will evolve over time. The effectiveness of the General Plan ultimately depends on how the Town implements and maintains the General Plan over its lifetime. This section is designed to ensure that the Town provides for regular review and updating of this General Plan to ensure that it reflects the community’s needs and aspirations, as well as consistency with changes in State law. [Source: New Text] Ensure that land uses are appropriate and compatible with each other and guide development in a pattern that will minimize land use conflicts between adjacent land uses and promote the high quality of life enjoyed in Los Gatos. [Source: New Goal] LU-16.1 General Plan Land Use Diagram Maintain and implement a Land Use Diagram for purposes of describing the types of allowed land uses by geographic location and the density and/or intensity of allowed uses within each designation. [Source: New Policy] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-32 Public Review Draft October 2020 LU-16.2 General Plan Consistency The goals and locational descriptions set forth in this Element are general guidelines for determining whether land should be within a particular land use designation depicted on the General Plan Land Use Diagram (Figure 3-1). The land use designation applied to a specific parcel of land shall be as designated on the General Land Use Diagram, whether or not such parcel meets all of the applicable criteria. [Source: New Policy] LU-16.3 Zoning Consistency Ensure that zoning designations are consistent with the General Land Use Diagram (Figure 3-1) and the districts shown in the Compatibile Zoning column on Table 3-2. [Source: New Policy] Promote the effective implementation and use of the General Plan Land Use Diagram. [Source: New Goal] LU-17.1 General Plan Land Use Amendments When reviewing proposed General Plan amendments to modify or change land use designations or the General Plan Land Use Diagram, the Town shall consider if the proposal: ▪ Maintains consistency with the General Plan Vision, Guiding Principles, and relevant goals and policies; ▪ Minimizes the creation of a land use that is inconsistent with the policies, land uses, or development standards of surrounding parcels; ▪ Enhances compatibility with existing or planned uses in the area; ▪ Addresses new physical, social, or economic factors that are relevant and were not present at the time of General Plan adoption; ▪ Reduces the potential for undesired, growth-inducing precedent; and ▪ Demonstrates appropriate infrastructure and services are available, or amendment is conditioned on requirements to provide or appropriately fund needed infrastructure and services. [Source: New Policy] LU-17.2 Land Use Boundary Interpretation The Community Development Director shall determine, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission and Town Council, the alignment of all land use boundaries depicted on the General Plan Land Use Diagram, consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. To the extent feasible, the boundaries on the Land Use Diagram should follow natural or human-made boundaries, such as: ▪ Parcel lines, ▪ Roads, ▪ Water courses, ▪ Utility corridors. [Source: New Policy] LU-17.3 Concurrent Zoning Change Processing Zone changes, if necessary to implement a General Plan amendment, will be done concurrently with the General Plan amendment, if needed to assure zoning consistency. [Source: New Policy] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-33 Maintain and implement the 2040 General Plan to reflect the changing needs of the community and to remain consistent with State law. [Source: New Goal] LU-18.1 Maintain Currency of the 2040 General Plan Conduct a thorough review and update of the 2040 General Plan as needed to reflect changing community needs and changes in State law. [Source: New Policy] LU-18.2 Update Zoning and Other Plans and Programs for General Plan Consistency Prepare and adopt timely updates to the Town’s Zoning Code and other applicable plan s and programs to implement the 2040 General Plan. [Source: New Policy] LU-18.3 Housing Element Updates As directed by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the Town will update and implement a Housing Element that provides policies and programs to encourage the provision of safe, well-designed, accessible, sanitary, and affordable residential areas where people of all ages, races, and social backgrounds can live, work, and play. [Source: New Policy] 3.8 Civic Engagement While technical analysis can provide insight into the needs of an area, these practices fall short without full participation by the individuals and groups that will be most affected by a decision. These individuals and groups must have a seat at the table to engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration, not only at the adoption phase, but during the evaluation and development processes. [Source: New Text]  A key component of environmental justice pursuant to SB 1000 is identifying objectives and poli cies to promote increased access to the public decision-making processes. In addition to the policies below, policies specific to meeting the needs of traditionally underrepresented populations are included in Chapter 2, Racial, Social, and Environmental Justice Element. Promote meaningful dialogue and collaboration between members of disadvantaged communities and decision-makers to advance social and economic equity. [Source: Existing General Plan Goal: LU-5, modified] LU-19.1 Community Input The Town shall continue to facilitate opportunities for all residents and stakeholders to provide meaningful and effective input on proposed planning activities early on and continuously throughout plan development and the public review process. [Source: New Policy] LU-19.2 Communication Channels The Town shall continue to improve communication channels and methods for meaningful dialogue between community members and decision-makers. [Source: New Policy] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-34 Public Review Draft October 2020 LU-19.3 Times and Locations of Public Engagement Opportunities The Town shall aim to hold meetings, workshops, and other public engagement opportunities at times and locations that make it convenient for community members to attend, particularly stakeholders who are the most likely to be directly affected by the outcome. [Source: New Policy] LU-19.4 Variety of Public Communication Methods The Town shall continue to share public information across a variety of media, technological, and traditional platforms, and in languages based upon the demographics of the community. [Source: Existing Action Item LU-5.1] LU-19.5 Language Services The Town will continue to evaluate the need for the provision of translation services, to the extent feasible, in conveying important information to the community. [Source: New Policy] LU-19.6 Leadership Development Support existing leadership development programs for youth and adults to enhance the understanding of the government’s role in the development of their community and to empower residents to engage and influence planning and policy decisions. [Source: New Policy] LU-19.7 Early Developer Contact Encourage developers to engage as early as possible in discussions regarding the nature and scope of the project and possible impacts and mitigation requirements. [Source: Existing Policy LU-1.1, CD-17.6, modified] LU-19.8 Involvement with the Town Use task forces, ad hoc committees, and other means as appropriate to involve residential and commercial interests in Town matters. [Source: Existing Policy LU-1.7and LU-5.1] LU-19.9 Commercial Development Review Require full public review for new commercial development to ensure compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods and the Town. [Source: Existing Policy CD-17.7] LU-19.10 Story Pole Requirement Require the erection of story poles prior to the approval of new development. [Source: Existing Policy CD-17.8] LU-19.11 Assumptions When the deciding body’s decision on a zoning approval is based on assumptions derived from the applicant’s proposal, those assumptions shall become conditions of the approval. [Source: Existing Policy CD-17.9] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-35 3.9 Lifelong Learning Childcare and Early Childhood Development Childcare and early childhood development are vital to the success of Los Gatos’ families and youth. These services provide two key benefits. First, childcare makes it possible for parents, especially single -parents and families with multiple jobs and job shifts, to work and financially support their families. Second, quality childcare and childhood development programs play a crucial role in the future success of children. Public School Facilities Eight different school districts serve the residents of the Town of Los Gatos. These are the Los Gatos Union School District, the Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District, the Campbell Union School District, the Campbell Union High School District, the Cambrian Union Elementary District, Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District, Union Elementary School District, and Lakeside Joint School District .  This section discusses the general topic of education in terms of the concept of lifelong learning. Information and policies concerning public school facilities are contained in Chapter 5, Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element in Section 5.10, Schools. Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning is an ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge, primarily for personal enjoyment and satisfaction. The term recognizes that learning is not confined to formal education and job training but takes place throughout life and in a range of situations. [Source: New Text] Enhance the educational support system serving the Town to the benefit of all residents, regardless of age and location within the community. [Source: New Goal] LU-20.1 Enhancing Availability Coordinate with local school districts, park districts, childcare providers, and pre-schools to identify opportunities to implement additional childcare and childhood development programs throughout the Town. [Source: New Policy] LU-20.2 Employer Sponsored Childcare Work with commercial development applicants for single users employing more than 100 persons to provide on-site childcare or offset the costs of off-site childcare for employees. [Source: New Policy] LU-20.3 Grant Funding Coordinate with the school district and community organizations to pursue grant funding for programs designed to improve schools and State standardized test scores. [Source: New Policy] LU-20.4 Continuing Education Encourage local colleges, vocational schools, and technical training institutes to maintain and improve continuing education courses and certificate programs, including opportunities for on -line learning. [Source: New Policy] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-36 Public Review Draft October 2020 3.10 Healthy Community A healthy community promotes a positive physical, social, and economic environme nt that supports the overall well-being of its residents. While other parts of the General Plan also touch on aspects of health and quality of life, the purpose of section is to promote a healthy lifestyle and improve residents’ quality of life.  Outdoor activity is also part of a healthier community. Bicycle and pedestrian options are covered in Chapter 4, Mobility Element in Section 4.1, Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities, and Chapter 6, Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element in Section 6.2, Parks and Recreation, covers indoor and outdoor recreation. Ensure all residents have access to healthy foods. [Source: New Goal] LU-21.1 Healthy Food Options Encourage farmer’s markets and healthier food options within neighborhoods or near child- oriented uses (e.g., schools, day care, parks). [Source: New Policy] LU-21.2 Limit Concentrations of Alcohol and Tobacco Establish zoning code requirements to guide locations and restrict concentrations of businesses selling alcohol and tobacco near sensitive land uses. [Source: New Policy] LU-21.3 Healthier Diet Options Support programs that guide healthier diet options within the community. [Source: New Policy] LU-21.4 Support Santa Clara County Efforts Support Santa Clara County efforts and public health programs that improve access to healthy foods, address food inequities, and provide food education to help residents make healthier food choices. [Source: New Policy] LU-21.5 Support Acceptance of Government- Issued Vouchers Support the acceptance of Government-issued food vouchers (such as WIC and CalFRESH) via an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card at food retailers and farmers markets. [Source: New Policy] LU-21.6 Healthy Food at Government-sponsored Events The Town shall provide healthy foods at Town- sponsored meetings and events when food is provided. [Source: New Policy] LU-21.7 Nutritional Vending Machine Options The Town shall encourage nutritional options for vending machines in Town-owned and leased locations. [Source: New Policy] 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-37 3.11 Interagency Coordination There are many local, regional, state, and federal agencies that have land use planning, permitting, or development review authority in the Los Gatos Planning Area and surrounding region. It is critical that there is coordination among agencies to ensure regulatory compliance, increase efficiency for development projects, and eliminate redundancies among agencies. Enhance interagency coordination to achieve mutually beneficial land use development and conservation. [Source: Existing General Plan Goal: LU-3, modified] LU-22.1 Regional Planning Continue and expand Town participation in planning processes in neighboring jurisdictions, Santa Clara County, and regional agencies and organizations in order to develop innovative, effective, and coordinated land use, transportation, and hillside development plans and standards that will help preserve the Town’s small-town character. [Source: Existing Policy LU-1.6, modified] LU-22.2 Unincorporated Islands Cooperate with the County of Santa Clara to encourage the annexation of unincorporated islands within the Town’s Planning Area into the incorporated Town limits. The Town will not require the installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, or street lights as a condition of annexation nor will these improvements be imposed on annexed areas unless the residents of the area request such improvements and are willing to establish an assessment district or other mechanism to fund such improvements. This does not prevent the Town from requiring such improvements as a condition of approval of any zoning or subdivision approval if such conditions are normally made on those items and the improvements would be in keeping with the neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policy LU-3.1, modified] LU-22.3 Consultation with State and Federal Agencies Continue to consult with applicable State and Federal regulatory agencies during project review and permitting in order to understand and mitigate potential impacts. [Source: New Policy] Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-38 Public Review Draft October 2020 3.12 Implementation Programs Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing A Expansion of Allowed Housing Types The Town shall research existing regulatory impediments to the creation of new housing types that have the potential to fulfill unmet housing needs (e.g., tiny homes, co- housing developments) and if necessary, shall amend applicable ordinances to allow for their development. [Source: New Program] LU-3.2 LU-3.2 Community Development ◼ B Code Enforcement The Town shall actively enforce the State Housing Code to ensure that unsafe, dilapidated residential structures are rehabilitated or demolished. [Source: New Program] LU-3.13 LU-5.7 Code Compliance ◼ C Identify Needed Businesses The Town will work to retain current businesses and providing business liaison services to assist prospective businesses [Source: Existing Action LU-9.1, modified] LU-5.2 LU-5.5 Town Manager Community Development ◼ D Inspect Commercial Landscaping Periodically inspect all commercial landscaping to ensure that approved landscaping is maintained. [Source: Existing Action CD-8.1] LU-5.7 Parks and Public Works ◼ E Study Historic Review Expansion Conduct a study and amend the Town Code to require proposed developments that are otherwise exempt from historic review, but that might have an impact on sites of designated or suspected historic significance to be referred to the Historic Preservation Committee for review and recommendation. [Source: Existing Action CD-12.3] LU-14.1 LU-14.3 Community Development ◼ F Study Hillside Density Conduct a study to determine whether hillside properties should be downzoned to lower densities. [Source: Existing Action CD-14.2] LU-13.1 LU-15.1 LU-16.1 Community Development ◼ 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-39 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing G Ten-year General Plan Review The Town shall conduct a thorough review of the General Plan every ten years from the date of final approval, and revise and update as necessary. This review can include the following: ▪ Modify, add, or delete goals, policies, or programs to reflect notable changes in the Town over the previous period; ▪ Remove or modify programs that have been completed or require additional time; ▪ Modify or add new goals, policies, or programs to reflect changing needs within the Town; and ▪ Modify to reflect applicable changes in state law. [Source: New Program] LU-15.1 LU-16.1 LU-17.1 Community Development ◼ H Zoning Code Update The Town shall update the Town Zoning Code to: ▪ Implement the 2040 General Plan; ▪ Be consistent with the direction in the 2040 General Plan; ▪ Provide for objective design standards; and ▪ Remove Conditional Use Permits for residential uses, to the extent feasible. [Source: New Program] LU-15.3 LU-16.3 LU-17.2 Community Development ◼ I Develop Informative Outreach Program Develop an education and outreach program to inform neighborhoods, realtors, developers, architects, and designers about the Town’s design guidelines and standards. Project application packages should include the relevant guidelines and standards. [Source: Existing Action CD-17.3] LU-18.1 LU-18.7 LU-18.8 Community Development Town Manager ◼ Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-40 Public Review Draft October 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing J Distribute Neighborhood Meeting Guidelines Prepare and distribute information describing guidelines for conducting neighborhood meetings and criteria for reporting the results of neighborhood meetings with project applications. [Source: Existing Action CD-17.4] LU-18.1 LU-18.7 LU-18.8 CDD Town Manager ◼ K Limit Alcohol and Tobacco Outlets Explore establishing zoning code limitations on the density of alcohol and tobacco outlets near sensitive receptors such as schools, childcare facilities, senior housing, parks, etc., consistent with State law. [Source: New Program] LU-20.2 Town Manager Community Development ◼ 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-41 Status of Goals, Policies, and Actions from Existing General Plan For reference during first GPAC review of element. Will be removed in subsequent versions. Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU G LU-1 To preserve, promote, and protect the existing small-town character and quality of life within Los Gatos. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-1.1 Encourage developers to engage in discussions as early as possible regarding the nature and scope of the project and possible impacts and mitigation requirements. LU-19.7 CD-18.6 LU P LU-1.2 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-1.3 To preserve existing trees, natural vegetation, natural topography, riparian corridors, and wildlife habitats, and promote high quality, well-designed, environmentally sensitive, and diverse landscaping in new and existing developments. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-1.4 Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to the existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-1.5 Encourage private/public funding, development, and operation of cultural amenities, activities, and centers consistent with the small-town character of Los Gatos. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-1.6 Recognizing that our ability to preserve small-town character is somewhat dependent on decisions in surrounding communities, continue and expand Town participation in planning processes in neighboring jurisdictions and regional bodies in order to develop innovative, effective, and coordinated land use, transportation, and hillside development plans and standards that will help preserve our small-town character. LU-22.1 LU P LU-1.7 Use task forces, ad hoc committees and other means as appropriate to involve residential and commercial interests in Town matters. LU-19.8 Combined LU P LU-1.8 Commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small-town character of Los Gatos. See policies in CD Element LU G LU-2 To maintain a balanced, economically stable community within environmental goals. LU-1 covers LU P LU-2.1 Minimize vehicle miles traveled for goods and services by allowing and encouraging stores that provide these goods within walking distance of neighborhoods in Los Gatos. LU-3.5 Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-42 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU P LU-2.2 Promote telecommuting and home-based businesses by allowing live-work and work-live uses in existing and future residential development. LU-3.7 LU G LU-3 To coordinate with surrounding jurisdictions andother local and regional agencies that may affect LosGatos’s future development patterns and character. LU-22 LU P LU-3.1 Cooperate with the County of Santa Clara to encourage the annexation of unincorporated islands into the Town. The Town will not require the installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, or street lights as a condition of annexation nor will these improvements be imposed on annexed areas unless the residents of the area request such improvements and are willing to participate in the cost of such improvements. This does not prevent the Town from requiring such improvements as a condition of approval of any zoning or subdivision approval if such conditions are normally made on those items and the improvements would be in keeping with the neighborhood. LU-22.2 LU P LU-3.2 Work with Santa Clara County to ensure that projects developed in the County meet Town policies and standards, do not induce further development, and do not unduly burden the Town. Deleted Addressed by LU-3.1 LU G LU-4 To provide for well-planned, careful growth that reflects the Town’s existing character and infrastructure. LU-1 LU P LU-4.1 Integrate planning for the North Forty area, Los Gatos Boulevard, Vasona Light Rail area, and Downtown so that development in each area takes into consideration the Town as a whole. Deleted No longer needed LU P LU-4.2 Allow development only with adequate physical infrastructure (e.g. transportation, sewers, utilities, etc.) and social services (e.g. education, public safety, etc.). LU-1.2 LU P LU-4.3 Only approve projects for which public costs can be justified by the overall benefit to the community. LU-1.3 LU P LU-4.4 Project applicants shall evaluate and provide appropriate mitigation measures to reduce impacts on urban services including schools, utilities, police, and fire. LU-1.4 LU P LU-4.5 Discourage corridor lots. Corridor lots shall only be allowed if the use of a corridor lot decreases the amount of public street required for the subdivision, contributes to the surrounding neighborhood, and is in context with the existing scale and established character of the neighborhood. The subdivider shall also demonstrate that the use of a corridor lot benefits surrounding properties. LU-3.14 LU-3.15 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-43 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU G LU-5 To encourage public involvement in Town planning processes. LU-18 LU P LU-5.1 Use task forces, ad hoc committees, and other means asappropriate to involve residential and commercial interestsin Town matters. LU-19.8 Combined LU A LU-5.1 Utilize traditional communication tools and new media and technology to provide clear and current information on Town processes and decisions and to encourage public participation in Town government. LU-19.4 LU G LU-6 To preserve and enhance the existing character and sense of place in residential neighborhoods. LU-3 LU P LU-6.1 Protect existing residential areas from the impacts of nonresidential development. LU-3.6 Combined LU P LU-6.2 Allow non-residential activity in residential areas only when the character and quality of the neighborhood can be maintained. LU-3.7 LU P LU-6.3 Protect existing residential areas from adjacent nonresidential uses by assuring that buffers are developed and maintained. LU-3.6 Combined LU P LU-6.4 Prohibit uses that may lead to the deterioration of residential neighborhoods, or adversely impact the public safety or the residential character of a residential neighborhood. LU-3.9 LU P LU-6.5 The type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-6.6 In order to reduce landfill, conserve resources, and preserve neighborhood character, demolitions shall be discouraged in established residential neighborhoods and applicants shall submit structural reports to determine whether the demolition of any principal structure is justified. If allowed, the replacement house should be similar in size and scale to other homes in the neighborhood and maintain the neighborhood character. Deleted LU P LU-6.7 Continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. LU-3.2 Addresses LU P LU-6.8 New construction, remodels, and additions shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. LU-3.12 Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-44 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU P LU-6.9 The Housing Element assumes that sites designated mediumand high density residential will be developed at theupper end of the density range. If the Town approves adevelopment at a lower density on one of these sites, staffshall identify one or more other sites to maintain theTown’s capacity to meet its housing needs as identified inthe Housing Element, subject to neighborhood compatibilityand mitigation of traffic impacts. LU-3.3 LU P LU-6.10 Require applicants to submit letters of justification to show how new residential development contributes to the balance of types and sizes of housing available in Los Gatos. Deleted LU A LU-6.1 Develop standards for traffic, noise, intensity, and overall size for non-residential uses in residential zones. See policies in MOB and SUS Elements LU A LU-6.2 The conditional use permit approvals for non-residential uses in residential zones shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission on an as-needed basis for any adverse impacts, nuisances, or any required modifications. Deleted Zoning issue LU G LU-7 To use available land efficiently by encouraging appropriate infill development. LU-2 LU P LU-7.1 Allow redevelopment of unused school sites commensurate with the surrounding residential neighborhood and availability of services. LU-11.5 LU P LU-7.2 To ensure compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods, infill projects shall demonstrate that the development meets the criteria contained in the Development Policy for In-Fill Projects and the deciding body shall make findings consistent with this policy. LU-2.1 Combined LU P LU-7.3 Infill projects shall contribute to the further development of the surrounding neighborhood (e.g. improve circulation, contribute to or provide neighborhood unity, eliminate a blighted area) and shall not detract from the existing quality of life. LU-2.1 Combined LU P LU-7.4 Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to the existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. LU-2.2 LU G LU-8 To uphold and enforce adopted land use regulations. Deleted LU P LU-8.1 Maintain a Code Compliance function to effectively enforce the land use regulations in the Town Code. LU-3.13 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-45 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU P LU-8.2 Town staff shall identify major violations (illegal units, sign violations, illegal uses, tree removals, grading violations, etc.) without waiting for public complaint. Town staff shall act on minor violations (illegally parked cars, boats, trailers and campers, etc.) based on public complaints. Additional violations that may be observed during investigation of a complaint shall also be acted on. Deleted LU G LU-9 To provide residents with adequate commercial and industrial services. LU-5 LU P LU-9.1 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-9.2 Maintain a variety of commercial uses, including a strong Downtown commercial area combined with Los Gatos Boulevard and strong neighborhood commercial centers to meet the shopping needs of residents and to preserve the small-town atmosphere. LU-5.1 LU P LU-9.3 Encourage a mix of retail and office uses in commercial areas, except in the Central Business District designation, where retail should be emphasized and office should be limited to upper floors and other areas as defined by the Town Code. LU-5.2 LU P LU-9.4 Encourage existing light industry and service commercial uses to remain or be replaced with similar uses. LU-8.2 LU P LU-9.5 Encourage the development and retention of locally owned stores and shops. LU-5.3 Combined LU P LU-9.6 Encourage development that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for local residents consistent with overall land use policies of the Town. LU-5.4 LU P LU-9.7 “Broadening the tax base” shall never be the sole reason for allowing new commercial development or approving a change in a commercial land use. Deleted LU P LU-9.8 Retail sales tax “leakage” should be kept to a minimum by providing in-town convenience and comparative shopping opportunities. LU-5.5 LU P LU-9.9 Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval for nonresidential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist of landscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks, or open space. LU-5.6 LU P LU-9.10 Prohibit new commercial or industrial zoning adjacent to school sites and carefully consider the impacts of new school sites in industrial and commercial land use designations. Deleted Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-46 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU A LU-9.1 The Town should identify those businesses that are needed in the Town and actively recruit those businesses. LU-C LU G LU-10 To preserve Downtown Los Gatos as the historic center of the Town, with goods and services for local residents, while maintaining the existing Town identity, environment, and commercial viability. LU-6 LU P LU-10.1 Encourage the development and retention of small businesses and independent stores and shops Downtown that are consistent with small-town character and scale. LU-5.3 Combined LU P LU-10.2 Recognize and encourage the different functions, land use patterns, and use mixes of the various commercial areas within the Downtown. These include: ▪ The pedestrian scale and orientation of the Central Business District. ▪ The neighborhood-serving commercial land use pattern of areas north of Saratoga Avenue to Blossom Hill Road. ▪ The mixed-use commercial activities along Santa Cruz Avenue and the service commercial activities along University Avenue between Andrews Street and Blossom Hill Road. LU-6.1 LU P LU-10.3 Establish and maintain strong boundaries between the Central Business District designation and adjacent residential neighborhoods. LU-6.2 LU P LU-10.4 Encourage mixed uses to increase residential opportunities in commercial zones Downtown, taking into consideration potential impacts to loss of commercial opportunities. LU-6.3 LU G LU-11 To plan for development of a variety of uses in the North Forty area in a coordinated and comprehensive way. Deleted, complete LU P LU-11.1 Zoning shall be changed as part of development applications to provide consistency with the Vasona Light Rail Element and other elements of this General Plan and with any future specific plan prepared for this area. Deleted, complete LU P LU-11.2 The Town shall encourage uses that serve Town residents. These include, but are not limited to, open space, playfields, office, retail, and other commercial uses. Residential uses may be permitted as part of mixed-use development and only with acceptable mitigation of adverse noise, air quality, and other environmental hazards. Deleted, complete LU P LU-11.3 Provide coordinated infrastructure in the North Forty area. Deleted, complete 3. Land Use Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 3-47 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU P LU-11.4 Include a variety of regional destination and local-serving commercial uses in the North Forty area, following a logical land use pattern that takes advantage of the site opportunities while protecting adjacent uses. Deleted, complete LU P LU-11.5 Avoid negative effects on the long-term development potentialof the area surrounding the North Forty area. Deleted, complete LU P LU-11.6 Incorporate multi-modal links from the North Forty area to the Vasona Light Rail station into the North Forty Specific Plan. Deleted, complete LU A LU-11.1 Prepare and adopt a specific plan for the North Forty area prior to development of the site. Deleted, complete LU G LU-12 To ensure an appropriate mix of land use types along Los Gatos Boulevard in order to maintain the economic vitality of the corridor and continue to serve the needs of Town residents. LU-12 LU P LU-12-1 Encourage redevelopment and assemblage of parcels that have experienced a high vacancy rate over a prolonged period of time, possibly including appropriate and compatible re-zoning. Deleted LU P LU-12-2 Encourage a mix of uses along Los Gatos Boulevard, including, where appropriate, mixed-use parcels that are compatible with surrounding uses. LU-12.1 LU P LU-12-3 New landscaping, streetscape improvements and new development along Los Gatos Boulevard shall incorporate pedestrian amenities, scale, and design. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-12-4 Encourage mixed uses to increase residential opportunities in commercial zones. LU-7.2 LU P LU-12-5 Retain and enhance auto dealerships. LU-7.3 LU P LU-12-6 Neighborhood commercial, multi-family residential, and office uses shall be concentrated south of Los Gatos– Almaden Road. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-12-7 New and relocating auto-related businesses shall be located north of Los Gatos–Almaden Road, adjacent to existing auto dealerships, or on a vacant site previously used for permitted auto sales. Deleted LU P LU-12-8 Uses on Los Gatos Boulevard south of Roberts Road shall be residential or office; existing non-residential uses shall not be intensified; and existing vacant property and residential uses shall be developed as Single Family Residential. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-12-9 Encourage replacement of vacated business south of Los Gatos–Almaden Road and north of Roberts Road/Shannon Road with neighborhood commercial, multi-family, or office uses. LU-7.1 Administrative Draft Policy Document 3-48 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Existing GP Text Note to Reviewer or 2040 GP Reference LU G LU-13 To promote appropriate and compatible developmentalong Los Gatos Boulevard that complementsthe whole Town and serves residents and families. LU-12 LU P LU-13.1 Development shall transition from higher intensity uses at the north end of Los Gatos Boulevard to existing residential uses at the south end of Los Gatos Boulevard. LU-12.2 LU P LU-13.2 Commercial activity along Los Gatos Boulevard shall complement the whole Town and shall provide a dependable source of income, employment opportunities, goods, and services. LU-12.3 LU P LU-13.3 New projects along Los Gatos Boulevard shall incorporate a family and resident orientation. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-13.4 New development along Los Gatos Boulevard shall be designed to minimize adverse impacts on adjacent residential areas. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-13.5 Establish and maintain appropriate boundaries between the commercial uses along Los Gatos Boulevard and adjacent residential neighborhoods. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-13.6 Provide more pedestrian/bike areas and links to adjacent residential areas to foster neighborhood use of commercial centers. See policies in CD Element LU P LU-13.7 Allow auto dealers and other commercial property owners and merchants to conduct occasional promotional sales activities with a “festival” atmosphere with appropriate restrictions to reduce traffic congestion and impacts on neighboring commercial and residential uses. Deleted. Controlled by zoning. LU A LU-13.1 Work with existing auto dealers and other commercial property owners and merchants to develop an appropriate commercial image specifically for Los Gatos Boulevard. Deleted LU A LU-13.2 Use the adopted Los Gatos Boulevard Plan and Commercial Design Guidelines to review development proposals and exterior improvements to existing buildings. See policies in CD Element 4 4.Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-1 Los Gatos has maintained the small-town charm that dates to its origins as an old railroad Town. Tree-lined streets and sidewalks give the Los Gatos Downtown a strong pedestrian character, and picturesque views of the Santa Cruz Mountains offer potent but subtle reminders of the Town’s unique setting. [Source: 2040 Background Report] A key factor in the charm of Los Gatos is its physical environment. The Community Design Element looks at the key components of this environment and describes the features that, together, create Los Gatos’ distinct community character. This Element provides a local context and anticipated urban design enhancements for the next 20 years relating to the urban form, architectural styles, landscape, lighting, and pedestrian-oriented environment. In addition, this Element highlights a series of Community Place Districts which have specific community design policies designed to create unique, one-of-a-kind districts in Town. Lastly, the Element covers the overall preservation of historic areas and the surrounding hillsides to ensure these areas are respected over time, even as development proceeds. [Source: New Text] The Community Design Element is divided into the following sections: Contents Section Title Page Key Terms .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Urban Design Fundamentals ................................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Neighborhood Compatibility ................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Community Form ................................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Historic Preservation ............................................................................................................ 24 4.4 Hillside Development ........................................................................................................... 26 4.5 Community Place Districts ................................................................................................... 27 4.6 Implementation Programs .................................................................................................... 63 ATTACHMENT 3 Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-2 Public Review Draft October 2020 Key Terms 360 Architecture. The intentional incorporation of architectural design style and elements around the entirety of a building regardless if portions of the building are not facing public view. Articulation. The division of a building facade into distinct sections; including the materials, patterns, textures, and colors that add visual interest to a building or facade. Colonnade. A range of columns that supports a string of continuous arches. Community Place District. Within the Los Gatos Planning Area, eight Community Place Districts were identified based on the proximity of commercial services or employment to support additional development, easy access to transportation systems, and having access to infrastructure needed to support future develo pment. These locations have the potential to facilitate mixed-use development and redevelopment at a variety of densities and intensities. See Sections 3.5 in the Land Use Element and 4.5 in this Element for more information. Corbel. A decorative use of a bracket or architectural dentil at the top of a building beneath the cornice or eave. Cornice. The decorated projection at the top of a wall provided to protect or to ornament and finish the wall face. Corridor. Transportation pathway allowing movement between activity centers. A corridor may encompass single or multiple transportation routes and facilities, adjacent land uses, and the connecting street network. Eave. The edge of the roof that overhangs the exterior walls, sometimes with exposed rafters . Facade. An exterior wall, or face, of a building. Fenestration. The design, construction, and presence of any openings in a building, including windows, doors, vents, wall panels, skylights, curtain walls, or louvers. Gable. The wall that encloses the end of a roof or the triangular end below a roof overhang. Gateway. A defining element, type of development, or signage that creates the clear distinction of entering a community or place. Primary gateways are located at main entry points into the community such as freeway off- ramps and major arterials from adjacent communities. Secondary gateways are those located internally within the community leading to neighborhoods and points of interest. Human-Scale. Is the effort to create an appropriate relationship between human beings and the size/function of surrounding buildings. Human-scale emphasizes building features and characteristics which can be observed in close proximity, at the speed a pedestrian would travel. Massing. The general shape, or shapes of a building, as well as its form and size . Median. A raised barrier used to separate opposing traffic flow and control access and vehicle turning movements. A median can also provide a pedestrian crossing refuge and streetscape enhancement. Mixed-Use. Parcels of land on which a variety of uses such as office, commercial, institutional, and residential are combined in a single building or on a single site in an integrated development project with a coherent physical design. Molding. A decorative raised surface along the edge of an architectural feature such as a window, colu mn, door, or wall. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-3 Ornamentation. Additional architectural elements meant to adorn or embellish the exterior of a building. Parklet. A small seating area or green space created as a public amenity on or alongside a sidewalk, especially in a former roadside parking space. Pedestrian-Oriented. An approach to architectural design intended to facilitate movement on foot in an area, as opposed to design that primarily serves automobile movement. Examples of pedestrian-oriented design include pathways following the most direct route from sidewalk to front door, continuous building street-walls with shop windows, outdoor cafes, street trees and benches, and architectural enhancement in the first two floors that are at human-scale. Projection. A side wing, tower, or window bay that protrudes from a building. Scale. Refers to how the sizes of different architectural elements relate to one another. Screening. Elements used to visually screen or separate detrimental elements of a site. Screening is commonly used to obscure parking areas, utilities, dumpsters, etc. Setback. The distance between a building and the property line or other buildings . Step Back. A step-like recession in the profile of a multi-story building. A step back requires the building to take a step back from the street for every increase in height of the structure. Step backs can also be a design technique to reduce the visual impact of tall buildings. Stoop. The uncovered wide step leading into the front or main door of a unit or building. Streetscape. The elements within and along the street right-of-way that define its appearance, identity, and functionality. These can include, but are not limited to, adjacent buildings and land uses, street furniture, landscaping, trees, sidewalks, and pavement treatments. Street Furniture. Fixtures installed along the roadway, at or above grade level, including lamp posts, pedestrian lighting, street signs, benches, trash cans, bike racks, news racks, water fountains, and planters. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-4 Public Review Draft October 2020 Urban Design Fundamentals Throughout this Element, certain urban design terms and concepts will be used to describe a desired effect for what fits in with Los Gatos. These fundamentals, in various combinations will be applied to project designs through the policies in this Element, either to all projects or to projects within designated Community Place Districts, as described in Section 4.5. The Community Design Element will focus on the following categories that will ultimately drive community form over the next 20 years: Massing and Articulation; Architectural Style and Elements; Site Development; Streetscape and Street Activation; and Community Identity. [Source: New Text] Massing and Articulation The massing of a building is its overall three-dimensional shape. Massing is a combination of three-dimensional forms, the simplest of which are cubes, pyramids, spheres, and cones. Large masses are used to emphasize elements while small masses are used to subdue elements. A way to influence overall massing is to design a project that is focused on human-scale, which means that overall design is relatable in height to the average human. For example, limiting entrance and floor-to-floor heights to avoid building forms that feel monumental and grand. Another technique to reduce the overall massing of a project is to include articulation. Articulation can be in the form of step backs on multi-story structures which are meant to provide relatable scale to the street and not a towering monolithic facade; which can create a “canyon” like effect on large arterials. Step backs also allow greater opportunity for daylight exposure and reduce shadowing on smaller adjacent structures. This further reduces the incompatibility with adjacent structures. [Source: New Text] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-5 Architectural Style and Elements In the development of a shopping center, mixed-use project, residential area, or extension of the Downtown, an overall “theme” and consistent use of architectural style and elements can be implemented to ensure cohesive design. Varying styles used within an integrated architectural framework for a development or area can help in establishing a strong community identity, as well as consistent pattern of image and character. Design elements are diverse and can range from roof style and form, use of eaves, dormers, supportive columns, glazing, color palettes, as well as incorporation of stoops, porches, and balconies. [Source: New Text] In Los Gatos, and the Bay Area at large, the early twentieth century Victorian and Arts and Crafts Movements made a lasting impression on architectural style and design that has become synonymous with the area. As design practices have shifted over the last century, additional styles, such as Mediterranean and California Modern, have become prevalent as well. Well defined community design guidance allows the community to embrace its past and also acknowledge the future, by determining appropriate places for new design styles to be located and relate to traditional styles. [Source: New Text] Site Development Site development is a crucial component to community design and the application of urban design techniques. So much of site development hinges on the characteristics and natural features of the site itself. The terrain of the site will dictate the type of development, placement of the structure, placement of supportive utilities, overall site access, and environmental considerations related to solar exposure and prevailing winds for cooling purposes. In Los Gatos it is also imperative to ensure the site development takes into account unique aspects of the subject property in the form of tree preservation and topography, compatibility and connectivity with surrounding and adjacent parcels, and recognition of open space and viewsheds. A cohesive approach to site development will allow developments either new or through a remodel to become fully integrated into the existing community fabric. Other approaches to cohesive site development include the incor poration of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques, such as use of private and common open space, landscaping, and lighting. Specifically, CPTED focuses on overall site design techniques to increase public safety and minimize and reduce the potential for crime. [Source: New Text] Streetscape and Street Activation The overall design of a structure and the integration of structures into a site is not the only design consideration. How that structure engages with the streetscape and adjacent pedestrian areas is equally as important. Streetscapes and street activation draw the energy and vibrancy of a building and blend that environment with the bustling activity at the street level. One way to incorporate street activation is to ensure that the building has primary access to and from the sidewalk or that portions of the sidewalk become an extension of the building and its use. This can be achieved through the formation of parklets and outdoor dining spaces. Creating lively streetscapes through the incorporation of upgraded landscaped areas, and cohesive street furniture and furnishings, will enhance the pedestrian environment. The marrying of the built environment with the street can create a sense of compatibility. [Source: New Text] Community Identity Community identity can be difficult to design and address holistically. It is critical that a community defines its boundaries and creates a unique environment that is recognizable and memorable. Los Gatos shares common borders with other communities including San Jose, Campbell, and Saratoga, where the defining line between communities is blurred. To create a clear transition into Los Gatos, identification methods such as gateway signs, landscape styles, use of public art and imagery, consistent lighting, street furnishings, and even unique freeway exit designs could be implemented. The intent of community identity is for instant recognition upon arrival into the Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-6 Public Review Draft October 2020 Town, and cohesive design principles focusing on entrances can further establish the unique qualities of the community. [Source: New Text] 4.1 Neighborhood Compatibility Neighborhood compatibility is essential to maintaining and pres erving neighborhoods. In order to ensure that the continuity of neighborhoods is not disrupted, all new or remodeled development must be able to adapt and co- exist with established areas. Los Gatos is home to vibrant areas with a rich history and this section aims to maintain that vibrancy, respecting existing development, while providing direction for how new development can fully integrate into these areas. [Source: New Text] The following goal and policies will ensure that neighborhoods remain consistent and new uses and styles remain compatible. Maintain a Town of diverse, distinct, and well-structured neighborhoods that meet the community’s needs for interconnected and high-quality living environments. [Source: New Goal] Neighborhood Connectivity Neighborhoods shall have a visual and physical multi-modal connection between surrounding development. [Source: New Policy] Building Element Proportion Require building elements to be in proportion with existing development in the neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policy CD-1.1, modified] Avoid Gated Communities Discourage the creation of gated communities in an effort to promote social cohesiveness and maintain street network efficiency, adequate emergency response times, and convenient travel routes for all street users. [Source: New Policy] Protect Neighborhood Character Preserve, protect, and enhance established neighborhoods by requiring new development to respect and respond to those existing physical characteristics of buildings, streetscapes, open spaces, and urban form that contribute to the overall character and livability of the neighborhood. [Source: New Policy] Memorable Places Through Infill Development Promote infill development projects that create memorable places throughout the Town through high-quality architecture, pedestrian oriented streetscapes, and thoughtfully designed public spaces. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-7 4.2 Community Form Community form includes the visual, contextual, and architectural design that creates a cohesive community. Los Gatos includes a rich and diverse array of architectural styles, historical landmarks, and bustling corridors which lend to each distinct and unique urban fabric. [Source: New Text] The following goal and policies will drive the future community form and urban design characteristics that shape Los Gatos over the next 20 years. While all policies in this section are under a single goal, they are divided into sub-categories for added clarity. Encourage all development in Town to be designed holistically, complementing the existing urban fabric, and incorporating sustainable design principles. [Source: New Goal] Massing and Articulation Building Setbacks Increases Require building setbacks to increase in a 1:1 ratio as mass and height increases above 20 feet. [Source: Existing Policy CD-2.1, modified] Architectural Style Promote well defined architectural styles through the use of building massing, setbacks, facade articulation, fenestration, varied parapets, and other human-scaled architectural features. [Source: New Policy] Blank Walls Require structures to have no more than 20 percent use of continuous blank walls (i.e., walls without decoration, articulation, or fenestration) along a primary street frontage and no more than 50 percent along secondary street frontages. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-8 Public Review Draft October 2020 Multi-Story Step Backs Require multi-story buildings to incorporate step backs on upper floors to create a more human- scale and comfortable pedestrian environment. [Source: New Policy] Human-Scale Promote community design which is human-scaled, comfortable, safe, and conducive to pedestrian use. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-9 Architecture Style and Elements 360 Architecture Require that all new and remodeled structures emphasize 360 Architecture by continuing consistent architectural design and application of the structure on all sides and viewing angles while acknowledging the different programmatic and design considerations for private sides. [Source: New Policy] Architectural Design Elements Encourage all new and remodeled structures use at a minimum one of the following architectural design elements to enhance the uniqueness of the structure : molding; ornamentation; corbels; cornices; or colonnades. [Source: New Policy] Molding Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-10 Public Review Draft October 2020 Ornamentation Corbels Cornices 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-11 Colonnades Roof Forms Require roof forms to include materials, elevations, and finishes that are consistent with the architectural style and design of the structure. [Source: New Policy] Roof Design Encourage horizontal eaves longer than 40 to 50 feet in length be broken up by gables, building projections, or other forms of articulation. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-12 Public Review Draft October 2020 Parking Structure Design Require all parking structures to include screening methods either in the form of vertical vegetation, decorative panels, or glazing to minimize the visual impact on surrounding neighborhoods. [Source: New Policy] Multi-Story Structures Require that multi-story structures incorporate a change in materials (i.e., brick, stucco, tile, concrete, wood siding, shingles) on the third story and higher to provide distinction in architectural features. [Source: New Policy] Cellars Encourage cellars for residential structures to provide “hidden” square footage in lieu of visible mass. [Source: Existing Policy CD-6.3, modified] Streetscape Pedestrian Oriented Streetscapes Require new development to create walkable, pedestrian-oriented blocks and sidewalks which are appropriately scaled for the anticipated pedestrian use. [Source: New Policy] Well-Defined Street Fronts Require new buildings to maintain a consistent setback from the public right-of-way in order to create a well-defined streetscape. [Source: New Policy] Enhanced Walking and Biking Pursue opportunities to promote walking and biking in new and existing neighborhoods through traffic-calming measures, bike route signage, designated bike lanes, the narrowing of streets, and street improvements (i.e., street trees, planting strips). [Source: New Policy] Street Trees Maintain street trees, plant additional street trees, and encourage preservation and planting of trees on public and private property. [Source: Existing Policy CD-4.2] Street Trees in New Development Require street trees to be installed for all new developments. [Source: Existing Policy CD-4.4, modified] Example Parking Structure Screening 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-13 Tree Lined Streets Encourage the strategic selection of street tree species to enha nce neighborhood character and identity and to maximize shade coverage when mature. [Source: New Policy] Tree Preservation Preserve and protect trees designated under the Town’s Tree Preservation Ordinance, as well as existing native, heritage, and specimen trees as a part of any development proposal. [Source: Existing Policy CD-4.3, modified] Tree and Plant Approval Require street trees and plants to be approved by the Superintendent of Parks and Forestry for the purpose of meeting criteria, including climatic conditions, maintenance, year-round versus seasonal color change (i.e. blossoms, summer foliage, autumn color), special branching effects, and other considerations. [Source: Existing Policy CD-11.5, modified] Protecting Hillside Views Encourage the layout of streets, blocks, and pedestrian corridors in new development to provide views of hillsides. [Source: New Policy] SR 17 On-Ramps and Overpasses Coordinate with Caltrans to maintain and beautify overpasses, and create and maintain distinct entrances into Los Gatos from SR 17 offramps, especially at Lark Avenue and SR 9, including themed landscaped areas, use of natural terrain and elements, and public art. [Source: New Policy] Did you know? Landscaping of freeway off-ramps and on-ramps is a way to create a unique urban design feel for a community. Freeways typically are monolithic concrete and asphalt canyons and have limited landscaping and natural features. Unlike many urban communities, Los Gatos is situated on a section of SR 17 that includes dense natural vegetation that emulates the hillsides and forest land that surrounds the community. One way to enhance this unique experience along the freeway is to coordinate with Caltrans to landscape off-ramps which lead into Town. Caltrans has an extensive history of working with communities to create a unique sense of place through landscaping. Below are some examples of the successful implementation of freeway landscaping. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-14 Public Review Draft October 2020 Street Activation Structure Entrances Require that building facades and entrances directly face an adjoining street frontage. [Source: New Policy] Outdoor Dining Require that outdoor dining furniture and other outdoor elements in the public right of way be moveable and not permanent. [Source: New Policy] Buildings that Engage the Street Require new development to be oriented to the public realm. New development shall complement and actively engage the public realm through such features as building orientation, setbacks, facade articulations, window glazing, and location of parking. [Source: New Policy] Adjacent Compatibility Compatibility and Consistency Require new structures, remodels, landscapes, and hardscapes be designed to be architecturally consistent and similar in mass and scale with adjacent development to minimize compatibility issues. [Source: Existing Policy CD-1.2] Transition in Scale Require that the scale and massing of new developments provide transitions in building height and massing to the physical and visual character of adjoining neighborhoods. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-15 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Eyes on the Street New development with a street frontage shall incorporate a street oriented front entrance. Units not facing the street shall be oriented to provide visual access to entryways, pedestrian pathways, recreation areas, and public spaces. [Source: New Policy] Reducing Vegetation Overgrowth Vegetation (i.e., bushes, shrubs, flowers) shall be maintained at a height of no more than three feet when located adjacent to pedestrian pathways and building facades and placed in a such a manner that does not obstruct lighting. [Source: New Policy] Adequate Pedestrian Lighting Pedestrian-oriented lighting shall be provided in active pedestrian areas and common areas for safety and security. [Source: New Policy] Accessible Structural Elements Drainpipes, parapets, ledges, and other easily climbable and accessible architectural features should not be located near windows, corridors, and balconies. If such placement is not avoidable, these features shall face parking lots, public spaces, and streets and be placed in such a manner in which the public view of the feature is unobstructed. [Source: New Policy] Glazing Visibility Require that commercial, mixed-use, and industrial developments do not exceed a maximum of 25 percent of glazing obstructions of street facing windows in the form of signage, advertisements, and interior furnishings that obstruct the view into the structure. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-16 Public Review Draft October 2020 Common Open Space Community Gathering Spaces Encourage new developments to include common open space areas in the form of public gathering spaces (i.e., plazas, squares, pocket parks ) that are designed to stimulate pedestrian activity and complement the appearance and form of adjoining buildings. [Source: New Policy] Public Realm Improvements Encourage improvements to the public realm, including street trees, street furniture, paving, landscaping, and lighting. [Source: New Policy] Private Open Space Incorporation of Balconies Encourage the placement of usable balconies on upper story residential units. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-17 Ground Floor Private Open Space Encourage that all multi-family developments include a minimum of 40 square feet of private open space in the form of a covered or uncovered patio to allow for light, air, and a private space. [Source: New Policy] Site Development Climate Considerations in Site Design Encourage applicants to consider the Mediterranean climate in Los Gatos and plan for sustainable site design to address adequate solar access, water conservation and retention, and wind conditions. [Source: New Policy] New Home Siting Require new homes to be sited to maximize privacy, livability, protection of natural plant and wildlife habitats and migration corridors. Siting should take advantage of scenic views, but should not create significant ecological or visual impacts affecting open spaces, public places, or other properties. [Source: Existing Policy CD-6.4, modified] Linking with Existing Developments Encourage linking new developments to existing developments through the creation of internal street systems that allow travel by foot, bicycles, and vehicles. [Source: New Policy] Park and Trail Connections New developments shall create connections to existing trails, paths, and parks. [Source: New Policy] Natural Contours Require that buildings, landscapes, and hardscapes follow the natural contours of the subject property. [Source: Existing Policy CD-1.3, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-18 Public Review Draft October 2020 Loading and Service Areas Require all mixed-use, commercial, and industrial developments to include loading and service areas that are integrated into the overall building composition. [Source: New Policy] Equipment Screening Require that all development screen mechanical equipment, trash and recycling enclosures, venting, heating and a/c ducts, water meters, and electrical boxes from public view. [Source: New Policy] Solid Fencing Require solid fencing over three feet high to be designed so that it does not isolate the structures from the street, or it shall be set back and landscaped. [Source: Existing Policy CD-3.8, modified] Signage Maintain and enforce the Los Gatos Sign Regulations in the Zoning Code to ensure appropriate placement, size, and scale of signs is consistent with the structure, as well as to minimize the potential for traffic hazards and glare. [Source: New Policy] Lighting Street and Structural Lighting Require street and structural lighting to minimize its visual impacts by preventing glare, limiting the amount of light that falls on neighboring properties, and avoiding light pollution of the night sky. [Source: Existing Policy CD-3.2, modified] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-19 Specialty Lighting Encourage specialty lighting for mixed-use and commercial developments such as string lighting, pole mounted lighting, tree-hanging lighting, to further illuminate the site during nighttime hours. [Source: New Policy] Landscaping Landscape Buffering Encourage the use of landscaping such as trees, shrubs, and trellised vines to mitigate the effects of building mass, lower noise, and reduce heat generation. [Source: Existing Policy CD- 3.4] Visual Continuity through Landscaping Require new development to provide visual continuity through tree planting, consistent use of low shrubs, and ground cover. [Source: Existing Policy CD-4.5, modified] Landscaped Medians Provide landscaped medians incorporating native and drought tolerant landscaping where there is sufficient right-of-way. [Source: New Policy] Sustainable Landscape Design Encourage landscaping plans to maximize the use of trees for energy efficiency, climate control, screening, shading (especially of parking lots), and aesthetics. [Source: Existing Policy CD-4.7] Plant Selection Require landscaping plans to use a minimum of 60 percent local native plants and/or drought resistant plants. [Source: Existing Policy CD-4.8, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-20 Public Review Draft October 2020 Public Art Highlight Existing Public Art Promote existing public art in the Town. [Source: New Policy] Accessible and Functional Public Art Encourage functional and easily accessible art pieces. [Source: New Policy] Require Public Art Support new commercial and mixed-use development to install public art or provide an in-lieu contribution where the installation of public art is not feasible. [Source: New Policy] Placement of Public Art Public art shall be placed in highly visible and high traffic areas, such as along major thoroughfares or in public gathering spaces. [Source: New Policy] Murals Encourage the incorporation of murals or similar public art in new developments. [Source: New Policy] Community Identity and Gateways Town Identification Support the incorporation of the Town logo or other historical and symbolic identifiers on community signage, streetlamp banners, Town gateways, and street furniture and furnishings . [Source: New Policy] Wayfinding Program Encourage the incorporation of a Townwide wayfinding program that highlights important cultural centers and landmarks, municipal buildings, parks and recreation facilities, tourist attractions, and commercial centers. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-21 Gateway Sign Program Support a gateway sign program for primary gateway and secondary gateway signs along major corridors. See Figure 4-1 for location of primary and secondary gateways. [Source: New Policy] Enhanced Town Gateways Ensure that public improvements and private development work together to enhance the sense of entry at outer gateways to the Town. [Source: New Policy] Freeway Identification Coordinate with Caltrans on permitting public art, Town identification signage, and street names on overpasses on SR 17 to delineate Los Gatos from adjacent communities. [Source: New Policy] Landscaped Gateways Provide landscaped Town gateways that create visual connection between the importance of the natural hillsides and open space areas to the community of Los Gatos. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-22 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 4-1 Gateways 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-23 Community identification is key to distinguishing one community from another. This perhaps is most difficult along expressway and freeway corridors where there is minimal distinction between adjacent jurisdictions. Los Gatos has a unique opportunity to use SR 17 to emphasize Town boundaries, community history, and capture the attention of travelers and motorists. The ability to enhance community identity beyond the traditional Town limits is becoming more common. Over the last few decades several Bay Area communities have partnered with Caltrans to improve and enhance sound attenuation walls, provide the opportunity for murals and public art, as well as provide identification and signage along overpasses. Below are some examples of how other communities in California and around the country have enhanced identification of their community through signage, public art, and landscaping. Did you know? Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-24 Public Review Draft October 2020 4.3 Historic Preservation The Town of Los Gatos prides itself on a commitment to preserve and maintain historic structures in the community. Through the adoption of designated sites and Historic Districts by the Town Council, historic preservation has become a dedicated service revered by the community, which has led to the preservation and rehabilitation of historic landmarks and structures. The five Historic Districts regulated by the adopted Historic Preservation Ordinance, include: Downtown Commercial; Almond Grove; Broadway; Fairview Plaza; and University-Edelen. The overall intent of the Historic Preservation Ordinance is to preserve historic and architectural resources in Los Gatos. The Ordinance established a Historic Preservation Committee and a Historic Preservation Program that includes a comprehensive series of standards and guidelines concerning the preservation and demolition of historic structures, design guidelines for rehabilitation and new construction, and guidance in the application of historic preservation standards. The Town continues to recognize historic resources as follows: any structure/site that is located within an historic district; any structure/site that is historically designated; or any primary structure constructed prior to 1941, unless the Town has determined that the structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The following goals and policies support the preservation of historical structures and landmarks in Los Gatos for the enjoyment of future generations. Preserve significant historic and architectural features within the Town. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: CD-12, modified] Avoid Demolition of Historic Buildings Avoid demolishing historic buildings, unless the Historic Preservation Committee finds, based on substantial evidence, that there is no feasible means to ensure the preservation of the structure. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.1, modified] Reuse of Existing Buildings Encourage the preservation, maintenance, and adaptive reuse of existing residential, commercial, or public buildings. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.2] Historic Structure Preservation Preserve and protect historic structures, including those that have been designated or are contributors to existing historic districts. Use special care in reviewing new buildings or remodels in the vicinity of historic structures to addres s compatibility issues and potential impacts. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.3] Historic Preservation Programs Continue the Town’s careful and proactive historic preservation programs, tempered with compassion and understanding of property owners’ needs, desires, and financial capabilities. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.4] Historic Preservation Committee Review Require the referral of zone changes, planned development applications, and zoning approvals that may result in the demolition of historic structures to the Historic Preservation Committee for review and recommendation. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.5, modified] New Structures within Historic Districts Require new structures within historic districts to be designed to blend within the existing neighborhood. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.6, modified] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-25 Potential Impacts to Historic Landmarks and Features Require all projects to consider any adverse effect to historic landmarks and features on or in the vicinity of the proposed project. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.7, modified] Historic Site Impact Mitigation Require any development having potential adverse impacts on historical sites and/or features on or in the vicinity of historical sites to: a) Accommodate the historical structure or feature; b) Mitigate potential adverse impacts to a level acceptable to the Town; or c) Relocate the historical feature to an appropriate site. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.8] Historic Structure Use or Donation Encourage property owners to use historic structures or, if not feasible, encourage their donation to the Town. [Source: Existing Policy CD-12.9] Support and encourage thoughtful rehabilitation or reuse of historic structures. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: CD-13, modified] Historic Structure Rehabilitation Rehabilitation of damaged historic structures shall be consistent with the policies of the Safety Element and the State Historic Building Code. [Source: Existing Policy CD-13.1] Historic Structure Renovations Require renovations or remodels of historic structures to be architecturally consistent with the original structure. [Source: Existing Policy CD-13.2, modified] Restoration Project Assistance Provide applicants and developers with information and staff time to assist in restoration projects. [Source: Existing Policy CD-13.3] Financial Benefit Information Provide information about financial benefits including tax law benefits for rehabilitation of historic structures and the vibrant historic downtown. [Source: Existing Policy CD-13.4] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-26 Public Review Draft October 2020 4.4 Hillside Development The Hillsides comprise most of the southern portion of Los Gatos. Rural in character, hillside areas boast larger, wooded lots and private access roads. In January 2004, the Town adopted the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines, which apply to all new hillside development and major hillside additions and renovations. The intent of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines and Hillside Specific Plan is to regulate development in order to preserve the hillsides. [Source: New Text] The following goals and policies support the preservation of hillside areas. Preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Santa Cruz Mountains and surrounding hillsides by regulating new homes. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: CD-14, modified] Rural Atmosphere Preservation Minimize development and preserve and enhance the rural atmosphere and natural plant and wildlife habitats in the hillsides. [Source: Existing Policy CD-14.1] Hillside Development Limitation Limit hillside development to that which can be safely accommodated by the Town’s rural, two - lane roads. [Source: Existing Policy CD-14.2] Effective Visible Mass Reduce effective visible mass through such means as stepping structures up and down the hillside, following topographical contours, and limiting the height and mass of wall planes. A maximum of two stories shall be visible from every elevation. [Source: Existing Policy CD-14.3, modified] Hillside Area Environmental Analysis Requirement Require adequate environmental analysis for projects in hillside areas to ensure appropriate consideration of potential environmental impacts associated with projects. [Source: Existing Policy CD-14.5, modified] Mountain and Hillside Viewshed Preservation Preserve and protect the natural state of the Santa Cruz Mountains and surrounding hillsides by discouraging inappropriate development on and near the hillsides that significantly impacts viewsheds. [Source: Existing Policy CD-14.6] Hillside Development Standards Update Continue to coordinate with the County in updating the County’s Hillside Development Standards and encourage annexations within the Urban Service Boundary. [Source: Existing Policy CD-14.7, modified] Preserve the natural topography and ecosystems within the hillside area by regulating grading, landscaping, and lighting. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: CD-15] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-27 Natural Ridge Line Protection Protect the natural ridge lines as defined in the Hillside Specific Plan and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. [Source: Existing Policy CD-15.1] Ridge Line Grading Prohibition Prohibit any grading that would alter the natural ridge line. [Source: Existing Policy CD-15.2] Natural Land Contours New construction shall be designed to follow natural land contours and avoid mass grading. When possible, flat pads should be avoided and houses should be designed to conform to or step down the contours rather than be designed for flat pads. Grading large, flat yard areas should be avoided. [Source: Existing Policy CD-15.3] Hillside Landscaping Design Hillside landscaping shall be designed with the following goals in mind: a) Minimizing formal landscaping and hardscape; b) Siting formal landscaping and hardscape close to the house ; c) Following the natural topography; and d) Preserving native trees, native plant and wildlife habitats, and migration corridors. [Source: Existing Policy CD-15.4] Fences in Hillside Areas Fences shall be of open design unless required for privacy. [Source: Existing Policy CD-15.6, modified] Lighting Design in Hillside Areas Review all new development proposals to ensure that: a) Outdoor lighting shall be limited; b) Outdoor lighting shall be shielded to not be viewed from the Town in non-hillside areas; c) Permitted lighting shall be of low intensity and for safety purposes; and d) Lighted sports courts shall be prohibited. The effects of indoor lights should be studied and reduced if found to be excessive. [Source: Existing Policy CD-15.7, modified] 4.5 Community Place District s Within the Town, eight Community Place Districts were identified as areas that have unique characteristics that warrant specific community design policies specific to the area because of the potential for change (Figure 4-2). These Community Place Districts are focused on major corridors in Los Gatos that anticipate the most change as a result of the 2040 General Plan. Each Community Place District includes an overview of exiting uses on the ground today (2020) and well as an aspirational 2040 Vision for what the Community Place is intended to become over the next 20 years. [Source: New Text] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-28 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 4-2 Community Place Districts 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-29 Applicable to All Community Place Districts Enhance specific districts and areas to guide redevelopment of unique places in the community. [Source: New Goal] District Signage Encourage the incorporation of signage that announces the entrance to the individual community place districts. [Source: New Policy] Neighborhood-Friendly Design Encourage buildings and sites within all Community Place Districts to integrate design features that create a pedestrian and neighborhood-friendly environment, including siting buildings close to the sidewalks, providing space for small plazas, and including public art. [Source: New Policy] Outdoor Seating Encourage outdoor seating for restaurants/coffee shops and other hospitality -oriented businesses, when the quality of adjacent neighborhoods can be maintained. [Source: Existing Policy CD-10.2, modified] Wider Sidewalks Encourage wider sidewalks up to a width of at least six feet to enhance the pedestrian environment. [Source: New Policy] Encourage Aesthetic Improvements to Shopping Centers Encourage shopping centers to undertake aesthetic improvements. [Source: New Policy] Encourage Active Residential Fronts Encourage residential development to include a front porch, stoop, courtyard, or similar style gathering space to foster community amongst neighbors and other community members. [Source: New Policy] Enhanced Landscaping Support the incorporation of planters, park strips, and landscaped buffers between the sidewalk and street to create a pedestrian oriented atmosphere. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-30 Public Review Draft October 2020 Downtown District The Downtown is the historic heart of Los Gatos. It encompasses the southwest section of Town and is generally bounded by Blossom Hill Road and Pine Avenue to the north; Glen Ridge Avenue to the west; Wood Road, College Avenue, and Cleland Avenue to the south; and Los Gatos Boulevard to the east. To man y, the Downtown in generalities is larger, but for the purpose of the General Plan this area has been provided with specific boundaries. The Downtown District encompasses parcels designated as the Central Business District General Plan land use designation, shown on the General Plan land use map. [Source: New Text] The Downtown District is composed of many retail shops, boutiques, coffee shops, restaurants, and other hospitality-oriented uses. Being that the Downtown is the original historic center of the Town, it is naturally home to some of the iconic architectural styles that makes Los Gatos unique. Spanning from the era of Queen Anne and Richardson Romanesque to Art Deco, the Downtown District has a rich history of architectural excellence. The Downtown District is home to many outdoor public spaces including the Town Plaza Park -Los Gatos’s civic green space, which hosts several popular community events that draw visitors regionally. Located within and adjacent to the Downtown District are the Town's Historic Districts which are meant to honor and preserve Los Gatos's roots as a rural foothill community built along the rail line. For a discussion on the Historic Districts and their boundaries as it relates to land use, see Goal LU-14 in the Land Use Element. For goals and policies relating to Historic Preservation reference Section 4.3 of this Element. [Source: New Text] Figure 4-3 Downtown District 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-31 Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-32 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: Downtown District The 2040 General Plan envisions a bright future for the Downtown District. The fundamentals and successful implementation of over a century worth of planning and design has made this district the gem of the Town. The Downtown District will preserve its unique architectural character and will prohibit conflicting styles from erasing what is Downtown. Downtown District buildings will continue to remain, and new structures will be constructed at a human-scale to not disrupt the continuity of the historic development pattern. [Source: New Text] Where consistent with the General Plan, the Downtown District will encourage multi -story buildings to include office and residential uses on floors above the first floor. The Downtown District will provide a truly walkable environment, where sidewalks will be widened where feasible, creating a more pedestrian friendly environment. The expanded sidewalks will include additional space for outdoor dining, public art, and street furniture and furnishings. To enhance the visitor experience of the Downtown District, digital display informational kiosks with establishment directories will provide the perfect 21st Century amenity. Updated building signage, a Downtown wayfinding system, and gateway entrance signs to the Downtown District will mark the Downtown as the core of the community. The Downtown District will continue to thrive as one of the most beloved areas of the Town and one that has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. [Source: New Text] Preserve the character of Downtown Los Gatos and the quality of life for its citizens through high-quality building design. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal: CD-9, modified] Reinforce Downtown Identity Differentiate Downtown Los Gatos as the cultural and social hub for the Town by enhancing architecture, landscaping, public spaces, and the streetscape. [Source: New Policy] Exterior Building Materials Exterior building materials in the Downtown District should be consistent with those used on surrounding buildings. [Source: Existing Policy CD-9.1, modified] Compatible Scale Maintain existing compatibility and consistency amongst existing historic development and new development by ensuring adjacent structures are compatible in scale and massing. [Source: New Policy] Decorative Bollards – Downtown District Encourage the use of decorative bollards at all pedestrian crossings at street intersections to improve vehicle and pedestrian safety in the Downtown District. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-33 Parklets – Downtown District Encourage the use of parklets and other forms of public open space and gathering areas in street parking spaces in the Downtown District. [Source: New Policy] Historic Architectural Core Reinforce the historic architectural core of Los Gatos by prohibiting the inclusion of modern, contemporary, mid-century modern, and industrial modern architecture Downtown. [Source: New Policy] Maintain Existing Downtown Buildings Encourage the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, reuse, and maintenance of existing buildings Downtown. [Source: Existing Policy CD-10.1] Signs in the Downtown Public signs, directional signs, informational signs, and other signs within Downtown District should be designed so as to be distinctive enough in their form and color that the observer will identify them within Downtown. [Source: Existing Policy CD-11.3, modified] Signs and Graphics and Commercial Design Guidelines Encourage Downtown signs and graphics to maintain the Town's small-scale appearance and be consistent with the Commercial Design Guidelines. [Source: Existing Policy CD-11.2, modified] Street Furniture Design Street furniture and equipment, such as lamp standards, traffic signals, street signs, refuse receptacles, bus shelters, drinking fountains, planters, kiosks, flag poles, and other elements of the street environment, shall be designed to be cohesive and represent the overall design and reinforce the architectural history in Downtown. [Source: Existing Policy CD-11.4, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-34 Public Review Draft October 2020 Harwood Road District The Harwood Road District is focused on the intersection of Harwood Road and Blossom Hill Road in Los Gatos, abutting the City of San Jose. This district also includes the Blossom Hill Square Shopping Center which anchors the intersection of Harwood and Blossom Hill Roads. The commercial center on the corner of Harwood and Blossom Hill Road is home to national anchor chains such as Walgreens and Starbucks . The layout of the center, like most in Los Gatos, is auto-oriented with a street fronting surface parking lot with access points on either side of the intersection. Unlike several other areas in Town this commercial center serves not only the residents of Los Gatos, but also the residents of San Jose. The district is surrounded by low-density residential, with a few medium-density residential designated parcels intermixed that use the center primarily for daily needs. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-35 Figure 4-4 Harwood Road District Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-36 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: Harwood Road District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions a revamp of the shopping center in the Harwood District. This district will become a primary commercial hub for the east end of the community and serve as a gathering place for community members to mingle and enjoy local amenities. The Harwood District is envisioned to include upgrades to the commercial center focusing on updated contemporary design through changes in paint, materials, and structure placement. To reduce visual incompatibility, dense landscape buffers will obscure the commercial structures from the residential and all lighting will be shielded to prevent glare in residential areas. Building placement will become a key component to creating a walkable environment. In lieu of surface lots fronting the street, structure and future retail pads will be shifted to abut the sidewalk creating a more pedestrian friendly environment. Parking will be focused inward with the remaining development wrapping it, shielding the parking from public view. Office space will be intermingled with commercial uses to create a more mixed -use focused district. [Source: New Text] To limit the blending of communities between Los Gatos and San Jose, the Harwood District will include gateway signage and increased landscaped areas welcoming people to Los Gatos and creating a clear and unique defining line for the community.  NOTE: For the Goal and Policies that apply to the Harwood Road District, refer to Goal CD-7 and associated policies which apply to all districts. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-37 Lark Avenue District The Lark District includes a portion of Winchester Boulevard, Lark Avenue from Winchester Boulevard to University Avenue, and a segment of University Avenue including a portion of the Los Gatos Creek Trail. The area most of the Town’s industrial uses and office complexes, as well as primary frontage on Los Gatos Creek . The industrial and office buildings in the Lark District along University Avenue are antiquated in design and layout. These office parks are reminiscent of the technology boom in the early 1980’s, which included the development of vast single-story office parks and campuses, with an abundance of parking. This style of office and industrial development is of time’s past. Contemporary office park design includes a mix of uses and amenities, multi -story structures in lieu of single-story structures, integrated public gathering spaces, and a variety of onsite amenities for employees. The district currently is surrounded by a mix of low- and medium-density residential. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-38 Public Review Draft October 2020 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-39 Figure 4-5 Lark Avenue District Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-40 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: Lark Avenue District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions a Lark District that encapsulates modern office park planning and development and that integrates the Lark District natural features and recreation opportunities. This District will include integrated office style developments that support multi-story development and subterranean parking. Removing surface lots will allow increased space for private open space areas for employees to recreate. The developments will include entrances not only along University Avenue, but along t he Los Gatos Creek Trail allowing a viable option for cyclist commuters to get to work without relying on heavily used streets and corridors. Opening the development to the natural terrain of Los Gatos Creek and the trail will also allow a seamless transition between the natural and built environments. [Source: New Text] Encourage the development of a diverse Lark Avenue District that supports updated office and industrial complexes and buildings, and creates a connection to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. [Source: New Goal] Multi-Story Office Development Encourage all new or remodeled office developments in the Lark Avenue District to have a minimum of two stories for massing and articulation consistency along University Avenue. [Source: New Policy] Subterranean Parking Encourage developments in the Lark Avenue District to provide subterranean parking or parking structures in lieu of surface parking to provide additional space for the development of common open space. [Source: New Policy] Connection to Los Gatos Creek Trail Encourage development that is adjacent to the Los Gatos Creek Trail to provide secondary access to the trail. [Source: New Policy] Linkage Require all new or remodeled developments to include connections and linkages in the form of walkways or paseos between adjacent developments. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-41 Los Gatos Boulevard District The Los Gatos Boulevard District extends along Los Gatos Boulevard from Louis Van Meter Elementary School north to the Town boundary. Currently, this area is primarily an auto-oriented corridor with a with a mixture of stand-alone retail and offices as well commercial centers and car dealerships, such as Blossom Hill Pavilion, King’s Court, Cornerstone, El Gato Village, and Los Gatos Village Square. Many of the commercial shopping centers are setback far from the street with large expansive surface parking lots fronting the Boulevard. This has led to a reduced pedestrian-oriented environment, where the pedestrian and cyclists are wedged between a busy thoroughfare and bustling parking lots. The design of most shopping centers on Los Gatos Boulevard are dated and reflect post-war commercial development which was heavily implemented during the building booms in the later half of the 20th Century in the Bay Area. This type of development focused on single-use centers with limited ability to incorporate other uses such as office and residential. Residential neighborhoods backing the commercial corridor are primarily low-density residential but include some medium- and high-density parcels. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-42 Public Review Draft October 2020 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-43 Figure 4-6 Los Gatos Boulevard District Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-44 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: Los Gatos Boulevard District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions a comprehensive transformation of Los Gatos Boulevard from a 1950’s auto-oriented corridor to multi-modal District with 21st Century amenities. The Los Gatos Boulevard District in 2040 and beyond will become more pedestrian-oriented with more clearly identified bike lanes and wider sidewalks, providing a safer environment for all residents. This Community Place District will include safety improvements including an increased amount of mid-block pedestrian crossings and bollards at primary intersections to reduce the potential for vehicle and pedestrian collisions. The Los Gatos Boulevard District will focus on increased landscaping, by implementing landscaped medians using regional drought tolerant plants and trees that will reduce the monolithic concrete and asphalt appearance of the area. The introduction of increase d landscaping and vegetation will also provide visual consistency between the Boulevard and the scenic backdrop of the Santa Cruz Mountains, which the Town is known for. [Source: New Text] The numerous shopping centers along the Boulevard will be enhanced through aesthetic upgrades to the developments including enhancement of structures through paint, materials, and structure placement. In an effort to create a walkable environment, all commercial areas will be linked throughout a series of walkways and paseos, connecting to the wider sidewalks along the Boulevard, reducing the need to rely on vehicles to travel between centers. A vibrant mix of housing styles will be implemented into the c ommercial centers creating a mixed-use environment for families and individuals of all ages. Housing in the form of lofts, live/work units, apartments, condominiums, and townhomes will be incorporated adjacent to and above commercial development. The integration of office space and hospitality uses such as restaurants and hotels will breathe even more life into the area, creating a place that residents desire to live, work, and play. [Source: New Text] Development will focus on increased street activation. This will be achieved by having development front the Boulevard placing an emphasis on the pedestrian and not the automobile. Parking will be placed in the rear of developments either in the form of surface lots, parking structures, or subterranean par king. This will free up valuable land for increased outdoor amenities in the form of parks, plazas, and other common open space areas. The Los Gatos Boulevard District will not only become a destination for the community of Los Gatos to congregate, but also attract visitors from across the Bay Area to experience the uniqueness of the community. [Source: New Text] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-45 Encourage Los Gatos Boulevard to become an integrated district that includes a diverse range of uses and urban design methods. [Source: New Goal] Los Gatos Boulevard Plan Encourage the creation of a Los Gatos Boulevard Plan that incorporates the unique aspects of the Boulevard and provides guidance for future development, community amenities, and design considerations. [Source: New Policy] Setbacks and Step Backs of Massing Require medium density, high density, and mixed-use parcels in the Los Gatos Boulevard District adjacent to Single-Family parcels to include increased site setbacks and multi-story step backs to minimize the impact and increase compatibility with smaller adjacent structures. [Source: New Policy] Street Fronting Balconies Require that mixed-use and multi-family developments include balconies for at least 50 percent of the residential units which front Los Gatos Boulevard. [Source: New Policy] Ground Floor Height Require a minimum of 40 percent of the ground floor of all new mixed-use structures on Los Gatos Boulevard to have a minimum height of 12 feet. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-46 Public Review Draft October 2020 Corner Fronting Entrances Support corner fronting entrances on Los Gatos Boulevard with additional architectural elements (i.e., tower, spire, clock, turret) that are allowed to exceed the allowable height by no more than 12 feet. [Source: New Policy] Wider Sidewalks Encourage wider sidewalks along Los Gatos Boulevard to enhance the pedestrian environment. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-47 Ground Floor Parking Structure Activation Encourage parking structures adjacent to Los Gatos Boulevard to include an active ground floor facing the street which provides a commercial or office component. A limited number of parking and vehicle entrance bays should be allowed on the ground floor. [Source: New Policy] Limitation on Surface Parking Limit onsite surface parking by reducing the allowed coverage amount for paved non-structure areas. [Source: New Policy] Buffering Parking Lots Require that surface parking lots include a vegetative and/or landscape buffer to create separation between uses and minimize compatibility issues. [Source: New Policy] Mid-Block Crossings Encourage the installment of mid-block crossings to reduce vehicle speed and transform Los Gatos Boulevard from an auto-centric environment to a multi-modal environment. [Source: New Policy] Decorative Bollards – Los Gatos Boulevard District Encourage the use of decorative bollards at all pedestrian crossings at street intersections in the Los Gatos Boulevard District to improve vehicle and pedestrian safety. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-48 Public Review Draft October 2020 North Santa Cruz Avenue District The North Santa Cruz Avenue District extends along North Santa Cruz Avenue between Blossom Hill Road and Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, adjacent to, but not including Downtown Los Gatos. Uses along North Santa Cruz Avenue vary from office and professional, retail, light industrial, and hospitality. Intermingled along North Santa Cruz Avenue are also national retail chains such as a Safeway grocery store, as well as infill high -density housing developments. The North Santa Cruz Avenue District is currently a mixture of a variety of building types and styles with little to no continuity. This lends itself to a unique feel different from its adjacent district, Downtown. This area also includes a mix of medium- and high-density housing, as well as a strip of commercial uses along North Santa Cruz Avenue. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-49 Figure 4-7 North Santa Cruz Avenue District Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-50 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: North Santa Cruz Avenue District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions the Santa Cruz Avenue District as an extension of Downtown with an eclectic mix of businesses and restaurants. The overall building massing and form will remain consistent with the Downtown so as to not create a juxtaposition between areas. Unlike Downtown, the North Santa Cruz Avenue District will maintain architectural diversity and will provide varying styles that evoke different periods in the Town’s rich history. A continual emphasis on a pedestrian-oriented environment will include expansion of sidewalks and increased street activated amenities such as outdoor dining and street retail. The North Santa Cruz Avenue District will also encourage the incorporation of second and third story lofts and apartmen ts above existing businesses to provide additional housing types for community members to create a truly mixed -use corridor. Expansion of both private and common open space areas in the form of rooftop decks and parklets will provide vibrancy to the area that is currently lacking. Continual use of tree planting and varied landscaping will bolster this District and provide visual connection and link to Vasona County Park located at the northern end of North Santa Cruz Avenue District. [Source: New Text] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-51 Encourage the establishment of the North Santa Cruz Avenue District as an extension of the Downtown providing for additional architectural styles and streetscape enhancements to create a unique space. [Source: New Goal] Live-Work Spaces Encourage the integration of live-work spaces for commercial parcels fronting North Santa Cruz Avenue in order to create a vibrant working district. [Source: New Policy] Design Influences Encourage new development in the North Santa Cruz Avenue District to include design elements and principles rooted in the Craftsman and Spanish Architectural movements. [Source: New Policy] Parklets Encourage the use of parklets and other forms of public open space and gathering areas in underutilized street parking spaces in the North Santa Cruz Avenue District. [Source: New Policy] Further Outdoor Dining Continue to promote the use of outdoor dining to emphasize street activation, community, and comradery in the North Santa Cruz Avenue District. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-52 Public Review Draft October 2020 Pollard Road District The Pollard Road District is around the intersection of Pollard Road and More Avenue, abutting the City of Campbell. This district is anchored by the Rinconada Shopping Center at the intersection of Pollard Road and More Avenue. Rinconada Shopping Center is anchored by a grocery store and other retail and hospitality businesses. The layout of the center, like most commercial centers in Los Gatos, is auto-oriented with a street fronting surface parking with access points on either side of the intersection. The one major difference compared to other commercial centers is that the Rinconada Shopping Center is truly neighborhood serving. The district is surrounded by residential areas that use the center primarily for daily needs. Pollard Road is also not as heavily traveled as other arterials in the community making this a unique opportunity for an enhanced neighborhood focused center. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-53 Figure 4-8 Pollard Road District Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-54 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: Pollard Road District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions a revamp of the Rinconada Shopping Center in the Pollard Road District. This district will become the primary neighborhood gathering space and commercial center for the surrounding residential areas. The Pollard Road District is envisioned to include upgrades to the commercial center focusing on updated design through changes in paint, materials, and structure placement. In an effort to activate the street front, future commercial development will be re-situated to front the street, re-locating all surface parking lots to the rear of the property, shielding the parking from public view. Like the Harwood District, a dense landscape buffer will be incorporated at the rear of the center to obscure the commercial structures from the residential. In addition, all lighting will be shielded to prevent glare in residential areas. [Source: New Text] To create a more inviting and pedestrian friendly neighborhood environment, the Pollard Road District will include wider sidewalks, the installation of additional street trees, and landscaped park strips. Office and residential uses are encouraged on the second floor of commercial spaces to create a holistic mixed-use environment that has a similar density to that of the surrounding neighborhoods, thus reducing compatibility issues with adjacent properties. The Pollard Road District will encourage increased use of the sidewalk space for outdoor dining and seating areas, creating a vibrant and unique street front. [Source: New Text] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-55 Encourage the creation of a neighborhood focused Pollard Road District with local amenities for surrounding residences. [Source: New Goal] Limit Building Height Prohibit the development of commercial buildings over two-stories in height within the Pollard Road District. [Source: New Policy] Parking Lot Landscape Buffer Require parking lots to include a landscape buffer of dense plantings with a minimum depth of 10 feet within the Pollard Road District. [Source: New Policy] Public Realm Enhancements Encourage the placement of landscaped enhancements such as flower baskets, urns, and large pots at the corners of Pollard Road and More Avenue. [Source: New Policy] Parking Lot Placement Discourage parking lot placement along Pollard Road by encouraging onsite parking to be located in the rear of the property shielded from public view. [Source: New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-56 Public Review Draft October 2020 Union Avenue District The Union Avenue District is focused on the intersection of Union Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road southwest of Blossom Hill Road and Union Avenue in Los Gatos. Similar to the Harwood District, this area abuts the City of San Jose. This district includes the Downing Center (commercial shopping center) which anchors the intersection of Union Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. The layout of the center like most in Los Gatos is auto-oriented with a street fronting surface parking with access points on either side of the intersecti on. Unlike several other areas in Town this commercial center serves not only the residents of Los Gatos, but also the residents of San Jose. This area primarily includes low -density and medium-density residential. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-57 Figure 4-9 Union Avenue District Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-58 Public Review Draft October 2020 Vision 2040: Union Avenue District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions a revamp of the shopping center in the Union Avenue District. The District will become a primary commercial hub for this portion of the community and serve as a gathering place for community members to mingle and enjoy local amenities. This district is envisioned to include upgrades to the commercial center focusing on updated contemporary design through changes in paint, materials, and structure placement. To reduce visual incompatibility, dense landscape buffers will obscure the commercial structures from the residential and all lighting will be shielded to prevent glare in residential areas. Building placement will become a key component to creating a walkable environment. In lieu of surface lots fronting the street, structure and future retail pads will be shifted to abut the sidewalk creating a more pedestrian friendly environment. Parking will be focused inward with the remaining development wrapping it, shielding the parking from public view. Office space will be intermingled with commercial uses to create a more mixed -use focused district. [Source: New Text] To limit the blending of communities between Los Gatos and San Jose, the Union Avenue District will include gateway signage and increased landscaped areas welcoming people to Los Gatos and creating a clear and unique defining line for the community. [Source: New Text]  NOTE: For Goals and Policies related to the Union Avenue District, refer to Goal CD-7 and associated policies. 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-59 Winchester Boulevard District The Winchester Boulevard District is focused on the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Knowles Drive, abutting the City of Campbell. Unlike other areas in Town, this district also includes office and medical uses adjacent to Netflix and El Camino Hospital. The area currently is home to a complex mix of architectural styles and development types with no cohesive form. Existing commercial, office, medical, and residential developments are compartmentalized with a lack of cohesion and connectedness to adjacent properties. Winchester Boulevard, the primary arterial in the District, is a wide thoroughfare with moderate traffic speeds creating a reduced pedestrian-oriented environment. The commercial shopping centers in the Winchester Boulevard District are not as dated as others in the community but could be enhanced to reflect consistent design in the area. This area also primarily includes medium-density and high-density residential. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-60 Public Review Draft October 2020 Figure 4-10 Winchester Boulevard District 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-61 Vision 2040: Winchester Boulevard District The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos envisions the Winchester Boulevard District as a community hub for innovation, technology, and modern design. This District is perfectly situated for easy access to the adjacent communities, as well as a direct link to Highway 85. Unlike all the other Districts in Los Gatos, the Winchester Boulevard District will include modern amenities, a variety of entertainment venues, and hospitality -oriented businesses geared toward the younger generation calling Los Gatos home. Wider sidewalks with the ability to expand outdoor dining and retail will create a unique atmosphere unlike any other are in Town. An emphasis on dense urban style housing in the form of live/work units, lofts, flats, apartments, micro-units, and condominiums will provide ample housing opportunities for new families and working professionals. One distinction between other Districts is to encourage housing that serves employees of the businesses located in the Winchester Boulevard District, including those employed in the medical and technology fields. This will reduce the dependence on the automobile and create a vibrant area where you can live, work, and dine. The area will also be bolstered and designed as an urban center in anticipation of a potential future Vasona Light Rail Station. [Source: New Text] The Winchester Boulevard District will also include cohesive architectural styles focused on modern design. This will include, but is not limited to, extensive use of glazing, exposed metals, natural woods, geometric building forms, bold colors, simple building forms, and shed and flat style roofs. Designating the Winchester Boulevard District specifically for modern design will preserve other areas in Town for historical development patterns and styles, while still providing design flexibility for a chan ging region. The varying architectural diversity compared to other places in Town will designate the Winchester District as a regional attraction. In order to provide a cohesive connection to the rest of the community and to incentivize alternative modes of transportation, including for bikes and pedestrians, the Winchester District will capitalize on its connection to the Los Gatos Creek Trail and Downtown. As with the Lark District, developments will be encouraged to provide secondary entrances, paseos , walkways and other linkages to connect to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. [Source: New Text] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-62 Public Review Draft October 2020 Support the development of an architecturally modern Winchester Boulevard District centered around multi-family housing, innovation centers, medical centers, and technology-oriented businesses. [Source: New Goal] Linking Employment and Housing Provide clear linkages between residential developments and commercial and employment centers, in the form of walkways, paseos, and paved trails. [Source: New Policy] Connection to Los Gatos Creek Trail Encourage development that is adjacent to the Los Gatos Creek Trail to provide secondary access to the trail. [Source: New Policy] Winchester Identity Support the design of street furniture specific to the Winchester Boulevard District. [Source: New Policy] Zero Setbacks Eliminate development setbacks to foster a more urban environment focused on corporate centers, commercial shopping areas, medical services, and hospitality uses. [Source: New Policy] Modern Influences Encourage the use of modern styles of architecture to distinguish the Winchester Boulevard District as a unique and vibrant urban center in Town. [Source: New Policy] Contemporary Design Support extensive glazing, streamlined architectural lines and features, and shed style roof lines to evoke a 21st Century Los Gatos in the Winchester Boulevard District. [Source: New Policy] 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-63 4.6 Implementation Programs Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing A Mitigate the Effects of Past Developments Design and implement programs and procedures to mitigate the effects of past developments, and to review and prevent or mitigate the impacts of future development on community sustainability. [Source: Existing Action CD-14.1] Goal CD-1 Community Development Parks and Public Works ◼ B Multi-Family Objective Design Standards Amend the Town Code to include a comprehensive set of Objective Design Standards for incorporation into the Zoning Ordinance. The Objective Design Standards at a minimum shall be consistent with the Community Design Element in the General Plan and Senate Bill 35 (SB 35), include quantifiable design standards, and apply to all multi-family and mixed-use zones. [Source: New Implementation Program] Goal CD-2 Community Development ◼ C Study Expanding Setback Regulations Conduct a study to research increasing yard setback regulations to include considerations for building height and update the Town Code as necessary. [Source: Existing Action CD-7.1] CD-2.1 CD-2.2 CD-2.17 CD-2.31 CD-8.2 CD-10.4 Community Development ◼ D Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Parameters Adopt a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Ordinance that establishes design parameters for buildings, streetscapes, and lighting which help prevent crime. [Source: New Implementation Program] CD-2.34 CD-2.35 CD-2.36 CD-2.37 CD-2.38 Community Development Parks and Public Works Los Gatos – Monte Sereno Police ◼ Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-64 Public Review Draft October 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing E Freeway Beautification Study the feasibility of partnering with Caltrans on including public art and themed landscaping along freeway off- and on- ramps, and along overpasses on SR 17. [Source: New Implementation Program] CD-2.59 CD-2.70 Town Manager Parks and Public Works ◼ F Public Art Ordinance Study the feasibility of creating a Public Art Ordinance that provides direction for placement of public art and when public art is required. [Source: New Implementation Program] CD-2.60 CD-2.61 CD-2.62 CD-2.63 CD-2.64 Town Manager ◼ G Gateway Sign Program Create a gateway sign program that addresses primary and secondary gateways into the community and provides a clear distinction of being in Los Gatos. [Source: New Implementation Program] CD-2.67 Town Manager Parks and Public Works Community Development ◼ H Review Historic Landmark Preservation Legislation Periodically review historic landmark and preservation legislation and update the Town Code as necessary. [Source: Existing Action CD-12.2] Goal CD-3 Community Development ◼ I Conduct a Historic Resources Survey Review the historic resources survey every five years to identify valuable and historical architectural styles and features within the Central Business District, and residential historic districts, as well as the potential to add additional resources to the list. [Source: Existing Action CD-10.1, modified] CD-3.3 CD-3.4 Community Development ◼ ◼ J Establish Public Information Programs Establish public information programs designed to make owners of historic structures and the general public aware of the value of historic buildings and to encourage their maintenance. [Source: Existing Action CD-12.1] CD-3.4 Community Development Town Manager ◼ 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-65 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing K Revise Buildable Slope Standards Determine maximum buildable slope and revise the Town Code accordingly. [Source: Existing Action CD-15.1] CD-5.1 CD-5.3 Community Development Parks and Public Works ◼ L Study Scenic Easements Program Study the feasibility of establishing a program to acquire scenic easements through dedication. [Source: Existing Action CD-16.1] CD-5.1 CD-5.4 CD-6.1 Community Development Parks and Public Works ◼ M Update Hillside Development Plans Update the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. [Source: Existing Action CD-14.3] CD-5.7 CD-6.4 Community Development ◼ N Revise the Grading Policy Revise the Town’s grading policy to be consistent with the General Plan, Hillside Specific Plan, and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. [Source: Existing Action CD-15.2] CD-6.2 CD-6.3 Parks and Public Works Community Development ◼ O Adopt Guidelines to Protect the Environment Adopt guidelines for development review that protect: a) Rare plants and wildlife and their habitats; b) Natural watersheds; c) Historic sites; and d) Aesthetically significant sites. [Source: Existing Action CD-17.6] CD-6.5 Community Development Parks and Public Works ◼ P Develop a Downtown Landscaping Plan Develop and adopt a landscaping plan that heightens user understanding of the Downtown District. [Source: Existing Action CD-11.3, modified] CD-8.1 Community Development ◼ Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-66 Public Review Draft October 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing Q Commercial Design Guidelines Update Update the Commercial Design Guidelines to reflect the updated General Plan and to ensure that new and remodeled buildings strengthen the form and image of the Town and Community Place Districts. [Source: Existing Action CD-9.1, modified] CD-8.1 CD-8.9 CD-8.10 Community Development ◼ R Maintain Signage Design Controls Maintain sign design standards and guidelines to enhance the Town and Downtown District. [Source: Existing Action CD-11.2, modified] CD-8.9 CD-8.10 Community Development ◼ S Los Gatos Boulevard Plan Update the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan so itis consistent with the design policies outlined for the Los Gatos Boulevard District. [Source: New Implementation Program] CD-10.1 Community Development ◼ 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-67 Please see the next page. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-68 Public Review Draft October 2020 Status of Goals, Policies, and Actions from Existing General Plan For reference during first GPAC review of element. Will be removed in subsequent versions. Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD G CD-1 Preserve and enhance Los Gatos’s character through exceptional community design. Deleted CD P CD-1.1 Building elements shall be in proportion with those traditionally in the neighborhood. CD-1.2 CD P CD-1.2 New structures, remodels, landscapes, and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area. CD-2.26 CD P CD-1.3 Buildings, landscapes, and hardscapes shall follow the natural contours of the property. CD-2.41 CD P CD-1.4 Development on all elevations shall be of high quality design and construction, a positive addition to and compatible with the Town’s ambiance. Development shall enhance the character and unique identity of existing commercial and/or residential neighborhoods. Deleted CD P CD-1.5 Town staff shall evaluate projects to assess how built characteristics, including scale, materials, hardscape, lights, and landscape, blend into the surrounding neighborhood. Deleted CD P CD-1.6 Town staff shall review properties next to community entry points when they are developed or redeveloped to reflect the gateway concept. Deleted CD G CD-2 To limit the intensity of new development to a level that is consistent with surrounding development and with the Town at large. Deleted CD P CD-2.1 Building setbacks shall increase as mass and height increase. CD-2.1 CD P CD-2.2 Limit the amount of increase in the floor area of a project when the number of units is reduced as part of the development review process. Deleted CD P CD-2.3 A maximum total floor area for new subdivisions and planned developments shall be set as part of the approval process. Deleted CD A CD-2.1 Conduct a study to consider amending the Below Market Price (BMP) program to set the required number of below market-rate units based on the total square footage of a project, in addition to setting the requirement based on a percentage of the number of market-rate units. Deleted CD G CD-3 To require utilities, landscaping and streetscapes to contribute to Los Gatos’s high-quality character. Deleted CD P CD-3.1 Encourage the undergrounding of utilities on substantial remodels. Deleted 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-69 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-3.2 Street and structural lighting shall be required to minimize its visual impacts by preventing glare, limiting the amount of light that falls on neighboring properties, and avoiding light pollution of the night sky. CD-2.46 CD P CD-3.3 Consider new street lighting only when required for safety. Deleted CD P CD-3.4 Encourage the use of landscaping such as trees, large shrubs, and trellised vines to mitigate the effects of building mass, lower noise, and reduce heat generation. CD-2.48 CD P CD-3.5 All landscaping shall be carefully reviewed to ensure that it is aesthetically pleasing, compatible with its neighborhood and natural environment, and water conserving. Deleted CD P CD-3.6 Utility connections and meters shall be visually unobtrusive from the street. Deleted CD P CD-3.7 Roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened and such screening shall be considered as part of the structure for height limitations. Deleted CD P CD-3.8 Solid fencing over 3 feet high shall be designed such that it does not isolate the structures from the street, or shall be set back and landscaped. CD-2.44 CD P CD-3.9 Parking structures and facilities shall have a low profile, be screened from view, and be aesthetically pleasing. Deleted CD A CD-3.1 Prepare and adopt environmentally sensitive landscape design standards using the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines. Encourage well-planned planting schemes that include appropriately-sized plant material, avoid the use of invasive and non-native plants, and require landscaping of a sufficient density to add to the beauty of the Town. Deleted CD P CD-4.1 Preserve the Town’s distinctive and unique environment by preserving and maintaining the natural topography, wildlife, and native vegetation, and by mitigating and reversing the harmful effects of traffic congestion, pollution, and environmental degradation on the Town’s urban landscape. Deleted CD P CD-4.2 Maintain street trees, plant additional street trees, and encourage preservation and planting of trees on public and private property. CD-2.16 CD P CD-4.3 Trees that are protected under the Town’s Tree Preservation Ordinance, as well as existing native, heritage, and specimen trees should be preserved and protected as a part of any development proposal. CD-2.19 CD P CD-4.4 Street trees shall be required in new developments. CD-2.17 CD P CD-4.5 New development shall promote visual continuity through tree planting, consistent use of low shrubs, and ground cover. CD-2.49 Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-70 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-4.6 Encourage mixtures of tree species, both deciduous and evergreen, to screen projects, add variety, create a more natural environment, and avoid future problems of insect infestation or other blights that might destroy the desired tree cover. Deleted CD P CD-4.7 Landscaping plans should maximize the use of trees for energy efficiency, climate control, screening, shading (especially of parking lots), and aesthetics. CD-2.51 CD P CD-4.8 Landscaping plans shall maximize the use of local native plants and/or drought resistant plants. CD-2.52 CD A CD-4.1 Review and enforce any ordinances necessary to preserve trees on public and private property. Deleted CD G CD-5 To design a built environment that keeps Los Gatos safe. Deleted CD P CD-5.1 Street standards shall recognize the existing character of the neighborhood, safety, and maintenance. Deleted CD A CD-5.1 Adopt an ordinance that establishes design parameters for buildings, streetscapes, and lighting which help prevent crime. Deleted CD G CD-6 To promote and protect the physical and other distinctive qualities of residential neighborhoods. Deleted CD P CD-6.1 Reduce the visual impact of new construction and/or remodels on the Town and its neighborhoods. Deleted CD P CD-6.2 Balance the size and number of units to achieve appropriate intensity. Deleted CD P CD-6.3 Encourage basements and cellars to provide “hidden” square footage in lieu of visible mass. CD-2.12 CD P CD-6.4 New homes shall be sited to maximize privacy, livability, protection of natural plant and wildlife habitats and migration corridors, and adequate solar access and wind conditions. Siting should take advantage of scenic views but should not create significant ecological or visual impacts affecting open spaces, public places, or other properties. CD-2.38 CD G CD-7 To preserve the quality of the private open space throughout Los Gatos. Deleted CD P CD-7.1 Maximize quality usable open space in all new developments. Deleted CD P CD-7.2 Multi-family residential developments shall include common open space suitable for group gathering. Deleted CD P CD-7.3 All residential developments shall include private open space in proportion to the building size. Deleted CD A CD-7.1 Conduct a study to research increasing yard setback regulations to include considerations for building height, and update the Town Code as necessary. CD-C 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-71 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD G CD-8 Promote, enhance and protect the appearance of the Los Gatos’s commercial areas. Deleted CD P CD-8.1 Encourage the preservation of the appearance and function of the industrial areas and the visible labor and products of labor that are evident there. Deleted CD A CD-8.1 Periodically inspect all commercial landscaping to ensure that approved landscaping is maintained. Removed, now LU-D CD G CD-9 To preserve the character of Downtown Los Gatos and the quality of life for its citizens through high quality building design. CD-8 CD P CD-9.1 Exterior building materials in the Central Business District should be consistent with those used in existing, tastefully executed surrounding buildings. CD-8.2 CD A CD-9.1 Adopt controls to ensure that new buildings built on existing vacant parcels strengthen the form and image of the Central Business District. CD-T CD A CD-9.2 Adopt architectural design controls related to the rehabilitation of buildings within the Central Business District through consistency and compatibility of scale, massing, materials, color, texture, reflectivity, openings, and other details. Deleted CD G CD-10 To maintain the historic character of the Downtown. Deleted CD P CD-10.1 Encourage the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, reuse, and maintenance of existing buildings Downtown. CD-8.7 CD P CD-10.2 Encourage outdoor seating for restaurants/coffee shops when the historic character and quality of the Downtown and adjacent neighborhoods can be maintained. CD-7.3 CD A CD-10.1 Conduct an historic resources survey to identify valuable and historical architectural styles and features within the Central Business District. CD-J CD A CD-10.2 Adopt strengthened architectural design controls related to the rehabilitation of buildings within the Central Business District. Deleted CD G CD-11 Preserve and enhance the appearance of the Central Business District through design improvements to streetscapes and landscapes. Deleted CD P CD-11.1 Street, walkway, and building lighting should be designed to strengthen and reinforce Downtown’s character. Deleted CD P CD-11.2 Downtown signs and graphics should maintain the Town's small-scale appearance and be consistent with the Commercial Design Guidelines. CD-8.9 Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-72 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-11.3 Public signs, directional signs, informational signs, and other signs within the Central Business District should be designed so as to easily communicate their message, and be distinctive enough in their form and color that the observer will identify them with the Central Business District. CD-8.8 CD P CD-11.4 Street furniture and equipment, such as lamp standards, traffic signals, fire hydrants, street signs, telephones, mail boxes, refuse receptacles, bus shelters, drinking fountains, planters, kiosks, flag poles, and other elements of the street environment, should be designed and selected so as to strengthen and reinforce the Downtown character. CD-8.10 CD P CD-11.5 Trees and plants shall be approved by the Superintendent of Parks and Forestry for the purpose of meeting criteria, including climatic conditions, maintenance, year-round versus seasonal color change (i.e. blossoms, summer foliage, autumn color), special branching effects, and other considerations. CD-2.20 CD P CD-11.6 The area along Santa Cruz and University Avenues between Saratoga Avenue and West Main Street should receive special treatment to accent it as the Town's commercial core or Central Business District and to enhance user familiarity and enjoyment. Deleted CD A CD-11.1 Install treatments, including: ▪ Continuation of the Town's Downtown paving and tree planting system within the Central Business District. ▪ Specialized lighting and sign systems to distinguish this area, including orientation signs to guide those seeking access to the Town’s parking areas and other destinations. ▪ Modifications and improvements to the Town Plaza to heighten its role as the southern visual anchor and gateway to the Downtown area. Deleted CD A CD-11.2 Maintain design controls on private signage to enhance the commercial core area. Deleted CD A CD-11.3 Maintain design controls on private signage to enhance the commercial core area. CD-S CD G CD-12 To preserve significant historic and architectural features within the Town. CD-3 CD P CD-12-1 Avoid demolishing historic buildings, unless the Planning Commission finds, based on substantial evidence, that there is no feasible means to ensure the preservation of the structure. CD-3.1 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-73 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-12-2 Encourage the preservation, maintenance, and adaptive reuse of existing residential, commercial, or public buildings. CD-3.2 CD P CD-12-3 Preserve and protect historic structures, including those that have been designated or are contributors to existing historic districts. Use special care in reviewing new buildings or remodels in the vicinity of historic structures to address compatibility issues and potential impacts. CD-3.3 CD P CD-12-4 Continue the Town’s careful and proactive historic preservation programs, tempered with compassion and understanding of property owners’ needs, desires, and financial capabilities. CD-3.4 CD P CD-12-5 Zone changes, planned development applications and zoning approvals that may result in the demolition of historic structures shall be referred to the Historic Preservation Committee for review and recommendation. CD-3.5 CD P CD-12-6 New structures within historic districts shall be designed to blend and harmonize with the neighborhood. CD-3.6 CD P CD-12-7 New structures within historic districts shall be designed to blend and harmonize with the neighborhood. CD-3.7 CD P CD-12-8 Require any development having potential adverse impacts on historical sites and/or features on or in the vicinity of historical sites: ▪ Accommodate the historical structure or feature; ▪ Mitigate potential adverse impacts to a level acceptable to the Town; or ▪ Relocate the historical feature to an appropriate site. CD-3.8 CD p CD-12-9 Encourage developers to use historic structures or, if not feasible, encourage their donation to the Town. CD-3.9 CD A CD-12-1 Establish public information programs designed to make owners of historic structures and the general public aware of the value of historic buildings and to encourage their maintenance. CD-L CD A CD-12-2 Periodically review historic landmark and preservation legislation and update the Town Code as necessary. CD-I CD A CD-12-3 Conduct a study and amend the Town Code to require proposed developments that are otherwise exempt from historic review but that might have an impact on sites of designated or suspected historic significance to be referred to the Historic Preservation Committee for review and recommendation. Removed, now LU-E CD G CD-13 To support and encourage thoughtful rehabilitation or reuse of historic structures. CD-4 Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-74 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-13-1 Rehabilitation of damaged historic structures shall be consistent with the policies of the Safety Element and the State Historic Building Code. CD-4.1 CD P CD-13-2 Renovations or remodels of historic structures shall be architecturally consistent with the original structure. CD-4.2 CD P CD-13-3 Provide applicants and developers with information and staff time to assist in restoration projects. CD-4.3 CD P CD-13-4 Provide information about tax law benefits for rehabilitation of historic structures. CD-4.4 CD G CD-14 To preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Santa Cruz Mountains and surrounding hillsides by regulating new homes. CD-5 CD P CD-14.1 Minimize development and preserve and enhance the rural atmosphere and natural plant and wildlife habitats in the hillsides. CD-5.1 CD P CD-14.2 Limit hillside development to that which can be safely accommodated by the Town’s rural, two-lane roads. CD-5.2 CD P CD-14.3 Effective visible mass shall be reduced through such means as stepping structures up and down the hillside, following topographical contours, and limiting the height and mass of wall planes. A maximum of two stories shall be visible from every elevation. CD-5.3 CD P CD-14.4 Projection above the ridge view protection line is prohibited. All building plans shall indicate height in relationship to the ridge view protection line when viewed from specific vantage points and the valley floor. Combined with CD- 6.1 CD P CD-14.5 Staff shall require adequate environmental analysis for projects in the hillside area to ensure appropriate consideration of potential environmental impacts associated with projects. CD-5.4 CD P CD-14.6 Preserve and protect the natural state of the Santa Cruz Mountains and surrounding hillsides by discouraging inappropriate development on and near the hillsides that significantly impacts viewsheds. CD-5.5 CD P CD-14.7 The Town shall continue to work with the County in updating the County’s Hillside Development Standards, and shall encourage annexations within the Urban Service Boundary. CD-5.6 CD A CD-14-1 Design and implement programs and procedures to mitigate the effects of past developments, and to review and prevent or mitigate the impacts of future development on community sustainability. CD-A CD A CD-14-2 Conduct a study to determine whether hillside properties should be downzoned to lower densities. Removed, now LU-F CD A CD-14-3 Update the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. CD-P 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-75 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD G CD-15 To preserve the natural topography and ecosystems within the hillside area by regulating grading, landscaping, and lighting. CD-6 CD P CD-15.1 Protect the natural ridge lines as defined in the Hillside Specific Plan and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. CD-6.1 CD P CD-15.2 Prohibit any grading that would alter the natural ridge line. CD-6.2 CD P CD-15.3 New construction shall be designed to follow natural land contours and avoid mass grading. When possible, flat pads should be avoided and houses should be designed to conform to or step down the contours rather than be designed for flat pads. Grading large, flat yard areas should be avoided. CD-6.3 CD P CD-15.4 Hillside landscaping shall be designed with the following goals in mind: ▪ Minimizing formal landscaping and hardscape. ▪ Siting formal landscaping and hardscape close to the house. ▪ Following the natural topography. ▪ Preserving native trees, native plant and wildlife habitats, and migration corridors. CD-6.4 CD P CD-15.5 Review all development proposals to ensure appropriate grading and landscaping and minimal disruption of existing native plants and wildlife habitat. Combined with CD- 6.4 CD P CD-15.6 Fences shall be of open design unless required for privacy. A minimal amount of land shall be enclosed by fences over five feet high. CD-6.5 CD P CD-15.7 Review all new development proposals to ensure that: ▪ Outdoor lighting shall be limited. ▪ Permitted lighting shall be of low intensity and for safety purposes. ▪ Lighted sports courts shall be prohibited. ▪ The effects of indoor lights should be studied and reduced if found to be excessive. CD-6.6 CD A CD-15-1 Determine maximum buildable slope and revise the Town Code accordingly. CD-M CD A CD-15-2 Revise the Town’s grading policy to be consistent with the General Plan, Hillside Specific Plan, and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. CD-Q CD G CD-16 Promote and protect viewsheds and scenic resources. Deleted CD P CD-16-1 Prevent development that significantly depletes, damages or alters existing landscape vistas. Deleted Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-76 Public Review Draft October 2020 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-16-2 Encourage the use of scenic easements to preserve viewsheds. Deleted CD P CD-16-3 New structures or remodels shall be designed to respect views from surrounding properties while allowing all affected properties reasonable access to views. Deleted CD A CD-16-1 Study the feasibility of establishing a program to acquire scenic easements through dedication or purchase. CD-N CD G CD-17 To conduct careful review of new projects and provide clear direction to property owners, neighbors, and potential developers. Deleted CD P CD-17-1 Achieve compliance with Town ordinances and regulations through education, incentives, and other proactive measures in addition to issuing citations, collecting fines, or other punitive measures. Deleted CD P CD-17-2 Maintain the Town’s permit streamlining program. Deleted CD P CD-17-3 Design standards shall be considered for every project. Staff reports shall include a design review section that analyzes the following: ▪ Building architecture (in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood) ▪ Mass and scale ▪ Utilities ▪ Landscaping ▪ Streets and sidewalks ▪ Signage ▪ Lighting ▪ Historical significance ▪ Accessibility to the disabled ▪ Siting/Orientation ▪ Materials and color ▪ Functionality ▪ Energy efficiency ▪ Ridgeline preservation ▪ Tree preservation ▪ Open space preservation Deleted CD P CD-17-4 Development proposals on parcels greater than 40,000 square feet may be processed as a planned development. Removed, now LU- 11.3 CD P CD-17-5 Applicants for projects with policy implications or large scale projects may submit applications to the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee prior to a formal development application submittal. Deleted CD P CD-17-6 Encourage developers to engage as early as possible in discussions regarding the nature and scope of the project and possible impacts and mitigation requirements. Removed, now LU- 19.7 4. Community Design Element October 2020 Public Review Draft 4-77 Elm. G/P /A Code Text Note to Reviewer (if applicable) CD P CD-17-7 Require full public review for new commercial development to ensure compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods and the Town. Removed, now LU- 19.9 CD P CD-17-8 Require the erection of story poles prior to the approval of new development. Removed, now LU- 19.10 CD P CD-17-9 When the deciding body’s decision on a zoning approval is based on assumptions derived from the applicant’s proposal, those assumptions shall become conditions of the approval. Removed, now LU- 19.11 CD A CD-17-1 Establish community design guidelines that promote and protect the natural amenities in the Town. Deleted CD A CD-17-2 Periodically review architectural standards and design guidelines and update as necessary for completeness, clarity, and effectiveness. Deleted CD A CD-17-3 Develop an education and outreach program to inform neighborhoods, realtors, developers, architects, and designers about the Town’s design guidelines and standards. Project application packages should include the relevant guidelines and standards. Removed, now LU-J CD A CD-17-4 Prepare and distribute information describing guidelines for conducting neighborhood meetings and criteria for reporting the results of neighborhood meetings with project applications. Removed, now LU-K CD A CD-17-5 Review and more clearly define the role of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee. Deleted, Complete CD A CD-17-6 Adopt guidelines for development review that protect: ▪ Rare plants and wildlife and their habitats. ▪ Natural watersheds. ▪ Historic sites. ▪ Aesthetically significant sites. CD-R CD G CD-18 To update the Town Code to reflect current conditions in the Town. Deleted CD A CD-18-1 Amend the Town Code to include a definition of “Community Benefit” that clearly differentiates it from exactions. Deleted CD A CD-18-2 Perform an audit of the Town Code to eliminate outdated sections and ensure that all regulations are consistent with this General Plan. Deleted CD A CD-18-3 Update the Conditional Use Permit Table to revise the list of uses. Considerations should include factors such as size of building and/or floor space occupied, traffic generation and whether the use would dictate a “trademark” style of building. Deleted Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-78 Public Review Draft October 2020 ATTACHMENT 4 From: Rob Rennie Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 8:58 AM To: Joel Paulson; Laurel Prevetti Subject: General plan policy Joel, I am thinking we should consider a policy that discourages new single family homes. Replacement ok. This is supported by: 1) We are heading toward zero growth the hills 2) We have very large numbers of units that will be required by future RHNAs and limited land to put them on 3) Denser housing has smaller environmental impact per person. Water, Traffic if done right, loss of open space .... Thank You, Rob Rennie Los Gatos Town Council Member 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank