Item 3 - Desk Item and Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 10/15/2020 ITEM: 3 DESK ITEM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: October 15, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Environment and Sustainability Element. REMARKS: Attachment 6 contains comments from Committee Members. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with October 15, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Revised Initial Draft of Environment and Sustainability Element 2. Comment Response Summary Table 3. Comments from the Historic Preservation Committee 4. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with October 15, 2020 Addendum: 5. Committee Member Comments Attachment received with this Desk Item: 6. Committee Member Comments This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 6 To: GPAC From: Barbara Spector Re: Environment and Sustainability Date: October 14, 2020 Page 7-2 final paragraph: “after adding the….” ENV-8-2 Reword. We are not increasing miles traveled ENV-9.15 Confirm that we are using “the 2012 Sustainability Plan.” Page 7-33/34 I assume GPAC to select an option. Absent committee input, I am inclined toward Option 2. ENV-18 “Consider” too weak a very. I prefer “Ensure” or comparable ENV-19.1 Why delete? Absent statutory mandate, I would include. ENV-20.3 Absent statutory mandate, I would maintain “Require” Page 7-41 A – D: Why delete? Page 7-44 T: Maintain parallel grammar structure: “Update Town….” Page 7-45 Y: Preferable to avoid redundancy: “Update….updates….” 7-49 BBB: Deleted? Moved? I would keep. 7-50 JJJ: Deleted? Moved? Seems important Page 5 of 7: Historic District Commission suggestions should be considered by GPAC. Attachment 3: Historic Preservation Committee Comments should be considered by GPAC. 2 Environment and Sustainability Comments – Ryan Rosenberg Env 1.4 Corridor Protection (page 7-4) What is a Corridor or a Thoroughfare in the context of this policy? I don’t really understand what this one means. The Map on page 7-8 Shows the north 40 as farmland but that is not the case any more; I imagine the map should be updated. The Map on page 7-10 Does this also show the north 40 as farmland? ENV-7 (page 7-13) This section is pretty long and there is some duplication. ENV 7.1 says that development may not damage wildlife. But then 7.10 says that existing wildlife habitats may not be damaged by development. These are saying the same thing. Then you have 7.3 which talks about movement corridors and 7.10 which also mentions migration corridors. Probably can combine these. Env 7.11 is seems like a duplicate of INV 5-1. Or at least it need to move into section ENV5 because ENV7 is about wildlife and this is about plants. ENV 9.14 (page 7-19) Is the requirement to exceed the Title 24 goal by 10 percent based on anything in particular? Why would we have a different goal that the state on just this one thing? Figure 7-7 (page 7-33) I don’t understand the difference between Option 1 and Option 2. Is the GPAC supposed to pick one? Also I don’t understand why in Option two some of the squares have numbers in them, either 45 or 50. They might mean but they do not line up with the numbers at the top. What do they mean? 3 ENV 19 (page 7-38) How is ENV 19 different than ENV 18? They seem the same. Maybe they should be merged. ENV 19.2 (page 7-39) Isn’t this the same thing as ENV 18.2? How does it differ? Implementation Program N (page 7-43) Not sure I understand what this is. This does not read like a plan. What does “require careful lighting mean”? Does it mean develop regulations? Implementation Program 0 (page 7-44) What is the point of this one? Why do we need it? When we pulled out the “to one side” phrase (which was a good thing to pull) it meant the rest of this has no meaning. I think we should eliminate this plan. Implementation Programs - all of them We have GGG programs in just this one document. And the majority are in 2021- 2025? I would like staff to make a comment on the general plan “in general” - can we as a town really execute all the implementation programs we have slated for 2021 - 2025? I think it might be a good idea to copy and paste ALL the implementation programs into one document. List all the 2021-2025 programs first. And then we can look at that document and consider: are we being practical here? 4 Memo To: General Plan Update Advisory Committee 2040 Fr: Carol Elias Zolla Corrections/Comments to the Environment and Sustainability Element The “adaptation” definition is too wordy. Needs to be re-written: Adaptation. Adaptation is preparing for the impact of expected future climate change by making adjustments to natural or human systems to minimize harm and/or take advantage of beneficial opportunities. Carbon Dioxide. Take out “as well as” and reorganize the second sentence. “C02 is also a by- product of burning fossil fuels and biomass, other industrial process, and land -use changes.” Climate Change. The last clause should say “and change to the land surface…” (it’s missing a verb) Noise-Sensitive Land Use. Nursing homes should be grouped with hospitals and care facilities. First sentence of the Aesthetics paragraph should be re -written: “Community aesthetics refer to the appearance of a community and are an important component to the way residents feel about the relationship between community members and the natural environment.” Scenic Views paragraph. On the first line, there should be a comma after 7.1. In the next sentence there should be a change to “sense of place specific to Los Gatos and its community identity.” Second paragraph on page 7-4. This sentence is circular. I would say: “Wooded terrain provides a distinctive sense of place in Los Gatos, where development and vegetation commingle to support its distinctive Town character.” ENV-1.1. Replace “massing” with “mass”. ENV-1.3 should switch with ENV-1.4. Last sentence in ENV-2.3 “Landscape design in hillside areas and future developments should emphasize native species, drought tolerant species, and fire-wise plants and design.” ENV-3.1 Re-write. “Mitigate potential adverse health and safety impacts in new residential and sensitive commercial properties that are located near agricultural operations th at spray pesticides.” ENV-4.2. Missing a period after “animals” 5 ENV-4.3. This sentence is very unclear. I don’t know how to fix it. ENV-5.3. Can we say anything about encouraging the removal of invasive plants? E.G. Why does the town charge such high permit fees (and a replacement tree) for removal of invasive eucalyptus? ENV-8.2. I am confused by this paragraph. You want to require additional vehicle miles traveled? 7.5 Second paragraph re Greenhouse Gasses. The description of the “primary sources” of GHG emissions seems to conflict with the definition of Greenhouse Gasses on the first page of this section. ENV-11.1 Take out the “the” before “SCVE” ENV-13.8 If we are supporting a “community sense of stewardship:, shouldn’t the word in the last line be “location” instead of “destination”, which constitutes a place to visit? 7.8 First paragraph, last sentence. Shouldn’t the word be “obtained” instead of “gained”? ENV-15.1. The second sentence should remove the “s” on “control plans”. (I only made it as far as page 7-28) 6 GPAC Chair Comments on Environment and Sustainability Element General question—I can’t remember if we discussed before, but a lot of these policies overlap with CEQA. Do we need to reference CEQA in any way in the GP? Granted, CEQA does not apply except for in larger projects but maybe we need to be consistent? INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS Key Terms Should we add a definition of ecosystem or habitat? It is referred to as something to be complied with so it should be clear what it is. 7.1 Aesthetics ENV-1—Scenic resources Should we add a policy encouraging Open Space dedication for aesthetic resources? There is a policy encouraging open space dedication in 7.9 for wildlife. ENV 1.2 does include scenic easement but we are getting many new proposals in hillsides to add housing and subdivide—seems to be an opportunity to increase open space. ENV-1.1—Not a complete sentence. Also, why did we get rid of shall? All it says is there will be checks, not mitigation or no development. ENV 2 —Trees ENV 2.1 reads like an implementation program. Maybe change it to Ensure there continue to be strong ordinances to ensure tree conservation and preserve the Town’s Arbor Day Foundation status as Tree City USA. Then have an implementation program to update the Tree Ordinance regularly. 7.2 Agricultural and Forestry Resources ENV 3.3—If the goal is to keep land under Williamson Act contracts whenever possible, we should say that. I am not sure but 3.3 seems to be vague other than to have a process to track. 7 7.3 Biological Resources Same comment about habitat and ecosystem—what do we mean and how are they different? ENV 4.3—Do we have an open space management plan? If not, should we make one? ENV 5.1—is there a list of plants that are indigenous to the Los Gatos area? Since we are requiring this, how many plants are specifically indigenous to the Los Gatos area and what does “area” mean? ENV 5.3 refers to a specific list when talking about invasive. 7.4 Air Quality ENV 8.2—needs to be reworded. Talks about requiring increases to VMT? Should be reduction. This also might be a place to mention TDM as TDM would not only reduce VMT but by doing so, improve air quality. Question about the leaf blower ordinance? I thought it was in part to improve air quality. No gas powered? Maybe I missed something that has changed. It was mentioned in the noise section. 7.5 Climate Change LEED—Should this be mentioned here? ENV 9.2 Wording is awkward and vague. What is incorporating what? ENV 9.14—Love the standard but is 10% improvement achievable for most? 7.7 Cultural and Historic Are the 8/26 comments from Historic Preservation incorporated or do we need to discuss them tonight? 7.10 Water Should there be a standard for water conservation? ENV 16.6—not sure why C-2 zone wouldn’t look at alternative pavement? Pervious is usually desired wherever possible. 8 ENV 16.8—Is that realistic if the land is owned by private individuals? 7.11 Noise ENV 18.1—is there a size for which this is required. Sounds expensive for small developments. Implementation Plans Generally—lots and lots of programs. Is there an opportunity for consolidation? FD—should we try to roll Williamson contracts over to most conservative standard (e.g. HR-5 vs. HR 2.5) QM—should be created and then be ongoing