Item 1 - Addendum and Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 10/01/2020 ITEM: 1 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: September 30, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element. REMARKS: Attachment 5 contains comments from a Committee Member. Attachment 6 contains written comments received after the completion of the Staff Report. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with October 1, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Revised Initial Draft of Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element 2. Comment Response Summary Table 3. Comments from the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 4. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, September 25, 2020 Attachment received with this Addendum Report: 5. Committee Member Comments 6. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 30, 2020 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 5 Element 5 Comments—Kathryn Janoff Broader comments for discussion Pg 5-24 Law enforcement intro, first paragraph, should reference new element on racial and social justice. And the law enforcement goals are crime oriented, and completely miss the opportunity to incorporate content to reflect the Town’s recent and ongoing discussions around such topics as racial profiling, appropriate police behavior, and police training. Need a new goal, along these lines. There are no implementation programs for Goals 17-21, covering seniors, law enforcement, and fire protection. At minimum, there should be communication plans Emergency response section should reference the new pandemic material, and could incorporate some of its language in the various lists of services. The section’s only goal and policy should have language consistent with the pandemic element. Page 5-35 through -36: the section is very LHUSD-centric. Why not treat all districts the same, at least name all the schools (Union School district is missing a few), and the map is missing schools that serve LG students: specifically Noddin Elementary and Leigh HS. Perhaps others. Add a policy PFS-23.3 to communicate with school districts the information that arises from student and other public forums regarding racial and social injustice. If you are aware of this discussion locally and nationally, the discussions are happening and/or affecting children from a very young age. Reviewing input from CHSSC: use the language recommended for 14.1. It more clearly describes what they are looking for. Delete policy 14.6, Note the recommendations for 17.1 and 17.2. General Edits: Page 5-6. Change Goal PFS-2 to a policy under PFS-1, combined with PFS-2.1 policy language, such as below. But what provisions and conditions do you mean??: Encourage the use of recycled and reclaimed water by providing conditions (?). PFS-2.1: Element 5 suggested edits: Page 5-1: Second paragraph, new words: delete “to lessen overall deficiencies” 2 Reword last sentence: “The Element also includes policies in coordination with that relate to the Hazards and Safety Element, for the provision of facilities and services to ensure the sfety ad welfare of residents, businesses and visitors ad the protection of property. and in coordination with The Element also includes goals and policies that relate to the Environment and . . . “ . . . Third paragraph, first line: delete “necessarily” last sentence: The grammatical rule is items that follow a colon are separated by commas unless the items in the list include punctuation. Use commas. Page 5-3 Water Supply: As listed on shown in Table 5-1. Page 5-6 Goal: revise “to ensure an adequate water supply for the Town’s human, wildlife and plant populations.” Page 5-9 Recycling: Batteries can be dropped off at ACE and Home Depot. Not sure about electronics. Suggest rewording this to say “or at local hardware or electronic stores.” Hazardous waste drop off. Revise: “accepts hazardous waste by appointment at several drop-off locations throughout the City of San Jose. A complete list of wastes accepted may be found at [the website], including: . . . “ PFS-5.1: Delete last phrase “recycling of reusable materials” Page 5-13 Since there are other alternatives (per PFS-8-13), PFS-8.5 and -8.6: should both use “comparable certifications” and not specify GreenPoint as the only alternative Page 5-14 Public Health First paragraph: “The Town of Los Gatos is committed to a healthy community . . .” Second paragraph, second sentence, delete “rather than discouraged” Page 5-15 Youth Services. Paragraph 2: Delete the current statistics (first two sentences). And citing a survey that will be 4-5 years old when the GP is issued is not as strong as just leaving that out. 3 Page 5-16 Childcare seems to get short shrift here. If there aren’t policies or implementation programs, suggest delete this paragraph. Senior services. Delete second paragraph. The trend that applies to the future (i.e., the period of this General Plan) is already provided in first paragraph. Move Healthcare and social services paragraph to follow the Rec Center section (because the healthcare section is provided out of the rec center, it follows as a sub - subject) Page 5-17 Again, when the general plan cites present or past statistics, it becomes immediately dated. Last paragraph: Change first sentence to read: “Los Gatos has a small number of subsidized senior housing throughout the Town. (delete next sentence) However, to ensure . . .” Page 5-19 Measure A: Tie this measure to the Town by stating how this impacts or is available to Los Gatos. Add after the 4800 housing units, XX percent or a portion of which will be or are in Los Gatos. Combine the Rec activities here (three paragraphs) with the adult rec center section on page 5-17. Title this section “Other Recreational and Social Activities.” Pg 5-21 PFS-11.7: Promote learning environments (not just one) PFS 16: Is “Barrier-free” the current design term? How about “Encourage new development or substantial remodels to incorporate best practices in designing housing for seniors and people with limited abilities.” Pg 5-23 FS 17 and policies demand action. How is this done and by whom? Needs implementation program. Pg 5-24: Description of current LG/MS police protection agreement update dates is not important to the GP. Suggest deleting sentence that starts “In fiscal year . . .” Pg 5-29: 4 Community Wildfire section, first sentence: SCC led the development. And as a new first sentence, insert a sentence pulled from Element 8 that echos the urgency of Wildfire. PFS-21.4: replace fire-safe with fire-resistant Also, a related implementation program could be community outreach to communicate the effectiveness of available fire-resistant, or class-A fire-rated building materials encouraged for remodel projects. Pg 5-31 Last bullet: A variety Pg 5-37: Suggest deleting in all district paragraphs the last sentence that list the school(s) that serve LG. Campbell Union HSD: Leigh HS also serves LG with students from the Bellwood Neighborhood. Union school district: Noddin and Carlton also serve LG residents. Pg 5-39 and 5.40 per NUMU comments: Reviewing input from NUMU: Pg 5-39, replace existing fourth paragraph with modified paragraph provided: The 55-year old New Museum Los Gatos (NUMU), formerly the Museums of Los Gatos is the Town’s only public non-profit art and history museum. NUMU is guided by its mission, vision and strategy to present engaging, interactive exhibitions and educational programs, as a focal point of art and history, scholarship, education and artmaking. By telling focused stories of the Bay Area that reach the greater community in scope, innovation and interest, NUMU strives to be the place where children and adults can seek a broader, deeper understanding and appreciation of our community and region. PFS-25.2: insert “and maintain” Add policy Expand and Deepen Partnerships with recommended language Add Retain art-related uses policy, with the objective of retaining the museum and art organizations in town PFS-25.3 Add to the policy: “Support efforts to collect, archive and share the stories and histories of Los Gatos through a variety of platforms and voices.” PFS-25.5: replace “Performing” with “the” ATTACHMENT 6 From: Jan Schwartz <boardpresident@numulosgatos.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:49 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Maureen Cappon-Javey <maureen@numulosgatos.org> Subject: Town Plan 2040 Hi Jennifer, I will send you an edit to the NUMU section of 5.12. In the meantime, please add the following to the draft town plan: PFS 25.7 Support visual arts and local history education and programs Continue to support the growth of New Museum Los Gatos and its visual arts, local history and education programming for visitors and participants of all ages. Implementation Plan Implements policy 25.7 UU Study the feasibility of dedicating a permanent location for an art and history museum to support and enhance the innate character of the town. Please let me know if you need any further information. Thanks, Jan -- subscribe to our e-newsletter Jan Schwartz Board President p: 408.354.2646 a: 106 E. Main Street Los Gatos, Ca 95030 w: numulosgatos.org Engaging the community at the intersection of Art, History, and Education. This Page Intentionally Left Blank