Item 4 - Desk Item with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 09/17/2020 ITEM: 4 DESK ITEM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: September 17, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element. REMARKS: Attachment 11 contains comments from Committee Members. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with July 16, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Initial Draft of Mobility Element 2. Comments from Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Safe Routes to School Attachment previously received with July 16, 2020 Desk Item Report : 3. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with September 3, 2020 Staff Report: 4. Revised Initial Draft of Mobility Element 5. Comment Response Summary Table 6. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 28, 2020 Attachments previously received with September 3, 2020 Addendum Report: 7. Committee Member Comments 8. Staff Responses to Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with September 3, 2020 Desk Item Report: 9. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with September 17, 2020 Staff Report: 10. Committee Member Comments PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element September 17, 2020 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2020\09-17-20\Item 4 - Desk Item.docx Attachment received with this Desk Item Report: 11. Committee Member Comments ATTACHMENT 11 Mobility Element Comments – Barbara Spector I have previously submitted input to the Mobility Element (Attachment 8 to the September 3rd meeting). In some instances, staff provided “Input.” However, that Input did not address the issue of clarity for future readers of the General Plan. It simply responded to the issue I was raising. 2 GPAC Chair Comments on Mobility Element (includes other committee member comments) NOTE: all sections up to 4.3 were discussed in September 3 meeting. OVERALL COMMENTS (not specific to a section) - General organizational comment (Janoff)—show priority of policies with those having “shall” or “require” be listed first. Chair--Agree with this. - Connection between and climate change not clearly articulated (Quintana). Chair--Agree we need to add this to beginning. - Repetition in element (Quintana). Chair--this is the nature of the GP - LOS and road classification system leads to inconsistencies (Quintana). Chair—GPAC needs to discuss with 4.5. Possibility of alternate system pg. 4-17 - List all triggers for TDM in one place (Quintana). Chair: best to have throughout - Clarify how change from LOS to VMT affects Town traffic impact fees (Quintana). - Key terms---define TIF. (Quintana). Chair—agree. - Opportunities for Objective Standards (Chair) o VMT—we should reference goals we have in Sustainability Plan o Be able to measure/define how we are doing making sure that traffic doesn’t exceed capacity (MOB 9.2). INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS 4.0 Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled MOB 1.1 and 1.3: maybe clarify that TDM must include ongoing compliance/monitoring after development is complete (Janoff). Chair: Agree if feasible MOB 1.1 and 1.2—Combine these (Quintana) MOB 1.4 define near major transit (Quintana). Chair: delete “major” as we have no major transit stops 3 Chair—reduce number of policies. MOB 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are similar. 4.1 —Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Overall—Suggest regrouping policies by area of focus (Quintana). Chair: agree MOB-2—Goal regarding Bicycling Suggest streamlining to “throughout Town” or similar MOB 2.2 and 2.3—redundant, eliminate one. (Quintana, Chair) MOB 2.2 and 2.3—explain investments. Also wording is awkward. (Quintana). MOB 2.5—Delete Or modify like 3.6 (Quintana). Chair—agree, 3.6 reads much better than 2.5 but both speak to same idea. MOB 2.5 If modified, maybe don’t need 2.2 or 2.3. Or create new policy like 3.5—promote walking (Chair). MOB 2.7—What is block? Quintana. Addressed in last meeting. MOB 2.9—who is responsible? (Quintana) MOB 2.10 new or existing or both (Quintana)? MOB 2.12—why only Downtown? And is new, existing development or both? (Quintana). Chair—agree. MOB-3— Goal regarding Pedestrians Suggest streamlining wording of goal. MOB 3.2— Which are key locations (Quintana)? Chair—maybe refer to Bike and Ped master plan MOB 3.3—what is adequate clearance (Quintana)? Chair: Maybe refer to standard or plan MOB 3.4 –too detailed. Put into implementation program. Suggested by multiple GPAC members. MOB 3.7—Enhance or add? Why not in hillsides if for safety? (Quintana). Chair: my street (in hillsides) has walkers and bikers probably 16 hours per day. Need street lighting for safety. Also need street lighting to protect residents—deer traversing streets—what if you cannot see them? MOB-4—goal pertaining to trails MOB 4.2 and 4.5. Combine these. Janoff, Chair MOB 4.2 Should or shall? What creates priorities? BikePed plan? (Quintana) MOB 4.6 and 4.7—combine with or move to 4.1 (Quintana)? Chair: Agree or move to implementation. MOB 4.7 --Can Town require HOA’s to do this? If so, then say it. (Quintana) 4 MOB 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10—How does this relate to Class I bikeways and to MOB 2.4? MOB 4.11—what about trails not in hillsides? (Quintana) MOB 4.9 and 4.10-- Combine or move to implementation or some design guideline (Chair) MOB 4.11 and 4.12—possible to combine? (Chair) MOB 4.12 and 4.13—combine? (Quintana) 4.2—Multimodal System/Complete Streets Overall: Maybe move this section to earlier in the document (after VMT) as it is high level. Multiple GPAC members MOB-5—emphasizing non-driving modes of transportation Change wording in goal—walkable should be multimodal or non- driving (Janoff).Chair—agree. Comment by GPAC member (Rosenberg) to have goal or policy to encourage walking downtown. Suggest moving to MOB-3 Pedestrian section (Chair). MOB 5.1 don’t limit to downtown (Spector) MOB 5.1 and 5.2—combine or modify 5.1 (Multiple GPAC members) MOB 5.2 E-scooters belong on streets not sidewalks (staff—put in ordinance) (Spector). Chair—Agree. MOB 5.4 and 5.5—Opportunity for TDM—specify. (Mayor Jensen), (Chair) MOB-6—talking about a comprehensive transportation network to support multi-modal MOB 6.3 bicycles on sidewalks? (Spector). Chair- agree. MOB 6.3—“wide” sidewalks is vague. Need to refer to standard if we are requiring this (Rosenberg). MOB 6.3—Where? Hillsides have limited/no sidewalks. Downtown streets where residents have demanded no sidewalks? (Mayor Jensen). 4.3 —Transit Services and Facilities Overview: delete second paragraph about school bus pilot—multiple GPAC members Add legend to map for clarity about VLR and route 27 (Quintana) Under Vasona Light Rail, clarify that Route 27 connects to Winchester Light Rail Station. (Quintana). Chair—this is mentioned under Local Bus Transit. MOB-7—increasing public transit opportunities 5 MOB 7.10—include impact on residents/neighborhoods (Spector). Chair- agree MOB-8—reducing development impacts near transit stops/taking advantage of transit opportunities MOB 8.2—Define transit stops to exclude transitory bus stops (Spector) 4.4—Transportation Systems MOB-9—Optimizing transportation systems to meet the needs of all users MOB 9.1 Include TDM as an option. (Jensen). Chair--agree MOB 9.2—how to measure (Janoff). Chair—agree—possible opportunity for objective standard? Additional comment from Rosenberg and Jensen. Need to discuss at next meeting. MOB 9.3—clarify wording (Janoff). Chair—maybe re-write—Decisions relative to construction and operation of transportation systems must consider the full fiscal impacts including ongoing maintenance. MOB 4.5 Roadways Page 4-17—Note to reviewer mentions again typology vs. classic street definitions. There is an implementation program related to this. Perhaps mention that here in this section. (Chair). Note to reviewer—Suggest GPAC request a more refined street topology for future drafts(Quintana). Chair—Agree, worth considering MOB-10—safe, efficient and well-designed roadway network No committee comments as of 9/3 MOB-11—new goal we voted on during last meeting about mitigating cut-through traffic Suggest re-ordering/regrouping the policies—seems to jump from one thing to another. (Chair) Object to this goal and policies. (Jensen). Chair—this was voted on by GPAC and passed by majority. MOB 11.2—how to limit cut-through traffic without impacting movement of residents (Jensen). Chair—need to discuss at next meeting. MOB 11.4—description is too vague—the goal is to minimize cut-through traffic and this is a policy. (Chair) MOB 11.4 Is this legal? Also need to define regionally generated. (Jensen) MOB 11.2 and 11.4—not sure what the difference is between these. MOB 11.5—Not sure if it is clear what “commercial” means. This shouldn’t include deliveries. (Chair) 6 MOB-12—mitigate transportation impacts from new development MOB 12.3—need for objective standard here as well as ongoing measurement (Janoff—also mentioned for 1.3). Chair—agree but need to determine to what degree if any LOS will be used going forward. MOB-13—Highway 17 MOB13.5 --disagree with lanes being deleted. (Spector) MOB 13.5 didn’t council support widening 17 bet 85 and 9 to eliminate merge lanes? (Quintana) MOB-14—Hillside streets MOB14.2 what about other areas of Town in high fire hazard? (Janoff). Chair—agree, need to discuss. MOB 14.5—suggest we modify this to eliminate “recurring” and possibly to be less specific about the Chief of Police. If public safety issues are recurring then someone has already been hurt most likely. Also shouldn’t deciding body include Parks and Public Works? I would also argue this could be deleted as it is already in the Hillside Design Guidelines and this is not relating to the goal MOB-14. This policy is about aesthetics. (Chair) 4.6—Parking MOB-15—general goal parking availability and impacts MOB 15.2 Seems to belong under 4.7 parking (Janoff). Chair—Not sure I understand comment. MOB 15.3—is this needed? (Rosenberg) MOB 15.3 Object to this policy. Should not be expanded, should be eliminated. Any plan should be governed by the Comprehensive Parking Study (Jensen) MOB 15.6 Wayfinding should be consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Parking Study. (Jensen) MOB-16—Downtown parking I know a number of committee members wanted access to the Downtown Parking Study which a link for that was provided in the staff report. (Chair). MOB 16.1—Should we explicitly mention encouraging underground parking? (chair) MOB 16.1—wording doesn’t make sense (Rosenberg, Jensen) MOB 16.2—Include TDM as an option (Jensen). Chair—Agree. 4.7—Goods Movement MOB-17—Safe and efficient truck/delivery routes Suggests combining with Complete Streets (Quintana) 7 4.8 Implementation programs -O should reference policies from MOB-11 (Janoff) -Parking study recommendations should be included in the Implementation plans (Janoff). Chair – agree also to avoid duplication. There should be a review of the Parking Study recommendations and compare it with any implementation programs in the General Plan so they are consistent. - Suggest adding an implementation program relative to cut-through traffic since it is a goal (Rosenberg). Chair—isn’t this what program O is? Maybe rename it? -Suggest adding a program to encourage a walkable downtown. (Rosenberg). Chair--agree - Program A—is this intended to create an objective standard? Chair - Program B—if this is the same as the note to reviewer on 4-17, then it should say that in that section. - Program I—don’t we have this already? If so, delete. (Chair) - Program Y—this reads like a goal. If it is, make it a goal. Also, it refers to policies that don’t exist in the document. There is no MOB 11.7 in the document nor is there 12.6 or 12.7. If it is an implementation program, then perhaps make it to develop guidelines for TDM and incentives. (Chair). 8 This Page Intentionally Left Blank