Item 2 - Desk Item and Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 09/03/2020 ITEM: 2 DESK ITEM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: September 3, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Initial Draft of the Mobility Element. BACKGROUND: Attachment 9 contains additional comments from a Committee Member. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with July 16, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Initial Draft of Mobility Element 2. Comments from Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Safe Routes to School Attachment previously received with July 16, 2020 Desk Item Report : 3. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with September 3, 2020 Staff Report: 4. Revised Initial Draft of Mobility Element 5. Comment Response Summary Table 6. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 28, 2020 Attachments previously received with September 3, 2020 Addendum Report: 7. Committee Member Comments 8. Staff Responses to Committee Member Comments Attachment received with this Desk Item Report: 9. Committee Member Comments This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 9 COMMENTS ON DRAFT OF THE MOBILITY ELEMENT – Lee Quintanta Comments on Addendum: Attachment 7: I concur with the majority of Kathryn Janoff’s comments. (Attachment 7 pages 1-6) I concur with all of Barbara Spector's comments (Attachment 7 page 7.) with the following question regarding MOB-13.5. Hasn’t the Council already supported widening 17 between Highway 85 and Highway 9 to eliminate the merge lanes? If that is correct, modify MOB-13.5. I have the following Comments and Questions on the Mobility Element The revision is moving in the right direction overall, but I still have the following concerns: The connection between vehicle travel and climate change is still not clearly articulated. The organization of the Element leads to repetition. Maintaining the use of LOS and the current road classification system results in inconsistencies within the Element and within the General Plan. List all triggers for a TDM program together in one place Clarify how all the change from LOS to VMT affects the Town’s Traffic Mitigation Fees program. Page 4-2: Key Terms: Multiple Use Trails. Delete: equestrian trails and Add: Also see Bikeway types Transit Stop (vs. major transit stop) TIF Page 4-3: 4.0 Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled: Note MOB 1.1 and MOB 1.2: Look at combining these policies MOB 1.4: Will TDM be required only if near a “major transit stop”? Define “near”. Suggest deleting “major” and add minimum headways. What does “all types of trips” refer to? Too many concepts here: major transit stop, what TDM may include, in-lieu fees, TIF, Townwide TDM program etc. NOTE: Various triggers for a TDM are scattered throughout the Element. Suggest combining them all in one spot. Page 4-4: MOB- 4.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities introduction: Move the next to last paragraph up as the second paragraph. Page 4-6 and 4-7: Regroup policies as follows: Policies relating to bike network MOB-(2.1, MOB- 2.4, 2.7 and MOB-2.8 Policies that address facilities: (MOB-2.6, MOB= 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, and 2.12) Policies relating to education: (MOB- 2.2, MOB-2.14 ) 2 NOTE: As a general rule, throughout this and other Elements group related polic ies together. MOB-2.3: Delete, it is the same as MOB- 2.2) MOB-2.2: Not clear what this means. Does it mean to pursue grants to enable planning and design? What does “enforcement of programs” mean? MOB-2.5: Delete? Or modify similar to MOB-3.6 (page 4-8) Is it the intent of the Town to fund specific plans and master plans? In the past the Town has waited for a development to fund Specific Plans or Master Plans. MOB-2.7: What is a typical block? How many acres or square feet? MOB-2.9: Who is responsible? Town, new developments…? MOB 2.10: Does this apply to both new and existing development? MOB 2.11 and 2.12: Why only required in Downtown? Does this apply to both new and existing development? MOB=2.13: Why not require bicycle valet parking at large events as part of the permit condition? MOB 3.1: Modify as follows: Require all developments to provide pedestrian connections between the development sites and existing and planned pedestrian facilities, including those as identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and other relevant plans and documents. MOB-3.2: What defines a “key locations” ? MOB-3.3 What is the definition of adequate clearance? Does this apply to existing as well as new unimproved roadways? Doe unimproved roadway mean roadways without sidewalks? MOB-3.4: Too many many concepts included in one policy. Divide into separate policies or at a minimum provide a list. Consider moving Establish sidewalk standards….. to implementation section. MOB-3.7: In non-hillside areas does this mean enhance the level of existing lighting? Or provide lighting (a minimal level needed for safety) in areas where it does not already exist? In hillside areas is lighting allowed if it is necessary for safety? Or is all street lighting prohibited in the hillsides? Page 4-8 3 MOB-4.2: Why “should” e “shall”? Does this refer to the Town’s Master Plan and/or the County Trails Plan? Does the Ped/bicyle Master Plan identify priorities? MOB-4.6 and MOB-4.7: Could these be moved up under MOB-4.1? Or added as bullets under MOB-4.1? MOB-4.7: Can the Town REQUIRE rather than encourage HOA’s to maintain trails that pass through a new subdivisions or planned development? If so, change to Require Page 4-9: MOB-4.8, MOB-4.9, MOB-4.10: How does this relate to Class I bikeways and to MOB-2.4? MOB-4.11: Does this apply to multi-use trails not in the hillside? Or are there no multi-use trails identified outside of the hillside area? MOB-4.12 and MOB-4.13: Could these be combined? Page 4-12: 4.3 Transit Service…. Local Bus Transit: “ …….and includes several transit route improvements changes in the Town of Los Gatos. Delete second paragraph Figure 4-2, Page 4-13: Add to Legend after Future VLR and Future Vasona Junction Stati on: On indefinite hold Incicate that Route 27 connects with Winchester Light Rail Station Page 4-17: Note to Reviewer: I recommend that the GPAC request a more refined street topology be included in future drafts of the Mobility Element. Page 4-24: MOB-17 and MOB-17.1 to MOB-17.3: Suggest that the movement of goods be incorporated into the Complete Streets section. This Page Intentionally Left Blank