Item 3 - Addendum and Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 08/06/2020 ITEM: 3 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: August 5, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Initial Draft of the Hazards and Safety Element. BACKGROUND: Attachment 3 contains comments from Committee Members. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with August 6, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Initial Draft of Hazards and Safety Element 2. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Thursday, July 30, 2020 Attachment received with this Addendum Report: 3. Committee Member Comments This Page Intentionally Left Blank Kathryn Janoff comments Hazards and Safety After reading this element, I support the suggestion from the July 2 meeting (see minutes, page 3 of 3, fourth bullet) to move Noise from this element and add it to Environment and Sustainability. General, a style comment: use a consistent format for bulleted lists. Some have end punctuation periods, some have semi-colons. The convention (when I was editing) typically is nothing after each, but a period after the last, UNLESS each item is a full sentence, then use periods after each. Page 2 Definitions: 100 yr flood: Change format of “one percent” to 1.0 percent which makes it readily comparable to the 500 yr flood definition Hazardous/Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste. Terms used should be the same: I don’t believe “chemical agent” is the same as an “ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic.” The later is more broad. Suggest using it in place of chemical in the first def. And be sure above two definitions are what OSHA would use. Add definition for noise-sensitive Add definition for WUI Page 3 8.1 discussion, second paragraph. Does the EOP recognize hazards that might derive from outside the Town? If so, replace “within” with “that affect” the Town. HAZ-1.4: This element does not specifically say where, how or from whom the community will be informed and educated. Seems to be generally missing from implementation plans too. Is there a master communications plan? Page 4 Last paragraph, use essential or critical but eliminate the parenthetic term Page 8 HAZ-2.1, 2.2 and 3.2. 2.1 is seriously hard to parse as written. Use the same phrasing for each by beginning with “Require geotechnical reports by a qualified engineering geologist and/or geotechnical engineer . . .” then adding the details. What is meant by “qualified?” If licensed, say that instead. ATTACHMENT 3 HAZ-2.5: agreement: Preserve . . . portions . . . that are . . . HAZ-2.6: as a matter of style, do not repeat the same term: Require and required. Use Require and needed Page 9 HAZ-2.8 and 6.1: what is meant by “qualified?” (see comment above) use licensed? Page 12 Haz-3.4: delete “is maintained” and perhaps add “no higher than pre-development” Page 13: (Semantics) “regular feature” sounds so benign . . . This discussion could use more urgency. There should be a mention of how climate change continues to exacerbate the fire danger. Also, perhaps, a brief discussion of PG&E’s planned power shutoff. Page 14 The map does not delineate the QUI boundary (or region), but references to WUI areas are in the goals and policies (e.g., HAZ-5.2 and 5.5). If all areas are WUI, then state that clearly on Figure 8-5. Page 15: HAZ-5.3: What is “adequate water supply” Page 16: How current are the numbers in the table? (I couldn’t get a reading, let alone an average, within the normally acceptable where I live, even without traffic . . .) NOISE (reiterating note at top of comments: Move Noise Element to Environment and Sustainability Element) Page 17 Future noise note: fix agreement: “These statements . . . require . . .” Page 19 HAZ-6.2: convoluted. Try “The Ldn scale shall be used to evaluate outdoor noise . . .” and delete all that follows after “long range aspirations.” HAZ-6.3: what are these noise levels? Same as in Table 8 -1? If so, say so, if not, specify. HAZ-7: This seems to be written backward, or at least makes one stop to think about that you are actually addressing. Say instead: “Ensure proposed new development is not located in areas with existing higher-than-acceptable noise levels.” (this is a component of environmental justice which should be noted) HAZ-7.1: introduces an undefined term: “Noise-sensitive.” Please define using (and then deleting) the phrase in this policy “when proposed . . .standards.” HAZ-7.2: replace “Consider” with “Use” In several places: noise level (e.g., 6.1) or noise levels (e.g., 6.3) Page 20: HAZ-8.2: What are roadway facilities? Haz-8.3: Does LG have this authority? HAZ-9.1: Better worded in original form, revert to original and insert “construction and maintenance” and “state-of-the-art” HAZ-9.2: Delete “that encourages or requires” Page 21 HAX-10: insert “noise-” in front of sensitive, and be sure to hyphenate this term in all instances Page 22 Delete the sentence (at end of discussion) “This section provides . . .” Implementation programs: G: confusing as worded. How do continuously (online? Say so) and conveniently (same) happen? M: run-on. Try: Work with building owners that house essential functions and uses to ensure structures are earthquake safe. O: has this actually NOT been created? If it hasn’t, don’t create it but use acceptable regional or state standards. Q: same comment. This is a ten-yr old plan. Has this not happened yet> V: Move to other IPs related to Fire (P. 24-25). And due to the high level of interest and urgency, the dates should happen sooner CC: Define NOT in the IP, but for this element. Then delete sentence with “Examples” EE: The program is not measurable, but the noise levels are. Try: The Town shall establish a program to measure noise reduction, . . .” HH: In addition to what the City of SJ or the county already provides at regio nal drop-off sites?? This reads very broad and expensive. From Committee Member Lee Quintana Page 1 of 5 To the General Plan Advisory Committee August 4, 2020 COMMENTS ON THE HEALTH AND SAFETY ELEMENT Page 8-2 Key Terms Modification of terms: Day/Night Average Sound Level (Ldn). The average A-weighted noise level …… Essential Facilities. Delete the first sentence. Replace with: Structures, and buildings housing services and equipment that are essential to a emergency response following a natural or human-induced disaster . These facilities include: …. Add the following definitions: Earthquake Fault Zone Seismic Hazards ( Primary): Grondshaking, Surface rupture/deformation Seismic Hazard (Secondary):Liquefaction and Landslides (Earthquake related Quaternary Faults Landslides: other than secondary seismic WUI Page 8-3. 8.1 Emergency Preparations, Response, and Recovery Page 8-3. 8.1 Emergency Preparations, Response, and Recovery: Introduction: The Town of Los Gatos Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that i dentifies the existing hazards within the Town, provides guidance and education for effective and skillful emergency response techniques, and the most effective allocation of resources for protection of people and property in the event of an emergency. Goal HAZ-1 : Ensure the community is prepared for natural and manmade disaster s and can respond quickly and efficiently. I think this is a policy rather than a Goal. I suggest combining HAZ-1 and HAZ-2. HAZ-1.1: Coordinate and incorporate emergency preparedness into all Town Planning efforts, including plans for communications, providing adequate access for emergency equipment and for evacuation in the case of emergency . HAZ-1.2: Policies 1 & 3: These policies overlap. I suggest combining them into one policy HAZ-1.3: Participate in local and regional emergency preparedness planning. and response efforts to present the Town needs and interests in regional emergency management planning . HAZ-1.4: Emphasize responsibility of residents and /businesses to mitigate potential hazards. Page 8-4: Siting of Essential Facilities: HAZ-1.5: The Town shall not site essential facilities , public safety ,,,,,,,,or hazardous materials storage facilities in areas ………. ( Essential facilities are defined under Key Words) Comments on Draft Health and Safety Element GP2040 2 of 5 Page 8-4: 8.2 Geological and Seismic Hazards End the second sentence in the second paragraph after “.....and 1989 Loama Prieta earthquakes being the largest”. Delete the rest of the paragraph and delete the last paragraph and replace with the following new paragraph: Implementation of applicable building codes and geotechnical investigations will minimize potential loss of life and damage to property from primary and secondary seismic hazards and siting essential structures and services outside high risk areas will enable faster emergency response after an earthquake. Pages 8-5, Fig. 8-l Why the change in name from Major Faults to Regional Faults? Label the San Andreas, Hayward and Calaveras faults. Distinguished between Quaternary Faults that have been active within 10,000 years and 1,6 thousand years ago. Add a figure, at a larger scale, of faults that run through Los Gatos. (i.e., the area outlined in blue) This could be as a separate figure or a box within Figure 8-1) Page 8-7, Page 8-11 and Page 8-14: Figure 8-3 Seismic Hazards : T he introduction to 8.2 Geological and Seismic Hazards refers to liquefaction and landslides as secondary hazards. Suggest amending title to Secondary Seismic Hazards to be consistent with the definition. Figures 8.3, Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-5: Increase the legibility of roadway networks which overlays the colored portions of these figures. HAZ-1.5: The Town shall not site essential facilities , public safety ,,,,,,,,or hazardous materials storage facilities in areas ………. ( Essential facilities are defined under Key Words) Page 8-8: Goal HAZ-2 and the Policies that follow: I find this section confusing: What is the difference between a geological report, a geotechnical report and a report? What is the difference between a geologic hazard, a geotechnical hazard and a seismic hazard? What type of hazards are erosion and sedimentation? What defines a property or portion of a property unbuildable? Does Figure 8-3 include all potential landslides or just those secondary to seismic shaking? Is it possible to mitigate for fault rupture, other than moving the development outside of the rupture zone? Page 8-10 8.3 Flood and Inundation Hazards Comment: The James J. Lenihan Dam, the third largest dam in Santa Clara County, is located just south of Town parallel to Highway 17. While the potential dam failure may be low, the Background Report states on Page 8-22: that the potential inundation zone in the event of the failure of the Lenihan Dam would be significant. Over 3,000 people and over 1,000 structures could be potentially affected. The Town has installed signage directing people to evacuation routes in the event of the dam’s failure. 3 of 5 I think the potential damage from the dam’s failure deserves mention in the General Plan even if the potential for failure or overtopping is low. Page 8-12: Goal HAZ-3. Delete to the greatest extent possible. The goal already states “Reduce” not eliminate. Policy HAZ-3,4 Require tha t n ew development………………….to existing structure shall meet……. Policy HAZ-2.6 Comment: This is an overly broad statement. Respond how? Responds to impacts of the increased hazard by improving emergency response; or to avoid or mitigate for the potential for increased impacts? Page 8-13: 8.4 URBAN AND WILDLAND FIRE HAZARDS The entire section does not adequately incorporate the excellent input the GPAC has previously received from the public on fire safety. (and emergency preparedness in general). It is a very weak section and that I believe requires a total rewrite. I made the following comments as I was reading this section in the order it was written, however I stopped once I began to feel that at a whole it was not adequate. Introduction: First paragraph of the introduction : Does the WUI include all classifications shown on Figure 8-5? I think it is important to emphasize the link between fire hazards, especially wildland fire, and air quality, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. I suggest, at a minimum, a new first paragraph to the introduction as follows: Santa Clara County, including Los Gatos, has a high potential for devastating wildland fires. As future climate change-related impacts increase, there will be greater potential for more frequent and more intense wildfires, along with the potential for these fires to release significant quantities of Greenhouse Gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere. . Strong land use policies and mitigation measures are necessary to protect the health and safety of residents, to minimize the lose of life, and to minimize property damage and damage to infrastructure. Incorporate in the introductions the tie between increasing fire hazard and Climate Change (There is a short discussion in the Background Report Page 8-31.) Is there anything mandatory in the OAHMP, the CWPP or Annex Nine or are they limited to guidance? Page 8-15: Other comments: Goals HAZ-4 and HAZ-5: I think that HAZ-4 is a policy not a goal HAZ-4.4: Secondary Emergency Access: Provide emergency access as required by the Santa Clara County Fire Department . that will not increase traffic for homes in areas identified as Very High Fire Hazard Areas on the Town’s Wildland Fire Severity Zone Map. Reducing fire hazards, especially in the hillsides, affects the entire Town , Does the Town’s Wildland Fire Severity Zone Map refer to Fire Hazard Severity Zones, Figure 8-5 on Page 8-4.? 4 of 5 8.5 NOISE Comment: I do not think that noise fits comfortably with Hazards. I think it works better as a stand alone element. Since noise in Los Gatos is largely regenerated by vehicle use, it could fit after the Mobility Element. 5 Page 8-16: Introduction First paragraph: While N oise is frequently an integral part of daily living……. Second paragraph, second sentence: Table 8-1 contains the land use noise compatibility criteria established in 2010, representing the maximum acceptable noise in decibels t hat may be received by for the listed land use category, Second paragraph, last sentence: In addition t he Town of Los Gatos Municipal Code…. Page 8-21: HAZ-10.1: Protect existing and proposed residential areas from noise by requiring appropriate site and building design, sound walls, buffering landscaaping and or the use of….. Comment: It requires a minimum of 100 feet of dense landscaping to reduce noise by 1 db. HAZ-10-2: What designated areas? Why only a “may” 5 of 5