Item 3 - Staff Report with Attachment 1PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 6/18/2020 ITEM: 3 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: June 9, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Draft of the Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element. BACKGROUND: On March 5, 2020, the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) met to review and discuss the initial draft of the Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element. DISCUSSION: Based on the discussion at the March 5, 2020 meeting, the consultants have revised the initial draft of the Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element (Attachment 1) for consideration and we are requesting any further comments on the Element. Attachment: 1.Revised Draft of Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank 6 6.Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-1 The Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element guides the long-range preservation and conservation of open space as well as the park and recreational facilities. These areas and facilities enhance the character of the Town, helping to create a unique and pleasant atmosphere for Town residents and visitors . (Source: Existing GP, modified) The Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element is divided into the following sections: Contents Section Title Page Key Terms ........................................................................................................................... 6-3 6.1 Open Space ........................................................................................................................ 6-3 6.2 Parks and Recreation ....................................................................................................... 6-10 6.3 Implementation Programs ................................................................................................. 6-14 The Government Code requires that General Plans identify and address six types of open space . This Element addresses open space for outdoor recreation and preservation. Other elements in this General Plan cover the remaining types of open space. Table 6-1 lists the six open space types and describes where each type is addressed in this General Plan. (Source: Existing GP) ATTACHMENT 1 Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-2 Public Review Draft May 2020 Table 6-1 Government Code Open Space Classifications Category Addressed In: Open Space for the Preservation of Natural Resources Plant and animal habitat areas Environment and Sustainability Element, Section TBD Rivers, streams, lakes, and their banks Environment and Sustainability Element, Section TBD Watershed lands Environment and Sustainability Element, Section TBD Areas required for ecological and other scientific study purposes Environment and Sustainability Element, Section TBD Open Space Used for the Managed Production of Resources Agricultural lands and rangelands Land Use Element, Section TBD Forest and timberlands Not applicable to Los Gatos Mineral resource production areas Not applicable to Los Gatos Open Space for Outdoor Recreation and Scenic Resources Areas of outstanding historic or cultural value Community Design Element, Section TBD Parks and other areas used for recreation Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element, Section 8.3 Areas of outstanding scenic value Community Design Element Section TBD Scenic corridors, trails, and links between different open space areas Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element, Section 8.2 Open Space for Public Health and Safety Areas requiring special management or regulation because of risks presented by natural hazards such as steep slopes or flooding Safety Element, Section TBD Open Space in Support of the Mission of Military Installations Areas associated with military bases Not applicable to Los Gatos Open Space for the Protection of Native American Sacred Sites Local tribal lands Environment and Sustainability Element, Section TBD Native American cultural sites Environment and Sustainability Element, Section TBD 6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-3 Key Terms Accessible. The ability to accommodate everyone regardless of ability or pre-existing condition. Common Recreation Space. Privately owned outdoor recreational facilities as part of a residential development. Features include, but are not limited to, play lots, playgrounds, and athletic fields. Community Garden. An otherwise undeveloped lot divided into multiple plots for the growing and harvesting of fruits, vegetables, flowers, or herbs, primarily for the personal use of the growers, and that is established, operated, and maintained by a group of persons. Multi-Use Facility. A facility shared for multiple activities and/or utilized by multiple types of users. For example, a trail accessible to and utilized by pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians. A multi-use field would have facilities that could be used for more than one sport and could be available for informal pick-up games or organized play. Open Space. Land in a predominantly natural state or altered for natural resources-based uses (i.e., farming) and may include, but is not limited to, riparian habitat, agricultural lands, grassland and upland habitat, wetlands, and agricultural buffers. Park. An open area that offers recreational and green space for residential and visitor use. May also be called an urban or municipal park if within jurisdictional limits or a public park if publicly owned. Passive Recreation Open Space. Land used for outdoor activities that has a limited impact and minimal development on land designated for recreation or open space. Passive recreations space would include but is not limited to, hiking mountain cycling, boating, and nature observation. 6.1 Open Space Open space areas and preserves within Los Gatos protect the area’s natural beauty and contribute to a regional system of hiking, biking, and equestrian trails . As shown in Figure 6-1, the Town of Los Gatos Planning Area contains a total of four open space areas, all of which are publicly owned and operated and total approximately 3,020 acres of wildlife and plant habitat. Two of the open space areas — Santa Rosa Open Space and Heintz Open Space — are located on Town-owned land and are maintained by the Parks and Public Works Department (PPW), while the other two — St. Joseph’s Hill Open Space Preserve and the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve — are owned and operated by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD). The MROSD is a special regional district that was created in the 1970s to acquire and preserve open space lands and provide and maintain access for public enjoyment. All four of the open space areas offer abundant natural beauty and are available to the entire community for low-intensitypassive recreation and environmental education. (Source: Existing GP, modified, updated with 2040 Background Report data) Acquisition of Open Space Areas To enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors, the Town of Los Gatos actively participates in the acquisition of properties as open space. Whether acting individually or in collaboration with other agencies, non- profits, or private landowners, the Town seeks to acquire open space areas that contribute to the protection of the environment and the safety of residents. (Source: Existing GP) Access to Open Space Areas The Town recognizes that open space areas, particularly regional open space areas, need toshould be easily accessible to all residents and visitors . To that end, the Town encourages development of appropriate staging Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-4 Public Review Draft May 2020 areas and trail heads for equestrians, hikers, and bicyclists. Additionally, the Town understands and workswill work to ensure that access is available for physically disabled persons. (Source: Existing GP) Open Space and Existing Neighborhoods Within Los Gatos, the Town endeavors to provide open space access areas that are designed in a manner that benefits the user without creating a burden on existing neighborhoods. This unobtrusive approach allows for a more pleasant outdoor experience, while preserving and preserves the character of each neighborhood. (Source: Existing GP) Open Space, Development, and Hillside Preservation The Town’s hillside areas are unique and add to the quality of life of Town residents and visitors alike. While much of the Town is considered built out, opportunities to develop in the hillside areas remain. The Town’s Hillside Specific Plan and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines ensure that open space areas in the Hillsides are preserved to the greatest extent possible by the Town. VThe viewsheds and the existing character of the hillsides and open space areas are carefully maintained through the implementation of this General Plan and the Town’s various planning processes. (Source: Existing GP) 6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-5 Figure 6-1 Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Facilities within Town Limits Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-6 Public Review Draft May 2020 The following goals and policies will guide the preservation and conservation of open space in Los Gatos.  NOTE: Goals and policies concerning maintenance of open space for wildfire protections are covered in the Hazards and Safety Element. To acquire expand open space areas within the Town of Los Gatos, particularly lands which provide recreational uses. and will protect the public health, welfare, and safety of residents and visitors, including lands in flood plains, watershed lands, or lands subject to fire or geologic hazards. [Source: Modified Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-1] Passive Recreation Open Space Acquire and maintain open space areas in order to define the Town’s southern boundary as passive recreation open space. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-1.3] Parcel Open Space Acquisition Acquire parcels or easements via fees or dedication of land to be dedicated for open space uses. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-1.4] Government Acquisition Coordination Promote coordination with all levels of government and non-governmental organizations to identify and pursue in utilizing available resources for the acquisition and development of open space areas. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-1.1] Environment and Safety Program Support Use open space acquisitions to support the programs in the Environment and Sustainability Element and Hazards and Safety Element of this General Plan. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-1.2] Passive Recreation Open Space Acquire and maintain open space areas in order to define the Town’s sou thern boundary as passive recreation open space. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-1.3] Passive Recreation Open Space for Hazards Protection Acquire open space lands in areas identified as flood, fire, or geologic hazards in order to protect the public health, welfare, and safety of residents and visitors ., including lands in flood plains, watershed lands, or lands subject to fire or geologic hazards. [Source: Modified Existing Goal OSP-1] To preserve open space in hillside areas as natural open space. [Source: Modified Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-2] Hillside Natural Open Space Character Preserve the natural open space character of hillside lands, including natural topography, natural vegetation, wildlife habitats and migration corridors, and viewsheds. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-2.1] 6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-7 Hillside Open Space Provision Provide Maintain for open space areas in the hillsides areas as natural open space. The provision of open space areas should not detract from the existing character of the Town’s hillsides. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-2.2] Hillside Open Space Dedication In all hillside subdivisions, the dedication of open space in fee or as an easement shall be required to protect unique natural features, habitats, and migration corridors, and to preserve the rural atmosphere. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-2.3] Uninterrupted Wildlife Corridors and Recreation Adjacent parcels in the hillsides shall provide an uninterrupted band of useable segments for wildlife corridors and recreational use, if applicable. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-2.4] Hillside Open Space and Scenic Vista Preservation Maximize preservation of open space and scenic vistas in the hillside area by requiring dedications in fee (preferred) or easements and by restricting buildable areas on lots. Where buildable areas are restricted through clustering, planned developments, or other means, these means shall not allow higher overall density on the parcel than would otherwise be allowed by the zoning. Dedications should be granted to the Town and Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-2.5] To make open space areas within the Town accessible to all residents of and visitors to the Town, as appropriate. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-3] Open Space Access Open Space Aaccess shall be consistent with types and locations of open space areas and shall protect the safety, privacy, and security of adjacent residential areas . [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.1] Open Space Connections Improve connections between passive open space areas and existing residential areas and on- street bicycle lanesfacilities, and multi-use trails., and open space. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.2] Open Space Access for the Physically Disabled All open space areas and related facilities shall provide adequate access for th ose with accessibility issues.physically disabled. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.3] Park Access for the Physically Disabledthose with Accessibility Issues All developed parks shall provide disabled access and facilities, unless access and facility improvements would be detrimental to public safety or welfare. [Source: Existing Policy OSP- 3.4] Open Space Access from New all Residential Development Consider Provide access from new all residential developments to open space, where appropriate. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.5] Open Space and Access Roads Access roads shall be located, developed, and maintained in ways that avoid negative impacts on open space areas and natural resources. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.6] Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-8 Public Review Draft May 2020 Open Space Street Access All open space adjacent to all developments shall have access from streets. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.7] Access to Publicly Owned Open Space All publicly- owned natural open space shall have access by trails or local streets, with adequate protection of rare and sensitive plants and animals and their habitats, and of adjacent residential areas. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-3.8] 6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-9 To consider the provision of recreation and open space in all development decisions within the Town. [Source: Modified Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-6] Private Open Space in New Development Promote private open space in all planning decisions for new development. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-6.1] Open Space Preservation New development projects shall include conditions to preserve open space (non-recreational common space) where appropriate. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-6.2] Development of Open Space Consider effects on watershed areas, plant and wildlife habitats, and migration corridors before allowing development of any open space. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-6.3] Design of Open Common Recreation Space Facilities Consider health, welfare, and public safety in the design of open common recreation space facilities. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-6.4] Open Common Recreation Space in High DensityResidential Developments Provide permanent common open recreation space in all high-densityresidential developments. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-6.5] Highway 85 Corridor Site plans for new development along the Highway 85 corridor shall incorporate adequate open space. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-6.6] Preservation of Large Tracts of Open Space Encourage the use of Williamson Act contracts and Planned Development applications as a means to preserve large tracts of open space. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-6.7] Innovative Development Techniques Encourage the use of innovative development techniques which will provide open space within individual developments, public or private. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-6.8] Open Space Dedication Requirement Town staff shall Eevaluate all development projects to determine the benefit of requiring open space dedication. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-6.9] Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Update the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines as needed to include measures that address open space in new development. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-6.10] Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-10 Public Review Draft May 2020 To preserve and enhance Los Gatos Creek, and the Los Gatos Creek Trail, and Ross Creek as open space amenities. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-7 and OSP-8] Los Gatos Creek Restoration Restore Los Gatos Creek to a more natural state, removing concrete channelization, where feasible. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-7.1] Los Gatos Creek Trail Accessibility Ensure that Los Gatos Creek Trail is accessible to and safe for all users. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-7.2] Ross Creek Restoration Restore Ross Creek to a more natural state, removing concrete channelization, where feasible. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-8.1] To preserve and enhance Ross Creek as an open space amenity [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-8] Ross Creek Restoration Restore Ross Creek to a more natural state, removing concrete channelization, where feasible. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-8.1] 6.2 Parks and Recreation In addition to the four open space areas and preserves described above, the Town has a total of 3 2 parks and recreational facilities. (Source: Existing GP, updated with data from 2040 Background Report and input from Town staff) Town Parks Local parks are essential to the quality of life for many Los Gatos residents, providing recreational opportuniti es, neighborhood gathering facilities, and natural beauty throughout the community. The Town of Los Gatos contains a total of 15 publicly owned and operated parks. As listed above, 15 of these parks are located on Town-owned land and are maintained by the Parks and Public Works Department and the remaining park (Vasona County Park) is owned and operated by the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department. In total, there are more than 250 acres of parkland within Los Gatos, containing nearly 15 miles of multi-use trails and over 65 acres of lawn area. (Source: Existing GP, updated with data from 2040 Background Report) Recreational Services Los Gatos relies on a unique service delivery model for recreational services activities. These services are provided byunder a third-party Jjoint Ppowers Aauthority (JPA), Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation (LGS Recreation). LGS Recreation uses Town facilities at a discount rate and provides full recreational services to the community on a full cost recovery basis. LGS Recreation is managed by its own board of directors, comprised of representatives from the school districts and members of the public. (Source: Matt Morley, PPW, new) LGS Recreation operates the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, located at 208 E. Main Street and the Los Gatos Youth Recreation Center, located at 123 E. Main Street in Los Gatos. From the Recreation Centers, LGS 6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-11 Recreation offers activities, classes, sports, and programs for youth, adults, and seniors throughout th e year. Information on programming and events can be found at http://www.lgsrecreation.org/. (Source: New) Major Recreational Facilities Los Gatos has 15 recreational facilities containing one or more sports fields on-site. Table 8-2 provides a summary of each facility’s fields and recreational league use. As shown in the table, 11 of the 15 identified facilities currently have one or more baseball fields, for a total of 21 baseball fields. (Source: Existing GP, updated with data from 2040 Background Report and input from Town staff) Of the 15 facilities, eight facilities are currently (2020) at capacity (no additional field availability), including all four schools of the Los Gatos Union Elementary School District, Los Gatos High School, two schools in the Union School District, and the Jewish Community Center. In addition to student and resident use, several of the fields are utilized by local sports leagues for team practices and games. T hese leagues include: LGS Recreation, Los Gatos Unified Soccer League, Los Gatos Little League, Los Gatos-Saratoga Softball Association, Los Gatos Pony League, Los Gatos Redhawks Lacrosse League, Union Little League, Pacific Union Academy, and the Branham Hill Girls Softball League. Currently (2020), LGS Recreation and Los Gatos Little League each use 7 different fields for athletic activities throughout Los Gatos. The Los Gatos Soccer League holds games and practices at six different facilities within Los Gatos. (Source: Existing GP, updated with data from 2040 Background Report, input from Town staff) Additionally, as shown in Table 8-2, 11 of the 15 facilities include a multi-use field area that permits scheduled activities and is appropriate for organized group sporting events. These facilities provide a total of approximately 563,500 square feet of multi-use field space within Los Gatos. These fields are utilized by school children, organized teams, and sports leagues, as well as by the general public. (Source: Existing GP, updated with data from 2040 Background Report and input from Town staff) The following goals and policies address the provision, maintenance, and future of parks and recreational facilities in Los Gatos. To provide recreational facilities that address the needs of the community. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-4] Recreation Space Acquisition Acquire and develop more publicly accessible active and passive community recreation spaces and/or facilities. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-4.1] Recreational Amenities and Programs Encourage the development of amenities and programs in parks and other recreational facilities that cater to a variety of ages and address the needs of families . [Source: Existing Policy OSP-4.2] Shared Recreational and Sports Facilities Continue to work with the Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation District, local school districts, and faith communities to provide shared recreational and sports facilities. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-4.3] Community Gardens Encourage community gardens on appropriate public and private properties . [Source: Existing Policy OSP-4.4] Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-12 Public Review Draft May 2020 Active Recreation Spaces Consider including more varied, active recreation spaces in new and/or existing recreational facilities. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-4.5] Off-Leash Dog Recreation Areas Actively pursue opportunities for dedicated off -leash dog recreation areas and/or for allowing off-leash dog times at specific parks. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-4.6] Town Park Standards Provide five acres of parkland per 1,000 population, in order to meet the community needs for active and passive recreation. [Source: New Policy] Accessibility of Developed Park Access for those with Accessibility Issues All developed parks shall provide disabled access and facilities, unless access and facility improvements would be detrimental to public safety or welfare. [Source: Existing Policy OSP- 3.4] To create and maintain open space areas and parks that complement and enhance and blend into existing natural habitats and, residential neighborhoods, and other Town features. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal OSP-5] Town Parks and Trails Promote a system of Town parks and trails. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.1] Quasi-Public Areas Maximize the use of public utility easements, flood control channels, school grounds, and other quasi-public areas for recreational uses and playfields. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.2] Informal Gathering Spaces Encourage the development of informal gathering spaces for local residents and visitors in appropriate locations throughout the Town. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.3] Maintain Landscaping and Tree Preservation Maintain the Town’s high standards for landscaping and tree preservation, helping to maintain cohesiveness between existing neighborhoods and surrounding open space areas and while reducing disturbances to adjacent natural habitats. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-5.4] Landscaping Utilize private and public landscaping to help open space and park areas along Town streets blend within their surroundings neighborhood. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-5.5] Existing School Property Preserve open space and public uses upon the sale of existing school property in order to preserve school playing fields as developed open spaces . [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.6] Public School Overlay Zone Use the Public School Overlay Zone to keep closed school sites in public ownership and to preserve the playing fields as developed recreation spaces . [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.7] 6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-13 Informal Outdoor Gathering Spaces in New Development Encourage all new development to provide informal outdoor gathering spaces. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-5.8] Recreation Space for Young Children Encourage new multi-family residential development of eight units or more to include tot lots or similar shared off-street open recreation space for young children. [Source: Modified Existing Policy OSP-5.9] Park Visibility Ensure all parks are visible from thea public right-of-way whenever possible and are clear of unnecessary visual impediments (such as and overgrown vegetation) that reduces visual connections and observation. and increases the potential for crime. [Source: New Policy]  NOTE: Goals and policies concerning cultural resources have been moved to the Environment and Sustainability Element, as this is a more typical location in a general plan. Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-14 Public Review Draft May 2020 6.3 Implementation Programs Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing A Develop an Acquisition Program Develop and institute an acquisition program consistent with the Housing Element that includes fee purchase, easement dedications and land donations. Areas to be considered: Novitiate, hillside open space, additional park sites, closed school sites, and large land-locked parcels. [Source: Existing Action OSP-1.1] OSP-1.1 OSP-1.2 OSP-1.3 OSP-1.4 OSP-1.5 Parks and Public Works Community Development Town Manager Town Attorney  B Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. Update the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines as needed to include measures that address open space in new development. [Source: Existing Policy OSP-6.10] OSP-2.4 OSP-2.5 OSP-4.2 OSP-4.7 Community Development  C Adopt Review Open Space Standards Adopt Review and update the open space standards as needed, standards specifying the type and quantity of open space required for new developments. [Source: Existing Action OSP-6.1] OSP-4.1 OSP-4.2 OSP-4.3 OPS-4.4 OSP-4.97 OSP-4.10 Community Development  D Develop a Los Gatos Creek Restoration Plan Work with the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, the California Department of Fish and Game, and Caltrans to develop a restoration plan for channelized segments of Los Gatos Creek . [Source: Existing Action OSP-7.1] OSP-5.1 Parks and Public Works  E Seek Funding for Creek Restoration Seek and obtain funding for creek restoration. [Source: Existing Action OSP- 7.2] OSP-5.1 Parks and Public Works  6. Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-15 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing F Identify Los Gatos Creek Trail Access Opportunities Identify additional opportunities for access along the Los Gatos Creek Trail. [Source: Existing Action OSP-7.3] OSP-5.2 Parks and Public Works  G Seek Funding for Los Gatos Creek and Trail Projects Seek and obtain funding for beautification restoration projects and trail connection opportunities along Los Gatos Creek and the Los Gatos Creek Trail. [Source: Modified Existing Action OSP-7.4] OSP-5.2 Parks and Public Works  H Develop a Ross Creek Restoration Plan Work with the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and Caltrans to develop a restoration plan for channelized segments of Ross Creek. [Source: Existing Action OSP-8.1] OSP-6.1 Parks and Public Works  I Establish a Parks, Trails, and Open Space Database Develop an electronic database and ArcGIS files for all parks, trail, and open space easements, trails, and recreational facilities. [Source: Existing Action OSP-5.5] OSP-7.1 OSP-7.2 OSP-7.3 OSP-8.1 Parks and Public Works Community Development  J Assess Existing Parks Conduct an assessment of existing parks to identify any determine the unmet recreational needs and implement new facilities as parks are upgraded. [Source: Existing Action OSP-4.1] OSP-7.1 Parks and Public Works  K Install Park Signage Install interpretive signage at parks when feasible and appropriate, providing a description of features such as the park’s history, native species that live in or near the park, accessibility indicator (level of difficulty), and existing or historic waterways. [Source: Existing Action OSP- 5.3] OSP-7.2 Parks and Public Works  Public Review Draft Policy Document 6-16 Public Review Draft May 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing L Study Off-Leash Dog Recreation Opportunities Conduct a study to determine the feasibility of providing dedicated off-leash dog recreation areas and/or for allowing off - leash dog times at specific parks. [Source: Existing Action OSP-4.2] OSP-7.6 Parks and Public Works  ML Inventory Parks and Open Space Maintain and update the parks and open space inventory every ten years. [Source: Existing Action OSP-5.1] OSP-8.1 OSP-8.2 Parks and Public Works  NM Adopt Best Management Practices Adopt Best Management Practice park service standards for the Town. [Source: Existing Action OSP-5.2] OSP-8.1 OSP-8.4 Parks and Public Works  O Study Reservoir Air Space Conduct a study to determine the appropriate use of “air space” over Seven Mile Reservoir. [Source: Existing Action OSP-4.3] Parks and Public Works Community Development  6.Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element May 2020 Public Review Draft 6-17 Please see the next page. This Page Intentionally Left Blank