Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 08/15/2019 ITEM: 3 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: August 8, 2019 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Continue Discussion and Provide Direction for Draft Land Use Alternatives BACKGROUND: On June 20, 2019, and July 18, 2019, the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) met to discuss and provide direction for draft land use alternatives. At the June 20, 2019 GPAC meeting, a consensus was reached that additional density in the hillsides was not desirable, both for the protection of the natural character of the hillsides and for wildfire preparedness. At the July 18, 2019 GPAC meeting, a motion passed that the General Plan should provide capacity for additional residential units at a level that exceeds the historical production in Los Gatos and that this could be accomplished through different types of housing units, such as smaller residential units. The topic of land use alternatives was continued to the August meeting. DISCUSSION: The two primary purposes for the August meeting are: 1. Complete the residential discussion by identifying where future residential growth is appropriate; and 2. Determine if opportunities for additional commercial and industrial capacity is desirable for Los Gatos, and if so, what type and where. To assist the Committee with these questions, the consultants have prepared two Attachments. Attachment 12 contains examples of housing types to provide a common understanding of different densities and building types. These concepts might be useful to the Committee as it considers where and how additional housing could be located. There are other housing strategies that the Committee could also consider during its future goals and policie s discussion. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Continue discussion of Draft Land Use Alternatives August 8, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\8-15-19\Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): Please note that the unit sizes within the buildings are not pre-determined with any particular housing type. In addition, the housing types could be achieved with a variety of architectural styles and that the styles depicted in Attachment 12 are not intended to illustrate the types of architecture that might be appropriate in the Town. Attachment 13 contains six depictions of the Town’s existing General Plan Land Use map: • Town-wide General Plan Land Use map (Attachment 13, Figure 1); • Land Use map without the hillside designations (Attachment 13, Figure 2); • Land Use map with only the commercial and office designations (Attachment 13, Figure 3). • Land Use map with only the Low-Density Residential designation (Attachment 13, Figure 4); • Land Use map with only the Medium/High-Density Residential designations (Attachment 13, Figure 5); and • Land Use map with only the industrial designations (Attachment 13, Figure 6). Attachment 9 provided with the July packet contains the definitions of all of the General Plan Land Use designations. Committee members are encouraged to review the designations to understand the mix of uses and densities currently allowed within in each category. A. Where is future residential growth appropriate? Based on ideas discussed by GPAC members, the GPAC may consider the following options as alternatives for consideration: • Allow additional building height and/or density for residential uses in the Mixed Use Commercial and/or Neighborhood Commercial designations (Attachment 13, Figure 4); • Allow residential within commercial designations, without requiring that it be part of a mixed use project; and • Increase density and/or height in existing residential land use designations (Attachment 13, Figures 5 and 6). For example: o A shift in the current Low Density Residential from 0-5 to 0-12 units per acre would allow an 8,000-square foot lot to have two dwelling units, where only one is currently allowed. o A shift in the current Medium Density Residential from 5-12 to 12-20 units per acre would change the housing types from “Small Lot Single-Family Detached” to “Compact Single-Family or Multifamily-Very Low” as shown in Attachment 12. o A shift in the current High Density Residential from 12-20 to 20-40 units per acre would change the buildings from “Multifamily-Very Low” to “Multifamily-Low” as shown in Attachment 12. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Continue discussion of Draft Land Use Alternatives August 8, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\8-15-19\Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): B. Determine if opportunities for additional commercial and industrial capacity is desirable for Los Gatos, and if so, what type and where. The Committee has expressed interest in additional commercial opportunities, including: The addition or relocation of Neighborhood Commercial designations to serve existing or new residential intensity; high tech business opportunities that could be accommodated in offices such as innovation centers, start-up incubators, shared working spaces, or satellite office spaces; and/or additional opportunities for hotels. The GPAC could consider: • Modify locations of Neighborhood Commercial, Mixed Use Commercial, or Office designations on the map; • Add specific uses as allowed uses within certain land use designations; • Allow more flexibility for different non-residential uses within commercial and/or industrial designations to encourage creative use combinations (e.g., retail and light manufacturing); and/or • Allow additional intensity and/or height in certain designations for specific office and/or hotel uses. Additional ideas are contained in the Discussion section of the July 18, 2019 Staff Report, including more concentrated industrial and research development along University Avenue, modifications of land use standards in the Central Business District, and prioritization of multi-modal improvements on Los Gatos Boulevard. NEXT STEPS: The next steps in the General Plan update process include: • Consultant preparation of the Draft Alternatives Report; and • GPAC review of Alternatives Report prior to the next community workshop. Committee members are encouraged to review the overall process chart that was provided at the first GPAC meeting for key milestones and future topics pertaining to goals, policies, action items, and other substantive content. There will be opportunities to work through critical issues that have been raised at past meetings by Committee members and/or the public. Staff is keeping a list of such issues so they can be revisited at the appropriate time. For example, wildfire hazards. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Continue discussion of Draft Land Use Alternatives August 8, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\8-15-19\Staff Report.docx ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with June 20, 2019 Staff Report: 1. Issues and Opportunities Report (38 pages) 2. Maps of Potential General Plan Focus Areas (11 pages) Attachment previously received with June 20, 2019 Desk Item Report: 3. RHNA Objectives and Factors (one page) Attachments previously received with July 18, 2019 Staff Report: 4. Pending Wildfire Legislation Summary (five pages) 5. APA Zoning Practice – Wildfire Adaptation (eight pages) 6. APA Zoning Practice – Form-Based Zoning (eight pages) 7. Background Report Table 2.1-1: Los Gatos Population and Housing Trend (one page) 8. Background Report Table 3.8-3: Development Capacity Summary (one page) 9. 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations (seven pages) 10. Background Report Section 3.3: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations (five pages) Attachment previously received with July 18, 2019 Addendum Report: 11. Public comment received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, July 12, 2019 and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Attachment received with this Staff Report: 12. Booklet of Housing Type Examples (10 pages) 13. General Plan Map Excerpts (19 pages) 14. Comment from Committee Member 15. Public Comment Received before 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 9, 2019 HOUSING TYPE EXAMPLES Los Gatos General Plan 2040 GPAC Town of Los Gatos | General Plan Advisory Committee 2 Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are an additional dwelling unit to a primary residence. They are known by many names: granny flats, in-law units, backyard cottages, secondary units, and more. ADUs are an innovative, affordable, effective option for adding much- needed housing. ADUs can be detached and newly constructed units, converted garages or basements, or built above a garage or workshop. New Laws to Streamline ADU Construction Over the past few years, the California legislature has made efforts to streamline ADU construction. This includes: • Making ADU approval a ministerial action, • Mandating that local governments approve ADU building permit requests if the ADU meets certain standards, • Allowing ADUs to be built in all zoning districts that allow single-family uses, • Reducing or eliminating ADU parking requirements, and • Reducing ADU utility-related fee requirements. Housing Type Examples | August 2019 3 Tiny Homes The tiny-house movement is an architectural and social movement that promotes living simply, financial prudence, and safe, shared community experiences. Tiny homes are generally defined as residential structures under 400 sq. ft. They can built on permanent foundations or trailers. Duplexes A duplex has two dwelling units attached to one another with separate entrances for each. This includes two-story houses with a complete apartment on each floor and side-by-side apartments on a single lot that share a common wall. Town of Los Gatos | General Plan Advisory Committee 4 Townhouses Triplexes and Fourplexes A triplex has three dwelling units attached to one another with separate entrances for each, while a fourplex has four dwelling units. This includes multi-story houses with a complete apartment on each floor and also side-by-side apartments on a single lot that share a common wall. Townhouses are single-family dwelling units that usually have two or three floors that share a wall with another house. Unlike duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes, each townhouse is individually owned. Housing Type Examples | August 2019 5 Co-Housing Co-housing is an intentional community of private homes clustered around shared space. Each attached or detached single-family home has traditional amenities, including a private kitchen. Shared spaces typically feature a common house, which may include a large kitchen and dining area, laundry, and recreational spaces. Courtyard Apartment/Bungalow Court A courtyard apartment consists of multiple side-by-side and/or stacked dwelling units that are centered around a shared outdoor open space or garden. Each unit may have its own individual entry, or several of the units may share a common entry. A bungalow court consists of a series of small, detached structures, providing multiple units arranged to define a shared court that is typically perpendicular to the street. The shared court takes the place of a private rear yard and is an important community-enhancing element. Town of Los Gatos | General Plan Advisory Committee 6 Live/Work Micro Units While there is no standard definition, a working definition of micro units is a small studio apartment, typically less than 350 square feet, with a fully functioning and accessibility compliant kitchen and bathroom. Under this definition, a 160-square-foot single-room-occupancy (SRO) unit that relies upon communal kitchen or bathroom facilities does not qualify as a micro unit. Live/work units consist of a separate living space attached to a work space within the same unit that is occupied by the same tenant. Housing Type Examples | August 2019 7 Single-Family Detached Small Lot Single-Family Detached A single-family detached home is a stand-alone structure that is maintained and used as a single dwelling unit. Density Range: 1-5 dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 35 feet, 2 stories Small Lot Single-family detached homes with a smaller building footprint and lot size can be accommodate more dwelling units per acre. Density Range: 5-12 dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 35 feet, 2-3 stories Town of Los Gatos | General Plan Advisory Committee 8 Multifamily-Low Compact Single-Family or Multifamily-Very Low Government Code Section 65583.2(c)(3)(B) allows the Town to use “default density” standards as a streamlined option to meet the lower-income RHNA. The default density for Los Gatos is 20 du/ac. Compact Single-family detached homes with a smaller building footprint and lot size can be accommodate more dwelling units per acre. Similarly, multifamily-very low buildings can provide more dwelling units per acre. Density Range: 12-20 dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 35-45 feet, 2-3 stories Multifamily buildings are designed to house several different families in separate housing units. They are commonly known as apartments or condominiums. Density Range: 20-40 dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 35-50 feet, 2-4 stories Housing Type Examples | August 2019 9 Multifamily-Medium Multifamily-High Multifamily buildings are designed to house several different families in separate housing units. They are commonly known as apartments or condominiums, depending on the ownership structure. Density Range: 40-60 dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 40-60 feet, 3-5 stories Multifamily buildings are designed to house several different families in separate housing units. They are commonly known as apartments or condominiums, depending on the ownership structure. Density Range: 60+ dwelling units/ acre Height/Stories: 50-80 feet, 5-8 stories Town of Los Gatos | General Plan Advisory Committee 10 Low-Intensity Mixed Use High-Intensity Mixed Use Mixed-use development blends two or more or the following land use types: residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, and/or industrial. Typically, these developments have commercial uses on the ground floor with residential units above. Density Range: up to 60 dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 40-60 feet, 3-5 stories FAR Range: 0.3 to 1.0 Mixed-use development blends two or more or the following land use types: residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, and/or industrial. Typically, these developments have commercial uses on the ground floor with residential units above. Density Range: 60+ dwelling units/acre Height/Stories: 50-80 feet, 5-8 stories FAR Range: 0.3 to 1.0 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell Albright Specific Plan 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Open Space Agriculture Public Hillside Residential Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Light Industrial North 40 Specific Plan Figure 1: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Townwide Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 1 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell Albright Specific Plan 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Public Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Light Industrial North 40 Specific Plan Figure 2: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Except Hillside Residential, Agriculture, and Open Space Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 2 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell Albright Specific Plan 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Public Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Light Industrial North 40 Specific Plan Figure 2: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Except Hillside Residential, Agriculture, and Open Space Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno Saratoga San Jose Campbell SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardBlossom Hill RoadUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d N Santa Cruz AvenueSR- 8 5 SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardBlossom Hill RoadUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d N Santa Cruz AvenueSR- 8 5 2 SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d 2 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell Albright Specific Plan 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Public Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Light Industrial North 40 Specific Plan Figure 2: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Except Hillside Residential, Agriculture, and Open Space Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueHarwood RoadBelgatos RoadBlossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueHarwood RoadBelgatos Road2 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell Albright Specific Plan 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Public Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Light Industrial North 40 Specific Plan Figure 2: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Except Hillside Residential, Agriculture, and Open Space Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Figure 3: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Commercial and Office Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 3 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Figure 3: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Commercial and Office Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno Saratoga Campbell SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d SR- 8 5 SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d SR- 8 5 3 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Figure 3: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Commercial and Office Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain StreetUniversity AvenueShannon Ro a d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain StreetUniversity AvenueShannon Ro a d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d 3 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Central Business District Office Professional Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Service Commercial Figure 3: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Commercial and Office Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueHarwood RoadBelgatos RoadBlossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueHarwood RoadBelgatos Road3 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designation Figure 4: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Low-Density Residential Map Date: July 29, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Low-Density Residential Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 4 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designation Figure 4: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Low-Density Residential Map Date: July 29, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Low-Density Residential Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno Saratoga San Jose Campbell SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardBlossom Hill RoadUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueSR- 8 5 SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardBlossom Hill RoadUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueSR- 8 5 4 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designation Figure 4: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Low-Density Residential Map Date: July 29, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Low-Density Residential Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d 4 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designation Figure 4: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Low-Density Residential Map Date: July 29, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Low-Density Residential Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueHarwood RoadBelgatos RoadBlossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueHarwood RoadBelgatos Road4 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Figure 5: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Medium-Density Residential and High-Density Residential Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 5 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Figure 5: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Medium-Density Residential and High-Density Residential Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno Saratoga Campbell Lar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadSR- 8 5 Lar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadSR- 8 5 5 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Figure 5: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Medium-Density Residential and High-Density Residential Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5Monte Sereno SR-17SR-17Lo s G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill RoadUniversity AvenueShannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d SR-17SR-17Lo s G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill RoadUniversity AvenueShannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d 5 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Figure 5: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Medium-Density Residential and High-Density Residential Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos Medium-Density Residential High-Density Residential SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueLG Almaden R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadBlossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueLG Almaden R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos Road5 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Light Industrial Figure 6: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Light Industrial Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 6 Monte Sereno Santa Clara County Saratoga San Jose Campbell 2020 General Plan Land Use Designations Light Industrial Figure 6: Existing General Plan Land Use Designations — Light Industrial Map Date: August 8, 2019 ¯0 0.25 0.5 0.75Miles Town of Los Gatos SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 SR-17SR-17Los G a t o s - S a r a t o g a R o a d Los Gatos BoulevardMain Street Blossom Hill Road Blossom Hill RoadUnion AvenueUniversity AvenueLark A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadLG Almaden R o a d Shannon Roa d N Santa Cruz AvenueKenne d y R o a d Harwood RoadBelgatos RoadSR- 8 5 Monte Sereno SR-17Los Gatos BoulevardUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadN Santa Cruz AvenueSR-17Los Gatos BoulevardUniversity AvenueLar k A v e n u eWinchester BoulevardWedgewood Avenue More AvenueOka RoadN Santa Cruz Avenue6 From: Lee Quintana <leeandpaul@earthlink.net> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 8:07 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov>; Arn Andrews <aandrews@losgatosca.gov>; Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Disster Recovery Please include this as an attachment to the GPAC’s next Agenda. Should LG develop a plan proactively? Is this something that needs to be approved by the legislature after a disaster has occurred? PCL Insider - July 23, 2019 View this email in your browser Communities Deserve a Say in Their Disaster Recovery: Why AB 430 Would Be a Bad Precedent PCL regrets that we have had to come out in opposition to AB 430, a bill that would allow an extremely broad California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption f or housing development in response to the Camp Fire that destroyed the town of Paradise in 2018. PCL has the utmost sympathy and concern for the victims of the Camp Fire, as we do for all of the communities across California that have been struck by the increasingly devastating fires of recent years. California needs a standard process for accelerating disaster recovery, one that reflects community-identified needs as well as state law, but AB 430 does not propose such a process. AB 430 would provide a full CEQA exemption and ministerial approval for any housing or mixed-use project within the participating cities of the Butte region (Chico has opted to not be included in the bill). It should be noted that a full CEQA exemption already exists for the rebuilding of properties lost due to fire. AB 430 would allow ministerial approval for new housing, including greenfield development of up to 50 acres at a time. While the bill contains exclusions of sensitive lands such as endangered species habitat, flood zones, and high-risk wildfire areas (all of which PCL does support), General Plan consistency remains to be the only substantive constraint on where and what would be built. General Plan-level review is not adequate to gauge parcel-specific impacts for greenfield development, nor regionally cumulative environmental and community impacts. General Plans, among other things, are not fiscally constrained and are not required to demonstrate consistency with a region’s state-mandated GHG reduction targets. Allowing such a sweeping CEQA exemption for the General Plan consistency alone, without a more specific, programmatically reviewed master plan in place, would be unprecedented. PCL believes that the Butte region should first develop a targeted master recovery plan, with robust community input, and with particular attention paid to resiliency to future fires and compliance to State environmental and equity mandates. Without such a plan, entirely removing the public process that CEQA provides will mean that the community has no say at all in how their region rebuilds. PCL, an author and guardian of CEQA, believes that the extremity of these disasters does indeed warrant special incentives for the accelerated rebuilding of these communities, including a well-thought-out CEQA-relief mechanism. PCL has and continues to be committed to working with these communities and the legislature to identify the appropriate streamlining mechanism that enables a better future for these communities. As recently as last year, PCL worked to improve and support AB 2267 (Wood 2018), a fire recovery bill for the City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County. By comparison, the aspects of AB 2267 that PCL supported included: • The streamlining incentive was expedited judicial review, not a full CEQA re view exemption. Expedited judicial review is not something PCL generally supports in principle, but we feel disaster recovery is an instance that could warrant it. • The City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County, with other community stakeholders, developed a targeted development plan, consistent with a master plan that had already been vetted by the community. • The last revised development plan was almost entirely focused on infill, with strong density requirements (12-20 U/acre minimums, depending on transit proximity). • The plan had strong transportation efficiency performance requirements and a no-net-GHG requirement. The sites were required to be Sustainable Community Strategy consistent and almost all of them were in transit-priority- areas. • There was a 20% deed-restricted affordability requirement and a no-demolition clause for existing affordable housing or any housing that had been rented in the last 10 years, to guard against the displacement of existing low-income residents. PCL is not proposing that the above criteria are exactly the right fit for the Butte region. We are proposing that these are the kinds of criteria that should be considered by the community for an accelerated recovery plan. The author of AB 430, Assembly Member Gallagher, has said he “has no time” to develop such a plan. We truly sympathize with his sense of urgency, but we would contend that there is no more important time than after a disaster for direct community engagement on questions of how that community rebuilds. These decisions will impact these communities for decades to come, and, if not well thought out, could exacerbate the risks and mistakes of the past. A disaster-recovery CEQA streamlining should require a targeted disaster-recovery plan, demonstrating alignment with community-identified needs as well as California’s climate and equity goals. With such a plan in place, a reasonable conversation could then be had about what the appropriate level of review and streamlining would be to accelerate recovery. Without such a plan, AB 430 would be a dangerous precedent for disaster recovery in California. The community deserves a say. From: Lee Quintana <leeandpaul@earthlink.net> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 11:24 AM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov>; Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov> Subject: USA Today article - 500 spots have greater hazard than Paradise Please include this link in the next GPAC and PC meeting packets. Thank you. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/07/22/wildfire-risks-more-than-500- spots-have-greater-hazard-than-paradise/1801629001/ From: Amy Despars <amydespars@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:08 PM To: GP2040 <GP2040@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Thursday, July 18 Good Afternoon, I love that the town is looking for input but I am hoping you can schedule another meeting in the fall. A common concern and complaint among community members is that the most important town meetings are always scheduled during holiday season(July when half of the town is gone, winter break, ski week, and spring break). The other problem with this date is that this Thursday is to be community building event downtown, The Summer Block Party. Moving forward to the next meeting I hope you will advertise this meeting with fliers in merchant windows or even better up by the cash register and through social media as well. A few months ago I forwarded the GP2040 survey to many(50+) people. Below are some of the responses I received after sharing the survey. *The GP2040 survey was difficult to access. I had many people contact me because they could not figure out or could not find it even with using the link. It was a lot of work just to register. *The survey needed better questions. People asked me where the questions came from and one comment included, “These are odd questions.” There was not enough space to write everything people wanted to say. There needs to be a general question like, “What do you like the most about Los Gatos? What would you like to see improved? What is your vision for the future of Los Gatos(retail, restaurants or all office spaces downtown?)” *In order to have all community members input there needs to be fliers about GP2040 posted on all of the windows in Los Gatos(downtown and uptown). Have the surveys on counters inside stores and see if some store owners will provide a collection box. We need to hear from a variety of people who have a different ideas and suggestions. Because I can not be at the meeting Thursday, I would like submit some recommendation now. *Please look at other small towns like Campbell, Chico, San Louis Obispo and Huntington Beach and see what they are doing to bring small local owned businesses and restaurants to town. All of these towns close off the downtown streets weekly to host farmer’s markets, art show, food trucks, car shows etc.. These cities/towns all have outdoor seating, live music and a thriving community. *We need to be more community friendly every week not quarterly. *We need to make it easier for small businesses to open in Los Gatos(easier and more affordable permits etc.) *We need to bring Los Gatos back to what it used to be a fun destination town with a lively downtown. *We need to hold property owners accountable for keeping their properties well kept. If not, they should be fined(CB Hannigans is embarassing and the Walgreens, Panera parking lots are littered with cigarette butts and trash. We need signs that say, “Welcome to Los Gatos at our various gateways(Winchester Ave. heading north in the median across from The Bay Club and one at Bascom heading north somewhere between 85 and Lark. *The Chamber, Planning Commission, Town Manager, and Town Council should be reaching out to small business in other towns to come here. Aptos and Campbell have darling shops that would do well here. *We need to think outside the box and turn places like the old Ferrari of Los Gatos into a beer garden with and small venue center in the back. *We need to get a hotel company to buy and refurbish the LG Lodge with a fun restaurant and small event venue. Most LG High School reunions are held at LG Lodge because it has an outdoor/indoor area for events and it is easy to access compared to downtown. We also need to give more attention to UPTOWN(LG Blvd. north of Shannon Road). *No more fast food restaurants. *Local input on developments. We DO NOT want all of the buildings to look like the Super Duper wanna be Spanish style. More shopping areas should be like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s that sit off of the road and are hidden by trees which softens the streetscape. *Demand CALTRANS to clean up our on and off ramps and replace fallen signs(some have been sitting in the bushes for years(exit Lark Ave going north and look to the right at the stop light). *Clean up the medians and islands and plant California native plants. Post no parking/street sweeping signs so our gutters can get cleaned. I hope that you will get valuable input and continue to listen to the local residents many of us second and third generation who want to bring Los Gatos back to the vivacious, thriving town it once was. Below is something I received in April. I forwarded to the Chamber, Town Council and Planning Commission members. It was disappointing to not receive one reply. It may be beneficial to look into Alison Embrey Medina and see if she has any other similar events coming up. Thank you, Amy Despars 267 Longridge Rd. UPTOWN Join design:retail and Alison Embrey Medina at Design Speaks April 15, 2019 design:retail is presenting Design Speaks, a casual evening of cocktails and conversation for the retail design industry. The event will be held Tuesday, April 23, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the San Francisco office of event sponsor Gensler, located at 4 5 Fremont., Suite 1500. Alison Embrey Medina will present a trend talk focusing on “Retail’s Radical Transformation.” The $15 trillion retail sector is now evolving at the speed of the Internet. To thrive and survive in retail, companies now need to innovate at that same pace. Medina will dive into how the tech revolution is impacting the physical brick-and-mortar stores. Hybrid digital-physical experiences will become the norm, as the “phygital” age is upon us. From smart retail stores, hyperpersonalizatio n and tactile tech, to the countertrends of tribetailing and experiential retail, Medina will explore the big buckets that are radically transforming the retail landscape.