Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 06/20/2019 ITEM: 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: JUNE 14, 2019 TO: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION FOR DRAFT LAND USE ALTERNATIVES. BACKGROUND: The Issues and Opportunities Report (Attachment 1) has been completed. The Report summarizes the input collected from the community between October 2018 and April 2019. The input received and summarized in the Report was used in the vision and guiding principles process and provides information that will also be used for the land use alternative and policy development phases of the General Plan update. Many of the questions in this Report were developed based on the input from the report. DISCUSSION: This meeting is the first discussion regarding Phase 4, Land Use Alternatives, of the General Plan update. This first, high level discussion is intended to provide direction to staff and the consultant for the development of the Land Use and Policy Alternatives Report, which will then return to the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) for review. This Report will contain maps and descriptions for land use, circulation, and policy alternatives, and an evaluation of alternatives in terms of implications for land use and community character, development capacity, economic development, fiscal health, mobility and connectivity, public facilities and services, and the natural environment. Five potential General Plan Focus Areas have been created for the GPAC’s consideration (Attachment 2). The primary questions for discussion are: • Are the Focus Area boundaries appropriate? • Are there other areas of Town that should be considered as a Focus Area? • What should be analyzed for these Focus Areas? PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION FOR DRAFT LAND USE ALTERNATIVES JUNE 14, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\6-20-19\Staff Report.docx Below is a list of the five potential Focus Areas and questions to begin the discussion. 1. Focus Area 1 – Hillside The Hillside Focus Area is located on the southern end of Town extending from the Town limits west of SR-17, east to the San Jose city limits at Begonia Drive and south to the County unincorporated area. This Focus Area has land uses that reflect the current General Plan designations of Hillside Residential and Open Space with pockets of Agriculture. • Should the Town decrease the density in the Hillside Focus Area? • To improve fire safety in the Hillside Focus Area, should the Town consider more stringent development standards? 2. Focus Area 2 – Downtown The Downtown Focus Area includes the Central Business District and surrounding neighborhoods. The Downtown Focus Area boundaries are Los Gatos Boulevard to the east, Wood Road to the south, Glen Ridge Avenue to the west, and Blossom Hill Road to the north. This area includes residential, commercial, and open space land uses. • Should the Downtown Central Business District encourage more housing types? • In order to attract additional businesses, are there land uses or development standards that should be modified to enliven the Central Business District? • What should the Town consider to enhance access to and throughout the Downtown Focus Area? 3. Focus Area 3 – University Avenue The University Avenue Focus Area runs along University Avenue from Blossom Hill Road, northeast to Lark Avenue. This Focus Area includes mainly light industrial, residential, and open space land uses, and abuts Vasona County Park. • Should the Town modify land uses or development standards to allow for more concentrated industrial and research and development uses along University Avenue? • Should there be greater emphasis on connection/access to Vasona County Park, Los Gatos Creek Trail, and other parts of Town from surrounding uses (existing and future)? • Should there be increased development restrictions in areas with the potential for flooding? PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION FOR DRAFT LAND USE ALTERNATIVES JUNE 14, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\6-20-19\Staff Report.docx 4. Focus Area 4 – Los Gatos Boulevard The Los Gatos Boulevard Focus Area runs along Los Gatos Boulevard from Spencer Avenue, northeast to Burton Road and the San Jose city limits. This Focus Area contains primarily commercial land uses. • Should the allowed mixed-use (i.e., combination of housing and retail or housing and office) land use or development standards be modified to promote mixed-use development? • Should the Town prioritize multi-modal improvements along Los Gatos Boulevard to enhance the safety and accessibility for all modes of transportation in alignment with the Town’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan? 5. Focus Area 5 – Vasona Light Rail/Oka Road The Vasona Light Rail/Oka Road Focus Area runs along Winchester Boulevard from Lark Avenue, northeast to Division Street, and southeast to Highway 17. This Focus Area has mainly commercial and industrial land uses and includes the location for the potential VTA Vasona Light Rail Station. • Should the Town plan for transit-oriented development near the potential Vasona Light Rail Station? • Should there be greater accessibility between the North 40 and the Vasona Light Rail Station/Oka Road Focus Area? • In the absence of a future Vasona Light Rail Station, what other uses would be appropriate in this Focus Area that would benefit the overall community? NEXT STEPS: The next steps in the General Plan update process include: • Refine and confirm the General Plan Focus Areas; and • Prepare the Land Use and Policy Alternatives Report for consideration by the GPAC and recommendation to the Planning Commission and Town Council. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Issues and Opportunities Report (38 pages) 2. Maps of Potential General Plan Focus Areas (11 pages) Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 1 Introduction Los Gatos 2040: Update Overview The Town of Los Gatos adopted its current General Plan in 2010. While the existing General Plan is serving the community well, the Town is doing an update to refine the General Plan, in order to address emerging trends, and recent changes in State law, and consider new issues facing the community. This effort is intended to be a fine-tuning of the existing General Plan rather than a comprehensive overhaul of the document. This planning effort will also allow the General Plan to incorporate best practices in planning to ensure Los Gatos is resilient to future risks while also improving the community’s quality of life. The Issues and Opportunities Report presents data from the first General Plan Community Workshop, the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Meetings #1 and #2, Spring into Green, online engagement exercises on engage.losgatos2040.com, and Town staff. The input received and summarized in this Issues and Opportunities Report will facilitate discussion and provide direction in the visioning and guiding principles process, land use alternative process, and policy development in the General Plan. Executive Summary Overall, the Issues and Opportunities input collected from the community is not surprising and focuses heavily around four topic areas: traffic and congestion, housing, development pressure concerns, and protection of natural resources. These issues are not necessarily unique to communities in the Bay Area; however, due to Los Gatos’ geographical location in the Silicon Valley, these issues have become more prevalent in the last decade as increasing employment growth creates growth pressures regionally. Traffic and the associated impacts of congestion are of the greatest concern to the community, not only local traffic within Town, but also weekend traffic heading over SR-17 to the coast and commuter traffic from the Peninsula and Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay Regions. Community members are also highly concerned with the increasing regional growth pressures in Silicon Valley and its effect on the high cost of housing, volatile real estate market, and housing availability. The increased demand for housing and its related affordability is not the only concerns relating to development. As the South Bay builds out, there is greater demand for retail, industrial, office, and manufacturing space, which have the potential to conflict with the established character the Town has maintained for the last half-century. Lastly, the community is concerned that the development pressures might conflict with remaining open space in and around Town. Los Gatos is very protective of its natural resources, and based on community feedback, this is of high importance to preserve. ATTACHMENT 1 Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 2 Sources of Issues and Opportunities The Issues and Opportunities Report includes input from the following sources. Los Gatos 2040 Community Workshop #1 Workshop #1 was held on October 17, 2018, at 6:30 PM in the Jewish Community Center (JCC), 14855 Oka Road in Los Gatos. The purpose of the workshop was to: •Provide an overview of the General Plan update; •Explain why the Town is updating its General Plan; and •Develop a list of issues and opportunities that should be addressed as part of the General Plan update. The workshop was attended by 17 individuals divided into three small groups. The workshop included a brief opening presentation that gave an overview of the General Plan purpose and process. As part of the presentation, the Town’s General Plan Consultants briefly explained areas of State law that have changed since the Town’s existing General Plan was adopted in 2010. General Plan Advisory Committee Meetings #1 and #2 General Plan Advisory Committee Meetings #1 and #2 were held on October 30, 2018, and December 11, 2018. The GPAC Chair and Town staff presented the GPAC with the results of Community Workshop #1. The GPAC discussed the issues and opportunities raised by the community and identified additional items to be addressed as part of the update at both meetings. Spring into Green General Plan Pop-Up Booth At Spring into Green, held on Sunday, April 14, 2019, the Town hosted a booth on the General Plan update to inform the community about the General Plan process and solicit feedback related to the community’s vision for Los Gatos. The Spring into Green booth included a series of stations with informative boards on the update process and Background Report and interactive activities for community members of all ages to participate. Online Engagement Exercises on engage.losgatos2040.com Using online engagement tools, the Town posted three online exercises to engage residents via the update website, engage.losgatos2040.com. •November 2018 Survey: Participants were asked to describe Los Gatos, list any issues facing the Town, and identify opportunity areas that should be addressed in the General Plan. This Survey was available from November 2018 to February 2019. •Places to Consider Map Exercise: Participants were asked to place pins on a map of Los Gatos to identify favorite places in Town, areas with issues, and locations that the General Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 3 Plan should enhance or highlight as community assets. This exercise was available from November 2018 to April 2019. • February/April 2019 Survey: Participants responded to a short survey on the Town’s business mix and housing needs. Participants also provided feedback on a list of potential issues by rating them from “Not Important” to “Very Important.” This survey was available from February 2019 to April 2019. Issues and Opportunities Los Gatos 2040 Community Workshop #1 April 14, 2019 Workshop Exercise: Issues and Opportunities As part of Workshop #1, participants were asked to write down the issues and opportunities that they feel the General Plan update should address. Participants put each issue on a separate white index card and each opportunity on a separate green index card. Participants could use as many cards as they wanted. Once complete, the participants at each table were asked to discuss the issues and opportunities that they came up with individually with the other participants at their table. Then, working together, each table was asked to identify their top three issues and top three opportunities. The following are the top issues and opportunities identified by each of the three tables at the workshop. There is no order or emphasis intended in the following lists. These items are presented as written, without editing. See pages 10-14 for a complete list of the issues and opportunities. Issues Top Three Issues ◼ Table 1: o Traffic - affects lifestyle choice and affects daily life (certain times of day). Lights sensitivity (not timed) o Not enough publicity of benefits for the library - limited parking o Safety for pedestrians, cyclists (non-auto-transportation) (crosswalk someone killed) (on sidewalk to bump people) ◼ Table 2: o Housing - mix below market, move down, affordable (not market rate) o Traffic - more communication, with schools, and specific projects (e.g., North 40) o Downtown - high rent, increase economic vitality to lower rent Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 4 ◼ Table 3: o Los Gatos outside of downtown - planning/prioritizing other gems (i.e., car dealerships) o Lack of diversity: economic, housing, stock, community activities o How do we define density: increasing density in Los Gatos; density vs. intensity Top Three Opportunities ◼ Table 1: o Close proximity to freeways/one-ways streets? o HPC height on buildings (keep small town); historical- preserving - have small town feel o Round-abouts for traffic; Diversity - include more cultural events, many town events, concerts, cultured town parade ◼ Table 2: o Open space - don't develop; outdoor events, parks for all ages o County pockets - eliminate pockets or increase communication between public safety agencies o Volunteers - involve non-profits and make sure Town volunteers have jobs to do ◼ Table 3: o Transportation: walkability, public transportation, traffic calming o Transparency: communication, engagement, i.e., standalone pillars for flyers-arts and STEM o Social interaction: public spaces, smaller activities targeted toward both youth and adults-not more large sports fields-neighborhood centers as part of community buildings use Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 5 All Responses, Issues: The following is a list of all entries provided for issues and opportunities. The list is divided into general categories by topic. There is no ranking or order to these ideas. These items are presented as written, without editing or corrections to grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Transportation and Parking Traffic X Traffic - some elderly are afraid to drive to Los Gatos due to dense traffic and aggressive drivers; before 10, after 3pm X Traffic is a big issue - most people I know plan their day around when there is less traffic X Fix cut thru traffic X More parking X Public transportation X Fix all traffic lights to be censored X Egress walking-riding, biking X Parking X Traffic - stop cut thru driving - coordinate signals X Better bus system X One-way streets X School district should be more able to work with Town about parking and traffic X Cut number of cars to H.S. students X Continue momentum on alienating traffic around schools X Put the full court files on Waze, etc. i.e. traffic thru the neighborhoods X Town should give more regular info -- No. 40 traffic congestion X Traffic is bad and getting worse with new development and will continue to deteriorate X Parking downtown for big events, maybe shuttle X Slowdown the traffic in residential areas with speed bumps X Public transportation X Road repairs (Shannon is dangerous) X Bike/ped facilities are improving - please add on - long way to go to be great X Transportation for seniors X Sidewalks and walkability is amazing - keep improving X Convert lights into roundabouts X Downtown area is easy to get around - walkable X Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 6 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Small size, large area of relatively flat terrain offer opportunity for non-auto transportation X Housing Adequate housing opportunities for the multiple RHNA cycles that this plan will cover (i.e. 2 plus cycles) X Lack of housing options - both small houses and lower cost opportunities X Resources for homeless and at risk are needed X Look to develop housing for moderate income and seniors, teachers etc. Not market rate or above X Senior move down housing need to encourage through planning process X Affordable housing for young adults needs to encourage through planning process X The state continues to be active with housing legislation. This GP is an opportunity to activate in Los Gatos, to anticipate, but also allow Los Gatos to be responsive and flexible to meet the needs of the community without compromising for state leg. X Build apartments above retail downtown X Economics Greater economic diversity X Downtown as a draw for people (millennials, younger) living outside Los Gatos - downtown economic vitality for X Lack of diversity income and social X Create more opportunities X Fed. Funding where possible and appropriate X Economics, Entro Pengrial X Promote local businesses X Small business opportunities X Support entrepreneurs (neighbors selling to community/ lemonade stands/small business) X Town Operations Sometimes police will not even direct traffic when needed X Police need to be friendlier X Town government transparency on financial matters X Unrealistic expectation of what is within the power of Town to influence a change X Community Development Department is excellent and well managed - give them more power X Town clerk is good give her a raise X Work with County Sheriff and CHP to better coordinate police coverage X Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 7 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Allow town volunteers more autonomy for decision making - use their expertise X Volunteers - involve non-profits; make sure town volunteers are given jobs to do X To increase transparency of Town government and processes X While doing update- improve 1.) its organization 2.) clarity and meaning X Retail/Businesses Business rent control X Should be more retail stores in Town - we miss Donus, Chrislows X Need more family restaurants X Economic Vitality, downtown focus X Help downtown businesses improve parking, support events X Clubs - not many X Car dealerships that are closed be redeveloped X Development/Design Design Guidelines X Historic Preservation X Density Issues: housing, existing residential, commercial X Height control on residences X Objective standards for new development, not just "neighborhood compatibility" X If possible - reduce density of housing which will reduce number of cars X Mountain views avoid development that blocks views X An update of building design and guidelines X The Town's historical context X The quaint feeling of Los Gatos should be preserved X It's natural setting - restrict inappropriate applications for bldg. complexes X Buildings that were empty car lots need to become new opportunities X Building height limits X Services and Programs Provide more public opportunity for volleyball, basketball etc. in small courts- not large soccer, baseball courts or fields X Provide opportunities for community gardens year-round (not just high school during summers) X More visibility on resources - where to go online - where to go in person X Promote Libraries X Youth participation is palpable X Sport teams X Outdoor events like jazz in the plaza, farmer's market, music in the park - because climate is so beneficial X Volunteers - involve non-profits; make sure town volunteers are given jobs to do X Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 8 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Expand market to Sat. and Sun. X Schools increase communication between schools, home and school clubs etc. to help mitigate problems X Add more arts and STEM opportunities by adding resources more than one library/ community center X Allow the voice of students to be heard X Library is well managed - increase their budget X More downtown events to raise money X Many town events X Existing events: wine concerts, parades X At LGS Recreation plethora of classes and opportunities for seniors: walks, dance, games, food, computer help X Excellent school facilities X Let our community know the Los Gatos library is more than books: lectures, ebooks, audio, Hoopla (free movies etc. on phone) X Culture: concerts, 3x etc would like more plays @ LGHS and use of the theater X Parks and Open Space Provide more public opportunity for volleyball, basketball etc. in small courts- not large soccer, baseball courts or fields X Create more small gathering spaces rather than large parks, that encourage socialization X More lighting on the trails X Off leash dog areas X Embrace nature - exercise and community X Community Gardens X Parks for all ages, ie dogs, seniors (walkable) X More open space X Maintain /improve/do not change (i.e. develop) our beautiful open space X Open space feeling is a big factor in Los Gatos -- limit high rise construction to keep open space feeling X Preservation of natural settings X Town Identity/Community Hard to get engaged/ involved X Bubble community X Better local paper X Public recognition that Los Gatos is part of a greater community with responsibilities that go beyond protecting status quo X Recognize that Los Gatos is not just downtown library (school and university) X Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 9 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Close to 280, 85 and 17 highways X Quaint, historical downtown X Small town feel X Uniqueness diversity X Environment Fences and wildlife corridors can be built in without impacting homeowners only X Fire protection in hills X Other Utilities: power-water X In the final step of the exercise, participants were asked to mark locations on a map of the community that had location-specific issues (red dots) or opportunities (green dots). The following are the maps done by each of the three tables. The information in the bottom left corner is for the issues and opportunities exercise. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 10 Table 1 Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 11 Table 2 Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 12 Table 3 Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 13 General Plan Advisory Committee Meetings #1 and #2 October 30, 2018, and December 11, 2018 The GPAC convened on both October 20, 2018, and December 11, 2018, in the Town Council Chambers to receive the feedback from Community Workshop #1 (October 17, 2018) and to confirm, comment, and add key issues and opportunities the General Plan update should address. Based on this discussion, the GPAC agreed with the overall community direction and identification of issues and opportunities in Los Gatos. The GPAC also included some additional issues and opportunities consideration for the General Plan which are noted below. These items are presented as written, without editing. Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Retail/Businesses No guidance on vision for what the Town is. X Opportunities for clusters of businesses or neighborhood serving businesses. More retail, coffee shops, etc.. Sprinkle these throughout the Town. X Development/Design Possibly look at design guidelines update to meet the new housing needs and based on a possible revised Town vision X Services and Programs Town Government transparency on financial matters, unfunded liabilities, make these issues understandable, methodology of addressing those items X Focus on safety since it was high on the value list X Parks and Open Space Requiring developments to have a minimum of open space as an objective standard X Park standards distance from neighborhoods X Town Identity/Community Los Gatos is a family town X Good quality schools X Make sure that the Town has policies that emphasize distinct different neighborhoods X Environment Sustainability X Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 14 Spring into Green General Plan Pop-up Booth April 14, 2019 At Spring into Green, held on Sunday, April 14, 2019, the Town hosted a booth on the General Plan update to inform the community about the General Plan process and solicit input on the development of the community’s vision for Los Gatos. The Spring into Green booth included both an interactive visioning exercise as well as hardcopy surveys focused on refining the issues and opportunities feedback from the community. The hardcopy survey provided to participants is a shortened version of the same survey that was on EngagementHQ for the first three months of 2019. Below is a copy of the survey. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 15 Spring into Green Survey Results The Town collected six surveys from the Spring into Green event which included nine questions (seven rating-scale questions and two short answer questions). Below are the results from the survey. Please rate the following on a scale from 1-6, 1 Not Important and 6 being Very Important. How important are multi-modal projects (such as green bike lanes) to you? How important is the issue of beach traffic? Do the Town’s parks and open space meet your needs? Does the Town have sufficient quantities of pathways and trails? 17% 0% 0% 17% 33% 33% 0% 16% 0% 17% 17% 50% 0% 0% 0% 50% 33% 17% 0% 0% 33% 11% 17% 50% Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 16 Please rate the following on a scale from 1-6, 1 Not Important and 6 being Very Important. How likely are you to use a free community shuttle? How important is it to attract small businesses to the Downtown area? How important is it to have a diverse housing supply in Town (mix of apartments, condominiums, townhomes, single-family homes)? 17% 0% 0% 33% 17% 33% 60% 20% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 17% 17% 33% 33% Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 17 Additional Survey Questions Other than retail and restaurants, are there commercial uses, such as office, industrial, or other uses that you believe would strengthen the Town’s commercial districts? 1. Not really. 2. No more chain stores please! 3. Offices for start-ups. 4. Art How do you think the Town should address housing needs in Town (i.e., affordability, availability, allowable types of housing, development standards, etc.)? 1. It needs more spread out housing. The items above are presented as written, without editing. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 18 Online Engagement Exercises on engage.losgatos2040.com EngagementHQ has had three exercises gathering feedback on issues and opportunities in Los Gatos since it was launched in October 2018. Two of the exercises were in the form of surveys. Survey #1 (November 2018) The first survey was an initial high-level gathering of what community members thought were the top three issues and opportunities that the General Plan should address. Over 30 community members participated in the first survey. Below are the results. These items are presented as written, without editing. Survey #1: Question #1 Please list the top three issues you believe the General Plan update should address. 1. Housing for older independent adults and young families 2. Density, housing, and Downtown 3. Solve parking issues, divert traffic during summer months 4. Safety, housing affordability, environmental impacts of people and traffic 5. Traffic, parking (downtown), lack of affordable housing 6. Traffic, affordable housing, preparedness 7. Traffic, road condition, become more local business friendly 8. Summer beach traffic, Summer Beach Traffic, Summer Beach Traffic 9. Unfunded pension & OPEB liability, Growing expense of our police force, School transportation 10. Revenue. Staff and council adherence to goals from existing general plan. Keep L.G. a self- sufficient place without increasing intensification 11. Affordable housing, Widen Route 17, Non-downtown areas 12. Traffic, downtown, north 40 13. Traffic into Town, including parking for downtown. Street maintenance to keep on-going remediation of streets at lower cost, to Town and drivers (reducing car damage) 14. Sustainable transportation options, increase in housing quantity and type, maintain natural beauty and trees 15. Homeless, traffic 16. The homeless, emergency preparation, intergenerational opportunities Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 19 Survey #1: Question #1 Please list the top three issues you believe the General Plan update should address. 17. 360 walking path around Vasona Lake. (Requires pathway from rentals to Stephens creek trail), More parks near Netflix, Making sure people maintain their front lawns and keep them beautiful 18. Beach Traffic. Including widening HWY 17 lanes and bridges (work with Caltrains). No off- leash dog park; example: Rip Van Winkle Open Space in Pacific Grove. No barrier-ed Bike Lanes 19. Safe transportation for all modes of travel. Downtown vitality. Maintain/Enhance Parks and Open Space. 20. Worcester Park 21. A playground for Worcester Park! More bike lanes! 22. Transportation, move away from our dependence on cars. Seriously address climate change; ban all single use items, propane heaters, lawns. Resolve all the pension debt. 23. Parks, Parking, Housing 24. Over crowding bc of high density housing replacing existing useful stores: Ace across from the post office and the post office itself, keep the existing useful community stores and make housing on top. 25. There should be a recognition that there is a conflict in town with business and residential needs. delineate policy in this area 26. Relationship with other south bay communities, balance between past and future, safety 27. Transportation (roads, congestion, parking, bike and pedestrian "lanes"), Housing (how we will meet RHNA, etc.), Public Safety (FIre:Defensible Zones; Police / Emergency Preparedness) 28. High school parking, less chain stores, add a dog park 29. Traffic, preservation of open space, limiting growth 30. BEACH TRAFFIC, traffic on Los Gatos Blvd, crime Survey #1: Question #2 Please list up to three opportunity areas you believe the General Plan update should address. 1. In-fill, recreation, not dominated by medical buildings 2. Upstown vs downtown (Multiuse), affordable housing, clean zoning that doesn't require a public hearing Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 20 Survey #1: Question #2 Please list up to three opportunity areas you believe the General Plan update should address. 3. Better connection of vasona entrance to little league fields area. Adding exterior bathrooms for use of Town plaza, and city hall area. 4. Drugs in the schools (especially Middle and High School), housing affordability, safety 5. Walk-ability/bike-ability, community spaces for meetings and events (theater), ways to keep brick and mortar businesses viable in the face of online shopping 6. Community Center, economic expansion 7. Invite local businesses and services to invite residents to shop and dine in town 8. Not sure at this time 9. Embrace ride sharing and self driving cars to alleviate traffic and parking problems. 10. Limit residential and professional use on the Blvd. Limit Santa Cruz ave from recreational use. i.e. Restaurants,. 11. Focus on 20 year horizon. Non-retail businesses, denser housing, community events 12. continuing improvement for bicyclists and pedestrians; continued revitalization of downtown; incorporating North 40 into town 13. Strategic plan to deal with "homeless" folks. Plan for traffic from all of North LG area, including N 40, Netflix, Good Sam Hospital (in San Jose). 14. Encourage mixed-use and higher-density housing along LG Blvd, more dense housing especially above retail and near the business core downtown, commit to complete streets and encourage mode shift senior services, emergency prep, intergenerational programs and opportunities 15. Human services revamp, improved senior services, integrated Age Friendly services 16. 360 walking paths around Vasona Lake. (Requires pathway from rentals to Stephens creek trail), Add another park within walking distance to Netflix, Find a way to better curb appeal of homes 17. Opportunity to resolve beach traffic. Opportunity to reduce use of cars in high congestion areas/events such as school pickup/drop off and town events. North 40 planning/implementation. 18. Worcester Park 19. A playground for Worcester Park! More bike lanes! 20. Los Gatos Creek Trail. It should be made into a 24/7 lighted bicycle path. LG is small enough that a lower speed limit throughout town works to keep things calm. Benefits ped and bike safety directly Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 21 Survey #1: Question #2 Please list up to three opportunity areas you believe the General Plan update should address. 21. Small Business, Startups, New Parks 22. Recycle splash pads for kids, pedestrian overpassed or underpasses to link the two sides of town across 17, allow residents to add dormers to extend living space while keeping the quaint style homes 23. Requiring specific open spaces within future development projects that can be publicly accessed 24. Relationship with south bay communities, move people out of cars, improved financial management practices 25. Town beautification (we have tired facilities/public buildings, streets, sidewalks) ... we are not investing in our infrastructure. Economic Vitality 26. Parking near high school- some streets have been made permitted and it has caused a lot of congestion on adjacent streets that use to not have high school parking issues. 27. Preservation of trails and open space, enhancing downtown business, decreasing traffic 28. BEACH TRAFFIC, traffic on Los Gatos Blvd, crime Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 22 Survey #2 (February 2019-April 2019) The second survey was an extension of Survey #1 and included a series of 12 questions that dug deeper into specific issues and opportunities based on previous feedback. Questions were provided in two formats; rating scale and short answer. Over 60 community members participated in Survey #2. Below is a copy of the survey and the results. These items are presented as written, without editing. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 23 Please rate the following on a scale from 1-6, 1 Not Important and 6 being Very Important. Please rate the following on a scale from 1-6, 1 Not Important and 6 being Very Important. How important are multi-modal projects (such as green bike lanes) to you? How important is the issue of beach traffic? Do the Town’s parks and open space meet your needs? Does the Town have sufficient quantities of pathways and trails? 0% 6% 9% 21% 29% 35% 1% 5% 16% 24% 21% 33% 12% 8% 20% 20% 18% 22% 2% 3% 0% 6% 8% 81% Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 24 Please rate the following on a scale from 1-6, 1 Not Important and 6 being Very Important. How likely are you to use a free community shuttle? How important is it to attract small businesses to the Downtown area? How important is it to have a diverse housing supply in Town (mix of apartments, condominiums, townhomes, single-family homes)? 32% 9% 4% 17% 11% 27% 5% 3% 5% 11% 11% 65% 25% 17% 20% 18% 8% 12% Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 25 Survey #2: Question #8 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen Downtown Los Gatos? 1. A combination of popular restaurants such as True Foods or similar we drive out of town for. More retail that is mainstream. Don't be afraid of chains, they're a known entity people frequent. 2. Local seafood restaurant, household goods, coffee shop 3. Any retail, service, or industrial business that flourishes. Vacant properties undermine the town's appeal. 4. More restaurants that are kid-friendly and with excellent food (Palo Alto could be a good inspiration). For example, a pizzeria like Terun in Palo Alto, where the food is actually delicious and you can take your kids. 5. Restaurants, bars, and any kind of place with activities 6. Family friendly restaurants, activities. High End Retailers similar to Santana Row (like Lulu Lemon) 7. Restaurants, family friendly activities, Entertainment and attractions 8. Family oriented restaurants. Not over priced venues that we have due to high rents. 9. Restaurants with outdoor seating/rooftop bars. Need grab and go lunch places 10. Kids clothing, patio dining, and family friendly restaurants 11. Restaurants, retail 12. There needs to be a shift away from restrictions on “chain” stores. With Amazon around, the mom and pop stores are having a very hard time surviving. It is better to have occupied store fronts instead of empty ones. 13. Restaurants, retail, formula retail 14. We need more unique restaurants over the typical burger and pizza places to attract more people from outside Los Gatos. More people are becoming plant based as there is more and more awareness on how destructive animal agriculture is to our environment, 15. More healthy eating options that are kid friendly like Mendoceno Farms, Salad type places, children’s clothing stores, bookstore! 16. More family friendly restaurants. Upscale chains. Places people actually want to eat 17. Restaurants- family friendly, burgers, steaks, pasta. Not crappy food like Double Ds. 18. Farm to table restaurant, outdoor eating, live music, an artisan dessert cafe 19. Bar/restaurant with viable outdoor seating, beer garden at Oak meadows, lounge 20. Family friendly restaurants, restaurants with outdoor seating Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 26 Survey #2: Question #8 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen Downtown Los Gatos? 21. Family Restaurants 22. Family/Group Activity Experiences - Escape Room, Neighborhood small pub/bar, Unique Shopping and Restaurants 23. Live music venue. 24. Multiuse residential/commercial, Higher end clothing and merchandise, more affordable cafes for lunch time, maybe a multiuser for area with common seating 25. Restaurants 26. Grocery store 27. Healthy restaurants, especially quick serve. Book store. Kids clothes (now that 2 are closing). 28. Restaurants 29. Please, we need a book store 30. Larger scale destination/luxury retail. I also think we need a more vibrant nightlife (bars) that attract a younger crowd (who then shop and eat in town). 31. Mendocino Farms, True foods, unique businesses that drive traffic. Not big box stores... etc 32. Fun restaurants that are family friendly. WE want a thriving downtown like Campbell, Chico, SLO and Huntington Beach. Breweries, close of the street once a week from 3-8 and have booths. Better parking so people can eat and shop(3 hours is not enough 33. Non-chain stores, but they have to be able to make a living -- rents are too high 34. I family oriented restaurant that has reasonable prices to take your family too. 35. Restaurants with outdoor seating. 36. We need a great shoe store that is in the middle range of price. Designers such as rag and bone, stuart weitzman, ect.. We need another high-end workout studio like barrys boot camp. 37. Children's Party Venues, TJMAXX or Marshalls, restaurants that will be opened until 11:00 PM or midnight to bring night life to the town (like Santana Row and Campbell) 38. Unique, local owned businesses that respect the history and character of our town. 39. More casual restaurants with outdoor seating 40. Small, locally owned stores 41. Please find a way to add a bookstore! I am not sure how to make it so smaller businesses can thrive with the high rents, though. 42. More unique small businesses Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 27 Survey #2: Question #8 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen Downtown Los Gatos? 43. Affordable clothing shops for teenagers and for young children, as well as shoe stores other than just sports shoe specific. A quality European-style bakery (Italian and/or German) A real Jewish-style deli-restaurant like a Kornblatt's in NJ and Oregon. 44. Stores that have department type goods 45. Restaurants with outdoor seating. No more salons or chain stores 46. Gift and card shops like Fiori's used to be. 47. Clothing women, men and children/teens, outdoor dining, evening entertainment. Retail and restaurants can collaborate together and create an environment where people want to come and shop and dine. make It excite to come shop and dine in town. 48. Restaurants with outside seating. brand name retail 49. Non chain restaurants, some chain stores but mostly boutique clothing and specialty stores. Like it is now! 50. Unique, independently owned 51. Outdoor seating restaurant. Local shops. 52. Small business, restaurants cheaper 53. Small independent shops, more diverse independent restaurants, more services, cafe, coffee, bookstore 54. Restaurants, boutiques, on-trend stores not old stores that no one visits. ones that can survive. I've given up going to Los Gatos because every time you go in the newly opened store has closed. There are some great concepts that come in, but don't last 55. Civic auditorium for community theater and events, permanent farmer’s market open 7 days a week, 56. We need more mainstream stores, national chains such as urban outfitters, free people and the like. We also need casual dining that is family friendly and happy hour friendly. Outdoor seating is a must. We don’t need boba tea and meditation stores. Junk 57. Affordable dining with outdoor seating 58. Mom and pop type stores. Not big chains easily found in a mall. Fewer beauty parlors and nail salons. 59. Restaurants, bars and retail 60. Restaurants 61. More restaurants since so many have closed Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 28 Survey #2: Question #8 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen Downtown Los Gatos? 62. Really just giving new businesses the opportunity to thrive. With lack of patrons due to impaired infrastructure & high leases makes it difficult to thrive. Survey #2: Question #9 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen other shopping areas such as Los Gatos Blvd. or shopping centers throughout the Town? 1. We need "quality" family restaurants in uptown. More large retail chains, electronics, etc. We have great local wineries, wooing some of them to have a tasting room in town would also help increase our chances of being a destination place. 2. Seafood restaurant 3. Any retail, service, or industrial business that flourishes. Vacant properties undermine the town's appeal. 4. I love Kings Court, for example the toy store there, but it looks old. The curb appeal should be much better, it could be remodel make it more appealing (think of the Stanford mall) 5. I'm not much of a shopper 6. Family Activities (trampoline / rope courses). 7. Urgent care, food stores, restaurants, retail stores 8. More quality restaurants in the non-downtown area 9. Kids clothing, patio dining, and family friendly restaurants 10. Medical, private school/tutoring programs, small engineering company's 11. Let Whole Foods enlarge to a regular size store. Upscale grocery store. 12. Medium size box stores such as target express, formula restaurants and retail 13. A plant-based grocery store - people there isn't one around here. Also, a place for kids to play while their parents eat. Our boys were sad when Double Ds reopened, and they had taken away the pool tables and games. 14. More kid friendly restaurants that are no burger or pizza restaurants. Support healthy eating! 15. Mendocino farms, true food kitchen, Los Altos grill, shake shack, restaurants bring people to the town. 16. We need to remove the homeless, they have grown in numbers and that is what will hurt businesses the most. Make it illegal to panhandle and illegal to be on public property between 2am-5am. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 29 Survey #2: Question #9 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen other shopping areas such as Los Gatos Blvd. or shopping centers throughout the Town? 17. Exercise studios, Outdoor seating restaurant, marketplace like ferry building in sf, a food hall with multiple casual vendors, food truck gathering spot, outdoor gathering space 18. LG Blvd needs more restaurants 19. Boutique shopping 20. Family Restaurants 21. Chick-fil-A 22. A Best Buy or another electronic store. 23. Smaller specialized food areas, Multiuse residential 24. Create the Santa Row for Los Gatos 25. Family friendly restaurants. Craft/art supply store. Indoor kids play pace. Shared office space/meeting rooms. 26. Restaurants 27. More family friendly dining, family friendly retail 28. Something with live entertainment on weekends. 29. On Los Gatos Blvd... maybe the bigger restaurants like true foods. 30. More places like Viva. Bring in places like Aqui, sports bars where families can go with games, pool tables and a bar. Outdoor seating. Retail if possible. 31. Craft and gift stores 32. A clothing store for women that is fashionable and not crazy priced 33. North side of town (near Lark) could use a 7-11 type store or CVS 34. Fitness Studios, Restaurants with outdoor seating, 35. Restaurants, Children's Party Venues, TJMaxx, Marshall's (well-known stores that will bring lots of costumers) 36. Small businesses. Non-chain businesses. Quality restaurant(s). A nice park. 37. More restaurants with outdoor seating, small boutique shops 38. A mix of mid-size stores and small, locally owned stores 39. Again, somewhere in town we need a bookstore. At least one. One for new and another for used books would be good. Even a big box store like B&N, if it fits. 40. There is a good mix on LG Blvd now Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 30 Survey #2: Question #9 What types of businesses do you believe could complement or strengthen other shopping areas such as Los Gatos Blvd. or shopping centers throughout the Town? 41. Maintain the existing auto supply stores, the tire/brake shops, and the auto garage service centers. Maintain the existing Ace Hardware. It would be nice to have a Hallmark Card shop. Good quality family style restaurants serving American cuisine. 42. Sporting goods and housewares 43. Boutique stores. Casual dining with outdoor seating 44. Same and nicer restaurants on LG Blvd 45. Give each section of the town ability to have retail and restaurants that support those areas. Create an inviting feel that brings residences to various pets of town. Give them exciting restaurants and entertainment. 46. Nicer restaurants but has to be redeveloped for that. 47. Cooperative businesses. Meaning multi owners in one space 48. Less pricey places 49. Bookstore, coffee, cafe, local independent restaurants, independent boutiques 50. I think you should look at Burlingame downtown for the answer here. What are they doing? A great downtown. In the question at the end, yes its important to attract small businesses, but if the rent is so high they can't survive, 51. Live music establishment, 52. Focus on downtown. That needs the revitalization. 53. Places of entertainment, pool hall, beer garden with games etc. 54. Same as above 55. Big chain retailers; office space 56. Restaurants, small businesses 57. Something like Fiore, a Hallmark store. 58. Office space, local vendors Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 31 Survey #2: Question #10 How do you think the Town should address housing needs in Town (i.e., affordability, availability, allowable types of housing types, development standards, etc.)? 1. I think in town we have maxed out our space for housing. Traffic is a big concern and what's left of our green hillsides adjoining our neighborhoods we wish to keep seeing. This is one very special characteristic here in Los Gatos, lots of greenery. 2. New developments, regardless of size, should include mixed size and style of homes, not cookie-cutter. Range could be bungalow, duplex, common courtyard for 3 single family units, etc. 3. Buy into the CASA Compact. 4. I think housing is perfect in the sense that is family oriented, we love our neighborhood and being surrounded of families with young kids like us. 5. Build more in the flatlands, but not up in the hills 6. I don't have a good answer for that. The green areas are so important to the character. It would be interesting to explore housing subsidies or other solutions for educators & First Responders 7. Affordable housing for teachers and service workers 8. Affordable apartments 9. Make the permitting process easier. Get out of the way. Allow multi story buildings. Let markets solve our problems like the rest of the free world. Crazy how LG shoots itself in the foot over and over and over on this issue. 10. There should be PCU's available for government workers with very strict rules about who qualifies to live there. The PCU's should be granted to government workers such as teachers and police and firefighters with active contracts with the town. 11. Yes, but to a point. The Town should be kept small to keep its charm. 12. Put housing on some of the closed car dealerships. They should be multi story and dense. Make the developers pay for a new school or soccer fields. 13. Limit affordable high-density housing to the proximity of direct freeway/mass transit access 14. As much as I would like to keep the charm of downtown, I think some multi use condo/apartment type housing over retail could revitalize downtown. More people could live directly downtown and would use the local shops and restaurants 15. Upscale apartments over shopping 16. The town should create minimum lot sizes, the latest small developments are too tight and will be hurt significantly when the housing market drops. Require builders to contribute a % of development cost towards beautification of street, sidewalks. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 32 Survey #2: Question #10 How do you think the Town should address housing needs in Town (i.e., affordability, availability, allowable types of housing types, development standards, etc.)? 17. I don’t know. 18. No more homes 19. Stop building so many houses so close to roads and so close together 20. Downtown retail rents are generally too high and make it difficult for small business, especially when combined with beach traffic issues. Is it possible to utilize 2nd/3rd floor spaces in downtown to offer housing that could then help lower retail rent? 21. High rise townhomes on LG Blvd. 22. Allow major streets to build up (not out) 3 stories really should be the way of the future in the core areas 23. Revisit the development standards 24. More multi-family housing!!!! Let homeowners build out granny units and garages to add housing units. Rent control. 25. Encourage expansion of downtown and LG Blvd areas with 2-3 story mixed use buildings with housing above (and parking below grade). Make underground parking NOT count against FAR ratios. 26. Build granny units!!!!! And take away the fees. 27. Difficult with NIMBY, but needed 28. No longer allow these complexes with a bunch of home crowded into one small area. It causes a lot of traffic and overcrowding in our schools 29. Since we cannot expand roads, new housing should be kept to a minimum. LG Blvd and Lark will be a disaster after N40 is built 30. We are limited because our schools especially the middle and High school are impacted. 31. Parking and traffic is a huge issue in this town. If more housing is created, the traffic will be unbearable. It's very hard to drive on Lark and the Fisher traffic is awful. The traffic light on Los Gatos BLVD is not set right from 8:15 to 8:40. 32. I don’t know- our traffic is so bad already that adding more homes will only increase it, but we do need more housing. 33. There is so much snobbery against low-income housing. But to me, if you bring more housing, you will bring more families because of our schools, so we would need to consider adding a school?? 34. More single family smaller/less expensive homes Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 33 Survey #2: Question #10 How do you think the Town should address housing needs in Town (i.e., affordability, availability, allowable types of housing types, development standards, etc.)? 35. Encourage a housing moratorium until the horrific and dangerous traffic situation throughout Los Gatos is solved, once and for all. The type of housing; single family style homes to limit traffic congestion and overcrowding of the Los Gatos schools 36. Small two-bedroom one bath houses on the north 20 37. No more expensive housing increasing traffic and not affordability 38. I think at this point adding additional houses on existing land that is left is hurting the small town feel of our community. The old Los Gatos feel is no longer due to packed housing developments. 39. Consider mixed retail/housing above it. 40. Single family homes and apts. 41. High density housing, put in better transit, connect to light rail. 42. Stop building for now. 43. To retain the character of our neighborhoods we need to allow larger homes being converted into multiple unit dwellings. 44. Housing is out of your hands. The market is the market. Rents could be controlled. We don’t need any more housing. 45. No more housing within the down town area. its already to crowded. 46. Housing types that blend in with the architecture of the downtown buildings. 47. Los Gatos is small and charming. Not a place for huge development of housing 48. Permitting process is painful and nit picky. Los Gatos is gaining a reputation of being closed for business. We need a thriving downtown community 49. No more dense housing like near Fisher school 50. I don’t understand how new housing is going up with lack of infrastructure. Many people i talk to avoid LG on the weekends due to high traffic Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 34 Survey #2: Question #11 Other than retail and restaurants, are there commercial uses, such as office, industrial, or other uses that you believe would strengthen the Town’s commercial districts? 1. If big business is willing to invest to build or build out existing structures here I view that as a gain for us. Making it difficult to do business here just creates more empty space and a dying town. 2. Diversify. Benchmark cities such as Menlo Park and Walnut Creek. 3. Not sure. I like the fact that Netflix is in town but very close to the highway and far away from downtown. I feel that it's the way it should be done. 4. None I can think of 5. No. We have tons of little offices. 6. Community centers, parks, youth activities 7. Not that I am aware of. Los Gatos needs to be a destination. 8. LG should allow existing commercial zoned land stay commercial. But I don’t believe LG needs to create newly zoned commercial land. 9. Office space 10. Bring in small engineering and medical firms. 11. None 12. More office space would be great, but not allowed on the ground floor displacing prime retail/restaurant space 13. Someplace for kids - skate park, pump track (dirt biking area with course) open air brewery with games like corn hole, darts, croquet, putting green, batting cage etc. 14. Parking is the issue mostly. More office spaces are vacant because there is such little parking. We should invest in some type of parking alternative or underground garage. Or creating a parking garage with multiple levels by the post office, etc. 15. Better roads and parking. We can't have more people, more stores, more stuff without the infrastructure. I rarely go to town in the summer or during rush hour unless I have to. I'm considering selling and moving due to this inability to leave my home 16. Offices with curb appeal. Medical buildings that are attractive. 17. Sports complex, office space, 18. N/A 19. Start up and incubator spaces 20. A larger DMV with more parking. Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 35 Survey #2: Question #11 Other than retail and restaurants, are there commercial uses, such as office, industrial, or other uses that you believe would strengthen the Town’s commercial districts? 21. We are really short on office area and support for those uses 22. I would avoid office and commercial. We need services businesses. 23. Affordable fitness and wellness centers for families and individuals. 24. Yes, but you have to permit a level of density and mass transit that people have ignorantly refused in the past. 25. No ideas 26. Multi-use businesses. The town needs to be recruiting businesses and looking at other small towns, like mentioned above for ideas. 27. Art centers 28. No 29. No, rent would be too high so commercial businesses would seek areas outside the city 30. No leave the small-town feel 31. Offices, medical, high tech 32. A transportation hub 33. Office and industrial serve a limited clientele but add to the traffic problems already exiting in Los Gatos. Some of the existing Blvd. retail spaces could use an architectural face-life and a coat of paint to encourage new shoppers to the to the Blvd. 34. No 35. No. There is too much traffic already 36. No 37. No 38. Unsure. Perhaps some medical bldgs. 39. Nope 40. We have no nice-looking office buildings; everything is over-priced and super outdated - especially for the money being asked. The cost of Los Gatos living is too high for the town we are getting for our money. The roads are awful, garbage on the streets 41. I would love to see a WeWork style building in Los Gatos 42. No. We need retail and restaurants that are attractive the community. And we don’t need any more hair or nail salons. 43. No more medical centers. Mom & Pop shops with character are best Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 36 Survey #2: Question #11 Other than retail and restaurants, are there commercial uses, such as office, industrial, or other uses that you believe would strengthen the Town’s commercial districts? 44. No 45. More park space and development of some fun space for kids, like a skate park 46. No 47. Too many medical buildings, dialysis, acute care, etc. 48. Yes, having office space would benefit. Employees supporting local businesses. Survey #2: Question #12 How do you think the Town and General Plan should address disaster preparedness and overall community safety concerns moving forward? 1. More local training and neighborhood team building 2. Embrace best practices. Community safety concerns are highly exaggerated. Neighborhood Watch programs have been effective and are highly ubiquitous. 3. I loved than when we moved in to our new home, a person from Los Gatos Police came to see us to give us all kind of information. Maybe you could do a test for the town to make sure that in case of an actual emergency everybody receives the alerts? 4. I am more concerned about theft, homelessness, and driving in fractions than disaster preparedness. 5. I don't know. I worry more about burglaries, homeless population in need to psychological help (drunk, cursing, etc) 6. Create more training and location opportunities for CERT 7. Priority number 1. With all the recent fires, we need to plan for evacuations. 8. Between fire, floods and earthquakes, this is a serious topic and LG should make sure the local government is ready for such an event: outreach to ensure the local citizens are prepared is also essential 9. Having a more visible plan. I have lived here on and off for 20 years and have never seen one. 10. Marked escape routes, backup power for hospitals and critical services. 11. Education. But please deal with beach traffic in a major way. The Wood Rd closure has so far been by far the best solution. Traffic has been awful with any other solution so far. 12. Increase the budget and strengthen our LGMSPD and add more patrol 24/7 to try and stop the home and auto break-ins Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 37 Survey #2: Question #12 How do you think the Town and General Plan should address disaster preparedness and overall community safety concerns moving forward? 13. Advertise at schools and churches for awareness meetings. Have more "meet your fire department and police " events 14. Require infrastructure improvement costs to any development greater than 2 homes. If a disaster struck our area, there are not enough exit points and we may suffer like Paradise with an inability to navigate out of town. 15. Fire escape route. 16. Again, limit population. Stop allowing developers to increase population and traffic 17. Fire safety in the hillsides. Online information along with a yearly community meeting regarding weed abatement. 18. Verify building in locations to provide to access points out 19. Update the weed ordinance and enforce it for all lots - improved and unimproved - defensible perimeter 20. Be more aware of how traffic could affect emergency services. Ie. summer beach traffic creates such gridlock that any large-scale emergency (fire, earthquake, etc) would be dangerous. 21. Ban overnight truck parking on streets, and narrow lanes, with bike lanes. There should be sidewalks in all neighborhoods: charge a low fee for participation, or mandate the homeowner pay the full cost if they defer until sale (with an easement on trans) 22. Not my specialty. 23. Make North Santa Cruz one way going north so if there is a fire in the mtns(Paradise Campfire) people will all be heading out. Also, it will deter traffic. One-way South is a recipe for disaster. 24. Not Sure 25. Provide more education to Families, parents and kids in the schools 26. Hold community classes on how to prepare for fires, earthquakes etc. 27. Provide evacuation plans and centers as schools 28. I don't feel qualified to address the question. 29. Train community members to assist when disaster strikes 30. Use social media platforms -next door, Facebook to communicate 31. No focus on reviving our dying town 32. Doing it! Love the chamber office space. More meetings there Issues and Opportunities Report June 2019 38 Survey #2: Question #12 How do you think the Town and General Plan should address disaster preparedness and overall community safety concerns moving forward? 33. Disaster plan that everyone knows. 34. Find a community platform such as Nextdoor or Facebook to post weekly and keep people in the know. Also hold information events - maybe at the Farmer's Market 35. I think a professional video needs to be made and shared with all residents. I also believe the town should partner with Nextdoor and the 33 established Los Gatos groups to ensure neighbors can protect other neighbors and keep town leaders informed. 36. Not important. We are safe. Make it a community-based town and we will take care of each other. 37. Not sure 38. I’m not sure 39. Address summer traffic with more local traffic only restrictions and active policing 40. Do we have enough first responders? General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 1 of 11 POTENTIAL GENERAL PLAN FOCUS AREAS 1 2 3 4 5 Hillside Downtown University Avenue Los Gatos Boulevard Vasona Light Rail/Oka Road 1 2 3 4 5 ATTACHMENT 2 General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 2 of 11 FOCUS AREA #1: HILLSIDE General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 3 of 11 FOCUS AREA #1: HILLSIDE 55% 36% 4% 2% 0% 3%Hillside Residential Open Space Agriculture Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Other Hillside Residential Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Open Space Agriculture General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 4 of 11 FOCUS AREA #2: DOWNTOWN General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 5 of 11 FOCUS AREA #2: DOWNTOWN 38% 8% 8% 6% 6% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1%25% Medium Density Residential Public Central Business District High Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Office Professional Open Space Service Commercial Hillside Residential Other Central Business District Service Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Mixed-Use Commercial Office Professional Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Open Space Public General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 6 of 11 FOCUS AREA #3: UNIVERSITY AVENUE General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 7 of 11 FOCUS AREA #3: UNIVERSITY AVENUE 30% 29% 13% 9% 3% 1% 15% Open Space Light Industrial Low Density Residential Service Commercial Medium Density Residential Public Service Commercial Light Industrial Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Open Space Public General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 8 of 11 FOCUS AREA #4: LOS GATOS BOULEVARD General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 9 of 11 FOCUS AREA #4: LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 42% 21% 10% 4% 4% 2% 1% 16% Mixed Use Commercial North Forty Spec Plan Low Density Residential High Density Residential Public Office Professional Medium Density Residential Other Mixed-Use Commercial Office Professional Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Public North 40 General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 10 of 11 FOCUS AREA #5: VASONA LIGHT RAIL/OKA ROAD General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Attachment #2 | June 20, 2019 Page 11 of 11 FOCUS AREA #5: VASONA LIGHT RAIL/OKA ROAD 19% 15% 13%10% 9% 5% 5% 0% 24% Medium Density Residential Light Industrial High Density Residential Low Density Residential Open Space Neighborhood Commercial Public Office Professional Other Neighborhood Commercial Light Industrial Office Professional Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Open Space Public This Page Intentionally Left Blank