Addendum with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 04/30/2019 ITEM: 1 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: APRIL 29, 2019 TO: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONTINUE THE DISCUSSION OF GENERAL PLAN VISION AND DISCUSS GUIDING PRINCIPLES REMARKS: Staff has complied the following information to assist in the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) in their discussion of Guiding Principles. If the GPAC determines that Guiding Principles are desirable, the discussion at the April 30, 2019 meeting will involve crafting more detailed language. Attachment 4 contains a written comment provided by a Committee Member. A. Guiding Principles from Town Council Transportation — Provide a well - connected transportation system that enables safe access for all transportation modes, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Sustainability— Manage, conserve, and preserve Los Gatos' natural environment for present and future generations. Identify opportunities to enhance the Town' s sustainability policies and practices. Fiscal Stability / Responsibility — Provide high quality municipal services to the Los Gatos community while addressing the Town' s long term fiscal obligations. Community Vitality — Invigorate downtown Los Gatos as a special place for community gathering, commerce, and other activities for residents and visitors. Foster the economic vitality of other Los Gatos business locations. Protect the Town' s historic resources that contribute to community identity and pride. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: CONTINUE THE DISCUSSION OF GENERAL PLAN VISION AND DISCUSS GUIDING PRINCIPLES APRIL 29, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\4-30-19\Addendum Report - Vision and GP.docx Unique Neighborhoods— In recognition of the variety of neighborhoods within the Town, foster appropriate investments to maintain and enhance housing opportunities and infrastructure needs to meet the needs of all economic segments of the community. Diversity /Inclusivity— Cultivate ethnic, cultural, and socio- economic diversity and equity to enhance the quality of life for Los Gatos residents of all ages. B. Existing Vision Chapter From the “What Makes Los Gatos Special” section: • Foster a pedestrian-oriented community with a small-town character; • Maintain a balanced, well-designed mix of residential, commercial, service and open space uses through integrated land use planning; • Be a full-service community that is also environmentally sensitive; • Support an active business community that provides a wide variety of goods and services and a broad range of employment opportunities, minimizing the need to travel to other communities; • Provide a well-run, efficient municipal government that is fiscally healthy, with high levels of public safety, recreational, art and cultural amenities and that is supportive of high quality education. From the “Role of the General Plan in Achieving the Vision” section: • Is a full-service community that is also environmentally sensitive; • Maintains a balanced, well-designed mix of residential, commercial, service, and open space uses through integrated land use planning that fosters a pedestrian -oriented community consistent with a small-town character; • Maintains and expands existing park and open space land to maintain and enhance quality of life and promote sustainability; • Meets the changing needs of the Town’s youth and senior populations; • Supports an active business community that provides a wide variety of goods and services and a broad range of employment opportunities, minimizing the need to travel to other communities; • Provides a well-run, efficient municipal government that is fiscally healthy with high levels of public safety, recreational, art and cultural amenities and that is committed to a high quality of life; • Promotes a sustainable and environmentally conscientious community through conservation of resources, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and smart-growth practices; and • Provides housing that meets the needs of a diverse community. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: CONTINUE THE DISCUSSION OF GENERAL PLAN VISION AND DISCUSS GUIDING PRINCIPLES APRIL 29, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\4-30-19\Addendum Report - Vision and GP.docx C. Potential Guiding Principle Topics Based on the Guiding Principles adopted by Town Council to guide the General Plan update, the discussion at the April 23, 2019, GPAC meeting, and the subjects addressed in the current Vision chapter, Mintier Harnish Planning Consultants has prepared the following guiding principle topics for consideration and discussion: • Encourage Smart and Sensitive Development • Support Government Transparency • Support Fiscal Sustainability • Enhance Town Services • Protect Natural Resources • Protect the Community’s Heritage • Attract Families • Recognize and Celebrate Diverse Neighborhoods • A Sustainable Los Gatos • Support Local Businesses • Housing for All Stages of Life • Promote Public Safety • Promote Community Design • Foster the Arts • Diverse Circulation System ATTACHMENTS: Attachment previously received with April 30, 2019 Staff Report: 1. Budget Process Diagram (one page) 2. Example Vision Statements (23 pages) 3. Public Comments Received before 11:00 a.m., Friday, April 26, 2019 Attachment received with this Addendum Report: 4. Comment from Committee Member ATTACHMENT 4