Item 1 - Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 04/23/2019 ITEM: 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: APRIL 19, 2019 TO: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REVIEW THE EXISTING GENERAL PLAN VISION AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL MODIFICATIONS BACKGROUND: The Los Gatos General Plan update process has so far included the following: • All-hands kick-off meeting (August 23, 2018) • Launch of the General Plan update website, losgatos2040.com (early September 2018) • EngagementHQ (Topics and surveys opened October 1, 2018) • Newsletter #1 General Plan Overview (October 1, 2018) • Community Workshop #1: Assets, Issues, Opportunities, and Vision (October 17, 2018) • GPAC Meeting #1 (October 30, 2018) • GPAC Meeting #2 (December 11, 2018) • Background Report (March 15, 2019) • Newsletter #2: Background Report Summary (March 20, 2019) • Spring into Green (April 14, 2019) The Background Report (released March 15, 2019 and available online at losgatos2040.com/documents.html) provides a snapshot in time of current (2018) conditions and trends in Los Gatos and provide GPAC, decision-makers, and the public with background and context for developing the General Plan. Information at the Spring into Green booth included posters that provided an overview of the General Plan process, key milestones, and opportunities to become involved, as well as a series of informational boards that highlighted the key findings from the Background Report. A summary of the Spring into Green event and the public comments and feedback received is included as Attachment 1. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: REVIEW THE EXISTING GENERAL PLAN VISION AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL MODIFICATIONS APRIL 19, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\4-23-19\Item 1 - Staff Report - Vision FINAL.docx DISCUSSION: To begin the discussion of the General Plan Vision chapter, we can start with a consideration of what a Vision chapter can be, and what it can do: • Ideal future aspirations to work towards; • Inspiration for decision-makers and the community; • Unique to the community; • Comprehensive, long-term, visionary, and positive; • A picture of 20 years into the future; • Community direction for the future of Los Gatos; • Guidance for the land use alternatives process; and • Alignment for the goals, policies, and programs in the updated General Plan reflect community values. The Vision chapter of the 2020 General Plan (Attachment 2) is four pages and includes three sections: 1. What Makes Los Gatos Special; 2. Role of the General Plan in Achieving the Vision; and 3. Vision Statement. The existing themes summarized in the Vision chapter include: • Fostering a pedestrian-oriented community with a small-town character; • Maintaining a balanced, well-designed mix of residential, commercial, service, and open space uses through integrated land use planning; • Being a full-service community that is also environmentally sensitive; • Supporting an active business community that provides a wide variety of goods and services and a broad range of employment opportunities, minimizing the need to travel to other communities; and • Providing a well-run, efficient municipal government that is fiscally healthy, with high levels of public safety, recreational, art and cultural amenities and that is supportive of high quality education. The questions before the GPAC tonight are whether the existing General Plan Vision chapter, sections, and themes are still appropriate for to Los Gatos and will continue to serve it well until 2040 and what modifications are necessary for the Town’s future . PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: REVIEW THE EXISTING GENERAL PLAN VISION AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL MODIFICATIONS APRIL 19, 2019 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2019\4-23-19\Item 1 - Staff Report - Vision FINAL.docx NEXT STEPS: The next steps in the General Plan update process include: • Completing General Plan Vision Discussions and discussing potential Guiding Principles on April 30, 2019 for recommendation to Planning Commission and Town Council; • Conducting Town Council and Planning Commission Study Session(s); and • Beginning Phase 4: Land Use Alternatives. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Spring into Green Summary (seven pages) 2. Excerpt from the 2020 General Plan – Vision (four pages) Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 1 of 7 Spring into Green: Background Report and Envisioning At Spring into Green, held on Sunday, April 14, 2019, the Town hosted a booth on the General Plan update to inform the community about the General Plan process and solicit feedback related to the community’s vision for Los Gatos. The Spring into Green booth included a series of stations with informative boards and interactive activities for community members of all ages to participate. Below is an overview of the stations and a synthesis of the public comments and feedback. Station #1 – Background Report Summary Station #1 included posters that provided an overview of the General Plan process, key milestones, and opportunities to become involved. Station #1 also had a series of informational boards that highlighted the key findings from the Background Report. Boards included an overview of existing community information in a graphical format organized around each Background Report chapter. Community members were able to read the boards and ask questions of Town staff, a GPAC representative (Planning Commissioner Janoff), and members of the consultant team in an open house style format. This approach allowed for free-flowing dialogue with community members and spurred further discussion about community expectations for the General Plan. Welcome table at Spring into Green. The Welcome table was staffed by Town staff , a GPAC representative, and the consultant team, and provided hardcopies of Newsletter #1, a hardcopy of the existing 2020 Los Gatos General Plan, and a hardcopy of the Public Draft Background Report. Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 2 of 7 Above are photos taken of the informational boards highlighting Background Report major findings, as well as an overview of the Spring into Green booth. Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 3 of 7 Station #2 – Envisioning Station #2 included an interactive engagement exercise focused on soliciting feedback on a vision for the Town. The exercise used a “Mad Lib” style approach where community members could fill in a blank vision statement for Los Gatos using pre-selected key attributes (i.e., adjectives, assets, and values). Participants placed these attributes on a magnetic board to create their own vision. Once participants finished filling out their desired vision, they were photographed with their vision statement. This exercise was highly successful and captured opinions from a wide demographic including youth, young adults, and families. Below is the fill in the blank vision statement and attribute choices that participants used to create their vision for Los Gatos. Los Gatos is a/an [adjective] _______________ community that is built on [3 values]________________, ________________, ________________. We are proud to live in a town with a/an [adjective] _______________ [3 assets]________________, ________________, ________________. Values Assets Adjectives Security Sense of Community Sense of Well-Being Inclusiveness Sense of Heritage and Tradition Prosperity Health Fiscal Responsibility Education Neighborhood Focused Small Town Feel Sustainability Advocacy for Small Businesses Open Space Natural Resources Historic Resources Schools Shopping Recreation Amenities Trails Downtown Economic Diversity Thriving Economy Views Arts Unique Attractive Distinctive Welcoming Family-oriented Active Thriving Convenient Safe Clean Low-Key Friendly Strong Integrated Accessible Vibrant Quaint Beautiful Diverse Quiet Picturesque Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 4 of 7 There were a large variety of community created visions for Los Gatos. Below are example visions created by community members: ◼ Los Gatos is a welcoming community that is built on health, inclusiveness, and sustainability. We are proud to live in a Town with strong arts, Downtown, and schools. ◼ Los Gatos is a friendly community that is built on education, health, and fiscal responsibility. We are proud to live in a Town with strong schools, natural resources, and Downtown. ◼ Los Gatos is clean community that is built on education, sustainability, and prosperity. We are proud to live in a Town with safe schools, a thriving economy, and economic diversity. ◼ Los Gatos is a family-oriented community that is built on sustainability, sense of community, and inclusiveness. We are proud to live in a Town with a beautiful Downtown, recreation amenities, and arts. ◼ Los Gatos is a welcoming community that is built on a sense of community, security, and education. We are proud to live in Town with beautiful views, trails, and Downtown. Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 5 of 7 The full list of community visions from participants at Spring into Green is provided in the following table. This information will help inform the Vision Statement, future Land Use Alternatives Analysis, and General Plan Policy Formation. Documented Community Visions Los Gatos is an/an RICH community that is built on HIGH CLASS, EDUCATION, and PROSPERITY. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN, TRAILS, and NATURAL RESOURCES. Los Gatos is an/an WELCOMING community that is built on HEALTH, INCLUSIVENESS and SUSTAINABILITY. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) STRONG ARTS, DOWNTOWN, and SCHOOLS. Above are photos of participants standing next to their vision for Los Gatos. Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 6 of 7 Documented Community Visions (continued) Los Gatos is an/an FRIENDLY community that is built on EDUCATION, HEALTH and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) STRONG SCHOOLS, NATURAL RESOURCES and DOWNTOWN. Los Gatos is an/an CLEAN community that is built on EDUCATION, SUSTAINABILITY, and PROSPERITY. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) SAFE SCHOOLS, THRIVING ECONOMY, and ECONOMIC DIVERSITY. Los Gatos is an/an FAMILY-ORIENTED community that is built on SUSTAINABILITY, SENSE OF COMMUNITY, and INCLUSIVENESS. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN, RECREATION AMENITIES, and ARTS. Los Gatos is an/an WELCOMING community that is built on SENSE OF COMMUNITY, SECURITY and EDUCATION. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) BEAUTIFUL VIEWS, TRAILS, and DOWNTOWN. Los Gatos is an/an UNIQUE community that is built on FAMILY-ORIENTED, INCLUSIVENESS and VIBRANT. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) WELCOMING SCHOOLS, TRAILS, and DOWNTOWN. Los Gatos is an/an FAMILY-ORIENTED community that is built on SMALL TOWN FEEL, HEALTH and NEIGHBORHOOD-FOCUSED. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) CLEAN SCHOOLS, OPEN SPACE, and DOWNTOWN. Los Gatos is an/an WELCOMING community that is built on INCLUSIVENESS, SUSTAINABILITY, and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) THRIVING ARTS, DOWNTOWN, and ECONOMIC DIVERSITY. Los Gatos is an/an THRIVING community that is built on ADVOCACY FOR SMALL BUSINESS, SENSE OF WELL-BEING, and _____. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) FAMILY-ORIENTED TRAILS, EDGE OF SUBURBIA, and VIEWS. Los Gatos is an/an PICTURESQUE community that is built on SECURITY, SENSE OE OF WELL-BEING, and SMALL TOWN FEEL. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) _____ _____, _____, and _____. Los Gatos is an/an BEAUTIFUL community that is built on EDUCATION, SUSTAINABILITY, and SMALL TOWN FEEL. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) ACCESSIBLE SCHOOLS, TRAILS, and DOWNTOWN. Los Gatos is an/an BEAUTIFUL community that is built on SMALL TOWN FEEL, NEIGHBORHOOD- FOCUSED, and SENSE OF COMMUNITY. We are proud to live in a town with (a/an) _____ OPEN SPACE, _____, and _____. Spring into Green April 14, 2019 Page 7 of 7 Prize Wheel, Coloring Station, and Comment Station Participants who completed all of the exercises could then spin the prize wheel. The prize wheel was eye-catching and located at the front of the booth and was particularly popular with children. The booth also offered other activities for children including a coloring station with crayons and Los Gatos inspired coloring sheets. This table also included copies of the survey currently published on EngagementHQ and comment cards that participants could fill out and leave in the comment box or drop off at the Planning Front Counter at Town Hall at their convenience. 2 VISION VIS-1 A. What Makes Los Gatos Special What makes Los Gatos special is its small-town atmosphere, strong sense of place, varied architecture, reminders of the past, traditions, unique physical setting, good schools, low crime rate, and the concerned and involved people who make up the community. The desire to protect the Town’s high quality of life is demonstrated by extensive citizen participation in many service groups and community issues. While residents may disagree over specific issues, they share a common vision of the future of Los Gatos. Residents are adamant in their desire to maintain a high quality of life and preserve the character of the Town. The overall community consensus is that Los Gatos should: ♦ Foster a pedestrian-oriented community with a small-town character; ♦ Maintain a balanced, well-designed mix of residential, commercial, service and open space uses through integrated land use planning; ♦ Be a full-service community that is also environmentally sensitive; ♦ Support an active business community that provides a wide variety of goods and services and a broad range of employment opportunities, minimizing the need to travel to other communities; ♦ Provide a well-run, efficient municipal government that is fiscally healthy, with high levels of public safety, recreational, art and cultural amenities and that is supportive of high quality education. The Town has an eclectic mix of building styles. It boasts a unique combina- tion of old and new buildings that are indicative of a community that has evolved over a period of time. The Town’s architecture ranges from a few homes built in the 1850s to a beautifully preserved mix of Victorian cottages and Craftsman bungalows, some Victorian and Art Deco commercial build- ings, post World War II ranch houses and postmodern homes and commercial buildings from more recent decades. The Town demonstrates that it is possi- ble to value innovation while appreciating and preserving the past. TOWN OF LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN VISION VIS-2 B. Role of the General Plan in Achieving the Vision The overall role of the 2020 General Plan is to provide a framework to ensure that the Town: ♦ Is a full-service community that is also environmentally sensitive; ♦ Maintains a balanced, well-designed mix of residential, commercial, service, and open space uses through integrated land use planning that fosters a pedestrian-oriented community consistent with a small-town character; ♦ Maintains and expands existing park and open space land to maintain and enhance quality of life and promote sustainability; ♦ Meets the changing needs of the Town’s youth and senior populations; ♦ Supports an active business community that provides a wide variety of goods and services and a broad range of employment opportunities, minimizing the need to travel to other communities; ♦ Provides a well-run, efficient municipal government that is fiscally healthy with high levels of public safety, recreational, art and cultural amenities and that is committed to a high quality of life; ♦ Promotes a sustainable and environmentally conscientious community through conservation of resources, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and smart-growth practices; and ♦ Provides housing that meets the needs of a diverse community. C. Vision Statement Los Gatos is home. It is the type of community people want to live in be- cause they feel a sense of belonging. When residents drive south on Highway 17, cross over Highway 85, see the beautiful Town of Los Gatos nestled at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains, they know they are home. Los Gatos is an oasis of calm within one of the major economic engines of the world, Silicon Valley. People feel safe here. The Town provides excellent schools, a won- TOWN OF LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN VISION VIS-3 derful Downtown, diverse shopping experiences, and an open and responsive government. It offers amenities, support, and a high quality of life to all resi- dents, including youth and seniors. It incorporates a network of beautiful, well-maintained parks and safe, accessible trails. Its citizens and its govern- ment understand the importance of sustainability and are committed to mak- ing choices that protect and preserve Los Gatos’s valuable natural environ- ment and reduce global environmental impacts. Los Gatos is a truly special place, and residents want to protect their commu- nity from the increasing development pressures of the region. Residents ex- pect all new development to fit into the fabric of the community and they expect that new businesses will enhance their high quality of life. Residents hold proposed development projects to a higher standard because what is ap- proved in other communities may not be acceptable in Los Gatos. New development must keep pace with the community’s needs and must reflect the community’s values. Extreme care is used in approving all new development applications. The impacts of new development are evaluated in light of the development’s overall benefit to the community. In addition, the benefit of new development is measured against the ability of the proposed development and its architectural style to harmonize with existing develop- ment while minimizing impacts on existing residential neighborhoods and infrastructure. Input from surrounding residents and property owners is a major consideration during any development review process. Preserving the small-town character of Los Gatos requires attention to a col- lection of related issues, including human scale of development, historic pres- ervation, density and intensity, population growth, Downtown preservation, development in the Highway 85/North Forty area, congestion, open space, views of the hills, the type of businesses located in Town, protection of the Town’s various neighborhoods, and community design. TOWN OF LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN VISION VIS-4 The Town can utilize three important means for ensuring the continuity of values: ♦ Providing mechanisms for broad public participation in government in general and planning in particular; ♦ Taking initiative to coordinate with other jurisdictions on regional issues that impact the Town’s character and quality of life; ♦ Consistent and resolute enforcement of the General Plan, specific plans and the Town code. Residents expect strong leadership from their elected officials to guide the community and to ensure that the high quality of life in Los Gatos is pro- tected for future generations. The General Plan is the Town’s guide to achieve this vision. Many of the issues identified in the General Plan are sustainability issues, in- cluding: open space, hillside preservation, environmental quality, natural plant and animal life conservation, resource conservation and community design.