Staff Report with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 12/11/2018 ITEM: 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2018 TO: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES BACKGROUND: On October 30, 2018, the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) began a discussion of issues and opportunities identified at the first Community Workshop (Attachment 5). DISCUSSION: To assist in the continuation of the issues and opportunities discussion, Mintier Harnish has provided a revised version of the Community Workshop exercise summary table (see Attachment 6). The revised table is sorted by topic and indicates if the input was provided as an “issue” or an “opportunity.” The GPAC is expected to conclude this discussion on December 11 to facilitate the completion of the Background Report, which is expected to be available for review in early 2019. NEXT STEPS: The next step in the General Plan update process is the review of the Background Report by the community, GPAC, Planning Commission, and Town Council. The Background Report will provide background information for the preparation of the General Plan update and Environmental Impact Report. PUBLIC COMMENTS: As of the drafting of this report, no comments from the public have been received. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES DECEMBER 4, 1018 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2018\12-11-18\Staff Report.docx ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with October 30, 2018 Staff Report: 1. General Plan Update Advisory Committee Resolution and Guiding Principles (four pages) 2. Newsletter #1 (four pages) 3. Engagement Overview (eight pages) 4. Schedule (one page) Attachment previously received with October 30, 2018 Addendum Report: 5. Workshop #1 Overview (17 pages) Attachment received with this Staff Report: 6. Revised Community Workshop #1 Exercise Summary Table (five pages) Community Workshop #1 October 17, 2018 Page 1 of 5 Workshop Exercise #2: Issues and Opportunities Table The following is a list of all entries provided for issues and opportunities by participants at Community Workshop #1 on October 17, 2018. The list is divided into general categories by topic. There is no ranking or order to these ideas. These items are presented as written, without editing. Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Transportation and Parking Traffic X Traffic - some elderly are afraid to drive to Los Gatos due to dense traffic and aggressive drivers; before 10, after 3pm X Traffic is a big issue - most people I know plan their day around when there is less traffic X Fix cut thru traffic X More parking X Public transportation X Fix all traffic lights to be censored X Egress walking-riding, biking X Parking X Traffic - stop cut thru driving - coordinate signals X Better bus system X One-way streets X School district should be more able to work with Town about parking and traffic X Cut number of cars to H.S. students X Continue momentum on alienating traffic around schools X Put the full court files on Waze, etc. i.e. traffic thru the neighborhoods X Town should give more regular info -- No. 40 traffic congestion X Traffic is bad and getting worse with new development and will continue to deteriorate X Parking downtown for big events, maybe shuttle X Slowdown the traffic in residential areas with speed bumps X Public transportation X Road repairs (Shannon is dangerous) X Bike/ped facilities are improving - please add on - long way to go to be great X Transportation for seniors X ATTACHMENT 6 Community Workshop #1 October 17, 2018 Page 2 of 5 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Sidewalks and walkability is amazing - keep improving X Convert lights into roundabouts X Downtown area is easy to get around - walkable X Small size, large area of relatively flat terrain offer opportunity for non-auto transportation X Economics Greater economic diversity X Downtown as a draw for people (millennials, younger) living outside Los Gatos - downtown economic vitality for X Lack of diversity income and social X Create more opportunities X Fed. Funding where possible and appropriate X Economics, Entro Pengrial X Promote local businesses X Small business opportunities X Support entrepreneurs (neighbors selling to community/ lemonade stands/small business) X Town Operations Sometimes police will not even direct traffic when needed X Police need to be friendlier X Town government transparency on financial matters X Unrealistic expectation of what is within the power of Town to influence a change X Community Development Department is excellent and well managed - give them more power X Town clerk is good give her a raise X Work with County Sheriff and CHP to better coordinate police coverage X Allow town volunteers more autonomy for decision making - use their expertise X Volunteers - involve non-profits; make sure town volunteers are given jobs to do X To increase transparency of Town government and processes X While doing update- improve 1.) its organization 2.) clarity and meaning X Retail/Businesses Business rent control X Should be more retail stores in Town - we miss Donus, Chrislows X Need more family restaurants X Economic Vitality, downtown focus X Help downtown businesses improve parking, support events X Clubs - not many X Car dealerships that are closed be redeveloped X Community Workshop #1 October 17, 2018 Page 3 of 5 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Development/Design Design Guidelines X Historic Preservation X Density Issues: housing, existing residential, commercial X Height control on residences X Objective standards for new development, not just "neighborhood compatibility" X If possible - reduce density of housing which will reduce number of cars X Mountain views avoid development that blocks views X An update of building design and guidelines X The Town's historical context X The quaint feeling of Los Gatos should be preserved X It's natural setting - restrict inappropriate applications for bldg. complexes X Buildings that were empty car lots need to become new opportunities X Building height limits X Services and Programs Provide more public opportunity for volleyball, basketball etc. in small courts- not large soccer, baseball courts or fields X Provide opportunities for community gardens year-round (not just high school during summers) X More visibility on resources - where to go online - where to go in person X Promote Libraries X Youth participation is palpable X Sport teams X Outdoor events like jazz in the plaza, farmer's market, music in the park - because climate is so beneficial X Volunteers - involve non-profits; make sure town volunteers are given jobs to do X Expand market to Sat. and Sun. X Schools increase communication between schools, home and school clubs etc. to help mitigate problems X Add more arts and STEM opportunities by adding resources more than one library/ community center X Allow the voice of students to be heard X Library is well managed - increase their budget X More downtown events to raise money X Many town events X Existing events: wine concerts, parades X At LGS Recreation plethora of classes and opportunities for seniors: walks, dance, games, food, computer help X Community Workshop #1 October 17, 2018 Page 4 of 5 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Excellent school facilities X Let our community know the Los Gatos library is more than books: lectures, ebooks, audio, Hoopla (free movies etc. on phone) X Culture: concerts, 3x etc would like more plays @ LGHS and use of the theater X Parks and Open Space Provide more public opportunity for volleyball, basketball etc. in small courts- not large soccer, baseball courts or fields X Create more small gathering spaces rather than large parks, that encourage socialization X More lighting on the trails X Off leash dog areas X Embrace nature - exercise and community X Community Gardens X Parks for all ages, ie dogs, seniors (walkable) X More open space X Maintain /improve/do not change (i.e. develop) our beautiful open space X Open space feeling is a big factor in Los Gatos -- limit high rise construction to keep open space feeling X Preservation of natural settings X Housing Adequate housing opportunities for the multiple RHNA cycles that this plan will cover (i.e. 2 plus cycles) X Lack of housing options - both small houses and lower cost opportunities X Resources for homeless and at risk are needed X Look to develop housing for moderate income and seniors, teachers etc. Not market rate or above X Senior move down housing need to encourage through planning process X Affordable housing for young adults need to encourage through planning process X The state continues to be active with housing legislation. This GP is an opportunity to activate in Los Gatos, to anticipate, but also allow Los Gatos to be responsive and flexible to meet the needs of the community with out compromising for state leg. X Build apartments above retail downtown X Town Identity/Community Hard to get engaged/ involved X Bubble community X Better local paper X Public recognition that Los Gatos is part of a greater community with responsibilities that go beyond protecting status quo X Community Workshop #1 October 17, 2018 Page 5 of 5 Participant Comments Issue Opportunity Recognize that Los Gatos is not just downtown library (school and university) X Close to 280, 85 and 17 highways X Quaint, historical downtown X Small town feel X Uniqueness diversity X Environment Fences and wildlife corridors can be built in without impacting homeowners only X Fire protection in hills X Other Utilities: power-water X