Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 10/30/2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2018 TO: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FIRST MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE BACKGROUND: On February 6, 2018, Town Council discussed the scope and process for the General Plan update. At that meeting, the Town Council indicated that the General Plan is serving the community well, and an update provides the opportunity to refine the General Pl an, address emerging trends and recent State laws, and consider new issues. On February 20, 2018, the Town Council approved the work plan for the General Plan update. The work plan included the creation of a General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC), which would be comprised of the existing members of the General Plan Committee (GPC) and additional at-large members appointed by the Town Council. On March 12, 2018, the Town issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consultant services associated with the General Plan update and Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Proposals were due April 13, 2018. On April 17, 2018, the Town Council adopted a resolution to establish the GPAC and approve guiding principles to guide the work of the GPAC (Attachment 1). On June 19, 2018, the Town Council authorized the Town Manager to execute an agreement for consultant services with Mintier Harnish Planning Consultants for preparation of the General Plan update and EIR. An agreement was executed on July 9, 2018. On August 1, 2018, the Town Council appointed three at -large members to the GPAC, in addition to the existing members of the GPC. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: FIRST MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 25, 1018 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2018\10-30-18\Staff Report 10-30-18.docx On October 1, 2018, the Town Council and Planning Commission held a joint special meeting to discuss the process overview and key items to be addressed in the General Plan update. On October 17, 2018, Town staff and Mintier Harnish hosted the first Community Workshop of the General Plan update process. DISCUSSION: The first meeting of the GPAC will include: 1. Election of a Chair and Vice Chair; 2. Review of the General Plan update purpose and process; 3. Discussion of the community engagement strategies; 4. Presentation of the results of the first Community Workshop; and 5. Discussion and refinement of issues and opportunities identified by Town Council, Planning Commission, and the participants at the Community Workshop. In addition, the meeting will include identifying the November topic for EngagementHQ (www.losgatos2040.com) and the next GPAC meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS: As of the drafting of this report, no comments from the public have been received. Attachments: 1. General Plan Update Advisory Committee Resolution and Guiding Principles (four pages) 2. Newsletter #1 (four pages) 3. Engagement Overview (eight pages) 4. Schedule (one page) RESOLUTION 2018 -015 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS AN ADVISORY BODY TO THE TOWN COUNCIL AND APPROVING GUIDING PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE and WHEREAS, the existing General Plan of the Town of Los Gatos was adopted in late 2010; WHEREAS, on February 20, 2018, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos approved the preliminary scope for an update to the General Plan that focuses on transportation, sustainability, fiscal stability /responsibility, diversity /inclusivity, compliance with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research 2017 General Plan Guidelines and State law, revisions of inconsistencies, gaps, and ineffective goals and policies, removal of completed action items, evaluation and potential modification of existing objective standards, and creation of new objective standards; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Update Advisory Committee is intended to be an advisory committee created for the purpose of advising Town staff, providing a forum for public involvement, and making recommendations to the Planning Commission and Town Council on updates to the General Plan. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos desires to formalize the creation of the Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update Advisory Committee, including its purpose, and number, and terms, as set forth below, in this Resolution; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos establishes the General Plan Update Advisory Committee, which shall be advisory to the Town Council and shall operate in the manner hereinafter prescribed: 1. Appointment The General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) shall consist of nine members of the General Plan Committee as established by Council resolution and up to five "at- large" members appointed by the Town Council. The "at- large" members shall represent various geographic areas, community interests and organizations, age groups, Iof4 Resolution 2018 -015 April 17, 2018 ATTACHMENT 1 residential interests, business interests, and other interests as identified by the Council at the time the appointments are made. The "at- large" members of the Advisory Committee may not belong to any other established Town Commission, Board, or Committee. The General Plan Update Advisory Committee shall sunset on July 2, 2020 unless extended by the Town Council. 2. GPAC Role The GPAC shall serve as an advisory body that provides input on specific tasks associated with the General Plan update. Unless authorized by the Town Council, the General Plan update shall be limited to the review of the issues previously identified by the Town Council and minor modifications of existing policies. The inclusion of additional issues or modification of the approved scope of work and timeline would require approval by the Town Council. Council input and direction will be sought at major milestones during the update. The role of the GPAC is to: Adhere to the Town Council approved Guiding Principles (Exhibit A); Provide guidance on the development of the General Plan; Provide an additional forum for public involvement; Forward milestone products to Town Council; Review the Draft General Plan and Environmental Impact Report (EIR); and Make recommendations to the Planning Commission and Town Council. Meetings The Chair of the General Plan Committee shall serve as Chair of the GPAC. The GPAC will determine its schedule (it is anticipated that the Committee will meet no more than twice a month). GPAC members are expected to regularly attend meetings and public workshops. However, it is understood that on occasion, a Committee member may not be able to attend a meeting. Three absences in a calendar year may subject the member to expulsion from the GPAC. 2of4 Resolution 2018 -015 April 17, 2018 4. Conflict of Interest Upon appointment to the Committee, members are required to file Conflict of Interest forms with the Town Clerk for Disclosure Categories 2, 3 and 4 as listed in Town Code Sec. 2.30.615. 5. Powers of Town Council and Planning Commission Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as restricting or curtailing any of the powers of the Town Council or Planning Commission, or as a delegation to the GPAC of any of the authority or discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in such bodies. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 17th day of April, 2018, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Marcia Jensen, Steve Leonardis, Marico Sayoc, Barbara Spector, Mayor Rob Rennie NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. SIGNED: 4W MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA / DATE: G v ATTEST: J CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: a1 3of4 Resolution 2018 -015 April 17, 2018 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Los Gatos Town Council provides the following Guiding Principles to the General Plan Update Advisory Committee to guide and focus the update of the Town's General Plan. Transportation — Provide a well - connected transportation system that enables safe access for all transportation modes, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Sustainability— Manage, conserve, and preserve Los Gatos' natural environment for present and future generations. Identify opportunities to enhance the Town's sustainability policies and practices. Fiscal Stability /Responsibility — Provide high quality municipal services to the Los Gatos community while addressing the Town's long term fiscal obligations. Community Vitality — Invigorate downtown Los Gatos as a special place for community gathering, commerce, and other activities for residents and visitors. Foster the economic vitality of other Los Gatos business locations. Protect the Town's historic resources that contribute to community identity and pride. Unique Neighborhoods— In recognition of the variety of neighborhoods within the Town, foster appropriate investments to maintain and enhance housing opportunities and infrastructure needs to meet the needs of all economic segments of the community. Diversity /Inclusivity— Cultivate ethnic, cultural, and socio- economic diversity and equity to enhance the quality of life for Los Gatos residents of all ages. EXHIBIT A 4of4 Resolution 2018 -015 April 17, 2018 Los Gatos General Plan 2040! We are excited to announce that in October 2018, the Town of Los Gatos kicked off the update to the Town’s General Plan. The update is scheduled to take approximately two years, and throughout the process, the public is welcome to provide input on how Los Gatos should evolve over the next two decades. NEWSLETTER #1: GENERAL PLAN OVERVIEW losgatos2040.comHAVE QUESTIONS?Town of Los Gatos Planning Division planning@losgatosca.gov What is a General Plan? Every jurisdiction in California must have a General Plan, which is the local government’s long-term framework or “constitution” for future growth and development. The General Plan represents the community’s view of its future and expresses the community’s goals. The General Plan contains the goals and polices upon which the Town Council and Planning Commission will base their land use and resource decisions. California State law requires that each Town, City, and County must adopt a General Plan for the physical development of the jurisdiction and any land outside its boundaries that bears relation to its planning. Typically, a General Plan is designed to address the issues facing the jurisdiction for the next 20 years. A general plan has three defining features: •General. A General Plan provides general policy guidance that will be used to direct future land use and resource decisions. •Comprehensive. A General Plan is comprehensive, covering topics such as land use, housing, economic development, infrastructure, public safety, recreation, natural resources, and much more. •Long-Range. A General Plan provides guidance on reaching a future envisioned 20 or more years in the future. To achieve the vision, a comprehensive plan includes goals, policies, and actions that address both immediate and long-term needs. VISIT THE UPDATE WEBSITE TO: ▪Stay informed ▪Find out about upcoming meetings ▪Sign up for email updates ▪Share your ideas on the Town’s future ATTACHMENT 2 VISION AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES Based on community input, a updated Vision Statement will be developed to express the ideal future for the community and the Guiding Principles will state the core values that will be used to reach the envisioned future. Facilitate Broad, Inclusive Community Engagement (Task H) Provide a range of opportunities for community members to be involved at each step in the development of the General Plan update. General Plan Update Initiation (Task A) Establish website, public outreach strategy, and other set up activities. Focused Research (Task B) Gather information and describe key existing conditions and trends that will influence the future of the community. Why Update the Current General Plan? The Town of Los Gatos adopted its current General Plan in 2010. While the existing General Plan is serving the community well, the Town is doing an update to refine the General Plan, address emerging trends and recent changes in State law, and consider new issues. This effort is intended to be a fine-tuning of the existing General Plan, rather than a comprehensive overhaul of the document. This planning effort will also allow the General Plan to incorporate best practices in planning to ensure Los Gatos is resilient to future risks while also improving the community’s quality of life. The General Plan update will address: BACKGROUND REPORT The Background Report will highlight existing conditions and trends for a variety of key topic areas including: Land Use, Population and Housing, Economics, Infrastructure, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Transportation. ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND CONSTRAINTS SUMMARY The Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Summary will identify items that should be addressed as part of the General Plan update, including findings from the Background Report and items identified by the Town Council, Planning Commission, General Plan Advisory Committee, and input from the community. Findings and Exchange of Ideas (Task C) Identify issues and opportunities that will shape the future of the Town. 1. Land use 2. Transportation and mobility 3. Environmental sustainability 4. Evaluation and modifications to objective standards 5. Fiscal stability/responsibility 6. Diversity/inclusivity 7. Emerging trends 8. Recent State laws and General Plan Guidelines 9. Refinements and updates as necessary to the vision, goals, policies, and action items in the General Plan 10. Participatory community engagement Vision for the Future (Task D) Establish the community’s vision for its future, and establish priorities for the General Plan.DOCUMENTSPROCESSWhat are the steps in the General Plan update? ALTERNATIVES REPORT The Alternatives Report will present alternative approaches to land use and policy that can be used to address the identified issues and opportunities. This document will be used by the Town to provide direction on the focus of the General Plan update. PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The Town Council, Planning Commission, and the public will use the EIR during their consideration of the draft General Plan to understand the potential environmental implications associated with the update. FINAL DOCUMENTS At the end of the update process, the Town will publish an adopted General Plan and certified Program EIR. The new General Plan will be available for use in printed or online formats. DRAFT GENERAL PLAN The draft General Plan will contain the goals, policies, and implementation actions that will guide future land use and resource decisions within the Town and guide the community towards its envisioned future. Develop and Consider Options (Task E) Identify and evaluate alternative land use scenarios and evaluate policy choices for consideration. Draft the Plan (Task F) Prepare the updated General Plan for public review and comment. Evaluate and Mitigate Potential Environmental Impacts (Task G) Prepare a Program EIR that evaluates the potential physical impacts of the goals, policies, and programs of the draft General Plan. Decide on a Course of Action (Task I) Conduct public hearings with the Planning Commission and Town Council to consider the findings of the Program EIR and adopt a new General Plan. These include workshops; online engagement; and General Plan Update Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and Town Council meetings. How Can You Make a Difference? Get Involved! For the General Plan to truly represent the community’s vision for the future, we need your help. The success of this planning effort will depend on the input of the community, and we have provided a range of ways to hear your ideas for the future of Los Gatos. You have the choice to attend a community workshop or provide input online from the comfort of your home. VISIT THE UPDATE WEBSITE The update website (losgatos2040.com) is frequently updated with information on the status of the General Plan update, announcements of upcoming workshops and meetings, and publication of reports. SIGN UP FOR E-MAIL UPDATES On the update website (losgatos2040.com), you can sign up for email notifications. By signing up, you will be notified when new documents have been released and when meetings or workshops will be held. ATTEND MEETINGS, WORKSHOPS, AND POP-UP EVENTS Not only are these great opportunities to learn about the General Plan update, meetings and workshops are also a great place for your voice to be heard and to listen to other’s ideas. Pop-up events will also be held in Los Gatos to provide more opportunities for input. Check losgatos2040.com for upcoming dates and locations. . ENGAGEMENT HQ From the losgatos2040.com website, click on the “ENGAGEMENT HQ” button on the Home page to open a range of tools designed to get your input and feedback on the future of Los Gatos. During the update, you can contribute to the conversation anytime from any connected device. ▪Share your ideas. ▪Support or expand on ideas you like. ▪Respond to an instant poll or survey. ▪Submit links, maps, photos, and videos that help explain your ideas for how to make Los Gatos an even better place to live, work, and play. Engagement HQ will open in October 2018. Please join the discussion on our future. Revised 09/11/2018 Community Engagement Overview TOWN COUNCIL / PLANNING COMMISSION Presented October 1, 2018 ATTACHMENT 3         In Person Engagement Activities ...................................................................................................................................................... 1  Community Workshops ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1  Community Event Booths............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2  GPAC Meetings ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2  Presentations to Local Service Clubs, Schools, and Other Community Organizations ................................................. 3  Presentations to Town Boards, Committees, and Commissions .................................................................................................... 3  Town Council/Planning Commission Study Sessions, Meetings, and Hearings ................................................................ 3  Online Engagement Tools ................................................................................................................................................................... 4  General Plan Update Website: losgatos2040.com ................................................................................................................................... 4  EngagementHQ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4  Translation .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4  Outreach Tools ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5  Outreach Matrix ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5  General Plan Update Newsletters ................................................................................................................................................... 5  Branding ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6                    COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW | 1  This document details the outreach methods to be used throughout the Los Gatos General Plan update process.  It  describes how the engagement will be structured to provide ample opportunities for community engagement.   IN PERSON ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Community Workshops The following is a list of community workshops that will be a part of the General Plan update process.  For each  workshop, a preliminary description of the event is provided.  The actual activities at each workshop may change.   These workshops will be held at different locations throughout Town.   Community Workshop #1 – Update Initiation:  Community Workshop #1 will provide an overview of the key  steps in the General Plan update process, the purpose and scope of the update, and community engagement  opportunities.  The community will be asked to identify issues and opportunities that should be addressed as part  of the General Plan update.   Community Workshop #2 – Issues and Opportunities Refinement:  Community Workshop #2 will have three  major components:  (1) An overview of the existing conditions and trends that will influence the future of the  community; (2) Interactive exercises to obtain input on issues and opportunities identified by Town Council,  Planning Commission, General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC), first Community Workshop, and other  outreach activities; and (3) Small group discussions on unique features of  Los Gatos,  places they like to take out‐ of‐town visitors, places they consider “public‐places” (i.e., places where people gather), and natural or manmade  features that make the community special.   Community Workshop #3 – Vision and Guiding Principles:  Community Workshop #3 will include several  interactive visioning exercises that encourage community participation and dialogue about the future of Los  Gatos.   Community Workshop #4 – Alternative Choices:  Community Workshop #4 will focus on identifying land use and  policy choices based on previous Town Council direction and community input.  For example, policy alternatives  could address transportation options, healthy community updates, public facility choices, and so forth.   Community Workshop #5 – Draft General Plan:  Community Workshop #5 will include an open house to present  the Draft General Plan to the community.  The open house could be set up in the format where residents can visit  stations or “booths” focused on each element of the General Plan.   Scoping Meeting:  The scoping meeting is associated with the release of the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the  Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  The Scoping Meeting will be held during the 30‐day NOP period to introduce  the community to the EIR process and obtain input on the Program EIR scope of work. It will include a brief  presentation by the consultant, followed by public comment and input from meeting attendees.  The consultants  will prepare a summary of all input gathered, which will be included in the Draft Program EIR along with any  written public comments received during the NOP comment period.            2 | COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW  Community Event Booths To broaden the reach of engagement, Town staff will set up “pop‐up” booths at several community events in Los  Gatos.   Booth Content The booth will feature display boards and hand‐outs that provide an overview of the General Plan update,  information on opportunities to get involved, and activities to obtain community input relevant to the current  planning effort.  The activities may be similar to the exercises from the most recent community workshop.  Display  boards will also be provided to support the events.  Sample Events for Booths The following are sample events that could be used for the pop‐up booths.  Actual events will be posted to the  General Plan update website.  Event Name Date Location  Farmers' Market  Sundays (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.) Town Park Plaza,   Downtown Los Gatos  Main Street / N. Santa Cruz Avenue  Los Gatos Music in the Park  July through early August  Civic Center Lawn  Spring into Green   April 2019 Town Plaza Park and a portion of   Main Street,   Downtown Los Gatos  GPAC Meetings The General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) has been appointed by the Town Council to guide the  preparation of the General Plan update and its associated materials.  The GPAC will provide technical input and  review of draft documents, including the Background Report, Issues and Opportunities Summary, Vision and Guiding  Principles, Alternatives Report, Draft General Plan, and Draft Program EIR.  The public will have an opportunity to  provide written comments and/or verbal testimony at all meetings.  The members of the GPAC include the Town’s General Plan Committee (two Council members, three Planning  Commissioners, and four residents) plus three additional residents.  The GPAC is expected to meet monthly over a two‐year period, although this may vary.  Of the GPAC meetings  programed, six meetings are specifically described below to highlight key work items and some work items will likely  require more than one meeting.    GPAC Meeting #1– Introduction to the General Plan Update Process and Work Products.   GPAC Meeting #2 – Review Existing Conditions Background Report.    GPAC Meeting #3 – Review Draft Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Report.    GPAC Meeting #4 – Review Draft Vision and Guiding Principles.   GPAC Meeting #5 – Review Draft Alternatives Report.   GPAC Meeting #6 – Review Draft General Plan.              COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW | 3  Presentations to Local Service Clubs, Schools, and Other Community Organizations As appropriate throughout the General Plan update process, staff will be available to make presentations to  local service clubs, schools, and community organizations to obtain additional input and engagement in the  development of the new General Plan.   Presentations to Town Boards, Committees, and Commissions As appropriate throughout the General Plan update process, staff will be available to make presentations to the  Town’s Boards, Committees, and Commissions to obtain additional input and engagement in the development  of the new General Plan.    Town Council/Planning Commission Study Sessions, Meetings, and Hearings Study Sessions  Joint Study Session #1 – Introduction to the General Plan:  The purpose of the first joint Town Council and  Planning Commission Study Session is to introduce the consultant team, review the scope of the effort, identify  the key milestones and products of the process, describe the strategy for community engagement, explain  changes in State law and regulations since the last update, and discuss other important issues affecting the  General Plan update.    Joint Study Session #2 – Review Existing Conditions Report:  The Town Council and Planning Commission will  discuss the implications of the report findings on the future of the community.   Joint Study Session #3 – Review Issues and Opportunities Report:  The Town Council and Planning Commission  will discuss the implications of the report findings for new or revised General Plan policies and programs and  solicit input on key issues and opportunities for the update.   Joint Study Session #4 – Vision and Guiding Principles:  The purpose of this study session is to gain direction from  the Town Council, based on inputs from the Planning Commission, on the Draft Vision Statement and Guiding  Principles and provide direction on the development of goals, policies, and implementation measures in the  General Plan update.   Joint Study Session #5 – Alternatives:  The purpose of this study session is to gain direction from the Town  Council, based on inputs from the Planning Commission, on the alternatives to be studied and to identify a  Preferred Alternative for further evaluation.    Joint Study Session #6 – Draft General Plan:  The Town Council and Planning Commission will discuss the major  features of the draft General Plan.     Joint Study Session #7 – Technical Issues:  This Study Session will provide information on Vehicle Miles Traveled  (VMT) metric, Climate Action Plan, and other technical issues associated with the General Plan update.            4 | COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW  Meetings At key milestones of the General Plan update, the Town Council will be asked to approve the work products that have  been vetted at community workshops, GPAC meetings, and joint Town Council/Planning Commission Study Sessions,  including the Issues and Opportunities Report, the Vision and Guiding Principles, the Alternatives, and the Preferred  Alternative for the new General Plan.  The Town Council will also be asked to accept the Draft General Plan document  as the basis for the analysis in the Environmental Impact Report, recognizing that the Draft General Plan may have  additional revisions in response to the EIR findings.  Hearings  Planning Commission Hearings and Recommendations on the Draft General Plan and Environmental Impact  Report   Town Council Hearings and Consideration of the Draft General Plan and Environmental Impact Report  ONLINE ENGAGEMENT TOOLS General Plan Update Website: losgatos2040.com The Los Gatos General Plan update has a distinct website to facilitate access to information, upcoming events, and  online community engagement.  The website can be accessed directly at losgatos2040.com or through the Town’s  website:  www.losgatosca.gov.   The website has the following features:    Overview of the General Plan update   Contact information   Announcements about upcoming meetings    Information on past meetings and events, including key documents and meeting summaries   Links to online community engagement activities (called Engagement HQ) and mapping resources   EngagementHQ EngagementHQ is the platform for online public engagement through surveys, opinion polls, discussion forums, photo  sharing, mapping exercises, and more.  It also offers analysis and reporting tools to understand who is participating  and summarizes community input on a range of topics.  The Engagement HQ software will be used for active public  engagement for approximately 12‐months during the development of the General Plan (October 2018 –  October 2019), with the remainder of the website maintained during the public review portions of the update  (October 2019 – General Plan adoption).   Translation An important goal of the General Plan update is to ensure that the process is inclusive and accessible to all segments  of the community.  The General Plan update website can translate the content into a variety of languages using an  interactive, automated service based on Google Translate.  As with all machine‐based translations, this will be a very  close translation and will likely lack some nuances of language based on context.                COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW | 5  OUTREACH TOOLS This section outlines the various outreach methods to publicize meetings, events, and the release of important  documents.   Email Announcements/Email Blasts (eblasts)   General Plan Update Website   Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Nextdoor)   Local Print and Television OUTREACH MATRIX The following table summarizes when the various outreach methods could be used to effectively inform the  community about upcoming events, meetings, and the release of important documents.  As not all methods are  necessary or appropriate for every announcement, the table offers suggestions based on the type of information to  be announced.       Email Announcement/  Email Blasts Website Social Media Local Media Town Council and/or Planning Commission Meeting   General Plan Update Advisory Committee Meeting   Community Workshop   Release of Document/Work Product   Event Booth   Always   When Needed   N/A  GENERAL PLAN UPDATE NEWSLETTERS Newsletters will be used to summarize key milestones of the General Plan update process:   Newsletter #1 – General Plan Update Overview:  Describes a General Plan, the purpose for the update, the  schedule and process outcomes, and community engagement opportunities.    Newsletter #2 – Existing Conditions Background Report:  Summarizes key findings from the Background Report  and initial outreach efforts.            6 | COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW   Newsletter #3 – Alternatives:  Summarizes the land use and policy alternatives and generates public interest and  attendance for an upcoming community workshop where the public will have an opportunity to comment on the  alternatives.   Newsletter# 4 –Draft General Plan:  Summarizes the Draft General Plan that provides highlights of the key  features and changes in the updated General Plan.  BRANDING The following logos brand the Los Gatos General Plan update.  The optional logos will be used depending on the  format of a document and/or slide presentation.    Primary Logo   Optional Logo  Optional Logo          2018JulAugSeptOct NovDecJanFeb2019 Feb2020Mar AprMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecJanTask A: Project Initiation Task B: Prepare Background Report Task C: Identify Community Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Task E: Development of Alternatives Task D: Development of General Plan Vision Task G: Environmental Impact Report Task I: Certification of EIR and Adoption of the General Plan Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update | Project Schedule Task F: General Plan Goals and Policy Development Task H: Community Outreach and Engagement MayJunJulEngagement Strategy/ Branding Website/Online Engagement HQSetup Newsletter #1 Kick-off Meetingand City Tour CommunityWorkshop#2 GPAC Meeting #2 CommunityWorkshop#1 Newsletter #4 Public ReviewDraft General Plan NOP Admin DraftProgram EIR 45-dayPublic Review Screencheck andPublic Draft EIR Response toComments Mitigation, Monitoring,and Reporting Program Scoping Meeting PC/CCHearings AdoptionHearing FinalEIR FinalGeneral Plan Admin. Draft GIS Data/ Basemap Study Session#1 Newsletter #3 PC Meetingon Alternatives General PlanAudit Report TC Meetingon Alternatives 30-day Public Review Newsletter #2 GPAC Meeting #1 PublicDraft Admin. Draft Public Draft GPAC Meeting #3 Study Session#2 Study Session#3 CommunityWorkshop#3 Admin. Draft Public Draft GPAC Meeting #4 Study Session#4 CommunityWorkshop#4 Admin. Draft Public Draft GPAC Meeting #5 Admin. Draft GPAC Meeting #6 Preliminary Draft Study Sessions#5, #6, #7 CommunityWorkshop#5 ATTACHMENT 4