Item 2 - 16203 Los Gatos Blvs - Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/13/2021 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: January 8, 2021 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-20-007. Project Location: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN 529-16-069. Property Owner: Fox Creek Funds. Applicant: Gary Kohlsaat, Kohlsaat & Associates, Inc. Requesting preliminary review of a proposal for construction of an office building with underground parking; or construction of a multi-family dwelling in a mixed- use project with underground parking on property zoned CH.  ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the CDAC comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this report, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard/CD-20-007 DATE: January 8, 2021 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2021\01-13-21\Item 2 -Staff Report - 16203 Los Gatos Blvd.docx 1/8/2021 10:14 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted a project description and preliminary plans for 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard, an approximately 34,300-square foot parcel located on the northwest corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Roberts Road (Attachment 1). The existing parcel contains a retail building along Los Gatos Boulevard and an auto service center along Roberts Road. The applicant is proposing two conceptual plans for the parcel as illustrated in their project description (Attachment 3). The following are key elements of the proposed project for Concept 1 (Attachment 4): • Demolition of the existing retail building and auto service center; • Construction of a two-story 23,376-square foot office building and 500-square foot cafe; and • Driveway access off of Roberts Road to a surface parking lot with 34 parking spaces and a below grade parking garage with 68 parking spaces. The following are key elements of the proposed project for Concept 2 (Attachment 4): • Demolition of the existing retail building and auto service center; • Construction of a three-story 82,994-square foot multi-family dwelling in a mixed-use project with 41 residential units and 1,647 square feet of restaurant space; • Residential unit sizes range between 633 square feet and 1,980 square feet; and • Driveway access off of Roberts Road to a below grade parking garage with 62 parking spaces. As stated by the applicant in the project description, Concept 2 has been proposed in response to the discussion of the site by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) as an area to accommodate future housing needs (Attachment 4). EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 1. General Plan land use designation: Mixed Use Commercial, which permits a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use project, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants. Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the small town, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. This designation should never be interpreted to allow development of independent commercial facilities with principal frontage on the side streets. PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard/CD-20-007 DATE: January 8, 2021 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2021\01-13-21\Item 2 -Staff Report - 16203 Los Gatos Blvd.docx 1/8/2021 10:14 AM EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS (continued): 2. Surrounding General Plan land use designations: Mixed Use Commercial to the north, Mixed Use Commercial and Low Density Residential to the east, Mixed Use Commercial and Medium Density Residential to the south, and Medium Density Residential to the west. 3. Zoning designation: Restricted Highway Commercial (CH). 4. Surrounding zoning designations: Restricted Highway Commercial (CH) to the north, Office (O), CH, and Single Family Residential (R-1:8) to the east, Restricted Highway Commercial, Planned Development (CH:PD) to the south, and CH and Multi-Family Residential (RM:5-12) to the west. The General Plan 2040 has not been adopted by the Town Council at this time. The initial draft Land Use and Community Design Elements are being considered by the GPAC at their meeting on January 7, 2021. The initial draft Land Use Element proposes to modify the following standards for the Mixed Use Commercial General Plan land use designation: • Increase the maximum density from 20 dwelling units per acre to 30-40 dwelling units per acre; • Increase the floor area ratio up to 3.0; • Increase the maximum lot coverage from 50 percent to 75 percent; and • Increase the maximum allowable height from 35 feet to 45 feet. EXISTING CONDITIONS/USE: 1. The project site is approximately 34,300 square feet. 2. The project site is located on the northwest corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Roberts Road. 3. Surrounding land uses include: Commercial uses directly to the north; an office use and commercial use located to the east (across Los Gatos Boulevard); a medium density multi- family residential use located to the south (across Roberts Road); and a commercial use and multi-family residential use to the west along Roberts Road. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project would create a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff will evaluate the technical issues. 1. General Plan a. General Plan Policy LU-1.4 states, infill projects shall be designed in context with the PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard/CD-20-007 DATE: January 8, 2021 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2021\01-13-21\Item 2 -Staff Report - 16203 Los Gatos Blvd.docx 1/8/2021 10:14 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. b. General Plan Policy LU-1.8 states, commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small- town character of Los Gatos. c. Policy LU-2.1 states, minimize vehicle miles traveled for goods and services by allowing and encouraging stores that provide these goods within walking distance of neighborhoods in Los Gatos. d. General Plan Policy LU-6.5 states, the type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. e. Policy LU-6.7 states, continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. f. Policy LU-7.3 states, infill projects shall contribute to the further development of the surrounding neighborhood (e.g. improve circulation, contribute to or provide neighborhood unity, eliminate a blighted area) and shall not detract from the existing quality of life. 2. Zoning a. Either an office building with a restaurant use, or a multi-family dwelling in a mixed- use project, would be allowed with approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the CH zone; b. The current maximum allowable height of a principal building in the CH zone is 35 feet. The maximum height of the buildings for Concept 1 and Concept 2 have not been provided by the applicant for staff to confirm if either proposal exceeds the maximum allowable height; c. The project complies with the minimum required setbacks. The minimum required setbacks in the CH zone are: Front – 15 feet Side – None required Side-abutting street – 15 feet Rear – None required d. The following minimum side yard requirement applies along those property lines of a lot in the CH zone which abut or are across the street from a lot in a residential zone: Side – 15 feet The adjacent property to the side-abutting street setback is zoned CH:PD, and is developed with single- family homes. The Committee may wish to discuss whether no setback or a 15-foot setback is more appropriate given the existing the PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard/CD-20-007 DATE: January 8, 2021 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2021\01-13-21\Item 2 -Staff Report - 16203 Los Gatos Blvd.docx 1/8/2021 10:14 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): adjacent residential land use. e. The maximum allowable building coverage in the CH zone is 50 percent. Concept 1 is in compliance with the maximum allowable building coverage and proposes a building coverage of 34 percent. Concept 2 is not in compliance with the building coverage and proposes a building coverage of 65 percent. f. The Below Market Price (BMP) Program applies to all residential development projects that include five or more residential units. Concept 2 would be subject to the BMP Program. 3. Lot Layout a. Compatibility of the site layout, and mass and scale with the surrounding properties; a. Appropriateness of the site layout; b. Orientation of the building and driveway access; and c. Street presence. 4. Parking/Circulation a. The proposals for both Concept 1 and Concept 2 include a driveway off of Roberts Road to a below grade garage and surface parking for Concept 1; and b. The adequacy of parking will need to be considered based on the proposed uses. 5. Variance a. Concept 2 proposes a building coverage of 65 percent. The maximum allowable building coverage in the CH zone is 50 percent. As proposed, Concept 2 would require a variance to the maximum allowable building coverage; b. Concept 2 proposes a total of 62 parking spaces; whereas, a total of 110 parking spaces are required for the proposed use. As proposed, Concept 2 would require a variance to the number of off-street spaces required. 6. Density a. At a density of 20 dwelling units per net acre, the maximum allowable number of units for the site is 16. As proposed, Concept 2 would not be in compliance with allowable density, as 41 units are proposed. 7. Traffic a. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study or mitigation fees will be required. If the project generates an additional five or more peak hour trips, a traffic analysis will be required. PAGE 6 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard/CD-20-007 DATE: January 8, 2021 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2021\01-13-21\Item 2 -Staff Report - 16203 Los Gatos Blvd.docx 1/8/2021 10:14 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): 8. Potential Tree Impacts a. An arborist report will be required during development review to evaluate the potential impact to trees. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Staff has included all public comments received by 11:00 a.m., January 8, 2021 as Exhibit 5. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. CDAC application 3. Project Description Letter 4. Conceptual Plans 5. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, January 8, 2021 Distribution: Gary Kohlsaat, 51 University Avenue, Suite L, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Fox Creek Funds, 15466 Los Gatos Boulevard, Suite 109, Los Gatos, CA 95032 LOS GATOS BLFISHER AVMITC H E L L A V SHANNON RDGEORGE STRO B E R T S R D MAGNESON L O O P GRANT BISHOP LN16203 Los Gatos Boulevard 0 0.250.125 Miles ° ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos December 17, 2020 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: 16203 Los Gatos Blvd A New Office OR Mixed-Use Apartment/Townhome Project Dear Members of the CDAC: This proposal is for the removal of an existing small retail building presently occupied by NC Boardshop and the auto service center to be replaced by either 1) a two-story office building with below grade parking, or 2) a mixed-use multifamily residential building with a corner restaurant component, also featuring below grade parking. The property is zoned CH (Commercial Highway), and the General Plan designates it as Commercial as well. The 2040 GP update has included this property in an “Opportunity Area” (OA) for future housing. The property is also served by mass transit lines. The adjacent uses are office/personal services to the north and commercial to the west. The Laurel Muse PD development is across Roberts Road. Across Los Gatos Blvd there are a mix of commercial uses as well as a pending mixed use development. Two distinct concepts have been developed and are part of this presentation. The office project is fairly straightforward as it complies with all of the zoning and general plan requirements. Occupant/ visitor parking is both on grade (in the rear with access on Roberts Rd) and below grade, with access at the western end of the property. The project takes advantage of the fact that the adjacent building also has a below grade parking structure, so no special shoring would be required during excavation and construction. Street parking exists and would be retained along Roberts Road as much as possible. The proposed architecture is modeled after classic urban commercial buildings, and has similarities to recently built offices along the Boulevard. PROJECT DATA: OFFICE SPACE 23,876 SF 102 PARKING SPACES (235 SF/SPACE) The second concept is a mixed-use multifamily project that provides a total of 41 residential units. The units vary between 1-3 bedrooms and have different amenities and layouts. The project also includes a small corner cafe style restaurant with lots of outdoor seating, perfect for a local deli/ coffee shop or brewpub. Approximately 62 parking spaces can be accommodated below grade, with the access ramps aligned with George Street. Street parking will also be provided. The complex is broken down into four buildings, with tiered massing starting from the corner and reducing in height and density as it moves away from Los Gatos Boulevard. The building blocks have different styles to give the appearance of separate units. The corner building is three stories tall, 51 University Avenue, Suite L • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408.395-2555 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E ATTACHMENT 3 16203 Los Gatos Blvd Page of 2 2 then steps down to 2 stories for the remaining two “blocks”. The fourth building is on the interior, reached bye an inner courtyard, and backs up against the neighbors party wall. There are four two- story units that start on the second level, well set back from the street. This technique of tiering both height and density is roughly modeled after new trends in urban planning, as depicted in the exhibit below. We welcome your comments and feedback. Sincerely, Gary Kohlsaat Architect C19245 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-1 -DATE- -1 OFFICE FLOOR AREA = 8,717 sq ft 500 sq ft GROSS FLOOR AREA = 12,511 sq ft 1 10 1 10 TO BELOW GRADE PARKING TO ON-GRADE PARKING 34 ROBERTS ROAD LOS GATOS BLVDGEORGE STREET20 14 FRONT LOBBY REAR LOBBY RESTROOMS up CAFE CONFERENCE dn dn up OUTDOOR SEATING FLOOR AREAS: FIRST FLOOR 12,511 SF (500 SF CAFE) SECOND FLOOR 11,372 SF TOTAL 23,876 SF PARKING: ON GRADE 34 BELOW GRADE 68 TOTAL 102 SPACES REQUIRED PARKING = 23,876 / 235 SF 102 SPACES GENERAL SITE INFORMATION: ADDRESS: 16203 LOS GATOS BLVD. APN: 529-16-029 ZONE: (CH) COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL LOT AREA: APPROX. 34,300 SF (.78 AC) MAX. LOT COVERAGE : 50% = 17,150 SF MAX. HEIGHT: 35' SCALE: 1" = 20' MAIN FLOOR PLAN & SITE PLAN OPTION 1 - OFFICE BUILDING ATTACHMENT 4 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-2 -DATE- -2 1 10 20 28 1 10 20 30 68 40 up up ROOF DECK(MECHANICAL EQUIP.) GROSS FLOOR AREA = 11,372 sq ft NET FLOOR AREA = 8,845 sq ft dn RESTROOMS dn SCALE: 1" = 20' UNDERGROUND GARAGE SCALE: 1" = 20' OFFICE ROOF DECK SCALE: 1" = 20' OFFICE SECOND FLOOR OPTION 1 - OFFICE BUILDING OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-3 -DATE- -3OFFICE REAR VIEW LOS GATOS BOULVARD VIEW 1 OFFICE-CORNER VIEW OPTION 1 - OFFICE BUILDING OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-4 -DATE- -4 824 sq ft 693 sq ft690 sq ft693 sq ft 690 sq ft 870 sq ft864 sq ft 1,318 sq ft 818 sq ft 1,185 sq ft 1,307 sq ft 1,647 sq ft 649 sq ft 649 sq ft 649 sq ft 649 sq ft 633 sq ft706 sq ft 633 sq ft 652 sq ft up dn up up GARBAGE/RECYCLEUNIT A-3 2 BD/2 BA UNIT A-2 3 BD/2 BAUNIT A-1 3 BD/2 BA UNIT C-4 1 BD/1 BAUNIT C-3 1 BD/1 BA UNIT C-2 1 BD/1 BA UNIT C-1 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-4 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-3 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-2 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-1 1 BD/1 BAup up dn ROBERTS ROAD LOS GATOS BLVDGEORGE STREETGARBAGE/ RECYCLE RESTAURANT KITCHEN LOBBY UNIT D-1 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-2 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-3 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-4 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-5 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-6 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-7 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-8 1 BD/1 BA BUILDING A BUILDING B BUILDING C BUILDING D FLOOR AREAS: BUILDING A: 9 RESI. UNITS 11,824 SF RESTAURANT 1,647 SF COMMON AREA 1,434 SF BUILDING B: 8 RESI UNITS 5,532 SF BUILDING C: 8 RESI. UNITS 10,146 SF BUILDING D: 16 RESI UNITS 10,440 SF TOTAL: 41 RESIDENTIAL UNITS 1 RESTAURANT= 54,494 SF PROPOSED DENSITY = 52 UNITS/AC PARKING: REQUIRED PARKING: RESIDENTIAL = 1.5 SPACES/UNIT 41 X 1.5 = 61.5 SPACES RESTAURANT = 1 SPACE/250 SF 1,647 / 250 = 3.7 SPACES SPACES PROVIDED = 62 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION: ADDRESS: 16203 LOS GATOS BLVD. APN: 529-16-029 ZONE: (CH) COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL LOT AREA: APPROX. 34,300 SF (.78 AC) MAX. LOT COVERAGE : 50% = 17,150 SF MAX. HEIGHT: 35' SCALE: 1" = 20' MULTI-FAMILY MAIN FLOOR PLAN & SITE PLAN OPTION 2 - MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-5 -DATE- -5 693 sq ft690 sq ft 693 sq ft 690 sq ft 824 sq ft 869 sq ft864 sq ft 1,241 sq ft 818 sq ft 1,200 sq ft 1,231 sq ft 649 sq ft 649 sq ft 635 sq ft 635 sq ft 633 sq ft706 sq ft 633 sq ft 652 sq ft (RESTAURANT BELOW) UNIT A-6 2 BD/2 BA UNIT A-5 3 BD/2 BA UNIT A-4 3 BD/2 BA UNIT C-7 2 BD/2½ BA UNIT C-6 3 BD/3 BAUNIT C-5 3 BD/2½ BA UNIT B-8 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-7 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-6 1 BD/1 BA UNIT B-5 1 BD/1 BA 1,728 SF 1,736 SF 1,670 SF dndn STORAGE/ MECHANICAL UNIT C-8 3 BD/2½ BA 1,636 SF dn dn up up dn UNIT D-9 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-10 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-11 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-12 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-13 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-14 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-15 1 BD/1 BA UNIT D-16 1 BD/1 BA 1,186 sq ft 1,980 sq ft 1,176 sq ft W DR UNIT A-9 4 BD/2 BA UNIT A-8 2 BD/2 BA dn UNIT A-7 2 BD/2 BA dn UNIT C-7 (SECOND FL.) UNIT C-6 (SECOND FL.) UNIT C-5 (SECOND FL.)UNIT C-8 (SECOND FL.) 62 1 1 10 20 27 30 36 up BICYCLE STORAGE/ MECHANICAL 10 20 up BICYCLE STORAGE/ MECHANICAL SCALE: 1" = 20' MULTI-FAMILY SECOND FLOOR SCALE: 1" = 20' MULTI-FAMILY THIRD FLOOR SCALE: 1" = 20' UNDERGROUND GARAGE OPTION 2 - MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-6 -DATE- -6 LOS GATOS BOULVARD VIEW 1 LOS GATOS BOULVARD VIEW 2 LOS GATOS BLVD & ROBERTS ROAD CORNER VIEW OPTION 2 - MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-7 -DATE- -7 ROBERTS ROAD VIEW 1 LOS GATOS BOULVARD VIEW 1 OPTION 2 - MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TA NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT:16203 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-8 -DATE- -8 LOS GATOS BLVD BIRDSEYE VIEW ROBERTS ROAD BIRDSEYE VIEW OPTION 2 - MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ATTACHMENT 5 From: Barnaby James Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 12:07:49 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Planning Subject: Planning Commission Feedback CDAC for 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard Hi - my family lives at 16500 Grant Bishop Lane in the Laurel Mews Development and wanted to give feedback to the design review. My family is strongly AGAINST the proposed high density housing project and have some concerns about the design of the business proposal. The area along Roberts road has significant existing street parking issues due to: - Lack of underground parking at YogaSource - Significantly oversubscribed parking for Orange Theory across the street - Spillover during school dropoff times at Fisher elementary The current lack of parking is somewhat mitigated by overflow parking leased at this site as well as the 16212 Los Gatos Blvd. Adding 41 additional residential units with 1.5 spaces per unit is going to add additional burden to an already congested area. The parking for the residential structure is described as the following: REQUIRED PARKING: RESIDENTIAL = 1.5 SPACES/UNIT 41 X 1.5 = 61.5 SPACES RESTAURANT = 1 SPACE/250 SF 1,647 / 250 = 3.7 SPACES SPACES PROVIDED = 62 - The computation of the restaurant space is incorrect - 1647 / 250 = 6.6 spaces, not 3.7 - The spaces provided is insufficient for the requirements - 61.5 + 6.6 (or 3.7 for that matter) is greater than the 62 spaces provided. The design presented is missing dimensions that make it hard to assess the intensity / setback / building height. It should be noted that the building significantly exceeds the height of any of the neighboring buildings (Laurel Mews homes, YogaSource next door, buildings across the street) and doesn't match the architectural style in the area. It should be noted that decreasing the existing setback along Los Gatos Blvd has the effect of decreasing visibility of the cross walk and people getting in / out of their cars parked along Roberts Rd. Given this intersection is a nexus for school children crossing Los Gatos Blvd for both Fisher and Van Meter schools, pedestrian safety should be a consideration in any approval. Thanks, Barnaby James / Linda Yung 16500 Grant Bishop Lane, Los Gatos, CA From: Joseph Gemignani Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 12:07 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman Subject: Re: 16203 Los Gatos Blvd Thanks Jocelyn, I don’t like the style of the first two pages. I prefer the Mediterranean looking building. Thanks, Joseph (amateur weatherman) On Jan 4, 2021, at 11:51 AM, Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> wrote: Hi Joseph, The applicant for the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee application is proposing two difference conceptual plans for the Committee's review. One being a an office building, and the second being a multi-family dwelling in a mixed-use project. This is why there are two differing architectural styles that you are seeing. Thank you, Jocelyn Shoopman ● Associate Planner Community Development Department ● 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95030 Ph: 408.354.6874 ● 408-354-6875 www.losgatosca.gov ● JShoopman@losgatosca.gov In accordance with the Santa Clara County Public Health order issued March 16, all Town Offices are closed until further notice. If you have questions pertaining to County Public Health information please visit the Santa Clara County website. If this is an emergency, please dial 911. General Plan update, learn more at www.losgatos2040.com This e-mail is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named in this e-mail. If you receive this e-mail and are not a named recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us at the above e-mail address.  Think Green, please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Joseph Gemignani Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 11:29 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman Subject: 16203 Los Gatos Blvd Hi Jocelyn, I looked at the plans for the proposed project at 16293 Los Gatos Boulevard. The elevation pictures are confusing. Page 1 and 2 elevations look boxy. Page 5 and six looks more Mediterranean style. Why are the drawings so different? Thanks Joseph (amateur weatherman) This Page Intentionally Left Blank