Item 2- 15299 Top of the Hill Road Staff Report and Attachments PREPARED BY: Jennifer Armer, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/14/2020 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: October 5, 2020 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-20-005. Project Location: 15299 Top of the Hill Road. Property Owner: Jamshidi Trust. Applicant: Samir Sharma. Requesting preliminary review of a proposal for subdivision of one lot into three lots on property zoned RC. APN 537-24-022. ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this report, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development rev iew process. Notice has been sent to residents and property owners within 500 feet of the project site because of the hillside location. In addition to the public comments received at this meeting, all applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15299 Top of the Hill Road/CD-20-005 DATE: October 5, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2020\10-14-20\Item 2 - 15299 Top of the Hill Rd\Item 2- Staff Report.docx PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted a project description (Attachment 3) and two sets of conceptual plans for a subdivision of one lot into three lots. The Initial Conceptual Plans (Attachment 6) include information about a preliminary subdivision map for three s imilarly sized lots, each just over five acres in size, but are included for background information only, as they are not the layout currently proposed by the property owner. The Preferred Conceptual Plans (Attachment 7) show a modified configuration which the applicant describes in their project description letter as having better house sites for each lot . In the Preferred Conceptual Plans Lots 1 and 3 would be accessed through a proposed ingress/egress easement or private road through Lot 2 off of Top of the Hill Road. An existing private road/driveway on site is proposed to be used for this purpose. The property is zoned RC and is located in the Hillside Planning Area. Future development would be subject to the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G). Key elements of the proposed project are as follows: • Removal of the Williamson Act contract; • General Plan designation change from Agriculture to Hillside Residential; • Zone change from RC to HR-2 ½; • Subdivision of one 696,111-square foot (16 acres) lot into three single-family residential lots of 3.6 acres (Lot 1), 9.5 acres (Lot 2), and 2.9 acres (Lot 3); and • New private roadway or shared driveway access off of Top of the Hill Road through Lot 2 to Lots 1 and 3. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN, ZONING, SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION, AND PLANNING AREA: 1. General Plan designation: Agriculture. 2. Surrounding General Plan designations: Hillside Residential on all sides. 3. Zoning designation: RC (Resource Conservation). 4. Surrounding zoning designations: HR-2 1/2 (Hillside Residential) to the west; HR-2 1/2 (Hillside Residential) and HR-5:Prezone (Hillside Residential) to the north and south; and HR- 5:Prezone (Hillside Residential) to the east. 5. Hillside Specific Plan Study Area: Sub-Area 2 (2½ to 10 AC/DU). 6. Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines: Hillside Planning Area . PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15299 Top of the Hill Road/CD-20-005 DATE: October 5, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2020\10-14-20\Item 2 - 15299 Top of the Hill Rd\Item 2- Staff Report.docx EXISTING CONDITIONS: 1. The project site is 16 acres (696,111 square feet). 2. The average slope of the project site is 32.46 percent. 3. The project site contains an existing single-family home. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC . Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project creates a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff would evaluate the technical issues. 1. General Plan/Zoning a. The subject property is currently designated Agriculture in the General Plan. b. Is the proposed zone change to HR-2 ½ appropriate and compatible with the surrounding area? The zoning designations of adjacent properties are HR- 5:Prezone, and HR-2½ (Attachment 5). 2. Density a. The property is currently zoned RC, which does not define an appropriate density range but does include a minimum lot area of 20 acres. This minimum lot area in the RC zone would not allow for subdivision of the 16-acre property. The applicant proposes to rezone the property from RC to HR-2 ½ and subdivide the property into 3 lots. The minimum land area required for each dwelling unit in any subdivision in an HR zone is determined by the slope density formula in Section 29.40.250 of the Town Code. The product of this formula indicates the number of acres required for each dwelling unit, which determines the number of potential lots that may result from a subdivision. When considering the average lot slope of 32.46 percent, the proposed HR-2 ½ zone would require 3.26 acres for each dwelling unit potentially yielding four lots/dwelling units. For comparison, an HR-5 zone would require 9.83 acres for each dwelling unit, allowing only one lot/dwelling unit. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15299 Top of the Hill Road/CD-20-005 DATE: October 5, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2020\10-14-20\Item 2 - 15299 Top of the Hill Rd\Item 2- Staff Report.docx POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): 3. Lot Configurations a. The applicant provided plans showing two different lot configurations. The Initial Conceptual Plans (Attachment 6) attempted to create three lots of similar size, and are provided for background information only. The Preferred Conceptual Plans (Attachment 7) allow for flatter building sites for each lot, and so are the layout proposed by the applicant. b. The minimum lot area in an HR zone is 40,000 square feet. c. The minimum lot width in the HR zone is 100 feet. d. Are the lot layouts appropriate? e. Is a shared driveway appropriate? f. Are the potential building envelope locations appropriate? g. Are the site layout and lot pattern for the Preferred Conceptual Plans compatible with the surrounding properties? h. Do the potential building sites avoid geologic hazards? i. Does the project maintain the rural, natural, open space character of the hillside? j. Will the project impact special-status plant and wildlife species? A technical report will be required during development review to evaluate potential impacts. k. Would necessary cut, fill, and wall heights meet the limitations within the Town’s HDS&G? 4. Parking/Circulation a. Adequate access, that meets Town roadway requirements, to each parcel will need to be provided. b. Is a shared driveway appropriate? c. Will adequate parking be provided for each parcel, including guest parking? d. Will adequate driveway backup be provided? e. Will there be adequate fire access? f. Would driveway slopes exceed the 15 percent limit in the HDS&G? g. The Hillside Specific Plan prohibits access roads that result in excessive grading. Would access and driveways require excessive grading? h. Trails will be required as shown in the Hillside Specific Plan. Trails not shown in the Hillside Specific Plan or General Plan may be required by the deciding body. 5. Tree Impacts a. An arborist report will be required during development review to evaluate the potential impact to trees. b. Will driveways be located to avoid tree impacts? c. Will underground water, sewer, electrical, and telephone utility lines impact trees? PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15299 Top of the Hill Road/CD-20-005 DATE: October 5, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Reports and Attachments\2020\10-14-20\Item 2 - 15299 Top of the Hill Rd\Item 2- Staff Report.docx POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): 6. Landslide Zone a. Most of the subject property is located within the Earthquake Induced Landslide Zone per the California Geological Survey, Los Gatos Quadrangle. A geotechnical peer review will be required for future development. 7. Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Zone a. The subject property is located in the Wildland Very High Fire Hazard Area. 8. Traffic a. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study or mitigation fees will be required. If the project generates an addition of five or more peak trips, traffic mitigation fees will be required. 9. Hillside Planning Area a. Future development of the site would be subject to the HDS&G. i. With the reduction for average lot slopes, a 6,000-square foot house would be allowed on each lot. ii. Would the proposed lots have an adequate Least Restrictive Development Area (LRDA) for the siting of future structures? iii. Would future development of the proposed lots require grading that would meet the HDS&G? PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time, the Town has not received any public comment. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. CDAC Application 3. Project Description Letter 4. General Plan map of surrounding area 5. Zoning map of surrounding area 6. Initial Conceptual Plans 7. Preferred Conceptual Plans Distribution: Samir Sharma, 1495 Flamingo Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Jamshidi Khosrow Trustee, 15299 Top of the Hill Road College Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032 This Page Intentionally Left Blank KENNEDY RDSUVIEW DRSHA N N O N R D TOP OF THE HILL RD 15299 Top of the Hill Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes:- Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm)- Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY PROPERTY DETAIL: Address of subject property: _________________________________________________________________ Zoning ____________________________ Site Area _________________ APN ________________________ Existing use______________________________________________________________________________ BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT: NAME___________________________________________________________ PHONE:_________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ STATE ___________________ ZIP ___________________ NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (If same as above, check here ) NAME___________________________________________________________PHONE:_________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ STATE ___________________ ZIP ___________________ I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the proper ty described in Box #2 above, and that I approve of the action requested herein. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ___________________________________________DATE __________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and understand the Conceptu al Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations or decisions regarding land use issues. I further understand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a potential land use appears consistent with Town Policy is not an express or implied approval of a development project. A project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council for inconsistency with Town policy or for oth er reasons in the course of the development review process, including public input. I further understand and acknowledge that the members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee are in no way bound in their future review of my project, by their c omments at this very preliminary state of project development. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ___________________________________________DATE __________________ * * DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE PLPERMIT $2,966.00 APPLICATION No. _________________PLTRACK 118.64 PLANAP 296.60 (Noticing Deposit) PLPERMIT 500.00 TOTAL FEE $3,881.24 N:\DEV\FORMS\Planning\2019-20 Forms\CDAC Application.doc 07/01/2019 15299 Top of the Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Proposed 3 lots sub-division of a 16 acre parcel. The existing home will remain and 2 new lots will be created.by the sub-division. RC Zone 16.0 Acres 537-24-022 Single Family Home Samir Sharma 206-931-4169 1495 Flamingo Way Sunnyvale CA 94087 Jamshidi Trust 15299 Top of the Hill Ct. Los Gatos CA 95032 408-859-6052 9/21/2020 9/21/2020 ATTACHMENT 2 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY FOR PROCESSING "REQUESTS FOR REVIEW" BEFORE THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CDAC) 1. The Committee will meet once a month on a regular schedule (time and date to be determined by Committee members). 2. The Committee shall consist of three Planning Commissioners and two Town Council persons. 3. Only one item will be permitted on each agenda. 4. A prospective developer shall submit at his/her option, a "Request For Review" which shall include: a. A signed application form available from the Community Development Department. The property owner must sign the application or it will not be accepted. b. A brief, general description of the project and its location (no more than one typed page-double spaced). c. Thirteen (13) copies of a preliminary site plan. Schematic elevations are encouraged, but are not required. The more information provided to the Committee, the more detailed the responses will be. Full size plans are recommended for very complex or large projects. d. Required filing fee. e. All materials (plans, letters, etc.) intended to be viewed by the Committee members prior to the meeting must be submitted at the same time the application is filed. Materials filed after the submittal will not be accepted. Materials may be brought to the meeting. 5. The prospective developer has five minutes to make a presentation and the Committee has 25 minutes to respond. 6. Committee members will give their own personal opinion about the project. The applicant shall not argue about that opinion or try to dissuade Committee members. 7. The Committee may only review a project once prior to a formal application being submitted. 8. If, after a formal submittal to the Town, the scope of the p roject changes significantly, the applicant may resubmit to the CDAC at the discretion of the Director of Community Development. 9. A Committee agenda will be mailed and posted 72 hours before the meeting. The CDAC is a publicly noticed meeting. 10. Minutes will be taken for the Committee meeting; however, the meeting will not be recorded. 11. There will be an action letter mailed out advising the prospective developer of the Committee's list of concerns and comments. This letter will become part of the Development Review Committee staff report to the Planning Commission at such time as a formal application is filed. 12. The Committee review will focus on policy issues only. There is no technical or ordinance compliance review by either the Committee or staff. N:\DEV\FORMS\Planning\2019-20 Forms\CDAC Application.doc 7/1/2019 This Page Intentionally Left Blank September 25, 2020 Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Town of Los Gatos 110 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Subject: Proposed 3- Lot Sub-Division – 15299 Top of the Hill Rd. The project site is currently developed with an existing single-family home. Three Lots will be subdivided form the existing 16 acre lot. The existing home would stay (Parcel 2) and two new lots would be created (Parcel 1 & Parcel 3). In order to sub-divide the property we’d be requesting the following actions: 1)A General Plan Amendment 2)A Rezone from the RC zone to the HR-2 ½ zone 3)Removal of the Williamston Act contracts We have submitted 2 configurations for discussion. One is the “Preferred sub-division layout” and the other is the “Alternative sub-division layout.” The alternate version was proposing to sub-divide the property into 3 parcels of approximately 5 acres each. In that version Parcel 3 would propose a very similar building pad location to the “preferred” layout but the second proposed home would require more of a steeper building footprint. In our “preferred” layout, Parcel 1 would be built on a completely flat pad with the same topography as the existing parcel (Parcel 2). And parcel 3 would have the same building pad as previously proposed. Two of the new lots being proposed will require improvements to provide utility connections for the buildings. The current vehicle access for the existing home would be sufficient to provide access to both future lots and the existing single-family home. The existing site also already has an existing fire turnaround which won’t be impacted by the proposed new lots. The average slope density for the site has been calculated at 32.46% for the complete site. We would appreciate feedback on gaining support for the Re-zone and General plan amendment. The current site is bordered by lots ranging in size from 1 acre to 4 acres. We believe the addition of 2 new lots to the existing parcel would fit into the existing neighborhood. Thank you Samir Sharma ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank KENNEDY RD SHA N N O N R D SUVIEW DRHillside Residential Agriculture Open Space Hillside Residential Agriculture Hillside Residential Hillside Residential Hillside Residential Agriculture Existing Land Use Designation15299 Top of the Hill Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Santa Clara CountyLos Gatos ATTACHMENT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank HR-2 1/2:PD RC HR-5 Prezone RC RC HR-5 RC Prezone HR-2 1/2 HR-5KENNEDY RD SHA N N O N R D SUVIEW DRExisting Zoning15299 Top of the Hill Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Santa Clara County Los Gatos ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank TITLE SHEET PROJECT STATISTICSDRAWING INDEXPROJECT DIRECTORYLOCATION MAPOWNER:JAMSHIDI TRUST15299 TOP OF THE HILL CTLOS GATOS CA 95032CIVIL ENGINEER:BAHRAM MOZAYENY, PHD, PE (C-71017)VectorVision PCPO BOX 357SAN MATEO CA 94401ARCHITECT:TBDC-1TITLE SHEET & GENERAL NOTESC-2GENERAL SITE PLANC-2.1BOUNDARY SURVEY (TBD)C-2.2SITE SLOPE ANALYSISC-2.3DEV'T SITE PLANC-3GRADING PLANC-3.1GRADING DETAIL (TBD)C-4UTILITY PLANC-5DRAINAGE PLAN (TBD)CONCEPT TENTATIVE MAP - 3-PARCEL LOT SPLIT15299 TOP OF THE HILL CT - LOS GATOS CA - SANTA CLARA COUNTYSITEC-1ATTACHMENT 6 GENERAL SITE1"=250'C-2 SITE ANALYSISC-2.2 01COMMONACCESSAREA0.04AC02E-GATETOREMAINPROPOSED DEV'T PLANC-2.3 01REFERENCEBMEL930ASSUMEDATCENTEROFEX.GATEGRADING PLANC-3 1"=250'01N-SSTreatmentPrimayEfluentBOD5ppmSecondaryEfluentBOD2ppmToUndergroundIrrigation02E-KennonWater20KGALTANK03E-PropaneMovetoEX.HOUSE04E-Kennonwater,Assgnto#205N-Kennonwater,For#106N-Kennonwater,ForEX.HOUSE07N-PropaneLocationEX.HOUSEO8E-FIRETURNAROUNDEASEMENT09E-Septic&LeachFieldUTILITY PLANC-4 PARCEL 3 2.9 AC 910800 800 760 680 840 PARCEL 2 9.5 AC 930 920 910R=20'PARCEL 1 3.6 AC TOP OF HILL CT SLOPE DENSITY = 15.981 = 32.46% 0.0023 x 10 x 22,551 ATTACHMENT 7