Item 1 - 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard Staff Report and Attachments 1 - 8 PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 06/10/2020 ITEM NO: 1 DATE: June 4, 2020 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application. CD-20-002. Project Location: 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard. APNs 529-11-013, 38, 039, and 040. Property Owner/Applicant: Green Valley Corp. D.B.A. Swenson Builders. Requesting Preliminary Review of a Proposal for Construction of an Assisted Living and Memory Care Facility; or Construction of a Mixed-Use Building on Property Zoned O. ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the CDAC comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15860-15894 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD/CD-20-002 June 4, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2020\Winchester Blvd 15860-15894, 06-10-20.docx 6/5/2020 10:59 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted a project description and preliminary plans for 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard, a 1.31-acre project site (four parcels) located on the northeast corner of Winchester Boulevard and Shelburne Way (Attachment 1). The existing parcels contain three single-family homes and an accessory dwelling unit. On October 17, 2017, the Town Council approved a 30,070-square foot, two-story office building on the project site. The applicant is proposing two conceptual plans for the parcels as illustrated in their project description (Attachment 3). The following are key elements of the proposed project for Concept A (Attachment 4): • Demolition of the existing single-family homes and accessory dwelling unit; • Construction of a three-story 73,361-square foot assisted living and memory care facility (convalescent hospital) with 25 memory care beds and 108 assisted living beds; • Unit sizes between 382 square feet and 408 square feet; and • Driveway access off of Winchester Boulevard and driveway access off of Shelburne Way to a 25,421-square foot below grade parking garage with 44 parking spaces. The following are key elements of the proposed project for Concept B (Attachment 5): • Demolition of the existing single-family homes and accessory dwelling unit; • Construction of a three-story 82,994-square foot multi-family dwelling in a mixed-use project with 100 residential units and 2,668 square feet of commercial space; • Residential unit sizes between 464 square feet and 918 square feet; and • Driveway access off of Winchester Boulevard to the entrance of the building; and driveway access off of Shelburne Way to a 39,150-square foot below grade parking garage with 43 parking spaces, 12 tandem parking spaces, and six car lifts. As stated by the applicant in the project description, based on the feedback from the adjacent property neighbors, Concept A has been favored and therefore, the design and massing for Concept A has been more developed by the applicant (Attachment 3). As proposed, conceptual elevations and a site plan for Concept B were not provided. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 1. General Plan land use designation: Office Professional which provides for professional and general business offices. This designation applies to various locations throughout the Town, often in close proximity to neighborhood or community-oriented commercial facilities, or as a buffer between commercial and residential uses. 2. Surrounding General Plan land use designations: Service Commercial and Office Professional to the east, Low Density Residential to the west across Winchester Boulevard, PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15860-15894 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD/CD-20-002 June 4, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2020\Winchester Blvd 15860-15894, 06-10-20.docx 6/5/2020 10:59 AM EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS (continued): Medium Density Residential to the south, and Office Professional to the north across Shelburne Way. 3. Zoning designation: Office (O). 4. Surrounding zoning designations: Office (O) to the north, east, and west; RM:5-12 to the south; and Commercial-Industrial (LM) to the east. EXISTING CONDITIONS/USE: 1. The project site is 1.31 acres. 2. The project site is located on the corner of Winchester Boulevard and Shelburne Way. 3. Surrounding land uses include: commercial uses, including the Los Gatos Dog and Cat Hospital and the Los Gatos Body Shop, located to the east (behind the project site); office uses located to the west (across Winchester Boulevard); a medium density multi-family residential development located to the south (adjacent to the project site); and single-family residential, office, and commercial uses to the north (across Shelburne Way). POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project would create a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff will evaluate the technical issues. 1. General Plan a. General Plan Policy LU-1.4 states, infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. b. General Plan Policy LU-1.8 states, commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small- town character of Los Gatos. c. General Plan Policy LU-6.5 states, the type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. 2. Zoning a. Either a convalescent hospital, or a multi-family dwelling in a mixed-use project, would be allowed with approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the Office (O) zone; b. The maximum allowable height of a principal building in the Office (O) zone is 35 feet and 15 feet for an accessory building. As proposed, the property may exceed PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15860-15894 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD/CD-20-002 June 4, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2020\Winchester Blvd 15860-15894, 06-10-20.docx 6/5/2020 10:59 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): the maximum allowable height of 35 feet at the rear of the property where the site gradually slopes downward, in addition to including the height of any proposed rooftop screening in the overall building height; and c. The project complies with the minimum required setbacks. The minimum required setbacks in the Office (O) zone are: Front – 15 feet Side – 10 feet Side-abutting street – 15 feet Rear – 20 feet d. The maximum allowable building coverage in the Office (O) zone is 40 percent. Both Concept A and Concept B are not in compliance with the building coverage. Concept A proposes a building coverage of 49 percent and Concept B proposes a building coverage of 45 percent. While both Concept A and Concept B would not comply with the Zoning Ordinance, both concepts would comply with the General Plan, which allows for a building coverage of up to 50 percent; e. The Below Market Price Program (BMP) applies to all residential development projects that include five or more residential units. Concept B would be subject to the BMP Program. 3. Lot Layout a. Compatibility of the site layout, and mass and scale with the surrounding properties; a. Appropriateness of the site layout; b. Orientation of the building and driveway access; and c. Street presence. 4. Variance a. Concept A proposes a building coverage of 49 percent. Concept B proposes a building coverage of 45 percent. The maximum allowable building coverage in the office zone is 40 percent. As proposed, both concepts would require a variance to the maximum allowable building coverage; b. The below grade parking garage for Concept A proposes a total of 44 parking spaces; whereas, a total of 54 parking spaces are required for the proposed use. As proposed, Concept A would require a variance to the number of off-street spaces required. c. The below grade parking garage for Concept B proposes a total of 43 parking spaces that are compliant with Town Code requirements for parking space dimensions; whereas, a total of 150 parking spaces are required for the proposed use. The applicant is proposing additional parking spaces by means of six car lifts (holds three cars at a time vertically) and tandem parking (12 spaces), which may not be counted towards the required number of parking spaces. As proposed, Concept B would PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: 15860-15894 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD/CD-20-002 June 4, 2020 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2020\Winchester Blvd 15860-15894, 06-10-20.docx 6/5/2020 10:59 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): require a variance to the number of off-street spaces required. 5. Parking/Circulation a. The proposals for both Concept A and Concept B include two driveways off of Winchester Boulevard to the entrance of the building and one driveway off of Shelburne Way to a below grade garage; and b. The adequacy of parking will need to be considered based on the proposed uses. 6. Density a. At a density of 20 dwelling units per net acre, the maximum allowable number of units for the site is 26. As proposed, Concept B would not be in compliance with allowable density, as 100 units are proposed. 7. Traffic a. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study or mitigation fees will be required. If the project generates an additional five or more peak hour trips, traffic mitigation fees will be required. 8. Potential Tree Impacts a. An arborist report will be required during development review to evaluate the potential impact to trees. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Staff has included all public comments received by 11:00 AM, June 5, 2020 as Exhibit 8. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. CDAC application 3. Project Description Letter 4. Project Data Summary Concept A 5. Project Data Summary Concept B 6. Conceptual Plan Concept A 7. Conceptual Plan Concept B 8. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, June 5, 2020 Distribution Green Valley Corp., d.b.a. Swenson Builders, 771 N 1st Street, 5th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard i,_I.XH.llilT 2 I ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 15860-15894 Winchester Blvd. General Project Description Swenson Builders is proud to present two development concepts to the CDAC for review. The site currently has approved entitlements for 30,070 SQ FT Office Building, but Swenson would like to propose a less impactful option of developing a Mixed-Use Apartment Building or a Senior Living Memory Care and Assisted Living facility. Through a Conditional Use Permit, these proposed uses can be approved by the Planning Commission. After early feedback from community members and property neighbors, the Senior Living Memory Care and Assisted Living facility has been the favored use versus the Mixed-Use Apartment Building. Based on this feedback, Swenson has further developed design and massing for the senior care facility. The senior care facility consists of a 3-story building with 109 beds and a total of 44 parking spaces. The site also provides amenity services for residents, and staff offices, but these may be altered dependent upon an identified operator for the facility. The mixed-use apartment building consists of a 3-story building with 100 residential units, 2,668 SQ FT of retail space, and 157 parking spaces. The unit make up are 1 bedroom and studio apartments. Both buildings have been designed to fit the footprint of the approved office building and meet all design requirements under the zoning regulations. Swenson has provided a site plan and rough layout for the Mixed-Use Building and a more comprehensive plan set for the Senior Care Facility. We would like to offer both options to the community and gain feedback from the CDAC. These concepts are very early on in their stages, and as we gain feedback from the community and potential operators, some of the layout may be altered, but our intentions are to provide a product that is conforming to the Town of Los Gatos and is reflective of community vision. Thank you for your time, Jessie Bristow Development Project Manager, Swenson Builders ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ADDRESS: APN: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: SPECIFIC PLAN DENSITY (DWELLING UNITS / ACRE):CURRENTLY: 82.7 ZONING: 44.67% ACCESSOR PARCEL NUMBER ACRES 1.31 TOTAL 1.31 UNIT TYPE PROPOSED UNIT AREA (SF) 1ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR 3ND FLOOR TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENTAGE MC1 408 25 25 23.1% AL1 408 40 39 79 73.1% AL2 382 2 2 4 3.7% AVERAGE 109 108 100.0% TOTAL AVERAGE 109 25 42 41 108 100% TOTAL PARKING STALLS 43.2 43 PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Wednesday, May 20, 2020 LOT COVERAGE: WINCHESTER MEMORY CARE / ASSISTED LIVING TOTAL REQUIRED REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL PARKING (1 PER 2.5 BEDS) 108 0.4 SUB-TOTAL SITE AREA SUMMARY 15860 WINCHESTER BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95030 MEMORY CARE CONFIGURATION 56,914 ASSISTED LIVING MARKET TYPE UNIT COUNT FACTOR SQUARE FEET PROPOSED UNIT SIZE / PERCENTAGE / COUNT 108 UNIT TYPE MEMORY CARE / ASSISTED LIVING 56,914 ATTACHMENT 4 PARKING STALLS 44 44 44 43 1 USE AREA (SF) TOTAL COMM LAUNDRY ELECTRICAL ROOM EMERGENCY GENERATOR FIRE PUMP ROOM MAINTENANE ROOM GARAGE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE - MANAGER RESTROOM STAFF LOUNGE TRASH ROOM WATER / BOILER CIRCULATION 25,421 282 321 284 561 287 150 2,467 321 202 19,981 110 110 86 TOTAL CAR STALLS TOTAL REQUIRED BUILDING AREA SUMMARY AREA (SF) SUBTOTALLEVEL BASEMENT SURPLUS 1ST FLOOR LEVEL TYPE TOTAL PROVIDED 40 4 STANDARD ACCESSIBLE PROPOSED ON SITE PARKING GROSS AREANET AREA 259 COURTYARD NOT INCLUDED ACTIVITY DINING ROOM ENTRY FIRE CONTROL ROOM JANITOR CLOSET KITCHEN LIBRARY LOBBY LOUNGE LOBBY / RECEPTION MEMORY CARE ACTIVITY & DINING MDF OFFICE - NURSE OFFICE - FRONT RESTROOM - UNISEX RESTROOM - UNISEX SALON / THERAPY TRASH ROOM WELLNESS CENTER RESIDENTIAL CIRCULATION 24,752 ACTIVITY ELECTRICAL / DATA JANITOR CLOSET MDF STORAGE TRASH ROOM RESIDENTIAL CIRCULATION 23,857 45 155 155 800 70 70 45 4,544 70 1,438 125 389 411 65 109 903 1,146 312 1,231 65 (COMMON AMENTIES & MEMORY CARE) 568 2,010 96 70 10,200 1ST FLOOR 955 2ND FLOOR (ASSISTED LIVING) 5,478 17,084 ACTIVITY BISTRO ELECTRICAL / DATA JANITOR CLOSET MDF PATIO STORAGE TRASH ROOM RESIDENTIAL CIRCULATION 24,752 98,782 16,676 5,425 45 70 70 155 535 800 155 821 TOTAL (ASSISTED LIVING)3RD FLOOR 43,960 ADDRESS: APN: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: SPECIFIC PLAN DENSITY (DWELLING UNITS / ACRE):CURRENTLY: 76.5 ZONING: 48.58% ACCESSOR PARCEL NUMBER ACRES 1.31 TOTAL 1.31 UNIT TYPE PROPOSED UNIT AREA (SF) 1ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR 3ND FLOOR TOTAL PROPOSED PERCENTAGE A1 464 7 7 7 21 A2 583 1 1 1 3 A3 734 1 1 1 3 AVERAGE 507 27 27.0% B1 612 1 1 1 3 B2 618 1 1 1 3 B3 667 14 19 19 52 B4 696 1 1 1 3 B5 754 1 1 1 3 B6 870 1 1 1 3 B7 899 1 1 1 3 B8 918 1 1 1 3 AVERAGE 696 73 73.0% TOTAL AVERAGE 645 30 35 35 100 100% WINCHESTER APARTMENTS PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Thursday, January 30, 2020 LOT COVERAGE: SUB-TOTAL SUB-TOTAL SQUARE FEET 56,914 STUDIO PROPOSED UNIT SIZE / PERCENTAGE / COUNT CONFIGURATION 1 BD / 1BA 15860 WINCHESTER BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95030 SITE AREA SUMMARY 56,914 ATTACHMENT 5 COMMERICAL AREA SQUARE FEET 2,668 TOTAL 2,668 TOTAL PARKING STALLS 40.5 109.5 150 PARKING STALLS AREA 2,668 7 7 PARKING STALLS 157 157 157 157 0 USE AREA (SF) TOTAL GARAGE 39,150 TOTAL REQUIRED REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL PARKING MARKET RATE MARKET RATE 27 1.5 73 1.5 TYPE SURPLUS TOTAL CAR STALLS PUZZLE LIFT (10 PUZZLE LIFTS) LEVEL 6.7 TOTAL REQUIRED MARKET TYPE UNIT COUNT FACTOR PROPOSED ON SITE PARKING PROPOSED COMMERCIAL SPACE LEVEL 51 RETAIL 4 1021ST FLOOR TOTAL PROVIDED 1ST FLOOR AREA (SF) SUBTOTAL 39,150 LEVEL BASEMENT USE UNIT TYPE RETAIL STUDIO 1 BEDROOM BUILDING AREA SUMMARY TOTAL REQUIRED 1ST FLOOR (2 LEVELS) NET AREA GROSS AREA 100 STANDARD TANDEM USE 1 / 325 SF OF FLOOR SPACE REQUIRED COMMERCIAL PARKING COMMERCIAL COURTYARD NOT INCLUDED RESIDENTIAL 27,648 RESIDENTIAL 27,648 RESIDENTIAL 27,648 122,094 11,502 2,668 TOTAL 27,648 27,648 2ND FLOOR 24,98019,269 3RD FLOOR 65,135 22,933 22,933 This Page Intentionally Left Blank W I N C H E S T E R B L V D .S H E L L B U R N E W A YConsultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 20'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGSITE PLANWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-1.1 05/20/20 Author 9019 -70- 833 1" = 20'-0"1 Site N ATTACHMENT 6 UP UP 1 6 10 44 PARKING STALLSLOADING STAIR 2 26 9 16 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 29 28 27 25 24 22 21 20 19 43 40 39 38 37 36 35 42 41 33 32 WINCHESTER BLVDSHELLBURNE WAYSTAIR 1 SERV. ELEV. 31 30 23 5' - 0"5' - 0"19981 SF GARAGE 4' - 10 3/8"4' - 11 3/16"ELEVATORLOBBY11' - 9 1/4"5' - 0"26' - 0" 287 SF TRASH ROOM35' - 3 9/16"561 SF EMERGENCY GENERATOR 321 SF COMM LAUNDRY 321 SF WATER / BOILER 284 SF FIRE PUMP 34 15' - 6"19' - 0"19' - 0"6' - 0"16' - 2"21' - 8 3/16" 110 SF OFFICE 110 SF OFFICE 12' - 3"10' - 0"10' - 0"13' - 6"18' - 0"8' - 0" 150 SF MGR OFFICE 202 SF STAFF LOUNGE 12' - 1 3/16"6' - 0"17' - 10"86 SF R/R 1 A-3.1 2 A-3.1 1 A-3.2 2 A-3.2 - --- - --- - --- 282 SF ELECTRICAL 44 259 SF MAINTENANCE ROOM 15' - 11 5/16"15' - 11 1/4"Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGBASEMENT PLANWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-2.0 01/07/19 DM / RH / AT 9019 -70- 833 1" = 10'-0"1 BASEMENT DN DN UP UPSTAIR 1 MEMORY CARE DINING / LOADING RECEPT.STAIR 2 W SHELLBURNE WAY1ST FLOOR -MEMORY CARE UNITS WINCHESTER22' - 6"14' - 7" 15' - 5"0' - 0"25' - 6"29' - 3"43' - 11"408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 22 21 19 18 23 24 20 25 14 407 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT 407 SF M.C. UNIT M 1146 SF KITCHEN 838 SF THEATER 2010 SF DINING ROOM 6' - 0"6' - 0"407 SF M.C. UNIT 408 SF M.C. UNIT ELEV.16 17 SERV. ELEV. 389 SF SALON / THERAPY 955 SF LOBBY LOUNGE 96 SF FIRE CTRL 18' - 6" 109 SF NURSE OFFICE 411 SF WELLNESS CENTER 903 SF FRONT OFFICE 312 SF LIBRARY JNTR CLST MDF 568 SF ACTIVITY ROOM 1438 SF LOBBY 125 SF ENTRY 1 A-3.1 2 A-3.1 1 A-3.2 2 A-3.2 - --- - --- - --- 4045 SF COMMON OPEN SPACE 1150 SF COMMON OPEN SPACE MEMORY CARE ASSISTED LIVING 7' - 0"8' - 0"12' - 0"16' - 6"20' - 0"70' - 0"20' - 0"19' - 8" 27' - 4" 1231 SF ACTIVITY ROOM Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGFIRST FLOOR PLANWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-2.1 01/29/20 DM / RH / AT 9019 -70- 833 1" = 10'-0"1 Level 1 DN DN STAIR1 STAIR 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 39 38 37 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 2120 40 41 WINCHESTER BLVDSHELLBURNE WAY2ND FLOOR - ASSISTED LIVING UNITS 36 42 Room Legend A.L. UNIT ACTIVITY ROOM JNTR CLST MDF Calculating... 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 382 SF A.L. UNIT 382 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 14 407 SF A.L. UNIT22' - 6"15' - 1"68' - 0"43' - 6"14' - 10" 8' - 2"52' - 6"25' - 6"ELEVATORLOBBYJNTR CLST MDF ELECT DATA STOR 1 A-3.1 2 A-3.1 1 A-3.2 2 A-3.2 - --- OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW - --- - --- 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 800 SF ACTIVITY ROOM Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGSECOND FLOOR PLANWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-2.2 01/29/20 A 9019 -70- 833 1" = 10'-0"1 Level 2 WINCHESTER BLVDSHELLBURNE WAY3RD FLOOR - ASSISTED LIVING UNITS STAIR1 STAIR 2 Room Legend A.L. UNIT ACTIVITY ROOM BISTRO JNTR CLST MDF PATIO Calculating... 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 382 SF A.L. UNIT 382 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 408 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 407 SF A.L. UNIT 824 SF BISTRO 552 SF PATIO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 38 37 36 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2019 39 40 35 41 11 14' - 10"ELEVATORLOBBYJNTR CLST 15' - 1"52' - 6"22' - 6"25' - 6"MDF 1 A-3.1 2 A-3.1 1 A-3.2 2 A-3.2 - --- - --- - --- ELECT DATA STOR 800 SF ACTIVITY ROOM Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGTHIRD FLOOR PLANWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-2.3 04/29/20 Author 9019 -70- 833 1" = 10'-0"1 Level 3 DN DN 1 A-3.1 2 A-3.1 1 A-3.2 2 A-3.2 - --- - --- - --- Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGROOF PLANWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-2.4 05/13/20 Author 9019 -70- 833 1" = 10'-0" ROOF Level 1 0' - 0" Level 2 13' - 0" BASEMENT -12' - 0" Level 3 23' - 0" ROOF 33' - 0" 2 A-3.2 - --- ROOF PATIO GARAGE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR 2' - 0"35' - 0"Level 1 0' - 0" Level 2 13' - 0" BASEMENT -12' - 0" Level 3 23' - 0" ROOF 33' - 0" 2 A-3.2 - --- A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT M.C. UNIT GARAGE A.L. UNIT COMMON OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY ROOM ROOF MEMORY CARE DINING /35' - 0"2' - 0"Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1/8" = 1'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGBUILDING SECTIONSWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-3.1 05/07/20 Author 9019 -70- 833 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SECTION - GARAGE ENTRANCE 1/8" = 1'-0"2 SECTION - MEMORY CARE OPEN SPACE Level 1 0' - 0" Level 2 13' - 0" BASEMENT -12' - 0" Level 3 23' - 0" ROOF 33' - 0" 2 A-3.2 A.L. UNITA.L. UNIT THEATER FRONT OFFICE GARAGEEMERGENCY GENERATOR ROOF 10' - 0"10' - 0"13' - 0"12' - 0"35' - 0"12' - 0"- --- COMMON OPEN SPACE A.L. UNITA.L. UNIT Level 1 0' - 0" Level 2 13' - 0" BASEMENT -12' - 0" Level 3 23' - 0" ROOF 33' - 0" 1 A-3.1 2 A-3.1 1 A-3.2 GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT ACTIVITY ROOM LOBBY FRONT OFFICEM.C. UNITM.C. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNIT A.L. UNITA.L. UNITA.L. UNITA.L. UNITA.L. UNITA.L. UNITMDF MDF MDF M.C. UNIT GARAGE M.C. UNIT A.L. UNIT BISTRO 35' - 0"12' - 0"2' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"13' - 0"12' - 0"- --- ROOF A.L. UNIT Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGBUILDING SECTIONSWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-3.2 05/07/20 Author 9019 -70- 833 1" = 10'-0"1 SECTION - COMMON OPEN SPACE 1" = 10'-0"2 Section 4 Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGEARLY MASSING PERSPECTIVEWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-5.1 04/29/20 DM / RH / AT 9019 -70- 833 1 CORNER VIEW Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2020 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OE T AECILES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246WINCHESTER ASSISTED LIVINGEARLY MASSING PERSPECTIVEWICHESTER AND SHELLBORNA-5.2 04/29/20 Author 9019 -70- 8331REAR VIEW STAIR STAIR 11 01 10 05 09 15 21 22 45 02 03 04 06 07 08 12 13 14 16 ELEV. 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66676869707172737475767778798081828384 89 88 87 86 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 WINCHESTER BLVD BASEMENTSHELBURNE WAY85 113 17 CAR PUZZLE LIFT 157 PARKING STALLS 17 CAR PUZZLE LIFT 17 CAR PUZZLE LIFT 17 CAR PUZZLE LIFT 17 CAR PUZZLE LIFT 17 CAR PUZZLE LIFT Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2015 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OET AECIL ES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"Winchester & Shelburne - Los GatosBASEMENT - PARKING15860 Winchester Blvd - Los GatosA 01 01/2920 AT 9019-70-833 1" = 10'-0"1 Basement 3 ATTACHMENT 7 1 BED 01 STAIR 1 BED 02 1 BED 03 1 BED 04 RETAIL 2668 S.F. LOBBY ELEV. 1 BED 05 1 BED 06 1 BED 07 1 BED 08 1 BED 09 1 BED 30 1 BED 29 1 BED 28 1 BED 27 STUDIO 26 STUDIO 25 24 STUDIO 18 STUDIO 23 STUDIO 22 STUDIO 21 STUDIO 20 STUDIO 19 STUDIO 1 BED 14 1 BED 15 1 BED 16 1 BED 17 1 BED 13 1 BED 12 1 BED 11 1 BED 10 STAIR WINCHESTER BLVD FIRST FLOORSHELBURNE WAY870 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 696 S.F. 612 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 583 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.734 S.F. 918 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.754 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 618 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 899 S.F. COURTYARD 11,502 S.F. Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2015 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OET AECIL ES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"Winchester & Shelburne - Los GatosFIRST FLOOR15860 Winchester Blvd - Los GatosA 02 01/28/20 AT 9019-70-833 1" = 10'-0"1 Level 1 1 BED 01 STAIR 1 BED 02 1 BED 03 1 BED 04 ELEV. 1 BED 11 1 BED 12 1 BED 13 1 BED 14 1 BED 15 1 BED 1 BED 35 1 BED 34 1 BED 33 STUDIO 32 STUDIO 31 30 STUDIO 24 STUDIO 29 STUDIO 28 STUDIO 27 STUDIO 26 STUDIO 25 STUDIO 1 BED 20 1 BED 21 1 BED 22 STUDIO 23 1 BED19 1 BED 18 1 BED 17 1 BED 16 STAIR 1 BED 05 1 BED 06 1 BED 07 1 BED 08 1 BED 09 10 WINCHESTER BLVD SECOND FLOORSHELBURNE WAY870 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 696 S.F. 667 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.918 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F.667 S.F. 734 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.464 S.F.583 S.F. 612 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F.667 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 618 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 667 S.F. 899 S.F. Consultant: Revisions: SWENSON BUILDER Scale: Date: Job #: Sheet Drawn by: COPYRIGHT © 2015 D L F C 19629 REN. 7-31-2021 TS OET AECIL ES E NE DAIN EFILAC AIRO N RAC S .W E T IH LL CE T777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246SWENSON777 N. 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 - (408) 287-0246 1" = 10'-0"Winchester & Shelburne - Los GatosSECOND FLOOR15860 Winchester Blvd - Los GatosA 03 01/28/20 AT 9019-70-833 1" = 10'-0"1 Level 2 From: Demian Raspall Galli Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 10:14 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov>; Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov> Cc: james.dylan.parker@gmail.com; Sally Zarnowitz <SZarnowitz@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Swenson Development Proposal - 15860-15894 Winchester Blvd - Conceptual Development Application CD-20-002 Dear Members of the Conceptual Design Advisory Committee, I am the serving president of the University Oaks Homeowners Association. Our community is located directly adjacent to the proposed development by Swenson. On behalf of our homeowners, I kindly request the attached pdf letter to be included in the packet and thoughtfully considered when reviewing application CD-20-002. Respectfully, Demian Raspall on behalf of University Oaks Homeowners. ATTACHMENT 8 Dear Members of the Conceptual Design Advisory Committee, We would like to share our concerns regarding the two proposed projects on the adjacent parcels to our community. In our opinion, the proposed projects do not conform to the following Town of Los Gatos General Plan Land Use Policies: o LU-1.1: Applicant conducted a neighborhood meeting on March 9th with insufficient information for community to fully understand and realize the nature, scope, impacts, and mitigation of the projects. Follow-up engagement was lacking in respect to notification of CDAC submittal to Town and additional information regarding conceptual design of project such as elevations, site plan, landscaping/screening plan requested at meeting. Furthermore, the plans presented to CDAC do not reflect any of the concerns or issues raised at the community meeting; no modification to original proposal has been made. o LU-1.3: Extensive removal of existing, mature on-site tree canopy that provides screening from adjacent parcels o LU-1.4: Three story building at maximum height would dominate the surrounding single and two story residential and non-residential buildings in neighborhood. Proposed structures compete for attention in the neighborhood versus blend in with surrounding context given the bulk/massing and siting. o LU-6.3: Existing perimeter tree canopy being removed; unknown what buffers are proposed for developed and maintenance by applicant for both projects. o LU-6.5: One parcel in surrounding neighborhood has a 29 dwelling units/acre density; the remainder are in the range of 1 to 10 dwelling units/acre. Both projects exceed this existing density pattern in the neighborhood by almost three-fold (108 dwelling units for the assisted living facility and 65 dwelling units for the multi-family building for the slightly over 1.25 acre site o LU-6.7: Neighborhood housing stock is a mix of one and two story detached residences, townhomes, and one apartment complex. Both proposed structures create a disproportionate level of density and height not currently in existence within neighborhood. o LU-6.9: Not designated for either medium or high density residential, but applicant is proposing projects with this heavy assumption. Based on the proposed densities of 108 du/~1.25 acres for the assisted living proposal and 65 du/~1.25 acres of the MFD. Production of housing, especially affordable housing, of the North 40 Specific Plan should be considered in context of this application. o LU-6.10: Was a letter of justification provided to staff with the CDAC application in fulfillment of this requirement? Only the plans were uploaded the website for review o LU-7.4: Proposed projects are not designed with the neighborhood context or surrounding environment in mind, existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and compete with the established character of the area of single and two story residential and non-residential structures. o LU-9.1: Three story building in a predominantly one and two story development pattern residential neighborhood does not meet the definition of “small scale”, especially given the lack of three story buildings within the existing neighborhood and very few three story buildings within the Town outside of the downtown core and designated commercial districts such as Los Gatos Boulevard. o LU-9.9: Applicant has provided insufficient information on what buffers will be implemented to satisfy this policy such as landscaping, sound barriers or open space. However, applicant has proposed siting the structures proximate to our community and removing existing mature trees from the site that currently screen the property, which is concerning given the other siting alternatives that could more effectively activate the Winchester Boulevard/Shelburne Way intersection. o LU-10.4: Area is outside of designated Downtown area, yet applicant is proposing a mixed-use project geared towards more densified/urbanized areas of the community. Most development within a half mile radius of the site is two-story buildings, with most three-story building examples in Town being concentrated in either downtown core or commercial districts such as Los Gatos Boulevard. Additionally, members of our community have expressed the following project related concerns: Density Parking/Traffic/On-site Vehicular Circulation Proximity of Structure / Siting Bulk/Massing/Height Tree Removal Visibility/Privacy Artificial Light Encroachment/Shadow Effect of Building Noise Child Safety Impact to Neighborhood Schools We also understand that the applicant is considering affordable housing for the multi-family building and could be eligible for streamlined review and approval as provided for under Government Code Section 65913.4., commonly referred to as “SB 35”. Typically, these two projects would require a Conditional Use Permit for the residential uses in a non-residential zoning district, which translates into a discretionary, public input and hearing process to vet the proposals. However, SB 35 prohibits the public hearing process and instead prescribes that the project is reviewed/approved in 90 to 180 days by Staff. This results in our 40-year-old community having no avenue to express our concerns through this administrative process. Concerns that were raised at the March 9th community meeting with the applicant that, in our opinion, have been disregarded. None of the above bulleted concerns are reflected in these plans submitted on May 22nd. In fact, these proposals have not been modified since originally presented to the community. Furthermore, we only had an opportunity to review the elevations, site plan, and sections of the assisted living facility proposal when it was submitted to the Town on May 22nd; not beforehand. We feel that Swenson’s approach to the community meeting and providing information on the proposals does not meet the Town’s standards in respect to good faith / good neighbor relations when development occurs in an established neighborhood. While we understand is it the responsibility of communities large and small in the Bay Area to provide for affordable housing for all walks of life given the current housing crisis, we also understand there is a reasonable standard of what needs to be provided and these two projects exceed this standard significantly in respect to density, height, bulk, and overall compatibility within the surrounding community. In comparing the two proposals, the assisted living facility use is less impactful to our community, however, this statement does not constitute our support for Swenson’s assisted living proposal. We ultimately prefer a use that better aligns with the underlying General Plan designation of Office Professional versus “bending the rules” for a large developer under the guise of providing a community benefit that requires extensive concessions for development by the Town. We thank you for your time and consideration of our concerns and look forward to your thoughts on the matter. Yours truly, Residents of University Oaks Homeowners Association June 4, 2020 Dylan Parker 702 Winchester Boulevard Los Gatos, CA 95030 VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMITTAL To: Conceptual Design Advisory Committee Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Swenson Development Proposal; Conceptual Development Application CD-20-002 Dear Members of the Committee, Here are some thoughts to consider when reviewing Swenson’s proposals: 1.Swenson is only interested in how the project “pencils out” for profit. They are asking for maximum floor area, height, parking, etc. but have made no effort whatsoever to integrate the proposals into the community and respect the established neighborhood – our community has been here for 40 years. For example, why is the lobby entrance to the assisted living facility not on the corner of Shelburne Way and Winchester to create a more appealing street facing façade rather than jamming it up next to our community where there is an existing driveway? Was there a thought to how traffic or on-site circulation would impact us as an adjacent parcel? Also, the 2,400 SF ground floor retail space for the mixed used development seems challenging to retain a tenant given that the surrounding community is predominantly residential, so the only uses that could be sustainable would be a convenience store or something similar which we already have two in the community (one actually was unpermitted by the Town for some time). I do not think another one would contribute to the community. 2.Swenson was aware of the GP land use designation and Zoning allowing non- residential uses by right yet decided to purchase the parcels and subsequently propose two projects that are predominantly residential. They could of purchased parcels that better aligned with their proposals, yet now are asking you as a Committee and us as a community to consider proposals that are “a stretch in interpretation” in what the Town envisioned on these parcels and the surrounding parcels that run along the same side of Winchester. All of these parcels have the same GP land use designation and Zoning, so these proposals amount to a bona fide GP Amendment and spot rezoning for these parcels. 3.Swenson purchased the lands from Valley Oak developer, who was unable to move the project forward because they could not find a tenant. Yet, they invested so much time, effort, and energy into the previous project that did not require any Conditional Use Permit or other special requirements. Valley Oak also spend extensive time and energy to create a project that blended with the community and considered our concerns and issues. Swenson wants you and us to now believe that the only use for these parcels is residential based on market economics, but I would imagine Valley Oak did market analysis on their proposal regarding demand and supply for office space, particularly medical office space, before spending millions on acquiring land and development of plans. 4. Swenson has little to no interest in what the surrounding community has to say about the projects. At our March 9th meeting, they showed us the floor plan you have for the apartment complex and the same for the assisted living. They had little to no project data such as density, parking, etc. In fact, I had to provide the project data I gleaned from Valley Oak’s previous submittal on the site! This demonstrated the lack of preparedness on Swenson’s side to have a productive conversation with our community Additionally, the meeting had an air of “bureaucratic obligation” to it. Swenson messaged that they met with some Town officials prior to the meeting and that “they were in support of the project but told us to speak to the neighbors”. Yet, they had little to no information to share for us to make an informed decision. After the meeting, there were no further communications with Swenson, which they had our contact information since they reached out to us for the meeting. In my opinion, it felt as if they were just checking the box off a list in the review process “Met with Neighbors” but had not intentions to listen to our concerns and were just paying lip service. This could be further evidenced in the lack of modifications to either of the projects based on our concerns. 5. The Town only provided one plan set, the assisted living facility plan set, on the Planning Department’s Pending Projects page for review which I originally visited on Monday, May 27th. I had to follow-up with staff to have the second proposal, as referenced in the scope of work, to be uploaded the same day. However, I checked the website today (June 4th) and additional information on the project was updated on the website that is dated May 20, 2020 but was not part of the original upload transmittal on May 27th and was not made aware to me in my request to Staff to upload the additional plan set for the apartment building proposal. The plans do not have a receipt date stamp as is common practice when items are received by any Planning Department, including Los Gatos. While understandable that staff is working from home, digital stamps and digital plan review platforms are available to provide the similar function in a remote setting. Therefore, it is in question when these documents were actually received and in compliance with the application submittal requirements. Specifically, section 4(e) of the application states “All materials (plans, letters, etc.) intended to be viewed by the Committee members prior to the meeting must be submitted at the same time the application is filed. Materials filed after the submittal will not be accepted. Materials may be brought to the meeting.” Also, its worthy to note that the application was submitted on May 22nd, yet the application requires a submittal three weeks prior to make the June 10th deadline for the meeting, which would be May 20th if you count 21 calendar days. Staff confirmed that the application was received in time to make the June 10th meeting. However, this creates confusion from a resident’s perspective since in fact there is only 19 days to review if the deadline is the Friday of the third week versus a strict application/interpretation of a three-week deadline being 21 days. I am excited to see development interest again on the parcels next to us that have been vacant and fenced in since 2017. However, my excitement should not be confused with desperation. I would prefer a project that conforms to the GP designation and Zoning district of Office or at least provides a component that does. There are more options and alternative designs out there. For example, a two-story building with the first floor fully commercial or retail space and the second floor being residential units to provide almost a work live type development would be a more appropriate development to propose on this site. In short, I ask the Committee to consider that these proposals are not in alignment with what the Town envisions these parcels being used for as prescribed in the Town’s General Plan and reject them. Yours respectfully, Dylan Parker 702 Winchester Boulevard Cc: University Oaks Homeowner’s Association From:Joseph Gemignani To:Jocelyn Shoopman Subject:15860 Winchester plans Date:Sunday, May 31, 2020 9:13:21 PM The conceptual drawing doesn’t look very Appealing for the parcels on 15860 Winchester. The previous approved Project also was very modern looking. I hoo this one turns out nicer, more Traditional. Thanks, Joseph (amateur weatherman)