Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 5 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 08/14/2019 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: AUGUST 6, 2019 TO: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD-19-003. PROJECT LOCATION: 50 LOS GATOS-SARATOGA ROAD. APNS 529-24-001, 529-24-003, AND 529-24-032. PROPERTY OWNER: LOS GATOS LODGE, LLC. APPLICANT: NEXUS COMPANIES REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF A PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 265-UNIT RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY ON PROPERTY ZONED CH:PD. ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. Notice has been sent to residents and property owners within 300 feet of the project site. In addition to the public comments received at this meeting, all applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: 50 LOS GATOS-SARATOGA ROAD/CD-19-003 AUGUST 6, 2019 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2019\Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 50.docx 8/9/2019 10:52 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted a project description (Attachment 3) and preliminary plans (Attachment 4) for 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, an 8.7-acre property located on Los Gatos- Saratoga Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Highway 17 (Attachment 1). The property consists of three parcels containing several two-story buildings, amenities, and a surface parking lot for the Los Gatos Lodge. Key elements of the proposed project, as listed on the project description and plans submitted, are as follows: • Demolition of the existing hotel buildings; • Construction of a new four-story (up to 56 feet, nine-inches) building with 285,000 square feet of space for assisted living and memory care units, administrative offices, and amenities; • Construction of 14 individual two-story units (“casitas”) arranged as duplexes; and • Construction of a 230-space surface parking lot. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 1. General Plan designation: Mixed Use Commercial All three parcels are designated Mixed Use Commercial, which permits a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use setting, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants. Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the small town, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. This designation should never be interpreted to allow development of independent commercial facilities with principal frontage on the side streets. 2. Surrounding General Plan designations: Mixed Use Commercial to the north along Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, Medium Density Residential to the east, Public (Los Gatos High School) to the south, and the Highway 17 right-of-way to the west. 3. Zoning designation: CH:PD (Restricted Commercial Highway-Planned Development). 4. Surrounding zoning designations: CH (Restricted Commercial Highway-Planned Development) to the north along Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, R-1:8 (Single-Family Residential) to the east, R-1:20:PS (Single-Family Residential-Public school) to the south, and the Highway 17 right-of-way to the west. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: 50 LOS GATOS-SARATOGA ROAD/CD-19-003 AUGUST 6, 2019 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2019\Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 50.docx 8/9/2019 10:52 AM BACKGROUND: In 1990, the Town Council adopted Resolution 1990-135 containing development guidelines for future development of the subject property (Attachment 4). The Council reaffirmed this resolution in 2002. The Resolution states that the use of the property should be retained as a hotel consisting of the following: 1. Up to 300 rooms; 2. A conference facility containing approximately 10,000 square feet; 3. Up to three stories tall; and 4. An underground parking facility. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project creates a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff would evaluate the technical issues. 1. Zoning a. The project site is currently zoned CH:PD. The proposal would require a new PD, replacing the existing PD. The proposed use would be allowed in the CH zone with an approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a residential care facility; however, some characteristics of the proposal, such as building height, would be inconsistent with the CH zone. The proposal would be consistent with the purpose and intent of the PD Overlay Zone, as it provides a public benefit to the citizens of the Town by providing senior living opportunities. The PD overlay would provide project-specific regulations for the project characteristics that do not meet the requirements of the CH zone without the overlay. 2. Lot Layout a. Compatibility of the site layout, size of the units, and mass and scale with the surrounding properties; b. Appropriateness of the site layout; c. Orientation of the 14 individual two-story units; d. Adequacy of proposed open space. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: 50 LOS GATOS-SARATOGA ROAD/CD-19-003 AUGUST 6, 2019 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2019\Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 50.docx 8/9/2019 10:52 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): 3. Parking/Circulation a. Adequacy of parking based on the proposed uses; b. Guest parking; c. Site circulation; and d. Adequacy of the existing ingress/egress configuration will need to be assessed. 4. Design a. The project plans provide conceptual site plans, floor plans, elevation renderings, and a site section showing the massing of the main building and the casitas. Proposed materials and inspirational images are also included; b. The minimum setback of the main building is approximately 50 feet from the front property line along Los Gatos-Saratoga Road. The required minimum front setback in the CH zone is 15 feet; c. Maximum height allowed in the CH zone is 35 feet. The four-story main building would have a maximum height of 56 feet, nine-inches; and d. Maximum lot coverage is 50 percent. 5. Subdivision a. The current project area consists of three parcels. The proposed site plan indicates that the property would be reconfigured, resulting in 16 parcels: one main parcel for the primary building, 14 parcels for the individual two-story units, and one parcel with frontage on Bella Vista Avenue. Subdivision and lot line adjustment applications would be required to implement this lot configuration. 6. Traffic a. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study or mitigation fees will be required. 7. Potential Tree Impacts a. An arborist report will be required during the development review process to evaluate the potential impacts to trees. 8. Below market Price (BMP) Unit a. One of the residential duplex units may be required to be a BMP unit available at the low income level. Further legal analysis will be performed to determine if a future application would be required to comply with the Town’s BMP requirements. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: 50 LOS GATOS-SARATOGA ROAD/CD-19-003 AUGUST 6, 2019 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2019\Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 50.docx 8/9/2019 10:52 AM PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time, the Town has not received any public comment. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. CDAC application 3. Project Description Letter 4. Resolution 1990-135 5. Conceptual Plans Distribution: Los Gatos Lodge, LLC, P.O. Box 1528, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Nexus Companies, 1 MacArthur Place, Suite 300, Santa Ana, CA 92707 This Page Intentionally Left Blank LOS GATOS BLHIGHWAY 17 NE W Y O R K A V BELLA VISTA AVWHITNEY AVALB E R T O W Y SB HIGHWAY 17MAGGI CTCHICAGO AVCH A R L E S S T SI M O N S W Y 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank