Item 2 - 14990 Terreno De Flores Lane PREPARED BY: RYAN SAFTY Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 12/12/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2018 TO: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD-18-005 PROJECT LOCATION: 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LN. APN 424-10-004. PROPERTY OWNER: DOUG FERANTE. APPLICANT: TOM SLOAN. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF A PROPOSAL FOR DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE, A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1:10 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO CH (RESTRICTED HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL), AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW THREE-STORY MIXED-USE BUILDING. ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. Notice has been sent to residents and property owners within 300 feet of the project site. In addition to the public comments received at this meeting, all applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LN/CD-18-005 DECEMBER 5, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Scanned Rpts\2018\12-12-2018\Previous Versions\Terreno De Flores 14990_12-12-18.doc 12/7/2018 11:05 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted a project description (Attachment 3) and conceptual development plans (Attachment 4) for 14990 Terreno de Flores Lane, a 13,914-square foot (gross) property located on the southeastern corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Terreno de Flores Lane (Attachment 1). The property contains an existing one-story single-family residence. Key elements of the proposed project are as follows: • Rezoning the property from R-1:10 (Single-Family Residential) to CH (Restricted Highway Commercial); • Demolition of the existing single-family residence; • Construction of a new 35-foot high, three-story, mixed-use building with reduced side setbacks. The building would have 1,996 square feet of office space on the first floor, three 1,000-square foot residential apartment units on the second floor, and one 2,698-square foot residential apartment unit on the third floor; and • 18 underground parking spaces. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 1. General Plan designation: Mixed Use Commercial, which permits a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use project, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants. Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the small-town, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. This designation should never be interpreted to allow developments of independent commercial facilities with principal frontage on the side streets. 2. Surrounding General Plan designations: Mixed Use Commercial to the north and south, Low Density Residential to the east, and North Forty Specific Plan across Los Gatos Boulevard to the west. 3. Zoning designation: R-1:10 (Single-Family Residential). 4. Surrounding zoning designations: R-1:10 to the north, south, and east; and North Forty Specific Plan across Los Gatos Boulevard to the west. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project creates a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff would evaluate the technical issues. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LN/CD-18-005 DECEMBER 5, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Scanned Rpts\2018\12-12-2018\Previous Versions\Terreno De Flores 14990_12-12-18.doc 12/7/2018 11:05 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): 1. Zoning a. The property is currently zoned R-1:10. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to CH to be consistent with the General Plan designation of Mixed Use Commercial. The proposed mixed-use project could be permitted with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in the CH zone. 2. Design a. Projects developed under the Mixed Use Commercial General Plan designation shall maintain the small-town, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. b. The maximum height of any building in the CH zone is 35 feet. The proposed three- story building would be just under 35 feet (34 feet, eight inches). c. The maximum building coverage of a lot in a CH zone is 50 percent. The proposed building would cover 32.4 percent of the lot. d. The proposed building would be three-stories tall and would be adjacent to one and two-story buildings. e. The proposed project will require an Architecture and Site application. 3. Setbacks Properties in the CH zone are required to have 15-foot front and street side setbacks, with no required interior side and rear setbacks. These setback requirements increase along each property line which abuts or is across the street from a lot in a residential zone. Since the subject property abuts residentially zoned properties along both sides (north and south) and the rear (east), the side setbacks requirements increase to 15 feet and the rear setback increases to 20 feet. These setbacks along property lines which abut residentially zoned properties are required to be additionally increased by one foot for each foot of building height over 20 feet. The proposed 35-foot tall mixed-use building would be required to have 15-foot front, 30-foot side, and 35-foot rear setbacks. The applicant’s proposal would require a request for reduced side setbacks of 15 feet. The following are options for addressing the reduced side setbacks: a. Variance: Request a variance from the side setback requirements. The required variance findings are as follows: i. Because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of this ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zone; and PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LN/CD-18-005 DECEMBER 5, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Scanned Rpts\2018\12-12-2018\Previous Versions\Terreno De Flores 14990_12-12-18.doc 12/7/2018 11:05 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): ii. The granting of a variance would not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated. b. Rezone Neighboring Properties: Rezone the abutting properties to the north and south from R-1:10 to CH. This option would require zone change applications to be submitted by these property owners. The property to the north is vacant and the property to the south is developed with a single-family residence. If the two neighbors were no longer residentially zoned, the proposal would comply with setback requirements; however, the existing residential use to the south would become non-conforming. The neighboring properties to the north and south have a General Plan designation of Mixed Use Commercial; therefore, rezoning them to CH would make them consistent with the General Plan designation. 4. Parking a. EXISTING: The project site is currently developed with a single-story, 1,230-square foot, single-family residence which requires two parking spaces. b. REQUIRED: The four proposed residential apartment units each require one and one-half parking spaces and one visitor parking space, for a total of ten spaces. The proposed 1,996-square foot ground floor medical office space would require at least eight parking spaces (based on the requirement of one parking space per 250 square feet or six parking spaces per doctor, whichever is more restrictive). No more than one doctor would be allowed by the current proposal. c. PROVIDED: The proposed project includes an 18-space underground parking garage. d. The total provided parking spaces for the proposed project would meet the current minimum required for the proposed uses if only one doctor occupied the ground floor medical office space. 5. Traffic a. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study or mitigation fees will be required. 6. Potential Tree Impacts a. An arborist report will be required during the development review process to evaluate the potential impacts to trees. 7. Dedication, Improvements, Net Lot Size a. The applicant will be required to dedicate a portion of the lot along Los Gatos Boulevard to the Town for right-of-way improvements that will be required. The net lot size after the dedication would be approximately 10,150 square feet. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LN/CD-18-005 DECEMBER 5, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC Scanned Rpts\2018\12-12-2018\Previous Versions\Terreno De Flores 14990_12-12-18.doc 12/7/2018 11:05 AM Attachments: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Project Description Letter (one page) 4. Conceptual Development Plans (10 pages) Distribution: Tom Sloan, 1475 S. Bascom Ave #208, Campbell, CA 95008 Doug Ferante, 1011 Dell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008 This Page Intentionally Left Blank LOS GATOS BLNOD D I N A V NATIONAL AV CAMINO DEL SOL TER R E N O D E F L O R E S L N 14990 Terreno De Flores Lane 0 0.250.125 Miles ° ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.0 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:16 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS PROJECT SITE GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAPPROJECT INFORMATION ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES, AS WELL AS ALL APPLICABLE STATE CODES & LOCAL CITY ORDINANCES, 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (C.B.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (C.R.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (C.E.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (C.P.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (C.M.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (C.F.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE (C.E.C.) 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE (C.G.C.) NOTHING ON THE DRAWINGS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THESE CODES & REGULATIONS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL EXAMINE THOROUGHLY THE SITE AND SATISFY THEMSELVES AS TO THE CONDITIONS TO WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AT THE SITE ALL MEASUREMENTS AFFECTING HIS WORK, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF THE SAME. NO EXTRA COST TO THE OWNER WILL BE ALLOWED RESULTING FROM HIS NEGLIGENCE TO EXAMINE OR FAILURE TO DISCOVER CONDITIONS AFFECTING HIS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BY TAKING FIELD MEASUREMENTS; FOR PROPER FIT AND ATTACHMENT OF ALL PARTS IS REQUIRED. SHOULD THERE BE ANY DISCREPANCIES, IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY RELATED WORK. IN THE EVENT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO DO SO, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY AND SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OR ADJUSTMENT OF ANY SUCH RELATED WORK OR ERRORS. DO NOT SCALE THESE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRAWINGS. MINOR DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS ARE TO BE EXPECTED. CONDITIONS REQUIRING CLARIFICATION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL INSTALL OR APPLY, AND PROTECT ALL PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, PROCESSES, METHODS, COATINGS, EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCES, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, ETC. IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS, TYPICAL. ALL MANUALS OR INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED BY THESE MANUFACTURER'S FOR PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE ABOVE ARE TO BE DELIVERED TO THE OWNER AT THE COMPLETION AND FINAL INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE QUANTITY, ROUGH OPENINGS AND TYPES OF DOORS AND WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULES IN RELATION TO FRAMING PER FIELD PRIOR TO ORDERING. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AND AEROSOL PAINT CONTAINERS MUST REMAIN ON THE SITE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. PER CGBSC SEC. 4.504.2.4 PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, A LETTER SIGNED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR THE OWNER/BUILDER (FOR ANY OWNER/BUILDER) PROJECTS MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFYING THAT ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AEROSOL PAINTS, AEROSOL COATINGS, CARPET SYSTEMS (INCLUDING CARPETING, CUSHION AND ADHESIVE), RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS, AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT ARE WITHIN THE EMISSION LIMITS SPECIFIED IN CGBSC SECTION 4.504. 1. CODES AND REGULATIONS 2. SITE VERIFICATION 3. MEASUREMENTS 4. DIMENSIONS 5. DISCREPANCIES 6. MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 7. WINDOWS AND DOORS 8. CALGREEN STANDARDS AS-NOTED COVER SHEET AREA TABULATIONS GENERAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION AREA TABULATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX CONSULTANT DIRECTORY CONSULTANT DIRECTORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARCHITECT TOPO SURVEY & BOUNDARIES PROPERTY OWNERS PHONE MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT ADDRESS A.P.N. ZONING LOCATED WITHIN DESIGNATED WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA SETBACK REQUIREMENTS MAX HEIGHT CONSTRUCTION TYPE OCCUPANCY STORIES FIRE SPRINKLERS EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE DOUG FERANTE (408) 499-0040 1011 DELL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 14900 TERRENO DEFLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 422-10-004 CURRENT - R1-10 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION - MIXED USE COMMERCIAL NO REQUIRED CH / R-1 -10 FRONT: 15'-0" / 25'-0" SIDE: 0'-0" / 15'-0" REAR: 0'-0" / 35'-0" PROPOSED FRONT: 15"-0 LEFT SIDE: 15'-0" RIGHT SIDE: 15'-0" REAR: 35'-0" ALLOWED PROPOSED 35'-0" 34'-8" III-A (BELOW GRADE) & V-A (ABOVE GRADE) R-2 / S-2 3 STORIES ABOVE GRADE AND A BELOW GRADE PARKING GARAGE REQUIRED (NFPA-13) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1:10) MIXED USE (CH) A - 2.2 SHEET INDEX SHEET INDEX, PROJECT DESCRIPTION,A- 0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS VICINITY MAP, CONSULTANTS, GENERAL NOTES AND TABULATIONS A - 2.1 GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ENLARGED SITE PLAN A - 3.0 THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLANA - 2.3 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A - 0.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA - 3.1 GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLANA - 2.0 SITE SURVEY PLANA - 0.1THE SITE IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1:10 WITH A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS PROJECT IS TO RE-ZONE THE SITE TO CH AND DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND CONSTRUCT A NEW MIXED USE BUILDING BUILDING, MEETING THE OBJECTIVES OF THE GENERAL PLAN. THE PROPOSED BUILDING IS THREE STORIES WITH BELOW GRADE PARKING FOR 18 CARS AND INCLUDES MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE ON THE GROUND FLOOR & 4 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS LOCATED ON THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR LEVELS. TOM SLOAN AIA METRO DESIGN GROUP 1475 S. BASCOM AVENUE #208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 NADIM RAFFOUL NNR ENGINEERING 353 WEYBRIDGE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95123 (408) 348-7813 THIRD FLOOR LEVEL 2,698 SF (1) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT SECOND FLOOR LEVEL (3) 1,000 SF PER DWELLING UNITS = 3,000 SF GROUND FLOOR LEVEL 1,996 SF COMMERCIAL RETAIL OFFICE GARAGE FLOOR LEVEL 6,624 SF 1. SITE AREA 2. FLOOR AREA 3. SITE COVERAGE GROSS 13,914 SF NET 10,150 SF BUILDING COVERAGE 3,292 SF (32.4%) PARKING MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIRED - 1.5 PARKING STALLS PER DWELLING UNIT PLUS 1 PARKING STALL FOR VISITOR PARKING PROPOSED - 4 DU x 2.5 = 10 SPACES REQUIRED COMMERCIAL PARKING REQUIRED - 1 PARKING SPACE PER 250 SF OF FLOOR AREA (MEDICAL OFFICE) PROPOSED - 1,996 SF / 250 = 8 SPACES REQUIRED PROPOSED PARKING - 18 PARKING STALLS PROVIDED IN PARKING GARAGE ON-SITE PARKING SITE PLANA - 0.3 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.1 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:16 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS 299.14 298.59 297.53 298.16 299.08299.07 298.98298.75 298.74 298.72 298.78298.69 299.21 299.51299.63299.67299.56299.72300.07299.93 298.73 299.65 299.70299.75 300.49 300.46 300.59 300.12 299.62 299.42 300.34 299.09 299.21 299.24299.21 299.82 298.61 299.15 299.57 299.75 301.30 301.13 300.90 300.54 299.25 299.06 299.23 299.08 298.97 298.92 298.89 298.83 298.84298.78 299.08 299.78 299.84 299.99 299.99 299.91 299.69 299.53 299.32 299.31 299.14 300.26 300.30 300.20 300.21 300.16 300.16 298.39298.40DYHFIRE HYDRANT TERRENO DE FLORES LANE (60'- R/W) FD. MON. EDGE PAVEMENT LOS GATOS BLVD.CATCH BASIN HY DWV EDGE PAVEMENT EDGE PAVEMENTEDGE PAVEMENT ST. SIGN MONUMENT LINEPG&E HIGH VOLTAGE FIRE HYDRANT 299 300 299WV CURB & GUTTER 298.53298.57298.64298.74298.74298.88299.00299.02299.01 298.95 298.86 299.01 299.06 299.32 299.77 299.98 300.18 300.31 299.11 299.11 299.67 299.89 300.20 299.96 299.73 299.41 299.12 298.70298.67298.73298.82298.90298.97298.92 298.58298.52 298.52 298.48 298.38 298.58 298.72298.80 N32° 00' 30"E50.00L=31.42,R=20.0 0 N57° 59' 30"W 266.20 299.14 299.08 299.83 299.08 292.39 299.07299.07 298.98298.98 299.25 299.41 299.63 299.60 299.70 300.87 299.78299.80299.78 299.90 299.88 300.13 299.98 299.97 299.92 300.07300.11 299.84 299.72 299.63 299.74 299.67 299.65 299.70 299.74299.70299.72299.86 299.89 299.84 299.89 299.79 299.84 299.69 299.70 299.61 299.83299.83 299.90 300.10 300.09 299.88 299.92 299.94 299.97300.06 299.91 299.93299.94 299.90299.89 299.87 299.83299.84299.89 299.84 299.80 299.80 299.94 300.01299.99300.04 300.06 300.00 299.95 299.88 299.95300.01 300.06 300.04300.04 300.20 300.06 300.41 299.95 300.32 300.21 300.07 300.04 300.39 300.21 300.25300.34300.34 299.98 299.96 299.75 299.77 299.83 299.80299.79 299.86 300.21 300.20 300.06 300.12 299.86299.88 299.81 299.96 300.22 300.27 300.21 300.28 300.14 300.27 300.34 300.23 299.98 299.99 299.90 300.01300.00 299.96 299.89299.78 299.64 300.00 300.24 300.37 300.28 300.30 300.12300.27300.35300.22 300.63 300.26 299.74 299.64 299.60 299.38 200.00 N57° 59' 30"W 70.00S32° 00' 30"W180.00 S57° 59' 30"E 300.00 300.04 300.17 299.51299.40 299.51 299.73 299.79299.77299.90 299.99 299.96299.99 299.90 299.82299.78 299.85 300.15 298.99 299.07 299.14 299.09 299.13 299.30 299.47299.35 298.74 298.95 298.98 299.52 299.87 299.65 299.51 299.62 299.52 299.37 298.62 298.78 298.98298.88298.80298.81298.88298.86 298.77 298.52 55.5' FUTUREROADWAY WIDENING55.5' FUTUREROADWAY WIDENING25' BULDING LINEPG&E HIGH VOLTAGE 300300300 300 300 299 5' P.U.E.5' P.U.E.FS 300.07 APPROXIMATE ADJACENT HOUSE LOCATION DRIPLINE-TYP. ASPHALT COMM. BOX JOINT POLE 14"CEDAR LAWN AC FF 301.27 FF 300.83 FF 300.25 GUYANCHORCONC WALL(H=2'±)AC PAVEMENT OH-WIRES6' WOOD FENCE JOINT POLE SEPTIC FIELD LAWN SEPTIC TANK NO PARKING SIGNGRAVEL CONC CURB LAWN GRAVEL 3-8"TREE12"TREE 28"PINE 8"OILVE 2-14" OILVE ST. SIGN OH -WIRES WM GMEM 1/8" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.2 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:16 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS ademoconstruction@sbcglobal.neDOWNPLANTERPLANTERPLANTER SPA UPPROPOSED MIXED USE BUILDING L O S G A T O S B O U L E V A R D RM:12-20 ZONE R-1:8 ZONE R-1:10 ZONE R-1:10 ZONE R-1:10 ZONE 20 FOOT WIDE DRIVEWAY TO BELOW GRADE PARKING PLUNGE POOL PLANTER EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE ABANDONED 35 FOOTREARSETBACK15 FT. FRONTSETBACK15 FOOT SIDE SETBACK 15 FOOT SIDE SETBACK R-1:10 ZONE DOWN NEW PROPERTY LINE144.50'70.00' LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPEDOWNLANDSCAPE PLANTERPLANTERPLANTERPLANTEREXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE ABANDONEDTERRENO DE FLORES LANEN.T.S. ENLARGED SITE PLAN NORTH 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.3 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:17 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS UP DOWN PLANTERPLANTER PLANTERSPAPROPOSED MIXED USE BUILDING 20 FOOT WIDE DRIVEWAY TO BELOW GRADE PARKING PLUNGE POOLPLANTEREXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BEABANDONED35 FOOT REAR SETBACK15 FT. FRONT SETBACK 15 FOOTSIDESETBACK15 FOOTSIDESETBACKDOWNNEW PROPERTY LINE144.50'70.00'LANDSCAPE DOWN LANDSCAPE PLANTER PLANTER PLANTER PLANTERPARKINGTERRENO DE FLORES LANE SIDEWALKSIDEWALK LANDSCAPENORTH LANDSCAPEL O S G A T O S B O U L E V A R DBIKE LANENEW TREES FOR SCREENING GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.0 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:16 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS PARKING LOT 811910 STORAGE 17 16 15 14 13 12 7654321 elev. MECH STORAGE UP UP ELECT.AUTO RAMP UP 18 UP GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 3/16" = 1'-0" NORTH 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.1 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:16 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS TRASH UP elev. UP LOBBY MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE DOWN PLANTERPLANTERPLANTER PLANTER PLANTER PLANTERUTILITY ROOM POOL BATH DOWN COM. / TEL. COMMON OUTDOOR SPACE FENCE & GATE15 ' SIDE SETBACK15 ' SIDE SETBACK15' FRONT SETBACK GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.2 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:17 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS LAUNDRY LIN. W.I.CLO. FAMILYFAMILY BALCONY ENTRY KITCHEN LAUNDRY KITCHEN 1/2 BATH DINING BEDROOM BATH elev. FAMILY BEDROOM BATH W.I.CLO. 1/2 BATHENTRY LAUNDRY LIN. BALCONY LIN. KITCHEN BEDROOM 1/2 BATH ENTRY W.I.CLO. BATH BALCONY UP DN UP DN MAINTENANCE DINING DINING (PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE)(PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE)(PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE) SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH 16347 AZTEC RIDGE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 532-26-027 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.3 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:17 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 2380 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 100 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER RAFT RESIDENCE CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 13571 1-21-14 DN DN elev. FAMILY ROOM KITCHEN WALK-IN CLOSET MASTER BATH MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BATH 2 BATH 2 LAUNDRY DINING TERRACE RECREATION ROOM BAR ENTRY STORAGE STORAGELINEN LINEN STORAGEBALCONYBALCONY(PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE) THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-3.0 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:17 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION ELEVATIONS 14990 TERRENO DE FLORES LANE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN# 422-10-004 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-3.1 Ferrante - Mixed Use Prelim 5-29-18.pln10/2/201811:17 AMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone (408)871-1072 fax www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER MIXED USE BUILDING CHECKED BY :TS ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME 16621 10 - 01 -18 TS NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION ELEVATIONS