Item 2 - Desk Item and Attachment 7 PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 09/12/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DESK ITEM DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 TO: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD-18-004 PROJECT LOCATION: 15300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. APN 424-17-035 AND 424-17-036. PROPERTY OWNER: TRUSTEES OF THE MALKASON TRUST AND MARY MALKASON GST TRUST. APPLICANT: SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF PLANS TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING BUILDING AND TO CONSTRUCT A TWO-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING WITH BELOW GRADE PARKING ON PROPERTY ZONED C-1. REMARKS: Attachment 7 includes public comment received between 11:01 a.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2018 and 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 12, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with September 12, 2018 Staff Report: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Project Description Letter (two page) 4. Conceptual Plans (three sheets) 5. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018 Previously received with September 12, 2018 Addendum Report: 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018, and 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2018 Received with this Desk Item Report: 7. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m. Tuesday, September 12, 2018, and 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, Marjorie Kline <mkline@mobileiron.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11 :15 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware -Los Gatos Only just learned about this. I am always visiting this store . It's in a great location, is a great size so lots of options unlike the downtown Rural Supply Ace. There are already an overwhelming amount of medical offices in the area. We can't afford to lose this Ace Hardware -especially to yet another medical office. It feels like there are more medical offices in Los Gatos than around Stanford. For me, instead of hitting Ace, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's as I often do as they are all so close -I'd likely take my business to a different city. Marjorie Kline Los Gatos Resident ATTACHMENT 7 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Please , Sue Moses <moses_sue@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:17 AM Jennifer Armer Do Not Rezone Ace Hardw are location Do not approve Rezoning of property located at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd . As Long time residents of Los Gatos , rezoning this property and the subsequent loss of Ace Hardware in our neighborhood would create a huge loss to our community. We do not need another huge medical office building, especially in this location . Do Not Approve. Thank you for your consideration Susan Moses 49 year resident of La Croix Ct Los Gatos Jennifer Armer Fr om: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer Armer, erik_olsen@apple.com on behalf of Erik Olsen <erik_olsen@apple.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:21 AM Jennifer Armer Attn: Jennifer Armer. Save Ace Hardware! As a resident of Los Gatos Mountains, I stand with the ovewhelming majority of the other residents that we do not want another old piece of the towns history and local charming landmarks demolished to be replaced with a big generic development that adds nothing to the city. The hardware store serves many of the mountain residents who live off of Highway 17, like my self who lives in Redwood Estates. Not only do ALL the folks who live in the mounta ins opposite this, I know almost all the local residents of Los Gatos do too. Have you and your office seen the comments of the residents on social media? There are many, many medical building in Los Gatos, we don't need another one, especially right in downtown. This is a horrible idea for the town and the residents. Please do not allow the Ace Hardware to be replaced by an office. Thank you. Erik Olsen 21504 Betty Ann Ct Los Gatos, CA 95033 Enk Olsen Packa oi ng Production 6S0-483-5585 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Tii!S TR.f\i'1St11SSI0M MAY BE PRIVI LEGED AND MAY CO NTA IN CO NFIDENTI AL I NFORMATTO~J HJTEIJDED O NLY FOR THE Pf:RSOIJ(S) NAMED /\BOVC. M:Y OTHER DlSTRJBUTION, RE-TRAl6MJSSI0M, COPYING OR DISCLOSU RE 15 STRICTLY PRO H!B!TED. IF YO U HI\VE RE CEIVED THIS TR ANSM1SS I 0Cl iii E'RRO'I, PL EASE NOTIFY M:: IMMEDIATELY BY T ELEPHONE (650--l83-5585 ) OR RETU RM E-MAIL, AN D DELETE Tll!S FILE/HESSAG E FROM YOU R S'/ST' r·. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer- Jean Choi <jeankk@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:25 AM Jennifer Armer Comment on Ace Hardware Development I'm a 12 year resident of Los Gatos living on Englewood Ave . I am writing to you to protest the rezoning of the Ace Hardware area to office space. What drew me to Los Gatos is small town living where we know our neighbors and we support our local businesses. This rezoning proposal is yet another developer attempting to disregard and degrade our small town way of life. Build i ng an 80,000 SF medical center will destroy multiple local businesses who have been contributors to our local community and will undoubtedly increase traffic, just when the North 20 development, which will also undoubtedly have a significant and negat ive impact on traffic, will be underway. There are already multiple medical centers ne xt door on LG Blvd, on the corner of LG Blvd and Samaritan Dr and on Samaritan Dr. I can't understand the need for yet another medical center to dominate the Blvd. I frequent Ace and Orchid Cleaners . When we go to Ace, we get service with a smile unli ke Home Depot where I wander from aisle to aisle looking for anyone to help me and then finally upon locating one employee, stand in line behind several other people because there is nobody else to help. Ace hires locally and is an integral member of this community. I've tried several dry cleaners and Orchid is the best. We need to continue allowing local busines ses to thrive and expand to have more reta il, especially restaurant s on this end of Los Gatos . Please reject the developer's plans. They do not have our community's best interest at heart. Thank you. Warmly, Jean Choi Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Don Minami <d .minami@comcast.net > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:39 AM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware Please preserve the retail zoning of the Ace Hardware property. Our community has more than enough medical facilities but a dearth of locally owned retail stores to serve our practical home owner needs. Let 's keep our town family friendly and support local business owners. Best regards, Don Minami Don Minami 408 605 2872 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi William Findley <mycessna172@aol.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:43 AM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos ACE Hardware I want to support keeping our local ACE Hardware. We do not need another Medical building. Please consider no change to the zoning. Thanks, William Findley 140 Anne way LG Jen ni fer Armer Fro m : Sent: To: Cc : Su bject: Theresa Brandt <theresa @artwks.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:54 AM Jennifer Armer Council ; Rob Rennie; Ste ven Leonardi s; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Don't Destroy Our Ace! The Ace Hardware store at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. is the kind of business that the Town of Los Gatos prides itself on . It ha s friendly, helpful, knowledgeable staff and a good selection of products. Local shoppers around here really appreciate it, especially the ease of parking {in contrast to any "downtown" store). In ca se nobody has looked, the store has received a 4.4 rating in 108 reviews on Google, and 4 1/2 out of 5 stars in 114 reviews on Yelp . That's a pretty powerful commu nity e ndorsement. Thi s friendly, convenient, local institution is also a significant employer. Where w ill those workers find jobs? What about the LGHS students who will soon have one less place at which to earn some money and work expe r ience? The loss of a beloved local store -and the resulting loss of local jobs -notwithstanding, there is another concern about that specific location. It is uncomfortably near to the developing North 40 area which is already going to negatively impact traffic. Adding the rumored medical offices at the Ace location will snarl traffic so badly that you will have effectively cut off anot her acce ss into town, and possibly all the businesses between that intersection and town. There doesn't seem to be any way to widen the roads , yet the town council seems intent on stuffing them with more and more vehicles . Removing the Ace Hardware store and re-zoning for office space is a bad idea . I urge you to consider the needs and quality of life of you r current constituents as well as those whom you are trying to attract {in the North 40 and elsewhere) and leave our Ace Hardware where it is. Thank you. There sa Brandt Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ms. Armer, Schumacher, Michael C. <MICHAEL.SCHUMACHER@ngc.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:54 AM Jennifer Armer Council ; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marico Sayoc Opposed to Ace Hardware Shopping Center Re-zone I am opposed to the subject re-zoning application currently under review by the Town of Los Gatos. I'm shocked and surprised at the application to re-zone the property where Ace Hardware and Orchid Cleaners are currently located at Los Gatos Blvd and Gateway Dr. I'm in Ace and Orchid every weekend and many evenings after work. Home and garden maintenance and emergency repairs often requires that I make multiple trips to Ace on both Saturday and Sunday. I'm not the only one. This store is very busy servicing a steady demand from the local neighborhoods. This is also the case for the dry cleaners, laundromat and gas station. We don't need another multi-story office complex in the general area. We don't need to force local consumers to distant big box outlets. We don't need to add more travel time to obtain essential serves. We do need, demand driven full service retail, staffed by locals, used by locals and located within the community. With Orchard Supply and Sears closing, the loss of our local Ace Hardware, driven by re-zoning, would be an adverse and major impact to the Town of Los Gatos and the local community. Please recommend a denial of the applicant's request. Please add my dissent to the written record. Respectfully Mike Schumacher Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear M s. Armer, Richard Manson < r.manson @web.de> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:54 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd . I am greatly disheartened by the proposal to rezone the commercial land at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. which would mean closing the Ace Ha r dware store . The store is a cornerstone of the neighborhood, much cherished by the community around it. When I was in high school at LGHS it was the first job for some of my classmates . As an adult I appreciate its wide selection which includes specialty parts you can't find elsewhere . Local residents will have to travel many miles for the same things and in some cases will not be able to find them at all any more. I strongly support the growth of the medical industry in Los Gatos as a driver for our economy, but it should not come at the cost of local business highly valued by the community. I would appreciate your consideration of the voices from the neighborhood. Best regards Richard Manson 133 Hollycrest Dr . Los Gatos, CA Jen nifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sharon & John <jtnslk@aol.com > Tuesda y, September 11, 2018 11:58 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Please don't take away a local resource for people who live in Los Gatos! Sincerely, Sharon Kuntzmann Retired Teacher Sent from my I Pad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ellen Isaacs <ellen@izix.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11 :58 AM Jennifer Armer Please don't close Ace Hardware I'd like to add my voice to the many who are asking you to keep the zoning of the Ace Hardware property the sam e so that the store can continue to serve our community. With Orchard Supply Hardware closing all of its stores early ne xt year, it is even more important to keep this local hardware store . Surely they can find another space for a medical building. Please , we love Ace Hardware and want it to be around for a long time to come. Respectfully, Ellen Isaacs Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi to all , bill @posadarealty.com Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:17 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning @losgatos.gov Ace Hardware, Please DO NOT Rezone As a longtime resident of Los Gatos, I feel Ace Hardware is a very important part of our Los Gatos heritage. It is a very important and needed service to the community. PLEASE DO NOT REZONE THAT PROPERTY. I reside at : 15725 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Regards Bill Posad a, Broker/Own er BRE# 01434727 The Posa d a Gr o u p, In c. 2130 The Alameda San Jose, Ca 95126 Phone : (408) 261-9500 x205 Fax: (408) 261 -6999 A Real Estate and Property Management Corporation, Since 2004. Jennifer A r mer From: Sent: To: Subject: Laurie Praskin < lpraskin@earthlink.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12 :33 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware May I please go on the record to the town council that we would like to keep the zoning where Ace Hardware exists as zoning for practical stores for our town. Ace Hardware is an essential store for Los Gatos. It provides a local need fo r home and garden maintenance. It employs our youth and has a wonderful community feel to it . It would be a shame to lose this type of functional sto re that has served our community for decades. Thank you, Laurie Praskin 17968 Oak Dr . Los Gato s, CA 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Penny Herman <nt.advisor@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:10 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca .gov> Subject: Ace Hardware Dear Los Gatos Planning Commission, As a resident of Los Gatos since 1975, I have seen many changes, some good and some questionable. As a homeowner, we went to the hardware store at Kings Court until that moved. Ace has been our 'go to' store ever since. It is becoming obvious that newer business are ruling development in Los Gatos. Traffic is a nightmare, local stores are pushed out, and the people of Los Gatos are forgotten. It may not seem important to the denizens of City Hall, but we need businesses and services that serve us, the tax paying residents. One business is the Ace Hardware, which has supplied our needs for years. That old and seemingly unimportant strip of businesses is very important to those of us who live in Los Gatos. From the sound of the drums, this is a 'line in the sand' issue. I know it is for me. Penny Herman South Kennedy Road Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Dean Duffy <dtduffy@msn.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:35 PM Jennifer Armer 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd Application CD-18 -004 It is very difficult to see this mini shopping site, rezoned, and with yet another medical project going forward. The more overwhelming issue is that The Town which speaks to it's pride of preserving that-Los Gatos- charm; replaces long standing retailers with a plethora of sterile-institutional medical buildings . This includes multiples of operations competing for the same urgent care, diagnostic, radiology and related services; frequented by many who are not from Los Gatos. This collective of medical additions on LG Blvd, National, Good Sam further complicate micro-congestion grid lock, remove traditional retail services, causing residents to go to other locales to procure basic conveniences. LG BLVD and Lark will already be a mess with the North 40 activity, without more multi-story sites including underground parking . This will result in another cumbersome congestion choke point. Private-practice physicians with degrees from great institutions, can no longer afford to bring superior care to LG, because large scale BIG BOX medical providers are taking over. Respectfully D Duffy 317 Escobar, 95032 Jennifer A rmer From: Sent: To: Subject: Charles Wade <cwade13 @yahoo.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:38 PM Jenn ife r Armer ACE HARDWARE-KEEP We've lived here 38 years, and as a do -it-yourselfer I rely on ACE hardware at that location. I can find items there that I can never locate at Home Depot and the service here is 1000 °/o better. Wonderfully-you can always find a parking spot. We have a sufficient number of medical facilities-the area around the hospital, extending to this site is more like a strip mall. Thanks for listening. charles wade Jennifer Armer From: Conrad Van Bruggen <conrad2006@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:41 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Steven Leonard is <SLeonardis@losgatosca .gov>; Marcia Jensen <MJensen@losgatosca .gov>; Marica Sayoc <MSayoc@losgatosca .gov>; BSpector <BSpector@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Lucinda Van Bruggen <lucindavb@gmail.com>; Conrad Van Bruggen <conrad2006@gmail.com> Subject: Our local Hardware store: A huge part of our quality of life in Los Gatos! I have been a resident here for 60 years. Growing up we used to rely on our local "Coast to Coast" hardware store -I still have some of those old tools! There are several things that go into making Los Gatos a special place. A big one is having a local business like our Ace store right nearby so we are not fighting crowds on the freeway to burn gas to get to the Campbell Home Depot or some other big -box store. Please continue to stand up for our next generation's quality of life and preserve this part of what makes Los Gatos so special ! Thanks, Conrad Van Bruggen 154 Potomac Drive Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms . Armer, Jason Heimann <table.delete@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12 :55 PM Jennifer Armer Letter in support of development at 15300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD I'm writing to support the development of medical facilities at the parcel noted in the subject l ine . As the Bay Area grows in population --and in cost of living --we need more living-wage jobs that are closer to where we live, and an Ace Hardware store i s not the employer to provide those much-needed jobs. We've several hardware stores within a 3 mi radius of the existing Ace ... its not as if the store is an essential service to the community . It should also be noted that the Bay Area has a growing retiree population that will need more medical services . With closures looming for the O'Connor and St. Louise facilities, who will pick up the slack besides the already over-burdened SCVMC and Good Sam? My family has been in the south bay since 1978, and we've seen massive growth, and know that it will not stop any time soon. I fear that giving consideration to all the anti-development/ NIMBY crowd is going to hurt our towns gravely : co st of living will skyrocket, jobs will be nonexistent, traffic will be unmanageable. We can't keep Los Gatos/ Campbell in the 1970s while the rest of the bay develops into the 21 century. We need to grow smartly, and we need to start now. Blocking this development is unconscionable. I appreciate your time and consideration . Thanks . Jason Heimann 408-676-8768 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Kim Fletcher < kimfletcher@comcast.net > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 1:36 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware parcel rezoning Janet, I would like to go on record as opposing the rezoning of the current Ace Hardware site at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd. Thank you, Kim Fletcher 17724 Comanche Trail Lo s Gatos,Ca Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sallee Bagno <shadowlollie@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11 , 2018 1:42 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware in Los Gatos I oppose replacing our truly needed ACE HARDWARE STORE with medical office buildings or anything else to be honest.This store has numerous hard to find items most other larger stores don't even carry these days .I hope this will help to save the store & jobs of those working there.Thank you,Sallee Bagno {Los Gatos Mountains). Jen nifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello James Manganello < mangol100@comcast.net> Tuesday , September 11, 2018 2:02 PM Jennifer Armer re zoning of ace hardware I am writing this email to let you know that I oppose the change in zoning for Ace Hardware . I have lived in town for 47 years. I have been going to that store since it was Coast To Coast. While not shocked at anything the town tries in recent years, this is especially appalling . This is a wonderful store. It has provided employment to hundreds of high school kids over the years. The idea of a new medical building on the blvd, makes no sense . I promise you that myself and my children and grand children will fight this from the bottom of our souls . We will be at the meeting wednesday, and I assure you we will be heard . Thank you for your time. James Manganello, 16846 Leroy ave Los Gatos 95032. cell 408 348 0559 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer: Eisner, Gayle <gayle_eisner@partner.nps.gov> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:04 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am writing this letter to protest the sale of the property of Ace Hardware in Los Gatos for a building of a medical building. I am a resident of Los Gatos (30 years). It is a great place to shop and Ace employed many students from the high school for many years. We DO NOT need more medical buildings. They are an eye sore and unnecessary to the atmosphere of Los Gatos. The old Ford Sales Office was torn down to build eyesore homes. We use the hardware store all the time and if it must go, rezoning/rebuilding should be in the atmosphere of enhancing our neighborhood for the RESIDENTS, not big business. Please deny the request. Thank you kindly, Gayle Eisner 18041 Virginia Dr Los Gatos, CA 408 402 1965 Jennif er Armer From: Beck y Wong <beckypcwong @gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:14 PM Jennifer Armer Sent: To: Subject: My Comments on Proposed Project at Ace Hardware Location for September 12, 2018 Meeting Dear Ms. Armer and LG Planning Committee : I am not able to attend the September 12 meeting. I hope the comments in my email will be considered at the meeting. I have been a Los Gatos resident for 30 years . I live one block from the ACE Hardware store and love this neighborhood . I found out the ACE Hardware building would soon be demolished and replaced with a huge medical building comple x from my co-worker, who also lives in East Los Gatos, on September 10. It appears that the project has been under planning for quite sometimes; and there has been no public announcement about th is project. This is a surprise to me and many people who live in the area . This i s a big proj ect which will greatly affect the neighborhood . I am wondering why the publ ic community has not been informed about this proposed project sooner. I have great concerns about having another medical building at the Ace Hardware location since we already have a medical building at the other corner of Gateway Drive and Los Gatos Blvd. How many medical buildings does Los Gatos need for a population of less than 30,000 people? I am against this proposed project for the following reasons : 1. A family business of ACE Hardware and its service to the community will be destroyed; 2. The traffic will significantly increase in addition to the N40 development; 3. The he ight and size of the building will block the views of Los Gatos Blvd. and the mountain when approaching Gateway Drive from Carlton Avenue; 4 . The community does not need another medical building as the area has sufficient medical office space -there are too many medical buildings in the town of Los Gatos already; 5. The zoning should not be changed -we need more retail space (not med ical/office spa ce) that can generate sales t ax revenue for the town; 6 . This project is not appropriate at the Ace Hardware location -80,000 square foot build ing with an underground parking garage of 330+ spaces to accommodate up to 58 doctors. This is a huge b u ilding; and it is significantly bigger than the current Ace Hardware building (80,000 sq. ft. vs . 19,825 sq. ft. for the building, 350+ (underground & surface) vs. 105 (surface) parking spaces , one-story v s. two-story). Thank you Becky Wong Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commission, Jana Hee <jana.hee@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:18 PM planning@losgstos.gov; Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware on LG Blvd property Follow up Flagged I'm writing to ask your consideration regarding the property on which ACE Hardware sits. I'm sure you get many of these emails . Please consider not rezoning this property. One more medical office building will turn Los Gatos into just another bustling Silicon Valley traffic zone. Los Gatos Blvd is already so congested. Please keep our local ACE Hardware and dry cleaners as is. Thank you, Jana Hee Jennifer Armer Fr om: Sent: To: Subject: Cath y Smith <cathy.smith @elrepco.com > Tuesday , September 11, 2018 2:21 PM Jennifer Armer Regarding Ace Hardware I am writ ing because I have heard that the town may want to close down the store on LG . Blvd . It is one of the few businesses left we can shop in .. Please reconsider this for the residences as well as the businesses like mine. Thank s ***************** Cathy H. Smith ELREPCO , Inc . President Office Phone #: 408-458-1706 Cell: 408-221-0083 "Leadership is not about a t itle or a designation . It's abo ut im pact, influ en ce and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, infl uence is about spreading t he passion you h ave for yo ur wor k, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers ." Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: David Dulong <daviddulong@mac.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:34 PM Jennifer Armer Council ; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen ; BSpector; Marico Sa yoc Save Our Ace Hardware Store Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD 18-004 I am writ ing in regards to the application for a medical office building which would affect the ex istence of t he Ace Hardware Store at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. This store has been an integral part of Los Gatos and must be allowed to continue to serve the community and its residents . It has provided jobs, vital supplies for the community and contributed to the local tax base for decades. Any change in zoning which would result in the elimination o fthe Ace Hardware Store would be a disservice to the community and a step backwards . I strongly u r ge the Los Gatos City Council and the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee to Not make any zoning changes that would threaten the existence of the Ace Hardware Store . Please make my comments part of the package reviewed by the committee and the publ ic hearing on September 12, 2018. Thank you . David Dulong Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Good afternoon, Lynda Duffy <1yndaduffy55@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:40 PM Jennifer Armer ACE HARDWARE I have been a resident of Los Gatos near Los Gatos/ Almaden Rd for over 35 years. Relationships with nearby stores has been a blessing to people new and old to the area, which includes grocery stores, cleaners, and ACE HARDWARE . The convenience of ACE HARDWARE has been helpful for planned shopping and emergency shopping. The employees are always helpful and friendly--neighborly. With the growth of medical centers on Los Gatos Blvd., and the discussion of losing another neighborhood vive ... you are looking at the medical equivalent of the Capital Expressway Auto Mall! Enough is enough! This area is flooded with medical centers and buildings. Search your heart for convenient, hands-on shopping at ACE HARDWARE. This brick and mortar must stay! Regards, Lynda Duffy Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Ms. Armer, Jenny Huang <jennyhuang@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11 , 2018 2:41 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. I am writing to express my dismay that another medical office building could take over the lot occupied currently by ACE Hardware. ACE Hardware is an extremely valuable store for our town. It fits the bill in what we as Los Gatos town residents look for and expect in goods and services -small, neighborly, convenient, helpful, a place for young people to work their first job. I cannot imagine not having ACE hardware there to support my home ownership needs. It makes no sense to me why another medical office building is needed. It's quite ridiculous how our area is being overtaken by corporate for profit health care institutions. And yet, the old car lot by Los Gatos Almaden Road still sits vacant, an eye sore and waste of space. Why not focus attention on rezoning that lot for commercial purposes? Please reconsider allowing this medical office to be built. Keep our local hardware store! Retain the character of Los Gatos! Sincerely, Jenny Huang 14403 Oka Lane Los Gatos CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Cheryl McKenzie <clee38 @icloud.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:49 PM Jennifer Armer Proposed Rezoning Issue I'd like to voice my opposition to the proposed rezoning of the retail property on Los Gatos Blvd near Lark Ave . Los Gatos already has very few places where residents can find everyday useful items for home and garden, and losing ACE Hardware would be a pity. Cheryl McKenzie Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Amer, Franklin Wong <fwrab27@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:57 PM Jennifer Armer Proposed Project at Ace Hardware Location for September 12, 2018 Meeting I was surprised at how a project that would impact the lives of so many people has gone without more announcements to the community. I want to add my voice to those which are in opposition to this project. There are too may medical buildings in Los Gatos which don't add much to the charm and character of town and at the same time the p lan to demolish Ace Hardware which has served the community for several decades seems foolish. The proposed building itself is too big for the site and will block the views of the Los Gatos Mountains which many people feel is a major reason why Los Gatos is such a lovely place to live . I live in the area and street parking has gotten worse since the medical building on Gateway Drive was built. Adding another medical building will worsen an already difficult situation. What the city needs to do is to attract more businesses like Ace Hardware. Businesses which hire Los Gatos locals and provide services to the public . Another medical building may line the pockets of the property owner, but does nothing to make Los Gatos a better place to live . Best Regards , Franklin Wong Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Su bject: Dear Jennifer Armer Mary Hoover <mmhoover_S09@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:04 PM Jennifer Armer Council ; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marico Sayoc Don't force the closure of Ace Hardware by rezoning the property I am unable to attend the meeting but would like to put in my voice to save Ace Hardware, as I feel it is an essential part of our community. I have lived in Los Gatos since 1988 and have seen a dramatic shift in the town . When I first moved here there was a grocery store on North Santa Cruz and stores that were part of a chain were not allowed to have storefronts on North Santa Cruz. There was actually a theatre in Old Town. I respect the need for change and progress so obviously what worked for the downtown area in the late 1980's had to progress with the times. I am a single woman and own my home, and have found Ace Hardware to be the go to place when I have had to purchase anything that I needed for my home and yard. The staff is knowledgeable and always happy to give advice and lead you to where a particular item is. Closing Ace Hardware would forever change our community if it is no longer there. If the town approves this proposal, it will put Ace Hardware out of business and the Town of Los Gatos will lose an established long standing business that has been serving and supporting the community for over 40 years. Respectively, Mary Hoover Jennifer Armer From: Guy <guyclark@msn .com> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:59 PM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Steven Leonardis <SLeonardis@losgatosca.gov>; Marcia Jensen <MJensen@ losgato sca.gov>; BSpector <BSpector@losgatosca.gov>; Marica Sayoc <MSayoc@losgatosca .gov> Subject: Save the ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. HI! It's come to my attention that there is a proposal to replace the ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd with a medical office building. It seems to me that there are already plenty of medical offices scattered all over the South Bay, and plenty in Los Gatos, as well. What we don't have plenty of is hardware stores, especially old established ones . Yes we have the little one across from the plaza downtown, but they have a very limited selection. If I wasn't working, I'd come to the meeting tomorrow and voice my opposition to this project in person, but th is email will have to suffice. Please take my opinion into consideration. Thanx! ! Guy Clark 17975 Helen Way Los Gatos, CA 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hello , Kenneth Arendt < kenarendt@comcast.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:12 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware location -rezoning issue ACE hardware.docx Please find attached my input regarding this issue. Can you please forward it to those parties whom should see it, including the Town Council. Thanks very much , Ken and Pat Arendt 108 Ann Arbor Ct. Los Gatos 95032 408-358-14 77 . September 11, 2018 COMMENTS REGARDING THE RE-ZONING OF THE ACE HARDWARE PROPERTY ACE Hardware, Los Gatos, is one of the few remaining corner-stone businesses in our Town. Crislows, Franks Market, Corner Drug Store and many others are all gone . GONE. What remains is the Theatre, Pedro's and ACE. Our Town premise is to maintain and keep viable our Town image, culture and actively be supportive of "buying local." Support our Town. Yet, should ACE be forced to close its doors, we would be loosing an important member of our community. We would be loosing local jobs. We would be loosing part of what we are. Why is ACE considered to be a member of our community? Because it hires our kids and teaches them things they don't learn in school; it hires local retirees; it provides just about any home improvement or repair item needed to everyone in our Town. Its where we go for just about anything. And its not just about inventory, its about service, culture and relationships. You can't buy that. You earn that over time. ACE has. We need to protect our community. We need to protect ACE. We don't need to allow developers to do what they want here, without regard for our needs. We don't need more development and traffic at the Lark and LG BLVD, where the North 40 stuff is going in. And we don't need another medical building. Thank you. Ken and Pat Arendt 108 Ann Arbor Ct. Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-358-1477 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Armer Project Planner Brian Hurley <brianchurley33@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:14 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning of Ace Hardware Location from Retail to Office Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Los Gatos, California, Dear Jennifer, This email is in opposition to Sand Hill Properties proposed construction of a two-story medical office building with below grade parking at the current Ace Hardware location in Los Gatos. As long time residents of Los Gatos, my wife and I truly appreciate having a fantastic hardware store nearby that serves our community with utter distinction. We do not want to lose this incredibly supportive and long standing retail merchant from our community. Please use this email as a no vote for tomorrow's meeting! Very truly Yours , Brian Hurley Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Robert Bohn Jr <Rob@bohnlaw.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:23 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware site Please , please, please ... no more medical offices. We're being inundated with them and their sprawl is taking over our long-time LG institutions . I have been going to the "big Ace" store for many years now and would absolutely hate to see it go in favor of yet more medical offices which will likely serve more people outside of LG than those who live in LG (Ace's largest customer base I'm sure). Seems our town is hedging its investments in the medical field which is a poor and risky economic strategy putting so many eggs in one industry 's basket. .. especially an industry whose future is questionable with politics heading in the direction they are (i.e. single payer). We need to do what we can to preserve LG as a Town rather than another bland corporate park. Robert H. Bohn, Jr. BOHN & FLETCHER, LLP 333 W. Santa Clara Street, Suite 620 San Jose, CA 95113 Ph . (408) 279-4222 Fax (408) 295-2222 rob@bohnlaw.com www.bohnlaw.co m If files are sent, Click here to upload files securely. Jennif er Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: tracy avent <da rkmuzik@ yahoo.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:24 PM Jennifer Armer ACE hardw are on LG Blvd please do not let other interests crowd out a good hardware store. all we would have left would be huge places with not a lot of personal service . big blocks have their advantages but I prefer to buy from small stores if they have what I need . tracy avent-costanza aldercroft/lexington 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Paul Dembry <pade@trifox.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:34 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie ; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen ; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Los Gatos Blvd Ace I read today that the Ace Hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd is in danger of being torn down in favor of yet another medical office building. I often shop at that Ace because it stocks items between what the smaller Ace Rural Supply in Los Gatos carries and what Home Depot carries. The staff is always welcoming and knowledgeable. Clearly the new owner of the center is free to do whatever it thinks will bring the greatest return on its investment and if I had purchased it, I would want the same thing. After all of the conflict over the North 40 development, I am surprised that adding another medical building is under consideration . When I see all of recent medical buildings that have gone up, I wonder if perhaps we are all in such poor health that we need constant medical care? The Ace store is not fancy or pretty or an architectural jewel but it is a very practical place to buy the odds and ends that we need to fix things . Do we really want Los Gatos to turn into all office buildings a n d no r etail? Perhaps the owner can be persuaded to build a retail ground floor that c ould house Ace, presuming that whoever owns that store would be interested in such a compromise . Regards , Paul Dembry Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Lila Turkalj Jones < rlmajones@verizon.net > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:39 PM Jennifer Armer Keep Ace Hardware I just heard about the idea that the Ace Hardware building would be going away in favor of a two-story medical office building. Our town needs more stores like Ace Hardware, not less ! That building also holds a dry cleaner as well as a laundromat & other retail space that could offer more jobs and services to the community. Stores like Ace offer jobs to a variety of people including young folks in the town that benefit from having work experience during High School and their early years of young adulthood . Our town also benefits from the tax dollars generated by the sales at stores like Ace. I feel as though we already have enough Medical Office Buildings in town. That store always seems to be bustling with customers when I go shopping there so I can't imagine that the impact of closing it would be small for either the employees or the res i dents/shoppers. With the north 40 Development coming, I'm sure that all of those folks will welcome having a retail store within walking distance to cater to their needs . I strongly urge the town to reconsider any decision to change that space into a medical building. Thanks, Lila Lila Jones Turkalj 408-313-5988 Se n t from my Verizon 4G L TE Droid Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Susan Tuttle <2subtle@comcast.net > Tuesda y, September 11, 2018 3:45 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I hope that the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. will remain. I agree with many others that we do NOT need any more medical buildings, but we do need our OWN hardware store that is essential to our town. Thank you . Susan Tuttle 95 Church Street Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: mattwes@aol.com Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:52 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Please try to keep Ace Hardware if we can. Keeping some retail on the bottom floor with the next two floors for Office Space would be an excellent idea . Right now Ace is the only hardware store close by, with excellent service and then we don't have to go to the big box stores. Let's keep Los Gatos from becoming another big box City! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Jennifer Armer Lisa Winningham <lwinningl@verizon.net > Tuesday , September 11, 2018 3:59 PM Jennifer Armer Aww Hardware I am sending this to you pleading that our local Ace Hardware store stay. We are already losing Orchard Supply Hardware completely. Ace Hardware in Los Gatos is my go to store for so many things. It will be huge loss . Thank you for your time and attention . Lisa Winningham 177 Escobar Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jordonna Gosling <jordonna_66@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:06 PM Jennifer Armer Save ACE! As a res i dent of Los Gatos, it saddens me to hear that ACE may no longer be a staple in this town . My children and I frequent the store at least once a week and love the convenience of the location, the outstanding customer service, and the unique quality items that you cannot get at the big box stores. It would be an absolute tragedy to see this go away!!!!! SAVE OUR ACE!!!!!!! Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Carl Schellenberg <cjschellenberg@korigan.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:10 PM Jennifer Armer loss of Ace Hardware Hello Jennifer; It has come to my attention, by way of next door, that there is some talk of re-zoning the lot that Ace Hardware currently occupies and replacing it with a medical building. I am unalterably opposed to any action with causes the loss of this store. As a resident of the Alta Vista area for over 30 years and a person who has needed what Ace Hardware offers all of that time I would be very upset to see them go. In addition to the merchandise they sell they provide homeowners with valuable help and suggestions with projects. They go above and beyond in this area . In addition they provide a job source for local high schoolers many getting their first paying job there . As a member of Los Gatos CERT and Co-Leader of this area I would feel a distinct loss of a valuable resource for materials to be used in a disaster. I hope you will consider the value that this store provides to the local community and find that value more important than rezoning and building anothe r medical building. Thank you for your attention to this request. Carl and Joyce Schellenberg 136 Adrian Place Los Gatos, Ca . 95032 408-356-4475 Jenn ifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Roy Mareau <roymareau@mac.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:14 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware I know you have heard from many on NextDoor regarding ACE on Los Gatos Blvd . I live downtown on Clifton Ave. off Broadway. I often go to R&S ACE Hardware on S. Main however they are a much smaller store and often do not have the selection. OSH is out of business so we really do not have many alternatives. I know the person that owns the land wants to be able to develop it, that is understandable however if the locals have to go to San Jose or Campbell for hardware items that will increase traffic and will take tax dollars out of our community. I have read the posts, put the medical facility in the North 40, why not? It is a shame that many of us will have to go to the Home Depot in Campbell for a full (no) service hardware store. OSH was in Westgate West but as you know they are toes up. Many Los Gatans patronize LG Blvd ACE because it is convenient, complete and they do have EXCELLENT service. Try to get that at Lowes or Home Depot. In any event thank you for listening (reading) my note. Regards, Roy Mareau Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Wayne Sieve <wsieve@yahoo .com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:17 PM Jennifer Armer sad to hear about Ace Hardware pos sibly getting shut down It is very sad to hear that the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd is possibly being demolished and rezoned to make way for another medical office building. Not only is there absolutely no need for another medical building in this area , but the most depressing thing is to see our wonderful town be slowly and steadily torn apart by removing those local businesse s that employ local kids and have been a part of our community for decades. Los Gatos is a truly unique and beautiful town in the Bay Area and has a warm hometown feel in the midst of the chaos of Silicon Valley . What makes Los Gatos so wonderful and the reason we moved here is the feeling of being part of a town, which includes the variety of local businesses that provide friendly service and are part of the community. Personally, I go to this store at least twice a week for its friendly service, but also because they offer quality and se rv ice that other bigger stores do not offer and I can 't often get what I need at Home Depot (and OSH is now shutting down). Remov ing the local businesses that are such a part of our town character will ultimately destroy what makes Los Gatos so special. I ask, does another medical office building make Los Gatos a better town to live in? Does removing the lo cal businesses that employ local kids make this a better town to live in? I sincerely hope you can influence the town to vote against any measures or outcomes that would cause the Ace Hardware and its neighboring stores to be demolished to make way for another medical building. Sincerely, Wayne Sieve Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer! was at Jake's <jtrailcats@aol.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4 :19 PM Jennifer Armer; jtrailcats@aol.com from Jane ... LG ACE Hardware What a shame it wou ld be to lose ACE Hardware at Lark! I have lived in LG since 1966 ... Lark Ave., Alberto Way, and at now 134 Lu-Ray Drive since 1981. The hardware store has been so helpful for all our needs ... small & friendly ... and KNOWLEDGE about things ... or willing to refer to someone who is!!! It would leave us with no nearby place for us and our workers {handyman, et al) to shop ... more density (North 40 coming) and more medical/office buildings will destroy our "small-town-friendly-convenient atmosphere"! And the offices and parking proposed will bring more traffic nightmares! Please leave ACE in place for us! Thank you , Jennifer! .. Jane Bishop 134 Lu-Ray Drive, LG 408-356-7796 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello Local Govt., Roy Mareau < roymareau@mac.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:20 PM Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Jennifer Armer Marcia Jensen ; BSpector; Marica Sayoc ACE Hardware I know you have heard from many on NextDoor regarding ACE on Los Gatos Blvd . I live downtown on Clifton Ave . off Broadway. I often go to R&S ACE Hardware on S. Main however they are a much smaller store and often do not have the selection . OSH is out of business so we really do not have many alternatives. I know the person that owns the land wants to be able to develop it, that is understandable however if the locals have to go to San Jose or Campbell for hardware items that will increase traffic and will take tax dollars out of our community. I have read the posts, put the medical facility in the North 40, why not? It is a shame that many of us will have to go to the Home Depot in Campbell for a full (no) service hardware store. OSH was in Westgate West but as you know they are toes up . Many Los Gatans patronize LG Blvd ACE because it is convenient, complete and they do have EXCELLENT service. Try to get that at Lowes or Home Depot. In any event thank you for listening (reading) my note. Regard s, Roy Mareau Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: MARLENE GORDON <mjbggordon@comcast.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:32 PM Jennifer Armer Conceptional Development Advisory Committee-15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd Ms. Armer and Committee Members I have been a resident of Los Gatos for 40 years. I grew up here, attended schoo l, bought my first home and lived here until I was in my early 30 's. I returned 10 years ago and during the time I was gone so much · has changed . At one time there were orchards, lumber stores , rockeries, building supply, appliance stores , 3 garden nurseries not to mention other small business that have been lost. I realize the "good old days" are gone and that times change and some businesses cannot sustain economic hardships or that developments make a business less cost effective . However, I was shocked to see the notice at the local Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd that it, too, could be lost. The Ace Hardware store is a thriving business and a very important resource for our community. I cannot understand why consideration would be given to a developer to close a thriving local business for yet more medical buildings . Our community needs business that can supply the needs of the residents and those that work in our town . This is the type of business that is so vital to a commun ity . I would like to urge the Committee Members to oppose the rezoning of the property into medical office space . This town needs safe and sane development. In case you have any doubts, the next time you turn west from Los Gatos Blvd onto Lark look to the right. The land scraped of trees and now the pending development and congestion that the North 40 will bring . Thank you , Marlene Gordon Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ken Goldstein < kengoldstein@gmail.com > Tuesda y, September 11, 2018 4:33 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen ; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Sa ve Ace Hardware Dear Ms. Armer and Los Gatos Town Council Members, I understand that you are reviewing a proposal to re-zone what is currently the shopping center on Los Ga t os Blvd by Lark, that is anchored by Ace Hardware, to be 80,000 Sq Ft of medical offices. Ace Hardware has served our Los Gatos community for more years than many of us can remember. They have been a convenient source of hardware and household goods, of course, but also a locally owned, friendly alternative to the big box hardware chain stores. This locally owned bu siness was also an employer of many of our Los Gatos High School students, and a community meeting place. With the loss of this store, and center, we lose another little piece of the character that makes Los Gatos such a special place to call home. That so many in our local medical community have had to "modernize" through conversion from doctor-owned family practices to corporate-operated complexes (with the attendant change in architecture) is sad enough. We don't need to convert our local community-serving retail to medical complexes as well. Thank you, Ken Gold ste in 17611 Comanche Tri Los Gatos, CA 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Karen Saunders <robinkaren2@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:37 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware We were so distressed to learn of the Ace Hardware parcel being sold and rezoned for yet another medical facility. We do not have enough good, diverse retail opportunities in Los Gatos. Ace is a wonderful alternative to big box Home Depot with friendly service and critical and convenient supplies for home improvement. Our town is being taken over by the medical industry and national chains thereby loosing it's eclectic appeal of many different types of businesses . Please consider the larger ramifications of rezoning the Ace Hardware parcel. We do not need another big medical facility in Los Gatos. Karen and Robin Saunders 19725 Oakmont Drive Los Gatos, CA 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Roberts <mike@senselevel.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:53 PM Jennifer Armer ACE hardw are Please don1t let the rezoning of the center which houses ACE hardware go through. This will remove the last decent sized hardware store in the area, increasing traffic going to and from other areas. We're getting to the stage where all of the small local shops are being displaced by development, and this is not a good thing. Home Depot is large, confusing, and further away. The current ACE seems do be doing well in that location, and is super convenient. Let's try and keep it. Michael Roberts Ph .D. Los Gatos 95033 (408) 596 0454 Jenn ifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Julie Lasher <j hlasher01@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4 :54 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Hi Jennifer and Los Gatos town council, I am not able to attend the meeting tomorrow, but would like to register my support for keeping the ACE Hardware in Los Gatos. I use the store frequently for all sort of sma ll household repair items, and fee l that this store improves my quality of life here in Los Gatos . It is much better than going to Home Depot, that's for sure! I urge the town to support keep in g this business alive in Los Gatos. I also appreciate that this business employs many teenagers from our town as part time workers. Thanks, Julie Lasher Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To : Subject: Dear Jennifer, Maria Gerst <mgerstm@yahoo.com > Tuesda y, September 11, 2018 5:09 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Lo s Gatos Bl vd. I am a Los Gatos resident and want to voice my concern over the new proposed medical building project that may replace Ace Hardware. While I will hate to loose Ace Hardware I do realize that change is inevitable. I ask that you to look at a different type of building. I see nothing but medical buildings in that area and feel that maybe Los Gatos should consider putting something else it it's place . As with nail and hair salons maybe we have enough already? It would be great to get a little more diversity in the town. Thank you . Regards, Maria Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: marlene takle <martakle24@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:17 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware on Los Gatos Blvd near the Lark junction. I frequently shop at the establishment it's conveniently located. I prefer to support our local business, and this Ace stocks most of my needs and their employees are knowledgeable and helpful. If no longer in existence the big box store Home Depot at Hamilton would get my business. This area is congested with all the medical facilities both on Los Gatos Blvd and Samaritan Drive. Attempting to access highway 85 south is usually a wait. Thank you for considering my concerns. Marlene Takle Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Elizabeth Malmborg <tagegirll@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:19 PM Jennifer Armer Downtown Ace Hardware Store I am writing to ask that the city of Los Gatos not forget the needs of its many voting residents located in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We rely on the Ace Hardware in downtown for many rural supplies not carried by the store on Los Gatos Blvd. Additionally, in times of emergencies --and that is more often now than ever --this downtown store is the closest for residents to access for supplies. There are more than enough medical buildings all over Los Gatos now. This location is heavily impacted by traffic and not an ideal spot for anyone needing any kind of medical care given the regular traffic congestion. Please urge the owner not to have yet another retail store leave Los Gatos. Thank you, Elizabeth Malmborg Jennifer A rmer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer Armer, Richard & Celia <c.cibr@comcast.net > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:26 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Blvd. Ace Hardware Store Please don't be instrumental in allowing the Los Gatos Blvd . Ace Hardware store to lose its ideally located retail premises along with its convenient and sufficient parking. We use this store often to purchase items for which we would have to otherwise drive quite a long ways for, ending up getting caught up in traffic that would make a simple short journey into an hours long affair. We've never been there when there has been a dearth of customers and they, too, would otherwise be out clogging up the already impossibly slow area either side of the Lark turnoff on the 880 if Ace were to close, as they made their way to Home Depot or Lowes miles away. Yes, there is the other Ace at the sout h end of town, but that has less parking (particularly during events in the park) and less of a particular kind of inventory (lumber, for instance). In addition, Ace gives many h igh school students jobs, and it is never a bad thing to help teens transition into adulthood . I understand the new owners wish to turn this location into a medical offices facility. There are already a plethora of medical facilities in that area, both north and south of Ace, many of them new. And large . And many with insufficient parking for their needs. It is certainly hard to believe we need even more, but in any case there is room on the Ace site for a combination of retail and medical if that will sway anybody's opinion . Compromise would be a far more popu lar outcome than a fa it accompli, especially considering what we are going to be forced to accept at some point in terms of increased traffic once the "back 40" walnut grove is developed. Celia an d Richard Francis 20870 Panorama Drive Los Gatos , CA 95033 Jenn ifer Armer From: Victoria A. Myers <victoria@myersnetsol.com > Tuesday , September 11, 2018 5:26 PM Sent: To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Vote against Ace Hardware Dear Jennifer, Please include our comments along with the many families opposed to the application for rezoning the Ace Hardware, dry cleaners property located on Los Gatos Blvd to be discussed at the Town of Los Gatos Community Development Meeting on Wednesday, September 121h _ We oppose the rezoning application because: l. As residents of Los Gatos for over 40 years, Ace Hardware is a wonderful store for the community, serving a vital need for hardware, tools, garden, auto, plumbing, electrical and the like supplies. We love that Los Gatos Ace hires local high school and college students and their staff is always so helpful. Ace Hardware is a local treasure and vital to the community. And with the soon closure of OSH, the elimination of the Los Gatos Ace Hardware would be tragic. Without the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd, our community won't have a substantial hardware store for miles. 2. In the last 10 plus years, multiple medical buildings have been constructed around 1) Good Samari t an Hospital along Good Samaritan Drive, 2) down National Ave 3) along Los Gatos Blvd between Good Samaritan Drive and Lark Avenue and 4) even across from Ace Hardware ... We don't need another gigantic medical building and the increased traffic ... which will already be a traffic nightmare once North 40 development is completed along Lark Avenue. 3. The hardware store in downtown is not practical on most days and weekends due to beach/downtown traffic and parking ... Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd always has parking, and is an easy enter/exit for customers. 4. The loss of Ace Hardware would result in a loss of sales tax revenue for the town. 5. Our community needs balance and realistic growth .... the character of Los Gatos is being ruined and erased . The Town Council and Planning Commission have improved numerous developments that have ruined hillside visibility, created traffic gridlock in multiple intersections around town, and greatly diminished the character of the town by the removal of numerous small businesses . When North 40 was considered , the community overwhelming asked for another elementary school, a community center, a park, a walking trail. .. what we got was shopping/residential, ala Santana Row ... when will the Town Council and Planning Committee members begin to vote as the residents of Los Gatos have requested? We urge the Town Council, the Planning Commission and the Community Development departments to reject the application for rezoning the Ace Hardware property. Sincerely, Brad & Victoria Myers Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Members and Ms. Armer, Amy Despars <amydespars@hotmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:44 PM Jennifer Armer; Council ACE I really can not believe that the town would allow another monstrosity to be built on Los Gatos Blvd . The traffic at the intersections of Gateway and LG Blvd., Lark Avenue and LG Blvd ., Lark Ave . and 880 , Oka Road and W inchester along with Los Gatos Blvd. and Good Samaritan is horrendous. None of this would ever be allowed closer to town(Alberto Way, Highway 9 and Norths Santa Cruz). We can not take allow for anything more to be built until the first half of the North 40 is built. We need to see how that insane development is going to ruin our neighborhoods and streets before you approve anything more to be developed . What happen to the General Plan for Los Gatos Blvd.? The plan that stated development should include goods and service that support the community. ACE is the last hub of Los Gatos. It is locally owned , used by everyone for everything from home goods, tools, outdoor furniture, decorations, and even gifts. I know we have ACE downtown but who in their right mind would drive downtown to use that ACE when it takes 30 minutes on the weekend to get from one side of town to the other. Plus that ACE does not have has large of inventory as our incredible ACE hardware. ACE is zoned commercial and it should stay that way . We have enough medical offices on this side of town. When Sand Hill bought the land where PAMF is on Gateway and LG Blvd. part of that development was to be zoned commercial/retail. That was the agreement when all of the neighbors went and argued again st such a large building that blo cked our views and did not supply any goods or service. We are asking that the General Plan is looked at and that we follow it. We need to stop changing all of the zoning to fit the needs of the developers and make sure zoning fits the needs of our community. Let 's focus on projects that will bring life and revenue back to local Los Gatos merchants. Projects that will build our community and make people want to continue living here. I have lived here my entire life along with my parents. I never thought I would leave herein retire somewhere else. Now with all of this insanity my husband and I along with all of my childhood friends are trying to decide where we will move in the next 10 years. It breaks our hearts ! Plea se say no to Sand Hill...enough is enough. People are frustrated and angry. This is your time to start mending bridges and rebuilding our community especially after the North 40 mess. Thank you, Amy Despars 267 Langridge Rd. 4 blocks from ACE and we did not get a notice that this happening Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer: Carol Lard <carol.lard@verizon .net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:55 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware -Lark Avenue As a mountain resident, I frequently shop at the Ace Hardware on Lark Avenue as well as Rural Supply. It is great to have a local hardware store with friendly, knowledgeable employees . We are presently looking at the closure of the Orchard Supply Hardware stores where I also frequently. Take away Ace, and we will have no choices other than the "big box" stores. Please save our local store! Carol Lard Jenn ifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Margaret Hokeness < mhokeness @gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:00 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware closure I would like to add my request that you fight to keep Ace Hardware open. We need this business on our side of town, not another office building. Losing Ace means leaving town to shop for simple hardware needs. Trying to get to the downtown Ace is impossible on a summer weekend. Thanks, Margaret Hokeness Blossom Hill Manor Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Ms. Armer, Daniella Sullivan <daniellacorazza@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:16 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardw are I am writing you to express my concerns about the proposed re-development project at the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. I live in the neighborhood behind the Ace Hardware and regularly use the store and the dry cleaner i n the current shopping center. My neighborhood already has a lot of medical offices which lead to traffic on our neighborhood streets. I routinely see my neighbors at the Ace Hardware and it provides jobs to local young people. Removing this shopping center would lead to increase traffic congestion since we would all have to drive out of Los Gatos to find a hardware store. I hope that the town cont inues to support the Ace Hardware store and does not allow the building of yet another large medical building. Thank you for your time and consideration . Best regards, Daniella Sullivan 102 Drakes Ct. Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Matt Ober < matthews homeprep@yahoo.co m > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:26 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardwa re Los Gatos Bl vd. Hello Jennifer and Town Committee, I have been a life long resident of Los Gatos and I own a very successful Home Prep/Handyman Business in town, with 95% of my clients being in the Los Gatos Monte Sereno area . With all the change in Los Gatos and small businesses going away I hear yet another family owned business ACE Hardware is in danger of losing their store . This is getting ridiculous and out of control. We need to put our foot down sometimes. I have been going to ACE for over 20 plus years. They always have been so friendly and helpful. They have items that I need and my clients need that the big box stores do not have. They employee high school students for their first place of employment. I shop their just practically daily to purchase items for my clients on things they need fixed. Please put a stop to all this big development in our small town . We are losing our small town luster. And I speak for many. Save ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. Kindest Regards , Matt Ober Matthew's Home Prep Handyman and Landscaping Services 408-458-0409 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Stephanie Bainbridge <stephbainbridge@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:40 PM Jennifer Armer Conceptual Development Meeting, Sept. 12 Ace Hardware As long time Los Gatos residents, we are objecting to developer's plans to close Ace Hardware . Ace Hardware is a very important fixture in our town, both as a retail business bringing much needed revenue into our town, and as a true partner in our community. Our family has patronized Ace for many years and count on the resources there to help us in maintaining our home and garden. Some folks say we can "just drive a few extra miles" to a local big box store, but nowhere can you find the kind of customer service that you will find at Ace. They are a real asset to our community and one of the remaining businesses that actually makes Los Gatos feel like the town we aspire to be. Please encourage the proposed type of development to be done elsewhere, not to replace this hub that truly is there for OUR community. Regards , Stephanie and Fremont Bainbridge Hilow Road , Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Curtis Cook <ccook@sandiego.edu> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:18 PM Jennifer Armer Fwd : Ace Hardware's Future in Los Gatos ----------Forwarded message---------- From: Curtis Cook <ccook@sandiego.edu> Date: Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 7:14 PM Subject: Ace Hardware's Future in Los Gatos To : Jennifer Armer <j arm er@losgatossc c.go v> Dear Ms. Armer, For my 36 years of residing in Los Gatos (currently moving into my fourth home within the town), Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. has by far been my favorite and most frequently visited local business. Multiple times each week, I make a trip to Ace Hardware, sometimes to spend a few dollars, sometimes a hundred or more . Naturally I was shocked to read that the property has been sold and a proposal submitted to the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee to convert the real estate into yet another medical center. How many medical- related properties are already doing business within a 2-mile radius of the Ace Hardware neighborhood? A community is made up of more than medical offices, yet it seems that the Town Council has disregarded the privately-owned retail and food establishments that once prospered within Los Gatos, and are being driven out of business by an escalation of rents over the past decade or so. Just look at the vacant storefronts along Santa Cruz Blvd. Let's please retain the character of an upscale relatively small town that was the reason so many of us chose to live in Los Gatos several decades ago. Do we really want to be known just as a town dominated by the medical community. We aren't a Stanford, and shouldn't want to be . My plea is that ultimately the Town Council does not change the zoning of the property located around 15300 Los Gatos Blvd . Let's make it convenient for local citizens to want to shop at local businesses as repeat customers well into their retirement years. Sincerely, Curtis W . Cook Dean Emeritus, Business Professor Emeritus, Business University of San Diego 16566 Kennedy Rd, 90032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, robinson.steve@gmail.com Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:31 PM Jennifer Armer CD -18-004 I'm Steve Robinson, the owner of the laundromat at 15320 Los Gatos Blvd . Im writing to ask you to not rezone the Parcels APN-424-17-035 and APN -424-17-036 from commercial to Medical. I believe ou r town has enough medical facilities already, and that we need to reserve space for small businesses . Businesses that serve to cr eate places for our neighbors to socialize and to provide employment opportunities for all ages and experience levels. Ace hardware, and the adjacent businesses, all add these qualities to our town. I have improvement plans underway, investing in remodeling my store and adding new equipment. And I don't want to lose my storefront, or the relationships I have built with my tenants and neighbors. So , Please do not rezone the Ace Hardware lot. Thank you for your time Steve Robinson 408-317 -8010 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Pat < blkbrnpat@comcast.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:34 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware We would like to keep Ace Hardware in it's current location on Los Gatos Blvd. For those of us who lived here during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, Ace was the only place around to get emergency supplies. I remember them setting up tables outside the store for people to get batteries and other necessities. And they didn't gouge on the prices! Others have commented on the invaluable resource for first time jobs for our kids. I think there are better locat ions for another medical building in town although we seem to have lots already . We are already impacted by Netfl ix and the North 40. Some days I can't get out of my neighborhood and Lark Avenue is always a mess. Patricia Blackburn Clearview Drive Los Gatos Jennifer Armer Fr om: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Linda Andres < ulua _beach_2012 @yahoo.com > Tuesda y, September 11, 2018 7:45 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace It would be a real shame to lose this store to a medical facility. This is my local go to hardware store and I've frequented it for years. Please preserve this bit of "old" Los Gatos and don't allow it to be pushed out by yet another medical facility (there are enough of these already on Los Gatos Boulevard!!) Thank you, Linda Andres Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear LG politicians: Karen Garcia <kbgigi@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:01 PM Jennifer Armer Lark st hardware Please do not close our local hardware store We need it. We do not need more office and more urban density Please protect our town. Karen Garcia MD 17203 Debbie Road Los Gatos, CA Sent from my iPhone Jenn ifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello - Julie Collins Sutton <jtcsutton@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:15 PM Jennifer Armer Opposition to Sand Hill Properties Redevelopment of 15300 Los Gatos Blvd I am writing to oppose the redevelopment of 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. We do not need another medical office building in this neighborhood . We need local businesses and affordable housing. Julie Sutton Carlton Avenue Neighbor Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms . Jarmer, Maris Schwartz <mperlow3@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:25 PM Jennifer Armer Keep Ace Hardware Open! My husband and I are regular customers at Ace Hardware, and we think it would be a shame if your committee changed the zoning laws and in effect shut down Ace Hardware. It's very convenient to have a local hardware store where the employees are friendly and are always happy to help customers . Please, keep Ace Hardware open! Thank you, Maris and Eitan Schwartz 209 Lorain Place Los Gatos, California Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Expires: Molly Rhine <m.rhine@comcast.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:28 PM Jennifer Armer; govcouncil@losgatosca.gov Just say no to the new medical building Monday, September 23 , 2019 12:00 AM As a Los Gatos resident, please DON'T have a medical building where the ACE Hardware currently sits . Oh, my gosh, the traffic! And, ACE is one of the few businesses that gives Los Gatos its character. It also has very good customer service. You have the power and authority to make important decisions. Use your discretion, wisely. Molly Rhine Belcrest Drive Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jennifer, Gordon van Zuiden <gordon@cybermanor.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:35 PM Jennifer Armer Michele van Zuiden My vote against the redevelopment effort for ACE Hardware property on Los Gatos Boulevard I am a resident of Monte Sereno and just heard about the potential closure of ACE hardware near Lark Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard due to a potential redevelopment of their land. Like many residents in this area have expressed -this Los Gatos ACE store was more than a hardware store. Their staff defined what it means to deliver exceptional service, every day, every week, every year. In an age where the retail shopping experience is becoming less and less personal -this ACE store proves that people still enjoy and value purchasing products from other people. And every time we lose a place like ACE we lose a part of what defines a community. Losing CB Hannigans was a similar story-and today that location still remains vacant. I urge you to reconsider this redevelopment effort and honor the 10 year good faith lease that the ACE owners signed just a few months ago. It may not be the most profitable thing to do -but it is the right thing to do for the long term employees of ACE hardware and for the Los Gatos community that has shopped at this ACE hardware location for decades. Thank you, Gordon van Zuiden President, cyberManor, Inc. 610 University Avenue Los Gatos, CA https:// na01.safe Ii n ks. protection .outlook.com/? u rl=www .cybe rma nor .com &amp; data =01 % 7 C01 % 7Cja rmer%401osgatos ca.gov%7Cd38f61a5c1bf4ecd212c08d61860ca71%7C6d38cb6747eb4d139e7c523cd7ccecd5%7C1&amp;sdata=85qJASo1 dXbsNgYUK%2F71r2DRkC8H8T%2FE0j%2FxC2DbahY%3D&amp;reserved=0 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms . Armer, Scott Paterson <srpaterson@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:38 PM Jennifer Armer Save Ace Hardware My name is Scott Paterson. I live in Aldercroft Heights part way up the hill toward Summit. Since moving into my house, I have been a regular customer at the Ace Hardware at Lark and Los Gatos Blvd. I love being able to stop at the hardware store on my way home from work and having something closer than Home Depot in Campbell or San Jose. I am writing to express my disapproval of the plan to rezone that area such that Ace Hardware would have to close . I do not want to lose Ace Hardware!! Please include my input in the package that will be reviewed by the committee making this decision. Scott Paterson Aldercroft Heights, Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Nora Rousso < nora@norarousso.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:41 PM Jennifer Armer Do not force Ace Hardware out I have learned of the proposal for a two story m edical office building on Los Gatos Blvd. I am against this proposal. We already have Pamf and the building across the street on LGB. Do not turn Los Gatos into another version of the area by O'Connor hospital. We need a hardware store, I am at that store at least once per week. This is a bad idea for the residents of our town. Those of us who don't live downtown are sick of our government putting all the things you don't want downtown into our area. You already are ramming the "North 40 " project down our throats and you don't have to drive on Lark Ave at rush hour. This is a very bad proposal. Thank you. Nora Rousso 225 Wedgewood A venue Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dave Bracey <d4vebr4cey@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:03 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Blvd Ace Hardware I am a 25+ year resident and homeowner in Los Gatos and I want to voice my support for the Ace Hardware, a unique and pivotal business for North Eastern Los Gatos. This business is one of the few remaining to employ many of the local teenagers and is an important social nexus for our neighborhood and the surrounding area . Adding more medical buildings hastens the town's decline into a sterile nowhere. I oppose any actions by the town to facilitate conversion of the property, and ask the town to instead support the Ace Hardware and figure out how it can stay. Dave Bracey, Live Oak Manor Ne ighborhood, Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Maureen Cappon-Javey <javey@yahoo.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:08 PM Jennifer Armer Redevelopment of LG Ace Hardware site To whom it may concern at the town of Los Gatos, I do not support the redevelopment of the site of the Ace Hardware store on LG Blvd . It's my understanding that a 80,000 square-foot medical building is being proposed to be built by the new property owners. We need another large scale medical building on that strip of road like we need a hole in the head . That Ace Hardware store is a vital and important asset to the community in so many tangible and intangib le ways. And , if that site is going to be redeveloped because money talks, then I highly recommend that much needed affordable housing be built instead of another cookie cutter medical complex. Be thoughtful folks. Put community health and welfare ahead of the interests of a couple of not-so thoughtful nor community minded individual landowners. Sincerely, Maureen Cappon-Javey Resident of Los Gatos Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello Jennifer, LG Planning, Matt Tenuta < mtenuta@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:31 PM Jennifer Armer Planning@losgatos.gov Rezoning of 15300 Los Gatos Blvd I would like to express my concerns regarding the re-zoning of 15300 Los Gatos Blvd (Ace Hardware) for a medical office building. There seems to be substantial medical zoning in the area already considering Samaritan , new PAMF building, and additional planned development at or near the previous car dealership sites. On numerous occasions I have read and heard council members speak to the General Plan of Los Gatos including sufficient commercial and retail zoning to enable residents to shop local. Rezoning this property would work directly against that principle, forcing residents to drive to Cupertino or Campbell to shop for hardware items and the town will be forced to live with corresponding traffic and environmental impacts indefinitely. Additionally retail zoning within walking distance of the North 40 site was one of the key points brought up to mitigate traffic impacts of the residential units to be constructed at that location. Thank you, Matthew Tenuta 18590 Farragut Ln Los Gatos CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Sir or Madam: Aiko Sato <aikosato835@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:40 PM Jennifer Armer Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD -18 -004 I just found out about the Los Gatos Ace Hardware matter going before the City Council and was devastated. I have been going to Ace for over forty years and cannot imagine it being there. We cannot lose another local business in the area! There is not another hardware store in our ar ea and they are so helpful to their customers. Whenever you walk into the store they are so helpful and direct you to the area of your need. Their service is so personal to each customer and they have supplies that the larger box stores do not carry . All my friends and family use this Ace Hardware and we simply can not live without it. Please do not let it go and keep this local business in our community. Sincerely , Aiko Sato, A very sat i sfied customer Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, Robert Holley <bhology@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:44 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware My name is Robert Holley. I grew up in Los Gatos (1988-2006), and moved back in 2015 along with my wife . We live with our daughter at 15300 Kennedy Rd. I order most everything online these days, but ACE hardware brings me into town. The service is unparalleled, and there are always several young employees ready to help me with whatever weird problem I have . I went in a few weeks ago to find a replacement bolt for a bespoke motor shaft - I was greeted the minute I walked in the door, received extended help finding the right hardware, and paid $1.79 . Our ACE hardware feels less like retail and more like municipal service -I'd be happy to fund it with tax doll ars, but somehow they manage to stay afloat and employ all those nice people without help . I'd be very sad to see it go, and think the town should take steps to keep them open . Robert Holley Jenn ifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, Susan Eckhardt < smseckhardt@everestag.com > Tuesday , September 11 , 2018 9:51 PM Jennifer Armer Keep ACE Hardware in Lo s Gatos As residents of Los Gatos for the past 20+ years, we have had many reasons to shop at ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. We app r eciate having a hardware store here in town that offers personal, expert service . We have heard that the property where ACE is located may be re -zoned to allow a new medical bu ilding to be constructed . The closing of this neighborhood ACE Hardware store would be a b ig loss for the Town of Los Gatos. We strongly oppose re-zoning this property, and sincerely hope that ACE Hardware will continue to serve the people of Los Gatos for many years to come. Susan and Michael Eckhardt 16414 Englewood Ave . Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From : Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dea r Ms. Armer, Julee Ogawa <juleeo@yahoo.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:24 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen ; BSpector; Marico Sa yoc Rezoning property w here ACE Hardw are is located I am concerned about the impact of rezoning the above-mentioned property for the development of an office building. am mostly worried about the loss of a valuable neighborhood resource, namely ACE Hardware. As a Los Gatos homeowner for the past 26 years, I have relied on the convenience of a hardware store in this location. have benefitted greatly from the exceptional service provided by the employees of all ages there. Most importantly, I plan to age-in-place in my home for as long as possible so having a local place to go to for my DIV projects will be essential. I think I can speak for many residents who want to shop locally and avoid the inconvenience and unpleasantness of traveling out-of-town to the Big Bo x stores. Please consider the concerns of the Los Gatos community regarding this development. Thank you. Regard s, Julee Ogawa Lo s Gato s Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Planning Department, Maud Gleason < maud@stanford .edu > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:25 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware has the best customer service in Los Gatos I have lived in Los Gatos for 30 years and Ace Hardware is my favorite place to shop. It carries a huge inventory of useful items and an ample number of dedicated and knowledgeable staff. One is always welcomed immediately and taken to the correct aisle . The staff sticks around to make sure you have found the right thing. The contrast with the serviceless mess that is Home Depot could not be stronger. And now Orchard Supply is no more. If this wonderful local institution is to be pushed out of business it would be one step further in the process of dismantling what makes Los Gatos such a a special place to live. If the developers were going to build affordable housing I would have some sympathy for the requested variance. Our town does not need 80,000 square feet of medical offices. We DO need a high-quality hardware store . Sincerely Yours, Maud W. Gleason 15298 Kennedy Rd Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, martym1l0@gmail.com Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:34 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware As a long time Los Gatos resident (28+ years) I would like to protest the plan to remove ACE Hardware from Los Gatos Blvd. near Lark Ave. and replace it with a medical office. Also I would like to protest rezoning this area from retail to office. A large part of the attraction of living in Los Gatos is that through carefully considered planning the town has been able to modernize itself, but still keep the conveniences that are needed for sma ll town living. This ACE Hardware Store ha s served countless people in the local community for decades. Comprehensive alternatives are big box stores that are outside the community. ACE Hardware also has provided many jobs for high school and college age people in our community. Replacing it with yet another medical office would serve significantly fewer people in the community on a daily basis and reduce jobs available to our young people. Clearly Sand Hill Properties has significant money and influence to drive this project, but money and an expanded tax- base that detracts from the everyday needs of the local community shou ld not be allowed to dominate the decision at th e expense of the quality of the services and businesses in the community. As Silicon Val ley's population continues to expand Los Gatos should try to preserve its local community businesses and services. At the very least Sand Hill Properties should be required to find a suitable location for ACE Hardware in Los Gatos and establish that new store location, prior to approval of building another medical office. Regards, Marty Michael martym110@gmail.com 408 828 6200 m Je nnifer Arm er From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello - Claire Linstrom <c.linstrom @gmail.com > Tuesda y, September 11 , 2018 10:54 PM Jennifer Armer Regarding property development on Lo s Gatos Bl vd. -CD -18-004 We ask that you please keep Los Gatos Ace Hardware and turn down the development of medical offices in this location . Respectfully - Ed and Claire Linstrom Town of Lo s Gatos residents Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms . Armer, DAVID BURT <daveburtlg@outlook.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 11:31 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd I am told that there is a Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting tomorrow to discuss the proposed re-zoning of 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd from Retail Space to Office Space . I am unable to attend this meeting as I have a work conflict so I am writing to inform your committee that I am NOT in favor of this re-zoning. There is already enough office space (and far too much medical space) in Los Gatos. The re-zoning (for the proposed construction of a medical building) would displace several tenured businesses that provide valuable and necessary services to our community. Mom's Laundromat is the only laundromat in east Los Gatos and is well-used by the neighboring apartment tenants. Orchid Cleaners has been in this location for over 20 years and has a very loyal customer base . Ace Los Gatos Hardware has been in Los Gatos since I was a child growing up in Los Gatos and its closure would be a terrible disservice to our community. Ace Los Gatos Hardware is the only such business in town that provides such a wide range and often- needed set of products and services to Los Gatos. Its closure (resulting from re-zoning this property) would be more than inconvenient to all of us . It would be disastrous to the residents, businesses and contractors who frequent it. Like most do-it-yourselfers, my typical home irrigation or plumbing repair requires a minimum of three visits to the hardware store and likely 5-6 visits. If I am forced to go to Home Depot in San Jose for that job, I'd be pulling my hair out. And I am not alone. I realize that Rural Supply is in the downtown area, but their offerings are limited and, with today's Town traffic gridlock, a trip there from east Los Gatos can add forty minutes round trip on most days. I also respect the property owner's right to maximize his investment and request its re -zoning. In this case, however, it is NOT in the best interest of the Town and its residents. Thank You for your time and consideration . David Burt Finance Director Moore Buick GMC 15500 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356-8111 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jim Donaldson <itsallaboutjimd@yahoo.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:06 AM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Save ACE Hardware in Los Gatos Dear Los Gatos Town Council members, As a Los Gatos resident I am writing to ask you to save the ACE Hardware Store in Los Gatos. We need this to remain ZONED AS RETAIL for businesses such as ACE Hardware to support the community. We do NOT need more medical office buildings in Los Gatos. Please do NOT rezone this space as office . Respectfully, James Donaldson 17981 Ogallala Warpath Road Los Gatos, CA 95033 (408} 857-7419 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Cynthia MacSween <cdmacsween@gmail.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:24 AM Jennifer Armer; planning@losgatosca.com Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Meeting, Sept. 12, 2018, 4:30, Agenda Item#2 -15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard I am unable to attend the above referenced meeting but would like to add my comments as part of the public comments for this project. I would request that the Planning Commission reject the applicant's proposal of redeveloping the property by demolishing the existing structure and building a 2 story medical office building on Los Gatos Blvd . (LGB) because: 1. ANOTHER MEDICAL BUILDING -We already have many medical arts buildings serving the Los Gatos Community on National, Knowles, Samaritan, Los Gatos Blvd and soon to be Winchester at Sherbourne, plus the existing medical office building on Winchester at Daves Ave and probably others that I have omitted. Do we really need another? I drove down National the other day and there are lots of "For Lease" signs in front of those buildings. In fact my Gastroenterologist's practice is in a building on National where they were the only tenants the last time I was there. 2. TRAFFIC -The traffic on LGB between Gateway and Lark Ave. has to have the worst traffic of any block in all of Los Gatos. The traffic at Lark and LGB is terrible not only at commute time but during much of the day now. It may have only had an "D" rating when the EIR was prepared for the North 40 project, but it must be an "F" for a good portion of each weekday now. Replacing the current retail/service businesses with a much larger office building will no doubt add more cars trips on that block which will add to the gridlock. A gridlock that will be fueled by the addition of at least 364 (and probably 728+) cars traveling in and out of the North 40, Phase 1 once it is built out and we have 364 x 2 (or 3) additional cars spilling into the intersection of Lark and LGB as well. 3 . SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES -The current major tenant at this location is ACE Hardware. We shop at this ACE Hardware at least several times per month and usually more. It will be a tragic loss for our community to lose this business. We will have to spend more time in our cars to go to San Jose for home improvement/gardening/pool supplies, since we cannot access the ACE Hardware on North Santa Cruz for 5 months out of the year due to beach traffic. Having to go to San Jose for our hardware supplies will only add to the congested Bay Area traffic. Plus it is nice to support the local businesses. The staff are friendly and customer service is great--you don't find that at the big box stores. 4 . SALES TAX REVENUE -Losing another retail business will rob the town of sale tax revenue generated by ACE hardware. Can this sales tax revenue loss be supplemented by additional property tax revenue? Medical offices do not generate sales tax since the tenants are service businesses. If the applicant is redeveloping the site, why not have the town benefit by receiving sales AND property taxes! Please consider these comments when you consider this applicant's choice of building type. I believe retaining retail/service businesses at this location is more useful to the residents, will keep that portion of LGB from becoming completely gridlocked traffic wise and add revenue to the town. Best regards, Cynthia MacSween 16610 Ferris Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Ted Fischer <carluvr60@yahoo .com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:19 AM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware I was saddened to hear about the possible rezoning of the property that the local Ace store is occupying. I've been using that store for years, first as I raised a family close to Carlton school and then 13+ years ago when I moved to Los Gatos. I always thought of the store as a friendly helpful place that always hand someone on hand to ass ist in whatever way they could. That's so much more refreshing than the big box stores that are not only out of the neighborhood, but many times are just too busy to address your concerns. Los Gatos is a wonderful neighborly community and it would be a blow to the neighborly integrity to loose this long-standing local business . I hope that you and most others see this and can react accordingly for the benefit of all of us in the community. Regards, Ted Fischer Vasona Oaks Drive Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Los Gatos Council Members, Kevin < kevin@dragonsknot.com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:07 AM Jennifer Armer; Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen ; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Ace Hardware at Lark and Los Gatos Blvd re -zoning vote -please vote NO to re- zoning!! I rarely write emails to elected officials about any topic but I feel so strongly about this issue that I'm making an exception. (In point of fact, I'm currently in India on business and am taking the time out of my trip to write this) I understand that the shopping center in which Ace Hardware is located has been sold and that the new owner has applied for re-zoning with the intent to build an 80,000 SF medical office building with parking underneath . I strongly urge you to deny the re-zoning request. Ace Hardware is an integral part of our community and one that I and many others have come to rely upon over the years. With the recent loss of the Orchard Supply chain, Ace Hardware has become the sole alternative to Home Depot and Lowes. In addition, Ace offers a significant number of items not available at Lowes or Home Depot. Furthermore, given it's proximity to Hwy 17, it's very easy for locals, commuters and mountain residents to shop there . I, myself, frequently stop there to pick up items on my way to work or on my way home. As a final note, Ace has been a good employer of LGHS students. If you choose to re-zone, that will mean one less place for our children to gain some valuable life/work experience and to earn some money while doing it. I urge you in the strongest terms to please vote "NO" on re-zoning the Ace shopping center. This community needs Ace Hardware. Thanks, -Kevin Kevin Kester 281 Tall Tree Hill Los Gatos, CA 95033 kevin@dragonsknot.com (408)483-8351 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To : Subject: Dear Jennifer Armer, Deanna Jones <dgilljones@gmail.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:3 9 AM Jennifer Armer; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; rrennis@losgatosca .gov; Steven Leonardis; Marico Sayoc; Council; Deanna Jones ACE HARDWARE /rezoning I have lived in Los Gatos for 39 years and then moved to Cambrian for the last 3 years, in the 95032 and 95124 neighborhoods. We have used ACE Hardware store as our MAIN hardware store for the last 42 years . This store is a community fixture in our neighborhood. Many neighbors frequent this location . Not only does it serve as a great service retail store, but also provides the unique specialized service that so often is not provided at the larger BOX hardware stores . Clerks know their merchandise and are always knowledgeable and helpful. Neighbors mingle here when purchasing items. Many youth, high school and college age students are employed there along with senior citizens. It is a multi- generational employee!!! Clerks, personnel KNOW their customers and are very helpful. DO NOT rezone this this property for an 80,000 sq. ft. medical building. To allow this to pass will KI LL yet another Los Gatos long time neighborhood retail store that is THRIVING in our neighborhood. We need this store in our East Los Gatos, Cambrian neighborhoods!! With the now added NORTH 40 development we need this ACE HARDWARE store to yet servicer another neighborhood. To remove this ACE HARDWOOD store will increase traffic and force more of us to travel outside of Los Gatos to other Hardware stores, which we do NOT want to do!!! Again, DO NOT REZONE the ACE HARDWARE store property and allow an 80,000 sq. ft. medical building on th is site. The Los Gatos Community and Town council must be a responsible viable entity and take measures to ensure our town of Los Gatos and surrounding Cambrian areas have retail that serves our communities!!! Money should not be the undying deciding factor here. Service centers, ACE HARDWARE, belong in our community to provide services for the neighborhoods in out towns. Sincerely, Dee Jones Richard Jones Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To : Subject: Lois Murray <murrayhill22@icloud .com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 7:21 AM Jennifer Armer Bu y out for Ace Hardware center We . Love this store. Convenient and brings business to other stores in area. A business building with no city se rvices causes more traffic congestion . We need ACE . Best for community. Lois Murray Lexington hills, Los Gatos Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer Fro m: Sent: To: Subject: Linda Bentson < linda .bentson@comcast.net > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 7:36 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware So sad to hear of the possible closing of our local Ace Hardware. We have lost so many local busine sses already. I hope this one can be saved . Linda Bentson Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Su bject: GARY MILLIKEN <gary.milliken@comcast.net > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 7:54 AM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Hardware The ACE hardware store (Los Gatos Hardware) on Los Gatos Blvd. near Lark Ave. is the best hardware store for miles around. The Rural Supply store near the Post Office does the best it can with very limited space, but depriving Los Gatos of the larger store at the north end of town would be a tremendous loss! We urge you to consider at least some sort of compromise with the developer, such as retaining the retail operation on the ground floor and establishing (yet another!) medical facility on upper floors. Thank you . Gary & Pamela Milliken Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject : Cathy Scott <cathyscott516@yahoo.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 8:01 AM Jennifer Armer; Planning @losgatos.g o v Note to Oppose Development at 15300 LG Blvd Dear Ms. Armer and the Planning committee, Our family is in opposition to the proposed 80,000 SF office building at 15300 LG Blvd. This area is already suffering extreme traffic gridlock at certain times of day and there are too many proposed developments in the immediate area on the table. Those include : The North 40 Camden and union Cambrian Plaza union and Los Gatos Almaden proposed retirement building Los Gatos Almaden and LG Blvd former car dealership If these sites are developed and the new one being proposed without considering the current infrastructure, traffic and population of people coming here will be more than the area can handle. Existing homes and families in the area that already live here and have an expectation to a certain quality of life will suffer. we are losing some wonderful small businesses as it is and some of those make this area unique and a wonderful place to live. There is too much land development as it is. People living here did not buy their homes here because they wanted to be on top of other people and businesses like San Francisco is. we respectfully oppose this plan to expand this property to this size and structure. Sincerely, Troy and Cathy Scott Alta vista Neighborhood of Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: ALICIA HERMAN <aph50@comcast.net> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 8:32 AM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Hardware store property We beg you not to allow another medical facility to replace stores that are a part of our Los Gatos life! Please do not allow this to happen. We are an important and low key community here and have no need to become a "medical ce nter". Please consider carefully and deny the request. Thank you . Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Nicola Lore <nlore@fb.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 8:52 AM Jennifer Armer; Planning Note to Oppose Development at 15300 LG Blvd Dear Ms. Armer and the Planning Committee, Our family is in opposition to the proposed 80 ,000 SF office building at 15300 LG Blvd. This area is already suffering extreme traffic gridlock at certain times of day and there are too many proposed developments in the immediate area on the table. Those include : The North 40 Camden and Union Cambrian Plaza Union and Los Gatos Almaden proposed retirement building Los Gatos Almaden and LG Blvd former car dealership If these sites are developed and the new one being proposed without considering the current infrastructure, traffic and population of people coming here will be more than the area can handle . Existing homes and families in the area that already live here and have an expectation to a certain quality of life will suffer. We are losing some wonderful small businesses as it is and some of those make this area unique and a wonderful place to live. There is too much land development as it is . People living here did not buy their homes here because they wanted to be on top of other people and businesses like San Francisco is. We respectfully oppose this plan to expand this property to this size and structure. Sincerely , Nicola Lore Facebook 11 Hacker Way, Menlo Park , CA 94025 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Joy Tobin <joy.tobin@gmail.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:17 AM Jennifer Armer; Planning Opposition to development at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd . due to traffic congestion Dear Ms. Armer and the Planning Committee, We are in opposition to the proposed 80,000 SF office building at 15300 LG Blvd . We have never seen the traffic on Los Gatos Boulevard as bad as it is now and this development is not even in the picture yet. Trying to turn on Lark from Los Gatos Blvd takes at least 10 minutes during certain times of the day and there are too many proposed developments in the immediate area on the table . Those include: The North 40 Camden and Union Cambrian Plaza Union and Los Gatos Almaden proposed retirement building Los Gatos Almaden and LG Blvd former car dealership If these sites are developed and the new one being proposed without considering the current infra structure, traffic and population of people coming here will be more than the area can handle. Existing homes and families in the area that already live here and have an expectation to a certain quality of life will suffer. We are losing some wonderful small businesses as it is and some of those make this area unique and a wonderful place to live. There is too much land development as it is. People living here did not buy their homes here because they wanted to be on top of other people and busines ses like San Francisco i s. We respectfully oppose this plan to expand this property to this size and structure. Sincerely, Joy and Bill Tobin Alta Vista Neighborhood of Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Armer: Marily Hart <marilyhart@aol.com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:20 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware No ON Re -zoning I sincerely believe that we need to support our practical business that have served our community and are still thriving , such as Ace Hardware! We shouldn't have to leave town to shop . There is already too much desecration of our lovey quaint LOS GATOS by allowing the disaster at Lark Ave . This area of town will be ruined . Why? Progress or Peace! I vote NO on re-zoning! Marily Hart 21200 Panorama Drive Los Gatos, Ca 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Miles Alden <miles@milesalden.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:22 AM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware I'm writing to present my strong d isagreement with the rezoning effort from retail to office in the area of the the Los Gatos Ace Hardware. They have been here for many years and are always very helpful and I do not want to see them forced out of business or removed due to these proceedings and decisions. Furthermore I believe that Los Gatos DOES NOT NEED ANY MORE MEDICAL BUILDINGS. There are so many of them and retail stores are struggling just to survive. The town become a far more undesirable place to live , take walks with our children and enjoy when you are confronted with cold and unfeeling office buildings that are not inviting to general people . These efforts are helping to strip away the charm that is our town. Please DO NOT proceed with with the rezoning. Thank you very much for your time. Miles Alden Software Engineer miles@milesalden .com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Sonja Thieme <sonjathieme@gmail.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:48 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware Store I just heard about the possibility of the ACE Hardware store being demolished in favor of more office/medical office spaces. I actually happened to be in the store earlier this week and received fabulous customer service. Instead of upselling me on an item, I received advice on how to go the inexpensive route -and at almost no profit to the store. They care about the customers and these days that is a rare occurrence. This was not the first time I've rece ived this kind of support from them and I'd say it would be a loss to the community if the store were to go away. I do not live in the immediate neighborhood -Home Depot is actually closer to my house, however, I will go the extra mile for that special customer service. If at all, there should be an effort made to upgrade the businesses on that lot from a cosmetic point of view, but not replace them with yet more office buildings, which will bring yet more car traffic to that already congested area . Please reconsider a rezoning of the lot in favor of ACE -and keep this customer friendly store around for decades to come . Thank you, Sonja Thieme Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms Armer, Scott Stillinger <scott@stillinger.com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:59 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Los Gatos Hardware Store I have lived in the Los Gatos and Monte Sereno for more than forty years and the Ace Hardware Store on Los Gatos Boulevard has been my primary source for supplies. I am an inventor, product developer and avid home improvement guy . My need for a full service hardware store is important both for business and home and Ace has fulfilled that need . A good hardware store is very well stocked, quick, convenient and offers project and product expertise. Ace provides all this. During intense project times, I will visit the store 3-4 times a day. By now I know every isle in the store and seldom need help but when I do, the service is excellent. If this store is closed, the alternatives are not adequate for me . Rural Supply Hardware is a good store run by two first class men but it is too small to be well stocked and, as every one knows, downtown traffic can be horrendous. With Orchard Supply closing the next best alternative is Home Depot which doesn't begin to fulfill my need. It is a long way away, service is non-existent and it's supply of "nuts and bolts" hardware is meager. I do not see how another medica l building in that location can be of benefit to our town. We have lots of medical facilities nearby and likely other potential locations further north . It certainly made more sense to build the PAMF facility next door to Ace given that the car dealership that was located there went out of business. This is different. Ace is a thriving business providing an important service to our town and fits the small town, locally owned objective of our town charter. My need for a good hardware store in town is likely more intense than most, but I believe t hat many other citizens will feel the same way that I do. Sincerely, Scott Stillinger 15360 Robin Ann Lane Monte Sereno, CA 85030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello! B Chris <chrisbev4@gmail.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:24 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware I am writing as a concerned homeowner here in Los Gatos about the proposed redevelopment of the ACE Hardware store. It would be a travesty to lose this fine hardware store. I am sure you must realize how needed this store is to the residents of Los Gatos. The store itself on so many levels provides a much needed service for daily needs. Without this store at this location residents would have to go to Big Box stores out of town to find services and items provided by the store locally. Please fight to hold on to much needed stores like ACE Hardware so that we can keep the town of Los Gatos functional and desirable. Thank you for considering this very important manner and listening to this request. Thank you, Bev Christensn Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: John Christensen <jbchristensen@comcast.net > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:27 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am writing to let you know I am opposed to the proposal to demolish Ace Hardware. It is a highly valuable part of our community. John Christensen Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello, Eric Horton <eric@erichorton .com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:28 AM Jennifer Armer lghservice@hotmail.com Ace Hardware My name is Eric Horton, and I am a lifelong resident of Los Gatos. The Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd was opened when I was 8 years old. It has been a necessity to my family ever since. Through earthquake preparation and repairs, storm prep and repairs, home maintenance and improvement, little emergencies and big, that Ace Hardware has been a lifeline for my family and most of our community. Over the years, Los Gatos has changed immensely, some changes for the good, some not so much. More and more, staple Los Gatos institutions are being bulldozed for high end kitchy shopping and fad stores that come and go. The longevity and current high -traffic to the Los Gatos Ace Hardware demonstrates not only the need for a store like that in our town. Should Ace be closed down, it will be to great detriment to the residents of Los Gatos and the surrounding areas . We will no longer have a local hardware store, instead taking our money and sales tax dollars out of Los Gatos to the big box stores like Home Depot and Lowes. That is a lose-lose situation for everyone, town and residents alike . I hope you and the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee will keep the very real needs of our entire community when making recommendations for the use of the land. Obviously, the new property owner is entitled to ma ximize the return on investment, but there must be some compromise or solution that can be reached so that we might keep this important Los Gatos institution available . Sincerely, Eric Horton 408-348-4440 eric@erichorton.com Jennifer A r mer From: Sent: To: Subject: Bruce Mitchell < brucedmitchell912@gmail.com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:28 AM Jennifer Armer Proposed Medical Office Building on Los Gatos Boulevard Please reconsider the proposed rezoning to a medical office building to be built on the site of the current long term retail building occupied byTrue Value Hardware on Los Gatos Boulevard. Los Gatos does not need another multi-story office in the vicinity of Lark Avenue and the proposed "north forty" development. The ex isting retail use , a hardware store, serves the Los Gatos community and generates sales tax re venue. The traffic pattern of retail is counter to the traffic pattern generated by the preponderance of office uses along Los Gato s Boulevard . I am a long time Los Gatos and Saratoga resident. I am also retired commercial real estate appraise r and was a MAI (Member Appraisal Institute). My recommendation based on many years of valuing real estate is to reta i n a retail use for the property. Very truly yours, Bruce Mitchell 98 Alpine Avenue Lo s Gato s, CA 95030 Jen nifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Lois Matsumoto <dorimatsl@yahoo.com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:29 AM Jennifer Armer Keep Los Gato s Ace Hardw are We cannot lose another Los Gatos institution . I have lives in this area for over 70 years and have always relied on Ace Hardware to be there for me. They have helped me in so many ways by offering their knowledge and kindness in whatever household project that needed to be done. They would always find a solution for me. Even the smallest ta sk of making a replacement key was so helpful and thoughtful. They are the backbone of this community, don't take that away from us. Keep Los Gatos Ace Hardware for many years to come, we need more local b u sinesses like this stay. Thank you for your consideration. Lois Matsumoto Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Bruce Mccombs <bruce@pacificbedrooms.com > Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:32 AM Jennifer Armer Los Gato s Hardware ... My name is Bruce Mccombs and I'm writing to you today regarding some distressing news that I've received, regarding the potential future closing of our beloved Los Gatos Hardware store on Los Gatos Boulevard . My wife and I are life-long Los Gatos residents, and have lived in our home on Kennedy Road for nearly 45 years . During that time we've counted on Los Gatos Hardware for all of our Hardware needs, especially in times of emergency, including, of course, the 1989 earthquake. We know most of the employees by name, and Los Gatos Hardware has become a general gathering place for residents involved in our various hobbies and do-it-yourself projects. Many of these fine young people employed at Los GatosHardware are still in high school and are earning money to help put themselves through college. The quality and character of the young people working at Los Gatos Hardware are on display each and every day, and my wife and I are continually impressed at the service we receive from each and every one of them. Home Depot vs Los Gatos Hardware: Try being a senior and getting advice or guidance at Home Depot. It's absolutely impossible to get knowledgeable or timely assistance. Parking for Seniors: At Los Gatos Hardware, parking is right in front of the store . Try parking at Home Depot on a rainy winter morning. If you're a disabled senior like I am , be prepared to be cold and wet by the time you reach the store. Where Else Can We Go? In addition, we've heard that Rural Supply property may be developed soon, and if Los Gatos Hardware closes, Los Gatos will no longer have a local hardware store. The closest thing to Los Gatos Hardware that we seniors had was Orchard Supply Hardware on 4+ m iles away, on Blossom Hill Road , but they closed their doors last week, after serving the Santa Clara Valley for more than 85 years. Increased Pollution: Longer car trips to Home Depot, necessitated by the closing of Los Gatos Hardware, will most certainly result in an increase in pollution. loss of Mountain and Hillside Views: Having lived in Los Gatos our entire lives, my wife and I are keenly aware of the tranquil beauty that the view of the Santa Cruz mountains provides, especially when sitting in traffic at Los Gatos Boulevard and Lark Avenue. Blocking the view of these lovely vistas with a 35' tall building is not at all consistent with the wishes of the vast majority of the residents that I've spoken with, that's for sure. Traffic On Los Gatos Boulevard: Traffic at the intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard and Lark Avenue is already impossible during nearly all hours of the day. Try turning left from Los Gatos Boulevard onto Lark Avenue between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, and experience the frustration of dealing with dozens of cars backed up on the Boulevard, sometimes beyond Gateway Avenue, all trying to squeeze into the two left-turn lanes . Is Additional Medical Space Really Needed? With a population of little more than 30,000, it seems to me that we have more than enough medical space for our small Town . If additional medical space is truly necessary, can't it be built on the back half of the North 40, or perhaps somewhere el se? As a Town, I believe that we need to take a long and careful look at this proposal, and then ask ourselves what we will be losing if this project is approved. Our Town needs Los Gatos Hardware for the many reasons I've listed, and I encourage the Town to deny the rezoning of the property, which wou ld be required in order for the p roject to proceed . I, for one, think that we can do better, and I am truly hopeful that our Town's leaders will agree . Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter, M s. Armer, and for the service that you provide our lovely Town . I hope that you're having a pleasant morning, and I look forward to meeting you this afternoon . Sincerely, Z?utce m(,~4, Contact Info: Cell : (408) 209-7045 Home: (408) 356-7045 Jennifer Armer From: Deborah Lowe <chubchub94@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, September 12 , 2018 10:37 AM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca .gov> Subject: Ace Hardware Importance: High Dear Ms. Armer, As a longtime resident of Los Gatos I am writing to express my concern over the rezoning of 15300- 15330 Los Gatos Blvd . Over the last couple of years we have seen the town allow development of the Los Gatos Blvd corridor that includes multiple medical buildings, and higher density properties with little regard for how it impacts the surrounding neighborhoods . The traffic congestion has become almost intolerable along Los Gatos Blvd . and would only worsen if you allow a change in zon i ng and subsequent building of the medical office building as described in the plans. Replacing the ACE Hardware would be a loss for our entire community. First it is a locally owned family business that hires from within the community. I love going in and seeing classmat es of my kids there . They are polite and helpful, a great training ground for many. We have long viewed ACE as a vital part of our town . Without ACE we would be forced to go out of the area for home construction and maintenance supplies. It feels like the town's priority is to maintain the image of a small quaint place in downtown while this corridor is viewed as nothing more than a revenue generator for Los Gatos. The pressure to build the North Forty and the Blvd . has been constant and if the town bend s to these developers it would negatively impact the town, its reputation for being a family friendly community and the overall quality of life for its residents. Please do not rezone the property and allow for yet another medical building. The loss of a much needed, long standing business such as ACE would be a blow to our community. Thank you for your consideration. Debbie Lowe 16370 Lilac Lane Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Judy Dutil <seagirldrive@yahoo.com> Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:49 AM Jennifer Armer Removal of Ace hardward st ore ... On behalf of the ACE hardware mall on Bascom ave., closing this hardware center is an atrocious idea. It is one of the community foundation stores for the Los Gatos community and mountain residents. Stop this nonsence of removing all necessary retail from local residents reach. VERY BAD idea ... very bad!! Judy 09 /12 /2 018 10:54 408-356-1255 FEDEX OFFICE 5163 PAGE 02 Ms. Jennifer Armer and the CDAC: I write to denounce the sale and demolishment of the ACE Hardware business and the possible allowance of a medical building. If this goes ahead, what wi'II happen to those of us who use this establishment every week? Where will we, the little pepple in this game, go for all the needs we, use this business for???? "The larger, 1.6-acre lot is designated Mixed Use Commercial. Projeds developed under this designation shall maintain the sm21II town, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighboirhoods. A medical building Is small town, residentlal??? I don't think so! Under b. of the general Plan: The· smaller parcel is currently designated Low Density Residential. A General Plan am;endment would be required to allow the proposed medical office project. ! STRONGLY SUGGEST NO GENERAL PLA!N AMENDMENT FOR THIS CASEII Under d. of Parking: The total provided parking spaces for the pro1>osed project would exceed the current minimum required parking for the proposed site. I STRONGLY SUGGEST NO ALLOWANCE FOR MORE PARKINGtl \IVe have enough problems as it isl The current owners Dene' Kankel and Bryan Matsurnoto " •••• are faced with the choice of either going out of business or attempting to rel,ocate to another town or city." And how Is it legal to braak a lease, as the new <•wners did? And if allowed.a couldn't they have told the business beforehand? Please consider carefully what you would be allowing if you agree to this change! Thank you. i s~':ly~I;!,~~ A~r{s;~~no Los Gatos I