Item 2 - Addendum and Attachment 6 PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 09/12/2018 ITEM NO: 2 ADDENDUM DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 TO: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD-18-004 PROJECT LOCATION: 15300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. APN 424-17-035 AND 424-17-036. PROPERTY OWNER: TRUSTEES OF THE MALKASON TRUST AND MARY MALKASON GST TRUST. APPLICANT: SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF PLANS TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING BUILDING AND TO CONSTRUCT A TWO-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING WITH BELOW GRADE PARKING ON PROPERTY ZONED C-1. REMARKS: Attachment 6 includes public comment received between 11:01 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018 and 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with September 12, 2018 Staff Report: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Project Description Letter (two page) 4. Conceptual Plans (three sheets) 5. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018 Received with this Addendum Report: 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018, and 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2018 PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 15300-15330 LOS GATOSBOULEVARD/CD-18-004 SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\LGB 15300-15330_09-12-18 ADD.doc 9/11/2018 2:23 PM Distribution: Steve Lynch, AICP, Sand Hill Property Company, 965 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 Trustees of the Malkason Trust and Mary Malkason GST Trust, PO Box 63939, San Francisco, CA 94163 ATTACHMENT 6 Jennifer Armer From: kay maurer <kayloan@gmail.com > Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 11 :03 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca .gov > Subject: 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard Concerning the demolition of the current building and construction of a larger building with a change of use, i am against this switch of use of the land. This site is too close to the north 40 to be rezoned and over built. losing Ace Hardware is also a large loss for the community as it is our local hardware store, and being forced to head to home depot is not advantageous to residents in LG. Plus, will the town get tax money from another Health care facility? They seem to be on every corner now, and we just don't need more of these in town. Please consider all the unintended consequences of approving this project...more traffic, a business we just don't need , a loss of income for the town from retail , impact on views and neighbors with large building and more traffic in neighborhood, and others that i am sure i have not even thought of yet. Kay Maurer 12 Stacia St Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms . Armer, Tami C. <mom2learn2@yahoo.com > Friday, September 07 , 2018 12 :26 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I just heard that we are in eminent danger of losing our neighborhood . Yes, the Ace Hardware store defines our neighborhood . It is quaint, it is handy, it is one story! It provides jobs and essentials . It is within walking distance of hundreds of homes. And what about the laundromat? We will also be losing more of our sky. Stanford (and their ilk) seems to be in the business of stealing our sky around here. What a shame. This behemoth medical conglomeration is a scourge. Everywhere I look, there they are. Their cheeky sign over the freeway, "Got Cancer?" was a shot in the gut to people in the neighborhood who have actually lived through that particular illness or watched loved ones succumb to it. Please don't turn over any more of our beautiful little piece of the world to these greedy bastards! We really really do not need any more medical facilities in our little corner of the world. Why do you want to turn this area into a sick mono culture? People from all over come here now as it is. They disrespect our neighborhood, (the doctors are the worst offenders} speeding through, ignoring stop signs and speed limits, clogging up the streets because they don't have enough parking, not to mention distraught drivers on the way to the hospital. This is turning into a nightmare. STANFORD GO HOME AND TAKE YOUR BIG MONEY AND YOUR SUBSTANDARD CARE WITH YOU! Most Sincerely, Tami S. Campbell Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Jennifer Armer, John < wallsdown84@yahoo.com > Friday, September 07, 2018 12:28 PM Jennifer Armer Ace gone? Hello, my name is John and I live off of Carlton Avenue . I have recently been made aware that the property Ace Hardware rents on Los Gatos Blvd. has been sold, and the new owners intend to request a zoning change to medical from the current retail. This makes me so sad . Our Los Gatos Ace Hardware is a treasure for our neighborhood. You can not find the service they offer in a 'Big Box' store. Ace's impact on the neighborhood is only positive in any way you look at it; helpfulness, convenience , employs local teenagers, does not inhibit the view of our beautiful mountains, minimal traffic associated with the business, stocking of parts our local homes need, and just local for the local community. Of all things, please no more medical! Our local area is becoming a medical industrial comp lex play ground. I am trying to stay positive here so I will refrain from listing the negative impacts we experience from the medical surrounding us. Do you really want this business to be the face of Los Gatos? Let's just stay bedroom and local retail for the community. Please reconsider the deconstruction of this neighborhood . Thank you, John Fiebich P.S. I sincerely hope we can keep our Trader Joe's shopping center away from Big Med. Jennifer Armer From: Toni Blackstock <to niblackstock@gmail.com > Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 12:52 PM To: jarner@losgatosca .gov Cc: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace Hardware Hi Jennifer: I'd like to express my dismay at the possibility of the Town agreeing to close down Ace Hardware. Over the many (72) years that I've lived in Los Gatos I've tried to support the local businesses and have been gr ateful that we've always had a REAL HARDWARE store in town. It's becoming more and more difficult to shop in Los Gatosfor our everyday needs but Ace has consistently carried the multitude of items we've needed to complete the many projects we've undertaken in our home. PLEASE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE COMMUNITY NEEDS as you decide upon your recommendation to the Council regarding this issue. Thank you for all you do. Toni Blackstock 15561 Benedict Lane Los Gatos 95032 (408)356-0371 Jennifer Armer From: trish@sporleder.o rg <trish@spor leder.org> Sent: Friday, September 07 , 2018 1:46 PM To: iarner@losgatosca .gov Cc: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: ACE HARDWARE I strongly request you NOT put in yet another medical center where ACE Hardware is located. This particular ACE is the only hardware store in Los Gatos that carries most of what the big box stores stock. Looking at the parking lot, one can see how popular it is. PLEASE KEEP THE ACE HARDWARE STORE for the sake of the our citizens. In my opinion, The town planners are taking the wrong position as far as our town and what was once the charm of the town itself. Remaining quaint is what draws tourists, diner's, etc. to our town. Anyone can go to a mall or newer strip mall and have contemporary ambiance. PLEASE DON'T CONTINUE TO PROCEED WITH UPSCALING OUR TOWN INTO A CITY. Respectfully, Trish, Tri sh@S porleder.ORG Jenn ifer A r mer From: BERT@SP O RLEDER.ORG <BERT@ SPO RLED ER .O RG > Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 1:49 PM To: jarner@losgatosca.gov Cc: Council <Council@losgatosca .gov> Subject: Ace Ha r dware debacle I was appalled when I learned that the town may approve another med ical center (or anything else} where AC E HARDWARE now stands . This town needs ACE a lot more than doctor's offices. How do you expect your citizens to go to our other hardware store downtown when we are in some cases ar e unable to get out of our driveways on the weekends or through Main St . when school is out for the day. When we have tried that store we were unable to find what we needed . ACE HARDWARE has almost everything a b ig box store carries. You realize by clos i ng the ACE on Los Gatos Blvd. we citizens w i ll be forced to go out of town for our DIV supp li es and repairs. This will chase the tax dollars away. PLEASE help us keep ACE HARDWARE! Bert Sporleder, Life -long resident of our town (not city) PS What about the Service station on the corner of that property? Will he also be evicted, thus losing more tax dollars?? Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: @@®@®® <morguama@gmail.com > Friday, September 07 , 2018 2:36 PM Council; Jennifer Armer DO NOT SHUT DOWN ACE HARDWARE IN LOS GATOS I wa just notified this is in discussion. You expect me to go to a San Jose hardware store because we need more medical centers in LG? Laughable . We need to keep Ace Hardware in Los Gatos . -Morgan MF @}. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer - Karen De Louraille <kdelouraille@rocketmail.com> Friday, September 07 , 2018 2:38 PM Jenn ifer Armer Ace must stay! It saddens me to think that Los Gatos w ould even consider eliminating the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. Ace is truly our neighborhood store . If ever there was a store that defines Los Gatos, "Ace is the Place ". No other store is as welcoming -as soon as a customer walks in , someone is ready to help her find what she needs.Every time I shop there I meet someone I know and get to indulge in a friendly chat. Please don 't destroy this lovely part of Los Gatos . I oppose closing Ace for any reason, but especially to add yet another medical facility. Sincerely , Karen de Louraille kdelouraille@rocketmail.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, Mary Patterson <mmpmitzi@comcast.net > Friday , September 07 , 2018 3:16 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am adamantly opposed to building another medical building in place of Ace Hardware. We don't need the building or the traffic. There are plenty of offices on Samaritan Drive to accommodate any necessary expansion. Ace Hardware is VERY important to the residents of Los Gatos. We go there for projects, gardening, gifts, tools, and many other necessary things. How could this town even THINK of taking it away . What will we all do??? PLEASE!! l ! ! VOTE THIS PROJECT DOWN . We have lost so much with the North 40, please don't take this stalwart business away, too. Thank you, Mary Patterson Jennifer Armer From: Marie Lore <mlore@apr.com > Sent: Friday, September 07 , 2018 3:27 PM To : iarme r@losgatos .gov Cc: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov > Subject: Ace needs to stay! Dear Jennifer and Council Members, Ace Hardware is a local Los Gatos treasure and we must do all we can to keep it here. No more medical buildings at this end of the boulevard, please! Sincerely, Marie Lore Lifetime LG resident PS I am still mourning the loss of Hannegans. Please Keep Ace! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Stanley Garber <sgarber@scusd .net > Friday, September 07 , 2018 3:43 PM Jennifer Armer Save the hardware store I'm unable to attend the meeting next week, so I'm writing in support of the Ace Hardware Store downtown. Someday, when the world is all shiny glass and metal buildings, we'll be sorry that the old hardware store downtown is gone. Please do what you can to prevent that from happening. All the best, Stan Garber Poet Laureate of Los Gatos Stan Garber Principal Cabrillo Middle School 2550 Cabrillo Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 sgarber@scus d.net (408) 423 -3701 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Mike Sprintz < mike@thesprintzgroup.com > Friday, September 07, 2018 4:19 PM Jennifer Arme r Ace Hardware -LG Blvd I just heard about the potential buyer who wants to demolish the Ace Hardware on LG Blvd and replace it with a two story medical office. I've lived in town since the early 90's and enjoy our local hardware store. They are friendly, knowledgeable and I prefer getting what I need from people who support our community. Please don't make me go to Home Depot!! This will be the only choice with OSH going out of business now. Seriously, do we need another two story medical office? It seems like the only new businesses in Los Gatos are medical offices and beauty salons. It broke my heart when landlords forced Dom us out of business. Not many originals left ... we are losing our qua int little identity. It's very sad! I hope you will stand behind the owners at Ace Hardware and help keep them open. Sincerely, ------------------------------------ Mike Sprintz !The Sp1it1tz Group I P: 408-399 -3350 !C: 408 -655 -6553 I Mi~sY thesprintzgroup .com Jennifer Armer From: Rick Potter <ricklpotter2012@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 4:25 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace Ms Armer, I am writing as a concerned citizen regarding the potential sale and/or reasoning of the property where ACE hardware is located on Los Gatos Blvd. As a long-time resident of the town, I believe that a locally- owned hardware store is a much more valuable use of this property than another office building on the site . ACE has served the needs of this community for decades . I hope that this message can be forwarded to those who make these decisions. Thank you, Rick and Janet Potter 144 Newell Ave. Los Gatos Rick Potter ( 408 )489-7343-Ce 11 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To : Jennifer Amer Geraldine Watanabe <gerrywatanabe@gmail.com > Friday, September 07 , 2018 4:51 PM Jennifer Armer CD-18 -004 While understanding the importance of access to good healthcare, quality of life is an important part of that. For me and I am sure for many others in the Los Gatos Community, Ace Hardware has contributed to that quality of life for four decades or more. It has been the "Go-To" place seven days a week for more house, family, and personal needs than I can list. If Ace Hardware is not able to help you (wh ich is rare}; they will make suggestions and do what they can. At this time, there is not a business in the Los Gatos area with the great service and inventory that Ace Hardware provides. With the closing of the Orchard Supply stores, the need is made even greater. I ask that you take the replacement of Ace Hardware with another medical office building under very thoughtful consideration . I thank you for your time and attention, Gerry Watanabe I've switched to GMail! Please use gerrywatanabe@gmail.com from now on. Thanks! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer and the CDAC, Jenny Gifford <jengifford@att.net > Friday, September 07 , 2018 4:58 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware property Please do not approve yet another medical building in East Los Gatos. We are already impacted by the PAMF building traffic on Los Gatos Boulevard; PAMF being across Gateway Dr. from the proposed building. Ace Hardware, Orchid Cleaners and the laundrymat serve a number of Los Gatos residents. Ace not only provides great service, inventory, garden supplies, but also employs a number of local Los Gatos High School students and community college students. This store is the only one of its type in the east Los Gatos area. It (under its owners) has served the community for many, many years. My husband remembers when it was Coast to Coast Hardware, located in what is now CVS on Blossom Hill road. Orchid Cleaners is another locally owned business, serving the East Los Gatos area. Yes, there are other cleaners, but the owners are extremely hardworking and provide a local, convenient laundrymat for those apartment dwellers without laundry facilities. The other consideration for this area and surrounding intersections is traffic. It is already difficult to get through these intersections at rush hours, much less during the day when a medical office would be open. Once the North 40 is developed, the number of cars crossing the area will increase significantly, adding to traffic congestion and smog. In closing, please keep the parcel zoned commercial, and not office. We don't need more medical offices; we need the convenient hardware store and laundrymat. Thank you, Jennifer Gifford 30 year resident of Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good afternoon, Jennifer. Scott Savage <smsavage@hotmail.com> Friday, September 07 , 2018 5:46 PM Jennifer Armer Rob Rennie3 Opposition to Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD -18 -004 It is with great dismay that today I learned of this application for the development of yet a not her medical building on Los Gatos Boulevard . I have also been informed that the existing Ace Hardware store has indicated that they will be unable to remain in business should this application go forward. As a long time resident in this portion of the Town, I can attest to the fact that the existing hardware store meets a critical need for residents, a need that will go unfilled should the business close. We already have a substantial number of medical facilities on both sides of Los Gatos Boulevard and we do not need another. What we need are businesses that cater to the needs of residents and that keep spending dollars and the corresponding sales taxes to pay for services in Town . I have no intention of driving downtown through congestion to shop at the other Ace store on S. Santa Cruz. I know that other residents in this portion of Town echo this sentiment. While I prefer not to go to Home Depot on Camden, that will be my fall back, as it will be for most others . With the North 40 being built, one of the guidelines of the business portion of the development was to meet unmet needs of residents. I see no reason to add to the litany of our unmet needs by exacerbating the problem. We have plenty of medical facilities already. We need to retain our access to businesses such as Ace Hardware so that we can attend to our household needs without adding the time and stress of unnecessary out of town travel. One other note. Ace has been a ready employer of youth in our community. I have a son who has greatly benefited from the ability to work there . Should we lose this business we lose an additional opportunity for kids in our Town to learn legitimate life skills far outweighing those offered by employment in a fast food establishment . I think that we all can agree that another medical facility will not offer these same opportunities to youth. Thank you, Scott Savage 15501 Benedict Lane Los Gatos CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms . Jennifer Armer, Crumpton Family < crumpton3 @verizon.net > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 1:15 AM Jennifer Armer 'Marice Sayoc' KEEP ACE HARDWARE Please do not support the closing of our local Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd . Many local citizens need and appreciate this hardware store. Eliminating this hardware store will force locals to drive several miles through town to an already congested area or go outside of our town to buy needed hardware supplies, possibly causing a loss of tax revenue to our town and potentially more congestion. We do not need more medical/office buildings. The current property owners are trying to sell the property. The potential buyer wants to demolish this building and replace it with a two-story medical office. In order to do so, the land needs to be rezoned from retail use to office. If they are successful, our Ace Hardware will be gone from the town forever. Please do not allow the rezoning this property! Respectfully, Crumpton Family, Cathy & Tom & Will 124 Las Astas Dr Los Gatos, CA 95032-7680 crumpton3@verizon.net Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Whom it May Concern , deb@debmusic.com Saturday, September 08 , 2018 8:59 AM Council ; Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I've heard there is talk about possibly closing the Ace Hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd. I am NOT in favor of this. If you need space for more medical buildings why not use the closed car dealership also on LG Blvd? I use that Ace store consistently and it is an asset to our community. Not to mention the loss of jobs . The wonderful people that work there and give the best customer serv ice would be detrimentally impacted . Thank you fo r listening . Debbie Thacker Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, kyurich@yahoo .com Saturday, September 08, 2018 9:55 AM Jennifer Armer Keeping Ace Hardware in Los Gatos I just heard that there is a possibility that "Ace Hardware" might be replaced by a 2 story medical office building. I think this would be a huge mistake! I have lived in Los Gatos for almost 20 years and have gone to Ace for the majority of my hardware and gardening needs. It's so nice knowing you don't have to get on the crowded roadways and streets to meet these needs. To me if Ace Hardwa re gets replaced by yet another business office, it just shows how prevalent greed is in this town . I've seen it occur all over the downtown area! Los Gatos has always been a family oriented town and it should stay that way!! Sincerely, Kitty Yurich Concerned Los Gatos Resident Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Reese Reynolds <reynolds_reese@yahoo.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 10:12 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I understand you are the project planner for the pending removal of the Los Gatos Blvd. Ace Hardware store and subsequent replacement with medical buildings. While I appreciate that additional medical facilities are needed in this aging community, the displacement of the ACE Hardware is , in my opinion, not the best approach to achieve that solution. As a resident of Los Gatos for 32 years I have patronized Ace Hardware continuously. It is convenient and a well stocked venue to obtain "things and stuff' needed for which ever project I have undertaken. With the closure of Orchard Supply and now Ace Hardware, the only place left to go to is Home Depot. Home Depot is NOT a store that one drops into to pick up one or two items in a hurry. Anyone who has ever shopped there understands there is never anyone available to help locate an item, so the shopper is left to aimlessly wander aisles looking for the desired item. If Los Gatos needs additional medical facilities , may I offer a much better solution that getting rid of Ace Hardware? Build the medical facilities in "the North 40" development off of Lark Avenue. That would be much better than a bunch of high density housing, which will over choke Los Gatos traffic. Best Regards, Reese M. Reynolds Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi , Ed < ed _gordon@edgordonpix.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 11 :15 AM Council ; Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I live in Campbell, not Los Gatos. But I shop at the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd . regularly. Close the store, and it's a loss of business to the City of Los Gatos . Also , I would point out the people who will be moving into the new housing on the South 40 development, they will need many of the goods & services that are available at that Ace Hardware . Again, close the store and it's a loss of business to the City of Los Gatos. Thanks, Ed Gordon 408-410-0289 Je nnifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Vouna Bowers <vounabowers@yahoo .com > Saturday , Septembe r 08, 2018 ll:48 AM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware My husband and I do not want to see Ace Hardware demolished. It would be a shame so meany times that I can not count them have we had to go to Ace to purchase an item . It's close to us and it's convenient as we and others see it there are enough office buildings we need Ace Hardware to stay where it is. Thank u Gordon & Vouna Bowers At 5039 Brewster Ave S.J . 95124 Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Tom Peterson <tpete47@msn.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 12:14 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware Store I just received news of the possible demolition of the Ace Hardware Store on Los Gatos Blvd. I want to ask you to not approve the building of the new proposed office building. The existing hardware store is part of the charm of our Neighborhhod . I go there several times per week for simple home projects. It is just one last vestige of a small -town feel that we have. Demolishing that store leaves me with the option of Home Depot on camden Ave. Does all the Develment have to continually re-inforce big box stores versus merchants that serve the local neighborhood. I ask for sensitivity to our situation. Thank you, Tom Peterson 2480 Lost Oaks Drive 408-718-1587 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jeff Bogart <bog567@earthlink.net > Saturday , September 08 , 2018 12 :14 PM Jennifer Armer regarding proposal to demolish ACE hardware Dear Jennifer Armer (Project Planner), The new owners of the property where the Ace Hardware store is located (15300 Los Gatos Boulevard) are petitioning the town of Los Gatos to demolish the site and build a two story, 80,000 square foot office building . Also demolished will be a dry cleaners and laundromat. I am against this proposal. Our neighborhood needs the stores at this location more than new offices. Please deny this proposal. Sincerely , Jeff Bogart 5157 Adair Way San Jose Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Laura Manthey <lsmant@aol.com > Saturday, September 08, 2018 12:17 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Los Gatos Please do not allow the buildings where ACE is located to be torn down and replaced w ith office buildings!!! ACE is an important part of this neighborhood . Many times I have found an item and assistance there when I have been unable to find it elsewhere. Now I always go to ACE first! Laura Manthey 5033 Wilma Way San Jose, CA 95124 lsmant@aol.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms . Armer, L Meyer <lmeyer322@gmail.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 12:34 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning@losgatos.gov ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd We just saw the notice about the proposal to demolish the ACE Hardware store to build an office building. We are vehemently opposed to such a plan! We have lived in this neighborhood for more than 30 years. This store is extremely valuable . We go there nearly once a week, as it is so close to our homes and they have nearly everything we need for a quick fix around the house or a garden item. In an era where giant corporations are already eliminating the smaller retail stores, places like neighborhood ACE stores are even more valued. With Lowe's closing all the OSH stores, we would be left with basically no choice of where to go for home improvement (Home Depot?). This area does NOT need another office building! We need places for people who LIVE in this area to enjoy local services and a neighborhood camaraderie . This ACE store has some of the best customer service of any retail store I have been to; the same cannot be said for those giant chain stores. Please do not take away a place that provides a great service to those of us that live in the area and please do not allow another giant building . Please do not contribute to this area becoming less of a neighborhood and more of a corporate center. Also, an office building will just bring more traffic, more congestion on Los Gatos Blvd and it will affect parking in the area. We already have Palo Alto Medical next door ... we don't need another giant building across the street from it. As community residents and customers of the ACE store, we implore you to reject any proposal to demolish ACE, especially this one for an office building. Since re ly, Steve & Lisa Meyer 15340CooperAvenue San Jose , CA 95124 (408) 455-113 1 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer Vincent Yee <amdg0524@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08, 2018 12:38 PM Jennifer Armer ACE HARDWARE -CD-18-004 I am writing in strong support to keep the Ace Hardware store, and in strong opposition of re-zoning that area that would result in its closure . As you know with the closure of OSH at years end, that would leave Rural Ace Hardware as the only local hardware store remaining. For many of us in the Los Gatos Mountains and beyond, the Lark Ave Ace is the preferred place because of its larger selection over Rural Ace . This would be a huge inconvenience to a great number of households . A medical building with underground parking would add to the already congested Los Gatos Blvd area, as the Lark Ave connection to Hwy 17 . Further with the completion of North 40 by the end of next year Los Gatos Blvd between Lark Ave and Hwy 85 I fear is already going to be a nightmare. Lastly, many of us prefer to shop at an Ace over Home Depot or Lowes because of the better, more personal customer service. That is part of the quality of life thing. Over the nearly 15 years I have lived here, I and many even longer-time residents have commented on the increasing traffic congestion . The summer Hwy 17 traffic is but one example we have to endure. Please the quality of life for Los Gatians from getting worse! Thank you. Regards, Vincent Yee 18330 Black Rd Los Gatos, CA 995033 Je n nifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Cathleen Bannon <cathleenbannon@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 1:35 PM Jennifer Armer Grant Bannon Save Ace Hardware! Jennifer, we are writing to you to share our fear of loosing our town hardware store for another medical building . We utilize Ace Hardware on a weekly basis for our home & garden needs . We feel this store in a essential element of our town and our efforts of keeping our dollars w ith local businesses. While there is a small hardware store on Santa Cruz Ave downtown, they do not carry all the items needed to supply our town's needs . While we DO need a local hardware store, we DO NOT need another medical building. The hardware store keeps residents in Los Gatos rather than going to a neighboring town & big box store to spend our money. A medical building will just bring in more people from other cities into Los Gatos only to increase traffic beyond the already suffocating level. Thank you for making sure your resident's voices are heard louder than the developers. Best , Cathleen & Grant Bannon 16828 Kennedy Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cathleen Bannon 415 .819 .1239 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Christina Olvera <c hristina.olvera10@yahoo.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 2:13 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I just read about a plan to demolish the building that houses Ace Hardware . I truly hope that this does not happen. Ace is a longtime staple in this town . They have amazing (small town) customer service and employ so many of ou r local teens . This town does not need one more giant modern office building. We need to keep our sma ll town, and small businesses. Thank you, Christina Olvera Owner, Blvd Coffee Los Gatos And concerned resident Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Ms . Armer, Phoebe Wu <p hoebehwu@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 2:37 PM Jennifer Armer CD -18 -004 My name is Phoebe Wu, and I'm a Los Gatos resident in the Blossom Manor. I grew up here, and have recently returned home after attending university. I'm writing to ask to keep the zoning for Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd to stay . This particular Ace Hardware is reliable, convenient, and has incredibly helpful and friendly employees. The Ace Hardware on N. Santa Cruz Ave has never compared to the one on Los Gatos Blvd in terms of both product and customer service . There are already many medical buildings in Los Gatos, and I don't believe having another would be more advantageous to the town than keeping an establishment that aids an already loyal customer base with truly varied, versatile, and worthwhile projects . The fact that medical employees would be paid more than the current Ace employees is not enough of a reason for me to value a medical building over a hardware store--people have a variety of needs, and I would hope that a Los Gatos resident could satisfy most if not all of those needs within the town's borders . I will not be able to attend the public meeting on Wednesday afternoon because I will be at work, but please consider this one more voice in support of keeping Ace Hardware . Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Phoebe Wu Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Good day Ms. Armer Brian Heggen <bcsbh@aol.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 2:44 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware I am writing to request that the Ace Hardware at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd be saved . Even if the area is blitzed and a new structure goes up, perhaps it could be incorporated into the new building. It is very useful for those of us who live nearby to have that store. Of course , big money, including the increased taxes to the town , will overcome public opinion almost every time , Otherwise , th is would still be The Valley of the Heart's Delight instead of freeway land . But one can at least speak up. Thank you . Brian Heggen. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Comcast <angieanne@comcast.net > Saturday, September 08, 2018 2:50 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning Ace hardware From what I understand Ace Hardware and the remaining businesses are at risk of being demolished . We live less than a mile from this shopping center. We frequent Ace weekly and it is ALWAYS busy and thriving! He last thing this neighborhood and Los Gatos Blvd need is yet another large, two story office building. There are already multiple office buildings up for lease in Los Gatos we don't need another. Please consider the high traffic, convenient and neighborhood hardware store as an asset to the commun ity . It's literally a place where you meet your neighbors and see familiar faces . More construction in the area to create anothe r office building can't replace the town like feel Ace creates. Los Gatos prides itself on its town like, not city like, feel. Which is why Ace and it's shopping center should remain . Thanks for considering Angela Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Kipp Kramer < kippkramer@yahoo .com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 2:59 PM Jennifer Armer Carolyn Kramer Ace Hardware My wife and I are residents of 842 Cherrystone Drive in Los Gatos and we just heard from a friend of the possibility the land which Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Boulevard is located may be sold and Ace closed. We am very opposed to letting that happen . We've lived in LG for 30 years and we depend on Ace for parts and supplies to maintain our house. The houses in our neighborhood have been here a long time and Ace stocks parts which are not available elsewhere. Without Ace we would end up going much farther to Home Depot in Campbell or San Jose, spending money out of town and getting poor service. It is an essential business in our town and a service to many. We have more medical facilities than we need and they are creating a wall of buildings on the Boulevard that are closed on the weekends, not pedestrian friendly and generally not used by the general public for the much needed services and entertainment. Quite simply, the residents in this town can't possibly use all of the medical offices and it is creating traffic from people outside the area coming here for medical care. What we need are more services for the residents in this town and losing the local hardware store would be a huge blow to our community. We don't think our town's vision is to become a huge medical center in the South Bay and the trend seems to be leading in that direction with the risk of overbuilding of office and medical spaces along the Boulevard that could, quite frankly, become obsolete one day ... much like our auto dealerships . Then we would be stuck with a lot of empty office buildings! And top off what could be going in at the North 40, we can't imagine the impact of more office buildings. In addition, Ace provides a social community benefit, where like the local grocery stores , we end up seeing and talking to old friends and neighbors. Please do what you can to make sure we continue to have this much needed resource in our neighborhood and to protect our wonderful town! Thank you. Sincerely, Kipp and Carolyn Kramer Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Importance: Hello : Mary Alice Hall < mahall6@verizon .net > Saturday, September 08, 2018 3:58 PM Jennifer Armer Town Manager ACE hardware site High I read of your plans to erect a 2 story office building on the current site of ACE hardware, laundromat, and dry cleaners, plus one other office site. I have lived in the Carlton School area since 1966. ACE Hardware is an essential part of our neighborhood . We are a neighborhood, not an office complex area which will involve greatly increased traffic and congestion!!!. I have also used the dry cleaners and laundromat. Where is the closest laundromat? Where is a neighborhood hardware store? Your company is destructive and selfish as to our neighborhood setting which we have enjoyed for the past 50+ years . You are interest in money, money, money . You do not care one iota for the stores needed in our neighborhood!! Your goal is only money -and whatever you can do to obtain it. You do not care about the neighborhood! An office complex will destroy our essential neighborhood stores . Where else is a neighborhood hardware store? Leave ACE hardware, the cleaners, laundromat where they are!!! Respectfully, Mrs. M. Hall Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Maxine Granadino < itisapigsty@comcast.net> Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:10 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware site plan I know we are late to the discussion, but yikes, the size of the medical building being considered for the Ace Hardware site on Los Gatos Blvd is far too huge for the neighborhood . We are adamantly opposed to this, as well as sad to lose our great local store. Thank you, Maxine and Francisco Granadino Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Garrett Akahoshi <garrett.akahoshi@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:11 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I was sad to hear the news that the new land owners of the Ace Hardware site would like to redevelop it into office buildings . I'd like to voice my strong opposition to this. Our communities are losing their character . OSH lost its' battle and now Ace is facing the same future. We need neighborhood small businesses . We need businesses that care about their customers. We need a sense of community. What would be the goal of the city of Los Gatos to allow this redevelopment? It cannot be for the betterment of the community. If it is purely for the money, then there is nothing that would change the committee's mind. Please consider the needs of our community. We do not need more office buildings or box chain stores. Thank you for you consideration . Garrett Akahoshi Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ms. Armer and Los Gatos Council, Philip de Louraille < pkcyll@earthlink.net > Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:25 PM Jennifer Armer Council Rezoning of where ACE hardware near Lark Avenue is located. I will not be in town on September 12 so I will not be able to attend the meeting where it will be discussed that the zoning where ACE currently is located will be rezoned as Office . For the record, I oppose the rezoning . I go to that ACE store several times a week and will find it distressing to go somewhere else . Regards, Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer- Jennifer Riano <jennifer.riano@gmail.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:26 PM Jennifer Armer ACE property Please keep the property at the Carlton & Los Gatos Blvd. that is currently Ace Hardware standing as is . I don't want this neighborhood store to leave as we are weekly customers. Please keep in mind that we do NOT want more medical offices in this area . Congestion is a nightmare as is. Do NOT move forward with the changes suggested on the 9/12/18 agenda. Do not rezone. Please help keep Los Gatos as the small town feeling that we have grown to love . Stop allowing more growth of the medical offices!!!! Kind Regards, Jennifer Riano 100 Escobar Ave . Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Brian Balistreri < bbalistr@comcast.net > Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:27 PM Jennifer Armer PLEASE do not allow ACE Hardware to be rezoned and closed I am writing to encourage you to help avoid the re-zoning and closure of ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. There are very few places these days where one can find convenience and amazing service like we have all experienced from this ACE hardware over the years . I am a huge Amazon Prime member and user; however, when it comes to hardware and other household items, even I still head down to this ACE . Furthermore, I have always chosen ACE over both Home Depot and Lowes unless there are extreme circumstances. This ACE goes deep into the community. There have been countless times over the years that my kids have been in school where we have counted on ACE to get us through school projects and the many musical theatre sets that I and other parents volunteers have built. Please help keep our ACE open. Thank You! Brian Balistreri Resident and huge fan of ACE Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Judy <tbwinca@comcast.net > Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:53 PM Jennifer Armer 15330 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard I have reviewed the plans for 15330 -15300 Los Gatos Boulevard. Please do not rezoned the area. Please do not allow such a huge building with a height of 35 feet to be built at this location. I think the building would be better suited for San Jose . This building does not fit with the towns ambition of retaining small-town ambience . Judith Rogers Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab ·0 S Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Sir or madam: C. Byer <cabyer@gmail.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 5:20 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware I am writing in regards to the proposed demolition of Ace hardware. There are a lot of places in San Jose one can go to find huge office build i ngs . There are becoming increasingly fewer places to have views of the mountains. If the new owners of the property want to revitalize, that's ambitious. The plaza could use a face lift. What the town doesn't need is another giant glass office building and traffic that comes with it. Thank you Carlie Byer Jenn ifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Tessa Arguijo < arguijo@comcast.net > Saturday, Septembe r 08 , 2018 5:32 PM Jennifer Arme r CONCEP TUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD -18-00 4 PROJECT LOCATION : 1 5300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. APN 424 -17 -035 AND 424-17 -036. We'd like to voice our objections to the proposed development at 15300 -15330 Los Ga t os Blvd . The proposed project would increase the building size by four times the current one, a massive increase , and with a height allowance which will block the current views of the hills. The proposed usage for a medical building is not one we need another of in Los Gatos which has become saturated with this type of business, unlike the current tenant, Ace Hardware, which is one of only two hardware stores in town, the second of which (the downtown store) is v irtually inaccessible on weekends when there is beach traffic. Don't rezone this property for medical, please help keep Ace Hardware in our town. Thank you, Tessa & Allen Arguijo 16861 Fillmer Ave . Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Daniel Cooley <dcooley19@icloud .com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 5:47 PM Jennifer Armer Daniel Cooley Please do not let Los Gatos ... Please help, do not let Ace Hardware go away from Los Gatos Blvd and Lark Ave .. My name is Daniel Cooley and I have lived in Los Gatos since 1958. I was 5 when our family moved here to be near my Grandparents. I've attended Van Meter, R.J. Fisher, and Los Gatos High School, as has my daughter. Los Gatos has plenty of Medical Buildings, but we have only one true hardware store, Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Boulevard (sorry Rural Hardware, you used to be a fine hardware store-plus you are way on the other side of town). Personal matters will most likely keep me from attending the town council meeting on September 12th. Please note, I am for keeping Ace Hardware. Daniel Cooley-Homeowner/voter 15429 Benedict Ln. Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-472 -0625 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: sharin gathergood <s.janinegathergood@gmail.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 5:49 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware and surrounding area . Please, please do not allow this area to be rezoned . This area is already congested and will only get worse during and after North 40. Sutter Med is already a pain to get into with only one entrance and exit and having to u-turn at Trader Joes. I live on Garden Hill Dr. off of Lark and it''s already a pain @ Los Gatos Blvd and Gateway and Lark. Adding that 2nd med. center will only make that even more congested. Can't common sense be used in the decision process? This particular area can only sustain so much. I have lived in this area since 1956 and am dismayed by the direction "progress" has affected just this area alone. Please don"t make any worse . Please don"t rezone Ace Hardware center. Sinerely, Sharin Gathergood Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Alison Huber <eightsaddles@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08, 2018 5:52 PM Jennifer Armer the ACE ha rdware property When I heard OSH was being closed I almost fell over, because we use them a lot. Then I found out who was running that into the ground (thru Lowes), the former CEO of JCPenny. We all know what he did with that. With the news of OSH, immediately, you think of ACE, and thank goodness it's available as a good , local business, with knowledgeable staff, and plenty of convenient product. Also very close by and easy to park. So, thank goodness for ACE, right? . Well, I guess that's not the case any more. It's bad enough t hat ACE may also be gone, but the fact that you are hav i ng to make any kind of decision on ANOTHER bunch of homes or medical building or office building. I would like, for once, for you to stand up for the ordinances that we have in place and deny anything that will make this city into a more m iserab le place than it has already become . I'm not even opposed to an medical building because at least it's only duri ng bus i ness hour s, but the thought of the developer making use of EVERY SQUAR E INCH , and going higher than they should be allowed is mind blowing at this point. The north 40 and it's stupid "agrarian" (NOT) architecture, is a complete joke. Traffic and now crime is disturbing in our city! I hope you only allow a normal size building of some kind if that's what it comes to. I can tell you that when I go work at 5 am and get on the freeway at Lark, Netflix looks like a cruise ship. Apparently, no one believes in saving energy i n that behemoth, and it looks COMPLETELY OUT OF PLACE ! I feel like I am suffocating, and being swallowed up by tall buildings built up to the sidewalk. Everyone acts li ke the natural resources that we have are absolutely endless . How sad . Sincerely, Al ison Huber Jennife r A r mer From: Sent: T o: Subject: Jay Marcorelle <jaye15770@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 6:00 PM Jennifer Armer Opposed to the property rezoned for an 80 ,000 square foot medical bu i lding . Dear Planning Commission , As a Los Gatos resident I just want to cast my vote agains this project. I am totally opposed to this rezoning , I fell that the buildi ng is too ambitious for that area and would tremendously increase the tra ffic especially w ith the north 40 project going in. Let's not loose the special charm of Los Gatos by makin g it another San Jo se . J. Marcorelle Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Chuck Horn <chuck@isyseng .com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 6:09 PM Jenn ife r Armer Ace hardware Please don't allow a new development to take away our ace store. This store is a valuable asset to our community Thanks Sent from my iPhone Je nnifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear LG planning Dept., travelcat8@gmail.com Saturday, September 08, 2018 6:51 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware Please please please keep ACE Hardware! We love the store . It provides jobs and also convenient hardware store that's local to the LG commun ity (unlike the not so complete store on Main). Having a local store and not to have to drive around far for any home fixing projects r eally helps . I'm currently on an injury that prevents me from driving, so I have friends to drive me around the neighborhood for my needs and I'm thankful that ACE is close by instead of having to drive further to Campbell. Please reconsider. We have enough health centers and tall buildings around. Thank you ~o Regards, Berlina University Avenue Resident in Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: sholtslander@yahoo.com Saturday, September 08 , 2018 6:57 PM Jennifer Armer Adios Ace Hardware on LG Blvd? We need a hardware store in town that is accessible 7 days a week by us Eastsiders. The downtown Ace is cut off from us by the beach traffic on nice beach weekends. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: James Hamm <jnchamm@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08, 2018 6:58 PM Jenn ifer Armer Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd . I am strongly opposed to the property that includes Ace Hardware being demolished in order to build an office building. Ace Hardware is an important part of our community and especially so si nce Orchard Supply stores are closing. Offices can be anywhere but hardware stores need to be where people live who need what they offer. Don 't allow this to happen! Claudia Hamm 5477 Blossom Dale Dr . San Jose, CA 95124 A long-time customer of Ace Hardware! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: sholtslander@yahoo .com Saturday, September 08 , 2018 7:05 PM Jennifer Armer Keep LG Blvd Ace I go there frequently, like weekly, for house stuff. The downtown Ace is cut off from us eastside residents by the beach traffic gridlock. Getting to the nearest Home Depot is a trek. We need the Ace . Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer Fr om: Sent: To: Subject: Louise Roon < louiseroon@gmai l.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 7:12 PM Jennife r Armer Ace Hardware I have lived in Los Gatos for more than 30 years and I am sure that I visit Ace at least once every other weekend for something I need. It is just what Los Gatos used to be known for -a locally owned business where a customer could get wonderful service as well as just what was needed. I do appreciate Home Depot for some things, but Ace cannot be replaced in my mind. Do you also realize just how many high school students they employ giving them thei r first experi ence with the work world. There are already too many large office buildings dotting our major streets . Keep the local hardware store -it is a gem. Louise Roon Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dieu Brown <dieubr0wn@yahoo.com> Saturday, September 08, 2018 7:20 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware Update My name is Oieu Brown. I live at 268 Carlton Ave. We shop at Ace several times a week. I would like to know who makes decisions that effect our neighborhood without us knowing or having a say? Thank you, Dieu 408-219-7149 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Travis Hsu Engelman <engelman .travis@gmail.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 8:03 PM Planning@losgatos.gov; Jennifer Armer 15300 Los Gatos blvd -comment Hi Jennifer -I j ust heard about this re-zoning. This neighborhood does not need anoth medical building removing the soul of the neighborhood. ACE , or some other neighborhood business will help us maintain a neighborhood feel ... as Panama has done. All I see now are medical buildings and urgent ce nters. Please don 't allow another one to come up at this moment. Travis Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: christine hej manowski < outlook_65CB3 B67FD47050A@outlook.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 8:27 PM Jennifer Armer No more development please The congestion on Los Gatos Blvd. is already heavy due to Lark feeding folks onto and off of 17 /880. Why do we need another office bldg .. when I see so many empty. How about adding a nice family restaurant which is sorely needed in this area that has ample parking and not like that fiasco where Panera is located now. I avoid going there due to the tight and often non-existent parking as people from the surrounding area park there all day while at work. Please rethink use of this site as we need less high density buildings . Regards Christine Hejmanowski Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: donnaleadorsey@gmail.com Saturday, September 08 , 2018 8:44 PM Jennifer Armer ACE HARDWARE I shop all the time at ACE . please don't let the property be rezoned . I love the customer service of the ACE . I don 't like Home Depot. It's huge and impersonal. And do we really need another medical building?? Sent from my iPhone - God 's Blessings , Donna Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Linda <lsherry@aol.com > Saturday, Septembe r 08 , 2018 9:24 PM Jennifer Armer Keep Ace Hardware Do not lose our community hardwa r e store . The need for anothe r large medical building is absolutely not necessary . They exist everywhere already. The town council likes to pride itself on its sense of community. It is ironic to me tha t the town's values wou ld demonstrate itself in taking down small, fam ily r un bu si nesses . Please consider keeping our views of the mountains and our love of a friendly store, before you vote . Tha n k you, Linda Sherry 16520 Inglewood Ave., Los Gatos, 95032 Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To : Subject: Barbara Naden <bnaden@me.com > Saturday, September 08, 2018 9:50 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning Please do not rezone the buildings in the area that include ACE hardware to be usable as medical buildings. I have lived here over thirty years and love this town for many reasons . One is the diversity of businesses - I don't have to travel far to get all my basic needs met. This is the only hardware store and laundromat that are easily accessible by car. The hardware store especially is somewhere I shop almost every week. I visit my med ical professionals one time per year and don't mind driving to Mountain View . Please don't rezone this teeny mall. Thank you for listening. Barbara Naden 16245 Jacaranda Way Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, Philip Knopf < pwknopf@yahoo.com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 10:22 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware proposed rezoning I am writing to oppose the proposed rezoning of the LG Ace Hardware property. This business is a valuable asset to the Town of Los Gatos. One only needs to observe the number of people that patronize this hardware store to see the value of this business. If we lose this business, it would require a drive to a Home Depot in San Jose or Campbell with the sales tax revenue leaving Los Gatos. There are a lot of Medical Office buildings in the area but only one hardware store I am asking you and the planning dept to leave the zoning as is. Regards Phil Knopf 17400 E. Vineland Ave 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Robert Petrokas <petrokas@ix.netcom .com > Saturday, September 08 , 2018 11 :28 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Re Zoning We are totally opposed to re-zoning the the Ace Hardware property on Los Gatos Blvd and Carlton for a two story · medical building. The town has a plethora of medical office buildings, but only this one Hardware store to serve us folks in East Los Gatos. Placing an office building on this site will not only be an inconvenience, it will require more driving adding to an already intolerable traffic situation in town . Do your job and say no to this bad idea. Stick with the current zoning requirements. Robert and Judith Petrokas 14851 Las Flores Lane Los Gatos, CA 95032 Bob Petrokas Los Gatos, CA 408-438-8245 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms Armer, Lori Day <lday4family@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 2:50 AM Jennifer Armer Planning@losgatos.gov Ace Hardware We are writing to you to ask that the request to build a new office building replacing Ace Hardware and other businesses be denied . Ace Hardware is an important part of our community as a business and employer of our local teens. Each of the bus i nesses in this location are needed in East Los Gatos and improve the quality of life and small town feel of our corner of the Town. The amount of traffic that would be generated by a 80,000 square foot building in an already busy location, not to mention the building of the North Forty down the street will make Los Gatos Blvd and Carlton an impossible road to drive down. Please let's keep some of our charm and not turn into Los Angeles. Regards, Lori and Chris Day 204 Dover St Los Gatos 95032 19 year residents of Los Gatos Sent from my iPad Jenni fe r A rm er Fr om: Sent: To: Subject: Re: CD-18-004 Dear Ms. Armer, Robin Wu <roppy@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 8:33 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware = Commun ity Please allow Ace Hardware to remain in town and do not rezone the land for a medical/office building! Ace is a part of the Los Gatos community. Over the years, we and our neighbors have made thousands of trips to Ace, on foot, by bicycle, or by car if the project is big. Ace prides itself on being a neighborhood shop with plenty of assistance for even the least handy of us. Elderly neighbors shop there, secure in the knowledge that someone will help them in the store and then load their purchase into their car. This kind of patient, customer-focused service for all is nonexistent at the hardware megastores. From the Chamber of Commerce website: "(Los Gatos) remains unique among the cities of Silicon Valley for its strong sense of its own character." Please retain a portion of our small- town character by allowing Ace Hardware to remain at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. Our community relies on it! Sincerely, Robin Wu Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sondra Garcia <sondralgarcia@yahoo.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:33 AM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware and town development The town council is shooting itself in the foot and stabbing citizens in the back by planning yet another medical building and eliminating the convenience and charm of stores like Ace Hardware . What's the motivation? Certainly not to retain the beauty and uniqueness of Los Gatos that keeps our home values so high and makes this town such a blessing to live in . We already have enough medical buildings and snarled traffic, especially on this stretch of road!! This plan is very short-sighted if the motivation is to generate tax revenue. People will begin to move and house values will not continue to rise if the town loses its charm and the streets are so crowded that we experience gridlocked traffic. Furthermore, a town must have the basics like a hardware store or it becomes more like a bedroom community. We may not be Mayberry, but at least let us stay the Los Gatos that has made generations of families want to live here. Sondra Garcia 16271 Azalea Way Los Gatos 95032 408-655 -3810 Sent from my iPhone. Sondra Garcia (408) 656-3810 sondralgarcia@yahoo.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, Carol Sowolla <napkinring@aol.com> Sunday, September 09 , 2018 9:42 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware space on Los Gatos Blvd I would like to let you know thatl would like to keep Los Gatos a town with some smaller businesses that serve the community. A new huge medical building in this space does not do that. I also thought I saw that the town was not approving any more medical buildings? Thank you, Carol Sowolla I have lived here 30 years . Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Stephanie Young <s teph2870@aol.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 10:49 AM Jennifer Armer; Council Subject: Keep ACE Hardware Please consider the following . My family and I live close to this ACE Hardware and use it multiple times a month -to see if go would be a shame and a bigger shame would be to see a large 2-story building :( Keep local business alive and well in Los Gatos. How does this development fit the specific plan? It is not providing goods and services to benefit the north end of Los Gatos. We have enough medical build ings this side of town . ACE Hardware is needed and is used by local residence continually throughout the day 7 days a week. Let 's keep longtime local owners in town! Thank you for your time, Stephanie & Robert Young Los Gatos Almaden Residents for the past 6 years Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Kristy Hawley <khawley.sos@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 10:55 AM Jennifer Armer Subject: Please keep Ace Hardware!!! Please keep the ACE property zoned commercial and do not change it to zoned office . We need ACE hardware in our ti owners.We encourage you to say no to any more growth on the LG Blvd . until after the North 20 is built and occupied how that is affecting Los Gatos residence who live in northern Los Gatos . How does this development fit the specific plan? It is not providing goods and services to benefit the north end of Lo5 side of town . ACE Hardware is needed and is used by local residence continually throughout the day 7 days a week . L, Sincerely, local resident, Kristy and James Hawley Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Teresa Bonner <teresab39.3@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 11:13 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware has to stay ! I write to you today to urge you to consider the impact that losing ACE Hardware will have on the commun ity. I have been a resident of Los Gatos since 1990. My husband has been a resident since 1967. We are both actively involved in our community. ACE Hardware is a part of that community. It is a treasure that you wo uld never be able to replace. I grew up in the Valley of Hearts Delight. Yes, that's what this valley used to be called . I vis ited many local hardware stores as a child that no longer exist. ACE Hardware is the type of store my parents and grandparents would have shopped in . It is a store that is a vital hub to the community. It is where neighbors go to find just about ANYTHING they could need for their home improvements. BEST yet is the fact that they also provide top notch customer service . ACE also provides a great place for our young people to gain work experience. Experience that teaches them the value of customer service. Something that is sorely lacking in many if not most stores . Why would the town want its citizens to leave Los Gatos to find their home improvement needs? Why wou ld the town want us to turn to the corporate giant like Amazon to buy a lightbulb? Los Gatos does NOT need another medical building. What we NEED is to support local , small business . What we need is to listen to its community members and not buy into these large corporate developers that don't care about our town. This is a TOWN, not a city. We need to preserve our small, independent businesses, not drive them out. I urge you to do whatever can be done to keep ACE Hardware and other small local businesses where they are . In our Town! Teresa Bonner Los Gatos Resident Los Gatos Elementary School District Educator Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Robin Strothers < rstrothers@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 11 :16 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware My husband and I would like to let the town know that we are against the tear down of ACE Hardware building to put up a new medical building. We have enough medical buildings out in that area . We need at least two hardware stores in this town, and the present owners have done a wonderful job at keeping this store open for all the residents in Los Gatos . :How many medical buildings do we need? Th is is a terrible idea. Thank you, Robin and Buz Strothers Residents for 70 years. All our lives. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Lisa Carr <lisacarr@me.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 11:19 AM Jennifer Armer; Cou ncil Pis Prevent LG Blvd Development at ACE Dear Jennifer and Los Gatos Town Council , Thank you, We encourage you to say no to any more growth on LG Blvd. until after the North 20 is built and occupied so the town can do a new traffic study to see how it's affecting residents in northern Los Gatos . We have enough medical buildings this side of town. ACE Hardware is needed and is used by local residence continually throughout the day, 7 days a week. Let's keep longtime local owners and useful business in town! Lisa Carr-Goudy & Don Goudy 14555 Clearview Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-839 -6324 lisacarr@ m e.com Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: -----Forwarded Message ----- donna gray <donna_gray2003@yahoo.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 11:45 AM Jennifer Armer Fw: Ace From: donna_gray2003 <donna_gray2003@yahoo .com> To: "jarner@losgatosca.gov" <jarner@losgatosca .gov> Sent: Sunday, September 9 , 2018 , 11 :07 :53 AM PDT Subject: Ace I am so upset that the town would even consider c los ing Ace in favor of another unnecessary medical building . Ace has always been my go to place . There are very few projects I can complete around the house without making one or two or sometimes three runs to Ace . Ace has what I need and has the peop le to help m e f ind it. Please let Ace stay in Los Gatos. It is what we need, not another medical build in g. Thank you, Donna Gray Sent from my Galaxy Tab'§) S2 I am so upset that the town would even consider closing Ace in favor of ano ther unnecessary medical building . Ace has always been my go to place . There a re very few projects I can complete around th e house without making one or two or sometimes three runs to A ce . Ace has what I need and has the people to help me find it. Please let Ace sta y in Los Gatos. It is wha t we need , not another medical building . T hank you , Donna Gray Sent from my Galaxy Tab® S2 j G ::. ·:] Viru s-free . 1,vww .avg.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: William Linder <scoper123@aol.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 11:53 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Jennifer: I just want to add my objection to the unnecessary construction of an 80000sf medical office building or any not needed medical buildings on the Ace property. Thank you, Dr William Linder Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Carleen < carleen_schomberg@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 12:43 PM Jennifer Armer proposed development at Gateway and L.G. Blvd To the planning commission and town council, I just looked at the proposed development on L.G. Blvd and Gateway Dr. I am incredulous about how our town government seems oblivious to the horrendous traffic problems that are impacting those of us who live here. This development would have negative impacts on us in many ways. We are already experiencing terrible traffic jams at certain periods of the day, but when the 300+ homes in the first phase of the North Forty development go in, we will be sitting in traffic for prolonged periods of time just to go a couple miles. Almost no one even considers the additional pollution to the air from additional traffic. With a bldg. of that size, even if they provide underground parking, I am certain people will be parking in front of homes on Carlton just to avoid the underground parking. I know because when I am faced with a large underground garage or street parking, I always opt to park on the street to avoid the fumes. Then, there is the issue of local residents having to either travel many more miles by car for basic hardware needs because they can't get to the only other hardware store nearby due to the congestion and lack of parking by Rural Supply. So that adds more traffic to other, already crowded, highways . If one more multi-storied, high density bldg. is added to what used to be our nice neighborhood, we are going to be priced-out and crowded-out of the home we have occupied for forty+ years . It's really beginning to feel like no one actually cares what the people who live here feel or think. Carleen Schomberg One block off the Blvd. (and a native of L.G.) No more large medical buildings south of 85 please! I see you did some planning in Rio Vista -my mother in law lives t here so I may have seen some of your handiwork. Jay Lucke 101 Anne Way Jen ni fer A r mer From: Sent: T o: Subject: Hello, Marczak, Marianne <mmarczak@crateandbarrel.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 1:02 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Store I was shocked to see the posted notice in my local Ace store in Los Gatos the other day . I am sad , upset, and dismayed to hear that yet another office/medical center is attempting to rob our town of it's local flavor . Ace hardware has provided years of dedicated and necessary service to its residents. Whether a "Weekend Warrior" or a Contractor trying to make a living, we have come to rely on our local hardware store for so many of our needs . Real people work there are genuinely interested in helping you and starting a conversation with you. You cannot find that at the big box home improvement stores . This is NOT ok. And now, what about Mom's Laundromat? They have a thriving business . Where will all of those people go? Will they cram into the laundromat near the DMV? Are they even still there? The Dry Cleaners??? This has to stop. We absolutely do not need more offices and medical buildings in Los Gatos . Good Sam is right around the corner! Please save Ace Hardware, Mom's Laundromat and the Dry Cleaners from the travesty that looms. Sincerely, Marianne Marczak Los Gatos resident Marianne Marczak Fu rnitu re Sales Associate Santana Row, #404 301 Santana Row San Jo se, CA 95128 W 408-247-0600 This email and any attachment s may contain information that is priv il eged . confidential and/or s ubject to attorney/client privilege, attorney work pr0duct . intP.llec lt;al property or other protections . It you hav e received this email \n error. please delete the message and any attachm ents and notify the sender immed1 al ely. Pl e,i sr; do net dissrem:na te, copy or clrstrib ute \h!S information. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Susan Sommer <ss_ds@verizon .net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 1:04 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware Site Proposal My wife and I are long time residents of Los Gatos and are frequent customers of Los Gatos Ace Hardware, Orchid Dry Cleaners and occasionally the laundromat on that site. These business' provide excellent service to those of us living on the east side of Town and are indeed a huge community asset. All of the mentioned operations are well run with knowledgeable, helpful employees. In fact Ace provides the first employment to many young people in our community. They are also a long time contributor to our schools, local Scout Groups , and nonprofits such as the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad. They are always willing to help when called upon. They are a valuable part of the tapestry woven into Los Gatos, and their forced closing would be a loss would be a loss from which this area could not recover. We are absolutely opposed to changing the zoning required to allow development of another medical complex. The owners of the above mentioned firms must be allowed to remain. Doug and Susan Sporleder 16331 Oleander Avenue Los Gatos CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer: Erica Cummings <erica .cummings@icloud .com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 1:24 PM Jennifer Armer Support for Ace Hardware Please add me as a person in support of keeping Ace Hardware at Lark and Los Gatos Blvd instead of an office building . It's a very useful business and they are always helpful when I go there. It would be a shame to lose such a friendly and helpful neighborhood business . Best, Erica Cummings 14711 Golf Links Drive Los Gatos 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello , Dani Hinsche <dhinsche@me .com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 1:29 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware I love ACE Ha rdware and shop there on a regular basis for suppl ie s I need for my home. We do not have a nother store in LG that offers the same service , not even Rura l Supply downtown . Please keep the ACE property zoned commercia l and do not change it to zoned office . We need ACE hardware in our town . We need to support our local store owners. We encourage you to say no to any more growth on the LG Blvd . until after the North 20 is built and occup ie d so the town can do a new traffic study and see how that is affecting Los Gatos residence who live in northern Los Gatos . T he traffic is already horrendous at the Ga teway/Lo s Gatos Blvd. intersection and the Lark Avenue/Los Gatos Blvd . intersect ion and this is without the North 40 traffic . This area cannot accommodate nor handle one more large medical building . When the PAMF building was approved there was to be space for retail/commercial a n d this never happened. If anything is to go in this lo t it needs to be one story and much smaller than 80 ,000 square feet and provide goods and service for local residences . Campbell was smart enough to say no to In and Ou t Burger that intended to build on Hamilton across from Home Depot. WE can say no to Sandhi ll Developers and any growt h at this time . Thank you for your consideration. Kind regards, Dani Hinsche 408-332-8651 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Whom it May Concern: Elke Billingsley <elke.billingsley@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 1:44 PM Council; Jennifer Armer ACE development -for Sept. 12 meeting I am opposed to new medical offices being built at the current ACE Hardware location . The ACE store is the only hardware store on the east sid e of Los Gatos . It is a needed community store, especially even more so now that OSH is closing. We do not shop at the hardware store in downtown Los Gatos due to traffic, especially during the summer. If ACE leaves , this means our sales tax revenue will go to San Jose or Campbell. The service at ACE ha s always been helpful and they are a reliable source of employment for our high school stude nts. I think there are plenty of medical offices on Los Gatos Blvd alrea dy and the traffic back -up at Lark is already very heavy during comm ute times. Last week before 4pm, I was i n the left la ne to turn left onto Lark and was stopped as far back as the McDonald 's because so man y peop le were cutting over to turn left. I think developing the corner at Los Gatos Blvd. and Los Gatos-Almaden would be a better site for something new . It has been vacant for many years. This seems like a better location t ha n tearing down a fun ctional store at the ACE site. It would also create less t raffic impact as it is further from La r k Avenue. Thank you, Elke Billingsley Bonnie Lane , Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sincerely, Debbie Debbie Moessinger <dmoessinger@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 2:32 PM Jennifer Armer Leave Ace Alone!!!! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Renee Munshi < rmunshi@garlic.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 2:43 PM Jennifer Armer 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard We're writing about the proposal to develop 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard. We're Los Gatos residents who shop frequently at the Ace Hardware at that location . We would really miss it if it were gone . It has a great variety of products and very helpful and friendly salespeople and cashiers . Additionally, the store emp loys local high school students. It's shocking to read that the Ace Hardware owners signed a 10-year lease earlier this year only to be blindsided by this proposal now. We agree with others that Los Gatos does not need another medical office building. In addition to all the newly constructed medical office buildings in town, it seems we have plenty of other available commercial space that could possibly be used for medical offices. Please leave Ace Hardware as it is. Sincerely, Adil and Renee Munshi 471 Wraight Ave ., Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc : Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Mcneilds < mcneilds@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 3:09 PM Jennifer Armer Doug McNeil; Mike Bridges ; Jessica Eastland ; doublee7300@aol.com; anne@anne4pt.com ; Sutton Roley Jr.; Kaitlinlouisel2@aol.com Rezoning of Ace Hardware We have recently learned of the upcoming Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting on September 12, during which there will be a discussion regarding rezoning the property on Los Gatos Blvd currently housing Ace Hardware, dry cleaners, etc. We are unable to attend the meeting, and therefore are emailing our comments regarding this proposal. The current retail zoning brings tax revenue to the city and the business housed there bring key services to the citizens of Los Gatos, Monte Sereno and the surrounding communities. As the large, big box hardware stores continue to command the market, one by one the smaller, family owned, local business are struggling to stay open and provide another type of experience for their customers, with more personal service. The rural Ace store downtown importantly focuses on rural, farm supplies and a smaller amount of other basic hardware supplies, unlike the uptown store with its expanded inventory. There is an important need for both in this town, especially since it is impossible to get to the downtown location on the weekends with the gridlocked traffic! Medical services are important, but one by one we are losing our small businesses to make room for more medical, all to the detriment of our residents. We are forced to go outside of our town to make our purchases and give our tax revenue to surrounding towns. This does not make sense! We must keep a mix of businesses. The Ace owners want to keep their store open. If we must add more medical building, then we need to look for another area . Please do not approve the rezoning of this parcel! Thank you for your consideration, Sherri & Doug McNeil 17413 Pleasant View Ave Monte Sereno Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve Stav is <SStavis887@aol.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 3:18 PM Jennifer Armer Council@losgatoca.gov; rrennie@losgoatoca.gov; Steven Leonardis ; mjensemn@losgatosca .gov; bspector@losgatosca.gover; Marice Sayoc ACE Hardware Location It's unbelievable to even think of constructing an 80,000 SF office building on the current location of Ace Hardware. How much more of a traffic bottleneck do you wish to create? Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Yumi Hiroshima <yumi.hiroshima@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 3:25 PM Jennifer Armer Council Please Keep ACE Hardware! I am writing with an urgent appeal to please keep the ACE Hardware property zoned commercial instead of changing it to zoned office. We need ACE hardware in our town and we need to support our local store owners even more . Thank you for listening. Yumi Hiroshima Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer <GPrice21@aol.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 3:34 PM Jennifer Armer Please Don 't Close Ace Hardware! Apologies for misspelling your name in our previous post, Ms. Armer. (the message is still the same) Jennifer and JB Price Los Gatos Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, francine principe <francinep128@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 3:48 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning@losgatos.gov Proposed development at Ace Hardware site Please count me and my husband as opposed to development of this site for a medical building. For a town that touts support of locally owned retail businesses, this action does not address what the Council has vocalized all these years. Ace is a staple for many with a huge variety of hard to find items and excellent customer service which is non-existent elsewhere. We have an abundance of medical facilities in this area (I'm sure you know them all being a planner) and with the North 40 development the traffic will be far worse than it already is. We vote NO on development at this intersection. Thank you for your time, :Francine Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jane Goldbach <jaubach@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 3:51 PM Jennifer Armer Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marice Sayoc REZONING ACE HARDWARE LOCATION Fifty years ago my husband and I moved there to raise our family . I recently downsized to Willow Glen as I didn't need the large home anymore. I am still very often in Los Gatos for both business and pleasure When we moved there, and for MANY years, Los Gatos residents and government sa i d how important it was to keep the special place that was Los Gatos, and not become just another part of the San Jose sprawl. Here is yet another step in Los Gatos being just another district of San Jose as is Willow Glen , wh i ch used to be unique as well. Traffi c is absurd now on Los Gatos Blvd ., is about to become impassable with the deve lopment of the North 40, and with yet more office space causing more troff ic , no one is going to consider anything as unique about Los Gatos -- with the exception of the non-movable lines of traffi c. If this all passes, I hope you all "enjoy" still living in this "unique town" which might as well just change it 's name to San Jose. Jane Goldbach Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms . Armer: Marc C Whyte <marc_whyte@usa .net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 3:56 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; msvoc@losgatosca.gov Ace Hardware shopping center The shopping center where Ace Hardware is located should NOT be rezoned to build an office building. Los Gatos does not need another office or medical building. The town of Los Gatos needs to continue to support its local small businesses and keep the charm it is noted for. I have lived in Los Gatos for over 20 years and I hate to see it lose its charm as a quaint little town that has its local small businesses that all of us support. Ace Hardware and that center has been a great supporter to serving this town and its residences for over 30 years. Do the right thing and turn down this proposal. Sincerely, Marc C. Whyte 408.966.5738 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Patty Linder <patty4282@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 4:01 PM Jennifer Armer Council ; Rob Rennie ; Steven Leonardis ; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc ACE Hardware at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd I am dismayed to learn you are considering re-zoning the property where ACE Hardware is located, and I think the community needs a good hardware store as much as office space . I believe in supporting local merchants and business people, not big box stores, and I drive to Los Gatos every weekend to do so, at some trouble (especially in the summertime). ACE Hardware is right on the way home, so is actually more convenient than the ACE Hardware in Willow Glen (which is closing, because it lost its lease). As far as I know it's also among the last local independent hardware stores, as OSH is closing; the ACE on Santa Cruz is too out of the way for me . Please do not re -zone the property at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. Regards, Patty Linder 839 Bend Avenue San Jose CA 95136-1804 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Trina Ha <trinaha@yahoo.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 4:13 PM Jennifer Armer Please Save Ace I am a resident of Los Gatos on Kennedy Rd . We have many medical buildings in our town, not to mention hospitals as well. I do not want to see our long standing Ace Hardware store close down. I hope you will take the concerns of the residents into consideration . Thank you, Trina Ha Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Don & Kathy <adonkathy@aol.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 4:21 PM Jennifer Armer Planning Ace Hardware Please think Los Gatos and the citizens who live here when voting on possibly changing the zoning on the property where Ace Hardware is located. Please vote to keep the zoning as it now is and save Ace Hardware. The citizens of Los Gatos need to come first before any developer or out of state owner. You represent the town and its future -Please care enough to at least save this small part of our town . Sincerely, Kathy Anderson Foster Rd. Los Gatos Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jan Schwartz <jsourhilltop@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 4:35 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am w r iting in support of retaining some of the historic and home-town feel of Los Gatos with our trusted and helpful businesses . Ace is one of the local-feeling (in spite of Ace being a chain) and home -supporting businesses in our downtown. Medical offices are useful and necessary, but they do not have to be on a main street easily accessible from town parking. The location near the post office is convenient and helps encourage walk-in and walk-around-town traffic that adds to the character of Los Gatos. They are friendly and helpful, and an asset to the whole town . Please keep our hardware store where it is! Thank you, Jan Schwartz 15966 Cerro Vista Dr. Los Gatos, 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer Armer, Dena Crawford <dnadance@earthlink.net> Sunday , September 09, 2018 4:41 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware We are so upset at the potential to close our much beloved ACE hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd . Our fam ily is in this store for all sorts of things almost every week from garden supplies, salt for the softener, pest contro l, cle ani ng supplies, garbage bags, tools, sprinkler repair, air filters .... really the list is very long . Our family wou ld be extremely disappointed if you closed a very bright spot of our town . The folks i n this store are so helpful and friendly. They hire local youth, they always have advice and help. I really think they are irreplaceable . Now, I am sure a medical office building would be quite lucrative for t he developers who have their eye on r ezon i ng this property, but honestly we don't need another med ical building. The whole corridor of Los Gatos Blvd is ridiculously full of med ical office buildings. I don't think we need more . In a one block ar ea near ACE there are at least two urgent ca r e centers. My husband went to one recently and they took his money, billed his insurance knowing they couldn't help him as no one was there to do an ultrasound for a suspected DVT at 2pm i n the afternoon despite the fact they said they could . After many hours, they sent him to the ER at Good Sam . No val ue at all in having two Urgent Cares if they can't provide an urgent service! So I say please NO MORE MEDICAL buildings! Almost as bad as all the nail salons! Also despite all the new medical office space neither my husband and I can find a good primary care doctor. If we continue adding medical office buildings at the clip we are, you will have to ren ame Los Gatos to El Sickos because it would seem we need a lot of care in LG by how many medical offices there are. We just are not seeing the value in these new offices. Now ACE is necessary and not a dime a dozen. It is a bright spark in our town. It is a business that gives our town a sense of community and provides a very important service. I really don't think they are replaceable and hope you will not rezone this property or approve it to change to yet another unneeded medical office building. Sincerely, Dena & Rod Crawford, 15534 Longwood Drive, LG Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To the Town of Los Gatos, Ga i l Weeker <gailweeker@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 4:52 PM Jenn ifer Armer SAVE ACE HARDWARE I have lived in Los Gatos for over 30 years and have always supported our local Ace Hardware. I am sick at the thought that a big company might take over the land and space for another medical build i ng . I love this store and support it with purchases almost weekly. So many large companies are coming to our unique and small town turning it into yet another common city. Please hear our voices and vote to maintain the integrity of our small community by supporting our local Ace Hardware. Gail Weeker Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Maletic < mike@maletic.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 4:57 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I'm writing to oppose re-zoning of the ACE hardware site to a medical office . It's extremely convenient to have the store nearby, and not to have to fight traffic and parking to go to the downtown store , or go into San Jose to one of the Big Box hardware retailers. Also , we really don 't need any more medical offices in town. We have enough , and we shouldn't be replacing services for our community with medical offices that serve the needs of non-residents . thanks for your consideration, Mike Maletic 16212 Kenned Road Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer- Ed Winn <ecvwinn @comcast.net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 4:57 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I'd like to add my vote for retaining the Ace Hardware Store on LG Blvd . It is important to our community. We do not need another medical office at this location . It will really detract from the small town community ambience we all treasure . Ed Winn 20 Peralta Ave . 4083546611 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: charlie pratt <charliepratt1975@yahoo.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:03 PM Jennifer Armer Closing the ACE Hardware Sto re Please let the town council know that I am opposed to the rezoning of the property where the ACE Hardware store is currently located . This would result in the closing of the ACE Hardware store which has well served the Los Gatos commun ity for many years . Other than greed and profit for the developer, I can not come up with any good reasons to rezone this property. Goodness knows we have more than enough medical buildings. Charl ie Pratt 354 Bean Avenue Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Jerry Snyder < snydergu itar@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:05 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware ACE Hardware should not be forced out of Los Gatos . There is always plenty of parking and the staff is very he l pful. The ACE downtown is privately owned and doesn 't accept my Ace savings . With Orchard Supp ly going out, we need to keep this great store in Los Gatos. Jerry Snyder 43 years in Monte Sereno Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: mary kairis <marykairis@hotmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:07 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware Please do not change the zoning so that ANOTHER medical bu i lding can be built where our longtime ACE HARDWARE IS LOCATED!!!!!! We need our hardware store ! Mary Kairis Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Gail Weeker <gweeker@lgusd .org > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:08 PM Jennifer Armer SAVE ACE HARDWARE I work with our Los Gatos Union School District and have been a huge supporter of Ace Hardware for years. This Ace Hardware staff is often made up of our local students which gives us a sense of great pride that our students are given the opportun ity to gain valuable work experience right here in town where their families and teachers shop. Please know that we fully support keeping the intimate relationship that a local store offers to the community. We do not want another office building , medial or otherwise . Please help us keep our Ace Hardware, support our community. Best, Gail Speech and Language Pathologist Blossom Hill Elementary Van Meter Elementary (408) 335-2318 Jennifer Armer From : Sent: To: Subj ect: Ms Armer, LOTUS MAHON <d r.l otus.mahon@co mc ast.net > Su nday, September 09 , 201 8 5:15 PM Je n nife r Arme r Sa nd Hill Prope rties and ACE Hardw are I am a baby boomer. When I was a little girl elementary, middle , and high schools were being built everywhere. After several decades those schools were abandoned, re-purposed for adult education , or torn down and replaced with housing developments. Now office and medical buildings are going up everywhere. For years I enjoyed the beautiful meadow that Hwy 17 passed through on the way to Santa Cruz. Then Seagate came in and placed giant office buildings. They used them for a while , then abandoned them . I'm sure they have been re-purposed , but that beautiful meadow is gone forever. Urbanization may be a natural part of growth and development in a community, but if the actual needs of the community are overlooked, the community is destroyed. As a health care provider I know medical buildings are always needed. More offices, however, are not. And as a baby boomer, I know that in another few decades, the need for all these medical buildings will decline. The ACE Hardware currently located at this site has served our community for many decades. They are integral to the fabric of our community. Personally I go there at least once a week. They are local, friendly, and very much needed . Home Depot is not local or friendly and cannot provide what th is ACE provides for our community. Replacing this ACE Hardware with medical/office buildings will harm our community and contribute to it's decay. Let Sand Hill Properties find somewhere e lse to place more medical buildings. I have been using this ACE hardware store for decades . It is a very important part of our community. Please protect it and keep it in our community!!! Lotus L. M ahon, DDS dr.lotus.m ahon@comcast.net (408 ) 859-8333 Thoughts be come things ... choose good ones ! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Alan Walendowski <walendo@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 5:16 PM Jennifer Armer Please don't force Ace Hardware to close !! Hi, I'm a resident of 95124 and go to Ace a lot. Especially with OSH now going away -please help us keep a local hardware store i n the area! Thanks, -Alan "Happine ss i s avai lable. Please h e l p yourself ." -Thich Nh at Hanh Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms Armer, Hilary Orr <tigger_2358@yahoo.com > Sunday , September 09 , 2018 5:20 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardwa re As a lifelong resident of Los Gatos (49 years and counting), I can say unequivocally that we need a hardware store much more than another medical building . Please stop taking away all the stores which make Los Gatos a town! Sincerely, Hilary Orr Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Kristine Kidger < kkidger@yahoo .com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:20 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am writing you in regards to a notice I saw at the Los Gatos Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. I have been shopping at this store for almost 15 years. It has a small town store feeling with great customer service. Qualities I believe the town of Los Gatos would endorse. I do not live in Los Gatos but work in Los Gatos for a local hospital. I go out of my way to stop by this Ace Hardware instead of the Home Depot which is right down the street from me . In regards to another medical building, in the immediate area there is: the PAMF building/urgent care across the street, multiple medical buildings going up Los Gatos Blvd to Samartian Dr and down to Blossom Hill not to mention the hundreds of medical offices along Samaritan Dr & down National Ave . I do not believe that having one more medical building in the area is a benefit to the town or the community at large. If you ask any patient going up to Palo Alto to be seen at a Stanford Facility they will tell you what a hassle the traffic congestion is around the hospital & outlying medical facilities. I do not believe this is something we need to emulate. Additionally, the traffic in that specific area is increasing. During rush hour, when you need to turn left onto Lark from northbound Los Gatos at times takes 5-10 and waiting through several lights . With a large development starting at the intersection of Lark & Los Gatos Blvd I do not believe the increased traffic will make things better. In conclusion I am opposed to loosing the local neighborhood Ace Hardware, which has been a very friend, helpful and reliable hardware store me for the past 15 years, for yet another medical building which is not a necessity & will increase traffic congestion. Kristine Kidger Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Mavis Chen <csheauyih@yahoo.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:25 PM Jennifer Armer I want the ACE hardware to stay Hi Jennifer Armer and Los Gatos Town Council chambers, I'd like to let you and the Town know that I do NOT want to lose my local long standing ACE Hardware to medical office. I'm against the proposal from Sand Hill Properties for construction of a two-story medical office building with below grade parking. I want the ACE to stay where it is now and continue serving our community in Los Gatos. Best regards, Mavis Chen Blossom Manor of Los Gatos Jennifer Arme r From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jules Robbin s <ju les@thisiswebcraft.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:26 PM Jennife r Armer Jules Robbins Save ACE Hardware!!! I am unable to attend the meeting but would like to put in my voice to save Ace Hardware, as I feel it is an essential part of our community. Last week my 10-year-old daughter and I built a teepee and of course we went to Ace Hardware for some last -minute hardware that we needed. It would forever change our community if it is no longer there . Think about the housing prices in our area, it is a direct reflection of having stores like Ace Hardware available to our community of active parents, families and kids who love having access to a good hardware store getting our cars to get to a good hardware store. Please save ACE. Best regards, Jules Robbins Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, lizcrites@comcast.net Sunday, September 09 , 2018 5:30 PM Jennifer Armer Save ACE Hardware I am writing to show my support and personal need for the Los Gatos Blvd Ace Hardware store. I see there is a possible zoning change before the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee that would affect this beloved store. Not only does this store provide many things Los Gatos homeowners need, it has become one of the last, long time institutions in our town that has always supported our teens and our community. I cant understand why the town keeps allowing changes that are changing the little fabric of what has made us unique and special and desirable for so long. This is not a good concept to pursue, in my opinion. As a life long resident of Los Gatos, I urge you to not upset another apple cart by pushing Ace out of business . Liz Crites 100 Cardinal Lane Los Gatos lizcrites@comcast.net iPad, iTypos, iApologize iLiz Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, Martha < mwkirsten@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:37 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware We were shocked to see the possibility of another Medical building being considered for Los Gatos. PLEASE. Do no re-zone the property where Ace Hardware is on Los Gatos Blvd. We rely on this business And need a hardware store on this side of town. And we DON'T need another medical building. Have you seen the traffic as it is now? Another building bringing in more cars that will line up for the U-Turn for access in To the site is NOT what we need. We need to have a community where we can live and be able to buy things local and support Our businesses who have been here for years. Please don't let LG become a lifestyle town only .... we need businesses in town like Ace .. Not another nail salon, or hair salon, or blow dry bar, or a medical office building 35 foot tall. You as committee members have a responsibility to make the correct decisions that will not rob Los Gatos Of the reasons why all of us live here. Please do not rezone this property to allow the medical building to be built. Thank you Martha Kirsten Resident of LG I 0 .:-· [: Virus-free. www.a vg.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: William Blabon <williamblabon@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:38 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware, Los Gatos Blvd , Site Development Proposal for Medical Offices Dear Jennifer Armer, Senior Planner, Town of Los Gatos: The current proposal to develop the present site of Los Gatos Ace Hardware into medical office space contingent upon rezoning from commercial to office would be a great disservice to our town of Los Gatos. Presently this location provides an essential business to our community providing home owners materials for home maintenance or upgrades. Presently, this is only one of two hardware stores in our town with the second store located downtown which is not readily accessible on weekends or peak business hours due to traffic constraints. I ask that you listen to members of this community with a thoughtful, long term outlook and consider the needs of this town with emphasis on a diverse business environment. We have a limited number of hardware stores (only two) and a high count of medical office buildings . It it my humble opinion that we do not need a medical office building at the proposed site and therefore ask that the planning department Not move to approve the rezoning of the this location for office use . Thank you for your consideration in hearing the concerns of our town residents, William S. Blabon 814 Cherrystone Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer: Anitra DeMoney <anitra.demoney@me.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:42 PM Jennifer Armer Zoning Change : Ace Hardware I am unable to attend the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting. I do not think we need another medical building in the community. With Orchard Supply closing, there are no hardware stores within driving distance in our community. Los Gatans have depended on Ace Hardware for many years as a friendly store where you can get what you need right away and don't have to wait for on line delivery. Ace Hardware is also offers jobs to reliable high school students, providing a valuable service to the community. Regards, Anitra DeMoney 112 Adrian Pl Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Karen Hoch < karenhoch868@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:43 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace It is extremely alarming that Los Gatos Ace it now in the cross hairs to be bulldozed for another medical building. Los Gatos Ace is the go to hardware store for so many in our local community. It has the little that is left of a home town feeling in this part of Los Gatos, you are wiping out everything that makes Los Gatos warm and friendly. The landscape of Los Gatos is beginning to look like the devastation all up and down Winchester to Santana Row. There is already too much traffic in Los Gatos and yet the council continues to approve more and more . Ace is a go to for many of the aging in Los Gatos . My dad who is aging can still get to Ace and can always find a familiar face there to help him. As a widow who has to do all the maintenance around my Los Gatos home, when something breaks I can always find some person at Ace whom can help me find the right part and explain to me how to do the job. I cannot find this at Home Depot. My feeling and many others believe the Council does not really care about these personal stories as the record has shown the decisions seem to all be made about money. I do appeal to the kinder /gentler, lets bring a moment of sanity to Los Gatos amidst all that is changing for the worst. Sincerely, Karen Hoch a 57 year old resident of our town. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Geof Pawlicki <geofpawlicki@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 6:00 PM Jennifer Armer proposale to rezone Ace hardware With OSH closing and Southern Lumber long gone, stores like Ace Hardware are more important than ever to the community. They represent the last bastion of owner maintenance in the face of big -box replacement stores like Lowe's and Home Depot. I cannot speak too highly of the quality of service and product that I've enjoyed these past 5 years , and would view their loss as a tragic tragic end . Simply put, Los Gatos is not underserved with respect to medical office buildings. There is not only no need for a change of zoning, there is compelling reason to keep Ace in place. Regards , Geof Pawlicki 119 Vasona Oaks Dr. 408-375-4875 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Whome it May Concern , Jana McBurney -Li n <jmcburneylin@msn .com> Sunday, September 09 , 2018 6:09 PM Jennifer Ar mer Pleae VOTE NO on proposed Med ical Building We 've lived in the area for 20 years. Over that time we have seen an unbelievable increase in traffic. During the summer, we basically stay home on the weekends to avoid getting caught in the waves and waves of car. The proposed medical building will only exacerbate the problem . Please keep t he ACE property zon ed commercial and do no t cha nge it to zone d office . We need ACE h ard w are in our town . We need to support our local store owners and not i ncrease tra ffi c in our tow n. Best, Jana McB u rney-Lin and Hui Hui Lin Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Andrew Wolfe <awolfe@awolfe .org > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 6:18 PM Jennifer Armer 15300 Los Gatos BLVD It seems like a terrible idea to tear down 15300 Los Gatos BLVD for medical offices. It currently has locally-owned retail business including one of the few independently-owned hardware stores. Anyone who has looked for office space in the area knows there is always plenty of empty medical space around Good Sam. If we need more, there are lots of one- story medical facilities that can be replaced with something taller. That part of town is becoming a single-industry ghetto with a single landlord. That kind of "monocultu r e" does not lead to a healthy economy . Andy Wolfe 108 Leewood Ct. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Arme r From: Sent: To: Subject: Michelle Nguyen <mnguyen120@yahoo.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:19 PM Jennifer Armer ACE hardware rezoning I'm very disappointed to hear of a possibility that the property on Los Gatos blvd is up for review to be rezoned to medical use with a very large 2 story medical facility built. I do not support this as there are plenty of other available potential medical building sites with current zoning for this use near by. Pushing out local owned businesses in favor of large corporate medical companies is not something I would expect from the town of Los Gatos . I respectfully request you deny the support of this project and that the Los Gatos ACE hardware remain where it is to continue to serve East Los Gatos. Thank you for your time, Michelle Nguyen Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To whom it may concern, Karen Leary <kzleary@yahoo.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:26 PM Jenn ifer Armer ace closing I was very upset when I learned today that Ace Hardware may be closing . I love having Ace Hardware in town. It has saved me an incredible amount of trouble. As a single mom I continuely have home repairs that I have no idea how to handle . The people at Ace are so friendly. I don't worry about going in to ask about the most basic problems with home care. That is something that is not possible at one of the big box stores. I so appreciate having Ace in town I got there for all my hardware needs. It will be a huge loss to our community if they are put out of business. Please don't let th is happen. Sincerely, Karen Leary Los Gatos, homeowner and resident Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jenn ifer- Marcon < mary@mwestconsulting.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:28 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Please don't support a project that would close the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. It is one of the best and most useful stores in Los Gatos. Regards- Mary West Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Loic Prylli < loic@abbloi.org > Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:30 PM Jennifer Armer 15300-15330 Los Gatos Bid rezoning for ace hardware. I have heard of the rezoning proposal of demolishing the building where Ace hardware is located to replace it by an medical office building. As a resident of the neighborhood, and a frequent user of Ace-Hardware and nearby retail locations, I would like to encourage the Development Advisory Committee to oppose the rezoning which would lead to the disappearance of a excellent store location that benefits directly all residents of Los Gatos, and is the only store of the city in that category . The rezoning would also significantly alter the nature and pedestrian-friendly nature of the area with open -spaces by replacing a storefront retail location of 20,000 square-feet with 80,000 of office-space. The area is currently balanced with live oak manor park and oak hill play lot, friendly storefront locations like Panera, Ace Hardware and other shops around them. The proposed office space would make the area feel more like business district (with dispersed little public-friendly enclaves around), as opposed to the currently still dominant small -town and retail friendly feeling of the surroundings. Loic Prylli 120 Carlton Ave #33 Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Anner Marlene Lamb <marlenela37@gmail.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 4:32 PM Jennifer Armer rezoning request of land at Gateway and Los Garos Bl vd by Sutter Health Thi s is absolutely a horrible idea . The Chamber of Commerce push us to shop locally. We need Ace Hardware, the cleaners and the laundromat on that property . Where would we go when we need that special plumbing part, or batteries, or pant, plants or fertilizer? Oh . yes, there is Rural Supply in downtown Los Gatos. Try to get there on a Saturday afternoon for that special part you need for the irrigation system, Also Ace Hardware has employed high school students through the years, many there first job.The Los Gatos/Saratoga,American Association of University Women has sponsored an Anguish Tea for 25 years, Ace has always donate d to our silent auction. The big box stores in down town Los Gatos, never give us anything. Sutter Health could go build on the former Chevrolet dealer, Carlton and Los Gatos Blvd . Please reject this rezoning . Keep three local business in town. Marlene Lamb 105 Arroyo Grande Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-49 7-1555 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Cook Long < nancycooklong@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:33 PM Jennifer Armer ACE hardware Los Gatos Hello, I'm sending this note to let you know that I am a frequent shopper at Ace Hardware in Los Gatos. I am dismayed to hear yet another large scale development is being proposed for that location ... My concerns are twofold. First, Ace Hardware is a long-standing member of our community that a vast number of locals use in order to avoid the longer drive to Home Depot or Lowe's. Ace is an upstanding member of our community in so many ways, not the least of which is many of our high school students have gotten their first jobs there -and anyone who's ever shopped at Ace knows they put a high premium on quality and customer satisfaction. To lose this would have such an impact in so many ways but the loss of high school employment opportunity should not be overlooked. Having a smaller store in place of a large development has always been a cornerstone of Los Gatos charm. It seems to me a large medical facility was built where one of the old car dealerships used to be. Isn't that enough? Second, and of equal or greater importance is how many more cars an 80,000 square-foot facility will attract to that already congested traffic area. This, in addition to the high density planned development nearby will create unparalleled traffic congestion. I attend Pilates classes across the street and have at times of heavy traffic at commute hours sat for up to 15 minutes trying to get through the signal at Lark and Los Gatos Blvd ..... This is right across the street. The traffic concerns should not be understated. Please don't re-zone to push Ace Hardware out. We don't want to lose them. Thank you for your consideration. Nancy Long Los Gatos 408-832-4347 nancycooklong@gmaii.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Los Gatos town council, Claudia Laugenour <claugenour@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:42 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace hardware rezoning Please do not re-zone the corner of Gateway and Los Gatos Blvd. Ace hardware is part of the wonderful community, neighborhood feel of this end of town. The rise of the medical buildings in Los Gatos is a bit depressing and impersonal. They affect the great town feeling that is Los Gatos. Save Ace! Please!!! Sincerely, Claudia laugenour Ace Hardware neighbor and patron Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Coffeecarol <Coffeecarol@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:47 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware closing I'm a long time resident and business owner since 1983. I urge you to keep ACE Hardware in our community. It is a part of what keeps us a small town. Carol Hargett 408 892 1752 Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphane Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Jeanne Nimmo <jeannenimmo@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:49 PM Jennifer Armer Don Minami Possible Closure of our Local Ace We were very disturbed to learn of the possible sale and conversion of the Ace Hardware property to a medical complex. Ace Hardware is a true anchor store in Los Gatos. The store is completely tuned into the needs of its customers, is extremely service oriented, and is the place we frequent at least once a week for our house needs. We would be devastated to witness its closure. I implore you to keep in mind all of the locals who have no feasible alternative to Ace. Ace is the place Thank you. Jeanne Nimmo 17182 Zena Ave, Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Eric Warkentin <ericwconstruction@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:52 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Lark Ave I just would like to show my support for keeping ace hardware open and not building medical offices on it current sight. As a building contractor that maintains five medical buildings in the area, it would be a great loss to no longer have Ace Hardware ass I am constantly shopping at Ace. PLEASE KEEP T OPEN! Thanks, Eric Warkentin Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Penny Herman <nt.advisor@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:01 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware As a resident of Los Gatos since 1975, I have seen many changes, some good and some questionable. As a homeowner, we went to the hardware store at Kings Court until that moved. Ace has been our 'go to' store ever since. It is becoming obvious that newer business are ruling development in Los Gatos. Traffic is a nightmare, local stores are pushed out, and the people of Los Gatos are forgotten. It may not seem important to the denizens of City Hall, but we need businesses and services that serve us, the tax paying residents. One business is the Ace Hardware, which has supplied our needs for years. That old and seemingly unimportant strip of businesses is very important to those of us who live in Los Gatos. From the sound of the drums, this is a 'line in the sand' issue. I know it is for me. Penny Herman South Kennedy Road Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Alicia Barela <aibaibmd@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:06 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the Los Gatos Community Development Committee Meeting on Wednesday. I do want to let you know how strongly I feel about the possibility of losing Ace Hardware. I have been shopping there regularly since I arrived in town over 30 years ago. Not only are they my "go to" place for paint, tools, lighting fixtures and outdoor furniture, they are also the only place in the area that I use to buy "bee-friendly" plants. Other nearby businesses that carry succulents and other outdoor plants either sell plants treated with neonicotinoids or are unaware whether their stock is treated or not. Neonicotinoids are destroying our wild bees and this wonderful neighborhood business cares enough to avoid selling plants that are contributing to the problem. Ace is part of the fabric of Los Gatos. I can always count on getting excellent personal service and having my questions answered. We don't need any more medical office buildings which seem to be popping up like wild mushrooms. Enough! Keep Ace! Thank you, Alicia I. Barela, MD One Monroe Court Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-891-00 72 aibaibmd@qmail.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jeff Barnett <JBarnett@apr.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:07 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware One thing this town does not need is to get rid of a Local business and put in another medical building. I strongly oppose this new development. Thanks, jb Jeff Barnett ' .. (.' ·-- Alain Pinel Realtors®, Los Gatos CAR Director for Life l NAR Hall Of Fame Realtor® of the Year 1998 & 2008 408-358-1111 BRE# 01019707 Visit My Website This email communication contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH ALSO MAY BE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED and is intended only for the use of the recipients identified above. The information may also be protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 USC§§ 2510-2521. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized review, use, dissemination, distribution, downloading, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by reply email, delete the communication and destroy all copies. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rick Swayne <rswayne@reedyeng.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:18 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marico Sayoc Ace Los Gatos Hardware Please do not let anything happen to our beloved Ace Los Gatos Hardware. Please ensure that it is not replaced by construction of a new medical center. Rick Swayne Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Treb Ryan <trebryan@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:24 PM Jennifer Armer Re-zoning Ace Hardware from Retail to Medical Is that true? Why would we eliminate a prime retail spot for more specialized medical use? ls there a feeling that Los Gatos and the surrounding communities are over served by hardware stores but we just can't find a place to go to the doctor? Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Fung Cheng <funglingcheng@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:25 PM Jennifer Armer Planning@losgatos.gov Proposal to demolish Ace Hardware and rezoning of 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd I am writing to you to object the proposal to demolish Ace Hardware and build a 2-story medical building on 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. My major concern is that a big medical building would make the traffic much worse. Los Gatos and surrounding area already had quite a lot of medical facilities (i.e. Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Good Samaritan Hospital, Standard South Bay cancer facilities, and a lot of small clinics). Also, the proposal would decrease our property value and decrease the quality of our living environment. I sincerely ask for your consideration of disapproval of this proposal. Thank you! Frankie Cheng Oka Road resident Jennifer Armer From: Mike An <mike408@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 5:32 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: Rezoning 15300 Los Gatos Blvd One last thougt: Another disadvantage to rezone from retail is lost sales tax revenue for the town. Mike Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Means <nancy@nmeans.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:50 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I'd like to add my voice to prevent the loss of Ace Hardware to a "Sand Hill" developer for another Medical building. We go to Ace every weekend, and would hate to lose this terrific resource. With Orchard Supply closing and the difficulty of getting to the Ace downtown on weekends, the only thing left would be Home Depot.. Please choose the town residents, and do not rezone for yet another medical building. Nancy Johnson 100 Twin Oaks Dr Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Allison Thomson <ajonesthomson@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:54 PM Jennifer Armer ACE property I just want to voice my opinion that I am not in favor of another medical building to replace ACE. While I appreciate the need for a town to remain current we are simply being blinded to the loss of what it means to be a town. That ACE hardware story along with the laundromat are used by local town residents on a daily basis. Please don't rezone this area or push these establishments away. Perhaps a new building with office space upstairs but PLEASE don't push these businesses away! I am a 16 yr resident of Los Gatos. Thank you, Allison Jones Thomson 15170 Los Robles Way Los Gatos Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attn: Jennifer Arme r To whom it may concern - Susan Lambert < lambert_glass@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:58 PM Jennifer Armer Re-zoning of Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd I am writing to urge you to reconsider the re-zoning of the Ace Hardware property at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. We don't need any more medical offices. There are already plenty of those. We do, however, need a good local hardware store which carries a larger selection of items than Rural Supply. Please don't drive away yet another good, useful business that services our community and provides good jobs. Thank you for your consideration - Susan Lambert 17300 Debbie Rd Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Shirley Litzinger <salitzinger@idoud.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 6:09 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos (ACE) Hardware Please let us keep or local Los Gatos (ACE) hardware store. It is a special store in our community. I have enjoyed shopping there for nearly 50 years. The helpful staff and good service is irreplaceable. We have already lost our Orchard Supply Hardware Stores. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Steve Smith <shsmithS@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 6:17 PM Jennifer Armer Steve Smith Ace Hardware, the dry cleaners, the laundromat l have been a Carlton Ave resident for nearly 40years and have been a patron of the businesses located at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd for that time. We do not need to replace them with another office building. Ace Hardware is a vital part of the neighborhood. With the closing of OSH, this is especially true. Office buildings do not benefit the neighborhood and only add congestion to an already crowded area. We must consider quality of life. Do we really need more medical buildings? I don't think so! Please vote down the proposal. Best regards, Steve Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jen Marcum <jenmarcum@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 6:33 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marico Sayoc Ace Hardware property Hi Ms. Armer and LG Town Council Members- I recently learned that the ACE Hardware property is about to be re-zoned for yet another medical building. I am not really sure why we would need another medical building in that area when there is a huge new one right across the street. We have known many local high school students, including my nephew, who have worked at Ace over the years. They are a great employer! The kids have learned a lot of useful skills for life working there. The employees are trained well, are cordial and always helpful! It would be crazy to lose yet another awesome Los Gatos place of business. We do not need to increase traffic in that are either, since the North 40 will be going in just down the road! Please re-consider this request for the Town of Los Gatos residents! This is a bad idea! We Need to save Ace Hardware! Thanks, Jennifer Marcum Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Deborah < dsikeda@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 6:33 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware I want to add my voice to those who don't want the ACE Hardware store on Gateway and Los Gatos Blvd to be re-zoned. It's not broken, so don't "fix" it. We don't need another medical building. We have enough and the ones we have have made traffic and parking worse every year. Los Gatos has become a medical stop off highway 17 like gas stations on Interstate 5. The ACE Hardware store on Gateway exemplifies a small town hardware store, which is what Los Gatos is. It has and continues to serve the town by providing products and service you can't get at Home Depot or Lowe's. I get better service from the employees at ACE than at a department store in Valley Fair. They're knowledgeable, courteous, and helpful. They employ and train young and older people. Sincerely, Deborah Ikeda Sent from XFINITY Connect App Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi there, Linda Frolich < lindafrolich@gmail.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 6:40 PM Jennifer Armer Save Ace Hardware! I live in the Los Gatos neighborhood off of Lark Ave and Garden Hill. I am hearing that Ace Hardware may close. Please reconsider this decision. Ace is a close, very convenient, and fully loaded store that keeps me from having to run out of the area to get basic home supplies. We have so few options for local shops at our end of town, please don't take Ace away from us. In addition, I don't feel that we need yet another medical office in LG. Enough is enough. There are already properties that exist which can be used for this purpose. The apparent competition between Stanford and PAMF is overtaking our town. Please! As we look to the North 40 moving forward, it's nice to think we can still keep some of our simple pleasures at hand. Thanks for your consideration. Linda Frolich 173 Ivy Hill Way 408-655-9675 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Julia Donnelly <juliamdonnelly@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 6:47 PM Jennifer Armer Keep ACE Hardware I am unable to attend the Meeting on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, but I wanted to express that I am NOT in favor of Sand Hill Properties constructing a two-story medical office building with below grade parking on the location where ACE Hardware sits now. Having been a long time customer of both ACE Hardware and Orchid Cleaners, both of which have a "Mom and Pop" feel, we are continuing to get away from what makes Los Gatos unique. Two other medical offices have recently gone in off Los Gatos Blvd. The one by Trader Joe's and the one directly across from Rotten Robbie. Surely, there is another location for a medical office other than to put it on the corner where traffic is already an issue to access Lark Ave, Hwy 17 and Hwy 85. Please re-think your impending plans to get rid of ACE Hardware, a compassionate company that employs local students and provides some of the best customer service around. Perhaps better use of resources, time and money could go into figuring a way to mitigate the current horrendous traffic we have any given weekend into our Town. Please keep ACE Hardware! Thank you for your time, Julia Donnelly 15305 Suview Dr. Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Loree Vitale < loreevitale@me.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 6:Sl PM jarmer@logatosca.gov; Jennifer Armer Don't Close Ace Hardware!! I am a resident of Los Gatos, and I grew up here. Ever since I can remember, we have shopped at Ace Hardware in Los Gatos. In fact, the people repairing items in my house, and my contractors have also shopped for me at Ace Hardware. Ace is a far cry from Home Depot which, if Ace closes, will be the closest hardware store. Ace offers the personalized service that has helped me learn how to do my own repairs. I have been a single parent for 10 years now. When Green Thumb closed, they enlarged their garden section, and I now shop at Ace for most of my garden needs as well. Ace has always strived to employ local help both young and old. I remember when Mr. Crosby retired from being a principal at Daves Avenue Elementary, he kept himself busy by working at Ace. They employ high school students as well, and many Los Gatos High seniors are often seen behind the desk or helping people in the aisles after school and on the weekends. This is the type of business we need to encourage to stay in Los Gatos! I recognize the need for medical businesses, but they are not going to maintain the small town atmosphere that people flock to on weekends and holidays. People will not pay astronomically high prices to live close to a medical building. They want a quaint town with the balance of old and new that the planning commission and the town council have worked so hard to attain. Let's not throw your hard work away. Please keep Ace open at its current location! Sincerely, Loree Vitale Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Mel < marypfister@yahoo.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 6:54 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Please I would like to keep Ace open as a hardware store. Thank you, Mary Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Commissioners, Julie Mercik <jmercik@ritchiecommercial.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:09 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware 15300 Los Gatos Blvd I appreciate your service to our town, addressing many challenges. I am opposed to rezoning 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. if it will result in the loss of Los Gatos Ace Hardware. Why would we want to destroy this fine example of a smart business operator that works hard to maintain the 'secret sauce' of how to keep your customers happy and coming back to buy more!? Los Gatos Ace Hardware embodies the small business service, stellar community support, and desirable neighborhood charm that Los Gatos residents will tell you they care about. If Los Gatos citizens value these things, then please oppose rezoning this location. Los Gatos needs this local business who readily hires and trains numerous high school students for their first job, as well as seniors, along with many knowledgeable, experienced professionals. But if that's not enough, then what about traffic?! We are already struggling with the 'beach' traffic that funnels into Los Gatos from all over the bay area and clogs our streets all summer long. We don't need to further exacerbate the local street traffic problem by adding yet another medical building to serve people who are from all over the bay area. Perhaps this medical operator can locate in the North 40. Please protect the family-friendly, low density lifestyle of Los Gatos. Please, no rezoning and no additional medical office building at this location. Thank you for hearing my voice. Sincerely, Ju lie Mercik 16201 Escobar Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, Mike Cochran < mwcochran@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:12 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware We do not want to loose our Ace Hardware store. Please do not Rezone that property. We need the hardware store more than another medical office. We shop there weekly. When working on a project we all know that we go to Ace many times to finish the project. Whether it is painting or plumbing, etc. We need to keep Ace. Arlene and Mike Cochran Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, kirkdudley < kirkdudley@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 6:48 PM Jennifer Armer ACE hardware Just want to express my strong support for keeping the ACE hardware store at Lark Ave. I'm in there all the time. Sometimes several times a week. The people are so helpful and friendly I've considered writing management to compliment them. I don't know any other retail establishment that has close to that volume of people to help you when you're looking for something or have a question. If we lose that store I'll have to drive to Home Depot at Hamilton Avenue where there is much less help. I'll have to fight commute traffic to get there after I drop my daughter off from school and fight beach traffic all the way back to town on the weekend. Please help us keep this service in town. Thank you, Kirk Dudley 21445 Roaring Water Way Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject Dear Jennifer- susie ferrell <susie_ferrell@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:26 PM Jennifer Armer Please don't turn Ace Hardware retail space into medical office space I understand that you are the project planner for 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. I am unable to attend the Public Hearing on September 11th, so I am sending you this notice. As a long-time(20 years) resident of Los Gatos, I am against the idea of our wonderful local Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd possibly closing, due to a medical office being built in its place. We absolutely do not need more medical buildings in this area. For a better community, thank you for considering the opinion of individuals that reside in Los Gatos concerning this matter. Regards- Susie Ferrell 244 Cerro Chico Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Whom It May Concern, Regina Araujo <reglg@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:29 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am writing to express my concern re: the possibility of rezoning the property at Ace Hardware for a medical facility. The current hardware store is an important and necessary component of our community. The amount of Los Gatos residents that will be impacted by its closure is significant. I urge you to rethink this. Regina Araujo 241 Loma Alta Ave Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Lois Morrison-Keffer < l.morrisonkeffer@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:30 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I can think of no other store in our town, or in surrounding towns, that resembles Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. The help one can get there, about absolutely any household project, or otherwise, is amazing. The range of merchandise they carry makes it easy to get all kinds of things there, from kitchen towels, to paint. They encourage dogs to visit, and give them treats. We recently purchased a !awn mower there, and was having a problem with it, and they figured out what was wrong in a few minutes and got it going again. Big chain stores do not give service like this. Big chain stores are not so helpful in finding things. This store is still like a small town hardware store, and it is one of the most pleasurable experiences in Los Gatos. Los Gatos is losing some of it's small town feel, and losing Ace would continue this trend. On the other hand, as a budding senior soon, I have a number of small health issues that seem to be progressing. And I am very appreciative of the wonderful medical services we have at our fingertips. BUT, I do not think we need to crowd out a wonderful store like Ace to build more medical buildings. One can overdo anything, and at some point some of the many medical buildings will not fill up. We have seen this with tech companies in the Valley. Ace is also a great store for any age, including seniors, because they are so helpful and supportive. So the overall equation would detract, even from seniors, by taking Ace Hardware away. Please fight to keep a very good thing going! Thank you, Lois Morrison-Keffer, Ph.D. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armer Jeff Welsch <jeff.welsch@oracle.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:30 PM Jennifer Armer Feedback on redeveloping the shopping center with ace hardware I am a regular shopper at Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. I was there this weekend and disturbed to learn that there is a proposal under consideration to redevelop that shopping center into medical offices. I would like to add my voice to the opponents of this proposal. I appreciate the great service provided by Ace Hardware and should it be rezoned and close down, I would be forced to shop out of the town, likely at Home Depot. The Ace Hardware in downtown Los Gatos is on the opposite side of town for me, very inconveniently located. Ace Hardware has been a mainstay of the community for longer than my 12 years in town. The small store feel and service is hard to replicate and some of what makes a town like Los Gatos so comfortable. I also greatly appreciate that this outlet seems to be an employer of local high school age kids, which provides a great service to the community and a great opportunity for these kids. If there would be opportunity for employment for them within a new medical office building it would certainly pose fewer jobs of much less impact. There is already a large medical office representation in our town and the new PAMF facility next door to this lot. I am a concerned citizen hoping to stop the Town of Los Gatos from becoming the Town of Medical offices. I thank you for taking my thoughts into consideration and hope this note finds your inbox in time. Jeff Welsch 215 Beethoven Lane Los Gatos CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sent from my iPhone Kenneth Hawk < kenhawk@alumni.stanford.edu > Monday, September 10, 2018 7:34 PM Jennifer Armer Please save Ace Hardware!!! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Darren Giles <dagi1es27@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:46 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Speaking up against re-zoning As a member of the Los Gato community, I was concerned to hear that the area where Ace Hardware has been located for many years is a candidate for re-zoning which would force them to leave. We should be supporting local businesses which have been good citizens, not kicking them out. I respectfully request that you vote against the rezoning. Sincerely -Darren Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Amanda Nance <x.neona@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:56 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Ace Hardware is invaluable to our community! Dear Council Members and appropriate parties, I received word this evening that this local business is at risk due to rezoning. As I cannot make the meeting I felt I should e-mail that I strongly object to this measure. As my subject line says Ace Hardware has been an invaluable part of our community for many years. This location is a cornerstone establishment to those who live and work in Los Gatos. At a most critical time in our country we should be striving to support our local businesses now more than ever. Please reject this measure and save the history and livelihood of those who give our community life. Respectfully yours, Amanda Nance Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: LISA EWBANK < lewbank@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:57 PM Jennifer Armer Important input Hello. I understand that the ACE Hardware on Los Gatos boulevard is in danger of going out of business because of a proposed zoning change to allow yet another medical facility to be built on that parcel. Please don't let this happen! There are many, many medical facilities in the town. ACE is a local gem and necessity. Home Depot is far away and a natronal conglomerate that has bare bones service to say the least. ACE has the best customer service in the south bay, and many of us rely on their business and service on sometimes a weekly basis. Local stores are closing . The North 40 project is a complete disaster. The council is not only allowing the Town to lose the unique character that drew us here, but is actively promoting damaging moves. Please don't allow this to happen -allow ACE to remain! Lisa Ewbank Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Georgia Crowder <gcrowder12@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 7:57 PM Jennifer Armer The local community wants to save Ace Hardware! As a resident of Blossom Manor for more than 40 years, i am requesting that the council vote to maintain our local hardware store. It's a valuable piece of the quaint small town Los Gatos community, that we are struggling to maintain. Its convenient, friendly & a reaf asset to our local community. We don't need another Medical building. I'm over 70 years old, and i can walk to PAMF, two Urgent Care clinics, & a very short drive to Good Samaritan & Stanford Clinic!!! All on LG Blvd. & Bascom Ave. Please save us from more traffic & chipping away at our way of life! We can't prevent the North 40 ... God knows we tried!! Please deny this unnecessary plan. I might add, that many communities in Santa Clara County desperately need medical services closer to residential areas. These projects need to be placed where needed, not simply focused on the bottom line & money to be made. Thank you, Georgia Crowder 802 Lilac Way Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Jessica Kissinger <kissingers97@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:01 PM Planning; Jennifer Armer Save Ace Hardware I'm writing in regards to the proposed development to replace Ace Hardware and the surrounded stores. It was already awful when the North 40 proposal went through but now we are faced with another medical building?? The last thing Los Gatos needs is more medical development, especially when it will rid the city of a beloved family hardware store that has been a part of Los Gatos for decades. Thank you Jessica Kissinger Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Eric Douglas < eric@ericandcorina.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 8:06 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware conceptual site plan proposal I am a resident of Los Gatos, and I am writing to you to oppose the conceptual site plan submitted to the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee for 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. The site is currently zoned for retail and the largest tenant, Los Gatos Ace Hardware, provides an essential retail service to the residents of Los Gatos. If this site were to be rezoned for office use, we will lose a vital retail business that directly benefits the community at large. There is a limited number of retail buildings in Los Gatos large enough to support a hardware store. There is an abundance of buildings already zoned for office use, and a new office building at the expense of this retail site will serve a smaller number of town residents. I urge the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee to reject the proposed rezoning of this site and to preserve the anchor tenant, Los Gatos Ace Hardware. Sincerely, Eric Douglas 211 Dover St., Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Jane Likens <janelikens@mac.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:14 PM Jennifer Armer Please save Ace Hardware My family and I support saving Ace Hardware at 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard. We moved to the area in 1999, and since day one have shopped in the store for household and garden items. We have relied on the friendly and knowledgeable staff for advice on paint, plumbing fixtures, light bulbs and more. We have also purchased flags, kitchen towels, plants, Halloween and Christmas decorations and more. It would take away a very special part of this community if the store were to close. I also think the laundromat is another cherished service provided for the neighborhood. Please do not replace these neighborhood icons with another office building. Respectfully, Jane Likens Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Suzanne Slivkoff <zannster@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:33 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware -please don't go ..... . I am unable to attend the meeting but would like to put in my voice to save Ace Hardware. Ace is a part of this community. I walk there about once a week to get needed supplies for projects The employees are so helpful! Please. please , please don't make me drive to Home Depot or other bigger store and beg for help. Los Gatos is my home and ACE rs part of my landscape. I am sure many other Los Gatos people feel the same. In addition, we don't need more medical offices. Please save ACE. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Cathy Feldman <cathyfeldman48@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:36 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware? I'm so saddened to hear that the Ace Los Gatos may become another medical /office building. Los Gatos will have one small remaining hardware store in downtown!!!! This is crazy, we need more local retailers. I shop there all the time for gardening supplies & household items that can be hard to find elsewhere. We will be forced to shop at big box stores or Amazon for our needs. Please consider the consequences of loosing this long standing local gem, that employees many local teens & seniors who are eager to help customers. ( a rare commodity in today's world) Regards, Cathy Feldman Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Jeff Des Jarlais <jeffdj@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:39 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware -if it goes, more traffic We live a block or two from Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. We walk to it and shop there every week or two. If it closes, it's a fact that we'll get in the car to drive across town for another hardware store, adding to the traffic. Or just as likely, leave Los Gatos and shop elsewhere giving another town our sales tax revenue. Please don't change the zoning. Thank you, Jeff 253 Langridge Rd Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Judy Clark <judy@scsi.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:42 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Shopping Center We do not need another medical building in Los Gatos. We have way too many already. We have all the ones on Samaritan Drive, Los Gatos Blvd, National Ave. Lark Avenue Los Gatos -Almaden. That should be way more than we need. Thank-you. Judith Clark, Los Gatos CA. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: David Klinger <dave.klinger@sbcglobal.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:45 PM Jennifer Armer Protect ACE Hardware At the risk of "preaching to the choir" I offer the following: The owners of the ACE hardware property are free to sell the property and profit as much as the market will bear. However, the owners are not free to put improvements on the property to maximize their profit unless it is compliant with Los Gatos zoning. A medical facility would require a zoning change for it to be compliant with the city laws. Zoning was created to protect residents while promoting the general welfare of the community. This neighborhood needs a hardware store; there is no equivalent store nearby, especially with the closing of OSH. This neighborhood also has numerous medical facilities. Why should the zoning be changed so that an apparently unneeded medical facility is favored over a critically needed hardware store? The ACE co-owners and tenants have stated they intend to be in business for 15 years and beyond and just recently signed a 10 year lease with a 5 year option. ACE Hardware is a vital contributor to the vitality of Los Gatos and a worthy and admirable business member of our community. The staff report states that rezoning to CH would be needed for a medical facility. It further states that zoning CH would better align the zoning to the general plan and to the zoning of the surrounding properties, none of which have access other than directly off Los Gatos Blvd. ACE is also accessible from Carlton. Nob Hill, Los Gatos Cafe, Lunardi's, CVS, Whole Foods, Rite Aid, Peel's and many other vital neighborhood stores are zoned C-1, the same as ACE. If ACE Hardware is rezoned from C-1 to CH to accommodate the applicant, won't that be a powerful precedent for other developers to push for rezoning of these other sites? Does Los Gatos wish to be a vibrant residential community or a corporate enclave? Please protect our neighborhood by holding firm on the existing C-1 zoning designations. Respectfully, David Klinger 141 Potomac Dr Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Lucille Weidman <laweidman@sbcglobal.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:50 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning additional NextDoor replies from a third thread regarding Ace Hardware-CD-18-004 Dont Let Ace Close.docx Ms. Jennifer Armer and Planning Department: Enclosed find an additional 73 replies of concern to the projected loss of Ace Hardware. Please take note of the response from residents living at The Terraces. Thank you for your consideration of the concerns put forth by residents of Los Gatos and neighboring communities. Respectfully, Lucille Weidman 215 Carlester Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Vista· ld ago Thank you. We have used Ace for years. The people are always so polite and helpful. We DO WANT tO SEE IT CLOSE!!!! That note will be the next email J send. ****************************************************************** Vasona·ld ago Thank you for positing. I am wondering, was this posted by ACE or a loyal customer? Wondering how ACE feels since, from what I heard, they just signed a 9 year lease agreement? ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·ld ago Help! I can't read the email address in the photo. Can someone please re-post it? ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·ld ago Agree completely, and sent a note. I feel like we have enough medical offices in town already. We also shouldn't be taking space away from businesses who serve our town, and giving it to businesses who serve primarily non-residents. ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·ld ago Never mind -found the email address in a previous post. ****************************************************************** Carlton Ave·ld ago I also sent a e-mail letting them know that we are against the possibly of Ace being demolished and a office building gong. ****************************************************************** Vista·ld ago Really? Sand Hill Properties again? ****************************************************************** Rinconada·ld ago The town council does care. North 40 is going in whether like it or not. Its all about money not the tax paying residents. Ace is on too valuable a space for the city. Very Q ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·ld ago I sent an email to Jennifer Armer letting her know how important this ACE is to our community. I go there at least once a week. Home Depot is not local or friendly. They cannot provide what this ACE does for our community. ****************************************************************** Vista·ld ago Has anybody asked the owner of Ace what he wants. For him this could be a nice kick off to retirement. The buyer or seller wilt have to buy out the lease. That could be mid seven digits. ****************************************************************** East Los Gatos Hills·ld ago Don, if you go to this site you can read the letter from Dene Kankel, one of the co-owners. It doesn't sound like they are in favor of this. https://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/21374/ltem-2---15300-15330-Los-Gatos-Blvd ****************************************************************** Vasona·ld ago Sent email. .. and sent a copy to Don Rector. With OSH closing and Southern Lumber long gone, stores like Ace Hardware are more important than ever to the community. They represent the last bastion of owner maintenance and DIV in the face of big-box replacement stores like Lowe's and Home Depot. I cannot speak too highly of the quality of service and product that I've enjoyed these past 5 years, and would view their loss as a tragic end. Simply put, Los Gatos is not underserved with respect to medical office buildings. There is not only no need for the proposed change of zoning, there is compelling reason to keep Ace Hardware in place. ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·1d ago Our ACEvis so great n convenient. Please Jet's try to keep it open. Brian n ZAch make life easier ****************************************************************** Vista·1d ago An important part of Dene's letter: "If the town approves this proposal, it will put us out of business and the Town of Los Gatos will lose an established long standing business that has been serving and supporting the community for over 40 years." ****************************************************************** Vasona·ld ago Thanks for sharing this info. I can't be there but I will send an email. ****************************************************************** Live Oak Manor·ld ago I think the way to stop this is to prevent the land from being rezoned from retail to medical. To stop the rezoning, a strong case must be made that retail ( in this case hardware store) is necessary for the quality of life and property values of this part of Los Gatos. And there is a lack of similar hardware stores nearby requiring time-wasting driving which drives up the cost of home projects (driving exacerbated by beach traffic in this neighborhood and potential N 40). We are already impacted. Further and finally, there is already sufficient medical services in this neighborhood with the various clinics and hospitals nearby. I don't think added traffic is a good argument. I am unable to attend this meeting. A large turnout may stop this effort before it develops momentum. Feel free to use these thoughts if you agree. This committee is comprised of three town council members abd two planning commissioners. These people on this committee have the power to discourage the developer from proceeding. ****************************************************************** Kennedy North·1d ago If LG has to have another medical building, why can't it be in the North 40? ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·ld ago This is incredible that we're even having to discuss this proposal... .. as if we need more medical facilities in the area .... the developers of the 2nd part of the N. Forty want to change the general plan from 35 units to around 240 units with a 5 story hotel, and now Sand Hill Developers want to rezone the ACE hardware property to develop a monster medical facility .... well, just like Mayor Spector recalled back in the 70's, a study commissioned by the Los Gatos Board of Realtors had the bright idea of tearing out a block of homes in the historic Almond Grove bounded by Bean, Masso I, Tait, and Nicholson Avenues to put up two 50ft. massive apartment complexes .... luckily for us ... better council heads prevailed and stopped this abomination .... but here we are again .... developers smell blood$$ in the water and are testing the town's resolve .... we, as the citizens of Los Gatos, need to speak up and let council et al. know existing plans cannot continued to be revised to accommodate these unacceptable schemes and once such projects become so prohibitively costly, the developers will scamper off to sell their wares to some other overcrowded, traffic-snarled city .... but not Los Gatos. Believe me, after the recent large-scale development debacles we've witnessed recently, voters will definitely be aware in the next election! ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·23h ago Just how much more can these people do to destroy our once beautiful town. They have no conscience or maybe don't even live here. The people who okay the projects should go somewhere else, we are running out of room here and people are getting tired of all this craziness. There has to be an end somewhere down the road. Maybe if Silicon Valley gets fed up with all the traffic issues and start moving out to other places that will do something, it could happen(;)QQ. Many people are moving out of the area because they just can't afford the area or are really fed up. I feel if something isn't done to stop these money hungry, selfish, people, that the ending is not going to be a good one. ****************************************************************** Vasona·23h ago I urge all of you who can make it to go to the Community Development Committee meeting this Tuesday at 4:30 in the Council Chambers. I am supposed to receive a Santa Clara president's recognition award on campus at that time but I have chosen to go to the meeting instead because I am committed to preserving our neighborhood Ace Hardware and the special character of our town. Please send a strong email message and join me on Tuesday. There's strength in numbers and there are lots of us who care. ****************************************************************** Carlton Ave·23h ago Thank you for posting this. I will send in an email. ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·22h ago Totally agree It's a disgrace to the citizens of Los Gatos to gradually sell out the actual small town needed services and infrastructure to large corp office buildings Can't everyone see that little by little Silicon Valley only cares about large corp needs over simple quality of life It's totally obvious Google Apple Facebook create a place where sure people get jobs but must suffer a basic plastic sterile existence so they an grow and make profits Wake up folks and speak out for your quality of life needs We need Ace and places like it HERE And more of them ****************************************************************** Carlton Ave·22h ago Please write a personal letter, here is mine: I am unable to attend the meeting but would like to put in my voice to save Ace Hardware, as I feel it is an essential part of our community. Last week my 10-year-old daughter and I built a teepee and of course we went to Ace Hardware for some last-minute hardware that we needed. It would forever change our community if it is no longer there. Think about the housing prices in our area, it is a direct reflection of having stores like Ace Hardware available to our community of active parents, families and kids who love having access to a good hardware store getting our cars to get to a good hardware store. Please save ACE. Best regards, Jules Robbins ****************************************************************** Oka·22h ago I just send email to the project planner to object the proposal. Please voice out by sending email before 9/11. ****************************************************************** Live Oak Manor·22h ago Diane, the meeting is on Wednesday, not Tuesday. We have until Tuesday to send an email to oppose the project. ****************************************************************** Kennedy North·22h ago Thank you for posting --email sent! ****************************************************************** Vasona·22h ago This is an important local store to stay .. will write to the email id given. ****************************************************************** Alta Vista·21h ago Thanks for the heads up. Sent email to Jennifer. ****************************************************************** Alta Vista·21h ago The email address of the Los Gatos staff person, Jennifer Armer, is Jarmer@losgatosca.gov. Please attend the meeting or send an email and alert your neighbors. ****************************************************************** Monte Sereno·21h ago I posted a reply on a separate post, but will reiterate here. I fully support keeping Ace Hardware as a vital part of our community. Further, I do not wish to see yet another medical clinic here. Enough. That said, there seems to be a larger driving force. To me, it appears the "Trustees of the Malkason Trust & Mary Malkason GST Trust" are the ones who wish to sell this commercial property to whomever (developer) offers the best price. So this is an issue about a commercial piece of property and how best to maximize profits for the seller (the Trustees). In other words, no one who has a financial stake in this situation is concerned about what is best for the community, but rather it is about money. Old story being repeated often nowadays, sadly. So how does the community challenge that and keep Ace open at a lease price they can afford {even going forward) to stay open? That, to me, is the challenge. ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·21h ago Just sent an email to Jennifer Armer and the town council members. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. ****************************************************************** Kennedy North·21h ago residents at the Terraces of Los Gatos depend on Ace hardware for all of our hardware needs since it so close. We actual have a bus that will often take us to the store. The employees are very friendly and helpful. It would be terrible to loose this store ****************************************************************** Espana Oaks·21h ago Sent email to all council members to keep the store opened. I am a General Contractor and regularly use Ace Hardware for projects. ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor-20h ago Just sent my email to Jennifer. Also, Orchard Hardware is closing so where are we supposed to shop. Both these stores offer unique, high quality items and a selection that can't be found at Home Depot and Lowe's. And Ace hires local kids. ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·20h ago Our Town Counsel is all for new development and don't care about the citizens! ****************************************************************** North Los Gatos· 13h ago Thank you Loree, for this info! I, too just sent an email to the council. One of the things I highlighted was the longevity of the store, which means the community is supporting it! . ****************************************************************** Monte Sereno·llh ago politicians never care. Its all about the money. ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·lOh ago That's not true -and our local politicians are wonderfully astute in helping the town and residents -after all they live here too! Make a difference write your reply and attend the meeting and you go door to door w your clip board supporting the cause! ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·lOh ago Sent in an email to jarmer@losgatosca.gov. I don't see the upside of ruining something that is working well (Ace Hardware and the needs it serves) by replacing with office space which will exacerbate 2 other problems that the council has not/cannot adequately solve (housing and traffic). ****************************************************************** Carlton Ave-lOh ago So please understand, I LOVE this Ace Hardware and totally agree with all that it would be a HUGE drag to lose. However, I am sure the landowner purchased the property as an investment. Perhaps he/she has worked all their life, made the payments, paid for improvements, property taxes, upgrades et al. Is it not his/her right to sell and retire? ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·lOh ago Joni, if the land was already zoned for "office", it may be less of an issue. But the developer (presumably recently) bought the land fully knowing they'd want to build office buildings and seek a zoning condition of use change and end a long time business (Ace), disrupting a business that the community appreciates. Sure anyone with money can do these things. We see it everyday. It boils down to ethics and individual values. Is it okay as a landlord to put a business out of business? Landlords do it all of the time to try to maximize their investment. It's generally legal. It's a personal values thing as to whether it's "okay" or not. ****************************************************************** North Los Gatos·9h ago I'd like to see the unused portion of the parking area, near the gas station, and the old Chevy lot at LG Blvd & LGAlm, converted back to Apricot orchard. ****************************************************************** Carlton Ave·9h ago Presumably? And of course, in my perfect world, there would be a sense of community in every choice. However, capitalism reigns whether we like it or not. ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·9h ago "This is incredible that we're even having to discuss this proposal... .. as if we need more medical facilities in the area .... the developers of the 2nd part of the N. Forty want to change the general plan from 35 units to around 240 units with a 5 story hotel, and now Sand Hill Developers want to rezone the ACE hardware property to develop a monster medical facility .... well, just like Mayor Spector recalled back in the 70's, a study commissioned by the Los Gatos Board of Realtors had the bright idea of tearing out a block of homes in the historic Almond Grove bounded by Bean, Massol, Tait, and Nicholson Avenues to put up two 50ft. massive apartment complexes .... luckily for us ... better council heads prevailed and stopped this abomination .... but here we are again .... developers smell blood$$ in the water and are testing the town's resolve .... we, as the citizens of Los Gatos, need to speak up and let council et al. know existing plans cannot continued to be revised to accommodate these unacceptable schemes and once such projects become so prohibitively costly, the developers will scamper off to sell their wares to some other overcrowded, traffic-snarled city .... but not Los Gatos. Believe me, after the recent large-scale development debacles we've witnessed recently, voters will definitely be aware in the next election!" ****************************************************************** Live Oak Manor·8h ago The owners are free to sell the property and profit as much as they can get. However, the owners are not free to put whatever they want on the property to maximize their profit unless it is compliant with the zoning. Zoning is created to protect the residents while promoting the general welfare of the community. I believe the current zoning best achieves the needs of the town. Prevent a zoning change! ****************************************************************** Vista·8h ago Email sent! Thank you for posting. ****************************************************************** Alta Vista·7h ago David, I agree. We have a government and elected representatives to protect the best interests of the community. Presently, our political system is corrupted by the influence of money. The Supreme Court's Citizens United decision reversed precedent and overturned the existing law to open the door to unlimited political spending, giving disproportional influence to to the wealthiest interests. Even at our local level, campaign contributions can be a big factor in how decisions are made. Hopefully, in this case common sense and the community interest will prevail. ****************************************************************** Kennedy North·7h ago jarmer@losgatosca.gov email doesn't work. What is the correct email address? YES let's save Ace Hardware!! ****************************************************************** Alta Vista·6h ago Kerry, I checked and jarmer@losgatosca.gov is the listed email for her. It does seem to work. ****************************************************************** Kennedy North·6h ago Ok my goof. Thanks ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·6h ago this is unbelieveable??? ****************************************************************** North Los Gatos·6h ago Our family's letter to Jennifer@ Los Gatos Gov: We' re writing to express our strong vote in favor of keeping Ace Hardware in our wonderful community. Ace is the type of business our community leaders should be championing, not discouraging: a business that exists for our residents, is owned and run by our residents and employs our residents -49 of them. We've enjoyed patronizing this important local resource for many years. Only once our son became an employee did we realize how tremendously lucky we are to have such caring business owners in Los Gatos. In addition to the support Ace provides for community programs, they provide an important local job option, wonderful training, a supportive environment and a family atmosphere for an army of local young people. Businesses like Ace are an essential part of our community. ****************************************************************** Los Gatos Main·Sh ago I just sent my email protesting the closing of Ace Hardware. We just cannot afford to lose another valuable town asset. How many times has Ace been there when you are in the middle of a project -and you run down to get what you need {and few things you don't), some good advice, and most probably a chat with the neighbor you ran into. They are also the only garden center we have left in town! We need Ace -and now Ace needs us. The council meeting is tomorrow, Sept 12 at 4:30 to try and get that property rezoned for ANOTHER MEDICAL CENTER, so if you can, please show your support by sending an email to: Jennifer Armer jarmer@losgatosca.gov Kennedy North·4h ago Thank you for proving the email address -we just sent our letter of protest and hope they will really listen to our community! ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·4h ago I emailed Jennifer however I noticed on the documents the prospective buyer is Sand Hill Property Company. Don't know if would help or hurt but I emailed them as well. Owned by Peter and Susanna Pau originally from Hong Kong. http://www.shpco.com/profile/executive_team.php ****************************************************************** Oka·4h ago Thank you for this! I also sent an email in support of leaving our ACE alone. There's practically nothing but health care facilities here, and I for one need my local ACE to stay, as is. ****************************************************************** Ross Creek·3h ago Just the value of giving highschoolers their first job is enough reason to keep ACE around. How many medical buildings (businesses in general) are giving the youth that experience? ****************************************************************** Monte Sereno·3h ago Bryan, I agree! I've shopped at that ACE for 20 years and have been helped many times by young people in their first job .... my daughter was one of them. I hope we can keep this ACE. ****************************************************************** Cordova Woods·3h ago Thank you for posting-I sent an email in support of Ace Hardware. This store has been helpful to me ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·3h ago Thank you I sent a letter opposing rezoning ****************************************************************** Live Oak Manor·2h ago Thanks for posting this -I just sent in a letter as well in support of Ace as I think it serves a valuable function in our town. I happen to know one of the folks listed as a Managing Director of Sand Hill -will try emailing him but not sure how much difference that will make? ****************************************************************** Carlton Ave·2h ago I sent an email just now. We in San Jose (ND Carlton, Blossom Manor, etc) need to also make our views known. It is our neighborhood too. ****************************************************************** Blossom Manor·2h ago Perhaps there is a local person who would buy-out the property from the current owner and continue to operate the store as a local business. Don Rector implied mid 7 digits. Almost as much as a local home. I can't buy it. Maybe someone or a group can get it done. If it is that important. Go to the meeting. Find the agent. Make an offer. ****************************************************************** Live Oak Manor·lh ago By the way, uNob Hill, Lunardis, CVS, Rite Aid, Whole Foods, Peets are zoned C-1, the same as ACE Hardware. If the zoning code for ACE is changed to CH to allow a medical facility, then there would be a precedent to having all these other neighborhood stores also demolished and replaced with who knows what. We must convince the city government that the existing c-1 Neighborhood Commercial designation is the proper zoning and that they can protect our neighborhood by not changing the zoning. Alta Vista·53m ago People get educated, for some of your solutions don't hold water. If that property changes hands the property tax will reset and the Ace'sproperty tax portion of their rent will sky rocket, which I'm sure is the owner's of Ace franchise biggest fear. Ace the leasee is exposed to a significant rent increase with any sale of the property except to a party that would qualify for prop 13 tax continuance. There are allot of property dollars to the Town, County and State involved here and they will be coming out of the leasee{s) pocket. ... which naturally will be passed to the public. Given LG 2020 general plan and the amount of property tax dollars I will watch with interest for this will be going to the Town Council eventually. ****************************************************************** Vasona·11m ago I just send my email to Jennifer and the Town Council. There's still time to send emails before tomorrow at 11:00 am. for the meeting on WEDNESDAY, Sept 12 at 4:30. (Thanks for the date correction). We need to get as many voices raised here as possible. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To whom it may concern, Ingrid Oakley-Girvan <oakleygirvan@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:59 PM Jennifer Armer; planning@losgatos.gov Ace hardware site I'm deeply concerned about the proposed medical building on the Los Gatos Blvd Ace Hardware site. There are several key arguments against changing the zoning that I do hope the town will remember to consider during the planning process. 1. To best serve residents it is critical to maintain a mix of business types in both ends of town. There is an over abundance of medical facilities on Los Gatos Boulevard, adding more is an unfair mix and creates an undue burden on residents. 2. To mitigate traffic it is critical to maintain a mix of business types in both ends town. Creating a vacuum in hardware supplies in the north end, could increase traffic into downtown impacting the entire town with traffic congestion and increased small particulates from car exhaust. This leads to poorer health for citizens, particular for seniors, children and individuals that have asthma or are immune compromised. The resulting math doesn't add up and is a citizen negative. 3. The north end of town is particularly underserved in regards to the mix of business types such as non-grocery and pharmacy retail. Losing a hardware store would exacerbate the existing problem. 4. The north end of town has maxed out on weekday 8 am-6 pm traffic due to the tremendous impacts from Netflix and the imminent north forty development. 5. Ace Hardware on Los Gatos boulevard provides employment for multiple Los Gatos youth creating essential early job training and in many cases, incomes that impact several Los Gatos family households. The town should foster job creation for citizens, not eliminate them. 6. The north end of town has many unappealing looking structures on Los Gatos Boulevard and needs all the beauty possible. Obstructing views of the hillsides would cause additional blight. 7. If residents don't redirect purchases to the downtown Ace Hardware as outlined in #2, the loss of Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Boulevard would have a cascading negative impact on town revenues. Shoppers would take hardware business to Home Depot in Campbell and thus also shop for all sorts of other items like home goods, groceries, restaurants, etc ... in Campbell instead of in Los Gatos further driving tax dollars out of town and vastly reducing town revenues. Police force reductions could become necessary causing safety concerns among town residents. Thank you for considering these important points, Ingrid Oakley-Girvan, PhD, MPH Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To: Jennifer Armer From: Judith Minium Judith Minium <judithminiuml@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:02 PM Jennifer Armer Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-18-004 Re: CDAC Meeting September 12, 2018 I have lived at my current address in Los Gatos for 30 years. I cannot count the number of times I have dashed to Los Gatos ACE Hardware mid-project to fix something in my home. More than half the time I don't know what I need to solve a problem, and always there has been a helpful and knowledgable person to give me sound advice and send me out the door with what I need. If the goal of mixed commercial land use on Los Gatos Blvd. is to provide services to the citizens and institutions of our town, there could not be a finer example of it than ACE Hardware. The ability to "shop local" has declined dramatically over the years. This business is thriving and looking forward to serving the community for many more years. I am asking you to support this family-owned, community-minded business and the citizens it serves. Please do not let this one go! Thank you for your consideration. Judith Minium 166 Escobar Ave. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Katherine Schuyler <kathyschuyler@me.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 9:10 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware near Lark Ave Please do Not allow this to disappear. We rely on that store as an important part of the community. Additionally, with the north 40 project going ahead, traffic in that area will already be a NIGHTMARE. Katherine Schuyler Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Liz Alsop <lizdesign@icloud.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:10 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Ace Hardware near Lark zoning My husband and I live in Redwood Estates with a Los Gatos street address so we are officially Los Gatos residents. We shop at the Ace near Lark all the time. It's our go to hardware store. Although the Rural Ace is a little closer and is a good store, it doesn't have nearly as large a selection as the Lark Ace so we can't always find what we're looking for there and end up going to the one near Lark. They have a huge selection of products and it's easy to park there. We love this store. It really is a community hardware store that many people rely on and it would be sad and very inconvenient to lose it. Please do not change the zoning on this property. Los Gatos and surrounding communities need this hardware store. Elizabeth Alsop Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Sandy Olin <olin_s@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:24 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marice Sayoc ACE HARDWARE AT LARK AVE IN DANGER Hello to anyone who can stop this: We are being told that the shopping center in which Ace Hardware is located has been sold. (On JOs Gatos Blvd near Lark) and that the new owner has applied for re-zoning with the intent to build an 80,000 SF medical office building with parking underneath. We have lived in the mountains since 1988 and DO NOT want to lose this hardware store. They are incredibly convenient and is our closest alternative to our hardware store at the end of town. They have all kinds of things that we have bought -air filters, paint, hardware, plants, drip irrigatio supplies, batteries ... ! could go on for pages. They are much closer, friendlier and easier to get in/out of than Hoe Depot or OSH (who we hear is also closing) or Lowes ... or ANYONE. And I hear they have employed quite a lot off LGHS students .. There are medical plaza everywhere. We don't need another. and I am a nurse saying this. What we do need is this hardware store. Please do not close them down. I understand the re-zoning is going to be voted on at the very next town council meeting. and I want this place saved! A lot of us do. Sinceerely Sandy Ol inand Steve Vaningan, my spouse, agrees too Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Laurie Murano <lemurano@aol.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:26 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Ace Hardware is a beloved local store that we want to keep!! Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Daniel Snyder <m3ltw@msn.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:31 PM Jennifer Armer 15300 Los Gatos Blvd I am expressing my opposition to rezoning this property {currently ACE Hardware and assorted retail/service businesses) to anything that expands medical office space in Los Gatos. There is already a significant deficit of mixed retail in the northern part of Los Gatos, and it is unrealistic to expect local residents to travel to the central business district for all their shopping. The ACE is one of the last large footprint stores in this area, and its loss is similar to losing an "anchor" tenant in a shopping mall; the whole area will degrade with less retail "traffic" to support the remaining stores. We already have a significant medical office sector in Los Gatos/San Jose, and development of additional space should be encouraged in that area with higher density projects rather than at the expense of vital other areas just because we allow them to build low-rise, lower cost buildings. Or, if they really want this space, then require the first floor to be retail space, with office on floors 2 & 3. As for traffic management, the town really needs to address the widening of LG Blvd (between Lark and 85) prior to approving any major zoning changes like this and not wait for the remaining 6 properties on the East side of LG Blvd to turn over in 20 years. The intersection of Gateway Drive and LG Blvd is already the most dangerous in town (according to LGMSPD), so any significant addition of traffic from a development like this at this area must be evaluated prior to approval. Thank you, Daniel Snyder 125 Boyer Lane Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Randal Nelson <randal@randalnelson.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:33 PM Jennifer Armer Please do not allow,the rezoning of the Ace Hardware parcel. I am completely opposed to the rezoning of the Ace Hardware parcel. We need to keep Los Gatos's retail businesses alive. Thank you Randal Nelson Owner Los Gatos Properties, inc & Graduate of LGHS. 1976 & Long time resident 104 Hepplewhite Court Los Gatos, CA Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Michelle Nelson <losgatosca@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:39 PM Jennifer Armer My vote Please do not allow the zone change and the loss of our awesome hardware store. Ace on the BLVD. Thank you Michelle Nelson Hepplewhite Ct, Los Gatos Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Joe Clark <joe.dark@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:48 PM Jennifer Armer Ace is the Place -for Los Gatos' hardware needs! I am unable to attend the council meeting. I'd like to express my sadness to hear Ace Hardware may be forced out of this location. Which would surely lead to it closing and not being able to relocate. I have been connected to, lived in and loved Los Gatos for 44+ years. This potential change would a irreversible disservice to our community. Let's hope the Town can save a bit of our family oriented retail space that directly keeps our homes beautiful. We can't stop progress, but we can make an effort to keep what is important to the community. Best regards, Joe Clark Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Judy Coughlin <judycoughlin@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:56 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware To the Development Review Committee: I hope the Town will not approve the rezoning of this property to allow another medical office building. We need Ace Hardware so we can shop in town. There are other properties on Los Gatos Blvd which have been vacant for years which could be used for more office space if it's really needed. Judy Coughlin Bella Vista Ave Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: > > Hi Jennifer, > Cynthia Hsieh <cshsieh@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:03 PM Jennifer Armer Fwd: opposing over development on ACE hardware LG Blvd location > There are so many medical buildings already. our little town need to keep its charm of having shop like ACE hardware. The traffic is so bad in the summer already. why are we continuously thinking of large development or even considering the proposal at all? If you go to those urgent care facility ever, you will see how empty they are. it's already supply over demand for those medical buildings. We don't need more. > > Thank you. > > Cynthia > 650 644 9421 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Michelle <stoboys@verizon.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:06 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware I am writing to let you know how shocked I am at the prospect of losing Ace Hardware-Lark Ave to more medical offices, more over development. When will this stop?!! There are very few establishments left, owned by Los Gatos families, for Los Gatos family's. Soon everything familiar about our once small town will be gone and we will only have our memories to share with our children and grandchildren. I was raised in Cupertino which once had orchards and an "every body knows everybody" feel much like LG has had. Slowly the whole town was taken over by Silicon Valley and is now a shell of what it used to be. Next time you drive through Cupertino, please take a moment to look around and think to yourself, is this really what we want for Los Gatos? If you keep allowing developers to come in and take over our properties, like what is happening with the North 40, we will be exactly that; a cold, over populated, over developed, shell of a town. I beg you to reconsider this proposal. Please don't continue to damage what remnants we have of the town we all know, and would love to have our children and grandchildren know. Tearing down yet one more old Los Gatos establishment will certainly continue to move this beloved town closer and closer to its demise. Thank you, Michelle Stojanovich Cheers from Michelle's iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ditty Smith <dittycs9@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:07 PM Jennifer Armer; Council Ace Hardware Building 1 cant imagine a building that size on the area where Ace Hardware is now. Does not fit in with the surrounding area. And then you have North/40 just up the street, traffic is bad enough. I hope you will not allow the rezoning. A resident of Los Gatos, D Smith Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Armer Project Planner Los Gatos, California Dear Ms. Armer: JENNIFER CASTRO <jenncastro@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:18 PM Jennifer Armer Proposed project 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard We are writing to oppose demolishing the Ace Hardware store in Los Gatos. We have many reasons. Our family shops at Ace at least once a week. During the more than 17 years my family has lived in this neighborhood, we depend on Ace for our many home improvement projects. Over the years, our kids rode their bikes and walked to Ace to buy candy or supplies for projects. We walk to Ace whenever possible. We know or recognize many of the employees and get project advice and business references from them when needed. Neighborhoods need local hardware stores. The new proposed 80,000 square foot medical office building is not needed. We already have many medical office buildings in the area. If anything, we need more local and varied amenity businesses to serve neighborhood needs. Communities need businesses that serve their homeowner needs. We implore the Los Gatos Planning Department to consider the needs and desires of residents as it takes into consideration the owners of the site. In addition, it was disheartening to receive no information about this proposed demolition from the developer. We learned haphazardly when while shopping on Sunday, we read a planning notice posted at the entrance of Ace. It seems the new owners didn't even notify Ace Hardware about its proposal before Ace signed a 10-year lease. We oppose the rezoning of the property into a medical office space. If you drive through our neighborhood, you will observe many residents in our neighborhood request that drivers "Drive Like Your Kids Live Here". We ask that the Los Gatos Planning Department ensure that developers and new owners of this property "Develop Like Your Family Lives Here!" Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jenn Castro and Doug Young Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, cat wei <catwei0318@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:31 PM Jennifer Armer ACE hardware I'm writing to you to object the proposal to demolish Ace Hardware to build a two-story building on 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. It is better to serve the Los Gatos community with a friendly hardware store than another medical facility. I believe there are more than enough medical facilities/buildings on Los Gatos Boulevard currently. please reconsider the proposal. Thank you. Best regards, Catherine Wei Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Leesa Gidaro <leesa.gidaro@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:47 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning@losgatos.gov Please Reject Proposed Medical Offices on Los Gatos Blvd I urge our Town Planners and Town Council to reject the proposed development of medical offices at the current ACE Hardware location. There are currently myriad medical offices on Los Gatos Boulevard. and overwhelming traffic gridloch in !own clue to overdeveloprnent ,rnd lack of proper infrastructure planning. The infrastructure to support North 40 residents is already insufficient. A better use of that property would be to shops tt1at could address the needs of future North 40 residents. and make some attempt to mitigate the anticipated increased traffic. Sincerely, Leesa Gidaro Cell: 408 605-0075 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, chetankomal khetani <chetankomal@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:55 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Los Gatos! Our family is in favor of having this store. We cannot see it go-no way. Please consider our support in saving this store. Sincerely, Kamal -resident of Monte Sereno Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, Jackie Hussey <j_hussey002@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:10 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware We would love for Ace Hardware and all it's people to stay! This store means so much to all the Los Gatos natives. It's one of our favorite stores to visit when we need supply's and their employees are seriously the sweetest. Please take this into consideration. Thank you, Jackie Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: C. W. TRIPP <cwtripp@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:25 PM Jennifer Armer Maryann Tripp Ace Hardware. Please, Please, we don't want to lose Ace Hardware. I go there almost every day, and also use the cleaners next door. It would be a horrible loss and inconvenience. I've lived here 57 years, in same house near Lark. Sincerely, Charles Tripp Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Susanbruntz <snbruntz@aol.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:48 PM Jennifer Armer; Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Ace Hardware Dear Council members and town employees, We discovered today that there is a new owner of the Los Gatos Hardware property near Lark Avenue with plans for an 80,000 square foot office building. We strongly object to losing such a valuable asset to the home owners and small businesses as Ace Hardware, in what used to behave as a town. We also object to adding more large, city-type structures at an already crowded junction, which soon will be even more crowded as the North 40 begins development. The soul of a town is its locally owned and operated businesses. As long time homeowners (one of us has been here for 83 years), we think of where we do business within Los Gatos, it is the hardware store, the pharmacy, the barber/hairdresser, the markets, and the restaurants. We are asking you to help protect the existence of our small businesses and vote down the zoning change. Large developments do not belong in a place that calls itself a TOWN, regardless of what the state of California might be coercing you to do. Sincerely, Clayton Bruntz Susan Bruntz Carolee Carroll Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms Armer Suzanne Sawyer <suzannesawyer@comcast.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:16 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware rezoning We would like to add our opinion concerning the proposed rezoning of the property that Ace Hardware currently occupies to medical, thereby forcing Ace out of our town. Ace is one of the few full service hardware stores left in the area. We are buying something there almost every week, and as the saying goes "it takes 3 trips to the hardware store to get everything you need" for even small projects. Rural Supply is not an adequate substitute as it is much smaller, and we don't take kindly having to drive to Mountain View or beyond several times for our weekend projects, given that Orchard Supply is closing. We need Ace, we don't need another medical building. Craig and Suzanne Sawyer 63 Highland Avenue Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Tish Thomas <tishre24@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:19 AM Jennifer Armer ACE HARDWARE What is this town thinking? The two best businesses in town are the ACE hardware stores. Neither cause any traffic problems but do a robust business supplying what can't be bought anywhere else in town ... great advice and the supplies to do it myself. They have saved me tens of thousands of dollars over the years, the most helpful, knowledgeable staff of any retail store in town. They are a town treasure and the last thing we need is another medical building. Tish Thomas Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Disappearing Elephant <lspicer0@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:18 AM Jennifer Armer A Town That is Loved I'm not one to often weigh in on town decisions. l haven't felt a need to speak up on many issues els Los Gatos counsel and board seems to usually make the best decisions for its residents. However, it has recently come to my attention that the counsel is considering getting rid of the Ace Hardw,Jre on Los Gatos Blvd. Now, although this may seem like just a store, I can guarantee that it is not. ·when my mom and r moved to Los Gatos we were in a weird place. My dad had just left cmd we were just trying to pick up the pieces. I remember being so scared when we moved here. Although we were just from South San Jose, I was used to San Jose it was my safe place it's where I lived for over 18 years. Our windows didn't have locks on them and as you can imagine that posed an issue for me. My mom ended up going to the Ace Hardware store one day and getting wood for our windows. As silly as it sounded it was something that she knew would make me feel comfortable. When she walked in the staff greeted her with a smile and she was able to ;:isk what kind of wood sbe needed. The nice man in the store lead her to where they sell wood and helped her pick out the perfect pieces for our family. That was the moment that we really felt like Los Gatos was our home. I have so many memories of my first summer here going to Ace to pick up miscellaneous items. Whether it was a cold soda or a flyswatter. It sounds strange, that so many people would care about the store. But I can guarantee it's not just a store to us. In August 2016 the first year that I was here with my mom, I was assaulted. I remember telling my mom, and one of her first Lhoughts was that we needed to get me something to protect myself. So we jumped in the car and we went to Ace. In Ace we found pepper spray and I picked up a candy and a soda. It was something that was so simple but it meant so much to me. My favorite part about living in Los Gatos is that we have an amazing community. The neighbors are so beautiful, kind, and open hearted. Ace is the place we go to be together, it's almost like our unofficial Townhall. During the hot summers highschool students are able to learn the value of hard work and money by working here. I don't want it to close and I understand why many of you would want it too. Business is important and money is important to sustain a living but, we the residence the people of Los Gatos are the reason why that's even possible. 1 think Los Gatos is the most beautiful town in the world. We have everything you could possibly want from amazing high-end restaurants to comfy cute ca fes. I could say the obvious and state how many medical offices we already have, and we do havt a lot but I don't think that that's enough for you to really understand why we care so much. This is not just a chain garden supply store. It's something that means everything to the people here, and to those who it means nothing to well, they have not experienced what is really is and what it really means. Not to mention the laundromat and dry cleaners. Both small businesses that have been here for so long and make a difference. Most of my neighbors go to the laundromat and the dry cleaner, this new building will mess with our everyday life. Los Gatos is different from the cities surrounding, it's for the people and because of the people. Allow us to '.;tay the wonderful communily we are and us residents will thank you endlessly. Thank you. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Alison Huber <eightsaddles@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:12 AM Jennifer Armer regarding ACE Hardware I wrote to you this weekend. I guess I didn't understand the predicament that this ACE was in. It sounds like this was not the owners idea, and he would like to stay. I really want ACE to stay. I have read so many great emails on Nextdoor. I'm not sure if you are on that or not, but you should be. Let me just say I have been totally anti-development since I was a little kid. I'm one that kind of hates change and have always been that way. I've been thru a lot of depressing development around here and else where. I grew up in Saratoga and was in the same house for 21 years until my dad retired. I have seen my favorite businesses close (the Porch, and Smith and Hawken to name a few), and have been thru mergers that have been nothing but disastrous. I'm not sure why the people that say, "growth is inevitable, and we need to do our part and build homes in our city. Uh, no we it isn't and no we don't. All I can say is that I totally appreciate Portola Valley's stance on growth and development... there pretty hasn't been any at all, and it still looks and feels like it always has. They have said no to the housing numbers that everyone else is caving to, and they're doing just fine. That's what I think we should have done and we probably wouldn't have been in this mess with the North 40. I went to all of the long meetings where they always discuss what most of the people there have come to discuss, at the end of the meeting. The town didn't really seem to listen. I think they should have pushed back much harder. I always thought a neighborhood would be bad, but then when I saw what was going in there, the thought of a regular neighborhood, of single family homes on 7000 sf lots actually seemed appealing. Please don't let ACE go. We really need that to feel grounded. I'm not alone. Read nextdoor.com Thank you, Alison Huber Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sid Patel <siddharth-patel@hotmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:58 AM Planning@losgatos.gov; Jennifer Armer Re: Ace Hardware Los Gatos This store served our neighborhood needs for a long time. I vote to keep the Ace where it is in future. Thanks, Sid Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi - Kris Nagel < bknagel99@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:50 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware location I understand you are collecting comments regarding the possible rezoning of the location where Ace Hardware is currently located near Lark Avenue. This would be a major mistake. Los Gatos is rapidly losing local merchants and Ace has always been a go to shopping location for my family. Ace hires a considerable number of local students and residents and are a part of the fabric of las gatos that, unfortunately, is rapidly disappearing. Ace really is a a one stop shop for all my hardware needs and the last thing we need to do is replace it with yet another medical building. We are rapidly losing what Los Gatos is - a town full of small businesses serving the community and becoming just another generic south bay community. If this is to go forward, it will be just one more reason not to come to Los Gatos to shop and I will take my business and $$ elsewhere. Thank you for your consideration. Kris Nagel 22545 Summit Road Los Gatos, CA 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, John <johnkirs10@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:50 AM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware We were shocked to see the possibility of another Medical building being considered for Los Gatos. PLEASE. Do no re-zone the property where Ace Hardware is on Los Gatos Blvd. We rely on this business And need a hardware store on this side of town. And we DON'T need another medical building. Have you seen the traffic as it is now? Another building bringing in more cars that will line up for the U-Turn for access in To the site is NOT what we need. We need to have a community where we can live and be able to buy things local and support Our businesses who have been here for years. Please don't let LG become a lifestyle town only .... we need businesses in town like Ace .. Not another nail salon, or hair salon, or blow dry bar, or a medical office building 35 foot tall. You as committee members have a responsibility to make the correct decisions that will not rob Los Gatos Of the reasons why all of us live here. Please do not rezone this property to allow the medical building to be built. Thank you John Kirsten Resident of LG I ~ I Virus-free. www .ay 'J.c c r11 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello, Josh Stivers <jpstivers@mac.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:42 AM Jennifer Armer Planning Resident Feedback on CD18-004 I am a homeowner who lives near the 15300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD location and who has frequented, and in fact depended on the Ace Hardware store as well as the Dry Cleaner since I move here 14 years ago. I wanted to register my concern at the notion of a project to erect yet another major medical office building on the site, thereby removing a critical retailer and supplier from the area, one that I and my neighbors depend on to maintain our homes. The Ace Hardware is the only hardware and general store within a reasonable distance of my neighborhood and is WALKABLE to from hundreds if not thousands of taxpayer homes. It provides parts, tools, products and services tailored specifically to the needs of the housing developments and original construction in my area. It also employs many people from my area and provides a steady source of job opportunities for local young people. With the closure of Orchard Supply Hardware Chain we are left with fewer and fewer options for this service and would be forced to car commute long distances to get the same products and services. In addition, this ACE Hardware is clearly part of the community fabric where you see your neighbors and recognize the people who work there. We need these things in our town. There is already a surplus of medical office space in and around my area, and more slated to go in on Samaritan Drive. We are slowly becoming a large medical industrial complex, with massive traffic and parking problems, yet fewer services for taxpaying residents. If you add in the North 40 Project we are looking at traffic gridlock on Los Gatos Blvd -its already bad and unsafe now. There needs to be some diversity of businesses in our area and certainly we need business and services that support the young, not just the aging. Please reconsider proceeding with this project and leave well enough alone for the sake of the residents. Thank you. Josh P Stivers 408 316-0905 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Erik S Panu <epanu@aol.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:02 AM Jennifer Armer Subject: Conceptual development potentially affecting Lark Ave ACE Hardware Resending due to typo in email address. Begin forwarded message: From: Erik S Panu <epanu@aol.com> Date: September 11, 2018 at 7:07:02 AM PDT To: jarmer@losgatisca.gov Cc: council@losgatosca.gov Subject: Conceptual development potentially affecting Lark Ave ACE Hardware Ms Armer, For consideration by the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee: I became aware of the town meeting tomorrow, Sept 12 to review the proposal to re-zone the property on which ACE Hardware resides. While I generally support a person or entity's ability to use their property as they wish, as a ~15 year Los Gatos resident with 3 children in or approaching high school age, I recognize the value of the store as both a hardware retail store with great service, a provider of products that I regularly purchase, and as a place of employment for teenagers. If Los Gatos intends to maintain some level of "local businesses", ACE Hardware is _exactly_ one of the businesses that the town should support. I am not in favor of rezoning this property. Thank you for your consideration, Erik Panu 21105 Brush Road Los Gatos CA 95033 + 1-408-368-6881 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Los Gatos City Council, dorothyschumacher <dorothyschumacher@att.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:04 AM Council; Jennifer Armer; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; miensen@losgatosca.gov; BSpector; Marica Sayoc ACE hardware & Orchid drycleaners shopping mall Please Do Not permit the current owners of the shopping mall to close a much needed resource for area residents. ACE hardware truly is the source of the friendly hardware man. The big box Home Depot and far away Lowes do not offer the convenience and assistance that ACE offers the residents of Los Gatos and San Jose. Medical complexes are numerous and not needed at this location. With the closure of Orchard Supply, a void exists which ACE is positioned to fill. ACE should be permitted to remain and if anything, permitted to expand to fulfill the increasing needs of the area residents. Regards, Dorothy Schumacher Y'm via th·· Sc):11.,un g Galaxy S7, a ,, AnH 4 G LTE srnz,rtph one Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sandi Greenhill <sandisoccer2@yahoo.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:07 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I do not want to loose this valuable asset to our community! Does LG REALLY need any more medical centers?! think not!! I respectfully disagree with the possible re zoning of this property Thank you for your time Sandi Greenhill Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Timothy Andre <tim@tandre.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:12 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware Re: ACE Hardware Los Gatos Blvd redevelopment. This note is too let you know that I do not support more medical facilities on Los Gatos Blvd. ACE is within walking distance of my house and I constantly walk there with the intention of picking up $10 or $20 work of merchandise but always find more useful items I need and always spends more. I'd never use the medical facilities there because they won't be in my health plan. Why not use the old Los Gatos Chevrolet property? That has been a vacant eyesore for many years and is far overdue for redevelopment. And, no, l don't "live in the town" because Blossom Manor is still unincorporated. But this is MY neighborhood and I deserve a say in the development here. Los Gatos is becoming a traffic nightmare like Palo Alto and Mountain View. It is quickly losing its small town charm. The North 40 development plus all this medical is too much for our infrastructure to handle. Hwy 17, Lark Ave, Los Gatos Blvd , Bascom Ave, all will be gridlocked. Please don't do this. Regards, Timothy Andre 15541 Loma Vista Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Linda Lanzi <lindalanzl@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:18 AM Jennifer Armer Please don't force Ace to leave or go away from their site 1 am just one of many that wants to stop the development of the big medical building that would replace the Ace store area. It's enough that we deal with North 40. Let us keep some areas with the smaller stores that we all love. Linda Lanzi Zip code 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To whom it may concern: Carl Werner <Carlwerner4@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:19 AM Jennifer Armer; Sally Zarnowitz Ace Los Gatos Hardware I have been a resident of Los Gatos since 1999 and have made countless shopping trips to the reliable, well run and well stocked Ace Los Gatos Hardware store at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. This family owned and operated retail store appears to be precisely the kind of non-gentrified, unique, local, retail store that the planning commission is trying to attract to the town. But as I said the hardware store has already been there for over 20 years! This store at this location is an asset to the community -providing an anchor for local families to run into neighbors and friends while running weekend errands. You can visit this store any weekend and see Leigh and Los Gatos HS students working part time jobs. This store has always hired local teens providing them access to work and responsibility. I was stunned that the planning commission was considering forcing this fine retail institution out of its location as proposed by CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMIITEE APPLICATION CD18-004. Eliminating the hardware store seems directly contrary to other publicly stated objectives of the commission. The closing of this store would leave LG and MS residents with no option except driving out of town to Home Depot, or Lowe's. As a resident and a voter, I might suggest that the commission remove barriers to develop new property in the North 40. It seems to me that existing plans for the North 40 would create vast professional office space with plenty of opportunity for underground parking. In addition, consider re-developing existing professional office space on Los Gatos blvd and adjacent streets to more effectively use them -many of these spaces are one story buildings with inadequate parking converted from residential use. It appears that there are other small businesses along that same section of LG Blvd that could be considered for re-development -many of them are obvious eye sores. Leave the excellent hardware store alone -make some hard decisions and develop or re-develop other zones to increase the availability of professional office space if that is the desired outcome. Carl Werner Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Whom It May Concern: David Tsai <dttsai@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:20 AM Jennifer Armer; Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc ACE Hardware Store The local ACE Hardware Store on Lark Ave. is convenient, carries odds and ends that cannot be found in other stores in town, and has saved my bacon too many times to count. It would be a shame to lose it and I will be forced to turn to other stores outside of Los Gatos in order to fulfill those needs. Please do not rezone the property! Thank you for your time and consideration, David Tsai Vasona resident Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer. kmballoul <kmballoul@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:30 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware proposed development opposition It has come to my attention that our local hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd may be torn down and rezoned for commercial office space. I would like to voice my concern to this development by stating the following: Please keep the ACE property zoned commercial and do not change it to zoned office. We need ACE hardware in our town and we need to support our local store owners. Thank you for listening to local Los Gatos home owners. Best, Kristi Ballou Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms Armer, Frederick Robert Anderson <frobertanderson@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:37 AM Jennifer Armer CD-18-004 Rezoning 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd Please note my opposition to the proposed rezoning of the shopping center containing Ace Hardware and Orchid Cleaners. I have lived in Los Gatos for 6 years and recently moved to this side of town. The shopping center was one of the factors in my choice of location. Opening another medical center at the juncture of Lark and Los Gatos Blvd will be very disruptive and we wish to retain our beloved community retailers. Please vote this measure down. Thank you, F. Robert Anderson 14850 Oka Rd, 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armer, Susie Vosky <susie.vosky@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:41 AM Jennifer Armer NO RE-ZONING/ Keep Ace Hardware We are totally apposed to loosing this shopping center to another medical facility. Los Gatos has lost it's home town personality and become quite sterile. Ace Hardware is a very important feature in this part of town. It has the best customer service around and helps us keep our properties maintained and safe. Sincerely, Zuzanka and Dmitry Vosky 15970 Longwood Dr. , Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Whitnee Baker <whitneebaker@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:42 AM Jennifer Armer CDAC Application CD-18-004 Please do not pass this building plan. TL;DR I am unable to attend the Wednesday CDAC meeting, but would still like to voice my concerns. I would be truly disappointed to see the long standing ACE Hardware demolished, and made into yet another medical office building. I understand the need to keep the town fresh and moving with "the times", but at what point do these updates cost us, the residents? I live very closely to this ACE (off of Lark Ave.), and visit it frequently as getting to the downtown hardware store is VERY difficult with weekly traffic and constant weekend beach traffic. If this ACE closes then I will be forced to leave town for my hardware needs which would only hurt the town. I have been a resident of Los Gatos since the age of 5. Attended Blossom Hill, Fisher, and LGHS. At 30 years old it truly breaks my heart to see my hometown turning into a desperate cookie cutter place, especially once the North 40 is completed. Businesses downtown have reported a loss this summer due to the fact that locals and outsiders no longer want to deal with the traffic that has consumed our small town. I fear that if this building plan passes that it will only add to the already unsolvable traffic issue. Thank you for your consideration. Best, Whitnee Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Afternoon Sirs, Jim N <jimn95011@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:56 PM Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marico Sayoc Rezoning of Los Gatos Ace Hardware To whoever is talking about rezoning Ace Hardware property. My vote is to not rezone! Please keep our Ace Hardware alive, it is the only real hardware store we have left in Los Gatos. Thanks so much for listening to our thoughts about this and I wish you folks a great day! 0 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kay Maurer < kayathome@yahoo.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 8:30 PM Council Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Ace Hardware site i am extremely opposed to seeing another medical complex built in town, we just don't need it. Everyone who lives in Los Gatos, however, most likely used Ace Hardware and the other businesses at this site, including the dry cleaner. Why would we want to approve another large medical complex so close to Good Sam. Please do not allow the rezoning on this site, no matter what they are promising to do for the town .... it won't be worth it. Keep it as low impact retail. We need Ace Hardware on this side of town ..... don't send us all to San Jose to spend our money at Home Depot .... keep this business in town. They hire our young people, train them, and the whole community benefits. Again, please consider the request to rezone carefully and think of the community. Stop the madness of adding more and more office space and medical buildings. The one on Los Gatos Blvd near Van Meter is still sitting waiting for tenants from what i can see. Thank you for your careful consideration on this matter. Kay Maurer 112 Stacia St los gatos, ca Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: C. W. TRIPP <cwtripp@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:29 PM Council Maryann Tripp Ace Hardware Please, we don't want to lose Ace Hardware. I go there almost every day. l don't know what I'd dowithou t it. Charles Tripp, (los Gatos) Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Rose Lamy <roselamy32@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 8:47 AM Jennifer Armer; Planning APPLJCATION CD18-004 PROJECT LOCATION: 15300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. APN 424-17-035 AND 424-17-036. Hi Ms. Armer and the Planning Commission, I am 59 years old and have been a resident of Los Gatos for most of my life. I would like to express my concern for the proposed medical building development. I do not understand why there is a need for more medical buildings than there already are in Los Gatos. Also I do not understand why Ace Hardware, Orchid Cleaners, and the laundromat, which have been serving our community for decades, have to be removed when there should be other locations that the medical building could be built. If it must be in Los Gatos, then why can't the medical building be constructed on the old car dealership property on the corner of Los Gatos Blvd & Los Gatos Almaden Rd, for example. Couldn't existing medical buildings over by Good Samaritan or El Camino hospitals be reconstructed, if there really is a need for more medical building space? I see no benefit to the Los Gatos residents or the Town of Los Gatos by allowing this development and losing Ace Hardware, Orchid Cleaners, and laundromat as well. The traffic has already increased and will only get worse, and the Town will lose the revenue from those businesses, not to mention the decreased property values for the residents as a result. Please do not allow this rezoning. Please do not allow this development to ruin Los Gatos. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Rose Lamy 243 Kingston Hill Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Richard Payne < rkpaynel@me.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:13 AM Jennifer Armer keep Ace Hardware!! We would like to add our voices to those of others concerned about the proposal to change the zoning of Ace Hardware to medical office buildings. We have plenty of medical office space in the area, but Ace is the hardware store we depend on. Like others have mentioned on the NextDoor website, we use it almost weekly for our household needs. This business is part of what makes Los Gatos a viable community, rather than being converted into an undistinguishable section of the urban sprawl of San Jose. thank you, Richard and Bonnie Payne 16216 Kennedy Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 408.358.3332 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms Armer, lizstrohcoughlin < lizstrohcoughlin@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:31 AM Jennifer Armer ACE hardware I am saddened to learn that there is a possibility that we may lose the Ace Hardware store on LG Blvd. This is a huge loss to our community and I would ask you and the council to reconsider. Our once wonderful town is losing its charm and livability. We already have enough medical clinics and offices to serve our population. We need more schools to provide classrooms to our growing neighborhoods. Thank you, Elizabeth Stroh-Coughlin (95032) :·< 11 !icrn rnv Ve r izon, S~msun3 Galaxy smartphone Jennifer Armer From: Ed <ed_gordon@edgordonpix.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:40 AM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca .gov> Subject: Fwd: Ace Hardware -CDAC , Sept. 12 Hi Jennifer, Thanks for taking my call this morning; it was nice talking to you. Per your suggestion, I am sending you this email to recap our conversation . I live in Campbell, not far from the Los Gatos border. As such, when I need "stuff", hardware, the first place I look to go to is the Ace Hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd. It is closer to me than Home Depot, and a better place to shop . I know that there is another Ace Hardwa re in Los Gatos, at the far end of Santa Cruz Ave. But I would not use this store, due to the distance, the difficulty in driving there, and worse, difficulties parking . Another reason to retain the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd . is the upcoming development at the North 40. Once people mov e in there, they will need many of the goods & services offered by this Ace store. It's dose by, easy to get to, and easy to shop in. If it were closed, many of those people who might shop there, like myself, would likely go to the Home Depot instead. Thus, Los Gatos would miss out on all those sales taxes. In case it is not obvious, I am opposed to the closing of the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. Thanks for your time, edg (Ed Gordon) ed gordon@edgordonpix.com 408-410-0289 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Brian Kingsbury <bkingsbu22@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:49 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I've learned that the land owners are trying to remove Ace Hardware and put in yet another large medical building. I am strongly opposed to this. How many of these buildings do we need. All the new development in the area are these large ugly medical buildings. I prefer to keep the small town feel and not be another Santa Clara, with new high rises every where. Ace has been a great neighbor and a good supporter of the community. I would truly hate to see them go. Please do what you can to stop this loss. Brian Kingsbury Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mike McGowan <mcgconstruction@earthlink.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:09 AM Jennifer Armer Michael McGowan Los Gatos Ace Hardware I'm writing in support of Los Gatos Ace Hardware. It has been a part of our community for a very long time and over the years has lent great support to the community in many ways. The previous owners provided many jobs for local teens and made their hours flexible enough so they could attend classes and work also. They've supported the community with a first class hardware store that's been there for homeowner's and working people alike---plumbers,contractors, handymen. All of these people are working in our neighborhoods to make them better. As a contractor and homeowner in the area, I'm well aware of the need to maintain this store. Their inventory is enormous and they are able to order almost anything you might want. Their prices are also good and in many instances better than the big box stores. Oh, and they have people who can actually help you. Closing this store would also put a lot of good people out of work and would be an enormous loss to our city and the surrounding area. Please consider saving this long standing, beneficial business. Thanks, Betsy and Mike McGowan Blossom Valley Drive San Jose, CA 95124 Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer Leanne McAuliffe < leannemcauliffe@hotmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:21 AM Jennifer Armer Re: Ace Hardware With regard to the potential re-zoning and closing of Ace Hardware we would be bitterly disappointed if it went ahead. We have utilized the services of Ace since we arrived 6 years ago. The staff have always been friendly and knowledgeable. I actually did not know until yesterday there was even another hardware store in town as I have been so happy with Ace J did not need another option. However my husband has been to the downtown hardware store and says it does not even compare to Ace. Even if Ace was closed I would not bother battling with town traffic and parking to go to the downtown store, especially on the weekend which is typically when we need to go. We would opt for a facility further out which would not benefit the pockets of the town of Los Gatos. I also find it incredulous and disingenuous that the property owner could sign a ten year lease with Ace just three months before they were preparing to sell. I'm not quite sure why there is a need for the property to be re-zoned to offices ... seems strange when there are large office buildings sitting vacant in Los Gatos for months. And do we really need more medical offices? I hope the proper is not re-zoned and that the property owner honors their agreement with Ace to lease for another 10 years so that we may continue to be Los Gatos patrons and not be forced to take our dollars elsewhere. Kind regards. Leanne McAuliffe 15946 Linda Ave Los Gatos CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Vicky Mlyniec <vicky@writesense.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:21 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am writing to request that the zoning remain in place so that Ace Hardware will not be affected. It has been a vital company to our family for decades and we need it in our community. Thank you, Vicky Mlyniec Vicky Mlyniec 25135 Soquel San Jose Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95033 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Jarmer: Paulina Grzegorek <pgrzegorek2@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:30 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware I am writing to express my opposition to the plan of rezoning the current site of ACE Hardware and replacing our town hardware store with more medical offices. That particular part of Los Gatos already has a great number of medical offices scattered along Los Gatos Blvd and adding more will make current traffic congestion even worse (and it's pretty bad now). The only other hardware store in town (the other ACE) is wonderful, but is already hard to get to at times due to already existing traffic congestion issues (hwy 17 & the dreaded beach traffic). Please keep our local ACE hardware and the convenience it provides, both in terms of hardware supplies and more bearable traffic. Thank you, Paulina Grzegorek Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Betty Benesi < bbenesi@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:31 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware The Hardware store is a vital part of Los Gatos businesses. The residents need this store for everyday repairs, maintenance, etc. With traffic issues, it is the most convenient for a lot of residents. An additional medical building IS NOT what the town of Los Gatos needs .. I'm not sure what the plan is with the medical offices around town, but this is getting ridiculous. The medical industry is just getting greedy We are not Palo Alto! Thank you for your consideration, Betty Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Billy Martin < billy95044@aol.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:46 AM Jennifer Armer billy95044@aol.com Ace Hardware on Lark We are strongly opposed to putting in yet another oversized, ugly, new building in Los Gatos. These things are ruining this town' We are already overcrowded and over populated enough! We have enough medical offices throughout the bay area. Ace is a great go-to and should stay. The North 40 is going to be more than enough for the town. Please leave Ace Hardware on Lark and all the other businesses in that strip alone! Sincerely, Bill & Alane Martin Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Jennifer Armer, Lucinda VB <lucindavb@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:51 AM Jennifer Armer Steven Leonardis Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Meeting Sept 12, 2018; Support to keep Ace Hardware retail store in our Community I recently learned that the property at address of 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, is under consideration for development into a large office complex. My home is 3 blocks from this location and we have owned our home since 1996. We are very familiar with the Ace Hardware retail store that currently leases this site and would feel it would be a great toss to the loca I community if this store was to be forced out of that location or could no longer operate as a Hardware store there. As a Los Gatos resident, homeowner, and parent of two young men who grew up attending Los Gatos area public schools, this store has been been a valuable part of our neighborhood and Town as a convenient source for all types of necessities for our daily fives, home improvement projects, garden projects, emergency supplies and/or random items like getting that extra key made. From many years working as a volunteer at our local schools on projects for fundraisers, building & painting theater sets at Fisher MS and Los Gatos High School, as well as watching my children work on a multitude of school projects-all this required many many trips to the local Ace Hardware store to get materials. This is a store you go to where you see your neighbors, fellow friends & parents from school, or a friend of the family you knew growing up. If we had no focal Hardware store like this to walk, bike or drive to-it would not only send that business to San Jose or another community, but place a real burden on Local Residents, Families, Students & Seniors who rely on Local Stores close by for a convenient place to get the things we need everyday. Although I do not know the busiiness owners of this local Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd., they did employ my youngest son while he was in high school and just out of school for several years. It was an excellent "first job" experience for him and he now works as an Operating Engineer for a large Northern California construction firm who does commercial construction projects all over the Bay Area. I know Ace Hardware employs many local youth from both the Los Gatos & Union School districts. Keep businesses like Ace Hardware in our community-This Is what makes the Town of Los Gatos feel like a place with its own sense of Local Identity! If you remove all these great local businesses, Los Gatos just becomes part of some ugly urban sprawl with no sense of what used to make it special. Sincerely, Lucinda Van Bruggen 154 Potomac Drive Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Dee <ed@eddee.net> Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:55 AM Jennifer Armer We need ACE Hardware There must be a way to appease the owners, with medical and ACE Hardware on site?? Please work to a compromise. We need ACE!! Ed Dee Cell: 408.896.1117 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: michael bruza < mbruza@gmail.com > Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:57 AM Jennifer Armer; planning@losgatos.gov Why I oppose this rezoning possibility! l moved to the Los Gatos area several years ago. I relocated from southern California to offer my family, my kids a life similar to the one I grew up with, a small town in Michigan. A town where my Mother knew the grocers, I worked at the local restaurant and my Father took me to the local hardware store practically every weekend. I chose Los Gatos for this reason, the small town charm that seems to be disappearing county-by-county these days. When my father recently visited, we needed to go to the hardware store to get a few small items. I was secretly excited because I knew where I was going to take him. His eyes lit up as we pulled into the parking lot of ACE Hardware on Los Gatos boulevard. For us, it's a throwback to the ACE he and I went to when I was a kid. A place where you are greeted with a smile, questions quickly answered by people who take a real interest in hardware. A place where you are personally walked to an isle to be shown what you came for by a young adult, home from collage. My Dad loved this and he remarked, "Michael, you are lucky you still have a store like this in this town instead of being forced to go to Home Depot where you are ignored and get lost". It's too late for the town I grew up in, most of that small town charm is gone. But it's not too late for Los Gatos. PLEASE think long and hard about this discussion to rezone that ACE property. You will be erasing wonderful memories and a place for our young adults to work. You don't want people to look back, years from now, and say, "At one point, Los Gatos was such a great place to live". There's a reason why people are so persistent about living in this town. It's a thousand small, charming reasons. Not a few big ones. Thank you for your time and consideration. Michael -Kennedy Road- Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms Armer, Kirsten Antonelli <kirstenantonelli@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:33 PM Jennifer Armer Save ACE Los Gatos Please do not allow the Los Gatos ACE to be forced to close. They are such an asset to the community. I recently commented that I am especially grateful that we have ACE since OSH has closed. ACE is a great place to buy things we need and a great employer of local youth. Providing them with a unique opportunity to learn to provide excellent customer service. It would be a terrible loss to the community on multiple levels to loose ACE. In the 18 years I have lived here this town has slowly been loosing its unique charm. This would be another step toward Los Gatos becoming nothing unique or special like so many other valley towns. Please don't let this happen. And seriously we don't need another medical building. Sincerely Kirsten Antonelli Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Lindskog <lindskog@verizon .net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:33 PM Jennifer Armer Re: Ace Hardware Store Los Gatos Dear Jennifer and the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee: As a local and long time resident of Los Gatos, I ask that you refrain from changing the zoning of the Ace Hardware property from retail to office. As residents of Los Gatos, we need to protect our retail brick and mortar businesses from closing and turning into more medical buildings, labs and offices. I have personal experience with a community that turned into a large medical community. I grew up in Fullerton, CA in the Sunny Hills neighborhood in the 1960's that boasted beautiful homes, parks, excellent schools, retail shops and restaurants. One by one, and little by little, the grocery stores, drug stores, ice cream shops, Hallmark shop, Loehmann's clothing shop, sandwich shops, and restaurants were sold off to the ever-growing St . Jude Medical Center -which has become part of the St. Joseph Hoag Health Alliance today. What is left of that area is a very sterile collection of medical offices, parking garages, medical supply stores, labs, a few coffee shops-with business hours only. Neighbors do not meet neighbors in towns that have been allowed to become medical destinations. I ask, too, that you help smaller businesses such as the delightful Los Gatos Ace Hardware Store stay in business so that we are not left with a choice of Horne Depot or Lowes. I cannot tell you how many times we go to Ace Hardware for small and frequent purchases. I love the way they employ our young people who live here and give them their first taste of working. I also love seeing my neighbors and saying hello when I go there. These are the things that make a town livable. At the very least -please consider more mixed use space where retail store fronts are not sacrificed for office store fronts. Believe me, living in a sterile neighborhood is not good for any livable town. Please plan accordingly! Very best, Nancy Lindskog 408-482-5823 16141 Escobar Ave . Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Susan Nissen Sent from my iPhone BS Nissen <bsnissen@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 6:49 PM Jennifer Armer Don't allow ACE to close! It has been our go-to store since it was Coast to Coast. We do NOT need another medical facility. Those North 40 residents will need a place close by for supplies. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, John Morrell <john.morrell86@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 7:02 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware & new medical building I learned recently of a commercial plan related to Los Gatos Ace Hardware via my neighbors. While I am unsure how it will affect Ace Hardware I can tell you I visit Ace Hardware 3 of 4 weekends per month while my family has used the PAMF urgent care twice since it opened. I believe that Ace is a vital part of my experience in town. Aside from groceries, Ace gets more visits than an other retailer from our family. I truly believe that a local hardware store is a critical part of our town. I can avoid trips to Campbell or San Jose and the staff is helpful. I understand the demand for medical services as well since 1 am 56 years old and have occasion to visit the doctor more than in my 30 's . I'm not that sympathetic to people complaining about loss of views . The reality is that the population has grown and we need to find ways to accommodate all the new people and the services they need. It's worth noting however, there has been a need outflow of people in silicon valley that last two years. I would ask that you put forward solutions that meet both needs. If we need more medical office space, consider building up, but please find a way to keep Ace Hardware on LG Boulevard. John Morrell 172 Clover Way Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Mary Martin <mbrence@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 7:12 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I want to register my dismay at hearing we may lose Ace Hardware because a major corporation wants to construct yet another medical building in Los Gatos. My reasons for dismay are as follows: 1. We are losing the businesses that make this a small town where you can buy what you need without having to drive to adjacent cities. Sure, we have another Ace on the west side of town, but getting there is well nigh impossible at certain periods on the weekend, right at the times when it's most likely that home repairs, gardening, etc., will require a last-minute part or whatever. There are other businesses n that little mall that will be missed as well. 2. How many medical centers does one small town need? 3. Tall buildings that block our views of the hills subtract (usually forever} one of the attributes that make this Town so special . The new cancer center at the juncture of Samaritan Drive, Los Gatos Blvd. and Hwy. 85 is a good example of this kind of eyesore. (When I think of development in Los Gatos, I often think of that fairy tale about killing the goose that laid the golden egg. When we block our views, and when we welcome chain stores over locally owned businesses that sell unique items, we are killing off the things that attract people to this Town and make living here such a joy. 3. If that lot is sold and redeveloped, wouldn't it make more sense to put multiple-unit housing there? (Not that I think that's such a good idea, but to me it's a better idea than more medical offices.} With the state howling for us to find more vacant land to build housing, and with the developer of the North 40 claiming to have solved all the traffic problems that will ensue once all those house are there, well ... 4. I worry that the Planning Commission and the Council sometimes put potential tax revenue over the needs and wishes of residents. I know that the bottom line is important and that the budget is important, but so is quality of life. Sincerely, Mary Martin 254 Vista del Monte, Los Gatos 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armer, Don McKell <don31@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 7:12 PM Jennifer Armer Potential loss of Ace Hardware I am alarmed by the posting of a notice at the Ace Hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd. which states the Town is entertaining a request to re-zone the property upon which the store sits from retail to medical. Such a rezoning, it is explained, would allow the property to have a two-story medical office building with underground parking erected on that spot. Of course, such a move would force the hardware business to close, and the manager tells me that even if they reopen, it will not be in Los Gatos. I am not sure that Los Gatos needs another medical office building, but I am completely sure we need that hardware store. I urge the Town and the Planning Commission to reject the application to re-zone this property. We are told that all Orchard Supply stores will close by the end of the year. Weekend traffic, especially in summer months, makes getting to Rural Supply Hardware on South Santa Cruz Ave. an onerous and time-consuming chore. Many, many people in this Town depend upon the Ace Hardware store for all of the items that hardware stores are called upon to supply. Aside from the big-box lumber yards (Home Depot, Lowes), which actually have a less-varied selection of hardware than the Ace store, there are precious few outlets for everyday hardware items so frequently needed by homeowners remaining in the Valley. It is a mystery to me why a new medical office building is required in this Town, or, if one is required, why it could not be placed as one of the businesses in the North 40 development, or on the long-abandoned property that was once Anderson Chevrolet at the corner of LG Blvd and LG-Almaden road. Please let it be known that this voting citizen will not take kindly to the bureaucratic loss of a valuable retail hardware business. Thank you, Don McKell 31 Mariposa Ave. (408) 345-5341 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer - Kim Vrijen <kim_vrijen@yahoo.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 7:25 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I am writing to express my displeasure with the idea of turning ACE hardware into another medical building. When we first moved to Los Gatos, ACE was the place we went for help tracking down obscure old components and just general knowledge. We continue to visit ACE on a regular basis and consider them to be an integral part of the community. ACE employs local people and goes out of their way to provide exceptional customer service. I think the timing of the request to rezone is particularly disturbing. As I understand, ACE just renegotiated a ten year lease. ACE clearly made a commitment to remain a critical part of Los Gatos. And yet, the owner is in negotiations to sell the property and essentially invalidate the lease that they just negotiated. I hope that the Conceptual Design Committee will recommend against rezoning the property. ACE is an asset to our community and should be allowed to remain so for years to come! Thank you, Kim Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Kim Bellotti < kbellotti@jbellotti.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:01 PM Jennifer Armer ace Hardware Ace Hardware is a huge part of our life in Los Gatos. Kimberley Bellotti Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Angela Louie <wepraise@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:10 PM Jennifer Armer Planning@losgatos.gov Don't want to lose Ace Hardware to medical office I'm writing to you to object the proposal to demolish Ace Hardware to build a two-story building on 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. We need Ace Hardware, our friendly neighborhood hardware store. I have been using Ace Hardware for 14 years. We DO NOT need another medical facility. There are more than enough medical facilities/buildings on Los Gatos Boulevard. The traffic on Los Gatos Boulevard is already very congested. Building another medical building on LG Boulevard will further worsen the traffic on this road. Please consider my opinion to disapprove the proposal. Blessings, Angela Louie Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Barbara Page <pagebarbara19@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:17 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware needs to stay please Ace Hardware is one of the few stores left that actually helps our community. We have been living here in LG for over 25 years and one reason we are still here are those type of shops. The store and the people who work there are part of Los Gatos. This is the go to place to get what you need for the house and more. 1t is very convenient and the people who work there are extremely friendly and helpful . This is what our town should be about and stay . We have already so many health centers here and it seems we move from an auto mall straight into an office mall full of doctors. We have enough. We rather need more of the "Ace Type" shops and also some more nice restaurants or other small businesses for the locals. Please ensure that this is not going to happen that would be another huge loss for the town. Thank you . Barbara P. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Pam Bond <pamabond@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:25 PM Jennifer Armer Proposed rezoning of ACE hardware lot Dear Ms . Armer and Town Council, With the imminent closing of OSH hardware, ACE has become the only hardware store that still has helpful staff and a local interest in the town. It is also basically the last hardware store in town as Rural Supply doesn't carry nearly as much merchandise. I realize that even if the rezoning doesn't happen, that the property owners of the lot could still find a why to remove ACE hardware, but perhaps when they see the local value that the store has they will have a change of heart. Regardless of what the future holds, ACE is a valuable town resource. I have heard that they hire local high school students. They are the best option now for hardware and other merchandise and they also carry some local Los Gatos branded merchandise. Replacing it with another medical office building (across the street from Sutter) would be very unfortunate and I question the future traffic issues in an already high traffic area. I don't know what is happening on the corner of Los Gatos Blvd and Los Gatos Almaden Road, but that huge lot has been empty for years and would seem a better fit. I am not against growth. I know that it is required to keep up with change . I urge the Town to weigh the proposed zoning change carefully. Changing zoning just to meet the needs of a property owner seems to me to be a situation that should require ample time to consider alternatives. Sincerely, Pamela Bond 17140 Mill Rise Way Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Lynn Hoefflinger <lynn.hoefflinger@gmail.com> Sunday, Sep t ember 09 , 2018 8:25 PM Jenn ifer Armer Don't let Ace Hardware close We are just moving to Los Gatos, and we have utillzed Ace Hardware numerous times. They are very helpful and knowledgable . Please do not let this store close because Los Gatos wants more tax revenue from office space . We need more small town retail with real people that can help . Sincerely, Lynn Hoefflinger Gum Tree Lane, Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Jennifer Arner: Carla Mason <carla.d.mason@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:33 PM Planning; Jennifer Armer Fwd: Letter (Prelininary) It has come to our attention that the property where Ace Hardware now stands is in jeopardy of being torn down for development. I just want to express my deep concern about moving forward with this project. .Thousands of residents need the convenience of this hardware store. Secondly, we already have several emergency medical facilities in the close local area. We don't need another emergency medical clinic. We're saturated. Please turn down the medical office plan and keep Ace Hardware. Regards, Carla Mason Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Christine Wilcox <cwilcox@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:36 PM Jennifer Armer Objection of Proposal for Zoning -Office vs . Retail As a resident of Los Gatos, I am writing to object to the rezoning of the area where Ace Hardware sits on Los Gatos Blvd. It's a great resource to this community in addition to being a good part of this community. Christine Wilcox 103 Henning Court Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, jayfiore@g ma ii.com Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:48 PM Jennifer Armer Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Sept 12 I understand that this Wednesday there will be a Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting to consider a proposal from Sand Hill properties to build a medical office building on the current site of the Ace Hardware store at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. I am unable to attend the meeting in person, but I would deeply appreciate it if you would let the Committee know that I and my family would hate to lose our local Ace Hardware store . We are regular customers, typically making purchases at least once a week. I love the store with its friendly local proprietors and staff, and would be sorely disappointed to see this great local business, along with the other small businesses adjoining it, disappear. We have plenty of medical office buildings already, and I can't imagine why the town would want to re-zone this prime retail location for a non -retail purpose. A medical office building does not need to be in a space like this, which is perfect for retail. Please let folks know I want to keep my Ace. If there are any other opportunities for Los Gatos residents to have a say in this matter, please advise . Thank you Jay Jay Fiore 16494 Ferris Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032 415 987 9693 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, DaphnaRahmil.com <Daphna@DaphnaRahmil.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:52 PM Jennifer Armer Please do not let Ace be replaced Our whole community is served by Ace Hardware. They are the go-to for so many in this town, for everything from plants to paint. They hire local youth and others, and always provide friendly and knowledgeable service. It feels like the perfect town store, not like the other giant impersonal box hardware stores. l cannot imagine that our community will be better served by medical office buildings . Perhaps developers will make a better profit, but that is no reason to destroy a place needed and well-loved by all. That is not what Los Gatos should be all about . Please oppose this proposal. Daphna Rahmil Blossom Valley Drive 408 -656-3603 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer - Karthik Narain < karthiknarain@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:57 PM Jennifer Armer LG Ace Hardware I would like to record my preference to keep the local Los Gatos Ace Hardware store in its current and long standing place . This is one such store that makes LG look like a small town where we get personal service and get to see our neighbors trying out their various projects etc ... I do recognize the need for medical centers in our town but would love to see it in some other place rather than removing Ace Hardware. Thanks and hoping my request counts in addition to other such requests from neighbors. Thanks, Karthik 17246 VERDES ROBLES, Los Gatos. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer: Linda A Whyte < lindawhyte@comcast.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:57 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; msvoc@losgatosca.gov Ace Hardware shopping center I have lived in Blossom Manor for over 20 years and shop at Ace Hardware regularly. I DO NOT want this shopping center to be rezoned as an office building. Los Gatos does not need another office or medical building! The reason my family moved to Los Gatos is because of the quaint, small town charm. We frequent as many Los Gatos stores as possible and would hate to see, yet another local store, close its doors so that an office building can replace it. Please, please, do the right thing and turn down this proposal! Sincerely, Linda A. Whyte Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Town of LosGatos, dtbunger email <dtbunger@sbcglobal.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:59 PM Jennifer Armer Request to keep Los Gatos ACE hardware store OPEN I am writing to request that the Development Advisory Committee of the Town of Los Gatos keep the ACE Hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd. Open at its current location. This store is an important part of our community and would be a huge loss to this town. This neighborhood hardwood store was here back when Los Gatos was a small town and is a valuable piece of the town's uniqueness today. To be able to have personable, knowledgeable service with a warm hello , how can I help you ... is invaluable for building community. Many neighborhood teens and college students are employees of ACE in a time where it is hard for this age group to find employment. Closing ACE hardware, means we would lose these jobs for our local young people as well as the adults that served the community for many years . I am a Bay Area native and have lived in Los Gatos for almost 30 years. I love this town . Please keep ACE hardware open, don't change the zoning of this property. Our community highly values this neighborhood resource and beloved store! Sincerely, Dave and Tracy Bunger 211 Thomas Drive Los Gatos , CA 95032 Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms Armer, Thomas Key <takey89@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:02 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Hardware I have been informed there is a possibility that Los Gatos Ace Hardware (LGH), located on Los Gatos Blvd at Gateway Dr, is in danger of loosing it's location to yet another proposed medical/office building. Enough already! I have li ved in the Blossom Manor neighborhood for over 30 years and LG Hardware has been my go-to store for most all of my small home improvement and maintenance projects. In fact I'm in that store so often they know me by name ... not so at the big box stores. The down side to our community of loosing LG Hardware would be MUCH greater than the upside of yet another medical/office building. LGH offers a plethora of needed day to day services in close proximity to our local neighborhood. If you need something they don't carry in their store they can most often get it within a days. Best of all is I never have to wander the aisles hoping to find what I need because there are always numerous sales assistants ready to help. Speaking of the helpful employees, LGH has always made it a practice to hire young community members to work part time while in school. Because so many of the employees have worked in the store for many years I can only assume management treats their employees well. Isn't this the profile of a business our town should work hard to keep in our community? If the Town feels the need for yet another medical/office complex how about promoting the vacant auto dealer space on LG Blvd and LG-Alamden Rd.? Please make the decision to leave LGH alone so it can continue to serve our community as it has for years. Thank you! Thomas Key Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Brian Carr < bc899899@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:04 PM Jennifer Armer Save the Ace Hardware I urge the Town of Los Gatos not to destroy an invaluable community resource, our Ace Hardware. There are medical buildings springing up everywhere, but the hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd is the only one in the area and is, I'm sure, supported by 95% of the residents of the area---if you care? Brian Carr Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark & Yasmin Bomann <bomann@comcastnet> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:12 PM Jennifer Armer; Council Ace Hardware Dear Ms. Armer and Town Council members, I just learned this weekend that the property currently occupied by Ace Hardware and several other businesses is being considered for a medical building. My husband and I have lived in Los Gatos for 15 years and have been shopping at Ace Hardware as long as we have lived here. We like shopping at Ace Hardware and love their helpful employees and great selection of merchandise. It would be such a shame if this property were to be developed as a medical building. As long as I have lived here I have heard the phrase "Shop local" in regard to Los Gatos. If Ace Hardware is forced to dose/move we can no longer shop locally at a hardware store. I would very much like to continue supporting local merchants such as Dene Kankel and Bryan Matsumoto. I understand that this property is currently zoned as commercial. In that case, please leave it zoned as commercial and do not change the zoning to office. Also, with the first half of the North 40 beginning construction soon, if this project is also approved, would it really be a good idea to have construction at this site commencing as well? My husband and I are already dreading the North 20 and its future impact on traffic . We have been talking about how we may need to start utilizing the Winchester Blvd . exit and/or the Union Ave. exit to avoid the Los Gatos Blvd . exit because even in the middle of the day the traffic can be quite heavy. Thank you, Yasmin Bomann 944 Cherrystone Dr. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Heather Ishak <heatherishak@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:15 PM Jennifer Armer CD -18-004 letter supporting ACE Hardware I am a Los Gatos resident living on Smith Ranch Ct. I am writing on behalf of our street in hopes that the conceptual development committee will realize that tearing down our local Ace Hardware is a detrimental decision for our community. We love our local ACE for many reasons. First, this store hires our own high school students as employees and all of the workers are helpful and attentive. This store values friendliness and has a local charm that cannot be replaced. Second, this is one of the closest spots for many residents to access a variety of daily needs. Particularly the types of items that are challenging to buy online for example finding the right paint color, screw, or light bulb. Finally, we like to stop here as it's a place where you bump into other Los Gatos residents. We regularly see other parents from the Daves Ave school as well as coaches and friends. Sometimes we pop in on the weekend just to browse and chat with others. This ACE store is not a failing business. It is a great spot and well loved . This is the type of store that makes Los Gatos a good place to live. When we lose all of our close shopping and gain traffic it becomes less and less desirable. I hope the commission can see beyond the money and see the value of keeping the businesses for the community. Sincerely, Heather Ishak President of the Classics at Vasona Ranch HOA. 129 Smith Ranch Ct. > > One of the attractions of this town is the diversity of businesses. I can get most of what l need on a regular basis right here. For yearlmedical appointments I don't mind driving. To lose the access to a variety of daily needs seems to detract from attraction of living here > > > Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Lucille Weidman <laweidman@sbcglobal.net> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:15 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning NextDoor responses to CD-18-004 NextDoor responses CD-18-004.docx Ms. Armer and Planning Department: Attached please find a compilation of comments/responses that I received via NextDoor regarding the Public Notice Meeting on September 12th of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee regarding Application CD-18- 004. Please forward the information within the document to the committee members prior to the September 12th meeting therefore affording them the opportunity to review the comments of the concerned residents and customers of Ace Hardware from Los Gatos and surrounding communities. Thank you for your assistance in my request. Respectfully, Lucille Weidman 215 Carlester Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Gulp .... I didn't know this was in the works, we live behind Harker school but always go to Ace! Hate going to home "despot"!!! Been in the area over 50 years, it used to be a grocery store and A&W Rootbeer was across the street:( progress ....... . ******************************** Kennedy North·23h ago I am not necessarily opposed to new development there but can't imagine we need more medical offices in this stretch of the road. *************************** North Los Gatos·23h ago This is such bs. One more nail in the los gatos small town coffin. Ace hardware is a wonderful store and even thogh it is a chain, they hire high school kids and are always so helpful. Lived here 47 years and i am disgusted with the council, specifically jensen, sayoc and rennie. We must vote them out and stop this development madness. Everyone please write an email and s how up ***************************** ,National & LG Almaden Rd·23h ago That sucks, I didn't know this! Have been in this neighborhood for 16 years and I love that little Ace Hardware. I also heard something about tearing down and rebuilding a new complex on the corner of Carlton and National Ave. Can you imagine what Lark Ave is going to be like if we keep letting all these huge buildings in, besides North 40?? ********************************* ,Ri nconada·23h ago We love the local ACE hardware store. Such a well run and friendly place. It would be sad to lose it. ******************************* ,Blossom Manor·23h ago I just sent an email to Jennifer Arme r requesting retention of current zoning. Also, I opined that the building is too ambitious for that area and would be better suited to a San Jose address. Thank you for alerting me. ********************************* Blossom Manor·23h ago Let the Planning Commission know your fe e lings. ************************************* Cambrian Park·23h ago Our local ACE hardware is great! We'd hate to see them go! ******************************* Va sona·22h ago YES! I 'm going to write Jennifer as well. We need to flood the Planning Commission and Town Council with our e mails, expressing our concerns about balance and realistic growth in our small town.Carlton ******************************** Ave·22h ago This totally Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, another medical building? ********************************** Carlton Ave·22h ago It would b e good to have a fly e r that we can print and drop off at neighbors. The meeting ale rt and the map. Thanks ! ********************************** Kennedy North·22h ago Oh he!! No. Do we really need another medical building on LG Blvd!? ACE is a local treasure, and with the in- progress closure of OSH this would be tragic. ***************************************** Lo s Gatos Main·22h ago Thanks for posting -I've gone to Ace Hardware for many years. They go out of their way to help. 1 'll definitely write a letter opposing ******************************************* Vasona·22h ago ACE is crucial to our community. The ACE by the post office is nice, but not nearly as large and comprehensive. Always great customer service on Bascom -and you can't get that kind of help at Home Depot. For many teenagers and college students, this is their first job and it's a critical feeder into our community for youth -and there are many, many kids who pass through ACE on their way into life. They learn all kinds of applied practical skills along with their employment. Will that happen in a medical building? No. Exactly how much medical do we need around here? ls this the land grab for Stanford or for Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) to edge out Good Sam or just going to be more private plastic surgery suites and urgent cares? Los Gatos seems like either a very unwell community, or an extremely medically attended community, to the extent that we'll have no significant useful hardware store for miles! We have no lumber store, Walgreens has cut back their pharmacy hours, thereby placing it as a fairly exact competitor for 4 other pharmacies. Seriously? I know the rents are good for medical and they sign long term leases, but the vestiges of this being a TOWN are being completely erased! I do think the town council needs to stop allowing every developer coming up with an enhanced revenue plan, and they need to realize they are RUINING the CHARACTER of the town! Does the Town Council have the right to say "NO"? Can they refuse to allow a REZONING? (Separately), I heard that O'Connor Hospital just declared bankruptcy though it's Catholic and I don't know if the legal burdens have anything to do with it. We'll see if another hospital group steps in to acquire it, or if they can work their way out of bankruptcy and keep operating. There have been a number of mistakes that have had poor consequences for the town; specifically the cell phone towers on top of the storage building on University that wrecks the hill views, and recently, the upcoming construction on Santa Cruz/Winchester and Shelburne, that will bring hundreds of employee cars, at the exact nexus of the convergence of a ONE CAR LANE headed into town (two headed out of town), when it's already paralyzed with Santa Cruz commute traffic and beach traffic, thereby not allowing residents to get into town, and taking hour long commutes to do it. The planning commission and town council are making some huge mistakes!!! ******************************************** Vasona·22h ago Wow, that is horrible! My husband and I are pretty annoyed at the thought of OSH disappearing, and now ACE? How disappointing. ************************************ ,Vasona·22h ago Ugh. Terrible news. I can ride my bike to Ace and return in under 10 minutes. Maybe Ace can still fit into the bottom floor of the office building. ************************************* Vasona·22h ago Thanks for letting us know. We were completely unaware of this. NO! we dont need ANOTHER med. bldg in this area. Ace is the best. ********************************** Rinconada·21h ago My objection isn't the views, which I love,,lt is forcing more of us onto the roads to travel distances, more pollution, to go to the big box stores. How about keeping our neighborhood stores, which employ our local young people. How about trying to maintain convenience for the locals, not put up more unnecessary office/medical buildings onto an already too busy street! ************************************* Blossom Manor·21h ago Los Gatos planning commission is not going to give a .... ! Look at what they are/ have already done to our town. This is a greedy disgraceful mess! WHAT ARE THEY THINKING TO EVEN HAVE THIS ON THE TABLE?! I'm just DISGUSTED!!!!!!! They must all be newbies to this town. ************************************* Blossom Manor·21h ago I would like Ace to stay on LG Blvd. Ac e downtown is cut off on nice beach weekends. The Home Depots are somewhat distant. Orchard Supply down on Blossom Hill will be gone too. ************************************* Alta Vista·20h ago I think many of you need look at Los Gatos 2020 general plan. https://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter /View /13106/GeneralPlanLandUseMap_?bidld= That area in the general plan is zone the same as the Sutter Health Care Center across the street on Gateway. I would love Ace to stay too, but Los Gatos Blvd is going to change for better or worst. You have to admit that lot is not fully utilized because of it age and condition. It is very hard to stop developments that comply with the general plan as I seeing, and "stopping developments" when they do conform tends to get the Town dragged into court civil actions. I'm not fan of yet another medical center, but I also know it is nice when I go to Sutter health care center on Lox Gatos Blvd instead of having to go down highway 85 to Sunnyvale/ Mt View. So there is a population of people who will benitit from the new facility. Also .... For those who do not know a new Ace Hardware has open up on Blossom Hill about block south/east of the closing orchard supply on Blossom. ******************************************************* Los Gatos Main·20h ago Write letters to LG planning and council and attend meeting if you can. The DRC is the first step in the public process and long approval. We can make a impact, especially when this will change a retail part of town to medical buildings. Take your comments on Next Door and send to the town. I'll be working on my letter tomorrow! ******************************************** Oka·20h ago Writing now. Our neighborhood doesn't need anymore medical/professional centers. Do we need a 7th urgent care facility? Lastly -the Ace on blossom isn't exactly close/convenient. May as well just go to home depot on Hillsdale. ********************************** White Oaks·l 9h ago I LOVE the Ace Hardware store. It's the only one l go to. Everyone is extremely helpful, and I always find what 1 want. I would be so disappointed to lose them, especially to more medical buildings, ugh! *************************************** , Los Gatos Main·l 9h ago @jason medical offices aren't same thing as hospitals. good sam and el camino are within a stone's throw from these proposed medical offices . ok, i'm exaggerating a wee bit on distance, but you get the picture. ************************************* Blossom Manor·18h ago The benefit for me in maintaining my home is to shop at Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. The removal of this business will drive us to shop downtown Los Gatos at Rural Supply Hardware or to one of the Home Depots on E. Hamilton Ave or Camden Ave. I get that we have an aging population requiring medical services however what of access to a diverse business environment that at least permits us to maintain our homes? Los Gatos Ace Hardware (Los Gatos Blvd) would benefit many by staying in place and by evidence of the foot traffic in and out of the store on most days. ****************************************** Blossom Manor·18h ago Just sent my letter to Jennifer. One of the attractions of this town is the diversity of businesses. I can get most of what I need on a regular basis right here. For yearly medical appointments I don't mind driving. To lose the access to a variety of daily needs seems to detract from attraction of living here. ******************************************* Blossom Manor· 18h ago Hi James. I just want to point out the ACE is not a chain store. It is locally owned and has been passed down to generations. ACE is a buying co-op just like True Value, Coast to Coast etc. Small independent business owners like our ACE can join and by promoting the "ACE" sign they are able to purchase goods from the ACE warehouse at better deals than they could factory direct. My son had the pleasure of working there this past year and absolutely loved it. ********************************************* Carlton Ave·17h ago Wrote my letter today Q ********************************************** Vasona·17h ago Just sent my letter mentioning the loss of sales tax revenue to the Town and many medical offices,but only one hardware store. ***************************************** Vasona·9h ago How about traffic? Isn't it bad enough? Plus with the new development down the street? ****************************************** Blossom Manor·7h ago Thank you for informing us. Email sent. ********************************** Vista·7h ago This is a small hardware store and Is competing with large box stores and internet sales. The Ace in Campbell has closed and the Willow Glen Ace is also closing. This is happening around the country. Adding another urgent care/ medical office does not seem to be adding diversity. What type of business can fit the needs of the community and pay the high rent? ***************************************** Blossom Manor·4h ago Send an email AND try and attend the meeting on September 12. It does make a difference when people show up at these meetings. We must do all we can to keep our community treasure right where it is. ACE Hardware is an important part of our community in so many ways! ******************************************************* Blossom Manor·4h ago Sending letters and attending meetings didn't seem to make much of a difference in the north 40 decision. Greed is greed. More money in the town pocket. ***************************************************** Blossom Manor·4h ago Not "greed", but "improving the tax base" ************************************** Los Gatos Blvd·4h ago What about the huge vacant lot on the corner of LG Almaden and LG Blvd? Why can't that real estate be developed into something vs tearing down an existing business? ********************************************************* Monte Sereno·4h ago J am super bummed about this (I've been going to that Ace since it was in King's Court!) but the reality is that if you don't own the property, you don't get to decide what gets done with it. ************************************************* Kennedy North·3h ago Letter sent. Thanks so much for staying on top of this! ******************************************* North Los Gatos·3h ago My concern is two-fold. Second, we are already experiencing extremely bad traffic at certain times of the day, which is certainly going to become much worse when the 300+ homes are built on the first phase of the North Forty. If we add another two-story medical bldg. on the Blvd., we will making that traffic problem even worse. Also, people along Carlton can expect their street parking to be negatively impacted. Second, we will also be adding more street traffic and freeway traffic with all the folks who could normally get hardware supplies at Ace being forced to get on the highway and head many miles further for the items they need. Rural supply is the only other hardware store in town and good luck getting down there. ************************************************ North Los Gatos·3h ago Oops. Should have said, "First", first, not "Second" ************************************ Blossom Manor·3h ago Please let the Planning Commission know of your thoughts and concerns. *************************************** Alta Vista·3h ago I sent my 3 cents. ********************************* Los Gatos Main·2h ago @jason it's a good thought to want good jobs in town so we don't have to commute to Palo Alto or San Jose. 100% agree! Unfortunately, the root of this problem goes way back to the Michael Wasserman Town Council era and the 2020 GP plan committee when they lacked the foresight, as an example, to approach Apple or Google to develop the N40 into a work live area even having the Tech Co fund their own school as a proof of concept for their technology platform in schools. The impacts of this lack of vision will be forever felt in our town. Even though we are only 33,000+-in population LG will eventually be overbuilt becoming more dense with taller buildings to maximize revenues and provide short term gains to developers. Our roads unfortunately cannot expand with this overdevelopment. Our historic hillside views will be gone and perhaps not even noticed by the younger generations as they spend more of their time glued to their phones. A few hikes on the Los Gatos Creek Trail up to Lexington may provide a different perspective as to why those of us who have lived in town for many decades want to preserve the hillside views for future generations. Once the views are gone and the traffic impacts realized it will be too late ... The overbuilding of our town and sacrificing our quality of life doesn't meet the definition of progre ss in my book. ************************************************ Kennedy North·2h ago I just sent my email to council and Ms. Armer, "I am opposed to new medical offices being built at the current ACE Hardware location. The ACE store is the only hardware store on the east side of Los Gatos. It is a needed community store, especially even more so now that OSH is closing. We do not shop at the hardware store in downtown Los Gatos due to traffic, especially during the summer. If ACE leaves, this means our sales tax revenue will go to San Jose or Campbell. The service at ACE has always been helpful and they are a reliable source of employment for our high school students. I think there are plenty of medical offices on Los Gatos Blvd already and the traffic back-up at Lark is already very heavy during commute times. Last week before 4pm, I was in the left lane to turn left onto Lark and was stopped as far back as the McDonald's because so many people were cutting over to turn left. I think developing the corner at Los Gatos Blvd. and Los Gatos-Almaden would be a b e tter s ite fo r something new. It has been vacant for many years. This seems like a better location than tearing down a functional store at the ACE site. It would also create less traffic impact as it is further from Lark Avenue." ********************************************************** Los Gatos Main· lh ago @Mary Thank you for your eloquent post!! That part of town is becoming a medical building ghetto. We need this hardware store! Are our town officials only interested in the bottom line? This is a town, not a business. PUBLIC MEET IN G o n Se ptember 12 at 4 :3 0p m i n t he COU NCI L CH AMBERS Just received notice of preliminary plans to demolish an existing building and construct a two-story mediccil office building with below-grade parking. Addresses of proposed project 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. Looks like the Ace Hardware building and all the parking lot with the exception of the gas station property. Please try to attend this preliminary meeting. RE: conceptual development advisory committee application C0-18-004. Sand Hill Property Company is the Applicant. Project p lanner is Jennifer Ar mer. A Ira Vi~ta·4d -1gu So we lost OSH a n d now we are going to lose ACE? Lo!s G:1tus !\·fain·1l·d agu I sincere ly hope we 're not losing Ace, they're s o helpful in there and amazing when I ju s t need to head down the road for s o mething Lo:, Gatos f\farn·4d agu NO, pleas e don't let this be true ... We need tha t ACE Hardware in town. Why would they be closing? Keep it r etail as it is Live Oak M:-:rnor ·4d ago MLe r ge tting this notification yesterday, I stopped at t he Ace and t alked to them. Last year Ace signed a ten year lease with the building owners . The 'helpful hardware man' assured me that they aren 't going anywhere for 9 morf:' years. I hope this is true. Th e Ace is one of the best p;.irts of the neighborhood! Los C.JlfJ'> J\:lain-4d agn l s ure hope they arent going aw·ay . Everyone there is always so helpful. I would n t go anywhere else. l.o.., Gatos Mc1in,,'J.d ;1go l hnpe NOT!! l love that s tnre and the town would get no tax revenue on medical sal e s. Houge Park·3d ::igo Yet anoth e r medical offic e? At lea s t please tell me it won't be Stanford Health Care. Th e y're taking over so many doctor's practices. I ha v e t w o long-timE· doctors that are now out of network as a result. \'ista·3d ago That redu ces the hardware stores in LG to the Ace on North Santa Cruz. \fason.:i·3d ago Michelle my thoughts exactly. So tired of seeing our private family pra c tice docs b e bought out by Standford He alth and othe r hu ge fi t profits. Hav e n 't th ey don't e nough ? Hop e Ace s lays. Him:on,Hla·3d ago Subscribed. This would be heart·breaking, especially after OSH and Nfln.h40. I fer( we all need to get more involved in wh,1t is; happening in our town, it's get.ting out of control. This is an excellent forum to enhance this process. Lo" G.:ttos i,fai11·3d :1go Pleas e email Jennifer Armer at jarmer@)losgatosca.gov he fore September 12th if you do not want to see the property ;·ezoned for rrwdical offict:>. Any emails will bP submitted to the committee for their review before the meeting. Vasona·3d ago I take it regardless of the fact that ACE signed a 10 year lease. they looking to begin rezining now? C1rhon Avt'.·2d ;igu l),) we realiy need yet another medical huilding around here? I think nol. More traffic around that little entrance off of Gatevvay, are you kidding me? Blo:-som rv1anur<Zd ,.1g1) It isn't as if Los Gatos Blvd doesn't have enough traffic now, mllch Jess when the North 40 goes in. People are crowding and cuttrng in lines to get into the Jett turn lane at Lark. Trciffic in either direction is often dead stopped and backed up for blocks already. Ifwe let them add more business to that corner we will all need ro find an alternative route than LG Blvd. /1.ce has posred a sign saying that if this goes through, they will not be able to remain open. PLEASE either attend the Town Coun c il meeting on the 12th at 4:30 lo protest, or send an email to Jennifer Armer! jc1rmer@'losgatosca.gov We need Ace, not another medicai building! Pretty soon East LG will look like West LG on the weekends. Time to moVt' ... Lucille VVeidtnJn Live 0~1k Mc1r10r·2d ago Th is is a n update to my original post. My hus band and I went down to the Community Development Department toda y and talknl to Jennifer J\rmer (Project PkmnerJ and looked al the rnrrent conte nts of the file on hand. The curre nt plan is t o build an 80,000 square foot two-story medical office building with below ground parking for the most part The building will sit di a gonally from th0 left front corner of the present Ace building to a point beh ind the gas station with ~on1e abo ve ground r a rking behind the building. I pres ume this is to give the neighbors ( Jiving on Carlton Court) s ome sep ara t ion from the build i ng in the b ack. The height and location of the buil<ling s hould effectively block auy vi e w of LG Blvd a nd th e mountains to the wes t a s you approach Ace Hardware traveling w es t on Carlton Ave. to Gateway Drive. The foll o w ing i11fornwtion was provided by Jennifer Armer to help in your des ire to make your c omments known:" The meeting agenda will be posted and publicly di stributed on Friday, September 7 th This agenda will include a link to a s taff report, the application form (including property owner information), and the conceptual plans . You may view the ;1gendas and related staff reports on the Town website by us ing this link: "http ;/ /www.t o wn.lo s - gatos.G1 .us/ /\gend a Cen ter /Con ce ptual-Deve !opment-Advisory-Commi t te-9" lfyou would like to s ubmit written comments for consideration by the Conceptual Development Advi s ory Committee you can send them to me or plann ing@1o sgatos c J.go v. Any comments received hy llarn tomorrow will he attached to the staff report published tomorrow afternoon. All other commr-nts received by 11am on the day of t he meeting will he provided to committee members with an addendum o r Jesk report. You are als o welcome to attend the m e eting and provide your comments there. if y ou h a ve additional questions or comments, I can be rea ched at 408-399-5 7 06 or by e-mail at IA r m cr@ Lo s Ga to sC A.gov . , .. Apparently Jennifer has already received a letter from the owners of Ace r-Ia rdware exprl'ssing their con ce rns . Their letter should be in the packet later on Friday afternoon online. As ha s bee n mention e d, the o wners of Ace Hardware signed al O year lease last year and the news of the intent to demolish the building caught them o ff-guard. The gas station wiJI remain on site. Please email your concerns while the proces s for potential development 1s in the very beginning sta g es. Let's not wait until Lh e s tory-poles go up and then try to implement any Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Rob Abrams <abramsrob@yahoo.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:17 PM Jennifer Armer Support to keep Ace hardware Please forward this to the Town Council The Neighbor network is on fire this week w local citizens in opposition to the recently announced plan to close Ace Hardware and replace w Summit HC offices Many of us long term Los Gatos residents feel our town needs are not being met by such actions I unfortunately cannot attend the upcoming Mtg , so in lieu am expressing my sentiments Please keep infrastructure in town We rely on this hardware store and other local merchants like this for quality of lifestyle Little by little Silicon Valley towns sell Out space to corp intersects at the expense of the needs of loya I towns folk Please let's stop this Rob abrams 408-221 -1991 Los Gatos foothills Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: scott nathanson <scottnathanson@hotmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:22 PM Jennifer Armer Los Gatos Ace Hardware. As a six+ year resident of Los Gatos I feel strongly that rezoning of the property currently occupied by Ace Hardware on Santa Cruz from retail to office space will negatively impact the charm and charter of our vital downtown area. Due to increasing rents we are already loosing far to many o the locally owned businesses that makes our town unique and this change will unnecessarily make us loose one more. Scott Nathanson Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Dawn Gill <dawnmgill@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:30 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Our family feels that Ace Hardware is vital for the neighborhood. We have been using this store for almost 40 years, even before it was called Ace. It has always been a place to get quality help. Please don't let it be demolished for a medical building . Thank you, Dawn Gill Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: califcollies < califcollies@comcast.net > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 5:14 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware. Please leave Ace there. We need it. We do not need more tall medical office buildings. Keep our hill view. Been living off of Carlton for 62 years and no plans to sell. Stop this move that will damage our neighborhood . The north 40 is enough grief. Sent iTorr-my Verizo n , S1msu ng Gal oxy smartphone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Brita Sieve <britam@me.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:55 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Los Gatos I was deeply sadden to learn today that our beloved Ace Hardware is in jeopardy of closing if the proposal for the medical building goes through. One of the reasons we chose to move to our neighborhood in Los Gatos (The Manor, near to Ace Hardware) is for the quaintness and walkability of this neighborhood. Everything we love and need is within walking distance and we love and need Ace Hardware and want it to stay open. We do NOT want another medical building. We visit and shop at the Ace store about twice a week and sometimes multiple times on the weekend for our home projects or a quick trip to pick up a necessity. We have three children and driving over to a big box store like Home Depot or Lowe's is not something I have time to do. What I want to do is walk over to Ace or swing by after a school pick-up to get what we need for the home. We love the selection of high quality items that one can't find at a big box stores. Now with the nearby Orchard Hardware closing as well, we will be so very limited in where we can shop for these types of unique items. Ace is a great store, and it supports the local community and the community supports Ace. Ace employs locals kids , and there are so many reasons that we can't lose these much needed retail stores. l have fond memories of quick trips to the local Ace hardware store with my Dad and I'd love for my children to have these types of memories with their Dad . The local Ace stores in many communities are disappearing. Going to big box stores doesn't not offer the same feeling of discovery and adventure when walking down the aisles. We need to keep this store open for what they offer to the community. It is a place we all use, not just a few of us. Retails stores are something we all use, medical office buildings are just for a few. Please do what you can to stop this madness of removing quaint places that locals like to visit and replacing them with sterile medical offices. This is changing our town into a different place than we moved into ... we are losing our "Los Gatos Charm". Sincerely, Brita J. Sieve Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark Hobbs <markhobbs54@yahoo.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:56 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware closing As a long time resident of Los Gatos and a General Contractor, I rely on Ace Hardware for many projects. It would be a big loss for the store to close. They appear to do a great business and serve much of the community. Please consider keeping Ace Hardware opened for the good of the community. Sincerely, Mark Hobbs Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To whom it may concern Amanda Jacobs <amanda@jacobs.tv> Sunday, September 09, 2018 10:01 PM Jennifer Armer Save ACE I am unable to attend the town meeting this week as I have a prior engagement but I wanted to express my concern over the potential closure of ACE hardware . My family and I moved to Los Gatos 5 years ago from the UK . We looked at a bunch of different towns in the Bay Area but fell in love with LG almost instantly. It had a quaint, friendly appeal, so lacking in other areas with many conveniences on our doorstep. It's unique and friendly with a strong community feel. Recently it feels like one by one, the long standing/locally run businesses are closing -from book stores to restaurants to pubs to nurseries and now potentially ACE . What made our town unique and full of character is quickly disappearing. There are so many empty lots all over Los Gatos, especially with the multiple car dealerships which have long gone, so it makes no sense to me to allow developers to build on land that is being occupied . Moreover, it is not necessary to have a(nother} medical facilities in such a prominent area . ACE hardware in much loved by locals of their friendly, knowledgeable advice and proximity -why drive locals out of town to make their purchases in substandard stores? Please reconsider the rezoning . It's not in the best interests of this town nor our residents . Thanks Amanda Jacobs Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Dear Ms . Armer, Anne Roley <anne@anne4pt.com > Sunday, September 09 , 2018 10 :11 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning of Ace hardware property at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd Dear Ms Armer.docx This letter is in regard to the upcoming Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting on September 12t h, which will discuss the proposal to rezone the retail Ace Hardware property at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd and build 80,000 square feet of medical office space. Medical developments bring the highest traffic counts to Los Gatos, and traffic is already congested in that area without the planned North 40 housing and commercial being built. In addition, San Jose is proposing two new large medical office buildings off Samaritan Drive. Enough is Enough! Another medical office building is not needed in Los Gatos! As a home owner in northern Los Gatos, we need more retail services in our part of town -not more office. frequent Ace Hardware often -several times a month for various items. It provides my family with more than basic household needs, holiday items, and emergency supplies. We need a diversity of businesses in this area to serve its residents and provide tax revenue to the town. Please do not rezone this parcel from retail to office. Thank you for your consideration, Anne Robinson 201 Charter Oaks Circle Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer Amy Healy <amy.healy@aol.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 10:58 PM Jennifer Armer Ace hardware I am writing you in regards to the closing of Ace Hardware. I am pleading to not close this store in Los Gatos!! Already this town is over saturated with medical buildings on Los Gatos Blvd. as well as Samaritan drive. When is Enough??? I have been a resident in the town for 28 yrs and live very close to Ace and feel this would be an absolute disservice to the community to close this store after 40 yrs. It has been a life saver to so many people ... This is the place to go when you need things for your home or you just need to go to Ace to pick up a tool/nails/anything. I can't stress enough that we Do Not need another medical building in this town!! Amy Healy Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Jennifer Shelton <sheltonj.o@gmail.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 11:04 PM Jennifer Armer Against Rezoning I reside in Los Gatos and am opposed to a zoning change for the property currently occupied by Ace Hardware. Sand Hill Properties should not be allowed to build a two-story building with below grade parking. The zoning should remain as it is now. Sincerely, Jennifer Shelton Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sondra Garcia <sondralgarcia@yahoo.com> Sunday , September 09 , 2018 11:27 PM Jennifer Armer Keep ACE open! Do not close our ACE store . I and all my neighbors in Blossom Manor use this store ALL THE TIME for a multitude of house needs. I ran into ACE this morning to get an Electrical adapter for my laptop so that I could work. The store was packed. We need retail stores like this in Los Gatos for the benefit of Los Gatos residents. We do NOT need yet another medical building. We Do need to keep our ACE hardware store! Sondra Garcia 16271 Azalea Way Los Gatos 95032 Sent from my iPhone. Sondra Garcia (408) 656-3810 sondralgarcia@yahoo.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Philippa Alvis < philippaalvis@gmail.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 12:05 AM Jennifer Armer requet for zoning change at Ace Hardware To: Jennifer, will you please make copies of this email for each Council member and give it to them before their Wednesday meeting? Dear Los Gatos Council Member: Although I am a resident of Monte Sereno, as you all realize, we must rely on Los Gatos for all business services I urge you to reject the request made by the new owner of the Ace Hardware property on Los Gatos Blvd for a rezoning of that land. The Hardware store remains only one of the two hardware stores available in our area since the unexpected closing of all OSH stores. The loss of the local Ace Hardware store on LG Blvd. would cause citizens throughout the entire area a great hardship. The only remaining similar business ---the small hardware store in downtown LG across from the Post Office is so small that it is impossible for them to provide adequate service ---and there is no place for them to expand. Although the North 40 will have commercial sections, it will be primarily focused on totally different types of stores. Ace Hardware currently serves citizens from the Santa Cruz Mountains northward to Campbell and sections up to Willow Glen and from from Highway 9 in Saratoga and eastward to beyond Almaden This is a very large section of homeowners who come to LG for hardware shopping ........ and subsequently for other purchases from other merchants. The ACE Hardware wants to stay in their present very handy location, and plans to continue to serve the recently expanded area due to closing of all OSH stores. As you consider this rezoning, please keep in mind that LG has recently seen a huge increase of medical buildings, medical office space, and health care facilities while business sites tend to be of boutique types. We truly need to encourage the practical business sites, like lumber yards, the hardware stores, a welding shop, local taxi service, a feed store, another garden nursery, laundromats, etc. etc. so that our local citizens do NOT have to leave the LG area to obtain the every day services that they need. Is there a great financial benefit to LG to have yet another office building? Enough of a benefit that it would offset the inconvenience and anger of local residents who would be hugely affected by the loss of service now provided by Ace? Do NOT create another North 40 type situation. Please say 'NO" to the request for rezoning of this property. P. Alvis *** Please note my NEW email address is philippaalvis@gmail.com *** Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Steve Kleinke <skleinke@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12 :09 AM Jennifer Armer In support of the Ace Hardware corner remaining zoned for commercial use As a 20 year resident of the Los Gatos community on both the east and west sides of highway 17, I appreciate the unique mix of local establishments that this town provides its residents amid the monotony of Silicon Valley. The aggressive conversion of the extremities of town to big box retail and large offices reduces the overall value proposition of the town and nearby areas to residents. Please consider the future of Los Gatos as an oasis in this valley and protect the small businesses and town feel that residents here enjoy. The Los Gatos Blvd Ace Hardware is but one example of many in this equation but it uniquely provides a longstanding and valuable resource to area residents who'd rather not do all home improvement business with Home Depot. Thank you for the consideration, Steve Kleinke 15715 El Gato Lane 408 324 4161 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, N <pamelanorth@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 5:15 AM Jennifer Armer Keep Ace Hardware I have been made aware of the possibility that the site of the current Ace Ha rd ware is in jeopardy. As a long tine resident, (1970's) and a native Californian, I want this local hardware business to STAY. They have been there a long time which means the community is supporting them! This is especially true for the elderly and those who either can't or don't want to drive and deal with greater traffic. PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER A MEDICAL OFFICE WHICH WE DON'T NEED, or anything else. Thank you , Pam Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: gbmarcum@aol.com Monday, September 10, 2018 6:25 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware We have been a resident for over 20 years in Los Gatos and shop ACE almost every week. This business NEEDS TO STAY. The staff is very friendly and my son had the pleasure of working there for over a year before he headed off to college. This is a locally owned business that brings in tax revenue to the town and more importantly benefits the entire community . There have been several new medical buildings built in the past few years (othe r side of Gateway, Urgent Care etc .) that I for one have never vis ited. Must be people from outside the town that are visiting these business but I can assure you it is not a majority of the Town community. Gary Marcum Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Karen Brown <jksmdbrown@earthlink.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:42 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware We have just learned that the downtown ACE Hardware is in jeopardy of closing. This is incredibly disheartening as more and more reasons for us to shop locally are disappearing. We shop at that particular store at least once a week. It is where we go to pick up everything that we need for our yard and home. It is also the place where we bring our grandchildren to visit the baby chicks in the springtime, which is one of the last reminders in this town of its rural heritage. Los Gatos and the surrounding area have more than enough medical offices. This unique neighborhood ACE is a special place for locals to shop and one of the things that make Los Gatos the extra special town that it is and has always been. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. Please keep this in mind as you make your decision regarding this proposal. Thank you for your time. Karen and James Brown Los Gatos residents for 30+ years Jennifer Armer From: Bonnie Payne <bonnieapayne@comcast.net> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 8:01 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace Hardware! I hope I am reaching the people responsible for making the decision about whether to rezone the area where Ace Hardware is. Please do not let us lose our hardware store for another medical office building! I have lived in Los Gatos for over 40 years, and Ace Hardware is one of the stores that makes the town still livable. We do noted more medical buildings! Bonnie Payne 16216 Kennedy Road Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: frankashton@comcast.net Monday, September 10, 2018 8:20 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Please do whatever you can to preserve Ace Hardware in Los Gatos. It is essential that we preserve our local shopping options. I understand that there may be a more "efficient" use of the property via redevelopment, but PLEASE let's do what we can to preserve our small-town feel. -Frank Ashton 408 -892-3123 Jennifer Armer From: jan prinzivalli <janprinzivalli@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 6:10 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace Hardware Store, Los Gatos Blvd Ace has been a part of our community for years. They offer convenience and service not found at Home Depot. I don't understand why the town is even considering other uses for their land. Please add my name to the list of those residents who consistently use Ace and do not want to lose their service. As a home owner off Lark Avenue, my concern and the Town's concern should be focused on correcting the traffic problem on Lark that will only become worse during construction of the North Forty and afterwards. Janet Prinzivalli 101 Charter Oaks Circle Los Gatos Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Jennifer Armer From: Shoko Miyazawa <shokomiyazawa@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:53 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace Hardware in Los Gatos Hello I am a resident of Los Gatos . I'm strongly against losing Los Gatos Ace Hardware. It has served local community so well for years and I don't want to see it replaced by 2 story ,medical building Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms Armer, Martha Sterne <msterne@yahoo.com > Monday, September 10 , 2018 8:18 AM Jennifer Armer Please allow Ace Hardware to remain I am a long-time customer and big fan of Ace Hardware at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. I am not alone; just look at the numerous positive Google and Yelp reviews. l implore the planning dept and council to allow Ace Hardware to remain and continue operating, and reject the proposal to build more office space. Ace is a gem of a business both for customers and for employees. It contributes to the community and is one of the many positive features of this small town, features which are disappearing at an alarming rate. The problems the council need to focus on solving is housing and traffic. Adding office space just adds to the problem of adequate affordable housing. Please do not ruin something that is already working well (Ace Hardware and the local needs it serves) by replacing it with something that will exacerbate other problems (housing and traffic). Thank you for your consideration . Sincerely, Martha Sterne 463 San Benito Ave Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: janet gutierrez <ja neta nd luisgutierrez@hotmail.com> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2018 8:20 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace hardware Sir/Madam in the Planning Dept: All one has to do is count the number of medical facilities compared to the number of hardware stores in our community to figure out which is needed more ! Ace is a treasure and should not be replaced by yet another medical building -please consider this carefully ! Thank you, Janet and Luis Gutierrez Jennifer Armer From: Jo Godwin <io.godwin@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2018 7:07 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Ace Hardware lot proposed redevelopment. Corrected address Begin forwarded message: From: Jo Godwin <io .godwin@gmail.com> Date: September 9, 2018 at 4:44:58 PM PDT To: Planning@losgatos.gov Subject: Ace Hardware lot proposed redevelopment. No ... just no. More medical office unnecessary and too invasive for the areas already impacted with too much traffic. You will lose the reason people purchase and settle in this town ... and once you do that you will need medical attention! Please reconsider the plan that will allow the existing merchants and if more medical facilities needed ... Samaritan Drive is just around the corner. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jennifer, jeff.harlan@yahoo.com Monday, September 10, 2018 8 :25 AM Jennifer Armer Karen Harlan; Marilyn Harlan ACE Hardware I'm writing to voice my opposition to the proposal to re-zone the ACE Hardware lot for a medical building. This store is one of the gems of our town and I've been going there since I was a child . We certainly have enough medical offices in town and if there really is a need for more I'd suggest the North 40 would be a much better option. Honestly, since the North 40 debacle , I'm having a hard time imagining a worse idea . Sincerely, Jeff Harlan 354 Bella Vista Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032 408 .656 .5168 Jennifer Armer From: btdod son@aol.com <btdodson @aol.c om> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2018 11:08 AM To: Planning <Pla nnin g@ lo sga tos ca .gov> Subject: Possible New Medical Building Dear Planners: I hope I am adding my voice to a loud chorus when I express my strong opposition to approval for rezoning for a new medical facility where Ace Hardware and other shops are currently located near the intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard and Lark Avenue . Here are reasons for my opposition : • Our community already has more than enough medical facilities . • During the North 40 hearings, the then Council made a commitment not to permit any more medical facilities because of the existing glut. This commitment should be honored. • The Los Gatos Boulevard-Lark Avenue intersection already has very heavy traffic . A medical facility would simply make the traffic problems at that intersection worse . • We will already have an increase in traffic at the Los Gatos Boulevard-Lark Avenue intersection when the North 40 development is built. This intersection has already been flagged as a problem. Why add to the problem with a large medical facility? • What we need is this town is a hardware store , not a new medical facility . Please allow Ace Hardware to continue to occupy the current site. My understanding is that Ace recently signed a new 10 -year lease. Thank you for your attention . Sincerely, Barbara Dodson 239 March mont Drive, Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Jessica Richter <jessbricht@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:55 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Ace Hardware development on LG/Carlton I am writing to object to a two story development at the corner of LG Blvd and Carlton . First of all, we need a hardware store on the East side of town that is accessible without getting on a Freeway, going downtown, or leaving Los Gatos. Ace Hardware is a great community business! I don't want to go downtown or to Home Depot for hardware or garden needs. This is critical! I also object to a large two story office building on that corner. That corner is already too developed . The office building across the street is an eyesore and that should be rebuilt first as it's already a two story building. A large office building at the Ace Hardware corner will only serve to produce more traffic at that intersection, block the view of the mountains looking South and make LG Blvd more and more of a corridor of taller buildings . A small strip mall anchored by Ace is a great use of that corner. If the owner wants to make a somewhat nicer strip mall with underground parking, they should go for it. But not a two story building!! Develop the empty car lot closer to Blossom Hill on LG Blvd first!!!!!!!!! It's not being used, is currently of no benefit to the community as it is. The Ace stip mall is useful just as it is except for the one empty store. Just enlarge the mall on that side so that store space is usable for something. Sincerely, Jessica Richter 101 Hilow Court 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Christine L Kerst <christinekerst@me.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:32 AM Jennifer Armer Brad Kerst Don't close Ace Hardware We're writing to express our strong vote in favor of keeping Ace Hardware in our wonderful community. Ace is the type of business our community leaders should be championing, not discouraging: a business that exists for our residents, is owned and run by our residents and employs our residents -49 of them. We've enjoyed patronizing this important local resource for many years. Only once our son became an employee did we realize how tremendously lucky we are to have such caring business owners in Los Gatos. In addition to the support Ace provides for community programs , they provide an important local job option, wonderful training, a supportive environment and a family atmosphere for an army of local young people. Businesses like Ace are an essential part of our community. Thank you , Christ i ne and Brad Kerst Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, Jennifer. E.J. Fournier <ejfournier8@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:33 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware My wife and I are residents of Los Gatos. We wanted to let you know that we believe it's critical to keep the Ace Hardware in its Los Gatos Boulevard location. As I'm sure you know, it's difficult to find workers to do home repair and improvement projects, which results in homeowners working on many of those projects themselves . Having the Ace Hardware at that location is essential to making those "DIV" projects possible. We are also concerned about the traffic impact that the proposed development would have. Los Gatos Boulevard is already becoming extremely congested and the new project would increase that congestion. Overall, keeping the Ace Hardware in its current location would allow Los Gatos to retain a valuable merchant in town and help maintain the "town" feel that's part of what makes Los Gatos a great place to live. Thanks for your consideration. E.J. Fournier Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: susan burnett <sann85@me.com> Friday, September 07, 2018 5:06 PM Council Ace Hardware Please don't let another piece of the fabric of our town leave. We need this wonderful community store that we all love! Los Gatos needs to retain the joyful parts of our town that we all look forward to spending our time and money at! We need this store!!!! There are fewer and fewer pieces of our comm unity that are safe from replacements .... don't let this happen! Susan Burnett Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Los Gatos City Council, Kathy Kroesche < kathy.kroeschelll@gmail.com > Sunday, September 09, 2018 4:34 PM Council ACE Hardware I understand that there is a possibility that ACE Hardware may be rezoned for medical office space. Please do not allow thisl Aside from groceries , ACE is the place that my husband and I most commonly shop in Los Gatos. It's one of my favorite places to shop. We have enough new medical office space in this town. We only have two local hardware stores on the opposite ends of town . Those of us who try to shop local would like to continue to be able to do so . !(athy l(roesche Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Town Council - Dan Cunningham <dan.cunningham@vancebrown.com> Sunday, September 09, 2018 9:28 PM Council ACE Hardware Los Gatos Boulevard One again the Town must cons ider changing the use of a property, from retail to commercial without concern for the overall benefit of the community. It is the same story and one that is hard to change. Who are we to ask for property to remain as is because it is good for the community. Ace Hardware is such a nice small town hardware store . The property has parking and easy access. The store employs young people and trains them well. Please consider me against the change in use from retail to commercial. Enforce the zoning regulations or just give away our small town to big development and excessive traffic. Regards, Dan Cunningham Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Elyse <elyse.driscoll@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:48 AM Planning; Jennifer Armer Proposed closure of Ace Hardware Dear Jennifer and planning commission, Please reconsider allowing this proposal to move forward. Not only is Ace Hardware a vital part of Los Gatos, it is a store that our family uses weekly. We are a younger family in the community that absolutely loves Ace. We also admire the fact that Ace has so many high school students employed, this no longer seems to be common. It is more than a Hardware store, it is a staple of our community. I am also disappointed in the fact that you are continuing to allow two story buildings to be developed causing the incredible views to be obstructed. Los Gatos is absolutely stunning, please stop hiding it with new developments. Thank you, Elyse Sammut Maricopa Drive Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Debbie McNulty <debbiemcnulty@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 8:54 AM Jennifer Armer Another small local business being pushed out??? Really? I recently heard about the pending sale of the building that houses Ace Hardware and the intention of the proposed new owners to have the building re-zoned to replace the hardware store with another medical building. As a 26 year resident of Los Gatos, I see this a a huge loss for our community. For one, Ace Hardware provides a valuable service to our community. They are the go to place in town for so many items that are not found elsewhere in town. Whenever we are working on a home project and need to make a quick run to the store to pick up an item, Ace is the place we have always gone. Not only are the locally owned and operated, they provide excellent customer service. If you have shopped there, you know that they always have plenty of clerks roaming the store just waiting to assist. They are well trained and friendly. It is such a breath of fresh air in these days when brick and mortar stores rarely provide service anymore. There is also plenty of easy parking which is also a plus when you are in a hurry to finish a project. One of the other great things about this store is that they are a top employer of the youth in our community. If you personally shop there, I am sure that you are aware that they the regularly employ large numbers of teens from ages 16- 19. For many, this will be their first opportunity to gain valuable work experience. Our entire family of five is very sad to see another small business pushed out in exchange for one more medical building. I hope there can be another solution so that we can retain this wonderful business in our community. Regards, Debbie McNulty debbiemcnulty@comcast.net 26 year Resident 136 Amanda Lane Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, stcushma <staceymcushman@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:08 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware I wanted to voice my support for keeping ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. I frequently purchase items at this store and if it were to close, I would have to leave Los Gatos to make these routine purchases. ACE carries items that no other business in Los Gatos can provide. We may have Rural in Downtown, but they have a limited selection. I also believe the new medical buildings would add the traffic problem we are facing. Please consider my request when making your decision. Thank you, Stacey Cushman Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Los Gatos Town- John Despars <john.despars@bayer.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:16 AM Jennifer Armer; Council Ace Hardware If you live in our town , I hope you have recognized the increase in traffic. The residents of Los Gatos were concerned about the North 40 traffic and it hasn 't even been built and our traffic issues have gotten sign ificantly worse . The traffic is already horrendous at the Gateway/Los Gatos Blvd . intersection and the Lark Avenue/Los Gatos Blvd. intersection and this is without the North 40 traffic. This area cannot accommodate nor handle one more large medical building. When the PAMF building was approved there was to be space for retail/commercial and this never happened. If anything is to go in this lot it needs to be one story and much smaller than 80,000 square feet and provide goods and service for local residences. Campbell was smart enough to say no to In and Out Burger that intended to build on Hamilton across from Home Depot. WE can say no to Sandhill Developers and any growth at this time. Please make this easy on the residents of our town, make a statement that were not supporting any additional growth. Please do this quickly so we can talk about community enriching programs and events vs. more negative building that doesn 't help our town. John Despars 267 Langridge Rd Los Gatos, Ca 95032 The information contained in this e-mail is for the exclusive use of t he i ntended recipient(s) and may be confidential, praprietary, and/or legally privileged. Inadvertent disclosure of this message does not constit ute a waiver of any privilege. If you re ceive this message in error, please do not direc//y or indirectly use, print, copy, forward, or disclose any part of this message. Please also delete this e-mail and all copies and notify the sender. Thank you. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ellen Pifer <ellenpifer@comcast.net > Monday, September 10, 2018 9:24 AM Jennifer Armer What defines a town? In part the answer is it's stores and people. Ace Hardware on LG Blvd is o_ne of those stores that defines Los Gatos as a neighborhood. Well educated employees. Responsible young adults in their first jobs. Most everything a homeowner need s. Please keep our local hardware store exactly where and as it is -and protect what gives our town it's small town feeling. Thank you, Ellen Pifer Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jackson Louie <thundergs@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:32 AM Jennifer Armer Please do not close down ACE Hardware ACE Hardware not only provides us with a neighborhood hardware store, but it also provides high school students valuable job experiences. Jackson Louie Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Craig Steen <csteen4@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:39 AM Jennifer Armer Keeping ACE "This is incredible that we're even having to discuss this proposal ..... as if we need more medical facilities in the area .... the developers of the 2nd part of the N. Forty want to change the general plan from 35 units to around 240 units with a 5 story hotel, and now Sand Hill Developers want to rezone the ACE hardware property to develop a monster medical facility .... well, just like Mayor Spector recalled back in the ?O's, a study commissioned by the Los Gatos Board of Realtors had the bright idea of tearing out a block of homes in the historic Almond Grove bounded by Bean, Masso!, Tait. and Nicholson Avenues to put up two 50ft. massive apartment complexes .... luckily for us ... better council heads prevailed and stopped this abomination .... but here we are again .... developers smell blood $$ in the water and are testing the town's resolve .... we, as the citizens of Los Gatos, need to speak up and let council et al. know existing plans cannot continued to be revised to accommodate these unacceptable schemes and once such projects become so prohibitively costly, the developers will scamper off to sell their wares to some other overcrowded, traffic-snarled city .... but not Los Gatos. Believe me, after the recent large-scale development debacles we've witnessed recently, voters will definitely be aware in the next election!" Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Mike An < mike408@gmail.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 9:44 AM Jennifer Armer Rezoning 15300 Los Gatos Blvd I was made aware there are going to be discussions in Regards to the shopping center rezoning at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd from Retail to Office. Due to my schedule and prior commitments, I will not be able to attend the meeting to voice my concerns and opinion. I would like to voice my support for keeping the shopping center as Retail. ACE hardware is great for our community. purchase plants, hardware, landscaping supplies, and items for my kids school projects. ACE serves the community and is convenient for the northern residents of town. I also have used the coin laundry and dry cleaners. We do not need any more medical space in town. We have plenty of medical office space, clinics, and hospitals to serve the town residents. Sincerely, Mike An E La Chiquita Ave Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello All, Elizabeth Baumuller <lizzzwhite@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 9:59 AM Jennifer Armer; Council Please stop the madness -LG development craziness As someone who was born and raised in Los Gatos, and who came back to our sweet little town after college to get married and raise a family, I remain extremely concerned about the future of this town. Seems we've turned into a place where money and development and big name business ... and greed have made our town a place that I don't recognize anymore. I understand that progress, technology and life moves on (I work at a tech company in loud, crazy, busy San Jose) ... but Los Gatos used to be a quaint, quiet, lovely place to leave all of that behind. If it's not the North 40 mess, it's this awful ACE idea (another smaller long time LG business forced out), or the two story thing (from the look of the story poles) that is being proposed on Hwy 9 at N. Santa Cruz ... after which, we won't be able to see our lovely hills any longer. I'd urge you all -please keep the ACE property zoned commercial and do not change it to zoned office. We need ACE hardware in our town, esp after the loss of OSH in the valley. We need to support our local store owners As well, I encourage you to say "NO" to any more growth on the Blvd. until after the North 20 is built and occupied so the town can do a new traffic study and see how that is affecting Los Gatos residents, in all areas. Traffic in our town is already horrendous at every turn ... it's not just the Blvd, it's Hwy 9 into town from both sides, its Hwy 17, it's University and N. Santa Cruz. This area cannot accommodate nor handle (nor do we need} one more large medical building. If anything is to go in this lot it needs to be one story and much smaller than 80,000 square feet and provide goods and service for local residences. As was proven ... Campbell was smart enough to say no to In and Out Burger that intended to build on Hamilton across from Home Depot. We, YOU, can and should say "NO" to Sand Hill Developers and any more growth at this time. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Melody Lewis <mj.lewis@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:01 AM Jennifer Armer ACE HARDWARE As a tax paying citizen for the past 43 years in Los Gatos, I object vehemently to your plan to level ACE Hardware. And for what? More medical offices??? We don't need more medical offices. What we need is a hardware store exactly where it is. That store has been a staple in this town and we depend on its existence here. I support plans to beautify Los Gatos Boulevard, but not at the expense of our existing (very necessary) stores being subject to a corporate wrecking ball to be replaced by something we do not need. This plan is as useless as the Tesla charging stations behind Starbucks. All for what?? Big business? Stop ramrodding this nonsense! Leave our town and the old established businesses alone. Melody Lewis 17425 E. Vineland Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer, TO Preising <terriopreising@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:24 AM Jennifer Armer Opposition to rezoning the Ace Hardware property I have been a resident of Los Gatos for 10 years and am emphatically opposed to the proposed rezoning of the Ace Hardware property area from retail to office. The town does not need another medical office building and the existing Ace Hardware has served our community well for many years. Do not allow this rezoning to move forward and add yet another misguided boon to developers who are not concerned with the needs of our community. Best, T.0. Preising Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, KAREN Foster < kjfoster@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:25 AM Jennifer Armer ACE hardware property Prior to approving the rezoning of the ACE hardware property please consider that we have too many medical office buildings in that area and no hardware stores in the area. This would be a very bad decision for our town which is already undergoing too many development issues causing too much traffic, little to no concern about what the residents want and flat out over-development of the entire uptown area of Los Gatos. Whtie, at the same time , the downtown area has to have cement streets installed, at our cost...quite a few disparities in concern between uptown and downtown, for 'maintaining' the entire town's appeal. Please take your time and consider the entire town of Los Gatos before you make your decision. Thank you , Karen Foster Native of Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms Armer, Tom Oda <todaxyz@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:28 AM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware shopping center I am writing to you so that you get my input on the proposal to demolish the ACE shopping center and replace it with a 2 story office/medical building. I am in strong opposition of this proposal. We are seeing more and more of the charm of what makes Los Gatos great being stripped away. The ACE store is essential for the town as the go to place for expertise and customer service for things needed around the house. Los Gatos Blvd is already very busy and will become more so with the North 40 project. Just look at the parking lot of the recently built medical building down the road that took over the defunct car dealership. It is always full! Adding more traffic and taking away an important retailer like ACE is the wrong direction. Please pass this along to whoever needs to see the voice of the residents for this project. Thank you. Sincerely, Tom Oda 17265 Grosvenor Court Monte Sereno Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Jennifer~ Hillari Zighelboim <hillzig@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:40 AM Jennifer Armer Another vote to Save Ace Hardware I am a Los Gatos resident who very much appreciates and frequents the Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. I do not support re-zoning this property from retail to office, as we have no shortage of office or medical buildings in this small town. With the North 40 development, that side of town is already going to become much more commercial and dramatically change the character of our town. Unless the goal of our town is to completely let the other side of Lark Avenue go to big developers and big buildings, and I highly doubt that is the case, we should not allow this change in zoning. Thank you for your consideration, Hillari Zighelboim 334 Los Gatos Blvd Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Susan Bruce <sanjosebruce@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:48 AM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marico Sayoc Rezoning Application We are writing to urge you to vote no on the rezoning of the shopping center on Los Gatos Blvd where Ace Hardware is located. One of the great things about living in this neighborhood is the convenience of the small shopping centers and we would especially hate to lose Ace Hardware. Appreciate your consideration. Susan and Edwin Bruce Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer ----------Forwarded message --------- From: Russell Laubach <russ@enviroroof.com> Date: Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:40 AM Subject: ACE hardware To: <jarmar@losgatosca.gov> Hi Jarmar, I wanted to email to say that we need to keep our LG ACE Hardware. This is an amazing community store and vital for our residents and companies who depend on these services. Its a great place for me to take my kids when we need to get things for the house or garden or projects. Not to mention our company relies on this store a lot. Please keep our ACE Hardware Sincerely, Russell Laubach Environmental Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc. 408-871-1540 (office) 408-892-0164 (mobile) 408-871-1585 (fax) russ@enviroroof.com 1157 Dell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 .l!.J..WW .e nviro.rs,of.com Sincerely, Russell Laubach Environmental Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc. 408-871-1540 (office) 408-892-0164 (mobile} 408-871-1585 (fax) russ@enviroroof.com 1157 Dell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 www.enviroroof.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Gladys Chan <chan_gladys@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:56 AM Jennifer Armer 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard To Project Planner, Jennifer Armer, Hi Jennifer, My name is Gladys Chan. My family and I have been living in Los Gatos for 21 years since 1997. I would like you to know how much the Los Gatos Ace Hardware Store meant to us. It is our neighbor, our friend, our home support, our adviser ... It is part of us. What makes Los Gatos great is all these original stores along Los Gatos Blvd and in downtown, they represent Los Gatos! We have always said, "Support our local business!". We support our local business by keeping them in business, not replacing them! My family and I sincerely urge you not to rezone the land to medical office use. We have more than enough medical offices already, but Los Gatos Ace is our ONLY hardware store in the neighborhood. Please also consider the environment, we do not want any more two-story or higher buildings blocking all our views and taking up all the open space (No! for underground parking). Thank you for your attention on this matter. Best Regards, Gladys Chan 128 Potomac Dr, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Kerry Laubach < kerry l@enviroroof.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 11:11 AM Jennifer Armer SAVE ACE HARDWARE PLEASE!!! It is vitally important for our community to KEEP ACE HARDWARE just as it is ! ! ! Please do all you can to fight the development of medical offices being considere d for this location. We can't imagine life without our WONDERFUL ACE HARDWARE STORE just down the street from us. The staff is extremely helpful and courteous. A trip to Ace Hardware is just as important to the health and welfare of local people as a trip to the doctor. My husband and I have lived in Los Gatos for 40 years. We frequent Ace Hardware at least once a week and often 3-4 times a day to solve a home repair or painting project. KEEP ACE HARDWARE!!! Si11cerelv, Kerry Laubc1ch fnvironrnental Roofing f..: Waterproofing, Inc. 4()?,.[-;'-;l).-0222 (mo~Jile) 408-871-1540 (office) 1157 Dell Avenue Crtrnpbell. Cl\ 95(108 www.enviror oof.co m Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Diane <diane@proftouch.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:11 AM Jennifer Armer; planning@losgatos.gov Application CD-18-004 Dear Jennifer Armer and the Members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee: I am writing to you in regard to the proposed plan for demolition and building of a two-story medical building at the property currently occupied by ACE Hardware at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA 95032. Please deny this application CD-18-004 proposed development plan, which would eliminate Ace Hardware. A vital aspect of the town of Los Gatos is the availability of services and businesses that serve the town residents and offer them the quality of life that residents expect. This is why Los Gatos is such a desirable place to live. The Town Council and the Planning Commission have long prioritized the need for balance among types of retail and number of restaurants in our town. ACE Hardware is the ONLY home improvement/gardening supply retail available in our town! Thus, it attracts a huge number of residents as its regular customers. The rural ACE Hardware location downtown does not offer the variety of supplies that most residents require for their home improvement/maintenance projects, making the Los Gatos Blvd. location a vital resource serving our town residents. Just as new hair salon/nail spa businesses were denied by the town because of overabundance of this type of business, so should this new medical building be denied. There is already Los Gatos Urgent Care, Sutter Health complex, Lucile Packard Children's Health Services, The Landmark Medical and Professional Center, and Los Gatos Dental Specialists-just to name a few--all located at that corner. Please do what is best for our town residents, and keep this important retail industry in our town by denying the plans for a medical building at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. Thank you for keeping our town the best place for its residents to live! Sincerely, Diane C. Ryan, Los Gatos resident at 15911 Rochin Ct., Los Gatos CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jennifer, Craig Luhrmann <craigjosph@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:18 AM Jennifer Armer Laura Murphy Ace Hardware Laura and I want to reach out to you and make our positions known that we are strongly against the possible rezoning of the Ace Hardware location for an office building. We believe the Hardware store is an important aspect of our downtown living and that a large medical office building will further clog downtown streets. 18615 Farragut Lane And 31 E Main St, #205 (8 years) Best regards, Craig Luhrmann +1-617-513-1874 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Diana <diana2@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 11:28 AM Jennifer Armer 110 East Main Street Development plan I am writing to express my dismay at the proposed development including rezoning of 110 East Main Street in Los Gatos. The ACE Hardware store is an integral part of the community and with the planned closures of all the OSH Hardware stores there will be even less choice and community involvement of such stores. We need to keep the ACE Hardware store and limit traffic and have a sensible building plan for the city. Please re-consider this proposed development plan and listen to the community's needs and opinions instead of a developer. Best regards, Diana Chiu 17361 El Rancho Ave. Sep 10 2018 11:31 Ryan 4083582053 page 1 Monday September 10, 2018 To: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Dear Jennifer Armer and the Members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee: I am writing to you in regard to the proposed plan for demolition and building of a two-story medical building at the property currently occupied by ACE Hardware at15300 Los Gatos Blvd I Los Gatos, CA 95032. Please deny this application CD-18-004 proposed development plan, which would eliminate Ace Hardware. A vital aspect of the town of Los Gatos is the availability of services and businesses that serve the town residents and offer them the quality of life that residents expect. This is why Los Gatos is such a desirable place to live. The Town Council and the Planning Commission have long prioritized the need for balance among types of retail and number of restaurants in our town. ACE Hardware is the ONLY home improvement/gardening supply retail available in our town! Thus, it attracts a huge number of residents as its regular customers. The rural ACE Hardware location downtown does not offer the variety of supplies that most residents require for their home improvement/maintenance projects, making the Los Gatos Blvd. location a vital resource serving our town residents. Just as new hair salon/nail spa businesses were denied by the town because of overabundance of this type of business, so should this new medical building be denied. There is already Los Gatos Urgent Care, Sutter Health complex, Lucile Packard Children's Health Services, The Landmark Medical and Professional Center, and Los Gatos Dental Specialists-just to name a few--all located at that corner. Please do what is best for our town residents, and keep this important retail industry in our town by denying the plans for a medical building at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. Thank you for keeping our town the best place for its residents to live! ·' ...,. ----Diane C. Ryan, Los Gatos residentaH5911 Rochin Ct., Los Gatos CA Jennifer Armer From: Cathleen Bannon <cathleenbannon@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 11:32 AM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Grant Bannon <grantbannon@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Save Ace Hardware! Thank you Jennifer We also wanted to add that since there is an existing open space with the long term vacant car dealership a block away from Ace, there is no need to tear down a vibrant successful business. Jennifer Armer From: tbwinca <tbwinca@comcast.net> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 11:39 AM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Subject: RE: 15330 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard Jennifer, Ace Hardware is quintessential Los Gatos. Many local people work there and shop there. The employees are well trained and there are enough of them to make the shopping experience a personal one. It's a small-town experience. We love it. Jt would be such a loss for the town to be without our Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Boulevard. Judy Rogers '.:1::nti ro1;1 my Sam sunz GalaxyTab--S Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: lesr46@aol.com Monday, September 10, 2018 11:58 AM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware store Removing the Ace Hardware store ON LG Blvd at Carlton is so wrong! No one that lives in the neighborhood wants this to happen. It is a great local store that hires alot of young 1st time job people. We have made friends with the people that work there. We do NOT need anymore medical buildings in this area. Its already getting difficult to find parking on our streets. Not to mention how unreal the traffic has already gotten. Thank You, Les Rosenthal Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Ruhle <ruhle523@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:03 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Please! Not ACE too! OSH was bad enough, but our Los Gatos hardware store is needed by the community. We don't need more offices . Yes there is the small hardware store downtown, but it (and it's tiny parking lot} can't match the service of the Los Gatos Blvd store. Nancy Ruhle Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Carri Mallard <carri@mallard.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:26 PM Jennifer Armer Removing Ace Hardware ... Just how many more medical buildings does a "town not city" need? The Carlton/National area already resembles a huge, ugly hospital campus and the medical staff park all around our residential streets. Ace Hardware is a small, local business (and much loved) and obviously there is some major financial incentive to the council which is forcing them out to make way for yet another medical facility. Please note my strong objection. Carri Mallard 200 Drakes Bay Ave Proactive Decor & Interiors 408 656 6336 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Sir/Madam, Susan Shyu Pinke! <schwinkel66@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:26 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd I am a homeowner and a resident of Los Gatos. I would like to voice my objection to the proposed construction of ANOTHER two story medical office, replacing our beloved Ace Hardware. The Ace Hardware store at this location is crucial to the town of Los Gatos. It provides a convenient service to ALL residents in Los Gatos who needs items that only can be purchased at a hardware store. This Ace is fantastic, with convenient parking and easily accessible by all residents of Los Gatos. If the Town members approve this proposa I, it will mean that we, the residents, like myself, will need to drive further away to other areas to get the products we need, which means more time spent on the road (adding to pollution and traffic congestion) and a lot more inconvenience to residents. We moved to Los Gatos for the small town feel that Los Gatos has had and by approving changes like this, will just make Los Gatos another part of San Jose. We may as well call ourselves part of greater San Jose since residents will have to drive to San Jose to get all the services like hardware needs at Home Depot and the likes. Please, please do not approve this application. Sincerely, Susan Pinke! Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Ms. Armer, Dan Stuhlmueller <danstuhl@aol.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:29 PM Jennifer Armer Ace store closing As a 40+ year resident of the Los Gatos area I would like to make known our disappointment in the potential closing of Ace hardware on Lark Ave. It is very difficult to find good hardware stores that have professional service and competitive prices as Ace does. I'm not sure of how many employees would be affected but anyone that has spent time at Ace knows that these employees are long term and truly dedicated to helping customers. I certainly hope that the decision making process includes the headcount aspect. Los Gatos has always prided itself on having local ownership of businesses and Ace has certainly filled that commitment. I'm not sure of customer count and local income it provides the city but it should be included in any decisions going forward. Maybe I'm missing something but driving on Los Gatos Blvd. there appears to be an extremely large number of medical offices already in place and I question whether another one is really needed. Please review all aspects of this decision and let's see if we can't find a way of keeping a great local company viable for many more years to come. Thank you, Daniel and Yota Stuhlmueller Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Council Members, davidclo@gmail.com Monday, September 10, 2018 12:34 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc ACE hardware rezoning feedback As a resident of Los Gatos, I wanted to share my feedback regarding the rezoning proposal impacting the ACE Hardware and stores in the plaza on Los Gatos Blvd. It's critical we keep stores in town that support the local community that keep it's residents shopping in this town and keep the sense of community vibrant. The ACE hardware plays a vital role for all local residents who can easily pop in to pick-up supplies needed for a quick fix or repair at home. There's no need to leave town and run into a big box Home Depot or Lowes in San Jose or Campbell. It's a local store, with high traffic as it really supports residents' needs. Especially with summer traffic as bad as it's gotten, getting downtown or out of town and back is getting harder and harder, so having the store located where it is makes for a great resource to residents. Please do not support rezoning for another medical building. We need more stores like ACE in town that drives traffic, revenue and supports local residents. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, David Lo 17265 Buena Vista Ave, Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer: arlene hamacher <ar1enehamacher@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:40 PM Jennifer Armer Proposed Sand Hill Development Please pass along my strong disapproval for the proposed rezoning by Sand Hill Development to build yet another office building on Los Gatos Boulevard. I urge the council and planning commission to reject the application to re-zone this property. Our town has been eroded by more and more commercial properties stripping us of our small town charm. Tell them to put their 80,000 square foot building on the North 40 with the rest of the mess that has been created. Thank you. Arlene Hamacher 16906 Mitchell Ave Los Gatos, Ca 95032 Arlene Hamacher Events 408-205-7954 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer - karen tomlinson <tomlinsoncreative@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:43 PM Jennifer Armer ACE HARDWARE CLOSING I have lived in Los Gatos since 1970. I have always rented -but am a devoted DIYer and find myself at Ace Hardware at least several times week. Even though I now live just down the block from Rural Supply, I will always drive across town to go to Ace, where the selection and customer service is unparalleled. It is one of the last places in Los Gatos you can actually get some business done. I have also worked at Viva since the day they opened -and can't imagine what Viva would do without Ace! We are always down there for something -and can't imagine we are the only business that relies on the convenience and customer service that Ace offers. Ace is one of the last vestiges of Los Gatos small town life - and it would be very sad to lose this valuable town resource. When the North Forty goes full-force won't all those people and businesses need what Ace has to offer? The Ace Hardware store (and garden center -the only one left in LG) is an icon Los Gatos can't afford to lose! Regards - Karen Tomlinson 408 318 5222 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Stuart Mclaren < robert_stuart_mclaren@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:52 PM Jennifer Armer Council; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; BSpector; Marica Sayoc Keep our wonderful Ace Hardware store on Los Gatos Boulevard, No to yet another medical office displacing much needed local business Regarding the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Meeting, Application CD-18-004 (specifically regarding the ACE HARDWARE property) I have just read a post on Nextdoor.com about the proposal by Sand Hill Properties to convert the property on Los Gatos Boulevard where the wonderful Ace Hardware store is currently located, into yet another medical office facility with underground parking. I'm just so dumbfounded I don't really know how to begin to express my shock and outrage at the possibility of losing this Ace Hardware store. Please don't allow this to happen. Ace Hardware is one of my regular stops for plants, water softener salt, plumbing and irrigation parts, gardening tools. plan my whole trip from Summit Road around Ace being my furthest from home stop before going to Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and then Safeway. It is an essential hardware store for the mountain residents in particular, and the tradesmen who service our properties (and if our handyman contractors have to go further afield to get parts, repairs are going to cost more for the homeowners). Yes, there is the Rural Supply place on N Santa Cruz Ave but they are a small store and do not have the range of items that the LG Boulevard Ace has. They also do not sell plants or patio furniture. Since the small garden nursery on Winchester Boulevard was shamefully allowed to go out of business, this is the only place in Los Gatos where we can pick up plants, pots, compost, tools, and items for the BBQ and patio. Considering the large number of properties in and around LG that have front yards that the Council would like to see maintained and looking attractive, I would have thought that the Council would want to preserve the one and only business that helps serve that purpose. You don't really want to send all us homeowners/gardeners/DIV enthusiasts further out to Home Depot on Hamilton or Camden/Hillsdale or (for us mountain folk} Scotts Valley or Felton or Santa Cruz, because once there we are going to conduct all our other shopping (like groceries, prescriptions, haircuts, banking) in those localities as well and while we are there that's where we are going to stop and grab a bite to eat. Allowing the new landlords of the LG Blvd Ace Hardware to displace a long time LG institution like this would be a total disgrace and a serious mistake for the town's future. It's bad enough that the Town Council made it pretty impossible for mountain folks to get to/from Ace Rural Supply when they implemented the stupid "beach traffic" closure of the southbound 17 on-ramp on N Santa Cruz Ave, which by the way sent us to Ace on LG Blvd or to Home Depot thereby making the downtown road congestion worse when we returned to pick up other things in LG on the way back and added to the beach traffic bottlenecks downtown. Now you want to take the LG Blvd Ace away too! Come on, start realizing that we are part of Los Gatos too and our voices matter. Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I really hope the advisory committee reads all feedback from the mountain community and denies any application that displaces this Ace Hardware store. Yours sincerely, Julie McLaren 23485 Sunset Drive Los Gatos CA 95033 Tel: 408-353-2198 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Alicia T-D <alicia@luminapm.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 12:56 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware Store Rezoning It is a mystery to me why a new medical office building is being required in Los Gatos. Please share with us where is the data to support this rezoning? And if a new medical office is required, could it not be placed in the North 40 development? Or perhaps on the long-abandoned Anderson Chevrolet lot at the corner of LG Blvd and LG-Almaden road, rather than this underhanded displacement of the ACE Hardware store? I do not perceive that Los Gatos needs yet another medical office building. Without question though, we need that ACE Hardware store. I invite the Town and the Planning Commission to reject the application to re-zone this property. Orchard Supply stores will close by the end of the year. Weekend traffic, especially in summer months, makes getting to Rural Supply Hardware on South Santa Cruz Ave. ominous and time-consuming. Many, many people in this Town depend upon the Ace Hardware store for all of the items that hardware stores are called upon to supply. Aside from the big-box lumber yards (Home Depot, Lowes), which actually have a less-varied selection of hardware than the Ace store, there are precious few outlets in the Valley for everyday hardware items so frequently needed by homeowners. Please be advised that this voter would take issue with this questionable rezoning being considered, forcing the loss of a very useful hardware retail business. Regards, Dr. Alicia Trelles-Duckett, PMP 308 Creekside Village Dr. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Armer-- rvharder@aol.com Monday, September 10, 2018 1:06 PM Jennifer Armer Fwd: Meeting 9/12 re. Los Gatos Blvd. rezoning! I want to voice my opposition to any rezoning of the Ace Hardware property on Los Gatos Blvd. It is my understand that there may be a request to change the zoning from Commercial to Office. The idea of having another medical office directly across the street from one that already exists just doesn't make any sense. More importantly, it could mean that the much needed Ace Hardware store, run by a long time Los Gatos family, may be gone. Please give consideration to keeping the present zoning and keeping a needed, locally run store, in business. Sincerely, Ronald and Sandy Harder (Longtime Los Gatos residents!) rvharder@aol.com Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Afternoon Sirs, Jim N <jimn95011@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 1:10 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware dosing in Los Gatos To whoever is talking about rezoning Ace Hardware property. My vote is to not rezone! Please keep our Ace Hardware alive, it is the only real hardware store we have left in Los Gatos. Thanks so much for listening to our thoughts about this and I wish you folks a great day! Jim Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Please save our hardware store. Thank you, Pam Walatka pamwalatka.com lazycom post.com Pam Walatka <pamwalatka@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 1:26 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Armer Town of Los Gatos Dear Jennifer, Linda Iversen <liniversen@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 1:36 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware on LG Blvd. I am voicing my displeasure at the re-zoning of the Ace Hardware Building. This business is needed in our town by everyone. It is close, convenient, well-stocked and being able to shop there takes the traffic off of Hwy 17 and the over- streets. Currently there are medical businesses, hospitals, urgent care centers and more in construction up and down Los Gatos Blvd./Bascom Avenue, with many more on Good Sam Drive and National, as well as Winchester Ave. When Green Thumb left Ace stepped up to the plate and wisely filled a need for plants and plant supplies. Again, to visit a nursery it means getting on the freeway to get there and traveling 20 or 30 minutes. A Town or a City needs diversity in business for their citizens in close proximity, and that is what we have, little by little we are losing it. There are only two hardware stores, one at each end of town, and we need them! Linda Iversen 109 Edelen Ave Los Gatos 408-812-7771 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Ron Cates <ratandem@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 1:37 PM Jennifer Armer rcates4@icloud.com Ace Hardware rezoning My wife Rose and I are not in favor of rezoning this center for a medical office building. We not only shop at the Ace Hardware, but also take our dry cleaning to Orchid Cleaners next door. This is the kind of small community shopping center that encourages not only a walkable neighborhood, but also minimizes driving when you can bundle trips like gas, Ace, and Cleaners like we will do this afternoon. For those living nearby much of what you need is within walking distance. Grocery at Trader Joe's, restaurants, other shopping like this that helps keep business in Los Gatos. Thank you for your support. Ron Cates 408-318-3106 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: elasta@comcast.net Monday, September 10, 2018 1:37 PM Jennifer Armer Ace I think it's a terrible idea to replace Ace Hardware with another medical facility! Lillian Stanley 120 Via Lago LG, CA 95032 Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Karl < karl@proftouch.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 1:44 PM Jennifer Armer; planning@losgatos.gov Application CD-18-004 Dear Jennifer Armer and the Members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee: The town of Los Gatos has way too many medical offices already. It would be in the town's best interest to maintain sources of revenue, sales tax which medical offices do not generate. The town has already run out most of the car dealerships and stifled the sales tax revenue afforded the town. Many consumers of medical services provided in Los Gatos are not Los Gatos residents. With the North 40 project moving forward, the Los Gatos I Lark Avenue intersection is going to be severely impacted by North 40 traffic. The town does not need another influx of transitory medical patient traffic on that corner! Please do what is best for our town residents, and keep this important retail industry in our town by denying the plans for a medical building at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. I am a Los Gatos resident since 2001. I live at 15911 Rochin Ct. Thanks, Karl Ryan A Concerned Los Gatos Resident Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armer, Lynne Wadman-Howe <lynne.howe@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 1:46 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning of Ace Hardware property I have just been made aware that the town is planning on rezoning the Ace Hardware property from retail to medical. Los Gatos doesn't need another medical building. We do, however, need a hardware store. There are also other businesses in that plaza that people rely on. Why not place this building on the North 40 property? Lynne Howe Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To Whom It May Concern: Marianna < mwillis32@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 1:59 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware My husband and I are seniors and after using ACE Hardware for 35 or more years we appreciate it even more now. My husband has macular degeneration which is causing him to lose his sight and he also has mobility problems. I do not like to leave him alone for long periods of time. I am able to go to ACE which is about 4 miles from our home where I receive help with what I need from knowledgeable and polite workers and return home in a short period of time. There are no other stores in the area where I can do that. WE DO NOT WANT ACE TO CLOSE!!! Please, do not allow that to happen. I wish I could attend the meeting but I don't want to leave my husband alone. I would be happy to talk to you on the phone,408 356 0897, if you have questions. Sincerely yours, Marianna Willis Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Harris Family < moejam13@icloud.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 2:08 PM Jennifer Armer Please keep Ace Hardware in Los Gatos We are writing to express our surprise and disappointment upon hearing of the possibility of our beloved neighborhood Ace Hardware store closing. Having lived in Los Gatos for over 10 years, Ace is the go-to place for so many needs on a weekly basis -lightbulbs, plumbing items, bathroom cleaners, plants, gardening tools, keys, Christmas tree stands, outdoor furniture, etc. The staff is always professional and knowledgeable. I can't tell you how many times we have tried to figure out how to install large items (e.g., mirror, pots and pans rack) and simply go down to Ace describing the situation and the staff have been able to provide us with direction and the proper items for installation. The store also employs many of our youth and it's wonderful to see the experience and knowledge they are gaining by working at this extremely well-run store. Please don't allow our Ace Hardware store to become just a memory of "the good ol' days." The store is part of our community and it would be a huge loss. Kind regards, Monique & James Harris Sent from our iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Linda Brown <ijbrown1710@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 2:09 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning Demolition of ACE Hardware Good afternoon, as a 13 year resident of Los Gatos I would like to make my opinion of the loss of ACE Hardware, the dry cleaners and the laundromat located on Los Gatos Blvd. Do we need another office building, especially one that large in an area that is already looking at increased traffic to come with the development of the property at Lark/Hwy 17? ACE Hardware has been a long standing small business in our community, providing jobs to our teens. We have no other store such as ACE Hardware in our small town.; to find the products and services they provide we would have to go to the BIG store such as Home Depot in San Jose. Please don't approve this plan. Respectfully, Linda J. Brown 211 Rushmore Ln Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Diane Dreher < ddreher@scu.edu > Monday, September 10, 2018 2:13 PM Jennifer Armer Subject: Fwd: Rezoning request on Los Gatos Boulevard--for Sept 12 Community Development Committee meeting and next Town Council ----------Forwarded message---------- From: Diane Dreher <ddreher@scu.edu> Date: Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 2:08 PM Subject: Rezoning request on Los Gatos Boulevard--for Sept 12 Community Development Committee meeting and next Town Council To: jarmer@losgatoscac.gov, planning@losgatosca.gov, council@losg atosca.gov, rrennie@losgatosca.gov, Steven Leonardis <sleonardis@losgatosca.gov>, Marcia Jensen <mjensen@losgatosca.gov>, bspector@losgatosca .gov, Marico Sayoc <msayoc@losgatosca.gov> Dear Jennifer Anner, Los Gatos Community Development Committee members, and Town Council: My name is Diane Dreher. I'm a professor at Santa Clara University and longtime resident of Los Gatos. We all have choices to make, often choices between two competing goods, what ethics scholars call a moral dilemma. At present, you are considering such a choice: a request to approve rezoning from commercial to office to replace Los Gatos Ace Hardware with a proposed 80,000 square foot medical office building. Granted, health care is a public good and we have a number of medical office buildings in the area. However, l would argue that Ace Hardware is another public good, a vital community resource. Locally owned, Ace Hardware has supported our community for over 40 years, contributing to civic groups, as well as to our town's charitable, educational, and service organizations. As our local hardware store, Ace provides neighbors with paint, tools, household items, and garden supplies. But that's only a small part of what it offers. • Ace Hardware hires local high school students, teaching them valuable job skills. In fact, when I was there this Sunday, a teenaged cashier told me that her mother was very upset about the proposed change and that the store has been here since before she was born. • The experienced Ace senior·staff members are wise and helpful neighbors, providing advice to local residents and homeowners. I've been going there almost every week since I moved here two decades ago--not just for tools, paint, and supplies, but crucial information on home improvement projects. • Going the extra mile to help us solve problems with home maintenance and repairs, Ace staff members offer vital personal support -something that online merchants like Amazon.com cannot provide. As you may have noticed in the news of late, this country is experiencing an erosion of community and an escalation of depression and anxiety. Psychological research has found that a sense of community is essential to our mental and physical health, and that the lack of supportive community is a bigger health risk than smoking. In closing, I ask you to consider the larger implications of your decision and make the wiser choice between these two options. Our town does not need more medical offices. What we do need is to recognize and support those people and places in our town that support our vital sense of community. I urge you not to surrender to forces that would undermine the character of our town with more urban sprawl, but to vote "No" on the rezoning request, maintaining our neighborhood Ace Hardware for the good of our community. Thank you. Diane Dreher Diane Dreher Professor of English Associate Director, Spirituality & Health Institute https://www.scu.edu/shi/ Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara CA 95053 (408) 554-4954 ddreher@scu.edu http://www.dianedreher.com "Surely, in the light of history, it is more intelligent to hope rather than to fear,to try rather than not to try. " Eleanor Roosevelt Check out my biogs: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/you r-personal-re na issa nee https://blogs.scu.edu/writeherewritenow/ Diane Dreher Professor of English Associate Director, Spirituality & Health Institute https://www.scu.edu/shi/ Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara CA 95053 (408) 554-4954 dd reher@scu.edu http://www.dianedreher.com "Surely, in the light of history, it is more intelligent to hope rather than to fear,to try rather than not to try. " Eleanor Roosevelt Check out my biogs: http://www. psycho logytoday.com/blog/yo u r-personal-rena issa nee https://blogs.scu .ed u/write herewritenow / Jennifer Armer From: Sent To: Subject: Glenn Lorig <glennlorig@hotmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 2:14 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning Discussion -15300 & 15330 Los Gatos Blvd (ACE Hardware property) Jennifer, just a brief note to add to the others. I would prefer the rezoning not be approved. Sincerely, Glenn Lorig 132 Loma Alta Ave Los Gatos, CA 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armer, Ted Farrell <ted@tsfarrell.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 2:16 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware site rezoning I wanted to voice our opinion and concern over the re-zoning proposal for the Ace Hardware on LG Blvd. Approving this site and causing the store to close/move would eliminate the only option for hardware supplies for us in north Los Gatos. While Rural Supply is an icon and a great neighbor, it-has only a fraction of inventory of what Ace carries, and you cannot get to Rural supply on the weekends from the north without loosing 1+ hours of time. We and our neighbors rely on this store several times a month. The thought of having to go to Campbell or San Jose for simple items we need so often is terrible. Ironically, the town approved the north 40 housing additions and the first thing a person in a new home (or 320 people in this case) needs is a hardware store. This proposal eliminates the only option for them which happens to be right across the street. For the same group of people to make these 2 connected decisions seems incredibly inconsistent. Los Gatos is legendary for making hard decisions to keep the town in balance w.r.t. retail vs restaurant, number of salons, etc. I respectfully and strongly urge you to make the right decision here and prevent this event from happening. We need this store much more than we need yet another medical building, which could be erected in a dozen other suitable spots. I'm happy to discuss further if necessary. Thanks for your time. -ted Ted & Shannon Farrell Hill Top Dr. Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Kesselman <mail.kesselman@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 2:24 PM Jennifer Armer Please don't get rid of ACEI Please, don't get rid of our hardware store!!! Not only can I buy important items there but it's also possible to order products & pick them up in store. Parking is spacious, people are helpful, products are current. So few places in Los Gatos can say these things for their businesses. Besides, living on Winchester@ 85, I'm surrounded by health care facilities. I grew up here and I feel that the our boulevard business are about all we have left in Los Gatos, in terms of being able to running an regular errand, in a reasonable amount of time, without struggling with parking & good customer care. I'm sick of having to leave town to run a simple errand and downtown Los Gatos is just way too crowded. Planners, companies, medical corporations -please, stop infringing on our residents by ruining yet another one of the few nice things we have left in Los Gatos. Enough is enough. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Sarah Kesselman Los Gatos, CA Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Robert Buxton <rabcars@yahoo.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 2:28 PM Jennifer Armer CDAC -meeting 9/12/2018 We know you have read the letter from Mrs. Kankel and Mr. Matsumoto, co-owners of Lo s Gatos Hardware. It is worth reading again. The passion in their letter is the same pas sion you feel when you enter their store, and it is the same passion that t h is community has for their business. This is not just a hardware store-it is a community asset! To the CDAC committee members-let's recognize the loyalty and hard work of the current and previous owners by unequivocally d e nying this proposal. We don't need another medical facility, we need our hardware store now and w ell into the future. Thank you for doing the right thing! Bo b & Su san Bu xton Town residents fo r over 40 years Sent from my iPad Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Janet Stevenson <stevensonjanet@gmail.com > Monday. September 10, 2018 2:46 PM Jennifer Armer Do not re-zone the Ace Hardware property. I am a resident living on Blossom Terr ace Court in San Jose very near to Los Gatos. Please, please do not re-zone the land that Ace Hardware is on. Now that OSH is closing, the neighborhood has one big retail hardware store, Home Depot in San Jose and another smaller hardware store at the end of Los Gatos. The small store is not practical during the summer weekends due to the traffic. The Ace Hardware store has been a good neighbor for the town of Los Gatos. With the North 40 being developed, the traffic will be horrible on Los Gatos Blvd. Same with the development on Alberto Way, traffice will be horrible on highway 9. If the property is built with a medical facility, the traffice will extend farther south. This road cannot handle the amount of cars that will be coming in. Please, do not re-zone the Ace Hardware property. Regards, Janet Stevenson Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: To whom it may concern: sally bailey <sallypbailey@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 2:47 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis proposed medical office building I am strongly opposed to the proposal of a new medical office being built at the current Ace Hardware location. The Ace store 1s the only hardware store on our side of Los Gatos. Over the years my husband and l have made countless trips to Ace as we worked on various home projects. They are always friendly and very helpful. It provides an important sense of community, and contributes to the warmth and character that makes LG such a charming place to live. We do not shop at the hardware store in downtown Los Gatos due to traffic, especially during the summer. We also use the drycleaners. and on occasion the Laundromat. We prefer to support local businesses as opposed the chain big box stores. Another issue 1s the impact on traffic. The backup and traffic in this area is very heavy and will only get worse with the 300+ homes to be built just down the road. Please consider the character and needs of this side of Los Gatos. We don't need another medical building that will bring addition traffic and pollution, obstruct views or the mountains. and remove a treasured local store that has contributed to our community in countless ways over the years. Sal!y Bailey Jennifer Armer From: John Uhl <johnauhl@gmail.com > Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 2:55 PM To: Jenn i fer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca .gov> Cc: danstuhl <danstuhl@aol.com> Subject: Re: Ace store closing Dear Ms Armer, We have heard disturbing rumors that the Los Gatos Blvd. Ace Hardware may be replaced by yet another medical office building. We have been Los Gatos residents for 41 years, and have been sat isfied customers of that Ace Hardware even when it was in the Blossom Hill Rd/LG.Blvd shopping center where Lunardi's and Peets coffee are now. Especially as traffic gets unbearably bad, it can be almost impossible, especially on beach days or during High School t r affic jams, to get to Rural Supply (which we also love and try to help support). If the Los Gatos Blvd Ace Hardware were to close , long treks to San Jose Home Depots or Lowes would be the only option. And when the North 40 is developed, it will be even worse :-( One service which seems in great and increasing abundance in Los Gatos is medical offices. There are at least 3 o r 4 Urgent Cares within bike riding distance of my house which were not there 10 years ago. On the other hand, retail business is increasingly difficult. Many are struggling or closing, and one of the few resident serving retail businesses which seems to be doing well is this hardware store . And it is one of the most useful. I realize from my time on the Los Gatos Planning Commission, that the town's ability to choose types of development use i s limited, but to the extent you possibly can, plea se try to not lose this extremely convenient, helpfu l, and us eful long term part of the Los Gatos community. It's sales tax revenues, and the livelihoods of it's many experienced and long-term employees should also be considered. Please don't make us add even more traffic by driving to San Jose to buy things we need and use every day. Thank you very much for your help. Best regards, John A Uhl MD FACEP Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Karen Kurtz < kurtzk@comcast.net> Monday, September 10, 2018 3:23 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware on LG Blvd I am shocked to think the town is considering another Medical building and eliminating a retail business (A Hardware Store) that is badly needed in our town. I strongly urge the planning commission to reject such a proposal. We need that Hardware store and the other business's in that shopping strip. They have been there for many years and are used on a regular basis, especially by the citizens who live in the area. Please, no more medical buildings which I thought had already been decided by our town planners. Karen Kurtz Broadway, LG Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Ms. Armer, Ray Bloker <rbloker0l@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 3:29 PM Jennifer Armer please don't force Los Gatos Hardware to close! I am writing to register my protest over the prospective re-zoning of the property where Los Gatos Hardware is currently located. While medical facilities are an important part of any sizable community, I fail to see the need for additional facilities in Los Gatos given the already high density of medical offices, testing and diagnostic labs, and treatment centers in the vicinity of Good Sam and El Camino hospitals, as well as the recently opened PAMF facility. If the land targeted for re-zoning were an empty lot, then this would just be a case of overkill with respect to medical offices, but given that the re-zoning would result in the loss of a beloved and convenient local business, then it becomes a terrible tradeoff of losing something highly valuable to the community for something we don't need. l hope our city government is paying attention to the residents of Los Gatos. Thank you for your service. Regards, Ray Bloker 130 Highland Ave. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer, Pat Blair <Patrblair@msn.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 3:33 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware I was appalled to hear of the possibility of losing our wonderful local ACE hardware. Who could possibly vote to: l.Lose a LOCAL convenient hardware? 2. Send locals out of our area to another big box store (Plus Rural Supply just does not have ALL that ACE does and is pretty inaccessible at certain times due to traffic). 3. Remove a wonderful source of jobs and on the job training for so many of our youth. 4. Add to freeway congestion and pollution as we travel distances to find the many small and large items ACE carries. 5. Put up one more (probably not necessary)office/medical building on an already hugely congested road. Please let sanity prevail for our poor, too congested, town. Keep our wonderful ACE Hardware!!! Pat Blair 101 Lorain Pl. Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: donna leadorsey@gmail.com <donna leadorsey@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 3:41 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: ACE HARDWARE Thank you for getting back to me. One other argument about traffic on the ACE property. With the north 40 development being planned, how can additional traffic be allowed in that area that will already be greatly impacted? It makes no sense to me. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone- God's Blessings, Donna Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, yogabear482@gmail.com Monday, September 10, 2018 3:55 PM Jennifer Armer Please keep Ace hardware in Los Gatos I am unable to attend the meeting but would like to put in my voice to save Ace Hardware, as I feel it is an essential part of our community. I recently purchased my home in Los Gatos and have frequently turned to Ace to get Home essentials. It would forever change our community if it is no longer there. Think about the housing prices in our area, it is a direct reflection of having stores like Ace Hardware available to our community of active parents , families and kids who love having access to a good hardware store. Please save ACE. Best regards, Smita Kanungo 263 Long ridge Rd, Los Gatos Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Dana <ppdmf@yahoo.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 3:59 PM Jennifer Armer ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd I understand there is a possibility of shutting down the ACE Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd and replacing it with a medical building. I depend on that Ace store pretty much weekly. It is always busy when I go in. LG certainly does not need yet another medical building in town. I hope they get this one right and not close the LG Blvd Ace Hardware store or even move it. Thank you, Dana Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Jennifer and Town Council, Jan Schwartz <jsourhilltop@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:10 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Please disregard my earlier e-mail, which mistakenly referred to Rural Supply. I would still like to support keeping Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. The character of the Boulevard has become increasingly impersonal. Another medical building would sandwich between PAMF and the Bascom complexes, turning even more of the street into a hospital-like spin-off. Please keep our neighborhood business -we have lost so many, and the new residents in the North 40 will have need ofa local hardware store! Respectfully yours, Jan Schwartz 15966 Cerro Vista Dr. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Diane Carlson <dianevcarlson@gmail.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 4:16 PM Jennifer Armer; Planning@losgatos.gov Ryan Carlson Rezoning 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd., To: Jennifer Armer and the Conceptua1Development Advisory Committee I would like to express my objection to rezoning the above property from Mixed Commercial to Medical Office. Los Gatos needs the services that Ace Hardware provides to the residents and businesses of Los Gatos. As a Los Gatos homeowner and business owner since 1965, we have shopped at Ace Hardware for both personal and business needs multiple times a week. If this property is rezoned and Ace Hardware closes, we will have to go out of town to find the products we purchase from Ace. The town will lose sales tax revenue. But worse than this, the town will lose a Los Gatos family owned business that also contributes much to the town, schools and community. Our son worked there when he was in high school back in the late 80's and Ace Hardware has always and still employs local high school and college students. They are also generous contributors to school and community fundraisers. Their loss will be deeply felt. We do not need another large complex that serves residents of other communities in an area that already has heavy traffic and will have more with the development of the North 40. Thank you for your consideration, Diane Carlson -Homeowner 15830 Blossom Hill Rd., Los Gatos, Ca. 95032 Diane Carlson SkyBlue Pool Supply 'N Service, Inc 805 University Ave. Ste #B Los Gatos, Ca 95032 Office: 408-395-7626 Fax: 408-395-1096 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armed, Anne Isbell <aisbell48@yahoo.com > Monday, September 10, 2018 4:31 PM Jennifer Armer Ace Hardware Though I do not live in Los Gatos I have shopped at Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd for many years . It is so sad that this local small hardware store that makes our neighborhoods feel like a small town neighborhood may go away. Why does a multi-s tory medical building need to go there? There are other sites in the area that would be more suitable. Why not rebuild something where the existing old buildings Sam Drive are? Or the North 40. The traffic on Los Gatos Blvd has gotten worse recently and adding more cars will jam up the streets at Carlton, Gateway, and the Blvd as well as the light at Lark. This is my neighborhood and I hate to see my local hardware store go away. There are a lot of people who have jobs there. High schoolers as well as retirees! Thank you, Anne Isbell 15181 Clydelle Ave San Jose 95124 408~377-1394