Item 2 - 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 09/12/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 TO: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD-18-004 PROJECT LOCATION: 15300-15330 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. APN 424-17-035 AND 424-17-036. PROPERTY OWNER: TRUSTEES OF THE MALKASON TRUST AND MARY MALKASON GST TRUST. APPLICANT: SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF PLANS TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING BUILDING AND TO CONSTRUCT A TWO-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING WITH BELOW GRADE PARKING ON PROPERTY ZONED C-1. ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. Notice has been sent to residents and property owners within 300 feet of the project site. In addition to the public comments received at this meeting, all applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 15300-15330 LOS GATOSBOULEVARD/CD-18-004 SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\LGB 15300-15330_09-12-18.doc 9/7/2018 9:13 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted a project description (Attachment 3) and preliminary plans (Attachment 4) for 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard, a 1.9-acre property located on Los Gatos Boulevard between Lark Avenue and Gateway Drive (Attachment 1). The property consists of two parcels containing a single-story commercial building (Ace Hardware, a laundromat, and a drycleaner) with a 105-space surface parking lot. The project does not include redevelopment of the adjacent gas station located at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Gateway Drive. Key elements of the proposed project, as listed on the project description and plans submitted, are as follows: • Demolition of the existing commercial building; • Construction of a new two-story office building with 80,000 square feet of medical office space; and • Construction of a 21-space surface parking lot and 331-space underground parking garage. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 1. General Plan designation: The two parcels have different General Plan designations. The smaller, 0.3-acre lot is designated Low Density Residential, which provides for single- family residential properties located on generally level terrain. It encourages single-family residential development in either the standard development established by traditional zoning or by innovative forms obtained through a planned development. The larger, 1.6-acre lot is designated Mixed Use Commercial, which permits a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use setting, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants. Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the smalltown, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. This designation should never be interpreted to allow development of independent commercial facilities with principal frontage on the side streets. 2. Surrounding General Plan designations: Mixed Use Commercial to the north and south along Los Gatos Boulevard, Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential to the east, and Low Density Residential west. 3. Zoning designation: Both parcels are zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) 4. Surrounding zoning designations: CH (Restricted Commercial Highway) to the north and south along Los Gatos Boulevard, R-1:8 (Single-Family Residential) to the west across Los PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 15300-15330 LOS GATOSBOULEVARD/CD-18-004 SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\LGB 15300-15330_09-12-18.doc 9/7/2018 9:13 AM EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Continued): Gatos Boulevard (San Jose Water Works), and R-1:8 and R-M:5-12 (Multi-Family Residential) to the east at the rear of the property. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff would evaluate the technical issues. 1. General Plan a. General Plan Policy LU-9.3 Encourage a mix of retail and office uses in commercial areas, except in the Central Business District designation, where retail should be emphasized and office should be limited to upper floors and other areas as defined by the Town Code. b. The smaller parcel is currently designated Low Density Residential. A General Plan amendment would be required to allow the proposed medical office project. 2. Zoning a. The project site is zoned C-1. Rezoning the property to CH would ensure consistency with the General Plan designation of Mixed Use Commercial and the existing pattern of Los Gatos Boulevard. b. A new office building would require approval of a Conditional Use Permit under both the current C-1 zone and a CH zone to ensure compatibility with the zone. 3. Parking a. EXISTING: The project site is currently developed with a single story 19,825-square foot commercial building (Ace Hardware, a laundromat, a dry cleaner, and one vacant tenant space) with a 105-space surface parking lot. b. REQUIRED: The proposed 80,000-square foot medical office space would require at least 320 parking spaces (based on the requirement of one parking space per 250 square feet). Town Code also includes a requirement of six parking spaces per doctor, so no more than 58 doctors would be allowed by the current proposal. c. PROVIDED: The proposed project includes a 21-space surface parking lot and a 331- space underground parking garage. d. The total provided parking spaces for the proposed project would exceed the current minimum required parking for the proposed use. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 15300-15330 LOS GATOSBOULEVARD/CD-18-004 SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\LGB 15300-15330_09-12-18.doc 9/7/2018 9:13 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (Continued): 4. Design a. The project plans provided do not include any floor plans or elevations for the proposed building, but the conceptual site plan does show the general layout and site access from existing driveways off of both Los Gatos Boulevard and Carlton Avenue. b. The building setbacks from Los Gatos Boulevard, Gateway Drive, and Carlton Ave are all shown as 25 feet. The required minimum setbacks are 15 feet for front and side abutting a street. However, depending on the height of the building, increased setbacks may be required for areas that abut or are across the street from residentially zoned properties. c. The project site is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard District, identified in the Commercial Design Guidelines, which were developed as a replacement to the 1997 Los Gatos Boulevard Plan. d. Maximum height allowed is 35 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage is 50 percent. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public comments received by 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018, are included as Attachment 5. Attachments: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Project Description Letter (two page) 4. Conceptual Plans (three sheets) 5. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 7, 2018 Distribution: Steve Lynch, AICP, Sand Hill Property Company, 965 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 Trustees of the Malkason Trust and Mary Malkason GST Trust, PO Box 63939, San Francisco, CA 94163 LOS GATOS BLCARLTON AV LONG R I D G E R DGARDEN LNLAR K A V GATE W A Y D R CARLTON WY 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Attachment 1 Attachment 2 APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEAR LY PROPERTY DETAIL: Address of subject property: 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd Zoning Cl-Neighborhood Commercial Site Area 82,764 sf. (1.9 acre) APN 424-17-036 Existing use Commercial builidng -Hardware store BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: CDAC review/feedback of preliminary plans for a new medical office building. APPLICANT : NAME Sand Hill Pr operty Company, Steve Lynch ADDRE SS 975 Page M ill Road PHON E: 650-344-1500 CITY Palo Alto STATE CA ZIP 94304 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (If same as above, check here n ) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., William Malkason and James Palfish each as Co-415-371-3454 NAMETrustees of the Malkason Trust and William Malkason as Trustee of the Mary PHONE: ______ _ Malkason GST Trust P .O. Box 63939 ADDRESS _______________________________ _ San Francisco CA 94163 CITY _______________ STATE ________ ~P _______ _ I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property described in Box #2 above, and that I approve of the action "quested hece;,. ~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER~~~~ DATE 8.22.2018 111 • &,if.tell .fl,(>y;,.,;70 . ti.I" WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE . ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and un d erstand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations or decisions regarding land use issues. I further understand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a potential land use appears consistent with Town Po l i cy is not an express or implied approval of a development project. A project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and /or Town Council for incon sistency with Town policy or for other reasons in the course of the development review process, includ i ng public input. . I further understand and acknowledge that the members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee are in no way bound i n their future review of my project, by th omments at this very preliminary state of project development. SIGNATURE OF OWNE ~ DATE ~lz~.ut 161411,A. 164'</~1~"", vi' WELLS FARGO BANK, M.A. AS ~USTEE * * DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE PLPERMIT $2,966.00 APPLICATION No.-------PL TRACK 118.64 PLANAP 296.60 (Noticing Deposit) ,_PL=P-=E""R""'M"'"'IT...__ ___ -=5=0=0.,_,.0=0 TOTAL FEE $3,881.24 N:\DEV\FORMS\Plonn;ng\201 7-lB Fomis\CDAC App/icution.doc 7/01/2017 Attachment 3 SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY August 22, 2018 Joel Paulson, Community Development Director Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Concep tua l Development Advisory Committee review and comment on reu se o f the Ace Hardware site (15300 -15330 Los Gatos Blvd). Dear Mr. Paulson: Thank you for accepting our request for CDAC review of our preliminary plans. Please find attached our application and draft site plan for a new medical office building. The existing site is comprised of two parcel s totaling 82,764 sf. (1.9 acre) with a 19,825 sf. building. The existing structure was built in 1960 and has a .24 FAR. The building is comprised of four space with the main space (16,675 sf.) occupied by Ace Hardware. The building's three smaller spaces are occupied by a Dry Cleaners (drop-off, pick-up only), a laundromat, and the third is vacant. In accordance with the City's 2040 General Plan land use for the site (Mixed-Use Commercial), we are proposing a profess ional medical building, similar to the Pa lo Alto Medical Foundation (P AMF) building adjacent to the site. The land use designation allows for up to 50 percent lot coverage with a 35-foot height limit and no maximum FAR. The site is zoned CI -Neighborhood Commercial, which envisions "areas easily accessible and useful for retail, service, and administrative uses that faci litate the day-to-day needs of Los Gatos residents." We have designed our preliminary site plan to be in compliance with current City policies and development standards, including property setbacks and height requirements. Comparable in design and scale to the P AMF building, we are proposing a two-story building, anticipated to be 80,000 sf. (.96 FAR). The majority of the parking will be structured below grade with 331 stalls. On grade there will be 21 spaces and associated bicycle parking. Our goal is to park the project at 4/1000 sf. ( l/250sf) per Cit y code requirements. The concept plan has the building set away from the adjacent single family neighbors, providing a larger buffer/privacy zone versus the existing building. Throughout the process we will continue to give particular attention to the sensitivity of this neighborhood interface. We look forward to hearing the CDAC's comments and to continue working with the City. Sincerely, ~ Steve Lynch, AICP Director of Planning and Entitlement Sand Hill Property Company 965 PAGE MILL ROAD I PALO ALTO, CA 94304 I (650) 344-1500 ~ _J i ------ w l 0 ~ !. ~ SCALE 1" = 100' UP or ro cE or C O U NTY 19, LOS GATOS ,.,,,. "'- . '" ' ..... ~ .. A SSCS~OJt S A H T 4 C L A It A C OUNTY. ... , .. y ' ,, ...... • ,I •• (. ••> BL CLW , __ . ._ • 0 S II ,, ., .. ,,.,..:;,i \ \ • 42 'l8 2 3 1;? AC i .... ~ l1 :. .. ,.. • ;/'" .... ;; ?! ,, r: ~ r ti ... ~ ~-· .$) ~ ... ... ,• ;, .. , ~j . •. w 0 C AL l rOA N IA II II 800K PAOE 7 424 17 @ ,u · I ~-........ ~ ,, ., '> , .. , '• .... ~ > ~ -:-~ I, TRA DET MAP 108 Lawrence E Stone -:.ssessor Cad ast ral map for assessment purposes only Co...,pl.ed unde· A & -Cede, Sec 327 Effective Roll Year 2010-2011 II CONCEPTUAL SITE PLANA2.0133.004 08.14.201815300 LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC.30' 0'60'15'Attachment 4 15300-15330 Los d 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd ±2 ACR E S Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subj ect: Dear Ms. Armer, Dene Kankel <denekankel @hotmail.com > Thursday, September 06, 20 18 9:41 AM Jennifer Armer Conceptual Devel opment Advisory Co mmittee Meeting September 12 , 201 8 We are the tenant and co-owners of the Los Gatos Ace Hardware at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. We are very concerned about the upcoming Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for September 12, 2018. We found out about this through a postcard sent to the store. We were unaware that the property was in escrow and have not been contacted by the owner or Sand Hill Properties . My 23,000 cu stomers also know nothing of this except for rumors now circulating because of the postcard sent to local property owners. At the beginning of 2018 we negotiated a 10 year lease with a 5 year option . It is our intention to remain a Lo s Gatos bu siness for another 15 years and well beyond. It was a shock to find out that the property was being prepared to be sold three months after our lease took effect. Although we are part of the Ace buying co-op, we are a family owned and operated business that has been proudly serving and supporting Los Gatos and the surrounding communities for over 40 years. This is our livelihood and we believe our store is a community asset. Almost everyone in Los Gatos benefits from out store in one way or another. Even if people do not shop in our store, their gardeners, handymen and contractors likely do. Our customers also include local bu sinesses, places of worship, local school districts, parks, County Fire, and even the Town itself. We have employed local high school and college students as well as senior citizens for the entire time we have been in business . And we currently provide full and part time jobs for forty nine people. We are charitable and support or sponsor many causes in the community, including all schools, LGEF , Los Gatos Athletic Association , Lions Club, Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, Girl Scouts, LG Robotics Club , local sports, Senior Nutrition Center, and KCAT . We also support our local seniors and military customers with a discount . Ideally we would simply move to a comparable, available space within the Town limits and continue the business. However, in the absence of any viable new space to relocate to in Lo s Gatos, we are faced with the choice of either going out of business or attempting to relocate to another town or city. If we were to relocate, we would hope that our current customers would follow us and continue to shop at our new location. However, this would require Los Gatos residents to shop outside the Town, thus undermining the encouraged "shop local" ideology. Not to mention the loss of tax revenue for the Town. And we would be heartbroken to lose our current customers and "regulars" we have cultivated relationsh ips with over the years. We recognize that it is the current Owners' right to sell their property. And we also recognize the fact that the potential buyer will make every effort to derive maximum financial gains from the development of the property. However, the current proposal will be substantially detrimental to us as the owners as well as the entire community. Unfortunately we do not have a solution, and for this reason we felt it was worth making our predicament known to the committee members as they consider the current proposal. If the town approves this proposal, it will put us out of business and the Town of Los Gatos will lose an established long standing business that has been serving and supporting the community for over 40 years. Sincerely, Dene' Kankel and Bryan Matsumoto Co-owners of Los Gatos Hardware Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Ms. Armed , Margaret Smidt < margaret.smidt@gmail.com > Thursday, September 06, 2018 12 :01 PM Jennifer Armer No more medical offices! I am writing to strongly encourage the town not to rezone the property around the Ace Hardware to medical offices. Thi s area of Los Gatos is turning into one big medical complex. We have MORE than enough medical offices already. Thi s rezoning will decrease property values for those of us living nearby, increase traffic, and take awY our local hardware store, which has some of the best customer service I've ever encountered. I lived for years in the East Coast. Towns like Los Gatos need to take a page from East Coast cities and learn the value of mixed use development. Turning this property into yet another medical complex will make this area of Los Gatos a less friendly, less neighborhood-centric, and less pleasant place to live . Please do not do that to us. Thank you. Margaret Smidt Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: M s. Armer and CDAC Members, Susan Kankel <s usankankel @co mcast.net > Thursday, September 06, 2018 1:50 PM Jennifer Armer CDAC Sept. 6, 2018 Unfortunately, I will be out of town on the 12th so cannot attend the CDAC meeting concerning the Ace store on Los Gato s Boulevard. I do want to officially state my feelings and opinion for the public record . As a long -time re sident of Los Gatos, I know Los Gatos needs the hardware store It has served the community for 40 years and has supported community groups, schools, and events for all that time. We do not need another medical office building -we are being overrun by them already; we need to retain the Commercial zoning of the property, thus receiving needed tax dollars and needed products. On a personal note, my late husband Gary and his partner Bob Allen opened this Ace hardware in the Kings Court Center 40 years ago; it was moved to the larger present property about 35 years ago . The store is still in the family -it is locally owned and operated. It is important to our town that we reta in and support businesses like these and not accede to the financial desires of faceless corporate entities that seem intent on destroying u s. Please retain the present zoning of this project's location for the good of Los Gatos. Susan Kankel 99 Reservoir Road Los Gatos, 95030 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, sueling.cho@comcast.net Thursday, September 06, 2018 3:29 PM Jennifer Armer Rezoning 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard? We hope that the city does NOT rezone 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard to construct medical offices. Los Gatos needs the retail that exists there. Thanks, Sueling Cho 15819 lzorah Way Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: > L D Hirschklau < larrideaneh@comcast.net > Thursday, September 06, 2018 4:31 PM Jennifer Armer Fwd : Ace hardware on LOs Gatos Bl vd > PLEASE maintain the property and zoning as is . Keep Ace Hardware, please. LO Hirsc hklau . Jennifer Armer From: "Albright Karla M." <km al bright@gma il.com> Subject: ace hardware Date: September 6, 2018 at 4:54:58 PM PDT To: jarner@losgatosca .gov Hello Jennifer I am writing to express my opinion that our family really likes Ace Hardware and we go to it at least once a week or more. We get excellent knowledgeable and personable service . I understand that there is the possibility of a sale and hopes for rezoning. Please do not rzone . We do not need yet another medical office building. We need Ace hardware . Especially now that OSH is going out of business . Thank you for hearing my voice. Karla Albright 110 clover Way Los Gatos From: Stacy Taylor <cagirlstacy@gmail.com > Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 7:42 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Save Ace Hardware I would like to put in my voice to KEEP Ace Hardware and vote down yet another big building in Los Gatos! I am unable to attend so I am sending this email. I am already dreading the North 40 project and am saddened to hear that a local business like Ace is in jeopardy of being closed. I hope that enough people will show support for Ace to keep them in our town. Thank you, Stacy Taylor From: KATHLEEN COOLEY <kd mcool@comcast.net > Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 9:03 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Re : Ace Hardware Hi, I just was in my local Ace Hardware store on Los Gatos Blvd and read the shocking notice of intent to build a medical building. This is horrible and I am completely against this. Please note that North Los Gatos needs this hardware store. I can't make it to the town council meeting on Sep. 12th, so know that I want to keep this Ace Hardware. Thank you kindly, Kathy Cooley 15429 Benedict Lane Los Gatos, Ca . 95032 From: Michael Hirschklau <michirsc@comcast .net> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 9:08 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Los Gatos needs a hardware store with adequate parking Sent from my iPad From: amy lee <amywylee@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 9:28 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: conceptual development advisory committee application CD-18-004. Dear LG Planning committee, I have concerns and am against the proposed plans to demolish an existing building and construct a two- story medical office building with below-grade parking at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. We have too many medical buildings in this residential town and need the Ace Hardware neighborhood store. Thank you . Amy Sent from my iPhone From: Chris Kankel <ckankel@kk de sig ngroup.com> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 9 :46 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: 15300 Los Gatos Blvd Hello Ms Armer, I am a life long Los Gatos resident and business owner who recently found out about the pending sale of the property at 15300 LG Blvd. Based on the information I have received , the current building that houses Los Gatos Ace Hardware is proposed to be demolished to allow for the construction of a new medical office building in its place. The possibility that a long standing Los Gatos bu siness that ha s supported our community for decades and provided goods and services to all Los Gatos residents will simply cease to exist in order to make room for another medical office building is not only saddening, but also dismay i ng to me . There are currently two hardware stores in the Town, and LG Ace is the largest and most accessible. If Ace closes, the Town will be left with one small hardware store located in a relatively inconvenient part of town. On the other hand, there are currently multiple medical office buildings in Los Gatos. I don't know how many there are exactly, but I can count at least four on Los Gatos Blvd just off the top of my head. Based on the current medical insurance industry structure, it's likely that Los Gatos residents do not necessarily go to the facilities in town, and it equally likely that people from out of town come to Los Gatos only to go to their doctor. I respectfully ask that Planners, Commissioners, and Council members consider if the loss of a long standing business and community fixture is worth gaining another medical office building serving people outside the community. How many medial office buildings does the Town need? At what point does the Town become a medical clearing house for the South Bay? Will a medical office building instead of a family owned and operated business improve the Town? Will it generate more tax revenue? I accept that change is inevitable. But I also believe that change should be carefully considered and for the right reasons . Thank you for your consideration and for the efforts of all those involved at the Town. Regards, Christopher Kankel California Landscape Architect #4051 Kikuchi + Kankel Design Group 61 E. Main Street, Suite C Los Gatos From: Shirley Welch <curlsky@ya hoo.com> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 10:05 PM To: Jennife r Armer Subject: Fw : Rezoning of property 15300-15330 Los Gatos Blvd Jennifer~ I went to Ace Hardware today, located at 15300 Los Gatos Blvd . and saw a sign at the entrance that there was a proposal to rezone this property from retail to office. This would close down Ace Hardware among other s maller busi nesses located at this address to bui ld yet ANOTHER medical office bui lding. I cannot begin to tell you how up set I was to think that Ace Hardware cou ld po ssibly be closed . I have been a loyal customer here for many, many years. The location is convenient, the selection of products they offer is vas t, and the workers there are knowledgeable and pol ite. Others agree. It consistently has over 4 stars on Yel p. I n fact, 1 work in a m edical office building in Los Gatos, and when the bui lding mainten ance folks need a part they all go to Ace! Also, it appears that many local high school stud ents are e m ployed there, giving them valuable work ex perience. Over the years Lo s Gatos has turned its e lf into a town that ha s very few bu s ines ses that provide useful item s that people need in everyday life. Ace has these items. Jus t look at what the cus tomers are buying. They'e not just "window s hopping", t hey arc walking out with items they have purchased to be used for the improvement of their homes and properties. Now with O rchard Supply closing, there will be an even bi gger need for stores like Ace. Not everyone shops at Home Depot. Please let these businesses continue operati ons at this location. Shirley Welch From: Jeff Morris <jeffreyjaymorris@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, September 06 , 2018 10:06 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov > Subject: Ace Hardware: The next neighborhood theft Please, please, do not allow the developers to again (N40) damage our neighborhood (RE Ace hardware store). With OSH gone now it is even more of a requirement to the local neighborhood, both residents and supporting vendors. The tiny store in southern LG will be a giant (additional) traffic jam, they won't be able to handle it. Most will just turn to Amazon which just makes things worse as there will be even more jobs lost (although the rich people and the porch bandits will do well). I suspect home maintenance expenses will escalate and then building maintenance, safety and aesthetics will be generally minimized. In addition, I feel it's odd to have rows and rows of medical buildings when so many are considering or have left town. Many people are either unable to afford or are simply afraid to go to the doctor anyway due to the insurance complexities and financial risks. Plus , the traffic on Los Gatos Boulevard (south) and Lark Avenue (east) is almost intolerable now, there are accidents almost daily and horn honking is endless. If this goes in combined with N 40 it w i ll indeed be horrible gridlock. Please , respectfully, pardon my rant and add my vote(?) against this heartbreaking step backwards. Thank you Jeff Morris Northern Los Gatos resident and local business owner. Addendum, In my opinion an exit off of southbound Hwy 17 at Blossom Hill Road (east) would ease a lot of the PM commute traffic on eastbound Lark and southbound LGB as a large percent of this traffic is heading to this area (south San Jose/east Los Gatos/Blossom Hill Road). It looks doable to me. From: Steve Roon <sroon5@earthlink.net> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 11 :22 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: FW: NO to Losing ACE Hardware Dear Ms. Arner, I have been a Los Gatos resident for almost 30 years and there have been a lot of things that have changed over the years. However, one of my anchors for the weekend has been my visit to Ace Hardware on Los Gatos Blvd. They are locally owned and do so much for the community. Not only providing an uniquely helpful service to guys like myself but more importantly, they have employed lOO's of young teenagers to get them started on earning their first paychecks. Please DO NOT allow another Los Gatos treasure to go away for another bland office building. Thank you very much for your attention. ~ t) ! , , . '. Steve Roon 119 Old Orchard Court Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 981 3505 sroon5@ea rth Ii n k. net From: Kathy Winkelman <kathywinkelman@gma il.com> Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 8:20 AM To: Jennifer Armer; Karl Winkelman Subject: Opposed to rezoning of Ace Hardware property Hello and thank you for listening. We are almost 50 year residents of Los Gatos and have raised three sons here through the local schools and volunteered the entire time we have been here to help to make Los Gatos such a desireable place to live and raise a FAMILY. My husband Karl is currently an active Lions member in Los Gatos. To put MORE MEDICAL BUILDINGS IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS NOT NEIGHBOR FRIENDLY. AND THE ACE HARDWARE DOES MUCH MORE THAN OFFER WHAT WE NEIGHBORS AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS NEEDS HARDWARE WISE . THIS FAMILY HAS TAKEN OUR YOUNG ONES AND TAUGHT THEM HOW TO WORK, THE GOOD FEELING OF EARNING INCOME AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITY. These businesses are what make Los Gatos the wonderful community it is . In our neighborhoods we cannot be swallowed up by progress, by medical buildings. Please do not take retail away from our area Thank you . Kadier~W~ Gioia Company LLC 4 0 8 .640.662 8 "J oy for Those W ho Giv e and Those Who Receive" http://www.gioiacompany.com Find Us On Facebook: http:llwww.facebook.com!pages/Gioia-ltalian-Art-and-Products/112457388801734 http://www.velp.com/biz/gioia-companv-los-gatos-2 ?osq = gioia + italian +art+ and+ products From: Kathleen Williams <lafromproperties@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 8:40:23 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Ace Hardware location Hello, Los Gatos is changing rapidly . Traffic here is horrific. And the town continues approving new developments which will soon make life in this town unbearable . The corner at Los Gatos Blvd and Lark is already an absolute mess, with traffic backing up throughout the days for drivers attempting to turn left at Lark . People pulling out of Gateway onto LG Blvd, hoping to get onto Lark have to pull into the lane going straight and then cut into the turn lane at the last minute, cutting off drivers who have been sitting in that turn lane through 3-4 light cycles. When the North 40 goes in, the Lark intersection will simply be unnavigable in all directions. The Gateway/LG Blvd intersection is in reality a part of the Lark intersection due to its close proximity . Ace is part of the old charm that Los Gatons are hanging on to ... a functional store where neighbors say hello to each other, that services our needs with a smile, and hires local teens. That type of charm is going by the wayside with all the absurd development on slate for our small town. The proposed building at the corner of Gateway will simply be the final straw that turns East Los Gatos into the same dead-stopped traffic disaster that downtown has dealt with due to beach traffic on the weekends. Please think carefully about the consequences of new development at this corner .... it will be very bad news for Los Gatos. We are not able to attend the meeting on Sept 12, however, we hope that our email comments are considered. Charles and Kathleen Williams From: Jerry Salsbury <jsalsb ury @vaso n amanageme nt.co m > Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 9:04:49 AM To: Jennifer Armer Cc: David Burt; bryan matsumoto Subject: rezone and removal of Ace Hardware Jennifer Armer, Development Advi sory committee, Jennifer I am all in favor of change but in this case I think it defeats the efforts of the town to keep locals shopping in town. There has always been an argument that Los Gatos need s stores like Target or Costco in town because there is no place for general affordable shopping. There wa s even talk a few years back that this would be an option for the north 40. The Town and Chamber have been advocate s to keeping locals shopping and supporting our community. We already have medical offices located all over town but only one Ace Hardware and with this store gone many local home owners and businesses will be forced to leave town and go to the San Jose Home Depot for hardware and gardening needs . I will be unable to attend the meeting on the 12 th so I wanted to send this e-mail for consideration of your committee and the support of Ace Hardware remaining in town. Thank you for your time, Jerry Salsbury Area Supervisor Vasona Management El Gato Penthouse Apartments From: Sam Weidman <s am we id ma n @sbc gl o bal.ne t > Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 10:23 :35 AM To: Jennifer Armer; Planning Subject: CDAC Application CD-18-004 Dear Jennifer and Planning Department, I was not surprised to receive the Notice of a public meeting from the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee regarding the plans to demolish the Ace hardware building and put up another two-story medical building. I have been expecting the other bookend to Gateway Drive ever since the Sutter Health Building went up on the South side of Gateway Drive, and I am not at all pleased with the proposed development for this site. I am definitely against this proposed development for the following reasons : 1. The loss of Ace Hardware would be one of the biggest losses to the residents and contractors working in Los Gatos since the loss of the car dealerships. I see on a daily basis all of the home owners and contractors that are in the store buying products and gaining valuable home repair information from the employees that work there. I often see residents from the west side of town in the store. With the closing of all the Orchard Supply Hardware stores, we would be losing one more establishment that makes Los Gatos the friendly town that it is. 2. With the addition of all the new housing units going in at the North 40, you will be forcing them to get in their cars to go to Home Depot or some other distant establishment to make their purchases for the repairs they need, not to mention all the residents who currently walk from Live Oak Manor. I see residents on a daily basis walk to and from Ace with purchases they make. 3. We don't need another two-story medical building at the north end of town. We are being boxed in behind more and more medical buildings every year. This new project would totally wipe out what little view of the mountains we currently have as you travel west on Carlton Ave to get to Ace Hardware or even to Gateway Drive. In the event that this project does someday become a reality (and I certainly hope it doesn 't): 1. I hope and pray that you won't allow the construction to work through the weekends and into the evening as they did with the Sutter medical building . I listened to pile driving and banging into the evening seven days a week for more than a year. 2. Because putting in an underground garage requires the excavating of a great amount of dirt and its removal, I need to be guaranteed that airborne dust and dirt is kept to an absolute minimum. 3 . If Ace Hardware is forced out, I feel a great location for it to relocate to would be the old Anderson Chevrolet lot at the corner of LG Blvd and LG-Almaden Road. Best Regards Sam Weidman 215 Carlester Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 From: Cass K <cass t k@g mail.co m> Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 10:35:09 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Submission: Proposed project 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard We are writing to oppose the demolishing of the Ace Hardware store in Los Gatos. Ace serve s as an informal community center and is one of the few accessible hardware and gardening centers in town. The new proposed 80,000 square foot office building is not needed as we already have significant medical office space in that area. If Los Gatos loses more of the amenities that makes it a residential neighborhood, it will no longer be a community but an office park . Communities need businesses that serve their daily needs The height and location of the building will effectively block any view of LG Blvd and the mountains to the west as you approach Ace Hardware traveling west on Carlton Ave. to Gateway Drive. We oppose the rezoning of the property into a medical office space. The fact that the new owners of the site failed to notify their tenants (Ace) of the demolishing *after* Ace signed a 10 years lease, demonstrates that the property owner will not work with the community and has no care for the needs of Los Gatos. Cassandra and Catherine Kohler 408-371-4355