Item 2 - 16940 Roberts Rd. PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: 04/11/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: APRIL 3, 2018 TO: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION CD-18-001 PROJECT LOCATION: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD. APN 529-18-053. PROPERTY OWNER: CHANG 2003 FAMILY TRUST. APPLICANT: JOSEPHINE CHANG. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF PLANS TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY HOME AND CONSTRUCTION OF A THREE-UNIT, TWO-STORY, MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING ON PROPERTY ZONED RM:5-12. ROLE OF THE CDAC: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the CDAC comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD/ CD-18-001 APRIL 3, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\Roberts 16940_0411-18.docx 4/6/2018 11:22 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed application was considered by the CDAC on March 14, 2018. The CDAC continued the application to April 11, 2018, due to new information that was provided by the applicant for an alternative site layout. After meeting with staff to discuss the new information, the applicant revised the project and is now proposing two conceptual plans for the parcel. The following are the key elements of the proposed project for Concept A: • Demolition of the existing single-family home; • Construction of three new detached, two-story single-family residences; • Unit sizes ranging between 1,807 and 1,809 square feet; • Attached garage sizes ranging between 234 and 427 square feet; and • Porch sizes ranging between 102 and 151 square feet. The following are the key elements of the proposed project for Concept B: • Demolition of the existing single-family home; • Construction of a new three-unit, two-story multi-family residential building; • Unit sizes ranging between 2,199 and 2,471 square feet; • Garage sizes of 427 square feet; and • Porch sizes ranging between 44 and 74 square feet. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 1. General Plan land use designation: Medium Density Residential (5-12 dwelling units per acre) which provides for multi-family residential, duplex, and/or small single-family homes. 2. Surrounding General Plan land use designations: Mixed Use Commercial to the east; Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use to the north; Public (school) to the west; and Medium Density Residential to the south. 3. Zoning designation: RM:5-12. 4. Surrounding zoning designations: RM:5-12 and CH:PD to the east; RM:5-12 and CH to the north; R-1:8 to the west; and RM:5-12 to the south. EXISTING CONDITIONS/USE: 1. The gross lot area of the property is 14,140 square feet. After a five-foot street dedication along Fisher Avenue and a seven-foot street dedication along Roberts Road, the net lot area would be approximately 12,533 square feet. The proposed density is 10 dwelling units per acre. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD/ CD-18-001 APRIL 3, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\Roberts 16940_0411-18.docx 4/6/2018 11:22 AM EXISTING CONDITIONS/USE (Continued): 2. The property is located at the northeast corner of Roberts Road and Fisher Avenue. 3. Surrounding land uses include a public school (Fisher Middle School) to the west, single- family homes and multi-family homes to the east, single-family homes to the south, and multi-family homes and commercial to the north. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not either of the applicant’s two concepts for the project would create a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff will evaluate the technical issues. 1. General Plan a. General Plan Policy LU-1.4 states, infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. b. General Plan Policy LU-6.5 states, the type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. c. General Plan Policy LU-6.7 states, continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. d. General Plan Policy LU-6.8 states, new construction, remodels, and additions shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. 2. Lot Layout a. Compatibility of the site layout, size of the units, and mass and scale with the surrounding properties; b. Appropriateness of the site layout; c. Orientation of the residences; d. Street presence; and e. Location of the Community Open Space and Private Open Space. Technical f. The proposed detached project for Concept A would be subject to the minimum setback and maximum floor area ratio requirements for a single-family residence. As proposed, Concept A would therefore require an exception to the maximum allowable floor area ratio. g. The proposed multi-family residential project for Concept B would be subject to PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD/ CD-18-001 APRIL 3, 2018 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\2018\Roberts 16940_0411-18.docx 4/6/2018 11:22 AM POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (Continued): the multi-family setback requirements and would not be subject to any floor area ratio requirements. 3. Parking/Circulation a. Adequacy of access on Roberts Road and Fisher Avenue; and b. Adequacy of guest parking. 4. Traffic a. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study or mitigation fees will be required. If the project generates an additional five or more peak hour trips, traffic mitigation fees will be required. 5. Potential Tree Impacts a. An arborist report will be required during development review to evaluate the potential impacts to trees. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with March 14, 2018 Staff Report: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Project Description Letter (one page) 4. Neighborhood Analysis (seven sheets) 5. Conceptual Plan (one sheet) Received with this Staff Report: 6. Comparison Chart between Detached Single-Family and Attached Multi-Family Concepts from the Applicant (one page) 7. Conceptual Plans (two sheets) Distribution: Josephine Chang, P.O. Box 33097, Los Gatos, CA 95031 View from Fisher Ave. View from Roberts Rd. Private Yard Space Total FAR Square Feet Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Coverage Building Maintenance Sound Privacy Comparison Chart 16940 Roberts Rd., Los Gatos Detached I 1 car garage less driveway more landscaping less drivway more landscaping more 3499 sf 0.43 1809 sf 1808 sf 1807 sf 0 .31 Individual more Attached 2 car garage more driveway less landscaping more driveway less landscaping less 2566 sf 0.56 2381 sf 2199 sf 2471 sf 0.34 Joint Less RE C E IVED MAR 21 2018 T OWN OF L OS GATOS PL A NNIN G D IV I SIO N fATrACHMENT 6 -,---------------· - ~---------~~-~~~-- 3FT. FENCE 2 ~-----X---X---X---X->---><-e-><-t.i 2- io ~ <3 tii[ij DRIVEWAY ~ COMMUNllY OPEN SPACE LANDSCAPE 7 AREA • 3427 SF I ~!,,__ __ A ~ _____ k 1 SETBACK 1 6 FT FENCE I -x--x-- 1 COVERED PORCH V l;j 5 D i'oW~;ti rf!:ool;j Cl) Cl) -- - 1 1 l 1-- - I\ 6 DRIVEWAY -- FISHER AVE. 148.91' ------------- ---X---X ~ ---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---......_ -- COVERED PORCH UNIT2 POACH 1ST FLOOR GARAGE 2 NDFLOOR TOTAL SF = 102 SF = 908 SF = 234 SF = 90 0 SF • 1808SF ~ " 1-1d\\ 0 \\ I 1 I I I,----__ 25· l l i 7• i srFu;EY I Oco,c,,,r,oN I I I Y-----<--13'-6'--11:::=====i===::lt::::===========::;===~ 1 FAONr scra,,,ck P RIVATE YARD SPACE I 1663SF I I I I I UNIT 1 POACH 1ST FLOOR GARAGE 2NDFLOOA TOTAL SF = 151 SF • 9 41 -SF = 427 SF = 868 SF • 1809 SF 111======~ ~--_.__. 1 M PRIVATE YARD SPACE 570SF L---X-----X -----X r -----X -----X -----X -----X -----X ---X ---X -----X -----X 1 1 I 12' UNIT3 <I COVERED PORCH 1 1 1 PORCH 1ST F LOOR GARAGE 2ND F LOOR TOTAL SF = 112 SF = 990 SF = 4 27 SF = 817 SF = 1807 SF ff======l:t::::::==9-__J~ I I I I I I I ~ COMMUNllY OPEN SPACE LANDSCAPE 7 ARlEA • 3427 SF j I I '----------'--+---- DRIVEWAY I I I I / ROOEITTSOO. RECEIVED MAR 21 2018 I I I I [><J l~I I I TO WN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 1 -m,--C><J I DETACHED IUc::======:IL -1-_ _ _ -1066 -SF _ _ _Jt:=~=======;=ff ul , , GROSS LOT AREA = 14. 140 SF L 1 WG i. l ~COMMUNllY OPEN i NET LOT AREA = 12,533 SF 00 ~~ .. S:t::!-~r:3~ 7 COVERAGE = 3 ,896 SF (3 1 %) ---=-_ __ ] Cl) _~_! _ _ _ _ _/ TOTAL FL AREA = 5 ,424 SF (43%) 1 29.63' SITE PLAN 3 /3211 = 1 1-011 (ATIACHMENT 1 DRIVEWAY 20' REAR SETBACK COVERED PORCH V x----><--+-ll===:11 6FT.FENCE -___ ,..._ __ _ ----><---->< SECOND FLOOR OlJTLINE PRIVATE YARD SPACE I 1436SF UNIT 1 PORCH 1STFLOOR GARAGE 2NDFLOOR TOTAL SF 44 SF 977 SF 42 7 SF = 1404 SF = 2381 SF [><=] I [><J l_k ___ _ 10'-6' L l><J l --~-._____l SITE PLAN D RIVEWAY SECOND FLOOR OlJTLINE FISHER AVE. UNIT3 PORCH 1ST FLOOR GARAGE 2NDFLOOR TOTAL SF = 60SF = 1022 SF = 427 SF = 1449 SF = 2471 SF 148.91' ~COMMUNTY OPEN SPACE LANDSCAPE 7 @N -·~"~ COVERED PORCH V SECOND FLOOR OlJTLINE UNIT2 PORCH 1STFLOOR GARAGE 2NDFLOOR TOTAL SF = 74SF = 886SF = 4 27 SF =1313SF = 2199SF PRIVATE YARD SPACE Q 324SF ,- <1 COVERED PORCH F======ll===R----1 I [><] [><] I I I I I I I I I I ~=~,-7 SPACE LANDSCAPE AREA = 3427 SF DRIVEWAY i i I Ii I ?/ I l I f L I I I I I I I _/u 129.63' I 1 I I I I ROBERTS RD. I ATTACHED GROSS LOT AREA NET LOT AREA COVERAGE TOT AL FL AREA 3/3211 = 1 1-011 = 14,140 SF = 12,533 SF 4,240 SF (33.8%) = 7,051 SF (56.37%)