Item 2 - 15560 Shannon Heights RoadTo: From : Subject: CDAC 9-14-16 ITEM 2 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Joel Paulson, Community Development Director 1 ( 15560 Shannon Heights Road Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-16-005 Requesting feedback on a project proposing a subdivision of one lot into two lots and a rezoning to HR-1 on property zoned HR-2 Yz. APN 537-26-072 . PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Thomas & Debra Steipp Date: September 9, 2016 Role of the CDAC The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed , technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition , public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. Project Description The applicant has submitted a project description and preliminary plan set for 15560 Shannon Heights Road , a 5.68 acre property located at the southeast end of Shannon Heights Road. The existing parcel crosses the existing private road such that there are portions to the north of the north side of the loop , within the center of the loop , and to the south of the south side of the loop . The project site currently contains one single-family residence in the center of the loop of Shannon Heights Road. Approximately 40 percent of the existing lot (2 .38 acres) has slopes greater than 50 percent. Key elements of the proposed project, as listed on the plans submitted, Conceptual Development Advisory Committee September 14, 2016 Page2 are as follows: • Maintain existing single-family residence. • Rezone the parcel from HR-2 12 to HR -1. • Subdivide the lot into two parcels. • Build a new single-family residence to the south of the southern segment of Shannon Heights Road. Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • General Plan designation: Hillside Residential provides for very low density, rural , large lot or cluster, single-family residential development. This designation allows for zoning designations and development that is compatible with the unique mountainous terrain and vegetation of parts of Los Gatos. • Surrounding General Plan designations: Hillside Residential on all sides • Zoning designation: HR-2 V2 • Surrounding zoning designations: HR-2 12 on all sides Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC). Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics , but has cautioned the applicant on the potential difficulties of an application with these is sues. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff will evaluate the technical is sues. 1. General Plan a. As stated above , the Hillside Residential designation allows for very low den s ity or cluster development that is compatible with the hillside areas of Los Gatos. The proposal is the intensification of use on an existing parcel that has areas of greater than 50 percent stope that cover more than 40 percent of the lot. 2. Zoning a. Project site is currently zoned HR-2 12 and is entirely surrounded by lots with the same designation. Only one dwelling unit is permitted with the current zoning. b. Proposed subdivision would require rezoning to HR-1 in order to meet slope density regulations in Section 29.40.250 of the Town Code for two dwelling units on the site (see discussion below). c. Is spot zoning appropriate for this site? Conceptual Development Advisory Committee September 14 ,2016 Page 3 3. Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G) a. The Subdivision and Planned Development Projects section of the HDS&G states that, "The maximum density of new subdivisions in hillside areas is determined by the use of a slope density formula that diminishes residential densities as the slope of the natural terrain increases" and "Site constraints and the implementation of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines may not allow a specific site to be developed to the maximum density allowed by the Zoning Ordinance." b. Is the area where the new house is proposed less than 30 percent slope? 4. Density a. Section 29.40.250 of the Town Code provides details for calculating the minimum land area required for each dwelling unit in any subdivision of sloped land in the Hillside Residential Zone. The applicant has based their calculations on the HR -1 zone. 1. The required land area per dwelling unit for the existing HR-2 ~ zone would be 2.54 acres (land less than 50 percent slope). 11. The required land area per dwelling unit for the proposed HR-1 zone would be 1.67 acres (land less than 50 percent slope). b. Section 29.40.250 (a) (5) Where any part of the land slopes more than 50 percent, that part may be treated separately and the number of dwelling units permissible on that part may be added to the number permissible on the rest of the land to compute the total number of allowed dwelling units. 1. The required land area per dwelling unit for land with greater than 50 percent slope in the existing HR-2 ~zone is 10 acres. n. The required land area per dwelling unit for land with greater than 50 percent slope in the proposed HR -1 zone is 5 acres. c. The applicant has calculated the total allowed units for the lot by combining the partial units described in sections (a) and (b) above. 1. The allowed number of dwelling units in the existing HR-2 ~ zone would be 1.30 dwelling units (for areas less than 50 percent slope) plus .24 dwelling units (for areas greater than 50 percent slope). The total allowed would be 1.54 dwelling units (one lot allowed). 11. The allowed number of dwelling units in the proposed HR-1 zone would be 1.98 dwelling units (for areas less than 50 percent slope) plus .48 dwelling units (for areas greater than 50 percent slope). The total allowed would be 2.46 dwelling units (two lots allowed). 5. Neighborhood Density a. When considering the properties on Shannon Heights Road that are zoned HR-2 ~ there is a variety of size, but all are greater than the minimum lot size of 40 ,000 square feet, as shown in the following table : Conceptual Development Advisory Committee September 14 ,2016 Page 4 Neipborhood Comparison Address 15730 Shannon Heights 15680 Shannon Heights 15660 Shannon Heights 15640 Shannon Heights 15560 Shannon Heights 15500 Shannon Heights 15520 Shannon Heights APN Zoning 537-26-019 HR-2 112 537-26-020 HR-2 112 537-26-021 HR-2 1/2 537-26-022 HR-2 1/2 537-26-072 HR-2 1/2 537-26-054 HR-2 1/2 53 7-26-07 3 HR-2 1/2 Lot Size Acres 53 ,076 1.2 109,126 2.5 47 ,33 4 1.1 60,910 1.4 238 ,617 5.4 56,832 1.3 123,656 2.8 The average parcel size is 2.26 acres when looking at the combined area of these seven existing lots, and that is without ta king into consideration the slope density regulations di scussed above. Attachments: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (o ne page) 3. Project Description Letter (one page) 4. Conceptual Plans (three sheets) Di stribution : Thomas & Debra Steipp , 15560 Shannon Heights Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 N :\DEV\C DAC\CDAC MEMO\Shann on Hei ghts 15560 .docx 15560 Shannon Heights Road ATTACHMENT 1 APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECEIVE TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVEWPMENT DEPARTMENT CMCCENTER: 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 AUG 2 4 201 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY PROPERTY DETAIL: Address or subject property: I ~ j'k, Q S'H A N /JQ N J..l E I r;. #-1 T.S /(o 0 P Zoning H (t.-2 V., Site Area 6. ' & l..ct~ APN 5'.,3 7 2..'-0 72.. Existing use ,Sj t.IG-LC: FAr¥1/;;JL Hart'\,; BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: St:E A r rt4C tt E ~ APPLICANT: NAME Ttt4 MAS It "1e.bcA.. ADDRESS } $ ~ () 5 Htl #J NOM CITY J../),S Go"t't4 5 s -rl:itPP PHONE : '+ OB -:.3St.-21.1/)(j HEir;+/7:1 eoei) STATE (!.A. ZIP 9S"a~'2., NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (If same as above, died •ere ~ NAME. ___________________ .PHONE: _____ _ ADDRESS _________________________ _ CITY ___________ STATE ______ ZIP _____ _ J hereby certify that I am the owner of n:cord of the property described in Box #2 above. and thal I approve of the action I requested ~in. SIGNATUREOFOWNER DATE 8·,2~-/h I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and understand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations or decisions regarding laod use issues. l further UDderstand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a potential land usc appears consistent with Town Policy is not an express or implied approval of a development projecl A project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council for inconsistency with Town policy or fur other reasons in the COW'SC of the development review process, including public input. I further understand and ac:lmowledge that the members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee are in no way bound in their future review of my project, by their zr:=ts at this very preliminary state of project developmenl SIGNATURE OF OWNER ~ DATE B -2;'-1' , • • DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPLICATION No. CJ:>-I \o-DOS PLPERMIT PLTRACK PLANAr TOTAL FEE co~ f>E= !"'SoN : Esrtt E= R CH-ANG 8vt~L -Fn: r=c@ ~ol· eo m oYJe -= 4°6 · "'0 8 · 86~7 $2,891.00 llS.64 m.lQ $3,295.74 7AI11201$ IATIACHMENT 2 RECEIVED AUG 2 4 2016 Brief Description of Project at 15560 Shannon Heights Road: TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANN I NG DI VIS ION CD-I~ -DOS The site consists of 5.68 acres of land in the City of Los Gatos Hillside and is one of eight homes serviced by a fire truck accessible private road , a private water supply (three 5,000 gallon water tanks), public utility lines from PG&E, and a city sewer. Most of the homes in the surrounding area are situated on sites that are at, or substantially below 1.0 acre and HR-1 zone. However, due to the terrain, the actual housing density is very low compared to most of the neighborhoods in Los Gatos. The property in question is currently zoned for non-conforming HR-2 ~and the owners would like to request to rezone the property to HR-1 to bring it to the current code, to subdivide it into two parcels of land, and to propose to build a new single-family home of approx. 4,500 sq. ft. The newly subdivided parcel, where the new proposed home would be located, has over 1.5 acres of relatively flat ground, naturally separated into two pieces by the existing private access road that serves as access for the other 8 homes in this subdivision. The owners have completed slope density calculations and minimum lot acreage calculations based on the City's criteria, and have determined that under the current code, the existing lot can be divided into two (2) single-family lots , and a new single-family house of approx . 4,500 sq . ft . can be built on the newly created parcel. The new proposed home would be situated in such a way as to be recessed into the southern hillside below the existing residence. It would have a very low profile from any vantage point, except those homes that are directly on the opposite side of the valley . The home has been planned so that it will only disturb the barest minimum of the current topography. Landscaping is anticipated to be essentially natural grasses with little or no irrigation outside the central courtyard. The new proposed home is planned to be approximately 4,500 sq. ft., with 3,500 sq. ft. on the main floor and 1,000 sq. ft. on the floor below. This size is consistent with other residences in the neighborhood. It will be designed according to the Hillside Development standards and designed for sustainability, Green building strategies & materials, and fire safety. Adding this one home to the road will have a negligible impact on traffic, density and noise, but will add one more revenue source to the Shannon Heights Road Association, lowering the per-parcel assessment to maintain road and water at appropriate levels for safety. ATTACHME NT 3 7 J IIOI<W VICINITY MAP address: owner : APN : PROJECT INFORMATION 15560 Shannon Ht>, Los Gatos, CA 95032 St eipp Thomas W & Debra L Trustee S3726on HR-21/2 Zoning. land Use : H•lls•de Res•denttal {w•thm Htllstde Specific Plan Area) Lot Area : 247500 sqft 5 68 acre FEMA Zone: D Wildland Zone: State Mandated lRA (VHFHA) Allowed Dw elling Unit = 3.3 acre/ 1 67 acre = Allowed Dwelling Unit >Than 50% Slope = 2 38 acre/ S acre = 0 .5 un1t Total : 2 units EXISTlNG PROPERTY I I I I I I I l FOR CD AC REV IEW l I EXISTlNG PROPERTY UNE DPICAI. WAU<-;)l C-'-.OSET LIY.'IIC ROOM D!"':"m _l NE.W PRQPERY UNE DRiVEWAY CARAG<: !CITCHt.N LAvND'lY BA"H CD p~~:~~ l~I;E PLAN I FLOOR PLAN -GROUND LEVEL !JC:C!< 3ELOW SITE DATA NEW SUBDMDED PARCEL; 1.67 ACRES = 72,745 SOFT NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE: UPPER GROUND GROSS FLOOR AAEA: 2,800 SQFT LOWER GROUND CROSS FLOOR AAEA: 900 SQFT CARAGE: ----------800 SQFT TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AAEA: -4-,500 SQFT < 6,000 SQFT REDUcnON OF NET SITE AAEA ON SLOPING LOTS: PER TABLE 1 OF HILLSIDE STANDAADS AND GUIDEUNES BY TOWN OF LOS GATOS. SLOPE OF THE PARCEL • 25.1 X TOTAL REDUCTlON = 30:11: + 3:11:{5.1 X) = 45.1 X NET LOT AAEA = 72,745 SOFT -72,745 SQFT{45.1lt:) = 39,937 SQFT FOR NET LOT AAEA GREATER OR EQUAL TO 30,001 SQFT MAXIMUM ALLOWED GROSS FLOOR AAEA PER TABLE 2= 6,000 SQFT PTI Design & Engineering 360 S. MARKET ST Suite 529 Sen Joee Cofifomio :z 5 Q_ 0::: <'4 I") 0 0 0 Ill m _l LJ._ <:'3 0 w u) :z (_) 0 ::::> :z ~ 0 w 0::: 0 (I) (!) (/) 0 ............. -' w :z 0::: g 5 Q_ Q_ z Q_ 0 w w z f-f-;z (/) (/) ~ (/) _l 0 <( <0 Ill f- 0::: Ill <( Q_ REVISION: SCAI..E: 1/16" = 1'-o· ""TE: 8/23/2016 JOB NO. 0716 l\.1 I I I FOR CD AC REVI EW EXISTlNG PROPERlY UNE 1YP1CAl I I l SIDE SETBACK UNE I J A'' FlOOi'l CGROO NO lr\1£'_ 1 :: PROPfR't UNE - L_l I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :o I I I I I I :o CW TP OO't COVERED PA 110 G) FLOOR PLAN LOWER GROUND LEVEL 1 1---------- 1/16" = 1'-0" 1 GA'l AGc Of'..Rot.NO i.L."YLL SITE DATA NEW SUBDMDED PARCEL: NEW SINGUE FAMILY RESIDENCE: UPPER GROUND GROSS FLOOR AREA: LOWER GROUND GROSS FLOOR AREA: ----------J<iiOI•I/itii.AAGE: -- TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA: 1.67 ACRES = 72,745 SQFr 2,800 SQFT 900 SQFT ROO sorr 4,500 SQFT < 6,000 SQFT REDUCTION OF NET SITE ARtA ON SLOPING LOTS : PER TABUE 1 OF HIUSIDE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES BY TOWN OF LOS GATOS. SLOPE OF THE PARCEL = 25.1 ll: TOTAL REDUCTIO N = 30% + 3%{5.1lC) • 45.1lC NET LOT ARtA = 72,745 SQFT -72,745 SQFT{45.1") = 39,937 SQFT FOR NET LOT ARtA GRtATER OR EQUAL TO 30,001 SQFT IIAXIt.1U1.4 ALLOWED GROSS FLOOR ARtA PER TABUE 2~ 6,000 SQFT PTI Design & Enginee ring 360 S. MARKET ST Suite 529 Son Jose California _J w Ci N _J I') 0 II) 0 "' :z: <3 :::::> 0 w u; 0::: (.) 0 (_') :z: ~ w 0::: 0 Vl w (/) 0 :!= ...J w 0 0::: g _J o_ :z o_ 0 :z: w :z :5 I-~ (/) o_ Vl 0 0::: co II) 0 II) 0 _J LL... REVISION: s~ 1/16" = 1'-ll" o.+.TE: 8/23/2016 JOB NO. 0716 A2