Item 3 - 16100 Greenridge TerConceptual Development Advisory Committee August 5, 2016 Page2 • Subdivision of one lot into eight lots • Existing Tree Canopy with Schematic Building Plans • LRDAStudy • Conceptual Master Plan • Circulation • Existing Boundary and Easements Plan • Preliminary Site Plan • Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan • Preliminary Utility Plan • Slope Density Analysis and Existing Topography Surrounding Land Uses, Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • The property is surrounded by single-family residential uses at varying low densities. • General Plan designation: Hillside Residential. The Hillside Residential designation provides for very low density, rural, large lot or cluster, and single-family residential development. This designation allows for development that is compatible with the unique mountainous terrain and vegetation of parts of Los Gatos. • Surrounding General Plan designations: Hillside Residential to the south, west, and north, and Agriculture to the east. • Zoning designation: HR-2%-Hillside Residential, 2Y2 to 10 acres for each dwelling unit. • Surrounding zoning designations: HR-2 Y2 PO to the west, HR-2 Y2 and HR-5 Prezone to the south, HR-1 to the north, and RC to the east. Applicable General Plan Policies a . LU-6.5 The type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. b. LU-6.7 Continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. c. LU-6.8 New construction shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. d. CD-2.3 A maximum total floor area for new subdivisions and planned developments shall be set as part of the approval process. e. CD-4.1 Preserve the Town's distinctive and unique environment by preserving and maintaining the natural topography, wildlife, and native vegetation, and by mitigating and reversing the harmful effects of traffic congestion, pollution, and environmental degradation on the Town's urban landscape. f. CD-4.3 Trees that are protected under the Town's Tree Preservation Ordinance, as well as existing native, heritage, and specimen trees should be preserved and protected as part of any development proposal. g. CD-6.4 New homes shall be sited to maximize privacy, livability, protection of natural plant and wildlife habitats and migration corridors, and adequate solar access Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 5, 2016 Page 3 and wind conditions . Siting should take advantage of scenic views but should not create significant ecological or visual impacts affecting open spaces, public places, or other properties. h . CD-14.1 Minimize development and preserve and enhance the rural atmosphere and natural plant and wildlife habitats in the hillsides. 1. CD-14.4 Projection above the ridge view protection line is prohibited. All building plans shall indicate height in relationship to the ridge view protection line when viewed from specific vantage points and the valley floor. J. CD-15 .5 Review all development proposals to ensure appropriate grading and landscaping and minimal disruption of existing native plants and wildlife habitat. Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Development Advi sory Committee (CDAC). Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics and provided them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The applicant has responded to many of the questions asked by the CDAC at the December 9, 2015 CDAC (Exhibit 4). The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos. If the application is filed , staffwould evaluate technical issues. 1. Lot Layout Gene ral a. Appropriateness ofthe site layout. b. How does the project propose to protect creeks, ridgelines, stands of trees, scenic views, hazardous areas, and trails? c. Number of lots. d . e. f. Are potential building envelopes appropriate? Hillside subdivisions are required to provide open space through dedication or easement. Where would open space be provided within the development? Compatibility of the site layout and lot pattern with the surrounding properties. Technical g. The proposed density shall comply with the Hillside Specific Plan (HSP) Subarea density. h. Proposed lot sizes. Do they meet the slope density calculation 's minimum lot si z e required by Town Code and the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G)? 1. Do the potential building sites avoid geologic hazards? J. Least Restrictive Development Area (LRDA) should be identified on the plans to include elements identified in HDS&G including trees , geologic constraints, and significant ridgelines? k . Does the project conserve natural features such as topography, natural drainage, and wildlife corridors? 1. Does the project maintain the rural , natural, open space character of the hillside? m. Will the project impact special-status plant and wildlife species? Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 5, 2016 Page4 n. Would necessary cut, fill, and wall heights meet the limitations within the HDS&G? 2. Visibility Gen eral a . The southern edge of the project is part of the Blossom Hill Ridgeline identified in the HDS&G. b. The Blossom Hill Open Space Study identifies High Visibility Slopes and High Visibility Ridgelines on the subject property. Technical c. The HSP prohibits new construction above the natural ridgeline. d. The HSP prohibits multi-story structures at the ridgeline. e. Will the structures be visible from viewing platforms? f. Will new structures avoid interfering with the natural ridge silhouette as viewed from the valley floor? 3. Parking/Circulation/Traffic General a. Adequacy of access and driveway turnarounds for service vehicles, specifically fire service vehicles. b . Is the proposed access from Santella Drive appropriate? c . A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study will be required. Technical d . Does the proposed access meet Town access requirements? Are the roads and driveways in the LRDA? e . Would the driveway slopes exceed the limit in the HDS&G? f. The HSP prohibits access roads that result in excessive grading. Would access and driveways require excessive grading? g. Would any of the cui-de-sacs exceed 800 feet in length? h. Does the project provide trails and comply with Town and County trail plans? 1. Will parking for guest vehicles be provided? 4 . Potential Tree Impacts Ge neral a. Would potential building sites be located to avoid tree impacts? Technical b. The HSP prohibits access roads that result in excessive tree removal. Would potential driveways be located to avoid tree impacts? c . Do underground electrical and telephone utility lines impact tree? d. Do the water and sanitary sewer lines impact trees? Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 5, 2016 Page 5 5. Other Technical a. The project would be subject to a Below Market Program (BMP) requirements. b. How will the project provide adequate water supply for fire suppression? c. The project would be ev aluated for utilities , stormwater management, and other engineering considerations . Attachments: 1. Location Map (one page) 2. December 9, 2015 CDAC Minutes (three pages) 3 . CDAC application (one page) 4. Applicant's letter (one page) 5. Property Photos (nine pages) 6 . Preliminary Plans (six pages) Distribution: Kohlsaat and Associates, Inc. 51 University Ave., Suite L, Los Gatos , CA 95030 Emerald Lake Investments LLC , 11945 Lambert , Tustin , CA 92782 N :\D EV\C DAC\C DAC MEMO\Greenridge 161 00_2016-08 -IO.d ocx 16100 Greenridge Terrace ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR DECEMBER 9, 2015, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAI N STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:30P.M. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Barbara Spector Marcia Jensen Mary Badame Thomas O 'Donnell Absences: Kendra Burch Staff Present: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager Joel Paulson, Planning Manager Mami Moseley, Associate Planner Jocelyn Puga, Assistant Planner Applicants Present: Sandy Harris (Item I) Skip Spiering (Item 1) Patrick Jerry (Item 2) Mark Lazzarini (Item 2) ITEM 1: 16100 Greenridge Terrace Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-007 Requesting review of conceptual plans to remove the property from HR-2 Y2 to H R - 2Y2:PD and to subdivide into eight lots. APN 527-12-002. PROPERTY OWNER: Emerald Lake Investments, LLC APPLICANT: Mark Hirth PROJECT PLANNER : Mami Moseley CDAC Comments: • Can the properties be clustered? • Does the current plan comply with the current Planned Development Ordinance? • Where are the potential building sites for each lot , it is unclear if there is sufficient area within the Least Restrictive Development Area (LRDA) for individual home sites. • Tree canopy must be taken into account to better determine the LRDA . • Will the site be accessed from Santella or Greenridge Terrace? IATTACHMENT 2 Conceptual Development Advisory Committee December 9 , 2015 Page 2 of3 • The site will require sensitive evaluation given the trees, slopes and ridge lines. • It looks like too many homes given the slopes on the property. • Primary concerns will be trees, driveways to access the potential building sites, grading and compliance with the Town 's Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G). • The information provided is not sufficient to determine if the number oflots proposed is appropriate. • It's unclear from the information provided if the proposed development could comply with the Town's PO Ordinance, HDS&G particularly relating to grading, and visibility of homes. • The Town is in the process of amending the PO Ordinance, the HDS&G, as well as , the Grading Ordinance. These changes will most likely affect this application. Comments from the Public: • Would an EIR be required? • Grecnridge Terrace is a private road and the existing agreement would only pern1it one residence to access from Greenridge Terrace. • Were the roads included in the slope density and lot areas? Its unclear based on this if the slope density calculation and proposed lots would conform. • How does the proposal comply with the Blossom Hill Open Space Study? ITEM 2: 15565 Camino Del Cerro Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-006 Requesting review of conceptual plans to subdivide a 1.2 acre lot into lour lots on property zoned R-1 :8. APN 523-23-094. PROPERTY OWNER : Allen Kawasaki, Trustee APPLICANT: DAL Properties, LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Puga CDAC Comments: • Currently, there is no traffic on the street. Could this be a potential problem? • The number of two-story homes on all four lots and the design of the cul-de-sac are some concerns. • The design of the cul-de-sac should be more consistent with the neighborhood. • If they changed the length of the driveways, there could be more open space and more trees. Also, it might comply better with the rules and setbacks. • Reduce the lots from four to three. This will eliminate a lot of the CDAC's concerns. This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank K9M L_SA _A_T & A S 50 C I A .,-. E S A RC HI T E C T U RE Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: The Vistas of Los Gatos, 16100 Greenridge Terrace A Proposed 8 Lot Subdivision by Emerald Lake Investments, LLC Dear Members of the CDAC: July 19,2016 RECEIVED JUL 2 0 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION ( '{)~ lb-QQL( On behalf of Jim and Nicole Stepanian of Emerald lake Investments, LLC, Civil Engineering firm Hanna Brunetti and David Fox, Landscape Architect, I am pleased to present this project to the Town of Los Gatos . The proposed project seeks a PD zone change and Tentative Map for 8 residential lots. This project was last heard by the CDAC December 9, 2015. Since then, a new design team has been put in place with a fresh perspective. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: • The lot configurations have been altered from the previous layout. Careful attention was given to size and shape of each lot as well as limiting easements/roads that divide individual parcels. • All 8 building envelopes are located within the LRDA (graphically illustrated on Sheet L2); a relatively small number of trees will be required to be removed for 4 of the 8 home sites, many of which have suffered long term damage from earlier cuts and retaining walls (graphically illustrated on Sheet Ll). • The proposed subdivision meets all the slope density requirements for 8 lots (See Sheet 6 of the Civil plans) • Each lot is equal to or greater than 25 acres (See table Sheet 1 of the Civil plans). In addition, two Open Space parcels are proposed equaling roughly 5 acres in area. • All proposed roads and access drives already exist in their rough state, including existing retaining walls (most are failing and need to be repaired but only minimal excavation is required to do so). Only slight modifications to some of the slopes are needed to make them comply. This greatly minimizes the impact on the property for infrastructure improvements . • The main road will be an extension of Santella Drive and meets all Town Standards. It will terminate in a cul-de-sac. Parcels 3, 4 , 5 and 6 are accessed from the main road . Parcel 2 will have a private driveway from the bulb, with a firetruck turnaround at the building pad (graphically illustrated on Sheet lA). • Parcels 7 and 8 will be reached via a separate shared private driveway along the western portion of the tract. • Parcel 1 will have sole access from Greenridge Terrace; no other parcels will have access to Greenridge Terrace. • Building pads for Lots 3-7 are grouped together to minimize infrastructure costs and impacts 51 University Avenue, Suite L • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408 .395-2555 ~TTACHMENT 4 The Vistas ofLos Gatos, 16100 Greenridge Terrace , Page 2 of2 • Building pads/envelopes have been studied through preliminary architectural and site planning . Each parcel can accommodate a 6,000 sf residence with a 3 car garage. • 7 of the 8 pads have outstanding views to the valley, hills and beyond. • The home sites for Lots 3, 4 , 5 and 6 are situated so even a two story house can be designed in a way that it wouldn't extend above the ridge line . Only the house on Lot 4 might need to incorporate flat roofs, but with contemporary design this is the norm. • None of the homes would be visible from any of the primary viewing platforms . AH lots could be developed with the HDS&G in mind without radical grading and/or designs. • The existing unimproved fire roads might provide an excellent trail system for local residents and we are studying methods to incorporate easements to access the bulk of the property. The design team believes this proposal answers many if not all of the CDAC's previous questions and concerns and meets all the potential conditions for a PD in the Hillside zone. We welcome your comments and feedback . Sincerely, Gary K lsaat Architect Cl9245 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE VISTAS FROM SANTELLA DRIVE MAIN ROADWAY LEADING TO TOP OF PROPERTY APPROACHING TOP OF PROPERTY ON MAIN ROAD REACHING TOP OF PROPERTY ON MAIN ROAD CUL DE SAC OFF MAIN ROAD- START OF PRIVATE DRIVES TO LOTS 2 AND 3 PRIVATE DRIVES TO LOTS 7,8 FROM MAIN ENTRANCE GENERAL PROPERTY PHOTOS SHEET 1 OF 9 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E VIEW OF PRIVATE DRIVE (EXITING) FROM BUILDING SITE CLOSE UP OF VIEW FROM FUTURE RESIDENCE REACHING SITE AT TOP OF PROPERTY FROM PRIVATE DRIVE PHOTOS - LOT 1 SHEET 2 OF 9 FIRETRUCK TURNAROUND AREA BUILDING SITE AS VIEWED FROM ABOVE K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E DRIVEWAY LEADING TO TOP OF BUILDING SITE OLD ROAD AT PROPOSED BUILDING SITE BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTH WEST BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTH EAST VIEW FROM BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTH PHOTOS - LOT 2 SHEET 3 OF 9 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E DRIVEWAY LEADING TO TOP OF BUILDING SITE DRIVEWAY TO PROPOSED BUILDING SITE BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTH BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTH (FROM APPROACH) VIEW FROM BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTHWEST PHOTOS - LOT 3 SHEET 4 OF 9 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E PHOTOS - LOT 4 SHEET 5 OF 9 BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTHBUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTH BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTH DRIVEWAY TO PROPOSED BUILDING SITE PANORAMIC VIEW FROM BUILDING SITE LOOKING WEST TO NORTH K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E PHOTOS - LOT 5 SHEET 6 OF 9 BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTHEAST CLOSE UP OF VIEWBUILDING SITE LOOKING EAST PANORAMIC VIEW FROM ABOVE BUILDING SITE LOOKING EASTROAD/DRIVEWAY TO PROPOSED BUILDING SITE K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E PHOTOS - LOT 6 SHEET 7 OF 9 PANORAMIC VIEW FROM ABOVE BUILDING SITE LOOKING EAST ROAD/DRIVEWAY TO PROPOSED BUILDING SITE BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTH FROM ABOVE BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTHWEST BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTHEAST K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E PHOTOS - LOT 7 SHEET 8 OF 9 ROAD/DRIVEWAY TO PROPOSED BUILDING SITE VIEW FROM ABOVE BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTH BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTHWESTBUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTH BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTHEAST BUILDING SITE LOOKING SOUTHEAST K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E PHOTOS - LOT 8 SHEET 9 OF 9 BUILDING SITE LOOKING EAST ROAD/DRIVEWAY TO PROPOSED BUILDING SITE BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTHEAST CLOSE UP OF VIEW FROM BUILDING SITE BUILDING SITE LOOKING WEST