Item 2 - 16212 Los Gatos BlvdTo: From: Subject: CDAC 8-10-16 ITEM 2- MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Joel Paulson, Community Development Director 1 f 16212 Los Gatos Boulevard Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-16-003 Requesting feedback on three conceptual development proposals for a property zoned CH. APNs 523-06-010 and -011. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: 16212 Los Gatos Blvd., LLC Date: August 5 , 2016 Role of the CDAC The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the devel opment review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed , technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. Project Description The applicant has submitted three conceptual plans for 16212 Los Gatos Boulevard, a .94 acre property located on the northeast comer of Los Gatos Boulevard and Shannon Road . This application is unrelated to the previous proposals that were considered by the CDAC in August 2011 and August 2013. The project site currently contains a commercial building that is occupied by Artisan Wine Depot. Ke y elements of the proposed project, as listed on the plans submitted, are as follows : Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 10 , 2016 Page2 • All three proposals are intended to conform to current zoning requirements. • All three conceptual plans propose a building located along most of the Los Gatos Boulevard frontage. • "Scheme 06 " (first sheet of Exhibit 3) includes: o Two-story structure o Ground floor commercial (8650 square feet) o Second floor residential (seven one-bedroom units, 705 square feet each, 6300 square feet total, including hallway) o 59 surface parking spaces (55-59 spaces required , depending on type of residential) o Two driveways • "Scheme 02 " (Sheet Al.Oa of Exhibit 3) includes : o One-story structure o Ground floor retail (11 , 100 square feet) o 47 surface parking spaces (48 spaces required) o One driveway (off of Shannon Road) • "Scheme 01 " (Sheets 1-3 of Exhibit 3) includes: o Two-story structure o Ground floor commercial (13,500 square feet) o Second floor commercial (19,750 square feet) o 141 parking spaces total, including 40 surface spaces and 101 underground spaces (142 spaces required) o One driveway (off of Shannon Road) Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • General Plan designation: Mixed Use Commercial permits a mixture of retail , office, and residential in a mixed-use setting, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants . Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the small town, residential scale and natural envirorunents of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. This designation should never be interpreted to allow development of independent commercial facilities with principal frontage on the side streets. • Surrounding General Plan designations : Mixed Use Commercial across Los Gatos Boulevard and Shannon Road to the west and south, Mixed Use Commercial and Low Density Residential to the north, Low Density residential to the east. • Zoning designation: CH (Restricted Highway Commercial) • Surrounding zoning designations : CHand CH:PD to the west across Los Gatos Boulevard, C-1 to the south across Shannon Road, R-1 :8 to the east, and 0 and R-1 :8 to the north. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 1 0, 2016 Page 3 Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Development Adv isory Committee (CDAC). Staffhas not reached conclusions on these topics and is identifying them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location . If an application is filed, staff will evaluate the technical issues. 1. Applicable General Plan Policies and Land Use Designation a. LU-1.1 Encourage developers to engage in discussions as early as possible regarding the nature and scope of the project and possible impacts and mitigation requirements. b . LU-1 .2 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image. c. LU-1.4 Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area . d. LU-1.8 Commercial development of any type (office, retail , research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small -town character of Los Gatos. e . LU-6.3 f . LU-6.5 g. LU-6.7 h . LU-6.8 1. LU-7.3 Protect existing residential areas from adjacent non-residential uses by assuring that buffers are developed and maintained. The type, density and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. Continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. New construction shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. Infill projects shall contribute to the further development of the surrounding neighborhood (e.g. improve circulation, contribute to or provide neighborhood unity, eliminate a blighted area) and shall not detract from the existing quality of life. J. LU-7.4 Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. k. LU-9.6 Encourage deve lopment that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for local residents consistent with overall land use policies of the Town. I. LU-9.9 Buffers shall be required as conditions of appro val for non-residential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist of landscaping, sound Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 10, 2016 Page4 barriers, building setbacks, or open space. 2. Use General a. Based on the conceptual plans and if the proposal meets all of the development standards in the Town Code, the proposals would require an Architecture and Site Application and potentially a Conditional Use Permit (for a new office building or for the mixed use proposal). b . The deciding body would likely be the Planning Commission with potential appeal to the Town Council. c. Which proposed use is the best fit for this location? 3. Building Design and Site Layout General a. Which building plan is most likely to project a small town image? b. Which building is most proportional to the surrounding buildings? c. Does the building design provide a pedestrian friendly orientation? d. How does the building orient to Los Gatos Boulevard? Technical a. What do the existing site improvements look like? b . What is the proposed height of the structure? c. What kind of over excavation would be required in order to construct the below grade parking garage? Could they potentially impact Town Right of Way or adjacent properties? d. How many cubic yards of dirt will be affected with the project's construction? e. Does the layout allow utilities, meters, etc. to be screened from view? f. Does the design allow roof top equipment to be screened from view? g. Will the design incorporate sustainable building design and be eligible for LEED certification? 4. Parking/Circulation/Traffic General a. Location of vehicular access. b. Does the proposal provide adequate pedestrian access and circulation? Technical a. A traffic analysis is required and depending on the results, additional studies may be needed. b. Does the plan incorporate access and turnarounds for fire and other service vehicles? c. The proposal will be required to comply with the Town's parking development standards including : double striping, landscaping, and continuous curbs. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee August 10, 2016 PageS 5 . Potential Tree Impacts General and Technical a. Which trees are proposed to remain on site and which trees are proposed for removal? b. Can the layout be modified to save trees? c. For the application, a landscape plan will be required . Attachments: 1. Location map (one page) 2 . CDAC application (one page) 3. Conceptual Plans (five sheets) Distribution: 16212 Los Gatos Blvd, LLC/Scott Plautz, 101 S. Santa Cruz Avenue #1090, Los Gatos, CA 95031 N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC MEMO\LGB 1621 2-20 16 .docx 16212 Los Gatos Boulevard 0 ATTJ\C:tlMPff _1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT Af)VISORY CO ..... -.~ TOWN OF LOS GATOS -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTME CIYIC CENTER: 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 -------------·--------------------------------~~------------~~~~----------- BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: _\ ~~~~~,~~~~·~~)~~~~i ~n~J~~~t~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~=-~~~~·)v5) fth'L C bt~ c~s---BL-vZ:>. L-fc''~ --b 95"'-Z~lf. ADD~SS~~~~~~tn~~~?r}~-=CJ~2~V~~--~~--~--~~~D~------ CITY LD-5 STATE_Jo,....o+C....l.....----ZIP 9 :;-6 3 I NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (II same as above, ch~ck here tv' ., NAME. __________ ~------~--~-------------------PHONE : __________ __ ADD~SS ________ -=~------------------------~~------~--------- CITY --------------- ox #2 above, and that r approve of the action I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and understand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations or decisions regarding land use issues. I further understand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a peiential land use apJ>ears consistent< with Town 'Policy is not an express or implied approval of a development project. A! project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council for inconsistency with Town policy or for other reasons in the course of the development review process, including public input. I fwiher understand and acknowledge tha "The members of the C nceptual Development Advisory Committee are in no way bound in their future review of my projec their comments at 's e_ry preliminary state of project development. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ---+-~:....=.....L.--¥--=----t--\::;.L-=-----'DATE --::£·L i az ]c,.j ~ * * DO NOT WRITE BELOW T S LINE APPLICATION No. C ()-1 ~-()0~ N:lDEVIFORMSIPtannTng\2016-17 Forms\CDAC Application doc RLPERMIT PLTRACl<. PLANAP TOTAL FEE $2,966.00 118.64 296.60 $3,381.24 7101/2016 /ATTACHMENT This Page Intentionally Left Blank / -==..:;...:.__---------~~-r -~ I '-..._, I ; :'~ I I 1 I ~ J -I I I -.. \ I H 1 \ 1 2 ; _ r L ____________ l --, o"' / /8 I . ! J L;:;·j 8 1 . '"-• ~ V) 9 1 ( I I I I J \ """ [~ I) I -I ! .. --=-~--=-~]-__ ..) 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