Item 3 - 30 Roberts and 6 ForrestTo: CDAC 2-10-16 ITEM 3 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conceptual Development Advisory Committee From: Joel Paulson, Interim Community Development Director 1/ 30 Roberts Road and 6 Forrest Avenue Subject: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-16-002 Requesting review of conceptual plans to demolish an existing multi-family structure and single-family residence, merge two lots and construct a four unit condominium building with a below grade parking garage. APN 529-1 0-002 , 003 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Taneka LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley Date: February I , 2016 Role of the CDAC The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The is s ues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclus ive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development rev iew process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an application is filed , technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development revi ew process. Project Description The applicant has submitted a conceptual proposal for parcels at 30 Roberts Road and 6 Forrest Avenue , located on the northeast comer of Forrest Avenue and Rob ert s Road. The site is currently occupied by one si ngle-family residence (30 Roberts) and one three unit multi-family residence (6 Forrest). The conceptual plan includes the following elements: • Demolition ofthe existing multi-family and single-family structures. • Merging two properties zoned R-M:S-12. • Subdivision to allow four residential condominium units and one common lot. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10, 2016 Page2 • Construction of a four unit multi-family residence with below grade parking. General Plan and Zoning Designation • General Plan designation: Medium Density Residential • Surrounding General Plan designations: Medium Density Residential to the north and west, High Density Residential to the south, and Office Professional to the east • Zoning designation: R-M:5-12 -Multi-Family Residential, 5-12 units per acre • Surrounding zoning designations: R-M:12-20 to the south, R-M:S-12 to the north and west, and O:PD to the east Existing Conditions/Use • Project site area: 16,302 gross square feet, 14,520 net square feet • Location: Northeast comer ofForrestAvenue and Roberts Road • Surrounding land uses: project site is surrounded by a mix of single and multifamily uses • Existing improvements: One single-family residence (30 Roberts) and one three unit multi-family residence (6 Forrest) Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC). Staffhas not reached conclusions on these topics and is identifying them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff will evaluate the technical issues. 1. Applicable General Plan Policies and Land Use Designation a. LU-1.3 b. LU-6.5 c. LU-6.7 d. LU-6.8 e. CD-1.2 f. CD-1.3 To preserve existing trees, natural vegetation, natural topography, riparian corridors and wildlife habitats, and promote high quality, well-designed, environmentally sensitive, and diverse landscaping in new and existing developments. The type, density and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. Continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. New construction shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. New structures, remodels, landscapes, and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area. Buildings, landscapes, and hardscapes shall follow the natural contours of the property. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10, 2016 Page3 g. CD-1.4 h. CD-7.1 1. CD-7.3 J. HOU-7.1 k. ENV-17.4 1. LU-6.1 m . Development on all elevations shall be of high quality design and construction, a positive addition to and compatible with the Town 's ambiance. Development shall enhance the character and unique identity of existing commercial and/or residential neighborhoods. Maximize quality usable open space in all new developments. All residential development shall include private open space in proportion to the building size. Promote the construction of energy efficient new homes utilizing the Energy Star Homes Program. Encourage new multi-family construction to include green roofs and common space for community gardens. The Housing Element assumes that sites designated medium and high density will be developed at the upper end of the density range. If the Town approves a development at a lower density on one of these sites, staff shall identify one or more other sites to maintain the Town 's capacity to meet its housing needs as identified in the Housing Element subject to neighborhood compatibility and mitigation of traffic impacts. The R-M (multi-family residential) zone applies to areas served by streets and other public improvements and services which are generally sufficient to sustain multiple residential development, and where the highest and best use of the subject property and surrounding properties is multiple residential. The R-M zone is the major multiple residential zoning district in the Town and is designed to allow various density ranges with actual specific density to be determined by the deciding body depending on the particular characteristics of specific parcels, the uses surrounding them , and the design of the development proposed. 2. Building Design and Site Layout Gen e ral a. Are the massing and height appropriate for the neighborhood? b. Is the street presence appropriate? c. Is the proposed density appropriate for the neighborhood? d. Is the architecture appropriate? Technical a. The proposed development plans include area outside the subject property, as a result the proposed setbacks and improvements for units 3 and 4 must be adjusted accordingly. b. What is the proposed floor area for each unit? Is this size compatible with the immediate neighborhood? c. Town Code requires community open space in addition to private open space for residential condominiums, where will thi s be provided? Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10,2016 Pa ge 4 3. Parking/Circulation/Traffic General and Technical a . What is the slope of the proposed garage ramp? b . The development plans do not include dimensions, will the proposed garages , and guest parking meet the minimum dimensions and backup required by Town Code? c. Will the garage be gated? If so , how will guests be able to access garage parking? d. Multi-family structures of four or more units require compliance with ADA . How will the required ADA parking and access be provided? e. The provided letter refers to elevators, how will these be provided? 4. Potential Tree Impacts Ge neral and Technical a. Where are the existing trees located on site? b. Which trees are proposed to remain on site and which trees are proposed for removal? c. Can the layout be modified to save trees ? d. For the application, a landscape plan will be required. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Applicant's letter (one page) 4 . Conceptual site plans (eight pages) Distribution : Taneka LLC , 579 E. Campbell A venue, Campbell, CA 95008 N:IDEVIC DAC'CDAC MEM01Fo rrcst·6.docx 30 Roberts Road and 6 Forrest Avenue A TTACHMENT 1 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank --= APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPA CIVIC CENTER: 110 E . Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-759 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY PROPERTY DETAIL: Address of subject property: _,b...:....__Lh_..,~:..cU...,.,_.f;S7'""""'-"'----"/l.:..clk~-±=~-=--3j"'-'o"":-..:.....B=o-=8.=~~/Z'i!_,_,I:5::_____R_v_. __ / ~·~~ Zoning Bt-1-S f1 "Z..-Site Area 1(, 1 !.\o -t= -APN ________ _ It/ ,~z.o NCr Existing use _____________________________ _ ------------------------------------·-·--·~--- BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: 4 vt\'t U?Momu,\u .n ' wj ee.\l~v--per\:=.\.~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------APPLICANT: NAME ~~C..~\P\ l-LC.... PHONE: '4cB -48 Z..-50 t:J'-} ADDRESS DC\ ~-Ce.M-?~LL Avt:• CITY (d:attllpf$ '(U STATE-=~=·--=-..!_ ____ ZIP 7&0o8 ·~~-------------------------------NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (If same as above, check here~ NAME ___________________________ PHONE: _____ _ ADDRESS ______________________ ~--------~----------- CITY --------------STATE -------ZIP-------- I hereby certify that I am the owner of record o e property described in Box #2 above, and that I approve oi the action requested herein. MENTFORM I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and understand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations or decisions regarding land use issues. I further understand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a potential land use appears consistent with Town Policy is not an express or implied approval of a development project. A project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council for inconsistency with Town policy or for other reasons in the course of the development review process, including public input. I further understand and acknowledge t the members of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee are in no way bound in their future review of my pro· , b~o t,..this very preliminary state of project development. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ' L.. DATE \-\ ~ -Zp}~ * *DO NOT WRITE BELOW T IS LINE APPLICATION No. CD-1 b-({Jr/:J ~ N:IDEV\FORMS\Pianning\2015-16 Forms\CDAC ApplicatiOn. doc PLPERMIT PLTRACK PLANAP TOTAL FEE $2,891.00 I 15.64 289.10 $3,295 .74 710112015 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Request for Review Project Address: 30 Roberts Road & 6 Forest Avenue Zoning: RM 5-12 4 residential units RECEIVED JAN 2 0 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION CD-JC-00~ The objective of this project is to create 4 dwelling units that embody the future direction of luxury housing . This project will deploy solar collectors on the roof to offset energy usage; include rain-water harvesting system for landscape irrigation needs; include· accessibility on each floor level with an elevator; mask automobiles storage in a cellar level below the building; and be constructed of no-maintenance building materials. The Project will achieve LEED rating of Silver or higher. The location of the project is within walking distance to downtown shopping & businesses, schools and parks . The massing of the building and location of windows will provide protect the privacy of all residents in and around the building. The project has been designed to maximize Open Space. Each unit will have generous private ground floor yards and upper level balconies . .) This Page Intentionally Left Blank AREA TABULATION 1. SITE AREA -LOT 1 GROSS AREA : NET AREA : 2. SITE COVERAGE = IS,325.40 SQ. FT. (0.351 AC.) • 14,606.40 SQ. FT. (0.335 AC.) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE AND PROPOSED COVERAGE: S,808 SQ. FT. (~0%) 3. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE I UNIT ~ MINIMUM Sl2E/ UNIT 0 GROUND LEVEL: MINIMUM BALCONY AND DECK I UNIT: TOTAL I UNIT (MIN) 4. PARKING REO\JIBED I PRO'i!DED· 200 SQ. FT. !,04S SQ. FT. 260 SQ. FT. 1,32S SQ . FT. 12 ON SITE PARKING SPACES IN PARKING s-rRUCTURE LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE ESTATES PROJECT DESCRIPTION The objective of this project is to create 4 dwelling units that embody the future direction of luxury housing. This project will deploy solar collectors on the roof to offset energy usage; include rain -water harvesting system for landscape irrigation needs; include accessib ility on each floor leve l with an elevator; mask automobiles storage in a cellar level be low the building; and be constructed of no-maintenance building materials. The Project will achieve LEED rating of Silver or higher. The location of the project is within wal ki ng distance to downtown shopping & businesses, schools and parks . The massing of the building and location of windows will provide protect the privacy of all residents in and arou nd the building. The project has been design ed to maximize Open Space . Each unit will have generous private ground floor yards and upper level balconys. PROJECT INFORMATION PROPfRlY OWNERS APPUCANT NAME CONTAcr PHONE MAJUNG ADDRESS PROJEcr ADDRESS SITE AREA A.P.N. ZONING BUILDING SETBACKS HEIGHT EX!STJNG USE TANEJ<A llC 579 E CAMPBEll AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 TANEJ<A llC CONTAcr: GARY KING (408) ~62-504-1 579 E CAMPBEll AVENU E CAMPBELL, CA 9S008 30 ROBERTS ROAD& 6 FORREST AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 0.374 AC GROSS (16,302.60 SF) 0.333 AC NET (l~,S20 SF) 529-1 ().002 529-10.003 R·M S·12 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FRONT: 2s·-<r REAR: 2rHr SIDE: 8'-<r MIN. SIDE 0 STREET: 2r1 -<r CEllAR PARKING: 3S' PROPOSED: 3S' SINGLE FAMILY DWEWNG ffiQfQSfJl FRONT: 25'-0'' REAR: 25'-<r SIDE: 12'-<r SIDE @ STREET: 2r1 -<r A· I A-2 A·3 A -'I A·S A-6 A-7 SHEET INDEX SHEET INDEX, PROJEcr INFORMATION, VIONm MAP, PROJEcr CONTACTS EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD SITE CONDmONS SITE PLAN PARKING PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN THIRD FLOOR PLAN SECTION ...... / '· VICINITY MAP I I I I ...... .... ....... "; I ! ..__ ! .-----PROJECT SITE I / / METRO DES IGN G R 0 U P MCH I~CT\JRE·PLAHN INQ•INTERIO!tS PROJECT NAME LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE ESTATES 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FORR EST AVEN UE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 REVISIONS LOS GATOS DIVISION cP ~~t-oo~ COYER SHEET PROJEcr I NFORMATION VIONmMAP SHEET INDEX AREA TABUlATION PROJEcr DESCRIPTION DATE : 1·27-1 6 SCALE : NO SCALE DRAWN BY : TS I DZ CHECKED BY : TS ARCHITECT : TOM SlOAN PROJECT NO : 16616 SHEET NUMBER A-0 ·. EXISTING , NEIGHBORHOOD SITE CONDITIONS MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING VASONA PARK IlL MET R 0 DES I GN G R 0 U P NI:CHITECTVRE · PLANNIHG-INTEftiORS 1475 S IASCOH AV£ sum 201 <NftW.CA"""' {401)87H071 phone (401)17Hon ,_ -.l'l'lfO"OirCI'I.wm n. plll'l&, idels •nd desql on thk draYMg .... ttw:propertydtM dei9w.G'hed "*'Y for lt'lil contnd.. ..... lhalngtblwed, fl""'*or ln pwt,.for_,CUPOM for'l'ltllcti~Nywert:not~ wihol.lehewittl!n~d METROOESIGN GROl.P. 0 PROJECT NAME LOS GATOS REEKSIDE ESTATES 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FORR EST AVEN UE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 REVISIONS EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD SITE CONDmONS DATE : 1-27-16 SCALE : N.T.S . DRAWN BY: TS OiECKEO BY: TS ARCHITECT : TOM SLOAN PROJECT NO: 16616 SHEET NUMBER A-1 ·. ______________ j d I W ' I :::>: I z : I W ' I I >I I <t : I I 1-: I U')' I w: I a:: I a:, I o : I u..: '1 I 7 i <f . ' RAMP ) I I I I SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED HOME 1 EN'TRY COURTYARD SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED HOME 2 85.00' -~ ::;:: ... ~_•-= c .-.s-....,. '-.:!...-... _, - INOICA1l.SPROf'OISED PATIO·TW, i:nl ~I V)l SINGLEf FAMILY ATTACH~D HOME r I I I I SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED HOME 4 ENTRY COURTYARD I I I It«>ICAT!S .tJWO:lNED PROPERTY UHf ·l'r'P. ROBERTS lNOK:ATIS PROPOSED SIC£WALX . T'f'f'. I -----~ -9_ ~-_!? __ ---==~;·:: :3.40' _j _ -- N»CAT£S JIROPOSED GOOD NEIGI1ICR 7 HJGHf'ENCE • TYP. s l L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 11• M E TRO DES IGN GROUP Mct«ftCTURE·f'UMfiHC-~$ 1475 S BASCOM AVE Sl.ti'TE 208 CAMP8ELL, CA 9500& (0 )17l-1071 1h- (401)171-IOn tu -~.<Dm The pl..-.s, ldss IOd deP;In ~ thl5 lhYoinQ~Iheproptrtydthe dellgnlt~soWy fortNs ~,..,.sNIInotbiiUMd, hYiholt orln J*t,.for""fp..wpoM; flw¥1hd11hey-•nat~ W'ltt'ICMtht~~ulon r:l MmOOESIGH"""'-". 0 PROJECT NAME LOS GATOS c REEKSIDE ESTATES 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FOR REST AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 REVISIONS SITE PLAN DATE : 1-27-16 SCALE : 1/8" = 1'·0" DRAWN BY: TS / DZ CHECKED BY : TS ARCHITECT : TOM SLOAN PROJECT NO: 166 16 SHEET NUMBER A-2 11• MET R 0 DESIGN GROUP NI.CH IT!CTURE ·PL.ANNING-INTERIORS 1"75 S MSCOM AVE SI.JIT£ 201 C»f>>EU. CA 95000 ~ (401)171-1011 (hlne (40e)I7HOn fait -.~com The pll!'d, IOeu •nd de$lgn on tt'lk ~ar.hproptrtydtM I I ..._ ........ _ ...... COf'll:l'tCt.,..,..ihalr«be~ t'l..tlolt Oi hpwt.for.,.,...,.. ;t _.. ·-':;: ::_ :_· -~ .. i_c·;_ '· fror""'*"'they_.t:not~ WlltwM.the~Mit!ltn~r:# k~ I METAO OfSIGN GROU'. 0 I PROJECT NAM E -,_ I ·::.-. :-" ::>:_~;: . "' I LOS G ATOS I c RE EKSID E ESTATES t: 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FORREST AVENUE ,. r, LOS GATOS, CA 95 032 REVI SIONS ~I !OK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I .. I LEGEND I 17.~ 17. JX IX[ 17 . ~17 . : 1. ENTRY TERRACE I I l' 2. ENTRY 3. HALL I ~- 4 . CLOSET ~ I ~ ~ ~·-5 . FAMILY ROOM I 6 . DINING AREA I 7 . KITCHEN I ~. 8 . PANTRY II\ TWO CAR I II\ TWO CA R TWO CAR II\ TWO CAR II\ 9. REAR TERRACE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE I GARAG E I t 10. BEDROOM I I I I ll.BATH I I I 1 1 12. MASTER BEDROOM UP I UP UP UP ~ 13. W. I. CLOSET I 14. MASTER BATHROOM I PARKING PLAN 15 . LAUNDRY I 16. BALCONY I '. 17 . DUMBWAITER c I fl c (l __ 1\ D 1\ D 3' 18 . MECHANICAL ROOM 19. WINE CELLAR I 20. ROOF TERRACE ~~ I_ :' ~ .__ ~ b = -c: :- ~' 19. I 18. 19 . 18 . 18. 19 . 18. 19 . I I II I I II DATE : 1-27 -16 SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" ·i r -···~ ·, L DRAWN BY: TS I CHECKED BY : TS I I ARCHITECT : TOM SLOAN I PROJECT NO: 16616 I ~ SH EET NUMBER ~ A-3 ::; r LEGEND 1. ENTRY TERRACE 2. ENTRY 3. HALL 4 . CLOSET 5. FAMI LY ROOM 6. DINING AREA 7. KITCHE N 8. PANTRY 9 . REA R TERRACE 10. BEDROOM 11.BATH 12. MASTER BEDROOM 13. W. I. CLOSET 14. MASTER BATHROOM 15. LAU NDRY 16. BALCONY 17. DUMBWAITER 18. MECHANI CAL ROOM 19. WINE CELLAR 20. ROOF TERRACE !U ON . D 5 . 10. l J I I I I I 9 . I 6 . I I I I I I I I l CJ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 . ' ' ' ' I : I : 1------------------------,---------------· 1. ' ' It II ON 5. 10. l J l I l J 9 . 9. 101 6. 6. I I ; ! I I ' ' ~ : i ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ---------------------------------------' ---------------------------------------- 1. 1 . 5. 3. 10. ON J i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l 9. 6 . 3. 1 . 5 . 7 . ON 3. I UP u ~ ...... ---~-= 10 . c + - M E T R 0 DES I G N G R 0 U P .MCHITICt\JftE·Pl.ANNING-INTEftiORS 14 75 S IA5CQo4 A'v'f Sl.nTE 201 CN4'1fJJ., CA 9500& (401)171•1071 phone (401)171-1072 f-.: -.~.mm Tht pt~n~, Ideas and desql on tNI ~tRthe.l)nlpertydh ~,dMMcfldefyforChls anr.cl. ,..,.. ~ not biiMd, h ....... «~pMt.for.-.ypM'J)OM fot~-.,._.e noti'ltenclld ~tht.....-lttiM~d ...,.,OfSlGN GOOl.F. @ PROJECT NAME LOS GATOS CRE EK SI DE ESTATES 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FORREST AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 REVISIONS FIRST FLOOR PLAN DATE : 1-27-16 SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" DRAWN BY: TS CHECKED BY : TS ARC HITECT : TOM SLOAN PROJECT NO : 16616 SHEET NUMBER A-4 bJ OPEN TO BELOW LEGEND 1. ENTRY TERRACE 2. ENTRY 3. HALL 4. CLOSEr g_~ON;'---(i'"""'"""'"""'=i'l 5. FAMILY ROOM 6. DINING AREA 7. KITCHEN 8 . PANTRY 9. REAR TERRACE 10. BEDROOM 11.BATH 12. MASTER BEDROOM 13. W. I. CLOSET -........._ "'-- 14. MASTER BATHROOM -....;;: 15. LAUNDRY 16. BALCONY 17. DUMBWAITER 18. MECHANICAL ROOM OPEN TO BELOW 19. WINE CELLAR 20. ROOF TERRACE ~ 1---;u!;p--lb===.d 3. ~ U l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II il il ,-~ rL ~ I I I to. I I I rQJ ON ~ ---..::::: UP ·~--~4-.--~~~~\J~~~:~~~ 10. I I I I I I I I I I I 101 l OPEN TO BELOW 7 11. OI Q X 7 I I I I I I DF-J ~= OPEN TO 3. BELOW 7 10. 4. J\J 10. JDf OPEN TO BELOW X 11 . ~ Q IO I c I I I I I ~Jl L-=iD 3. OPEN TO BELOW c , 10. l/l 10. ON ~ /-" UP 4. X 11. ~ Q I O OPEN TO BELOW I c I I I I ~l!l I L~D 3. OPEN TO BELOW c 10. Ut. 10. ~~~ METRO D ES IG N G R 0 U P AACHITtCTURE • PL.ANNIHG• IHT£1\IOftS 1475 S !ASoCCM AVf SUITE 201 C»F0W. CA 95000 (40e)I7H071 phone («11}17HOn ,_ -.~.com The plan~, ldels •nd deslgl on ttWJ IJraoMnQ~theproperty dthe dls9w' )SN(M!d IOWy tot this CDI'CTICl. PIIN.n.inatbel.Md, h'l'tdl:«hl*t.for..,.fMJIOM fot\lfri:hltwy ... notir*ncled ~NW"Cen~ot MrniO DESIGN~-(9 PROJEGNAME LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE ESTATES 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FORREST AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 REVISIONS ON /"__./ / ::::---- UP rn 4. SECOND FLOOR PLAN DATE : 1-27-16 SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" DRAWN BY: TS OtECKED BY : TS ARCHITECT : TOM SLOAN PROJECT NO : 16616 SHEET NUMBER A-5 11• MET R 0 DES I G N G R 0 U P M CHili:CTURE· P L.ANHING ·INTERIORS 1"75S ~AVESUITE20$ CNftru,CA9SOOO (a)I7H07tphonlt (..o8 )87HOnf~ 'IWNI.~.com ~ I The pllnl;. odeM an:l delqt on II* drMW!Qwetht~dh: ct.IQNr,dMwd IOklly for this contnd..~INIII"'Ilbeused, ~Mdeor-. pMt. forl!n(pJrpOM -~theyvwtnatinlltnded MnoU.thotWI'Iltenperm:s.uonct Mftlr:)DfSIGNGROI..P. @ PROJECT NAME LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE ESTATES 16. 16. 30 ROBE RTS ROAD & 6 FORR EST AVENUE ~-LOS GATOS, CA 95032 Lf REVISIONS 16. 12. 12. 12. 16. LEGEND 1. ENTRY TERRACE 2. ENTRY 3. HALL 4 . CLOSET 5. FAMILY ROOM 6. DINING AREA 7. KITCHEN 1 ....... .. ..!. .............. .. ON I I ................... i ..... . ·~-= .. -= .. = .. ·=---=·--=··= .. =···=·~ .. =---=--·=· .. =t· F·=--= .. ·=--=·~= .. -= .. =·= .. = .. =---=--==·-~4-1 ~ u. u c I .............. ............................. .. ......................................... .. ON ·---·-... ----··--·-·· .JI u c q ............................................ 11 = ON ON 8. PANTRY 9. REAR TERRACE 10. BEDROOM 11. BATH 12. MASTER BEDROOM 13. W. I. CLOSET 14. MASTER BATHROOM 3. o o B o ~c: 0 14. 0 14. 3 . 0 3. 0 0 B I 3 . 14. I ~ I I 0 14. 15. LAUNDRY 16. BALCONY 17. DUMBWAITER 18. MECHANICAL ROOM 19. WINE CELLAR C) I IX lrl I I I 11------{I[X 20. ROOF TERRACE I I I I THIRD FLOOR PLAN I I 20. I I 20. 20. 20. I I • I I DATE : 1·27-16 I SCALE : I 1/4" = 1'-0" I DRAWN BY: TS CHECKED BY : TS ARCHffiCT : TOM SLOAN PROJECT NO : 16616 SHEET NUMBER A-6 §1 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~Top d Roof 34'-6" ~Topol Floor 23'·6" ~Top of Floor 14'.()" ~ Top d Floor 3' -6" II PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE STORAGE BEDROOM ENTRY GARAGE MASTER BATHROOM LAUNDRY CLOSET BATH BATH KITCHEN MASTER BEDROOM FAMILY ROOM SECTION A OUTDOOR SPACE Ql c: ::::; l __ Ill.. MET R 0 DESIGN GROUP .MCHITI.C'NRE • P'LANHING-IJfTf.IIUORS 1 .. 75 5 MSCOM AVE SUITE 208 CN>I'II'li.CA"""' (0)871·1071 phoM (408)871-1072 fu -.n"'IWWOI'd'littc:t:s.O'Jm The p.,., !OMs •nd dtsign «1 thk ~ .... h~d1he ...._......,_., ...... COfCriCt. """'stwlnotbt.I.Md, hlllilhokOI In ~fotWP(~ rot~lheywerena~:~ ¥ottlcMtM~petTriuiond MflliiOOESIGN GftOI.F. 0 PROJECT NAME LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE ESTATES 30 ROBERTS ROAD & 6 FORREST AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95032 REVISIONS SECTION A DATE : 1·27-16 SCALE : 1/4" = 1'·0" DRAWN BY : TS CHECKED BY : TS ARCHITECT : TOM SLOAN PROJECT NO : 16616 SHEET NUM BER A-7