Item 2 - 400 and 420 Blossom Hill RdTo: From: Subject: CDAC 2-10-16 ITEM2 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Joel Paulson, Interim Community Development Director 1 7f 400 and 420 Blossom Hill Road Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-16-00 I Requesting review of conceptual plans to demolish two existing office buildings and construct a new two story fitness center with underground parking on property zoned 0. APN 529-16-071. PROPERTY OWNER: Green Valley Corporatio n/Case Swenson APPLICANT: Barry Swenson Builder/Josh Burroughs Date: February 5, 2016 Role of the CDAC The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additiona l issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an app li cation is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the eval uation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. Project Description The applicant has submitted conceptual plans for 400 and 420 Blossom Hill Road, a 2.9-acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Highway 17 and Blossom Hill Road. The site is bounded by multi-family residential uses to the north and east, Fisher Middle School to the south, and Highway 17 to the west. The conceptual plan includes the following elements: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10,2016 Page 2 • Demolition of two existing office buildings totaling approximately 18 ,394 square feet. • Demolition of all existing improvements, including surface parking. • Construction of a 32,582-square foot two-story fitness facility with an ancillary pool (5,442-square foot pool deck) and below grade parking garage (119 spaces). • Floor Area Ratio of 0.26 and lot coverage of 21 percent. • Construction of 142 at grade parking spaces. Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • General Plan designation: Office Professional • Surrounding General Plan designations: Medium Density Residential to the north and east, Public to the south, Open Space across Highway 17 to the west (Low Density Residential across Highway 17 to the southwest) • Zoning designation : 0 -Office • Surrounding zoning designations: RM-5:12 to the north, RM-5 :12 and RM-5 :12 to the east, R-1 :8 to the south , RC -Resource Conservation across Highway 17 to the west (R- 1 :8 :PD across Highway 17 to the southwest) Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC). Staffhas not reached conclusions on these topics and is identifying them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed , staff will evaluate the technical issues. 1. Applicable General Plan Policies and Land Use Designation a . LU-1.2 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image. b. LU-1.3 To preserve existing trees , natural vegetation , natural topography, riparian corridors and wildlife habitats, and promote high quality, well-designed, environmentally sensitive, and diverse landscaping in new and existing developments. c. LU -1.8 Commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small-town character of Los Gatos. d. LU-6.3 Protect existing residential areas from adjacent non-residential uses by assuring that buffers are developed and maintained . e. LU-6.5 The type, density and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. f. LU-6 .8 New construction shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10,2016 Page 3 g. LU-9.6 Encourage development that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for local residents consistent with overall land use policies of the Town. h . LU-9.9 Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval for non-residential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist oflandscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks, or open space. 1. CD-1.1 Building elements shall be in proportion with those traditionally in the neighborhood. J. CD-1.2 New structures, remodels, landscapes, and hard scapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area. k. CD-1.4 Development on all elevations shall be ofhigh quality design and construction, a positive addition to and compatible with the Town 's ambiance. Development shall enhance the character and unique identity of existing commercial and/or residential neighborhoods. 1. CD-3 .7 Roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened and s uch screeni n g shall be considered as part of the structure for height limitations. m. TRA-6.5 Require bicycle parking in private parking lots, and provide bicycle parking in all public lots in the Downtown. n . TRA-9 .5 Alternative transportation means shall be required whenever the traffic generated by a development would result in a significant increase in air pollution, traffic congestion, or noise . o. The Office Professional designation in the General Plan allows up to 50 percent land coverage with a 35-foot height limit. The Office Professional designation provides for professional and general business offices. This designation applies to various locations throughout the Town, often in close proximity to neighborhood-or community-oriented commercial facilities, or as a buffer between commercial and residential u ses. The intent of this designation is to satisfy the community's need for general business and professional services and local employment. 2. Use G en eral a. Based on the current project description and ifthe proposal meets all of the development standards in the Town Code, the proposal requires a Conditional Use Permit and an Architecture and Site Application. • While an ancillary cafe may be considered as part of the CUP request, the cafe would be limited to members only because a restaurant is not a permitted or conditional use within the Office zone. • What kind of extended hours would be proposed and how would the impacts on adjacent residential uses be mitigated? • The project would reduce the Town 's supp ly of office space . Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10 , 2016 Page4 b. The deciding body is the Planning Commission with potential appeal to the Town Council. 3. Building Design and Site Layout General a. Does the building design project a small town image? b. Is the building proportional to the surrounding buildings? c. Does the building design provide a pedestrian friendly orientation? d. How do the buildings orient to Blossom Hill Road? Technical a. What do the existing site improvements look like? b. What is the topography of the site? c. What is the proposed height of the structure? d. What kind of over excavation would be required in order to construct the below grade parking garage? Could they potentially impact Town Right ofWay or adjacent properties? e. What is the proposed setback from the freeway? f. Would the application be able to comply with any air quality or noise mitigation measures due to the proximity to Highway 17? g. How many cubic yards of dirt will be affected with the project's construction? h . Does the layout allow utilities, meters , etc. to be screened from view? 1. Does the design allow rooftop equipment to be screened from view, including views from higher points along Blossom Hill Road? J. Will the design incorporate sustainable building design and be eligible for LEED certification? 4. Parking/Circulation/Traffic General a. Location of vehicular access. b. Does the proposal provide adequate pedestrian access and circulation? c. Any areas designed for active outdoor use must be included in the parking requirement. Technical a. A traffic analysis is required and depending on the results , additional studies may be needed. b . Does the plan incorporate access and turnarounds for fire and other service vehicles? c. The proposal will be required to comply with the Town 's parking development standards including: double striping, landscaping, and continuous curbs. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10,2016 Page 5 5. Po tential Tree Impacts General and Technical a. Whi ch trees are proposed to remain on s ite and which trees are proposed for removal ? b . Can the layo ut be modified to save trees? c. Where is the proposed sound wall? d. What landscaping would be incorporated along Highway 17 ? e. For the application, a land scape plan will be required. Attachments: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC a pplication (one page) 3. Applicant's letter (two pages) 4. Conceptual Plans (four sheets) Di stribution: Green Valley Co rporation/Case Swenson, 777 N. 1 Sl Street 51h Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Barry Swenson Builder/Josh Burroughs , 777 N . 1 Sl Street 51h Floor, San Jose, CA 951 12 N :\D EV\C DAC\CDAC M EMO\BiossomHill400a nd420 .docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank 400 and 420 Blossom Hill Road ATIACHMENT 1 ,-.. This Page Intentionally Left Blank . . ~ j APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CMCCENTER: 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 P h one: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY PROPERTY DETAD...: Address of subject property: l--\tY()-\..rl 0 (3\ c $7~\'V'... \..\ i \\ R. J Zoning 0£{.., c.<-Site Area ')_.<If' 1\C.. APN S2 4 -\ (.,-6 7-I Existing use 0!\-!c.<.- NAME ~"'':> ~~ .... ~Ot'\.. ~uj\!j'C c{o Sc,t~b \)~I.:!CD>v\~\....( ADDRESS '"f'"f]-f\J \ ,..\-S~ . £ t1-f.( o o c I PHONE: Yo& -J. ~ "f -t1l~ 1o CITY S ~""' ":Jo'b STATE __ l.=.... ="'..__ ___ ZlP l{ S \\] · ~-----------.. -~----·--···-~ -·-·-----------~----·-~- NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (If same as above, ehec:k here~ . c ~_,.-(.V\4•1'\.. NAME GN&M-\la . .\\~ Cbrvan...k-o"" c. o 6.\.{. PHONE: 4o~-2.'{7--C>V-<(p ADDRESS -::rt-7-1\) lLz4-~=! , S~ floor CITY So..r--'Soc:..<.- 1 STATE ( &. :ZIP q S\t] I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property desc.ribed-in-·Box-#lJihs.ve, and that I approve of the action r _. .. =~·~;~~~-~~R---~~~~-(~!_f~-~f ____ . ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and understand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commiss ion to render recommendations or decisions regarding land use issues . I further understand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a potential land use appears consistent with Town Policy is not an express or implied approval of a development project. A project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council for inconsistency with Town policy or for other reasons in the course of the development review process, including public input. I further understand and acknowledge that the me~~~ Development Advisory Committee are in no way bound in their future review of my project, by their comments auru s-VefY preliminary state of project devel~~ SIGNATUREOFOWNER . =------DATE/--((.-Q **DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPLICATION No. C ()-/ £ -f1l 1_ PLPERMIT PLTRACK PLANAP TO TAL FEE $2,891.00 115.64 289.10 $3,295.74 7101 /2015 ATTACHMENT 2 .. I _, . I .. This Page Intentionally Left Blank \ \ \ \ \ APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REV I EW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 20, 2016 Property Owner: Green Valley Corporation RECEIVED •. IAN 2 0 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNJNG DIVISION CJ)-/r:-00) Property Address: 400-420 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 ATTACHMENT 3 This re-development project consists of approximately a 32,000 square foot Equinox fitness club on a 2.9 acre piece of land. The land is currently comprised of two small, Class C office buildings with 82 on-grade parking spaces. The proposed building covers 21% of the land and is 2 stories above ground, totaling approximately 34 feet. The building orientation and entryway is being designed to have a curved, tree-lined descent from Blossom Hill Road into the sunken, tucked-away building location. After the long driveway, the entryway splits into two paths of travel. The split to the right opens up to the front facade of the building including a podium level pool area and drive-loop with several on -grade parking stalls . The left fork leads around the highway side of the property and reconnects with the far end of the building at the north end of the property. There will be approx. 250 parking stalls spread both on-grade and one level below ground; Town code requires less than half that number. The on-grade parking and paved drive loop w ill be strategically mixed among the trees so as to preserve a large majority of the trees on the property, creating a natural and "tucked-away" feeling for the customer. To address the 17 highway running close by the west side of the property, we approached the overall design with three important aspects in mind : First, the building will be located on the east end of the property, farthest away from the highway. Second, a sound wall will be constructed along the southwest end of the property to help deflect noise and vehicle fumes. The third aspect will be to transplant any trees that need to be moved to support this development project, which have been identified by a certified arborist as "medium" to "high" level of health. Having most ofthe building's square footage on the second floor will give customers an elevated feeling while being surrounded by greenery. The design of the building is often described as "functional design meets inspired modern beauty." The fitness club features activities including individual fitness, group classes, light spa , lap pool, lounges, etc with a small portion of the building designated for back-of-house activities as well. The building will be leased, managed and operated by Equinox, a nationally recognized fitness club, which will operate during extended business hours to accommodate customer's busy schedules. Management plus amen ities total to an expected on-site staff count of approximately 40 persons throughout the entire workday. No alcohol will be served on this establishment; however, a light cafe offering healthy living food and beverages will be included. Equinox targets 750 full-time members of this club location. A large majority of the club members are expected to be residents of the Town of Los Gatos, however due to the national nature of the organization, a small number of members are expected from other cities. At any given time, Equinox expects no more than 200 members at the facility at one time. This number is supported by a very similar fitness location in Palo Alto, CA. ,J L, PROPOSED FITNESS CENTER PROJECT REVIEW-CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~----------------~ " \ \ \ \ OlJn.INE Of GAAACE ROOF BELOW PROJECT OAT • FITNESS+POOl tsru oval fUU.LMllllOW GRADE GARAGE 400 BLOSSOM HILL-LOS GATOS '"""--- ~ SIT£AilEA is.F.: SIT£ AIUA (ACIIES : ZONING: GlNElAI. PlAit: P£YELOPMEHI STANDARDS: AUOWAaU UIT CO\IfRAGE (S.F.): AU.OWABL£ F.A.A.: _I __ ---t---L_ _L__ __ i 529-16-0nl 400 BLOSSOM HIU.LOS GATOS. CA 95032 ! 126,639.67 2.91 0-0fffCE OFFICE Pfi.OfESSIONAL 50,656 NOT REQUIRED fOR NON-RESIDENTIAL HE:IGHT UMrT : lS'(~n«MWed froM tMNt\nlwftni~Md .,-. ~IIIOwet Mda"Ratft alowet'.....,..., to the uppef'fltOSt poW of the roof ...._ walt. .-.rt. mai"IAf'd, w other paint •rwcttv abOIM that.,_., j SETIACXS n . FRONT SlOE REAR STREET SIDE n 10 w 15 PROPOSED LOT COVUAGE: 26.8 17 S.f. 21" SPACE AREA INFO I TOTAL UNtTS BLDG 1 FlOOR AIUA 26,817 26,117 5,765 5,765 SU8TOTAL 32.512 TOTAL AREA PARKING DATA Sec. 2:9.10.150. • Nu mber of oft-street spaces requlrH.. (21) P'rfonte clubs l nd lodca. One (1) patitq spKe for •adl thtM hundred ftfty (.150) squat• feet of trOIS floor lfU, plus OM (1) ~space fot eadl three hunctr.d fifty (350) s.quwe fHt of OUUkM •rus employed for purposes of usembty and mH'ttftc by the m•mMrs and pests of such dubs and fodtes, plus one (1) parkifte spac:e for each ftw: hundred ni nety (590) ..,.,. fHt of outside areas dneloptd for recre•tion •l purposes, such 11 prdens, swimmlnc ~s, fNitll: arus and assembly REQUIRED PARKING SPAC£ AREA FACTOR SUSTn PARK'G FITNESS 32,582 PfR 350 93 OUTDOOR POOL 5,442 PER 590 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 102 ';/l ADA PARKING REQUIRED: 2" \ \ \ PARKING PROPOSED: GARAGELVU STANDARD (18'x8.S'I 119 HC 18'x 9') SUBTOTAL 119 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: \ SETBACK UNE . TYP. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IJ) . \ ON·SITt 137 5 1.2 ~· ·:; . SU8TOT 256 5 261 / 19 \ \ l I \ I \ ~~lJI=d' ~~~~~~~------------------------------------------~ 21r.,. HIGHWAY 17 SITE PLAN • CONCEPTUAL •;',..o¢-Y--0 SHEET INDEX: 1"-20'-0" AO.O CONCEPTUAL SITE STUDY A0.1 AREACALCULATIONS A0.2 CONCEPTUAL MASSING VIEW A0.3 CONCEPT IMAGES BARRY SWENSON BUILDER A b1Vii16N OF dREEN VALLIY Cditfi. m North FO t Strett Fofth Floor sen Jose. Ca 9511 2 ttl. (408}287..0246 r•x: (408) 996-1737 Consuttant ReVisioos: COPYR IGHT~ 2015 BARRY SWEN N BUILDER ~ 2 >-0 ::l ~ N ..... M (j) Q In w "" < ..... ~ u (j) Cl3' _J 0 0 E-<( r.IJ < ::l 0 ..... r.IJ ell a.. 3 0 w .J (.) z CQ 0 0 0 (.) "t JANUARY 14, 2016 .:;c hr LO 9015-908 AO.O DECK ----------::t --1 .. --... --------·---'-.. t-2NDffs~~ ~ !! POOL " Area Legend D GROSS FLOOR AREA 0 POOLAREA BLDG SEC TION 1/16" = 1'-0" Area Legend D GROSS FLOOR AREA ( UP\. BUILDING AREAS: I AREAS(S.f.: FITNESS n.ooR Afi.AGE Lvt.l 37,564 1 26,817 2 5,765 SUBTOTAL: 37,564 32,S82 I ROSS ILDG AA£A; i TO~ _/ __ , -· - ----3:0??t-~ I I POOl. suarorAL TOTAL J7,S64 26,817 5,442 11,207 0 5,442 0 75 ,511 BARRY SWENSON BUILDER A DMIWR 6F d ki£EN YALUi' CORP m North First Street Fifth Floo< San Jose, Ca 95112 tel. (408) 2&7-0246 fall:: (408) 998-1737 Consultant Revisions: COPYRIGHT ((;) 2015 BARRY SWENSOO BUILDER JANUARY 14, 2016 ~=c::~ LD 9015-908 A0 .1 en z 0 ~ ::> () _J <( () <( w 0::: <( TOP OF F>ARAPET F>OOL DECK (2ND FLOOR) FlOOR PARK ING 9ELOW (1ST FLOOR) BASEMENT GARAGE ENTRANCE 1 MASSING VIEW PROPOSED FITNESS C ENTER AERIAL VIEW m North Fnt Street Fifth F1oof San Jose, Ca 95112 tel: (408) 287~4G tax: (~) 998-1737 Consuttant Revisions: COPYRIGHT@ 2015 BARRY SWENSON BUILDER ~ ~ ~ w > ~ N (.!) ~ c:> z 11'1 0'1 C/) < C/) u <( ~ ~ :::E 0 0 E-....J r/1 < <( ~ :::> r/1 r-11 1-0 0 a.. ~ .... w (.) o:l z 0 0 0 (.) ~ JANUARY 14,2016 LD 9015-908 s ·eet A0 .2 t. :::r-A r~;·-.. :;J .;1 ;:J [ 0 ~~~~~~. Of;CADENT :--=~~o'* ~JPII'OOmlactelot. Consultant: ReVJsfons: COPYRI BARRY s::.~(Cj 2015 SON BUILDER LO 9015-906 A0 .3 1-a.. w (.) z 0 (.)