Item 2 - 15860 15880 15894 Winchester BlvdTo: From: Subject: CDAC 1-13-16 ITEM2 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Joel Paulson, Interim Community Development Director·1/ 15860, 158 80, and 15894 Winchester Boulevard Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-008 Requesting review of conceptual plans to merge four properties zoned 0 , to demolish three existing single family residences , and to construct a new two story office building with below grade and at grade parking APN 529-11-013, 038, 039, 040. PROPERTY OWNER: South Beach Partners LLC/ Cumulus Capital Holdings LLC APPLICANT: Valley Oak Partners c/o Doug Rich PROJ ECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley Date: January 5, 2016 Role of the CDAC The Conceptual Deve lopment Advisory Committee (C DA C) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process . The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will n ee d to be addressed during the d evelopment review process should the a pplicant wish to s ubmit an app lication. The iss ue s identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal dev e lopment review process . None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are the y intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies tha t are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum, if an a pplication is filed , technical analysis would need to be done in the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a re quired and essential component in the development review process . All appli cants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to procee d with the development r ev iew process . Background T he subject site contains four separate parcels . One is currently vacant and the other three contain single family residences. An application for this site was considered previous ly by the C DAC with a conceptual proposal to construct 13 new single family residences . The main concerns from the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee January I 3, 2016 Page 2 committee included density and lack of parking. Project Description The applicant has submitted conceptual plans to: • merge the four parcels; • demolish the three existing residences; and • construct a new two story 32,543-square foot office building with below grade and at grade parking. Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • General Plan designation: Office Professional • Surrounding General Plan designations: Office Professional to the north. Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre) to the south. Low Density Residential to the west. Service Commercial and Office Professional to the east. • Zoning designation: 0 -Office • Surrounding zoning designations: 0 -Office to the north, south and west. LM -Limited Manufacturing to the east. Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the CDAC . Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics and is identifying them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates . a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos. If the application is filed , staff would evaluate the technical issues. · 1. Applicable General Plan Policies a. LU-1.2 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image. b. LU-1.8 Commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small-town character of Los Gatos. c. LU-6.3 Protect existing residential areas from adjacent non-residential uses by assuring that buffers are developed and maintained. d. LU-9.6 Encourage development that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for local residents consistent with overall land use policies of the Town. e . LU-9 .9 Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval for non-residential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist oflandscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks, or open space. f. CD-1 .1 Building elements shall be in proportion with those traditionally in the neighborhood. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee January 13 ,2016 Page 3 g. CD-1.2 New structures, remodels, landscapes, and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area. h . CD-3.7 Roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened and such screening shall be considered as part of the structure for height limitations. 1. TRA-6.5 Require bicycle parking in private parking lots, and provide bicycle parking in all public lots in the Downtown. J. TRA-9.5 Alternative transportation means shall be required whenever the traffic generated by a development would result in a significant increase in air pollution, traffic congestion, or noise . 2. Use General a. The commercial office use is allowed under the General Plan and zoning designations . b. Based on the current project description and if the proposal meets all of the development standards in the Town Code, the proposal would require an Architecture and Site Application. c. The deciding body is the Planning Commission with potential appeal to the Town Council. d. The demolition of the single family residences without replacement would reduce the Town 's housing stock. e. What kind of office uses are proposed? Medical office or other high traffic generators could impact both parking and traffic for the project. 3. Building Design and Site Layout General a. The proposal requires demolition of three single-family residences without replacement. One of the residences is historic but was recommended for demolition by the Historic Preservation Committee in 2012. b. Does the building design project a small town image? c. Is the building proportional to the surrounding buildings? d . Does the building design provide a pedestrian and bicycle friendly orientation? Technical a. What is the topography of the site? b. How many cubic feet of dirt will be affected with the project's construction? c. Does the layout allow utilities, meters , etc. to be screened from view? d. Will the mechanical equipment be screened appropriately? Are the proposed recessed areas large enough and in the right location to accommodate all the mechanical equipment required for this size of a building. e. Will the design incorporate sustainable building design and be eligible for LEED certification? Conceptual Development Advisory Committee January 13, 2016 Page4 4. Parking/Circulation/Traffic General a. Required parking spaces cannot be tandem or located within any required yard along a street. b. The proposed square footage requires 139 parking spaces and only 138 are provided (including the tandem spaces). c. Will any other modes of transportation be encouraged and if so how? Technical a. The Town Code strongly discourages dead end parking lanes, both the at grade parking and the subterranean parking incorporate dead end parking with limited maneuvering areas. b. Town Code requires continuous curbs rather than wheel stops. c. A traffic study would be required. d. Traffic mitigation fees will be required. 5. Potential Tree Impacts General and Technical a. Which trees are proposed to remain on site and which trees are proposed for removal? b. The grading required for the proposed improvements will most likely make retention of the trees onsite difficult. Tree size, type, and canopy will need to be shown on future applications . c. A landscape and lighting plan will be required with the application. Attachments: 1. Location map (one page) 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Applicant's letter (two pages) 4 . Conceptual Plans (15 pages) Distribution: Valley Oak Partners c/o Doug Rich, 734 The Alameda , San Jose, CA 95126 South Beach Partners, 125 South Market Street, Suite 1250, San Jose CA 95113 N :\DEV\C DAC\C DAC MEMO\ 15860-15884 Winchester·l·l3·16.docx 15860, 15880 and 15894 Winchester Boulevard ATTACHMENT 1 r This Page Intentionally Left Blank APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM T p A 1 0 CIVIC CENTER: 110 E . Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 DEC 1 5 201 5 PL EASE TYPE O R PRI NT CLEARLY TOWN OF LOS GATOS PROPERTY DETAIL: Addressof subjectpropert y: /5ft,o 1 /)IFD ,/S 'ttY M:c.~fcr 7.3/u/ Zon in g 6/X'~ • Si te Area J. )( lffC~S. APN ,2f-//-D/"~,o'!l~.o}f~OI../O Ex ist ing use g< $t ·c~y b -.. { ~'"a I(. ~-·~ c4:.~,/.c..J r • BRJEFLY I>ESCRJBE PROJECT: "4~"~~t- APPLICANT: NAME '0tlftZJO~Ic.. e.,.t"c.f~ -'b.,JJ 7<:c.L.. PHONE: ¥ap .<Pd.. Dff.>" ADDRESS 7 J '{ 7tc.. /lt.thJS CITY ~ =:)OX-STATE---'C4:~ ____ ZIP 1t" [5/<~ I, the undersigned , fu ll y acknowledge and und erstand the Conceptual De ve lo pmen t Advisory Co mm ittee is only an adv isory bo dy and is not emp owered by the Town Co un cil or th e Planning Co mmi ss ion to re nde r recomme ndati ons or dec isions regarding land use issues. I furth er und erstand and acknowledge that an y statem ent by the Co mmittee that a potenti al land use appears consistent with Town Policy is not an express or implied appro val of a development project. A project may be rejec ted by the Planning Co mm issio n and/o r Tow n Co un cil to r inconsistency with Town policy or for other rea sons in the cou rse of th e development review process , including public inpu t. I furth e r und erstand and acknowledge that the members of th e Concep tual Development Adviso ry Com mi ttee are in no way bound in their future review of my projec;}!")P~h co s at this ve ry preliminary state of project deve lopment. SIGNATURE OF OWNE ~ J I> ATE 12/8/2015 * * DO NOT WRITE BELO THIS LINE APPLIC ATION No. C:.lJ -j 5-00% N :IDEVIFORMSIPianning\2015·16 Forms\COAC Applicalion do<; PLP ERM IT PL TRACK PLANAP TOTAL FEE $2 ,891 .00 115.64 289.10 $3 ,295 .74 710112015 ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank December 15 , 2015 Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Review by CDAC 15860, 15880 & 15894 Winchester Blvd. (APN 529-11-13, -38 ,-39,-40) Property Overview IJE C I J 7015 T -:' ·!OF LOS GATOS pJ--,~l\l i!·~G OIVISIOI'-! The property, located at the intersection of Winchester Blvd and Shelburne Way , consists of four parcels totaling approximately 1.3 acres. Current land use consists of three residential home s and accessory structures. One of the homes is a pre-1941 building. However, the Historical Preservation Committee found that the building is not historically significant and recommended approval of the request to demolish all structures on the property. The property is currently de signated in the General Plan as Office Professional and zoned Office. The immediately adjacent neighboring properties include multi-family residential to the so uth, the Los Gatos Dog & Cat Hospital to the east, medical office across Winchester Blvd to the west, and single family detached across Shelburne to the north. The property topography includes approximately 10 feet of fall froin Winchester Blvd down to the eas tern property line adjacent to the Dog & Cat Hospital. Summary of Proposal The proposed project is for an approximately 32,500 square foot two-story office building. The two-story office building is consistent in massing and scale with the existing streetscape of Park Hillview Apartments and University Oaks multi-family homes. The architecture utili zes similar low profile rooflines and natural materials, while providing a refreshed look similar to recent Los Gatos developments such as the Los Gatos library. Large glass openings complete the design while providing plenty of natural light and views of the hills to the east. Parking is provide d through 41 at-grade parking stalls and 97 subterranean parking stalls for a total of 138 stalls equating to 1 stall per every 235 square feet of gross floor area. The subterranean parking takes advantage of the natural slope topography of the site. At-grade parking is accessed from Winchester Blvd and s ubterranean parking is accessed via Shelburne Way . The subterranean parking would be gated. The proposed office building has been sited to take advantage of existing tree vegetation, while addressing sensitivity to existing neighbors . Existing trees will be retained along Winchester Blvd, Shelburne Way and the eastern property line providing a strong visual buffer. A 40-foot 734 The Alameda San Jose. CA 95126 ww" 'alleyoakpartners com ATTACHMENT 3 0 ~l ~I ·~.I ' setback to Winchester Blvd provides space for a landscape garden to enhance the natural neighborhood ambience. In addition, the building provides a 77-foot setback to the existing multi-family homes adjacent to the property to the south and a 68-foot setback to the Dog & Cat Hospital to the east. We look forward to meeting with you and appreciate your feedback on the proposed project. Sincerely , Doug Rich 734 The A lameda San Jose, C A 95 126 www valleyoakpartne rs.com SITE CA 17 FWYWINCHESTER BLVDSHELBURNE WAY 500’ 1500’ 2500’NCENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SHEET INDEX: G0.0 Data Sheet SP1.0 Site Location SP2.0 Site Context SP3.0 General Plan Land Use SP4.0 Proposed Site Plan A1.0 Site Plan - Subterranean Parking A1.1 Site Plan - Ground Floor A1.2 Site Plan - Second floor A2.0 Site Section IM1.0 Perspective - Aerial View IM1.1 Perspective - Aerial View IM1.2 Perspective IM1.3 Perspective IM1.4 Perspective IM1.5 Perspective PROPERTY INFORMATION: 15860, 15880, 15894 Winchester Blvd, Los Gatos, CA APN: 529-11-013, -038, -039 and -040 Proposed Land Use: Office PROPOSED LAND USE: Existing Land Use: Residential Proposed Land Use: Office Existing Zoning: O - Office Gross Acreage: 1.31 Acres PROJECT TEAM: APPLICANT: VALLEY OAK PARTNERS, LLC 734 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 Contact: DOUG RICH Phone: 408.282.0995 ARCHITECT/PLANNER: STUDIO T-SQ, INC. 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Oakland, CA 94607 Contact: CHEK TANG / CHRIS LEE Phone: 510.451.2850 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: SW Structural, Inc. 17582 San Benito Way, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Contact: STEVE F. WADE Phone: 408.399.0623 CIVIL ENGINEER: BKF Engineers 1650 Technology Drive, Suite 650 San Jose, CA 95110 Contact: SCOTT SCHORK Phone: 408.467.9126 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: GATES + ASSOCIATES 2671 Crow Canyon Road San Ramon, CA 94583 Contact: TOM NASH Phone: 925.736.8176 x227 VICINITY MAP: WINCHESTER BLVD. OFFICE - LOS GATOS, CA December 3, 2015 - CDAC Submittal G0.0 Data Sheet SANTA CLARA COUNTY WINCHESTER BLVDUNIVERSITY AVEBLOSS O M H I L L R D N SANTA CRUZ AVETO SANTA CRUZ HWY 17LOS GATOS TOWN CENTER VASONA LAKE COUNTY PARK SP1.0 SITE LOCATION Tree-Lined Winchester Blvd Commercial on Winchester Blvd Existing Site and Frontage Adjacent Multi-Family Residential Apartments on N Santa Cruz Ave COMMERCIAL / SFD DOG & CAT HOSPITAL AUTO BODY SHOP ON SHELBURNE SP2.0 SITE CONTEXT OFFICE PROFESSIONAL ZONE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE SP3.0 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE SP4.0 PROPOSED SITE PLAN 0 0 0 0 " " LOBBY GROUND LEVEL 16,186 SF L ____________________________ _ d 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·' (o I I ~ , 18' T I - 25' 41 PARKING +375' TURN AROUND AREA 5' ' • 16' 32' 64' --- STUDIO T SQUARE : Architecture : Planning : Urban Design 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Qakland, California 94607 (510) 451 -2850 THIIIIXICIIIIEJII'CGIW,_I'<_TICH PAOPREI'ARY'RJ81WIOT.ell, INC. Nil 18FURN18HED It COrFIBCE FORnfE Ll,.,_ PUAPQIEDF EV"'-"'TICNCIRREIIBf. THIIIDOQIMEM'OII n CDIIII!NIIIMo\YNCn'lll! 1.-D ~MY ImlER PURPOIEMDMAYNOTIE.LU I CU~DOR D1811CRD'RJ~WIIHOIII'THE PAICIIIMIInEII COH8EHTCF81WIOT4Q.INC.AU.RilHI1IIOIEIIIEIMD, CCPt1IGI rr 2D1G. (!? CD c ~ co a. ~ .!!! co CD E 0 ~~ ~ CD~ CD a: -~l --m > ~ i ,...0 Sheet Title: Job No. 15019 Date: 1210312015 Scale: Drawn By: Sheet No: A1.0 SITE PLAN SUBTERRANEAN PARKING 1/16” = 1’-0” YELLOW SOLID STRIPE YELLOW SOLID STRIPE A3.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~cc-rr~~~~~~-----~--]-~-------------------- -___________ -----------------DASHED WHITE STRIPE ---------- +381 1 • • • • --1--• -- -- --• • • • -LO C\1 . j_ • ='-=-~ 1=----r'/, e e ----------------~ -F ' ~ V /. ~or-------------.----I T • • • • = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = p oLLL+~_L~~_L~~~~UL~~ +371 1 f-----.--~~IJ!'&l'I>_I~RAMP ________ ~ SUBTERRANEAN GARAGE 97 PARKING +366.2 1 n~--~~--~-r-m~~~~~~fflu~-rlol-r-r~lu ~ D lu jU ~ ~ ~ ~ D +364.51 w FAN = = = • • --- • • = = = = D D = = • • -- = = = = = -- I I I L ' I I +383 1 en I m r OJ c ;::c z m ~ -< +372 1 ~---54l-8lll ___ -------r +3751 373.21 -co ~ I I -~ +364.51 l 64 1-8" • 161 321 64 1 ------I \l_--~Y~EL~LO~WST~RIP~E __ ___ -----_ DASHED _?TRIPE ___ _ STUDIO T SQUARE Architecture Planning Urban Design 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Oakland, California 94607 (51 0) 451 -2850 () ui Q) .9 "' u (!) .. 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E .9 0 t • "'C " > E ::J -.c Ill a; .r: L.. en "C Q) " ..... ., en -g Q) <C .J::: ~ (.) s Ill c .r: ·-" ~ " 3: Sheet Title: Job No. Date: Scale: Drawn By: Sheet No: ~ Q) c -e m a_ ~ m 0 >-Q) -m > 15019 12/03/2015 .!!! ., " ~ "C g " E ., ., 0 <C .; " "' .r: 0 1-...., ~ " "' .... en IM1.1 PERSPECTIVE - AERIAL VIEW STUDIO T SQUARE Architecture Planning Urban Design 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Oakland, Califomia 94607 (510) 451 -2850 THB DCICUIENT CONTAHB ~liON PIIOI'RIETARYTOSIUDIO T-80, NO. IIIID 8 FIJRNIIHW tl CCNFilE~E RlR lHE UIII!Bll'lR'CIIE OF EYALUAliON OR REVIEW. THB DOCUoENTOR ITS 11 (]) ! (.) IE ~ ~ 0 t • -g • E , --:: ID "" .... (/) ~ 2 0 • (/) ~ (]) .J::. " (.) .!! c ill il ·-~ 0 ~ Sheet TiUe: Job No. Da1e: Scale: Drawn By: Sheet No: ~ (]) c t::: co c.. ..lo:: co 0 >. (]) --co > 15019 12/03/2015 •• • E ~.e . ·-E-oil ~ g "" 0 t-, ;:; iii ... (/) IM1.2 PERSPECTIVE / / STUDIO T SQUARE Architecture Planning Urban Design 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Oakland, California 94607 (510) 451 -2850 THIS OOCUMENT CONTAtiS tiFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO STUDIOT-SQ, INC. Atm IS FURNISHED IN CONFIDENCE FOR lHE UNITED PI..RPOIIE CF EVALUATION OR REVEW. THIS DOCU~OR ITS CONTENTS MAY NOT BE UBED FORNfYOli-ER PlR'OIIE 1\l<m MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTliER&WITHOUTlHE PRKlR WRITTEN OONBEM" OF ITUDIO T-SQ., INC. AU. RIGHTS RESERVED, COP\'RIBHT 2010. .... * (]) ..s::::: 0 c ~ Sheet Title: Job No. Date: Scale: Drawn By: Sheet No: ~ (]) c t::: Ctl 0.. ~ Ctl 0 >- (]) 15019 12103/2015 IM1.3 PERSPECTIVE STUDIO T SQUARE Architecture Planning Urban Design 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Oakland, Cal~omia 94607 (510) 451 -2850 THI8IJOCI.,t,iii:NT C:0NTA1!'4 INF(IRMATl(lN PROPRETARYTO STUDIO HIQ. NC.I'HJ IS FURNISIED 1111 CONFIDENCE FOR 11-E LIMITED P'..A'OSE OF EVALUATION OR REVIEW. THIS DOCUMENT OR ITS CONTENTtiMA.Y NOT BE USED F(JRNffO'TIER PURPOSEHCJ Mr\Y NOT BE REPRalUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTliERS WITHOUT THE PRKlR WRITlEN CONSENT OF STUDIO T-SQ., INC. AU. RIOHTS RESERVED, COPYRIGifT 2010. ~ (I) ~- (.) Cl !E "' 0 ...J 0 t "C .. " > ~ ~ -.c m "ii -" ._ rn , (I) " ...... .. II) s! (I) ID .c ~ (.) * c .. -" u ~ " ~ Sheet Title: Job No. Date: Scale: Drawn By: Sheet No: ~ (I) c t::: ca 0... ~ ca 0 >-(I) ca > 15019 12/03/2015 .!!! .. E al .!! E ~ < ,; .. "' -" 0 1-~ ... " "' .. ,.._ rn WINDOW AND MATERIAL IDEASLAFAYETTE LIBRARY IM1.4 PERSPECTIVE STUDIO T SQUARE Architecture Planning Urban Design 304 12th Street, Suite 2A Oakland, California 94607 (510) 451-2850 ntiS DOCUIIENT CCWTAHB INFORM.\TICN PROPRIETARVTOST\JDIO T..aQ, INC. NID IS FLRNISHBJ IN CON'DEJICE FORTI£ UMrTED PURPOSE OF EVIILUI\llON OR REVIEW. ntiS OOCI.t.IENTORITil CXlNlCN18 tMY NOT BE UllED FORAH'fOTHiR PURPOSE AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DIBCLOBEDTOOTHEFIS wmtOIITll-E PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ST\JDID T -6Q., INC. ALL RICilHT$ REaERVED, OOPI'RIGHT :!010. 15 m Q) .9 m u (!) IE ~ 0 t -"C ~ c > ~ , Ill ~ "' .___ "' ~ .., c m f/l ~ Q) .c::: ~ u il &:: --£ s: c ;:: ShoetTnlo: Job No. Date: Scale: Drawn By: Sheet No: ~ Q) &:: t:: Cll a. ~ Cll 0 >-Q) Cll > 15019 12/03/2015 m -~ .., ,g ~ E m m t) ;;;: m ~ ~ "' 1-, <l! c m "" "' DORMER WINDOWSGLASS ENTRANCEMODERN BARNHOUSELOS GATOS LIBRARY - LARGE GLASS OPENINGS IM1.5 PERSPECTIVE STUDIO T SQUARE Architecture Planning Urban Design 304 12th s~. Suite 2A Oakland, California 94607 (51 0) 451 -2850 THS DOCUMENT CONTANB tiFORYAllON ' (§ Q) .li ~ 0 "' !E ~ ~ -' 0 ~ Q) • r:::: "0 m > E t:: ~ ctl -.c Ill a; a. "" ..... 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