Item 2 - 15565 Camino Del CerroTo: From: Subject: Date: CDAC 12-9-15 ITEM 2 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conc e ptual De ve lopment Advisory Co mittee ~ .. Laurel R. Prevetti , Town Manager/Di, ~C~ity D eve lopment 15565 Camino Del Cerro Co nceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-1 5-006 Requesting review of conceptual plans to subdivide one lot into four lots . APN 523-23-094. PROPERTY OWNER: Allen Kawasaki , Trustee APPLICANT: DAL Properties, LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn G. Puga November 11 ,20 15 Role of the CDAC T he Conceptual Development Advisory Co mmittee a dvises a prospecti ve applicant o n the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application a nd inve sting in the development review process . The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential i ss ue s that will nee d to be addressed during the de ve lopment review pro cess should the a pplicant wish to submit an application. The i ss ue s identifi ed by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and othe r additional iss ues may be ide ntified during the formal deve lopme nt review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are th ey intende d to indicate whether the project will be r eceived favo rabl y by the various review bodies tha t are charged wi th evaluating and deci ding the application. As noted in thi s memorandum , if an application is fil ed , technical analysis would need to be done in the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the developme nt re view process. All applicants are strong ly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as th e design of the project evo lves should they d ec ide to proceed with the development review process. Project Description The appli cant has s ubmitted conceptual plans for 15 565 Camino Del Cerro, a 1.2-acre parce l locate d on the west s ide of Camino Del Ce rro , approximately 0.7 miles south of Los Gatos - Almaden Road. The site is c urre ntl y accessed from Camino del Cerro. The site is bounded by multi-family r es identi al to the east and sing le-family residential uses to the south, no rth , and west. The property is currently occupied by a sing le-family dwelling and a vacant nursery. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee December 9, 2015 Page 2 The conceptual plans include the following elements: • Demolition of the existing single-family dwelling and a vacant nursery. • Subdivision of one lot into four lots. • Four new single-family residences. • Potential footprints, driveways, and cul-de-sac. Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • General Plan designation: Low Density Residential. The Low Density Residential designation provides for single-family residential properties located on generally level terrain. It encourages single-family residential development in either the standard development established by traditional zoning or by innovative forms obtained through planned development. • Surrounding General Plan designations: Low Density Residential to the north, south, and west. Medium Density Residential to the east. • Zoning designation: R-1 :8 -Single Family Residential , minimum lot size 8,000 square feet. • Surrounding zoning designations: PD to the east and R-1 :8 to the north, south and west. Applicable General Plan Policies a. LU-1.4 Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. b. LU-6.5 The type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. c . LU-6.7 Continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. d. LU-6.8 New construction shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. e. LU-7.3 Infill projects shall contribute to the further development of the surrounding neighborhood (e.g. improve circulation, contribute to or provide neighborhood unity, eliminate a blighted area) and shall not detract from the existing quality of life. f. LU-7.4 lnfill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area. g. CD-4.3 Trees that are protected under the Town's Tree Preservation Ordinance, as well as existing native, heritage, and specimen trees should be preserved and protected as part of any development proposal. h. TRA-2 .6 Street improvements such as curb cuts, sidewalks, bus stop turnouts , bus shelters, light poles, traffic signals, benches, and trash containers shall be planned as an integral part of development projects to ensure safe movement of people and vehicles and minimize disruption to the streetscape. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee December 9, 20 15 Page 3 Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC). Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics and is identifying them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the CDAC is whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a high quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos. If the application is filed, staff would evaluate technical issues. 1. Lot Layout General a. Appropriateness of the site layout. b. Number of lots. c. Orientation of the residences. d. Compatibility of the site layout and lot pattern with the surrounding properties. e. Street presence. Technical f. Proposed lot sizes. Do they meet the development standards required by Town Code including but not limited to lot size, frontage, depth, and width? 2 . Parking/Circulation/Traffic General a. Adequacy of access and driveway turnarounds for service v ehicles, specifically fire service vehicles. b. Is the proposed cul-de-sac appropriate? c. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study will be required. Technical d. Does the proposed access meet Town access requirements? e. Does the project provide walkways along or near roadways? f. How will parking for guest vehicles be provided? 3. Potential Tree Impacts General a. Are potential building sites located to avoid tree impacts? Technical b. Are potential driveways located to avoid tree impacts? c. Do underground electrical and telephone utility lines avoid tree impacts? d. Do the water and sanitary sewer lines impact trees? Conceptual Development Advisory Committee December 9, 2015 Page4 4. Other Technical a. The project would be evaluated for utilities, stormwater management , and other engineering considerations. b . How will the project provide adequate water supply for fire suppression? Attachments: 1. Location map 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Applicant's letter (two pages) 4. Conceptual Plans and Photographs (nine sheets) Distribution: DAL Properties LLC, 255 W. Julian Street, Suite 502, San Jose, CA 95110 Allen Kawasaki, Trustee, 44310 Paiute Court, Fremont, CA 94539 N:IDEY ICDACICDAC MEMO\Camino Del Cerro 15565 [rvsd].docx 15565 Camino Del Cerro .-----• : Town Boundary ·-----0 Subject Site !ATTAC HM ENT 1 : .. APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW C ONCEPTUAL DEVEWPMENT ADVISORY C OMMITTEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CIVIC CENTER: 11 0 E. Main St., Los G a t os, CA 95030 P hone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (4 08) 354-7593 ---·-·--··---·----~------~-------~- PLEA SE TYPE OR PRJNT CLEARL Y PROPERTY DETAIL: Address of subject property: _ Zoning __ R_-_1._·8 ____ _ Exi sting use Res idential BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: Subdivision of a 1.2 acre lot into 4 lots fo r residential use ; dedication & Improvement of street frontage on Camino Del Cerro and construction of a new cul-de-sac APP LICANT : NAME DAL Properties, LLC PHONE: 408-298-9302 ADDRESS 255 W. Julian St., Suite 502 CITY San Jose STATE CA ZIP 95110 NA ME OF PROPERTY OWNER! (If s ame as a bove, check here [b NA ME __ Allen Kawasaki , Trustee __PHO NE: ADDRESS 44310 Paiute Court ---- OTY Fremont ST ATE CA ZIP 95032 I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property described in Box #2 above, and that I approve ofthe action requested berei11. ., / SIGNATURE O F OWNER (.,., ~- ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM I, the undersigned, fuUy acknowledge and understand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is only an advisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations or decisions regarding land use issues. I further understand and acknowledge that any statement by the Committee that a potential land use appears consistent with Town Policy is not an express or implied 8f1proval of a development project. A project may he rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council fo r incon sistency with Town policy or for other reasons in the course of the dev elopment review process, including public input I further understand and &ekn owledge that the members of the Conceptual Dev elopment Advisory Com.-nitb::c arc in no way bound in their future review of my pro:2:comments at this very preliminary state of project development. SI G NATUREOFOWNER c:;_~ ,I= ~ DATE 1cf2-o/t) '* *DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPLICATION No. C D -I S" -00 6 PLPERMIT PLTRACK PLANAP TOTA L FEE $2,891.00 115.64 m.J.Q $3 ,2 95 .74 ttltn01S JA TTAC H t\i l:.NT 2 . -· PROJECT DESCRIPTION Lands of Kawasak i 15565 Camino Del Cera Los Gatos, CA The project proposes to subdivide an existing 1.2 acre residential parcel into 4 parcels for residential purposes. Four new architecturally enhanced one and/or two story homes are proposed for the site . The homes will be located on a newly constructed public cul-de-sac off of Camino Del Cerro. The Lot sizes will range from approximately 9,400 to 13,500 square feet. The new homes to be constructed will range in size from 3,400 to 3,900 square feet. The proposed site plan is designed to create lots shapes and sizes that would be compatible for this neighborhood, resembling typical lot conditions on cui-de-sacs . The project site's Camino Del Cerro frontage, which is currently unimproved, will be improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk to the Town's standards. An existing house on the site would be demolished. Contaminated soil on site would also be remediated with this development. The project proposes to develop under the existing general plan and existing R-1:8 zoning. All of the R-1:8 zoning lot sizes, setbacks, building height, lot frontages and depth requirements, and floor area ratios will be met. An application for tentative parcel map and site and architecture would be made to the Planning Department. ATTACH tHENT 3 OFFICE oF COUNTY ASSESSOR SANTA CLARA COUNTY, ® CALIFORNIA a: <i O)i l.u O> :..>l <t :./)' .u , / P.M.6!54·M-24 l~lrnJI I /" .. , 8 ~\+"'------~,..I ~ n I P.M.444·M·40 TR.N26423 CAMINO CERRO ;.; r · ·-~--/-. ---<t -.l-LNl RANCHO -· • RIN;ONADA l UIS ~--···~--~·· ,.A.--.. -·--.-·· ~-··- 1 I.... li? N!t 5 16 I BLOSS (; M 0 ELL ~I /SUI I I S TQS \C IS TIS I 10 1 '•, . ?f." 21 ~_, lOS 105 • &HI ~ / 7J ~6 ! 71 ~7 ... ' . - -<.· / /.,. lJJ <t 1.22 AC. ISIS/ : ' / O ,_,.;~ /_~~ CL B "!lo;Cil ZZ 7 l9 ~<; ~ 1 ..,] / j ,o ~ / ~C, O.ZOAC .NET ~ .... ~ 0.~"7" {; ~ v 0.2S ~';/, : q, __ I!Y!.__ w '-2.99 f'Vol'. = ! <>A.I)· I .., 1-"·. "i---a:: --rg---028 AC .., q . 'II · _/ 'W11 80 <t t; 94 O ,. l PCL . 8 • II< Q;) _1 / ::tt.PCL.C -~ --<> "OI'I L --~~~.o! __ _ '0.,. ..... a:. -~2 r Z / (,. 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PROPERTIES 86 1 I -~ .... ~ :e 0.18 AC.~ 1 : ta .~ \, ·0.22 4 ~ ~'-' AC. 0 .2 () AC. 3 ' ' 13 :. 12 : ... 11 t !- T RA CT COMPARABLE ADJACENT LOTS LANDS OF KAWASAKI 15565 CAMINO DEL CERRO LOS GATOS. CAl.FOIMA ~ 10.32 AC . PlAI\II, . ~· Jl. ' .~ 8 \·j -·- l ANE , . c ;._·~;r .. IQ'> ·'SF~I 51 I ~· N -. ._.,., C.?!i At . ~ l A.'l . .9 '.1.111 A1;. ~A.·, .. 4 r.~_ '.!: 0 28 AC. P CL. e .!'?-t:.J! ___ _ SIMILAR LOT TYPES A CAUFORNJA aJRP0RA 110N CONSULTING CIIIJI. ENG/Nt:CRS 2$.$ • .AJUAN sr. 1200 SAN JOS£. CA ""0-z«JJ 1[1. (4011) Zt!J-1182 FAX (401) lt.J-t.SII / CUL-DE-SAC 11 'i:G "I· • .,. §§ Oi,l /I,C. !ill l~"', "' ,.. I ~ l -(1·--:--,- §.1 4 . > ~ o~~c ~ ~ ., ., • -----· -~ -1 i ~-'·"" :1 '::C/! il'I.A"t . I CJ"J .... -lr==..,.· .,;.,I .3 :. '---• l ' I Rt'~Uions: Dole: 8 -12-, Job No.: 19 16 St:olo.· I' -J()' c-. By S.K.O. ShHINo; 1 Edenbridge Homes & DAL Properties Builder & Developer of Fine Homes San Francisco Bay Area Edenbridge Background • Founded in 2004 • Eden bridge is able to leverage its expertise to successfully complete projects ranging from small infill developments to large master- planned communities. • Each of the principals of Eden bridge has over 25 years experience in the California residential development industry. • Edenbridge principals combined have successfully entitled, constructed and sold 100 projects totaling over 1 0,000 residences. .. ..,~AL Properties Background • Founded in 2003 • One of the Charles W. Davidson family of • compan1es • Charles W. Davidson as a principal has a 55 year history in civil engineering development and construction • DAL Principals combined have successfully entitled, constructed, sold or rented over 150 projects totaling over 11 ,000 residences • Extensive capital and financing capacity ,,. ' ~ .. Recent Project Photos • I r T I I tl I Recent Edenbridge/DAL Projects • Since 201 0 Eden bridge #of and DAL have partnered Project Name City Homes Average Price on 1 0 projects in the Azure San Jose 4 $ 2 ,200,000 greater Bay Area Blue Oaks Mountain View 3 $ 1 ,900,000 Castilla Campbell 10 $ 1,100,000 • Representative sellers Corvina Napa 36 $ 700,000 have included banks, Heritage Estates San Jose 44 $ 1,800,000 master developers, Hidden Oaks San Jose 8 $ 1 ,600,000 Laurel Oaks Redwood City 4 $ 2 ,600,000 Diocese of Oakland, local Lincoln Grove Napa 7 $ 600,000 landowners, etc. Treviso Fremont 16 $ 1 ,700 ,000 Trinity Oaks Los Altos Hills 3 $ 4 ,250,000 • Lending relationships include US Bank and Come rica Key Perso ne Patrick Geary -President • • • Expertise includes land acquisition, finance, and entitlement of single-and multi-family residential projects Homebuilding industry veteran since 1989 Graduate of Georgetown University Diane Downend -CFO • • • • Manages all financial affairs of Edenbridge and its affiliates, including tax compliance, risk management and legal Deep experience with varied real estate related firms over 30 years CA Real Estate Broker Graduate of University of Californ ia -Berkeley Eden bridge Chris Gatley -Vice President • 0 0 Responsible for design and construction of real estate projects Over 30 years experience in Northern California construction industry Graduate of California Polytechnic University Eric Zweig -Project Manager 0 • 0 Responsible for investigating new opportunities, land planning, entitlement and project management Primary liaison between Edenbridge and governmental entities, manages all project approval compliance Graduate of Stanford University Key Personnel -DAL Properties Charles W. Davidson • Expertise in land acquisitions, entitlements, fina nce, single and multi-family home building , property management a nd philanth ropy • Active in San Jose and South Bay homebuild i ng since 1959 • Member of California Homebuilding Hall of Fame • Naming Benefactor of Davidson Sc hool of Engineering at San Jose State University • Graduate of San Jose State University Anthony V Arreola - Manager • Expertise in acquisitions , land use polisy, governmental and • • resource agency issues Active in Land Development since 2000 Graduate of California Polytechnic Institute Mark D Lazzarini- Managing Principal • Background in acquisitions, entitlements , finance and development, community outreach and governmental • Responsible for day-to-day management of DAL • Industry veteran since 1990 • Graduate of UC Davis and SJ State Univers ity