Item 1 - 1600 Greenridge TerrTo: CDAC 12-9-15 ITEM 1 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Conceptual Development Advisory Committee . , From: JJ.IIiOtl ~fA' Laurel R. Prevetti, Town Manager/Communi ~~~p ent D tfector Subject: 161 00 Greenridge Terrace Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-007 Requesting review of conceptual plans to rezone the property from HR-2 1/2 to HR-2 ~:PD and to subdivide one lot into eight lots. APN 527-12-002. PROPERTY OWNER: Emerald Lake Investments LLC APPLICANT: Mark Hirth PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley Date: November 30, 2015 Role of the CDAC The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application . The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this memorandum , if an application is filed , technical analysis would need to be done in the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process . All applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process . Project Description The applicant has submitted conceptual plans for 16100 Greenridge Terrace, a 36-acre parcel located between Blossom Hill Road and Shannon Road , just east of Santella Drive. The site is currently vacant and has some rough graded paths across it. Site access is from Santella Drive. The conceptual plans include the following elements: • Subdivision of one lot into eight lots • Slope density analysis and existing topography • Potential roadway and driveways Conceptual Development Advisory Committee November 30, 2015 Page2 Surrounding Land Uses, Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations • The property is surrounded by s ingle-family re s idential uses at varying low densities. • General Plan designation : Hillside Res ide ntial. The Hillside Res idential designation provides for very low density, rural , large lot or cluster, single-family residential development. This designation allows for development that is compatible with the unique mountainous terrain and vegetation of parts of Los Gatos. • Surrounding General Plan designations: Hillside Residential to the south, west, and north, and Agriculture to the east. • Zoning designation: HR-2 1/2 -Hillside Residential, 2 1/2 to 10 acres for each dwelling unit. • Surrounding zoning des ignations: HR-2 Y2 PO to the west, HR-2 Y2 and HR-5 Prez one to the south, HR-1 to the north, and R C to the east. Applicable General Plan Policies a. LU-6.5 The type, dens ity, and intensity of new land use shall b e consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. b. LU-6.7 Continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. c . LU-6.8 New construction s ha ll be compatible and blend with the exi sting neighborhood. d. C D -2.3 A maximum total floor area for new s ubdi v isions and planned developments shall be set as part of the approval process. e. C D-4.1 Preserve th e Town's distinctive and unique environment by preserving and m a intaining the natural topography, wildlife, and native vegetation, and by mitigating a nd reversing the harmful effects of traffic congestion, pollution, and environmental degradation on the Town 's urban landscape. f. CD-4.3 Trees that are protected under the Town's Tree Preservation Ordinance, as well as existing native, heritage, a nd s pecimen trees should be preserved and protected as p art of any development proposal. g . CD-6.4 New homes s ha ll be s ited to maximize privacy, li vabi lity, protection of natural plant and wildlife habitats and migration corridors, and adequate so lar access and wind conditions. Siting should take advantage of sceni c views but should not create s ignificant eco logical or visual impacts affecting open spaces, public places, or o ther properties. h. CD-14.1 Minimize development and preserve and enhance the rural atmosphere and natura l plant and wildlife h abitats in the hillsides . 1. CD-14.4 Projection above the ridge v iew protection line is prohibited. All building plans s hall indicate height in relationship to the ridge view protection lin e when viewed from s pecific vantage points and the valley floor. J. CD-15.5 Rev iew a ll development proposals to ensure appropriate grad ing and landscaping and minimal di s ruption of existing nati ve plants and wildlife habitat. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee November 30, 2015 Page 3 Potential Considerations and Issues The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Conceptual Developme nt Advisory Committee (CDAC). Staffhas not reached conclusions on these topics and is prov iding them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main qu estion for the C DAC i s whether or not the applicant's concept for the project creates a hi gh qu ality plan appropriate for Los Gatos. If the application is filed, staff would evaluate technical is s ues. I . Lot La yo ut General a. Appropriateness of the site layo ut. b. How does the project propose to protect creeks, ridgelines, s tands of trees , scenic views, hazardous areas , and trail s? c. Number of lots. d. e. f. Where would potential building envelopes be? Hill si de subdivisions are required to provi de open space through dedication or easement. Where would this be provided within the d evelopment? Compatibility of the site layout and lot pattern with th e surro unding pro pe rties. Technical g . The proposed density shall comply with the Hillside Specific Plan (HSP) Subarea density. h. Proposed lot sizes. Do the y meet the slope dens ity calculation 's minimum lot s iz e required by Town Code and the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G)? 1. Do the potential building sites avoid geologic haz ards? J. Least Re strictive Development Area (LRDA) should be identified on the plans to include elements identified in HDS&G including trees , geologic constr ai nts, and significant ridgelines? k . Does the project conserve natura l features such as topography, natural drainage, a nd wildlife corri d ors? 1. Does the project maintain the rural , natural , open space character of the hillside? m. Will the project impact special-status plant and wildlife species? n . Would necessary cut, fill , and wall heights meet the limita tio ns within the HDS&G? 2 . Visibility Ge neral a . The southern edge of the project i s part ofthe Blossom Hill Ridge line identified in the HDS&G. b. The Blossom Hill Open Space Study identifies High Visibility Slopes and High Visibility Ridgelines on the subject property. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee November 30,2015 Page4 Te chnical c. The HSP prohibits new construction above the natural ridgeline. d. The HSP prohibits multi-story structures at the ridgeline. e. Will the structures be visible from viewing platforms? f. Will new structures avoid interfering with the natural ridge silhouette as viewed from the valley floor? 3. Parking/Circulation/Traffic Gen eral a. Adequacy of access and driveway turnarounds for service vehicles, specifically fire service vehicles. b. Is the proposed access from Santella Drive appropriate? c. A traffic analysis will determine whether a traffic study will be required. Technical d. Does the proposed access meet Town access requirements? Are the roads and driveways in the LRDA? e. Would the driveway slopes exceed the limit in the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines? f. The HSP prohibits access roads that result in excessive grading. Would access and driveways require excessive grading? g. Would any of the cui -de-sacs exceed 800 feet in length? h. Does the project provide trails and comply with Town and County trail plans? 1. Will parking for guest vehicles be provided? 4. Potential Tree Impacts Gene ral a. Would potential building sites be located to avoid tree impacts? Technical b. The HSP prohibits access roads that result in excessive tree removal. Would potential driveways be located to avoid tree impacts? c . Do underground electrical and telephone utility lines avoid tree impacts? d. Do the water and sanitary sewer lines impact trees? 5. Other Techni cal a. The project would be subject to a Below Market Program (BMP) in lieu fee . b. How will the project provide adequate water supply for fire suppression? c. The project would be evaluated for utilities, stormwater management, and other engineering considerations. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee November 30, 2015 Page 5 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. CDAC application (one page) 3. Applicant's letter (one page) 4 . Conceptual Plans and Photographs (four sheets) Distribution: Mark Hirth, 14597 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA 95070 Emerald Lake Investments LLC, 11945 Lambert, Tustin, CA 92782 N:\DEV\C DAC\CDAC MEMO\Greenridge 16100 [rsvd].docx 16100 Greenridge Terrace ATTACHi\lENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE CJVlC CENTER: ItO E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Pbone: (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 PI .EASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY PROPERTY DETAIL: Address of subject property: Zoning __ /--J R -'2_ Existing use t_; ll...P D BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT: S: l -·' lt_)d , v ·, c\ " ' Y"\ 1 , r> \ c-':v.-\-l ~ + ~ --~~~~~~~~~--IL~--~·~~j~~ --~------------ APPLICANT: \ NAME. _ _,_IY\___,G::.:.." ·r~k:::..-~14_.--'-t_Y'--:+::-t-'-,--------PHONE:fJ t & J ?..~ 6 · 7 B ) Y ADDRESS _., / Y S-'i ')-Pw>i q P:,(~.S ·> 'f) lJ (..1..1 CITY ~Ct ret 'tv? c ;-~ STATE __ t_A"--___ Z IP Cf') {' ·7-l) NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: (lfsame as above, check here [b ,. NAME E VV\~ r cd d· L6 k-x 1 v\ "-t ~\ vy---o~'i f, LLL PHONE: JIY -~ lJ-B::f~ (p ADDRESS \~S \/2t-h'\~ 1 C IT Y --:rt..t~ n--~-ATE c.-A ZIP q@-::r~~ I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the property described in Box #2 alx>v~, and that I approve of the action '"'"''"""'rein. {;lr/e-t a/ cJJ~~ h:J SIGNATUREOFOWNER ~;-c . DATE /<)--u,-1~ ~ EDGMENTFORM I, the undersigned, fully acknowledge and understand the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is on ly an aqvisory body and is not empowered by the Town Council or the Planning Commission to render recommendations o r decisions regarding land usc issues. I furth er understand and acknowledge that any statement by th e Committee that a potential land use appears consistent with Tovm Poli cy is not an express or implied approval of a development project. A project may be rejected by the Planning Commission and/or Town Council lor inconsistency with Town policy o r for other reasons in the course of the development review process. including public input. I further understand and acknowledge that the m embers of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee arc in no way bound in their future review of my project., the' col;::,~[:J~ry~~~e of project development. ~~~~~A====-~---~~~~~' ___ DATE jO 'lo-J~ * * DO NOT WRITE B N :IDEVIFORMSIPI•nningl20t5-t6 Fom>•ICDAC ApplicehOn doc PLPERMIT PI .TRACK PLANAP TOTAL FEE $2,891.00 115.64 289.10 $3 ,295.74 7/01/2015 !ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Project Description APN 527-12-002 16100 Greenridge Terrace Los Gatos , CA RECEIVED OCT 2 I ZUl~ TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANN ING DIVISION :;_ Cl)-!5 -()C)t The site consists of approximately 36 acres of land in the City of Los Gatos that was previously subdivided back in 1968 into 32 single family lots. At that time the roadways were installed but the subdivision was never completed. In 2006 a new San Jose Water Company water tank was installed at the highest point on the property. This tank was designed to sever not only this subdivision, but also the surrounding community and the new Highlands subdivision currently under construction. This project represents the final phase of the Highlands neighborhood development. The property is currently zoned HR.-2 Y:z, and is subject to the hillside ordinance. The Owners have completed slope density calculations and minimum lot acreage calculations based on the City's criteria and determined that under the current code, eight (8) single family lots can be created. Owner would like to subdivide the property into eight (8) legal parcels and construct the basic infrastructure of roads and utilities . Completion of the project would also provide secondary emergency vehicle access to the upper portion of francis Oaks Way. ,. !ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank "1 SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT INFORMA~ON OWNER: EMERALD LAKE INVESTI.4ENTS LLC / GREENRIDCE TERRACE LLC 1195 LAI.IBERT. TUSTIN CA 92782-1278 ( 408) 569-5881 OI/IL ENGINEER: BO'II\44N & YllW ,.MS 1011 CEDAR STREET SANTA CRUZ, CA 95080 (1131) 426-3560 428-9182 (FAX) EXISTING PARaEl SIZE: 1,568,364 SF:I: (38.005 ACRES) (4PN 527-12-002) CURRENT ZONING: HR-2 1/2 PROPOSED ZONING: PO CURRENT USE: VAC4NT LAND PROPOSED USE: SINGIUE FAMILY HOt.4E WAllER SUPPLY: SAN JOSE WATER COt.4PAN'!' SEYllER SIERI/ICE: v.£ST VALLEY S4NITATION DEPARTI.4ENT DRAINAGE: TOWN OF LOS GATOS ST 4NDARDS STREET IMPROVEMENTS: TOWN OF lOS GATOS STAND,.ROS GAS & ELECTRIC: PAOFIC GAS & ElECTRIC CABLE TV COt.4CAST FIRE SIERIIICE: SANTA ClARA COUNT'!' FIRE DEPARTI.4ENT BESOSIE GANEL #2 004-17975171 APN 527-11-003 LO T AREAS BANK or AMERICA ~- #2013 -22171011 APN 527-15-002 PROPOSED DRIVEWAY FROt.4 lOT 7 TO GREENRIDGE TERRACE ORMAN DY FAMILY TRUST #20 12-21715381 APN 527-15-001 PROPOSED SLOPE AND LANDSC4PING EASIEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF ORM4ND'!' FAMILY TRUST SAN JOSE ~ WATER WORK S APN 527 -14-011 243' LOT NUMBER BUilDABLE LOT & INGRESS/ENGRESS & EXISTING LOT AREA LANDSC4PE AREA (ACRES) UTIUT'!' EASEMENT (ACRES) T4NK SlllE (ACRES) (ACRES) 4.927:1: 3.395:1: 3.031:1: 4 3 .584:1: 0.~1:1: 0.596:1: 0.521:1: 0.225:1: 0 .547:1: 0.620:1: 0.221:1: 0.000:1: 0.29:1: 0.00:1: 0.00:1: 0.00:1: 0 .00:1: 0 .00:1: 0 .00:1: 0 .00:1: 4.176:1: 2.799:1: 2.510:1: 3.359:1: 5.097:1: 3.0 35:1: 4.635:1: 6.787:1: ~I / IJ, l--_./ j/1 5 5.644:1: 6 3.655:1: 7 4.856:1: 8 6.787:1: SHEET INDEX T1 11ENT•11VE PARaEl t.I4P COlliER SHEET T2 11ENTA11VE PARaEl t.14P PREUMINAR'!' UllUT'!' PLAN T3 llENTAilVE PARaEl t.14P PREUMINARY ORII/IEW"'!' SECTIONS & TREE SCHEDULE T4 llENTATIVE PARaEl t.14P SlOPE t.IAP & SlOPE DENSITY CALCULATIONS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AIERIAL SURVEY USED FOR THIS 11ENTA11VE M4P WAS PART OF HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBOII/ISION, ORIGINAL ORA\\lNGS B'!' MARK THOt.4AS & COt.4P4NY, INC. PRO'.IDING ENGINEERING, SURI/IE't1NC AND PLANNING SIERI/IOES, 1980 ZANKER ROAD, S4N JOSE, ENTITLED "HIGHLAN DS OF LOS GATOS SUBDII/ISION." DAllEO 7/18/2005 FILE No. 23-53009 BOUNDARY NOTE EXTERIOR BOUNDAR'!' HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED AT THIS 11ME. PER SAUD RAJENDRA AB TRUST ') &. FALUCO IDA AB TRUST J._ 12013 -22078013 APN 527-11 -008 __~llll - PROPOSED 10' YllOE 1/1 ~ PRtVAllE STORW 1 I DRAINAGE EASEMENT t/)/1 '/' r----.J ( 1 170' ---- PROPOSED PRIVATE DRIVEWAY. 18' YllDE PAVED ROAD YllTH 3' SHOULDER TO LOT 8 SEE SHEET T3 FOR OETAIL DA VI DON HOMES / #2011-21290111 APN 527-09-018 3111' DA VI DON HOME S #2 01 1-212901 11 APN 527-09-019 E•IERAI D LAKE INYES rt.iEN i S LLC/ GREENR'(iGE TERRACI LlC 62015-22889517 LOT 4 CROSS lii!A 1 584 t Aal( H£T W>l.A J..l59i ACR£ / / r ..---...._ \ LOT 5 EXISllNC 20' YllOE WA TERUNE EASEMENT CROSS W>l.A ~644 i ACR!: H£T ISlEA 5.097! ACRE PROPOSED 40' 1\lOE --------1---J INGRESS/EGRESS & U11UT'!' EASEI.IENT, SIEE SECTION A-lo., SHEET T3 392' LOT 3 CROSS lii!A lOll i Aal( N£1 lii!A 2.$1ot Aal( ,.,. DA VIDON HOMES ' 849' ,.__ BRYAN A a (;f.IARLENE f RNS(:H §2%1 -i59S406 5 APN 121-:7 -wl ~~· LOT 2 GI>OSS AR£A ll!l; i ACRE NET ~ 2 799± ACR!: I 652' 266' Sit< ¥JSE (f;I.'!U( COioi"ANY o»lK Sill:-'. .,. -------,, v / / / ~ LOT 1 CROSS lii!A 4.927 i ACR!: N(T 11<0 4.176! ACRe 76' BOWMAN & WILLIAMS c w > _, w 0 w 0:: GRAPHIC SCALE i i T DA VI DON HOMES #201 1-2129011 1 APN 527-09-020 i #2011-21290111 / APN 527-09-021 DA VIDON HOMES #2011-21290111 APN 527-09-022 CONSUl liNG Ol/ll ENGINEERS IOU C£DAR SlMET SANTA CRUL CA 15010 (130 428-J.SIO TENT A TIIJE PARCEL MAP COVER SHEET 18100 GREtHRtDC£ TERRACE SITV.t.T£ IN THE ( Ill ruT ) tlnch•80 ft. SCALI ,~ • eo· DAlE AUG 201~ D<SI(lH C>IN TO'IIIN OF LOS C.t. TOS. C.-uf'ORNtA DftAWN O.O.t/OlN CI<(CI(lll ..... owe; NAWt: 2524J~T .ATTACHMENT 4 LEGEND --w-- -w-w- -so-so- -ss--ss-__ ,. __ -JT-JT- 0 0 SANK OF AMERICA #2013 -22171011 APN 527-15-002 ORt.IANDY FAMILY TRUST #2012-21715381 APN 527-15-001 BESOSIE GANEL #2004-17975 171 APN 52 7-11-003 INDICATES EXISllNG e• WATER M.>JN INDICATES PROPOSED WATER UNE ., \ ,. _\_ ,. INDICATES PROPOSED STORM OR.>JNAGE SYSTEMS INDICATES PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER INDICATES PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN INDICATES PROPOSED GAS AND ELECTRIC JONT TRENCH INDICATES PROPOSED RESIOENllAL GRINDER PUMP STAllON INDICATES PROPOSED STORM DRAIN MANHOlE: INDICATES PROPOSED STORM DRAIN TYPE GO BASIN SAN JOSE WATER WORKS APN 527-14-011 r---1 L-,1.-_J II ~, II ~: ~-- PERSAUD RAJENDRA AS TRUST "\ & FALLICO ID A AS TRUST J, 12013-22078013 APN 527-11-008 ,,, ,,, '6?1 '!' /I 16?' '/' r ___ _; ( I DA VI DON HOMES ~ #2011-21290111 APN 527-09-018 DAVIDON HOMES 12011-21290111 APN 527-09-019 i GRAPHIC SCALE i T ( IN I'!£T ) tinch •80fl. (i.!£RP.I[) LAKt INV::S fM EfiTS L~C / C-REENi<•fl~ TERRACI LLC 92015--228d9517 DAVIDON HOMES f2011-21290111 APN 527-09-020 'j OAVIDON HOfAES '-,_-8P.YA:'! A & CHARLENE f Rl\1$1'./i J2CCH59!i4065 APN 527-n -c-oq BOWMAN & WILUAMS 12011-21290111 / APN 527 -09 -021 OA'11DON HOMES #2011-21290111 APN 52 7-09-022 CONSUL liNG Clvtl ENGINEERS 101t C£DAR S1RE£T SAHTA CRUZ. CA t5080 (Ill) 420->Se<> seAL£ ,. -eo· OAl! AlJoC 201.5 OESIQN CMiol DRA'IItf CMIA/DlN CH[Q(fl) JftN 0.0 HAW[ 2.524JTENT lENTAliVE PARca NAP PREUNINARY UliUTY PLAN 18100 CREENFIIOC£ TEftRAct SI TUATE IN M TOWN Of LOS CA TO$, CAUfORNI" JOB NO. 2~243 SHaT )HI)()( T2 f1l[ NO. 2424.3 NUMB€R ElEVAnON 195 663.00 196 199 200 201 201 lOJ 204 lOS 206 201 208 209 210 211 211 21l 214 215 216 "' 218 219 220 121 222 223 224 us 22G 221 2>Jl 229 DO 231 232 23J 234 S18 m m 524 S2S 5.26 527 528 529 530 531 "' SJ3 534 531 536 S37 538 539 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S4S S46 541 S48 S<l9 664.84 668.36 668.64 67384 767.90 76832 156 36 758.29 766.30 76193 7£054 749.70 687.15 680.14 677.69 673.75 672.16 666.93 666.94 663.42 666.84 640.23 638.97 641.80 64049 647.32 626.03 63556 634.48 619.17 620.66 61935 626.31 620.23 626.00 630.06 628.71 69881 644.86 64081 640.16 632 54 6 18.21 fiJ7.57 566.66 633.48 662.04 659.70 666.31 676,13 674.56 660.80 661.11 661.82 66033 650.51 630.73 652:.57 69845 707.5) 715.S5 715.95 719.67 72409 72943 732..61 O£SCRIPnON 10'" OAK No195 6""0A( Nol96 urOAKNol99 ll'"OAK No200 &·&r OAK No201 J.t6• OAK No202 4-12" OAK No20J 2·16"&rT OAK No201 Jf1" OAKNo205 30"&lr OAK No106 ~ 12"' OAK No207 l0&16"&2·12"0AII:No20B 22'"'0AK No209 36" OAK No210 40"0AKNo1Jl 32" OAK No212 36~ OAK No213 30" OAK No214 1U' OAKNOll!l S"OAK No216 8" OAK No217 1rOAKNo218 '1f1' PIN E No219 12" PIN E No220 20"PINENo221 14" OAK No222 30" OAK No224 2·24" OAK No225 U'OAK Noll6 16" OAK No2l7 16"&10"0AICNo228 14" PINE No229 1a-PINE No2l0 14'" PINE No231 14 PINE No2.U 10" PIN[ No233 16" PINE No2l4 2·24" OAK No518 24" OAK No522 12" OAK No523 18"0AK No524 22" OAK No525 l6" OAK No526 12" OAK No527 2 ·24" OAK NoS28 48"' OAK No529 48"' OAK No530 10"&24• OAK No531 2·12" OAK No532 16"&1R~ OAK No53l 24~ OAK No5.3A 36" OAK NoS3S 20" OAK NoS36 8" OAK NoS37 16" OAK NoS38 14' OAK NoSJ9 12" OAK NOS40 6-4" & Hi" OA.K NoSAl 10" OAK NoS42 18" OAK NoS4) 12"" OAK NOS44 1l"'O.AKNoS45 3·12"'&24 ·OAK HoStS 2-1rOAK NoS47 24" OA.K No548 10'" OAK No549 N UMBER El£\IAnON otSCRIPnON 550 738.33 18"&24" OA K NoSSO 551 m SSJ SS4 SS5 556 557 SS8 559 S60 S61 562 S63 S64 565 S66 567 S68 569 570 571 m S73 574 575 576 577 578 579 S80 581 582 58) S84 S8S 586 587 S88 73672 73199 7l792 733.35 733.22 7l0.22 739.01 739.85 74317 737.03 739.3 742.09 747.79 730.2 nz.ss 698.07 ?50.94 795.43 792.66 792.73 790.55 790.25 788.9 788.22 7SS.87 78Ll7 783.9 7n.96 793.94 79(l>Jl 78566 783.17 78505 78195 770.75 762.35 75159 752.7 14" OAK NoSSL 16"' OAK No552 14" OAK No5S3 12" OAt:: No$54 18"' OAt:: No5SS 8"'& 18"&24" 04K ~oS56 22'"0AKNoSS7 32"' OAK NoSSS 3 18" OAK No559 .30'"'0AK No560 18"0AK NoS61 2-14-OAK No562 2-140AK No563 12"&24" O AK No561' 3·8"&12"&20"0AKNo565 10" OAK No566 16" OAK No567 14~&20" OAK No568 4-12"&8" OAK No569 12" OAK No570 12" OAK No571 2·8" OAK No572 10"&8" OAK No573 14" OAK No574 6"0AK No57S 8" OAK NoS76 J-tl"'OAKNo5n 5-12" OAk No578 2ff OAK No579 12" OAK No580 2-16'"&24" OAK NoS81 1l"'OAKNoS82 2-12"&16" OAt:. No583 2-16'"' OAK NoS84 24-OAK No585 28" OAK No586 2-1.8'"&12" OAK No587 12'"&2-20" OAK NoS88 S89 7571 16" OAK NoS$9 590 760.96 24"&2·20" OAK No590 591 808.84 16"0AI< No591 592 809.18 16" OA.K N o592 593 808.4 34 " OAK No593 594 807.51 20" OAK No594 595 808.01 26" OAK No595 596 805.85 8~ OAK No596 597 806.54 36H OAK No597 598 808.56 24~ OAK N o598 599 806.55 32" OAK No599 600 801.53 lr&l0"&6"0AK No600 601 802.29 3·8" OAK No601 602 795.88 48° OAk No602 603 792.8 12" OAK No603 604 7'91.06 48"0AKNo6()a 60S 78435 12"0AiCNo605 606 714.6 6"'0AKNo606 fiJ7 779.2 26• OAK No607 6CB 766.35 30""0AKNo608 609 768.9S ur o.u No609 690 713 08 28"' OAK No690 lREE SURVEY USED rOR THIS l£NTAT1'1E loiAP WAS PART CJ< HIGHLANDS CJ< LOS GATOS SUBDI'iiSION, STARTtD BY loiARK THOMAS 4c COMPANY, INC. PRO'iiDING ENGINEERING, SURVEYING AND PLANNING SER'iiCES. 1960 lANKER RO.t.O, SAN JOSE, ENlln£0 "HIGHLANDS CJ< LOS GATOS SUBDI'iiSION," DA TEO 7/18/2005 Rl.£ No. 23-53009 SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE ' t ' 1------1-2.-0'--1-0,--POOPOSEI) 311 ----1-2.-0-,_-10-, ------1 1 : I ASPHAlT aoota<rn: ~ j AOGREGA l[ 8ASE. PA~T SECTION PER GEOlECHNICAL. REPORT ··-·· : I \ a• CUSS 2 AOCOI(CA1t BAS< \\ COMPACltn TO 19 l!£l.A n'o£ COMPACTION 1 2• REeot.IP ACltD SI.I8CRADE O~X RQ.A11'¥t: c::a.tPA.C110N SECTION B-B NOT TO SCALE BOWMAN & WILLIAMS CONSUL llNG Cl'iiL ENGINE£RS 1011 a:DAR STRUT SAHTA ONZ. CA 15050 (631) 420-3060 lENTAllVE PARCEL MAP 'NPICAL DRIVEWAY SECllONS & TREE SCHEDULE 16100 GREENR!DG£. TERRAe£ SIT\JAlE IN THE TO~ OF LOS GATOS, CALIF'ORNIA ~~~~~~1·~-~··~·---~~=·=~~~c=•·~~~,~·~-1~~~~~~-~·~··~·~J --~1 ~ DA1t AUG 2010 I Q<[CI(!I) .... 1HO()I T3 DESIGN Clr.l~ DWQ HAWE 2~24JT£NT f1L[ NO. 2<l24J Of' SLOPE DENSI TY CALCULATIONS TOTAL AREA• 35.59± ACRES ARE A ....,lli LESS lliAN SO::l: SLOPE• 25 14± ACRE S ARE A ....,lli GREATER lliAN SO::l: SLOPE • 10.45 ± ACRES DETERMINE lliE AIIERAGE SLOPE FOR '!liE PARCEL ....,lli HR 2-1/2 ZONIN G S • 00023 C!l(! l-J4.70X A 1\!iERE· S • '!liE A\IERAGE SLOPE IN PERCENT A • AREA OF SITE w/lESS lliAN 50% SLOPE • 25.14± ACR ES (1) • CONTOUR INTERVAL IN FEET • 2 FEET BANK OF AM ERICA #2013-22171011 APN 52 7-15-002 (L)• COMBINED CONTOUR UNE LENGlli FOR AREAS < 50" SLOPE = 189658 UF CALCULATE MINIMUM LAND AREA PER DI\£WNG UNITS/ACRE FOR HR 2-1/2 ZONI NG• o -• 3.4 acres/unit 0.68 93 -0 .011 786 (S) I OF UNITS FOR AREA WITH < THAN SOX SLOPE -25 11-acres -7.4 units 3.4 acres/unit I OF UNITS FOR AREA ....,lli > lliAN 50% SLOPE • ~ • 1.0 un it 10 acres/unit __ _ TOTAL I OF AlLOWABlE 01\£WNG UNITS • 8 units LEGEND D D 0 -lOX. stOPE ARD. JO.O\ -S,O~ 'SlOPE AREA 50.01 -IOO:tt SLOPE AREA JOX SLOPE I.Jt.IE BASED ON nnD M€ASUR0401TS -- BESOSIE GANEL #2004-17975171 APN 527-11-003 ORt.lAN DY FAt.4JLY TRUST 12012-21715381 APN 527-15-001 SAN JOSE WATER WORKS APN 52 7-14-011 PERSAUD RA.l:NDRA AB TRUST "\ & F AWCO IDA AB TRUST J., 12013-220780 13 APN 527-11-008 DA VIDON HOt.4ES ~ 12011-2 12901 11 APN 527-09-018 OA VIOON HOt.l ES #2011-212901 11 APN 527-09-019 i GRAPHIC SCALE i T ( D< JUT) 1 I.Dch • eo rt. DAVIDON HOt.4ES #2011-21290111 APN 527-09-020 i OA VIOON fiot1£s...,( ... ,. #2011-21290111 / APN 527-09-021 DAVIDON HOMES #2 011 -21290111 APN 527-09-022 BOWMAN & WI LUAMS CONSUL llNG Cll/lL ENGINEERS IOU CEDAR S1'R££T SAHTA CRUZ. CA 85080 {Oll) 4M-l500 SCAL£ 1• • 60' DAl£ AUG 2015 TENTAn\IE PARCEL MAP SLOPE MAP, SLOPE DENSITY ALCULAnONS. AND 1REE SUR 16100 GREDIR!DC£ TERRACE SlTUAlE IN 1liE TO'IIIN Of' LOS GATOS. CAI.Jf"ORNI A JOB NO. 25243 INOO< Fl.£ NO. 24243 T4