02-10-16 Minutes - CDACTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR FEBRUARY 10 ,2016 , HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA . The meeting was called to order at 4:30P.M. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Absences: Barbara Spector Marcia Jensen Kendra Burch Mary Badame Thomas O 'Donnell Staff Present: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager J oel Paulson, Interim Community Development Director Mami Moseley, Associate Planner Sylvie Roussel, Administrative Assistant App li cants Present: Chris Lee (Item 2) John Klein (Item 2) Michael Mordaunt (Item 2) Tom Sloan (Item 3) ITEM 1: Motion: IT EM 2: Mike Michaels (Item 2) Cameron Schwab (Item 2) Gary King (Item 3) Approval of the January 13, 2016 Minutes Eka Tandiono (Item 3) Marico Sayoc moved to approve the January 13,216 Minutes. The motion was seconded by Kendra Burch and approved 4-0-1 with Tom O'Donnell not present. 400 and 420 Blossom Hill Road Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-16-001 Requesting review of conceptual plans to demolish two existing office buildings and construct a new two-story fitness center with underground parking on property zo ned 0. APN 529-16-071. PROPERTY OWNER: Green Valley Corporation/Case Swenson APPLICANT: Barry Swenson Builder/Josh Burroughs PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February 10,2016 Page 2 of3 CDAC Comments: • There are concerns with creating more traffic on Blossom Hill Road. • Impact of the proposed lighting on neighboring residents is a concern that should be studied by the applicant. • The Committee advised the applicant to review the Town 's updated Tree Protection Ordinance. The applicant was encouraged to look for ways to reduce the impact on the on-site trees and comply with the amended Ordinance. • Look for ways to ensure the propos ed project complies with the Town's Grading Ordinance. • There is a concern regarding an overconcentration of gyms/fitness centers in the Town already, and the need for additional services as proposed. • The concept of a national chain is a concern in how it will fit into Los Gatos 's small Town atmosphere. • The hill adjacent to the site along Blossom Hill Road is dangerous and well used by bicyclists and pedestrians. An intensification of use on the site could exacerbate the current condition. Look for ways to make this safer for those who use it. • Look for ways to enhance the sites connectivity to the Los Gatos Creek trail and encourage members to use it as much as possible. • A traffic study is essential to redevelopment of the site. • Significant off-hauling will have an additional impact on traffic and pedestrian safety. Look for ways to reduce this impact on school vehicle and pedestrian traffic. • Construction management plan should incorporate ways to reduce impacts during school drop off and pick up times. • Work with the adjacent residential neighbors throughout the planning and design process. ITEM 3: 30 Roberts Road and 6 Forrest A venue Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-16-002 Requesting review of conceptual plans to demolish an existing multi-family structure and single-family residence , merge two lots and construct a four unit condominium building with a below grade parking garage. APN 529-10-002 and -003 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Taneka LLC PROJECT PLANNER : Marni Moseley Public Comments: • Lee Quintana stated that she likes the parking underground, the generous setbacks and the private open space. She likes the attached unit des ign but has concerns that the scale of the structure may not be appropriate for the neighborhood. She also had questions about the ADA parking requirements for the site. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee February I 0 , 2016 Page 3 of3 CDAC Comments: • The Committee liked that the garage will not be gated, and will be looking for connectivity from the garage to the street for guest usage. • Common open space is not necessary with this type of design due to the amount of private open space provided for each unit. • The proposed sustainability measures are appreciated . • The Committee was excited for the use and design of the proposed elevators. • More shadowing in the front of the property may lessen the massive look of the structure. • They like the design and the use that is proposed, but it's hard to tell how it will fit in the existing neighborhood. • The Committee would like to see more trees in the proposed plans. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, March 9, 2016. Prepared by: inistrative Assistant cc: Planning Commission Chair N:\D EV\C D AC\C DAC MI UTES\2 016 \CDAC 2-1 0-16 .doc