06-10-15 Minutes - CDACTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East M ain Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A R EGULA R MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR JUNE 10, 2015, HELD IN T HE TOWN COUNC IL CHAMB ERS , CIVIC CENTER, ll 0 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFOR NIA . The meeting was called to order at 4:30P .M. ATTENDANCE Members Present : Absences: Barbara Spector Marcia Jensen Kendra Burch Thomas O 'Donnell MaryBadame Staff Present: Laurel Prevetti , A ss istant Town Manager/Community D evelopment Director Joel Paulso n, Planning Manager Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner Applicant: J ohn Duquette (architect), Architectural Technologies Shane Arters (applicant), LP Acqui sitions , LLC Randy Lamb (applicant), LAMB Partners, LL C Heard out of order ITEM 2: IT EM 3 : Approval of Minutes from August 13,20 14 Approval of Minutes from December 10,2014 Barbara Specto r moved to approve the August 13, 2014 and December 10 , 2014 minute s. The motion was seconded by Tom 0 'Donnell and approved unanim ou sly. ITEM 1: 401 to 409 Alberto W ay Con ceptual Development Advisory Committee Applicatio n C D-1 5-00 1 Requesting review of conceptual plans to demolish three existi ng office buildings and con struct two , two-s tory office buildings with underground parking on property zoned CH. APN 529-2 3-018. PROPERTY OWNER: CW A Realty APPLICANT: Shane Arters , LP Acquis ition s, LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Savage The applicant team presented their proposal: • Two Class A Office buildings. • Two levels of underground parking. • Faciliti es for bicyclists including 99 bicycl e parking spaces and showers. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Junel0,2015 Page 2 of 4 • Architecture intended to reflect a small town feel. • An opportunity to provide office space with a reverse commute. • A traffic study was drafted and shows the study intersections will operate at acceptable levels. CDAC Comments and Questions: This list is a high level summary of th e issues raised and responses (in italics) provided by th e applicant team. Use • How did the applicant decide to expand office use in Los Gatos? Based on demand for Class A office space. • Does the applicant's office vacancy rate assume the new Netflix development {Albright Way) is occupied, including the unbuilt buildings? Yes. • How does the proposed office square footage compare to the existing office square footage? Th e existing office square .footage is approximately 30,000 square feet; the proposed office square .footage is approximately 90,000 s quare feet. • What is the average square foot per person of the applicant's recent projects? The average depends on the type of use. • How many p eople would occupy the buildings? The occupancy depends on the type of use. Traffic • What intersections were studied in the traffic study? Los Gatos Boulevard and Highway 9 ; Alberto Way and Highway 9; University Avenue and Highway 9; and Caldwell/Kennedy and Los Gatos Boulevard. • How does the applicant define a reverse commute? Southbound trips on Highway 17. • Does the traffic study take into account traffic from the existing use? Yes. • Concerned about traffic congestion; Highway 9 and Alberto Way is a busy intersection. • Does the traffic study assume the Los Gatos Lodge use remains? Yes. • Where does the traffic study assume vehicles will stack? The traffic s tudy will include this information. • Beyond the level of service calculations, what does the traffic consultant conclude about the everyday operation of the intersections and experience of the delays on Los Gatos streets? This is to be determined. • Speaking from experience, there are severe delays on Los Gatos streets. • Concerned about traffic issues. • Concerned about the increase in building s quare footage and the traffic impacts from the mc rease. • How will TOM (Traffic Demand Management) work? The applicant will explore this. • It is hard to understand that an increase in square footage would not increase traffic. • The applicant should provide a construction management plan and consider school hours in that plan. Conceptual Development Adviso ry Committee June 10 , 2015 Page 3 of 4 Parking • How does the developer provide bicycle commute incentives? Bicycle parking, showers, and lockers. • Will the underground parking create buildin gs higher than the exi sting office buildings? This is to be determined. • Will the underground parking require digging under the exi sti n g p arking lot or filling above it? Th e underground parking wi ll be under th e existing parking. • What is the depth of excavation? The applicant will in clude this information with the application. • What is the volume of excavation? The applicant will include this information with the application. • How many trucks will be required for excavation? The applicant will include this information with th e application. • Is the applicant required to providing parking for the new restaurant across th e Alberto Way? No, there are no parking agreements between the properties. • The appl icant should talk to the restaurant abo ut parking. Architecture • Does the proposed FAR and coverage meet the Town's limi tations? The applicant believes so and staff will study this question with the application. • What are the appli cant's past projects in the Bay Area? On e example is in Los Altos. • Concerned about building height. • There is an existing nice feeling and environment on Albe rto Way and the pro po sed mass may take away fro m the exis ting environme nt. • What was the thought behind the proposed architecture? The style was us ed in other developments. • The mass of the proposal seems large. • Can the applicant and/or architect minimize the mass of the project? The applicant will exp lore this . • Would the applicant be amenable to setback the second story from the fir st story? The applicant will explore this. • How d oes the hei ght and locati on of the north side of building # 1 compare wi th existin g buildings? The applicant will include this information with the application. • Will the residents see new building mass or walls? The applicant will include this information with th e application. • What is the scale of the proposed c hange to the residents? The applicant will include this information with th e application . • Residents may see a dramatic change in views. • Wi ll residents' v iews and sunli ght be affected by project? The applicant will include this info rmation with the application. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee June I 0, 2015 Page 4 of4 • The applicant should provide a perspective of the change in the residents ' views. • Take into consideration the residential views. Site Design • The site is relatively hidden and setback. • Explain the grade changes from the sidewalk to the site. • Will the applicant save mature trees? There are trees along Highway 9 th at are not on the subject property. Other tree information will be provided with th e application. • Do the plans show where the neighboring residential buildings start? The applic ant will include this with th e application. • It appears that the new building will be located at existing trash and recycling locations. Other • The committee was pleased that the applicant intends to complete an EIR (Environmental Impact Report). • The applicant is encouraged to conduct community outreach, including outreach to the residences across Alberto Way. Verbal Communications: A CW A Rea lty (property owner) representative commented that the restaurant has not approached the property owner about parking. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:09p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, August 12 ,201 5 at 4:30 p.m. Prepared by: Jf Paulson, Planning Manager )c: Planning Commission Chair N:\D EV\CDAC\C DAC MINUTES\2015 \6-10-15.doc