10-14-15 Minutes - CDACTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL .DEVELOPMENT A.DVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR OCTOBER 14, 2015 , HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS , CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:30P.M. ATTEN.DANCE Members Present: Absences: Barbara Spector Marcia Jensen Kendra Burch MaryBadame Thomas O'Donnell Recused herself on item 2 Recused herself on items 2 and 3 Staff Present: Joel Paulson, Planning Manager Mami Moseley, Associate Planner Applicant: ITEM 1: ITEM2: Dan Rosenbaum, Nearon Enterprises (Item 2) Jim Fulton, Arctec Inc. (Item 2) Don Capobres, Gosvenor (Item 3) Wendi Baker, Summerhill Homes (Item 3) Andrea Osgood, Eden Homes (Item 3) Approval of Minutes-None 475 and 485 Alberto Way Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-003 Requesting review of conceptual plans to merge two residentially (R-1 :20) zoned properties with an existing O :PD, to demolish two existing residences and construct a new two story office building with additional parking and to modify the existing Planned Development Ordinance to permit medical office uses. APNs 529-21-039, 042 , 043 , 044. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Alberto Way Holdings LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley The applicant team presented their proposal. CDAC Comments and Questions: This list is a high level summary of th e issues raised and r esponses (in italics) provided by the applicant. Use • Why medical office? It would allow additional options for tenants and expand the potential rental pool for the site. • The EIR completed for the General Plan concluded that there was no need for additional medical office, whereas there is still a need for general office space. Traffic • The traffic study will need to be updated to include current data, the data used does not account for existing and pending projects in the vicinity. The traffic study will be updated if a project is pursued. • The traffic flow and issues have changed significantly in recent years and they impact the Highway 9 and Highway 17 interchange differently now. • The roadway is narrow and windy, additional traffic on this road is a concern. • Concerned about cumulative traffic issues in the vicinity. • A lunch hour shuttle to the downtown could reduce unnecessary trips. Heard out of order ITEM 3 : Phase 1 North Forty Specific Plan Area Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-005 Requesting review of conceptual plans to implement Phase 1 of the North 40 Specific Plan. APNs: 424-07-024 through -027 ,-031 through -033,-035,-070,-83 through -086 ,- 090, and -100. PROPERTY OWNERS: Grosvenor USA Limited, Summerhill N40 LLC, Thomas Yuki , Elizabeth Dodson, and William Hirschman APPLICANT: Grosvenor USA Limited PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley The applicant team presented their proposal. CDAC Comments and Questions: This list is a high level summary of the issues raised and responses (in italics) provided by the applicant. • How do the senior housing units comply with the Town's BMP Ordinance. The application includes a BMP program that shows how the units comply with the Ordinance and the needs of the Town and th e areas wh er e it does not (e.g. clustering of units, rental vs. ownership, and comparability). Additionally, the units will be integrated similarly and connected to the same public amenities as the market rate units. • Will the proposed orchards retain any of the existing orchard trees. Several of the Committee members expressed disappointment that the existing orchard trees would not be integrated into the new plan. The intended integration of the orchard into the project requires a mix of working orchard trees that can be harvested by the community. The existing walnut trees would not be suitable for this intended use. • How will the market hall vision be implemented, and will these uses survive the market? Th ere are s everal ways to accomplish this type of use, th e firs t being a single owner operator and the second being a site manager with individual tenant spaces. Either could work and this will be refined as it gets closer to completion. This type of use has proven to be very successful in other locations. • Where will the dog park be located? Along the western border of the site. • How will the multimodal circulation work? The plans include several bike and multimodal paths that run separately but also integrate with the vehicular and pedestrian network for the site. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:55p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, November 11 ,2015 Prepared by: anner cc: Planning Commission N:\DEV\CDAC\CDAC M INUTES\2015\10-14 -I S.doc