01-11-06 Minutes - CDACTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR JANUARY 11, 2006 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 4:30 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members Present:Absences: Diane McNutt None Joe Pirzynski Lee Quintana Stephen M. Rice Joanne Talesfore Staff Present:Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development; Randy Tsuda, Assistant Director of Community Development; Joel Paulson, Associate Planner; Debra Figone, Town Manager ITEM 1:50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Conceptual Development Application CD-06-04 Requesting preliminary review of plans to amend a Planned Development to maintain a portion of the hotel, construct a conference center, and demolish the rest of the hotel to construct 242 residential units on 8.51 acres zoned CH:PD. APN 529-24-001, 003, and 032 PR OP ER TY O WN ER : Los Gat os Lo dge LLC APPLICANT: Capital Ventures Comments: 1.Percentage of hardscape and coverage should be reduced. 2.Additional screening should be provided along the highway off-ramp. 3.Fiscal impact of loss of existing hotel needs to be assessed. 4.A signature restaurant should be considered. 5.Fiscal benefits of new uses need to be assessed. 6.Consideration should be given to developing the new project as one parcel. 7.Current proposal does not meet the intent of the existing Council Resolution. 8.Small boutique hotel and 6,500 - 7,000 square foot conference center may not be enough. 9.Project should be sympathetic to the Bella Vista neighborhood and minimize impacts to the existing neighborhood. 10.Six stories is problematic. 11.Project should take into account the adjacent High School, baseball field, and other existing uses. 12.Any buildings over 3 stories is a concern. 13.Proposed height may trigger a General Plan amendment. 14.Number of residential units needs to be substantially reduced. 15.Consistency with the General Plan is an issue regarding the proposed height, elimination of moderately priced hotel rooms, traffic, noise, and visual impact. 16.Joint access for two separate uses is an issue. 17.Below Market Price units should be spread throughout the residential development and be indistinguishable f rom market rate units in terms of size and appearance. 18.Pedestrian circulation to other areas of the Town should be addressed. 19.Intensity of project is too high. 20.Residential density of project should be reduced significantly. 21.Project should have more of a garden setting. 22.Circulation to and from the site and internally is an issue. 23.School impacts need to be addressed. 24.Emergency evacuation with only one means of ingress and egress is a concern. 25.Improvement of the site with a conference center is positive. 26.Project should create a village environment. 27.Residential next to a high school is a concern. 28.Issues outlined in the Memorandum from Bud Lortz to the CDAC need to be addressed. VERBAL COMMUNICATION: Ray Davis spoke about the Council resolution; CH zone allowed uses, height, and coverage; and the impacts to adjacent residential neighborhood. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, February 8, 2006. Pr ep ar ed by: _________________________________________ Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development cc: Planning Commission Chair N:\DEV\CDAC\MINUT ES\2006\1-11-06.min.wpd