05-10-06 Minutes - CDACTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR MAY 10, 2006 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, C IVIC C ENT ER , 11 0 EA ST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 4:35 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members Present:Absences: Joe Pirzynski Diane McNutt Lee Quintana Stephen M. Rice Joanne Talesfore Staff Present:Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development, Randal Tsuda, Assistant Director of Community Development ITEM 1:50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Conceptual Development Application CD-06-10 Requesting preliminary review of plans to demolish an existing hotel and to construct a 40,000 square foot retail building, an 8,500 square foot conference center and 179 townhomes on property zoned CH:PD. APN 529-24-001, 003 and 032. PR OP ER TY O WN ER : Los Gat os Lo dge , LLC AP PLIC ANT : C api tal Ven tu res , LgL, LLC Public Comments: Ray Davis: Stated he was strongly opposed to the project. The design was ugly and the uses would create a substantial traffic impact. He believes that many families with children would live the residential units and the conference center would create a security concern. Committee Comments: 1.There needs to be a hotel on the site. The need for a hotel goes beyond revenues to the to wn ; a ho te l p ro vi de s a mu ch ne ed ed se rv ic e t o t he co mm un it y. 2.The proposal is not compatible with the surrounding area and does not respond to the spirit of CDAC’s previous comments. 3.The wall of buildings around the perimeter of the project is undesirable. 4.The development is too intense. 5.Conference centers often have evening activities and may not be compatible if integrated into a residential project. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee - Page 2 May 10, 2006 6.A future project should be pedestrian-friendly and have a human scale. 7.The project does not reflect the small town charm and character of Los Gatos. 8.The site is isolated and it will be difficult for children to safely walk to school and other neighborhoods. 9.The site is a gateway to the Town and the proposal should reflect the highest possible quality of design. A substantial improvement in architecture and design needs to occur. 10.A revised proposal should increase the amount of usable open space and eliminate hardscape areas. The project should preserve the sense of openness that currently exists. 11.The applicant should focus on the hotel use and revisit the analysis that led to the retail proposal. Hotel occupancies in Town are roughly 85% and executives at Netflix have stated there are insufficient hotel rooms available in Town to accommodate their business needs. The applicant is encouraged to propose a high-end, resort-style hotel with conference facilities. The Villagio Hotel in Yountville was cited as an example. 12.Tr af fi c i mp ac ts co ul d b e a pr ob le m a nd wi ll re qu ir e s ub st an ti al st ud y. 13.A hotel/residential mixed-use project would be acceptable if the primary use is hotel and the project is designed with a village feel. 14.The resolution establishes a maximum number of hotel rooms and stories–(i.e., 300 rooms and three stories) and does not establish a target or goal. 15.Committee members stated that the applicant could return to CDAC if a different application that reflect the comments of CDAC is submitted. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, June 14, 2006. Pr ep ar ed by: _________________________________________ Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development cc: Planning Commission Chair N:\DEV\CDAC\MINUT ES\2006\5-10-06.min.wpd