05-14-03 Minutes - CDACTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR MAY 14, 2003 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 4:30 P.M. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Absences: Sandy Decker Steve Glickman Paul Dubois Jeanne Drexel Joanne Talesfore Staff Present: Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development, Tom Williams, Asst Community Development Director, Sandy Baily, Associate Planner ITEM 1: Corner of Winchester Blvd and Newell Avenue Conceptual Development Application CD-03-1 Requesting preliminary review of plans to construct an off-site parking lot for the Courtside Club on properties zoned R-1:12. APNS 409-24-001, 002, 003. PROPERTY OWNER: Elks Lodge, Bert Click APPLICANT: Courtside Club Comments: 1. Parking use as proposed is an improvement over existing conditions and one that seems appropriate for the site. 2. Review ingress/egress issues and try to avoid using Newell Avenue. 3. Would like some type of guarantee, perhaps a deed restriction that will ensure the site remains as a parking lot and is not developed. 4. Adequate landscaping, including the use of landscape berms abutting the street right-of-way to screen parking area is strongly recommended. ITEM 2: 930 University Avenue Conceptual Development Application CD-03-2 Requesting preliminary review of plans to construct a podium on top of an existing Verizon Maintenance Facility building to construct approximately 37 townhomes on property zoned CM. APN 424-31-031. PROPERTY OWNER: Verizon APPLICANT: MGF, LLC Comments: 5. Creative measures needed due to number of concerns for this unique site. 6. Project could result in visual impacts along the creek trail and from Vasona Lake. 7. Are residential uses compatible with this area. 8. Review traffic impacts. 9. Issues of safety of ingress and egress from the site. 10. Review justification of proposed community benefit for this project. 11. Feasibility of landscaping. 12. Concern of possible chemicals stored in maintenance yard and/or surrounding sites which may be an issue to combine with residential use. 13. Concern that use/hours of operation of the maintenance yard will generate noise which will impact residential use. 14. Concern about site location before the spillway of Vasona Dam. 15. Project impact on the proposal to extend the trail around Lake Vasona. 16. Direct access to Vasona Park from site by residents. 17. Density too high for this site. 18. Construction methods could result in high cost housing which the Town does not need. 19. Consider proposed construction methods and materials for the podium. 20. Site is isolated from the community and retail uses and would not be pedestrian friendly. 21. Garage should not be a dominating feature of the architecture. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M.. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, June 11, 2003. Prepared by: _________________________________________ Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development cc: Planning Commission Chair N:\DEV\CDAC\MINUTES\2003\5-14-03.cda