08-09-06 Agenda - CDACTHE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2006 4:30 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 110 EAST MAIN STREET -- TOWN HALL (408) 354-6872 VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (Three-minute time limit) 1. 347 Massol Avenue Conceptual Development Application CD-06-11 Requesting preliminary review of plans to change the zoning of 2.5 acres from RM:5-12 to RM:5-12:PD to convert an existing apartment complex into condominiums. APN 510- 14-004. PROPERTY OWNER: Lyon Baytree Apartments, LLC APPLICANT: Ron Cole 2. 16005 Los Gatos Blvd and 625 Blossom Hill Road Conceptual Development Application CD-06-12 Requesting preliminary review of plans to demolish a vacant car dealership on a 4.5 acre parcel to construct a mixed use development consisting of 31,000 to 53,000 square feet of retail and 103 residential units on property zoned CH. APNS 529-16-025 and 053 PROPERTY OWNER: CHL Ventures, LP APPLICANT: Kenneth Rodrigues 3. Discussion of a Special Meeting in August. DISTRIBUTION: Committee Members: McNutt, Pirzynski Quintana, Rice, Talesfore Town Council Planning Commission Planning Staff Debra Figone, Town Manager Pamela Jacobs, Assistant Town Manager John Curtis, Director PPW Scott Seaman, Chief of Police Ron Cole, 4901 Birch Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Lyon Baytree Apartments, LLC, 4901 Birch Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 CDAC 2 August 9, 2006 Kenneth Rodrigues, 445 No. Whisman Rd, Ste 220, Mountain View, CA 94043 CHL Ventures, LP, 30 E. 4th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94401 The Town of Los Gatos has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.6; litigation challenging a decision of the Council must be brought within 90 days after the decision is announced unless a shorter time limit is required by state or federal law. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Bud Lortz at (408) 354-6874. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the Town to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR § 35,102-35.104] N:\DEV\CDAC\AGENDAS\2006\8-9-06.cda.wpd