Item 4 - Desk Item Alberto Way 475-485DATE: TO : TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE REPORT FEBUARY 8, 2017 GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING DATE : 02/08/2017 ITEM NO : 4 DESK ITEM "FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT : REMARKS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-16-001 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL. PROJECT LOCATION: 475 ALBERTO WAY, 485 ALBERTO WAY, 17220 PINE AVENUE AND 172 50 PINE AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: NEARON ENTERPRISES. APPLICANT : JEFF OPAROWSKI Attachment 8 includes public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, February 3, 2017 and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 8, 2017. The applicant has al so provided additional site and project information (Attachment 9). ATIACHMENTS: Previously received with the January 25, 2017 Staff Report: 1. Location maps (showing existing Zoning and General Plan designations) 2. CDAC Minutes, October 14, 2015 (three pages) 3. CDAC Minutes, March 14, 2012 (three pages) 4. Letter from applicant (two pages) 5. Site plans (two pages) 6. Public Comments (two pages) Previously received with the February 8, 2017 Staff Report : 7. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m ., Wednesday January 25, 2017 and 11:00 a.m. Friday February 3, 2017 (three pages) PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Lo s Gatos, CA 95030 • 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION GP-16-001 FEBRUARY 8, 2017 Received with this Desk Item 8. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m ., Friday, February 3, 2017 and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 8, 2017 (two pages) 9. Additional information provided by the applicant, received February 8, 2017 (19 pages) N:\DEV\GPC\GPC -Staff Reports\2017\AibertoWay475-485 -Pine 17220 and 17250 -Cont'd 2.8.17-DESKl .doc 2/8/2017 1:38PM Dear Erin: RECEiVED G P-liP -c::r? I FEB 07 2017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DI VISION My name is Horst Brenner, of Brenner Financial Services. Our firm has served the community members of the Town of Los Gatos for 12 years. We presently occupy an office at 475 Alberto Way, as we have for going on seven years. As a part of the financial community, I very well understand the delicate balance of both local and larger-scale economic ecosystems. At the municipal level, this ba lance includes the need for business to drive economic vitality of the Town and region, combined with the needs and wants of Town residents . While, I respect the human emotions of individuals and residents of a community, as a tax preparation firm with 3 CPA's I always endeavor to evaluate the facts of any plan or business tran~action . The facts surrounding this situation that I am aware of are as follows : • The homes located at 17220 and 17250 are dangerous. They are regularly vandalized and frequently occupied by transients. The Lo s Gatos Police are regularly called and required to visit the homes. They present a danger to me and the other occupants of the neighboring office buildings. They present a danger to the residents of Alberto Way and Pine Avenue. If not for any reason other than safety, any sensible observer should want these houses removed without delay. • Given the clear and present danger that the homes present, they are a liability to both the owner and the Town. Knowing of their da n gers, either of these two parties is negligent i f they do not take action to remove them. • In order for the homes to be demolished, the zoning needs to be changed from its current res idential zoning. The current residential zoning requires that the dangerous homes remain . • It is clear that the site must be redeveloped . The homes and site are clearly not presently something that our community should be proud of. But the site has the potential to become something far better. • Given that the site must be redeveloped , following a rezoning of the site, the question is-to what use should the future redevelopment be directed ? • It is a fact that office is a far less traffic producing use than that of residential use . Many people do not realize that a residence is a t r affic-i ntensive use . ATTA C HMENT 8 • The two homes, on the Pine Avenue parcels are bounded by a steep hillside, Highway 17, and the Alberto Oaks offices. Presently, the homes are a residential"island" site, abounded by the three non-consistent uses. For the purpose of future redevelopment, it is evident that the site should be rezoned to assimilate to one of the adjacent uses . Since you cannot rezone the site to Highway 17 or hillside, there is only one viable zoning of the property. To me, a change in the zoning of the Pine Avenue parcels is a change in a very positive direction . It is abundantly clear that the site in question is not at all suited for future residential redevelopment . It is also clear that the best use of the site is to make the area in question consistent with the use of its neighboring property, the Alberto Oaks offices. Clearly any future development of the site i n question requ ires further detailed evaluation, but at this time, the only t ask at hand i s the rezoning of the property from its current poorly suited designation to a zoning that is consistent with the most natural use of the site, and allowing it to become connected with the neighboring office buildings. I look forward to your proactive actions towards the betterment of this area of the Town. Sincerely, Horst Brenner > ~ (j ::c :: t"'.. ~ cO ALBERTO OAKS Jf n~s~~~ Presented by: Nick Rini General Plan Committee Meeting February 8, 2017 RECEIVED <0?-/&P-~ FfB 0 8 2017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION ATTACHMENT 9 ~ ALBERT~ OAKS Nearon's Vision to Redevelop Two Dilapidated Residential Lots into a Class A Office Building in the Alberto Oaks Office Park About Us: Nearon Enterprises is a private real estate investment company that strives to maintain the utmost respect for the land it stewards. Our founder, Arthur Nearon, began purchasing orchards in Palo Alto in 1945. Today, the closely-held company continues our founder's personal interest in bettering the communities in which Nearon invests. From development of agricultural land in Palo Alto in the mid-1900s through land development, construction and inventive redevelopment, Nearon continually advances its legacy of community building. Nearon has experience working with many communities throughout the Bay Area, including Danville, Walnut Creek, Pleasanton and Redwood City, to enhance each community through development of available land or adaptive reuse of outdated structures. Jf rJ~?p ~Rn Page 1 Creating Long-Term Value and Quality: Nearon's Current Holdings in the South Bay & Peninsula Svc a mo ~e Dr~ve Address: 715-755 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas, CA Property Type: Industrial/R&D L~ Purchase Date: 2008 G Hb ~©J ~'lt<a1 ~ ((0) ijJ rt Address: 165 Gibraltar Court, Sunnyvale, CA Property Type: Office Purchase Date: 2006 Size: 48,666 SF Additional Information: Pursuing energy efficiency initiatives. l nearon ENTERPR'SES Size: 197,604 Additional Information: Recent significant exterior\ renovations in 2016 to improve visual appeal. 165 GIBRALTAR .TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Page 2 Creating Long -Term Value and Quality: Nearon's Current Holdings in the South Bay & Peninsula ~emUiard Co urlt Address: 940 Remillard Court, San Jose, CA Property Type: Industrial Purchase Date: 2008 Size: 166,600 SF Additional Information: Recently completed interior and exterior renovations. Pursuing Solar array installation . Jf n ~?p ~~~ Wo(Q)~s;~dce Address: 2055-2075 Woodside Road, Redwood City, CA Property Type: Office Purchase Date: 2008 Additional Information: Invested this past year towards renovations to interior and exterior of both buildings Page 3 Creating Long-Term Value and Quality: Nearon's Office Park in Los Gatos Jr ~~?p ~Rn A~bcert(Q) Oa~~ Address: 475-485 Alberto Way, Los Gatos, CA Property Type: 2 Multi-Tenant Office Buildings Purchase Date: 2006 Additional Information: Recent interior and exterior improvements . Planned improvements include outdoor amenity space, EV charging stations, bicycle lockers, and bike-share Page4 c::: ·--o c::: :::J 0 ~ ~ ::J V') ~ Vl ~ C'O 0 0 -e QJ ..c -<( ~ 0 ro ·-~ QJ <( Aerial of Alberto Oaks & Pine Avenue Houses Jf n~?p ~Rn Page 6 Vl Vl QJ u u <( QJ ::J c: QJ ~ QJ c: ·-a.. Vl Vl Q) u u <( Q) ::J c: Q) > <( Q) c: ·-a.. 00 Q) 00 &. c ~ o ~ L (): 0 ~ (])~ c ~ ~ V1 V') QJ u u <X: QJ :::J c QJ > <X: c ~ o ~ QJ c L cr 0 ~ • -a.. (])~ c ~ ~ ~ 0 ....... Q) on 1"1:1 Q.. Q) :::J c: Q) ~ Q) c: ·-Cl.. 0 a.n N r--.. M '+- 0 c 0 ·-......, ·-""C c ~ c 0 u o ~ L o: ""C Q) 0 ~ ......, ro (])~ ""C ·-c ~ ro -·-~ 0 Q) 4111111 ..c t- Points of Interest • Nearon acquired the two Pine Avenue houses in 2012. Both were abandoned and purchased from the lender. • The homes are currently only accessible via a substandard, dead-end, asphalt driveway at the end of Pine Avenue. • An office use for the current Pine Avenue parcels is the most practical use for the land. • Proximity to freeway, combined with density, likely precludes residential uses. • Office presents a low-traffic-producing use of the site, relative to other uses, including residential. Office trips will be opposite of existing residential trips on Alberto Way (i.e., morning in and evening out). • The Pine Avenue parcels represent an incredible redevelopment opportunity to beautify this Los Gatos community. • The Town's EIR completed for the General Plan concludes that the Town of Los Gatos is still in need of additional general office space. • Availability of office space on Alberto Way, proximate to downtown Los Gatos, provides an ideally-located forum for employment growth. Jf ~~s:l ~R ~ Page 11 c ro -a.. Q) ......, ·-V) ·-E ·- Q) ~ a.. / / HIGHWAY 17 HIG HWAY 17 I -I' "'· -!/ I I I! I' __ -J ' I - N ....... [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [c (f) [ UJ [o ~ t L cr 0 ~ (])~ Vl= QJ ::J 0 ca > 5I... c ro • -c: +-1 ·-Vl E ·-X ·-UJ QJ 5I... a.. Q) on 10 a.. c ~ o ~ L c:r 0 ~ (})~ c ~ 111111. ~ Exhibits: Prev ious Design Schemes Exhib it 1: 2008 Bu il d i ng 3 Design Site Plan Exhib it II: 2008 Bu i lding 3 Design Rendering Exhibit Ill: 2012 SummerHill Townhome (18 units) Design Site Plan Exhibit IV: 2013 Barry Swenson Bui l der Single-Family Home (10 homes) Design Site Plan Jf D~?p ~RrJ Page 14 Exhibit II: 2008 Building 3 Design Rendering view.30004 .p sd Exhibit Ill: 2012 SummerHill Townhome (18 units) Design Site Plan Site Summary Acres: Residential: ±2.45 ac. Office: ±4.0 ac Total: ±6.45 ac Office: ±56,000 sqft ±206 parking spaces (±3.6 per l,OOOsqft) (18) Townhomes Site A-2b I ALBER~~.? WAy I Exh bit IV: 2013 Barry Swenson Builder Single-Family Home (10 homes) Design Site Plan .\ l l . __ l I ~~-; .\; .. \• ·--I . ,lJ! i d. i _ _..~ --l;-_:_ -~ ! 'f ~~ .. ~I. ) ~_, ·, ':l .... \ ·I ' ~.:; \ ' \'\ \!. . "---.· ~' •\ ALBERTO OAKS PROJECT DATA: 17 May 2013 Address: 17220 & 17250 Pi ne Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 475 & 485 Alberto Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 APN: 529-21-039 & 529-21-044 529-21 -042 & 529-21-043 ZONING: Existing = R-1 :20 & O :P D at respective addresses GENERAL PLAN: Low Density Resi dential 0 -5 & Office Professional at respective addresses SITE AREA: Residential : +/-2.45 acres Office:+/-4.0 acres Total: +/-6.45 acres LOS GATOS ZONING MAP 4 r.=..W\~~ .. ~R '''~Ffti.St'Nt ,.,.,IOof S..Jos•C..,H2 ld t.ooft:H1-----1nr ,_.... ....... ~~~R wcn :a~ N ~~ <~ 8(i)J: 0 ~ >~ '0 << .,...w OE-<~u z:I: E-< ~ f-vi :5 () ..J~el~c..~ ~U~ot-w SZ <1Slli e ~0 ...,0 ::! U Z;:E 0<( ()u._ A1.1