Item 2 - 475-485 Alberto Way, 17220 and 17250 Pine PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/25/2017 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: JANUARY 20, 2017 TO: GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-16-001 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL. PROJECT LOCATION: 475 ALBERTO WAY, 485 ALBERTO WAY, 17220 PINE AVENUE AND 17250 PINE AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: NEARON ENTERPRISES. APPLICANT: JEFF OPAROWSKI RECOMMENDATION: Provide a recommendation to the Planning Commission and Town Council on the proposed General Plan amendment from Low Density Residential to Office Professional for two existing parcels: 17220 Pine Avenue (0.723 acres) and 17250 Pine Avenue (0.824 acres). BACKGROUND: The role of the General Plan Committee is to assist the Planning Commission and the Town Council on matters relating to the General Plan or any specific plans. As a legislative item, the Town Council is the deciding body for the General Plan amendment. The two parcels are located to the north of an existing office complex (Alberto Oaks) and are currently accessed from the end of Pine Avenue (Attachment 1). The applicant has also submitted a Planned Development Application (PD-16-001) to rezone the properties from R:1:20 to O:PD, merge three lots, demolish two existing residences, and remove large protected trees, to allow construction of a new 21,124 square foot office building. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to Town Council on the entire project, including the General Plan amendment. The two parcels are bound by office uses to the south, single-family residential to the east and north, and Highway 17 to the west. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT:GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-16-001 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL JANUARY 20, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC-Memos\2017\AlbertoWay475-485-Pine 17220 and 17250.doc 1/20/2017 2:07 PM Approval of this General Plan amendment is required to allow the project applicant to rezone the two properties, merge the three lots, and add one new two-story office building with associated parking. The existing two-story office buildings at 475 and 485 Alberto Way are proposed to remain and are not proposed to be modified. The proposed project would be accessed from Alberto Way. The applications have been through two technical reviews by staff and the Town’s consultants. The project is currently being reviewed by the Town’s traffic consultant and subsequently an Initial Study will be prepared and the level of Environmental Review will be determined. Planning Commission and Town Council Hearing dates have not been determined. The role of the General Plan Committee is to provide a recommendation on the proposed General Plan Amendment that would further the vision, goals, and policies of the Town’s General Plan. DISCUSSION: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the General Plan Committee (GPC). Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics, and provides them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the GPC is whether or not the applicant’s request to change the General Plan land use designation is consistent with the General Plan. A. General Plan Land Use Designations The applicant is proposing a General Plan Amendment from the Low Density Residential land use designation to the Office Professional land use designation (Attachment 4). The Low Density Residential land use designation provides for single-family residential properties located on generally level terrain. It encourages single-family residential development in either the standard development established by traditional zoning or by innovative forms obtained through planned development. The Office Professional land use designation provides for professional and general business offices. This designation applies to various locations throughout the Town, often in close proximity to neighborhood- or community-oriented commercial facilities, or as a buffer between commercial and residential uses. The intent of this designation is to satisfy the community’s need for general business and professional services and local employment. The properties are contiguous to properties with the Office Professional land use designation to the south and properties with the Low Density Residential land use designation to the north and east. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT:GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-16-001 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL JANUARY 20, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC-Memos\2017\AlbertoWay475-485-Pine 17220 and 17250.doc 1/20/2017 2:07 PM B. General Plan Goals/Policies/Strategies Applicable General Plan goals and policies that will be used to evaluate the proposed General Plan amendment, as well as the Planned Development application, for this site include but are not limited to: Land Use Goal  LU-1 To preserve, promote, and protect the existing small-town character and quality of life within Los Gatos. Land Use Policies  LU-1.2 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image.  LU-1.8 Commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small-town character of Los Gatos. Land Use Goal  LU-6 To preserve and enhance the existing character and sense of place in residential neighborhoods. Land Use Policy  LU- 6.3 Protect existing residential areas from adjacent non-residential uses by assuring that buffers are developed and maintained. Land Use Goal  LU-9 To provide residents with adequate commercial and industrial services. Land Use Policies  LU-9.1 Ensure that new development preserves and promotes existing commercial centers consistent with the maintenance of a small-scale, small-town atmosphere and image.  LU-9.6 Encourage development that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for local residents consistent with overall land use policies of the Town. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT:GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-16-001 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL JANUARY 20, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC-Memos\2017\AlbertoWay475-485-Pine 17220 and 17250.doc 1/20/2017 2:07 PM  LU-9.9 Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval for non-residential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist of landscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks, or open space. Community Design Goal  CD-1 Preserve and enhance Los Gatos’s character through exceptional community design. Community Design Policies  CD-1.1 Building elements shall be in proportion with those traditionally in the neighborhood.  CD-1.2 New structures, remodels, landscapes, and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area.  CD-3.7 Roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened and such screening shall be considered as part of the structure for height limitations. Transportation Goal  TRA-6 To improve traffic flow in the downtown and reduce the effect of downtown traffic on nearby commercial and residential areas. Transportation Policy  TRA-6.5 Require bicycle parking in private parking lots, and provide bicycle parking in all public lots in the Downtown. Transportation Goal  TRA-9 To reduce reliance on the automobile by promoting alternative modes of transportation in the transportation system. Transportation Policy  TRA-9.5 Alternative transportation means shall be required whenever the traffic generated by a development would result in a significant increase in air pollution, traffic congestion, or noise. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT:GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-16-001 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL JANUARY 20, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC-Memos\2017\AlbertoWay475-485-Pine 17220 and 17250.doc 1/20/2017 2:07 PM C. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) The applicant’s proposed project was considered by the CDAC on October 14, 2015. Comments from that CDAC meeting are included in Attachment 2. A residential project for the site was previously considered by the CDAC on March 14, 2012. Comments from that CDAC meeting are included in Attachment 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Staff has received comments from the public (Attachment 6). CONCLUSION: The Committee should consider the existing and the proposed General Plan designations and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission on whether the proposed General Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to Office Professional is consistent with the Town’s General Plan. Attachments: 1. Location maps (showing existing Zoning and General Plan designations) 2. CDAC Minutes, October 14, 2015 (three pages) 3. CDAC Minutes, March 14, 2012 (three pages) 4. Letter from applicant (two pages) 5. Site plans (two pages) 6. Public Comments (two pages) Distribution: Jeff Oparowski, AIA, Arc Tec, 99 Almaden Boulevard, Suite 840, San Jose CA 95113 Tony Perino, Nearon Enterprises, 101 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 450, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Jose Soria, FaciliCorp, 2087 Ringwood Avenue, Suite 50, San Jose, CA 95131 17520 & 17522 Pine Avenue Existing Zoning Designations ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 17520 & 17522 Pine Avenue Existing General Plan Designations This Page Intentionally Left Blank T OWN O F L OS GATOS 110 E as t M ain Str ee t, L os Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONC EPTUAL DEVELOPMENT AD VI SORY COM M ITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR OCTOBER 14, 20 15, HELD IN THE TOWN C OUN C IL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA . The meeting w as called to order at 4 :30P.M . ATTENDANCE Members Present : Absences: Barbara Spector Marcia Jensen Recused herself on item 2 Kendra Burch Recus ed herself on items 2 and 3 MaryBadame Thomas O'Donnell Staff Present: Joel Paulson, Planning Manager Mami Moseley, Associate Planner Applicant: ITEM 1: ITEM 2: Dan Rosenbaum, Nearon Enterprises (Item 2) Jim Fulton, Arctec Inc. (Item 2) Don Capobres, Gosvenor (Item 3) Wendi Baker, Summerhill Homes (Item 3) Andrea Osgood , Eden Homes (Item 3) Approval of Minutes-None 475 and 485 Alberto Way Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-003 Requesting review of conceptual plans to merge two residentially (R-1 :20) zoned properties with an existing O:PD, to demolish two existing residences and construct a new two story office building with additional parking and to modify the existing Planned Development Ordinance to pennit medical office uses. APNs 529-21-039, 042 , 043 , 044. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Alberto Way Holdings LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley The applicant team presented their pro posal. CDAC C o mments a nd Ques ti on s: This Ji st is a high leve l s umm my of th e iss ues raised and respo nses (i n italics) p rovided by th e applica n t. Use • Why medical office? It would allow additional options for tenants and expand the potential rental pool for the site. • The EIR completed for the General Plan concluded that there was no need for additional medical office, whereas there is still a need for general office space. Traffic • The traffic study will need to be updated to include current data, the data used does not account for existing and pending projects in the vicinity. The traffic study will be updated if a project is pursued. • The traffic flow and issues have changed significantly in recent years and they impact the Highway 9 and Highway 17 interchange differently now. • The roadway is narrow and windy, additional traffic on this road is a concern. • Concerned about cumulative traffic issues in the vicinity. • A lunch hour shuttle to the downtown could reduce unnecessary trips. Heard out of order ITEM 3 : Phase 1 North Forty Specific Plan Area Conceptual Development Advisory Committee CD-15-005 Requesting review of conceptual plans to implement Phase 1 of the North 40 Specific Plan. APNs: 424-07-024 through -027, -031 through -033, -035, -070, -83 through -086,- 090, and -100. PROPERTY OWNERS : Grosvenor USA Limited, Summerhill N40 LLC, Thomas Yuki, Elizabeth Dodson, and William Hirschman APPLICANT: Grosvenor USA Limited PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley The applicant team presented their proposal. CDAC Comments and Questions: This list is a high level summary of the issues raised and responses (in italics) provided by the applicant. • How do the senior housing units comply with the Town's BMP Ordinance. The application includes a BMP program that shows how the units comply with the Ordinance and the needs of the Town and the areas where it does not (e.g. clustering of units, rental vs. ownership, and comparability). Additionally. the units will be integrated similarly and connected to the same public amenities as the market rate units. • Will the proposed orchards retain any of the existing orchard trees. Several of the Committee members expressed disappointment that the existing orchard trees would not be integrated into the new plan. Th e intended integration of the orchard into th e project requires a mix of working orchard trees that can be han,ested by th e community. The existing walnut trees would not be suitable for this intended use. o How will the market hall vision be implemented, and will these uses survive the market? Th ere are several ways to accomplish this type ofuse, th e first being a single owner operator and th e second being a site manager with individual tenant spaces. Either could work and this will be r efined as it gets closer to completion. This type of use has proven to be ve1y successful in other lo cations. o Where will the dog park be located? Along the western border of the site. o How wi ll the multimodal circulation work? The plans include several bike and multi modal paths that run separately but also in tegrate with th e vehicular and pedestrian networkfor th e site. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:55p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, November II , 20 15 Prepared by: anner cc: Planning Commissio N :\DEV\C DAC\CDAC MINUTES\2 015 \10-14-IS.doc This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 ---------·------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR MARCH 14,2012, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTE R, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4 :30p.m. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Diane McNutt (attending for Steve Rice), Barbara Spector, Charles Erekson, Tom O'Donnell, Joanne Talesfore · Members Absent: Steve Rice Staff Present: Marni Moseley, Associate Planner; Suzanne A vii a, Senior Planner Others present: Leatha Clark, Dan Rosenbaum, Eric Morley ITEM 1: 475-485 Alberto Way. 17220 and 17250 Pine Avenue Conceptual Development Application CD-12-00 1 Requesting review of conceptual plans to rezone four properties from O:PD and R- 1:20 to either RM-5:12 :PD or RM-12:20; to demolish two existing office buildings and two existing single family residences, and to constmct either 60 new single family residences or 98 townhouses. APNs 529-21-039, 042, 043, and 044. PROPERTY OWNERJ APPLICANT: Albelio Way Holdings LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Mami Moseley Eric Morley commented that Nearon has owned the prope1ty since 2006. The property is surrounded by residential aBd has no visibility or frontage . While the plans are conceptual at this point, they would like CDAC input on the architecture and layout. Dan Rosenbaum commented that the property is fully leased today, but most of the leases expire in in one to two years. Eric Morley noted that a 2005 CDAC application for r esidential use was supported and that they intend to actively outreach to the surrounding residential community before making a formal submittal . Also noted that a traffic report in 2008 showed a decrease in traffic from office to residential. Charles Erekson questioned what the rationale is for the change in land use. CDAC Minutes March 14,2012 Page2 Eric Morley responded that the property has struggled over time due to integration and compatibility issues and that they realize that extensive research into traffic, parking, and open space will be needed. Diane McNutt asked what kind of demographics they are considering. Eric Morley responded that young families and downsizing couples fit their profile. They have not considered senior or age restricted housing. He also noted that the project would propose closing vehicular access from Pine A venue. Joanne Talesfore commented that when the previous residential proposal for the site in 2005 was considered by the CDAC, the members expressed diverse views and did not represent a consensus on a residential use for the property. Com menu: • The existing and further constraint of the intersection of Los Gatos-Saratoga Road and Alberto Way is a concern. Impacts to the school system based on the number and type of housing units. • Single ingress and egress to the project site is a concern. • Retaining the balance between uses in Town is a concern when comparing the amount of residential to the limited amount of office space. Must consider the property in the context of the bigger picture of the Town. The limited amount of open space proposed within the project is a concern. Senior housing does not seem to be a need in this location. • Location does appear strange for an office use, surrounded by residential uses. • Both proposals are too dense. • Need to create a livable neighborhood with pedestrian connectivity to Pine Avenue or Albert Drive. • Entrance to the project needs more creativity. • The change in land use needs to be justified. • The Town has identified the need for office and innovation centers more than additional residences. Several members of the public were present and commented on the application: Jack Van Nada commented that he has concerns regarding traffic and the addition of students to the school system. Even if the traffic nets out, there is not capacity for additional students. Terry McBriarty commented that the traffic patterns would be changed and create safety issues. The addition of new homes would affect the value of existing homes. Mary Badame commented that the density and intensity of the proposed project is a concem and that the Town shoUld uphold the existing character of the neighborhood. CDAC Minutes March 14, 2012 Page3 Melanie Kemp commented that many of the surrounding residents are concerned about high density housing being proposed. On-street parking is already at capacity and this type of housing would further contribute to the issue. The width of Albe1to Way and the single ingress and egress is a concern as well as the traffic impacts. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, April 11, 2012. Prepared by: cc: Planning Commission Chair N:\DEV\CDAOMINUTES\2012\3·14-12.doc This Page Intentionally Left Blank January 12, 2017 Los Gatos General Plan Committee Town of Las Gatos 11 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos , CA 95030 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANI'-liNG DIVISION RE : Letter of Justification for General Plan Amendment 475-485 Alberto Way, Los Gatos, CA Dear General Plan Committee Members: On behalf of our Client, Nearon Properties , we thank you for this opportunity to offer a justification for the General Plan amendment from Low Density Residential to Office Professional for the properties located at 17220 Pine Avenue and 17250 Pine Avenue in support of the proposed project to be located at 475-485 Alberto Way. 475-485 Alberto Way is located at the northern terminus of Alberto Way. The existing site consists of two , 2-story multi-tenant office buildings with on grade parking . The west side of the site backs up to Highway 17 and further to the south along Alberto Way is multi-family residential. To the east of the site is a hill with trees, shrubs and groundcover. The north side of the property consists of (2) existing abandoned residential homes at the bottom of a hill side . The new development of the site would be comprised of a new 2-story building totaling 21,124 SF with an expanded surface parking lot. The exterior design is composed w ith a comb ination of wood veneer, aluminum panels and exterior plaster to complement t he design of the existing buildings on site. An aluminum panel roof screen tops the buildings and provides screening of roof top equipment. Building entries are accentuated with two story glass fronts with a metal panel canopy providing shade and weather protection . An employee break out/amenity spaces is provided in the rear of the building . The design of this building is compatible with the neighboring residential d evelopments . The property is currently zoned O:PD for General Office use. The proposed development will need to incorporate the adjacent residential property to the North of the site to provide the required space for the new build ing and expanded parking lot. This res idential property is currently zoned R-1 :20 and co nsists of two residential homes, in which one is vacant and the other will be temporary occupied for the next few months. Alberto Way is a cui de sac that currently terminates at th e entry to the Nearon Property at the South end of the 475 -485 office building complex. Due to the adjacent topography and the neighboring con straints the only opportunity to expand the project is to the North of the site which con tain s the residential parcels. These parce ls are on the north hillside and contain enough level land at the bottom of the hill for development use. We believe our request to convert these two residential properties to Office Use is i n conformance with the intent of the Town 's General Plan guidelines. Currently the only access to the existing houses is from Pine Street down a winding driveway from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill. These houses are isolated from the adjacent residences on Pine St. due to their location at the bottom of the hill and are not able to develop interaction with their neighbors . It is consistent with the Town's guidelines to provide a buffer between Office users and Residentia l users. In thi s site the adjacent hillsides do provide that separatio n and converting these residential parcels to Office use will achieve these goals. ARC T EC Ari zona 2960 E. No rthern Avenue Bu ilding C Phoe nix, AZ 85028 602.9 53.2355 t 602.953.2988 f California 99 Alma den Bou levard Su ite 840 San Jose , CA 95113 408.496.0676 t 408.496.1121 f www.a rcteci nc.com Las Gatos General Plan Committee ARC TEC # 154135 .00 , January 12 , 2017 Page 2 We respectfully request the General Plan revision for this site which will bring the property owned by Nearon Properties into its proper use designation . Should you have any questions , or if I can be of further assistance, feel free to contact me at any time . Sincerely, ARC TEC , Inc. rfi~ James R. Fulton , LEED AP, ID+BC Principal • . I i ! I • ! ~ I f i ! ; I f II II " n ~ -::::::~ \ ~:-{-0 I I --- ........................... , ........... .... .• ... ,.. ... \ I I ...... .·· ,.------=:J--, EXISTING 2·STORY BLDG. 28,000 S.F. 485 ALBERTO WAY UNIT2 APN : 529 ·21.042 ·.·:::. . ~· .... .... ~-.·. ......... ....... 1, == ==, :::::: .. :::. ·: .. ·.·:.·.·. .............. ·;::::. -:..·.·.·,".".·· ......... . ........ ,, .... , ,, .. *'········ .......... ·;::. ......... EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROJECT DATA EXISTING STRUCT~ES TO BE REMOVED APN 521·21-0lt 044 R1 ·20 U a ACRE Sf 203.854 SF Hi.USF EXISTING PARCEL 'A' DATA ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NJ ZOt.ING. SjfEAREA.: EXISTINl Bl.M.D4NG FOOTPMn, Bl&Oif«l 'A' EX!SlltG IUOINO FOOTPRtNT MOll«.> W' TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA Sjf ECO\I'ERAGE. EXISTING 2·STORY BLDG. 475 ALBERTO WAY UNIT 1 APN : 529-2Hl43 ... APN 521-21-GQ. 529-21-oQ "'"' .U8 ACRESI 203.864 SF 14,000Sf 14 0CWlSF 24.000S.F 2l000SF f20U64SF •137% ' ' ... 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CONTRAcTOR IS RESPONSIBtE TOVERJFYGRADESIHJ IJTILJT\£5 SHOWN ON EX1Sl1NG COtOTIONS PI.Nf PRK)R TO START Of N1V W0R1t 1NV Nil AU CISCREPAHCIES AAE. lOSE DCX:U.IENTEOANO aa.tiTTEO TO THE OYt'NER'S REPRESENTATM AT THE TNE Of DISCOIIERY CONT'RACTOR SHAlL PREVfNT' ACCESS Of ~ZED PERSONS TO PA.All Y OEMOIJSti:O STRUCTVRES OR AREAS PACMOE BARRICADES OR IU8I!Of4E().()Ff ZONES AU. TRAOE:S stWJ. 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Y AFltR REVIEW BY owr£R'S REPRES£NT A T1VE NO <lARBAG:, ORGAIICSOR OTltER OEMISAU.OWED AS FM..L Flll PlACED IN LIFTS GREATtR THNol 2 FEET BelOW SUBGRAOE SHAll N:>T EXCE ED a· IN /W'f DIMENSION E~S OF DEMOUTION AREAS Cf CCJHCRETt: SlRFACES ~T WIU 8E IH VIEW N1ER THE OEMCliOON W01U1 OR COUPl.ETION Of THE t€.W COHSTRt.M:OON $tW.L. BE SAWCUT COMPlETElY TlR>V3H'M-ERE PECI:SSARY SAW CUTSI-W.l BE NORMAL TOM.FACC. 00 NOTO\IERCUT AT CORPERS. CUT8ACK REBAR EXPOSED AT SUIFACE ANO REP~R AS SPECifiED tO AU.SIOEWALXS.Sl.A8S. FOI.INlAT10HSJDt.ISCEl.LNEOUS ~SHAU..BE SfOI.B) CFF-$1TE lH..ESS OMRWISE DltECT£0 8Y THE OWNER'SREPR£SEilrAT1VE OR REOUREO AS PART OFlEEDCERTlFlCATlON 1«:>8C..RNINGOf 0E8RJSSHAU.~ ALLOWED 1 t DE-ENERGIZE .All ELECTRK:AL. SERVICE PRIOR TO OEMOLI110N. 12 DI3COtU.CT N«l REMOVE El.ECTR.ICALEat.IA.ENT N«lWIRIOOBACl TOSCM.RCE FOR AU EOlJPtr.IEHT IHJ UGHT1NG TO 8E OEt.O..ISt£0 13 AU.Ul~ON..9rl'E UT"UllES SHAU.REMAINutUSS DE~ TED FOR REMOVAL. OR SHOULD nt:Y INTERFERE WITH PRo.ECT CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR stW..l PROTECT ALL EXlSTV«:> UTl.JTIES TO RE.MNN 14. AU. unutiE:SSHOWMTOBE REMO\'EOStW.l BE DISPOSED OF OfF ..siT£ INA LEGAL.I.WI£R IS CON"TRACTOR StW.1. COOROIHAfE All O£MOtiT10H WORK~ o\OPROPRIATE UTIJTY COMPANIES PRIOft TOSTARnNGWORK . 16 FORAUUTUTYUPES AI'()S~ESCESIGNATEOTOBER£~D .PLAC£N.:J COMPACT STRUCT\.IRN.. BACKFll wmtN TME TRENCH. tJ REfER TOavt. AHO t..Nt)S(;APE DRAWtNGS FOR AOOfTlONAL DEMCUT10H REOUIIDoiENTS I I \ I I \ I I \ fOWi'-! O F t OS '3.AT OS PLANI,~!!·JG !:: !V\3 :0N ALBERTO WAY DEMOLITION SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"• lO'~' A R C T E C ARCHIT£CTURAL TECHNOLOG IES www .arctocfnc.com Arizona i96d Eill m • .,.,... kifidfit __ ...,. , 6al..9'Sl.lm ~ IGZ..tsl.1911 California 99 """""" iillirtW'd, SUb ii) s.n ..... Caltfan* 951 t l PG.41M.0.71o f G ...... ttlt a..._.,._., .. _..._...N IOIICIICI ... .W::.C:-...-_,...,,... __ ·~":c .. ~::-.::.::::.-::.=:~-::.~'" --l"!lo'loooo(of"R ... -· .. --""' :::.::::-.::-:..:..":.c""',.!"'..:.~ 11 .. -<4----.... ·-IR:--IK'Io _ ......... _ ..... __ _.., ... --oolfiiiCIIC-IIf(llt'o-•-...... ... _,_,_ ..... ..,ol._ -...-..... -.. . ~~~~..!t~~-:::...~~-" =--=~=:::-=:-.:::.:.::: ...,.sc: .. ..,..._._ I Coprngtlt ARC TEC.Inc. 2015 >-~ 0 ;._; 1-.E 0:::: N c:: w (") .Q 0 m Ll) -ro 0> .2 -l <( a.. <C u 0. C/) <( U") Ol 0 c:: co 1- '2 -.::1" <( c:: I (.!) ro U") (/) 0.. t-0 <( -.::1" ....J DATE DESCRIPTION 0124 15 COI'ICS1.Jflt.lnAL 042tti P\NHNGDEPT SlNnAL 0728.15 PlNNNGOEPT. RESU!MTTAl 01 0917 P\.ANt-IHG DEPT RESl.IBMIT"TAL OEMOLITION SIT!: PlAN A1.00 PROJECT NO: 1541 35 i . • i ~ i • I i! i l ! j ~ i ! / :::~ .. · ..... ··· .· .•.. ~ 485 ALB ERTO WAY UNIT2 APN : 529·2Hl42 EXISTING 2-STORY BLDG. 28,000 S.F. @ ... I n11 n n 1 .. : ·.~·# r_n I .~ ~ I .il:~ \~.~ .......... ··:::::.'• ::.:: I· ·l n n 475 ALB ERTO WAY UNIT 1 APN: 529-2 1-043 EXISTING 2-STORY BLDG • 28,000 S.F. -----___ , .... 11111 n ----- n n ~ \ •"'( ALBERTO ' ~WAY TOTAL PROJECT DATA MSESSOR'S PARCEL 00 """""' SfTENtf.A. APHS29-2t-439,042,04l,044 Q..fiON«>R-120 .1ACRESiltt.-S.F PROPOSED BUU:Mr-G FOOTPRIH'r EXISTING ~NO FOOTPRINT, BUILDING 'A' EXISTIOO 8lii..D4NG fOOTPRI NT 8UIL04NG '8' 10562 S.F 14,000S.F t 4000SF TOTAL BUlOING FOOT'PAJNT AAEJ. SITE COVEAAG£_ l8562S.F )8~SF 1291.111SF •Ill".' PROPOSED llM.DING WA EXISTING SULOING AREA, etJil.DING '8' EXISTING 8UlDINGAREA 9t.lllDING'B'" TOTAL BUk.Dif«J AREA ..... l 1,124S.F 21.000SF 21000S.F 7J.124 SF ,,. TOTAL PWINO REQUIRED PER LOS GATOS IIVNIOPAl COO£~TER 29 · AATlCLE I. DMSION 4 GROSS AREA IS OfFHED AS 1l£ TOTAL t«>RRZZHTAL n OOR AREAfH S0UAA£ fEET Of AU STORIES Of AU UJliiQMEASI..Il£0 TO THE OUTSIDE SISffK.E Of EXTERtOR WAU.$ ST-'!RWA.YS N¥J ElEVATOR StWTS StW.L 8E N:l.OOEDOH AU. FlOORS PARKfNGREClUIRED(SE:C 29 10.1451 n .124J250z PNtXING PRCMD£0 EXISTING STANDARO PARKING TO REMAIN EXISTING ACCE~BI.E PARKING TO REMAIN EXISTING VAN ACCESSIBlE PARKING TO REMAIN TOTAl EXISTING TO RDWN tEW STAHlMO PAAICING N£W ACCfSSIBl.E PAAitiNG TOTAl. NEW 30tSP.ta:S 11t SPACES 5 SPACES 1 SPAC ES 182 SPACES 120SPACt:S 7SPACES 127 SPACES TOTAL PARKING PRO\IIOED 309SPACES RE<lJF!a) MMIER ~ LOW.a..TTING, Fl£L..£fACtENT AHD CMPOO.N~ PARKIN) STALLS (CAL GREEN TABlE 5.105 52) fOTAL EIICY<U PAmt.G REOUREO PER CALGREEN SECTIONS 105.4 SHORT·TERM BICYClE PARKING" REOOIREO· S'% Of 309 PWING SPACES • IS 45 PRO\IIl€0 LQNG.Tt.RU IIClQ.E PARI(ING"" REQUIRED S'%0f XII PARKING SPACES • 1545 PROIJI0£0: II SPACES 12SPACES If SPACES 12 SPACES • SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARXWG TO eE PERMAf.£Nll Y NOfOR.ED WITHH 200 FEET Of fHE WJTOR'$ EHTlVrHCE .,_ONG TERM BtCYCLE PNUCING T'O BE COVEREO NI:> l OCKABlE WITK PERMA.NENTtY A.NCHOREO RACKS FOR 81CYCLES KEYNOTES 0 PAVEDPWING/IKJORNES 0 r t-tGH CONCRETE CURS 0 l~J'«)SCAP£ AREA, REFEA TO L.ANOSCAPE DRAWINGS 0 WNS.WAY NCJ HAR0SCAPE. REfER TO LANlSCAPE AM> CM. ORA\WGS 0 NEW TRASH ENClOS~E ·SEE 1/A.I 02 FOR AOOITK)NAL lt.FoRMATlON 0 NEWf.q"I"£1GHTWAU.REFER TO t.AH:>SCNIEDRAWN38 0 PROPERTY UN'E 0 NEW PARKING STRJPING 0 NEW.-GCESSII!l.ERNJP 0 NEW CAR.POOtNANPOOI. PARKING SPACES 8 NEWRECTRJC VEHClECtwtGINGSTA.TlONS(I TOTAl.) SITE PLAN SCALE l ':o:JO'q A R C T E C ARCHITtcnJRAl ITCHNOLOG IES -www.arctednc.com Arf2ona m Eiil nn AveN.e, IUfidii c --1501J , 60Z.95l.1l55 ,. 60Z.f'Sl.2MI catifonril "Aimllillri ICilMt'd, SUL &40 S... .-.. Cal.lfomta 95U l PC11.4M.0.76 F «JJ ...... tlll no--w·--.,•-...-.....l- =~;.;:.=:.-:-~.::..E.fK -f!oo'Wooo(ol'•oo ... -fl .. ___ .., :-..::.::-:.=.-::--:.":.c~~":.:--.:: olh •oooCoO ·~·--~•C IK-MCI'IC'o -· ... ~ ____ ... _,_ .... --•.CIIKOOII MC JK'-1 ___ _ __ ... .,._, .. _ _,.. ___ _ -.~"'.::.::;;-..:::....-:.:...-::::-­ ::..-:::::::-=:=:::.-:...-: ....,"'t;ll(o! .... -....... • Cojlyrigllt ARC TEC.Inc. 201S ~ 3: 0 ;._; ~ ..E 0::: N c: w ("') .Q 0 m 1.() m (j) -~ ~ <( 0.. <C u 0. <( Lt) (/) Ol 0 c: 00 f-·c: "''l::t <( c: I <..9 ro Lt) (/) a.. t-0 <( "''l::t .....J DATE DESCRIPTION 0824.15 CCACSUBMIITAl 0429115 P\...ANHNGDEPT SlJEIUTTAl 0728.16 P'I.»NNG DEPT RE$li8Min AL 010917 Pl»NHGDEPT RESlfMTTAL SITE PIAN A1.01 PROJECT NO: 154 135 Erin M. Walters From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, Erin. Bob Burke <bobburkeat@gmail.com> Friday, January 20, 2017 9:05 AM Erin M . Walters Opposition to zoning change for 17220 & 17520 Pine RECEIVED ~.p-1&-~l 0AN 2 0 2017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I've been appointed by the Pueblo De Los Gatos HOA Board (420 Alberto Way) to comment on behalf of the Owners & Residents of the Pueblo de Los Gatos. We oppose the zoning change for these reasons : The zoning change and plan submitted to the Town for 17220 -17520 Pine is one oftwo proposed commercial developments on our dead-end street. The plan for 17220-17550 Pine proposes to add traffic to Alberto Way as does the plan for 401-409 Alberto. Between them, the added traffic impacts not only Alberto Way but also Highways 9 & 17 as well as Los Gatos Blvd, University and Santa Cruz. Especially in the AM Rush Hour. AM Rush Hour on LG Saratoga Rd (Hwy 9) is so congested that emergency services are delayed from points west to East over Hwy 17. Current AM Rush traffic is highly driven by LG and HS district citizens surging into LGHS & Fisher Middle school. We will arrive to the hearing with photos taken on typical rush hour days illustrating the current gridlock. The Hwy 9 Overpass rebuild and Hwy 17 three lane widening South from Hwy 85 to at or below Hwy 9 are on VTAs project list to be funded and built from thel /2 cent County sales tax hike recently passed by Voters on Nov 8. The Hwys 17 & 9 intersection re-construction and lane width improvements have yet to be designed. We oppose all development in the Pine & Alberto Way area as well as other developments adjacent to 17 that might impact the ability or cost to widen 17 or rebuild the 17 & 9 intersection. No z oning change or construction should take place for 17220-17520 Pine in advance of the Hwy 17 widening design's completion. We note that none the North 40 plans nor the plans for 17220-17 520 Pine or 401-409 Alberto that we've seen account for any additional surface area needed for the necessary road improvements at their sites. We assert that no significant traffic generating developments should be allowed in Los Gatos prior to completions of the road design for 17 & 9. And that the Citizens of Los Gatos are disadvantaged with delays, accidents, stress and road rage caused by significant added congestion. The new traffic from 17220-17520 Pine,+ the new traffic from the proposed 401-409 development are overload for our mainly residential neighborhood . 1 ATTACHMENT 6 This destroys destroys our small town setting .. The current commercial buildings on Alberto are fairly low in both in occupancy and generate a tolerable level of traffic today, however the proposed development enabled by the Zoning change and the recently completed renovations of 47?-485 Alberto by the Applicant, if granted , will significantly elevate traffic on Alberto. Furthermore, LG needs affordable housing, especially retirement housing and the residential parcels should stay residential. If anything, 17220 & 17520 Pine are good for higher density affordable housing that use Pine as the entrance /ex it. If retirement housing, the impact on Pine residents between 17220-17520 and LG Blvd will be minimized since retirees generate a low level of traffic. Impact on the schools will be minimized by keeping the parcels residential. Further congestion in LG driven by the State's imposition that LG approve more housing to accommodate the employees in the commercial development will be avoided. As will the irritation to LG Citizens and the LG spend added funds to widen LG Blvd, Main St, Santa Cruz and University .. We oppose the use of Alberto Way for more 475-485 or traffic generated by the residential parcels traffic should their zoning be changed in any way. Regards, Bob Burke 408-896-7896 "Timely action combined with market knowledge creates excellence and value in the introduction of new technology." 2