Item 1 - GPC Action Minutes 11-17-16DRAFTDRAFT MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2016 The General Plan Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2016, at 6:00 pm. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chair Hudes called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Matthew Hudes, Vice Chair Marico Sayoc, Council Member Barbara Spector, Public Representative Jeffrey Barnett, Planning Commissioner Charles Erekson, Planning Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Absent: Business Representative Todd Jarvis, Community and Senior Services Commissioner Lisa Marshik VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (AUDIENCE) None. 1. North 40 Specific Plan Amendments Addendum Continue discussion of the Town Council suggestions for potential changes to the North 40 Specific Plan. Chair Hudes opened the public hearing. Committee members asked questions of staff. Clay Goodman - Commented that if the Town does not have enough water for its needs now, why is it growing? He cited Santa Barbara and Palo Alto as two cities that have no growth policies due to lack of water. Markene Smith - Commented that many of the comments to the Town Council and Planning Commission were from residents who are concerned about the health of the North 40’s future residents due to crowded streets and freeways, traffic and pedestrian access, and buildings too close to the freeway with no large tree barrier. Lee Quintana - Commented that there are discrepancies between the Specific Plan and the Housing Element, so if there is no plan to change the Housing Element, then the Specific Plan should be changed to be consistent with it. A major flaw of the Specific Plan is that it doesn’t say anything about needing to have 13.5 acres designated as 20 acres or more density. - Commission members asked questions of Ms. Quintana. Edward Morimoto - Commented that it is very challenging, if not impossible, to make good decisions regarding modifying the Specific Plan with a significant lawsuit still pending. He asked the Committee to consider the great complexity of the Specific Plan and the impact of the proposed modifications. Any intention to reduce or limit the North 40 commercial to save the downtown is shortsighted, and the Town should be focused more on Los Gatos’ regional competition. DRAFTPage 2 of 2 General Plan Committee Minutes November 17, 2016 Kim - Commented that she doesn’t understand why this area is being developed. Town residents don’t want more residential areas, or the associated traffic. Why not develop a sanctuary? There is no reason to develop this area, as there is already housing inventory from people leaving because of this. There is too much traffic, and no place to park, so it is impossible to enjoy the Town anymore. John Eichinger - Commented that Phase 1 and Phase 2 should be eliminated from the Specific Plan in favor of a plan for the entire 40 acres, not just half of it. There should be homes that are affordable for teachers, police officers, and fire fighters. A new traffic study should be done, because things have changed since the last traffic study, which did not take weekends into account. Susan Freiman - Commented that as someone looking to remodel her own home, she is very aware of keeping the character of the Town. The calculation of half a parking spot per bedroom is very strange. The Town should consider going subterranean to preserve the roofline and provide parking. Roy Moses - Commented that the citizens of Los Gatos are still very concerned and want to retain the look and feel of the Town. The citizens have lost control of the Town, but it is the job of the staff to represent the community. Chair Hudes closed the public input portion of the hearing and returned to the Committee for deliberation. Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, presented an update on the Phase 1 application status. Committee members asked questions of staff. Committee members discussed and concluded their discussion on the matter. 2. Adjournment Chair Hudes declared the meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm. TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE Thursday, November 17, 2016 APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ Joel Paulson Community Development Director