Item 1 - Addendum and Attachment 3To: GPC 11117/16 ITEM1 ADDENDUM MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT General Plan Committee From: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director 1! North 40 Specific Plan Amendments Subject: Date: November 16, 2016 Attachment 3 consists of public comments received between November 11 ,2016 and November 16 ,2016. A General Plan Committee (GPC) member asked a question regarding the list of uses permitted in the North 40 Specific Plan from page one of the November 17, 2016 GPC Memorandum. The question was which commercial areas require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for those uses? The zoning districts that require a CUP for the permitted uses in the North 40 Specific Plan are included below: • Formula Retail (Downtown and C-1 , CH, LM when over 6,000 square feet) • Market Hall/Specialty Market (Downtown, C-1 , and CH) • Restaurant with or without alcohol service (Downtown, C-1, CH, LM, and CM) • Super Drugstore (Downtown, C-1 , and CH) • Supermarket (Downtown, C-1 , and CH) • Personal Service (Downtown only) • Hotel (Downtown and CH) • Financial Institution (Downtown, C-1 , and CH) • Park, Plaz a, Playground (Downtown, 0 , C-1, CH, LM , and CM) • Public Building (Downtown, 0 , C-1, CH, LM, and CM) • Public Transportation and Parking Facilities (Downtown, 0, C-1 , CH, LM, and CM) • Alternating U se/Shared Parking of Off-Street Parking Spaces (Downtown, 0, C-1 , CH , LM, and CM) • Botanical Nursery (Downtown and 0 , C-1 , CH, LM, and CM) Additionally, a GPC member asked if minutes of the la st meeting will be provided. Action minutes are not yet completed for the last GPC meeting given other minutes that have needed to be prepared. Verbatim minutes will be prepared and provided to the Planning Commission and the Town Council prior to the consideration of this matter before the Planning Commission. General Plan Committee North 40 Specific Plan Amendments/November 17, 2016 Page 2 of2 On Thursday the GPC will continue their discussion with the following section of suggestions from the Town Council which is where we left off at the last meeting: General/Other 1. "Shalls" should replace "shoulds." The Spec!fic Plan could be modifled to address this issue . However, staff would need to walk through each instance and provide a recommendation on whether some of the "shoulds" should be replaced with "shall. " 2. Confirm that the Guiding Principles in the Specific Plan is mandatory language rather than permissive language. 3. Require a plan for the entire Specific Plan area. Section 6.2 on page 6-1 could be modifled to address this suggestion. However, with multiple property owne rs in the Speciflc Plan area it does not appear to be feasible . 4. Preserve existing live oak trees. Language could be added to address this suggestion. 5. Consider the widening Los Gatos Boulevard .. There is no nexus for the Town to require a developer to acquire the land to wide n Los Gatos Boulevard. The Town would need to acquire the property and install the roadway improvements. Given the Town 's limited resources for this type ofaction this suggestion does not appear to be f easible. 6. Try to acquire some land for a park or community pool. Given the Town 's limited resources/or this type of action this suggestion does not appear to b e feasible . 7. Consider making the Town Council the deciding body for applications. Appendix E could be modifled to address this suggestion Additionally, the GPC will have an opportunity to discuss other suggestions from GPC members or the public. The video of the last GPC meeting is available at the following link: http://lo sgatos.granicus.com/MediaP!ayer.php?clip id = 159 7 Attachments (previous ly received with November 17 , 2016 Memorandum): 1. Public comments received between October 27,2016 and November 11 , 2016 2. Conditional Use Permit Table Attachments received with this Addendum: 3 . Public comments received between November 11,2016 and November 16,2016 From: Mohammad Javanbakht [mailto :mj@avestadev.com] Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 3:14PM To: Sally Zarnowitz Cc: Joel Paulson; Erin M. Walters; Mason, Brian (SJC); Walewski, Andre' (SJC) Subject: Re: Burton Rd. and Los Gatos Blvd. Hi Sally, Following ou r conversation the other day, I would like to formally request that the General Plan Committee of the City of Los Gatos con sider inclusion of the Senior Housing use, specifically, Senior Apartments, Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care, in the Specific Plan amendment for the North Forty District. In particular we would like to be able to develop a senior housing development on a 2.5 acre property at the corner of Burton Rd . and Los Gatos Blvd . Senior housing communities offer a fully amenities, service enriched, and much needed housing option to our senior citizens, while providing a complementary and low impact housing addition to the neighborhood. These communities provide a high-quality, culturally rich, and social living environment for aging residents to be able to remain active and able to stay in their neighborhood, among their family and friends. The communities also offer a low-impact economic engine; while facilitating new investment in aging homes as well as creating many direct and indirect local lobs, they are a low impact housing option in the neighborhood. The senior communities will have extremely low traffic, due to the fact that most residents do not operate vehicles. The communities also have a minimal use of city resources/infrastructure, due to the fact that the buildings include many amenities needed for the residents' daily lifestyle. Furthermore, the senior apartments, independent living and sometimes even assisted living residents are considered doweling units, due to the fact that they include kitchenettes or full kitchens, bathrooms and living areas, and therefore, will satisfy the City's housing requirements . Below is a description of various types of residences: Senior Apartments and Independent living Residences: Each senior residence would constitute an individual"dwelling unit". Specifically, each residence would constitute individual living quarters that include areas for living, eating, and sleeping, plus a kitchen and at least one bathroom . The residences would be "high end," with top-quality fixtures and surfaces, and designed to appeal to sophisticated and discerning individuals. The occupants of the residences would be offered a menu of services as part of their monthly rent such as meals, housekeeping, laundry, transportation, social and recreational activities as well as observation of the resident for changes in condition. Residents will also be offered personal care services such as assistance with dressing, bathing, grooming, toileting and medication management on an as -needed, a Ia carte basis . From a practical perspective, the senior residences within the Project would function in exactly the same manner as residences within any other multi-family building, with additional support for the occupants on an "as-needed" basis. Assisted living Residences: Assisted Living residences are similar to independent living re sidences with a higher degree of service s and care provided . It is anticipated that these residents may require assi stance with activities of daily living such as ambulation, toileting, bathing, dressing and grooming . .ATTACHMENT 3 Memory Care Residences: The memory care residences would be individual private or shared residences that would house seniors who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or some other form of memory impairment. Memory Care Residents would be offered meals , housekeeping, laundry, transportation, social and recreational act ivities as part of their monthly rent as well as assistance with services such as dressing, bathing, grooming, toileting and medication management as needed. Memory Care residents would also receive specialized personal care tailored to people with memory impairments provided by trained staff members. Assisted Living and Memory Care residences can be also considered a commercial use due to the intensity of services that are provided. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions . Best Regards, Moha m mad Java nbak ht Ma n aging Partn er • lO w. li<T T : 9 2 5-899 -89 81 I F: 41 5-80 0-6063 I E: mj@avestadev.co m 1 3922 Qui t o Rd., Sa r atoga, CA 95070 I w_\N.\1\,',g'!g?J:~<:I~Y.~Qm Sally Zarnowitz From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Susan Freiman <srfreiman@gmail.com > Wednesday, November 16, 2016 9:11 AM Sally Zarnowitz; Joel Paulson Marsh North 40 comments Hello and Thank You for all your hard work, We have been actively attending and speaking out at Town mtgs since the first Town Not City protest in 2014. A s 20 year residents of High St, we feel that we must add our voice to pres erve the character of our town. Specific comments : 1) The obvious "Gaming the s ystem" of the developer to put 100% ofthe homes in the LG s chool di strict was alarming to us . If it i s at all1egal, the future plan should do its best to prevent the next application from abusing our rules to maximi ze their profit. 2) As a family that is hoping to demo and build a new home some day, we drew up plans that include significant underground excavation to minimiz e our impact on our neighborhood while giving us more room in which to live. Plea se seek to, at a minimum, place all of the new development's parking underground to minimize the impact of these new structures on our lovely views . A lowered guideline on maximum height would also be most desirable. My children and I are looking forward to attending tomorrow night's meeting. Thank you again, -Susan & Marshall Freiman High Street 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank November 17, 2016 General Plan Committee Meeting To: Meeting: Re: From : General Plan Committee November 17, 2016 Potential Amendments to the Specific Plan Lee Quintana I would like to submit the following comments for the Committee's consideration. I have followed the suggestion made by Commissioner Erekson at your last meeting by identifying a problem and following the problem with a potential solution(s) (amendment) to address the problem. Problem 1: Specific Plan , as adopted , is not consistent with the revised Housing Element of the General Plan • The Specific Plan was adopted subsequent to the adoption of the revised Housing Element. However, the Plan was not modified to reflect the changes in the Housing Element specifically applicable to the North 40 Specific Plan. For example : -The Housing Element requires a minimum of 13.5 acres at a density of 20 units/ acre to be zoned within the Specific Plan area. -The Housing Element includes by-right development and -The Housing Element limits A&S review to objective design criteria. • The Plan also lacks a discussion of applicable portions of state and federal laws relating to housing, such as the State Density Bonus. · These are major deficiencies . Without the context of the Specific Plan in relationship to the Housing Element it is impossible to understand the Plan, nor is it possible to assess whether a proposed application is in conformance with the Specific Plan, the Housing Element, the General Plan and/or applicable state laws . Solution 1: Amend the SP to include the following : • Requirement to zone 13.5 acres at a density of 20 units/acre • Discussion of the relationship between the Specific Plan, the Housing Element and other applicable State and Federal Laws • Discussion of by-right development and objective design criteria • Discussion of the State Density Bonus Law including accommodations and waivers . • Add a list of applicable goals and policies from the Housing Element Problem 2: There appears to be a disconnect between the Plan 's stated maximum allowed development capacity for both non-residential and what is actual possible based on requirements of the plan . Solution 2 : Do a reality check and reduce the maximum development capacity of the Plan accordingly. 1 November 17, 2016 General Plan Committee Meeting Problem 3: It is not always clear when a standard or guideline is mandatory or is not mandatory. In addition, the Plan includes a limited number of "objective design criteria" Solu tion 3: • Amend the Plan to expand the definition of mandatory to include terms other then "shall". • Amend the Plan to expand the definition of not mandatory to include terms other than "should ". • Amend the Pan to add additional objective design criteria that provide some flexibility. Thank you for considering these comments. Lee Quintana 5 Palm Ave. 2