Item 3 - Addendum and Attachment 2To: From: Subject: Date: GPC 10/27/16 ITEM3 ADDENDUM MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT General Plan Committee Joel Paulson, Community Development Director 1 f North 40 Specific Plan Amendments October 26 , 2016 Attachment 2 consists of public comments received between September 27 ,2016 and October 6 , 20 16 , inadvertently omitted from the memorandum for thi s item. Attachments: 1. Town Council Suggestions for North 40 Specific Plan Amendments, prev iousl y Submitted with the October 21,2016 memorandum 2. Pub li c comments received between September 27,2016 and October 6, 2016 From: Mike Matthews [mailto :mike.matthews@power.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 4:54 PM To: BSpector; Marice Sayoc; Marcia Jensen; Rob Rennie; Steven Leonardis; Laurel Prevetti; Joel Paulson; Robert Schultz Subject: North 40 Development -resident comment Dear Los Gatos Council members I will be unable to attend tonight's meeting but do hope you can reach agreement to amend the Specific Plan for the North 40 development Rgds David M Matthews Englewood Ave resident ATTA CHM ENT 2 Cindie Gonzales From: Sent: To: Subject: kcdugg i ns@ gmail.c om Tu es d ay, Septembe r 27, 2016 5:19 PM Jo el Paul son; Sally Za rnowitz; Cindie Gonzales North 40 Dear City Counc il and Pl a nning Commi ssion : M ay I propose a plan fo r th e North 40 th a t seems to m e to be somewhat o f a c ompro mi se to a ll p a rties. Wha t if we c a n tu m m ost of the ho mes into a community like The V ill age s. If we have 55 and o ld e r gro up buy in g the homes it would NOT affect our sch ools. S ince most of the p eopl e would be retire d o r semi re tired a nd not commuting at peak hours o ur tra ffi c wou ldn 't be a s impacte d e ith e r We could still have some sto res that wo uld no t o n ly serve thi s a ge g ro up but perhap s t he co mmunity a round it. A s ma ll po rtio n of th e condos could be lower inco me and set as ide for p o li ce, t eache rs a nd fire ma n tha t serve thi s community. We know tha t a t some po int thi s prope rty will be develo ped, but I be li eve my idea would give a n o pportunit y t o many lo ng time Los Gatans who have li ved a nd ra ised the ir fa milies here, to s ta y in Los Gat os when the t ime c omes to do wnsize. S ince we ha v e ne ither th e space nor the finances to build more schoo ls, this idea wo uld a t lea st li m it the impact to our curre ntl y c rowded sch oo ls. I ho p e yo u w ill do the ri ght t h ing by a ll of us and n o t g ive in to a d evelo p er t ha t does not li ve he re a nd onl y want s to line hi s own pocke t s. I am no t o pposed to develpment a nd g ro wth (m y hu s band is a co ntrac tor), however, I do n 't wa nt to see life in Los Gatos b e ing c h oked o ff b y all the increase o f traffic . It will only hurt u s in the lo ng run. Thank you fo r a ll your ti me a nd con sidera ti on . Kirste n D uggi n s From: Mpmillen@aol.com [mail t o :Mpmillen@aol.com] Sent : Wednesday, September 28, 2016 10:20 AM To : Council Subject: North 40 specific plan meeting 09/27 Hi , I wanted to share a few thoughts about last nights meeting. I wa s impressed by so many speakers and their comments. Almost all of the ideas suggested had merit, and I am confident the council and staff can use the oral and written comments to make the Specific Plan work for the town, and to make the future development smart and positive for the town. I wanted to respond to Council Member Rennie's (i think) question about where to locate a market hall downtown. I believe the old ferrari dealership next to town hall is a perfect spot. The property ha s been languishin g empty for years, be cause the restrictive zoning blocks any beneficial use. Selling cars, even expensive cars, in a small space in a small town is over-the space will remain empty forever if the town does not act to change the zoning. It is unfair to citizens and the property owner that this property remains a ghost town. Underground parking, and a market hall would be a huge success. The town needs to abondone the re strictive zoning at this property so it can g row someth ing beautiful for the town. Sent from my iPhone Joel Pa u lson From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Sall y Za rn owitz Monday, Oc t o be r 03, 20 16 11 :22 A M Joel Pau ls on Phone Ca ll re : N40 M r . Walker of Blo ss om Manor called me to convey his concerns about the Project and Spe cific Plan : • Conc ern ed about density, height, lack of open spa ce • Concern ed about comments by council members re: cutting trees to provide better v iews-if that is what was sa i d • Sr . units need to be at grade; no steps, sta irs , curbs, and wider doors -no second floors for disabled people • Proje ct does not feel li ke Los Gato s Thank you Sally Zarnowit z, Al A, LEED AP Planning Manager I Community Development Dep artment Town o f Los Gatos I 110. E. Main St reet, Los Gatos, CA 95 030 408.354.6873 I szarnowit z@ losgatosca .gov Pl a nning : 408.354.6874 Community Development Counter Hours : M onday -Friday, 8 :00a .m.-1:00 p.m . Please note I will be out of the offi ce : October 5-18, 2016 Please note the upcoming Town closure: November 24 -2 5, 2016 -Tha nksg ivi ng 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Robb Walker <rnwalker1@comcast.net> Monday, October 03 , 2016 12:36 PM Planning Dr. Weismann 's suggestion at the last Town Council Please forward this to Planning Commission Dr. Weismann's suggestion at the last Town Council meeting to have the entire North 40 be for housing is too practical to overlook. Probably too much water has gone under the bridge already. Under his plan, businesses would be situated outside the North 40 where they currently exist on Los Gatos Blvd .. Another speaker questioned the sustainability of businesses currently being looked at in the North 40 with all the ramifications this will bring forward. As I drove throughout Los Gatos I observed homes with a convenience store "within driving distance." Some homes farther away then others. Residents drive to do their shopping. Why is the No .40 any different or special ? "Grosvenor was going to build a town for us when all we needed were homes." We already have a Town. People would be very satisfied with a "charming" small home community in the North 40 just like you find all over Los Gatos . Getting to a store from there is as easy as it is for all other Los Gatos residents. The idea of developing a "home community" as Dr. Weizmann suggested is not so outlandish. It i s very practical. I only wish this idea was presented at the first advisory committee meeting. It accomplishes many things: it doesn't compete with downtown, provides for an attractive home sett i ng with winding, meandering streets, the view of the hills is not an issue anymore with the lower height of the homes, senior hou sing is easily woven into the neighborhoods. You can go on and on. This plan seems to counter each problem we have been racking our brain s to fix . We are only "kicking the can down the road" under current plans when the balance of homes will eventually need t o be situated somewhere else in town to meet the state's mandate i.e. Los Gatos Lodge and elsewhere. It then becomes someone else's problem . It's too bad that we are going to be compelled to let a good idea pass us by. Dr. Weismann's plan most assuredly provides the look and feel of Los Gatos . Robb Walker Sent from my iPad 1 From: jan prinzivalli [ma ilto:j anprinzivalli@hotmai l.com ] Sent: Tuesday , October 04, 2016 4 :53 PM To: Council Subject: North 40 Council- Please consider and vote for a library annex as part of the North 40. This would be convenient for schools and residents on the north side of town, but also reduce crosstown traffic. Thank you for your consideration. Jan Prinzivalli 101 Charter Oaks Circle Los Gatos From: Bruce MacNaughton <b rucea macnaughto n@gmail.com> Date: October 6, 2016 at 9:38:44 AM PDT To: "Barbara Spector, Chair" <bs pecto r@ lo sg atosca.gov>, Marcia Jensen <mjens en(@,los g atos c a.gov>, Marico Sayoc <m s avoc@los ga to sca.gov>, Rob Rennie <nenni e@ losgatosca.gov>, Steve Leonardis <s leona rdi s@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Affordable and Senior Housing I recently moved to Los Gato s from out of state.. I be lieve that I might recognize some potential problems that someone closer to the situation might not see. The people that you are creating affordable housing for are probably living here in Los Gatos . When they move into the newly created housing, they are emptying where they cunently live which will be immediately moved into by others. The net result of the new affordable housing is to increase the popul ation density in Los Gatos with the accompanying need for more schools, roads , services, etc. From what I have heard, this is not what the people of Los Gato s want. I believe that goals should be developed for the future of Los Gatos which, if and when they are adopted , will make your jobs much easier. In the past, I have been on the developer's side. I would strongly suggest that you require all the so-called North 40 acreage to be permitted before anything is allowed to proceed. Developers are persistent and they figure that they can and will wear down any oppos ition in time BAM