Item 3 - Twin OaksTo: From: Subject: Date: Overview GPC 10 /28/15 ITEM3 MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT General Plan Committee Laurel R. Prevetti, Town Manager/Community Development Directo ~ ~­ Twin Oaks : General Plan Amendment (GP-12-001) from Agriculture to Hillside Residential. October 21 ,2015 The Twin Oaks (Surrey Farms) application has been considered by the General Plan Committee (GPC) twice (September 12 , 2012, and October 22 , 2014). The minutes from those meetings are included in Exhibit 3. The GPC requested that the item return to them once the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was completed. The DEIR was completed in August and a copy of the document was provided to each GPC member on August 26, 2015. The public comment period for the DEIR ended on October 9 , 2015 and staff is working to compile and address the comments received . The scope of the GPC's review in regards to the applicant's proposal is limited to providing comments on the proposed General Plan amendment from Agriculture to Hillside Residential on the existing 17.55-acre parcel. The role of the GPC is to assist the Planning Commission and the Town Council on matters relating to the General Plan or any specific plans (Exhibit 4). As legislative items, the Town Council is the deciding body for the General Plan amendment and rezoning. Background The Surrey Farms neighborhood was created and developed in the late fifties and early sixties, and is predominantly zoned R-1: 10. The project site was placed under the Williamson Act in 1975 at which time the property was rezoned from R-1 :20 to RC (Resource Conservation). The project applicant is requesting approval of the following: • General Plan amendment from Agriculture to Hillside Residential (0-1 dwelling unit/acre) • Rezoning from RC (Resource Conservation) to HR-1 :PD (Hillside Residential , 1 unit/acre) General Plan Committee Twin Oaks PD/October 28, 2015 Page 2 of4 • Cancellation of a Williamson Act Contract (a notice of non-renewal was issued to the Town by the property owner on April 28, 2015) Approval of this General Plan amendment and rezoning would allow the project applicant to subdivide a vacant 17.55-acre property into 10 lots for future development of single-family residences. Each lot would be a minimum of 40,000 square feet and the southeast corner of the site (3.22 acres) would be designated as open space. While the project as proposed would be solely accessed from Twin Oaks, an alternative site layout is being analyzed where four of the ten lots would be accessed from Cerro Vista Court. Planning Commission and Town Council hearing dates have not been determined yet; however, the applications are expected to be complete in 2015. Comments The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the GPC. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics , and provides them to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the GPC is whether or not the applicant's request to change the General Plan designation is consistent with the General Plan . 1. The existing General Plan is Agriculture due to the existing Williamson Act contract between the property owner and the Town of Los Gatos. The proposed project would require cancellation of the contract. It should be noted that the property does not currently conform to Williamson Act requirements because the property is less than 40 acres and the property is not being used for active agriculture or grazing land. 2. The applicant is proposing a General Plan Amendment from Agriculture to Hillside Residential. The property is contiguous to Low Density Residential and Hillside Residential land use designations. General Plan Goals, Policies, and Land Use Designations Applicable General Plan goals and policies that will be used to evaluate the proposed General Plan amendment, rezoning, and any other development applications on this site include but are not limited to: • LU 6.5 The type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood. • CD-14.1 Minimize development and preserve and enhance the rural atmosphere and natural plant and wildlife habitats in the hillsides. • CD-14.2 Limit hillside development to that which can be safely accommodated by the Town's rural two-lane roads. • CD-14.3 Effective visible mass shall be reduced through such means as stepping structures up and down the hillside, following topographic contours, and limiting the height and mass of wall planes. A maximum of two stories shall be visible from every elevation. General Plan Committee Twin Oaks PD/October 28 , 2015 Page 3 of4 • CD-15.3 New construction shall be designed to follow natural land contours and avoid mass grading. When possible, flat pads should be avoided and houses should be designed to conform to or step down the contours rather than be designed for flat pads . Grading large , flat yard areas should be avoided. • CD-15 .5 Review all development proposals to ensure appropriate grading and landscaping and minimal disruption of existing native pl ans and wildlife habitats . • CD-16.3 New structures or remodels shall be designed to respect views from surrounding properties while allowing all affected properties reasonable access to views. • TRA-9.4 Encourage private entities to develop and maintain transit, pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle facilities. • TRA-11.3 Trails should be: a. Located as not to impact existing homes wherever possible. b. Located within the open space areas of subdivisions that have dedicated open space as a condition of subdivision approval. c. "Cross-country" type, as opposed to trails bordering roads, wherever possible. d. Located on the first property to develop, if a trail location is adaptable to either of two adjacent properties. • OPS-2.3 In all hillside subdivisions, the dedication of open space in fee or as an easement shall be required to protect unique natural features, habitats, and migration corridors, and to preserve the rural atmosphere. • OSP-3.2 Improve connections between existing on-street bicycle lanes, multi-use trails, and open space. The applicable land use designations are described below. Agriculture: The agriculture designation identifies areas for commercial agricultural crop protection. Hillside Residential: [0-1 dwelling unit per net acre (up to 3.5 persons per acre)] The Hillside Residential designation provides for very low density, rural, large lot or cluster, single-family residential development. This designation allows for development that is compatible with the unique mountainous terrain and vegetation of parts of Los Gatos. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) The applicant's proposed project was considered by the CDAC on September 8, 2010. Comments from the CDAC are included in Exhibit 2. Conclusion The Committee should consider the existing and the proposed General Plan designations and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission on whether the proposed General Plan Amendment from Agriculture to Hillside Residential is consistent with the Town's General Plan. General Plan Committee Twin Oaks PD/October 28, 2015 Page 4 of4 Exhibits: 1. Location maps (showing existing Zoning and General Plan designations) 2. CDAC Minutes, September 8, 2010 (two pages) 3. GPC Minutes, September 12, 2012 and October 22 , 2014 4. Resolution defining the role of the General Plan Committee 5. Letter from applicant (one page) 6. Site plans (three pages) cc: Tom Dodge, 851 S. McGlincy Lane, Campbell CA 95008 N:\DEV\GPC Yiwin Oaks I'D·3.doc ( 0 ( Twin Oaks Drive Existing Zoning Designations EXHIBIT 1 Twin Oaks Drive Existing General Plan Designations ,j TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6874 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2010, HELD IN THE LOS GATOS ADULT RECREATION CENTER, ROOM 208, 208 E. MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:30p.m. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Diane McNutt, Steve Rice, Charles Erekson, Marico Sayoc, Joanne Talesfore Absences: None Staff Present: Suzanne Davis, Senior Planner ITEM 1 : Twin Oaks Drive Conceptual Development Review CD -I 0-004 Requesting preliminary review of a plan to rezone a property zoned RC to HR: 1 :PD, with a General Plan amendment from Agriculture to Hillside Residential and subdivide into 10 minimum 40,000 square foot lots. APN: 532 -1 6-006. PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: Tom Dodge PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley Tom, Larry , Jeff & Linda Dodge and Rodger Griffin were present for this item Tom Dodge commented that the property is zoned RC due to the Williamson Act contract. The Dodge family purchased the property in the 1950s. When Brooke Acres went in, the road was constructed up to the southern property line. Sewer is already installed. Proposing a 1 0-lot subdivision. There are some native black oaks on the site. Rodger Griffin commented that a trail extension is proposed from Twin Oaks and that only lot 7 can be seen from off the site. Lots on the steeper hillside are larger. Comments: • Concerned about the removal of large oak and English Walnut and prefer a plan that would not require these trees to be taken out. • Clustering development at the bottom of the hill is desirable • Off-site BMP unit is acceptable • Architecture of new homes will be important • Rural chara cter should be retained EXHIBIT 2 CDACAgenda September 8, 2010 Page 2 • Not all of the new homes should be two-stories • Neighborhood meetings early in the process strongly recommended • Conceptually an infill development makes sense • HR -1 zoning provides an appropriate buffer between R -1: 1 0 and larger hillside lots • Actual number of lots will be determined by the grading volumes • Access points to Twin Oaks and Brook Acres appropriate • Opportunity to develop the property in a way that will flow with the surrounding neighborhoods • Be aware of existing architecture and how the new development will fit in with it (mass and scale more important that the specific architectural style) • Design of new homes should be sympathetic to the site and area • Lots 6 and 7 present the biggest challenge (slope, geotechnical , visibility) • Development could be clustered or set on larger parcels • Project has the potential to fit in and be in harmony with the surrounding area • Concerned about visibility ofhome site on lot 7 • Two access points desirable for emergency purposes • Preserve the existing historic wall ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:10p.m. The next regular meeting of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee is Wednesday, October 13, 2010. Prepared by : Suzanne Davis, AICP Senior Planner cc: Planning Commission Chair N:\DEV\C DAC\M INUTES\20 I 0\9-8 -1 Oc dacmin .doc TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2012, HELD AT THE LOS GATOS ADULT RECREATION CENTER, 208 E. MAIN STREET, ROOM 208 , LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 5:33p.m. by John Bourgeois. ATTENDANCE: Members present : Barbara Spector, Joe Pirzynski, John Bourgeois, Marico Sayoc, Marcia Jensen, Todd Jarvis Members absent: Matthew Hudes, Barbara Cardillo Staff present: Sandy Baily, Acting Assistant Community Development Director; Joel Paulson , Acting Principal Planner; Marni Moseley, Associate Planner; Judith Propp , Town Attorney ITEM1 TWIN OAKS DRIVE In response to Committee questipns, Town Attorney Judith Propp summarized the notification process and provided an overview of the Williamson Act and the cancellation process. Staff briefly discussed the env ironmental review process in conjunction with the General Plan Committee's (GPC) recommendation . The Committee members discussed the possibility of continuing the item and decided to proceed with accepting public and committee input. Marico Sayoc commented that she wou ld like to see the required findings for the Planning Commission (PC) and the Town Council (TC) for the subject application. Jill Fordyce commented that she is co nc erned that th e proposed project would alte r the neighborhood , and that the General Plan designation should remain. Also commented her understanding is that the Williamson Act contract cancellation can only occur in an extreme emergency. Mark Weiner commented that the project does not comply with the intent of the Hillside portion of the General Plan. Scott Fraiser commented that the neighborhood consists of cui-de-sacs and that when people bought into the neighborhood the "finger" of the subject site was not apparent. EXHIBIT 3 General Plan Committee Mmutes September 12 , 2012 Page 2 of3 Hal Riley commented that multiple access points to the property are a major objection as well as the increase in traffic and loss of open space. Robert Steinbock commented th at there was never an intent for another road to go through there and that there are infrastructure issues, and wildlife and creek impacts. Tom Dodge (App licant) noted that the story poles were installed early in the process to assist the environmental consultant regarding visua l analysis ofthe DEIR, and the site was graded in 1955. Committee Comments/Discussion: Marico Sayoc commented that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is the vehicle for these types of comments and that it would be helpful to share this information with the neighborhood during the process, and encouraged the members of the public to get on the notification list. Marcia Jensen moved to continue the item to a date uncertain with the request to review the Draft EIR. Barbara Spector requested information regarding the criteria for the cancellation of a Williamson Act contract, General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, and the required findings for the proposed project. Todd Jarvis requested information regarding the background on the last two Hillside Planned Developments that were approved , as well as the background on the last time the Town canc elled a Williamson Act contract. Joe Pirzynski noted that due to the complexity of the application, the direction of the GPC is not the normal process and seconded the motion with the request that the next meeting be held in a larger room in order to better accommodate the neighbors. Motion passed 6-0 . ITEM2 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT Marico Sayoc and Barbara Spector recused themselves from the item and left the meeting because they live within 500 feet of the applicant 's site. Marni Moseley summari zed the proposed amendment and briefly discu ssed the properties . The applicant's representative presented the request. Marcia Jen sen moved to recommend approval of the amendment to allow office and personal service uses in the rear two sui te s at 114 Royce Street to the Town Council. General Plan Committee Ivunutes September 12 , 2012 Page 3 of3 Joe Pirzynski commented that the site is very constrained and the way the north side of the building abuts the parking lot cannot be fixed to make it more attractive for a retail use. He would be inclined to support the motion in that this does not impact the intent of the regulations. Marcia Jensen requested that staff get in touch with the property owners of 106 Royce Street and 301 University Avenue (two other sites suggested by staff) to see if information could be provided to support inclusion of the properties in the application. Todd Jarvis seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0 . ITEM3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM AUGUST 8, 2012 Marcia Jensen made a motion to approve the minutes from August 8 , 2012. The motion was seco nded by Joe Pirzynski and passed unanimously. ITEM4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for September 26, 20 12. Prepared by: N:\DEV\GPC\2012minutes\GPC 9-12 This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TO\VN OF LOS GATOS ON OCTOBER 22, 2014, HELD AT THE LOS GATOS ADULT RECREATION CENTER, 208 E. MAIN STR EET, ROOM 208, LOS GATOS , CALIFORN IA. The meeti ng was called to order at 5:33p.m. by Marico Sayoc. ATTENDANCE: Members present: Marico Sayoc, Marcia Jen sen, Barbara Spector, Margaret Smith, Michele Boudreau, B o b Beyer Members absent: Matthew Hudes, Charles Erekson, Todd Jarvis Staff pre sent: Laurel Prevetti, Assistant Town Manager and Community Development Director; Joel Paul son, Planning Manager; Marni Mo sel ey, Associate Planner; Ro bert Schultz, Town Attorney ITEM l APPOINTING CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Chair Marico Sayoc continued this matter to next year since the appointments to the Committee will most likely change at the end of the year. ITEM2 TWIN OAKS DRIVE C hai r Marico Sayoc recused h erself due to a conflict of interest. Marcia J ensen chaired the remainder of the meetin g. Staff provided a brief staff report and background of the application. The Committee members asked questions about: the Williamso n Act cancellati o n and process, the impact of the existing General Plan Env ironm e ntallmpact Report (EIR) for the Town on th e appli cation, a nd the possible int ensi fic ation of the appli cation on that EIR . T he appli cant's representative, Roger Griffin, provided a briefbackground on the appli ca tion Committee Comments/Discussion: The Committee members discu ssed th e sta tu s of th e EIR for the app li cation. The Committee members discussed th e possibility of continuing the i tem until the EIR IS avai lable. General Plan Committee Minutes October 22 , 2014 Page 2 of2 Barbara Spector commented that most of the provided General Plan Policies cannot be determined without the information contained in the EIR. Marcia Jensen commented that additional policies beyond those provided in the report would be relevant. Robert Shultz clarified that the role of the General Plan Committee is to assist the Planning Commission and the Town Council on the consistency of the General Plan Amendment to the existing General Plan. If the additional information within the EIR would assist the Committee in making a recommendation on that limited scope, it is within their purview to request that. Marcia J ensen moved to continue the item to a date uncertain once the Draft EIR is available. Motion passed 5-0. ITEM3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 Marcia Jensen continued the item to the next regular meeting due to a lack of a quorum for the item . ITEM4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6 :22 p .m . The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for November 12, 2014. Prepared by: N:\D EV\GPC\20 14minutes\GPC I0-2 2-14 .doc I I GENERAL PLAN COMMtfTEE 'RESOLUTI ON 1998-49 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CHANGING THE COMPOSITION OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVES .-· AND INCREASE TilE NUMBER OF TOWN RESIDENTS AND RE~CIND RESOLUTION 1996-88 RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town ofLos Gatos, that the Town Council hereby formally establishes the General Plan Committee ("Committee"). The Committee shall be advis~ to the Planning Commission and shall operate in the manner hereinafter prescribed. 1. Apoointment and term of office. The Committee shall consist of nine (9) members. Tbr.ee (3) members shall be members of the Planning Commission, two (2) members shall be members of the Town Counc~ one (1) member shall be an owner of property in the Town zoned and used for business purposes with a Town business license, or a manager of a business with a place of business in the Town, one (1) member sba.ll be a member of the Community Services Commission, and two (2) members shall be residents of the Town. The business property owner or business manager shall not be -required ~o reside within the Town of Los Gatos. The terms of office -of the Conttnittee shall be at the discretion of the Mayor for Town Council members, the Chair of the Planning Commission for Planning Commission members and the Chair of the Community Services Commission for the Community Services Commission member. The public members shall be appointed by the Town Council and shall serve a term of four ( 4) years. . ~..__ 2. Removal of public members : absence of members: The removal of the public members and the absence of members shall be governed in accordance with the rules estabijshed the latest Town Council resolution con~ duties of members ofBoards and COIIlll\issioos of the Town ofLos Gatos. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote ofthe Town Council, and shall be for the unexpired term of the office vacated. 3. Meet:jpgs : quorums: officers. The Committee shall bold regular meetings at least once a month as deemed necessary by the Planning Director. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum .for the purpose at transacting the business oftlie Committee. The Committee shall elect a chair arid vice-chair, both of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Committee. Terms of office shaU be for one year and shall begin on February I and continue through January 31 of the following year. · 4. Powers and Duties. The duties of the Committee shall be to rep ort ~0,. ~onsult with, and provide assistance to the Planning Commission and :rown Council on all matters relati1fg to the General Plan or any spec ific Plan. The Committee must report to the Planning Commission prior to any Commis sion meeting scheduled to discuss an application for a General Plan Amendment. 5. Resolution not to affect powers of Town Council or Planning Commission. EXHIBIT 4 Nothing in this resolutiu11 shall be construed as restricting or cwtailing ,.,..y of the powers of the Town Council or Planning Commission, or as a delegation to the Committee of any of the authority or discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in such bodies. 6. Business Representatives. The Council declares that an individual appointed to the General Plan Committee described in Section 1 above as representing the business sector is intended to represent and further the interests of the business sector, and that such representation and furtherance will ultimately serve the public interest. Accordingly, the Council find that fur the purposes of a person who holds such office, the business sector is tantamount to and constitutes the public generally within the moaning of Section 87103 of tbe Government Code and as provided in Section 18703 of Title 2, Division 6 of the California Code of R~lations . This means that a member of this Committee will not be disqualified in matters affecting his/her business mterests. FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution rescinds Resolution 1996-88 . PASSED AND ADOP TED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 4th day of May, 1998 by the fotJowing vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS : A YES : Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Jan Hutchins and Mayor Lubeck NAYS : Randy Attaway ABSENT : None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST : SIGNED: lsi Marian V. Cosgrove Is/ Randy Attaway MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNlA ,· c. October 9, 2014 The Honorable Marcia Jensen, Vice Mayor Los Gatos General Plan Committee Members of the Los Gatos General Plan Committee 11 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Ms. Jensen and Members of the General Plan Committee: --~---~ r.'F N!1\G()M URBAN DESIGN& PLANNING On behalf of our Client, the Dodge Family we thank you for this opportunity to convey to you their thinking behind the application for 40,000sf or larger lots on this nearly 18 acre site . Prior to 1975, this property was designated as R-1 :20 and was not covered by Hillside Standards. Had the property been developed as 20,000sf lots, there could have been as many 38 lots on the 17.53ac. Following inclusion of the property under a Williamson Act contract the, property was rezoned to RC it's current designation. Properties with R-1: 10 and R-1 :12 designation abut this property along the West side and on either side of the Twin Oaks entry to the property. To the North and to the East the existing zoning is HR-1. HR-1 zoning exists to the South on either side of Brooke Acre. One neighboring parcel that abuts the South side is HR-2 .5. Nearly all of the Dodge property that borders the HR-2.5 property is outside the LRDA. The LRDA portions of the Dodge Family property abuts either HR-1 or Low Density Residential, existing developed property. Clearly and in conformance to the existing surrounding developments, the application for rezoning this property HR-1 conforms to the Town's General Plan Policy. An HR-1 designation is of the type, density and intensity to be consistent with the immediate neighborhood. We respectfully request your recommendation for this property to be designated as HR with one-acre minimum parcels . File: 10.9.14-GPC Ltr.docx EXIDBIT 5 PJ\Ri\GON DESIGN GROUP, INC . 409 Alberto Way Suite 1 Los Gatos, CA 95032 408.358 .3707 office@paragondgi.com MEMBER A.I.B.D. This Page Intentionally Left Blank R-1:10 X USTOIF OlffS TO If HM~O IY CONaPlVAL HOUSE ,ADS LOT ..... I : ... (lN'OOlHII!A&.TliR:lCOM&«t> TOlE llf.MOVI:D) LOT N.. 7,...0,+4t.&02,&10,6Lt,620, ~1 . 5l5, 5l9,530,.U Z, 531 ~ NA.ll\'f TflfU) X TRfU AHTC'Tt"D • .,. UADlN5 I •• 15, ;10,..,, JOI', J QZ,l 0l,U7,MS.,.7. J.4t.~.J60,JU,.Z Ml 4S.J(,MU5TOITHIESE TJI£ESAREUVEOAl C» Y~fYOA.J!) X 'nfU AIP"fC1lOI'I'lM£UfNCY .r.CQUROAOCTOit; IEVALUAftO) S4 l , »•. J4',l99 fC) TRU,_lNPOOR HlA.TM-~D TO I(A(MOYEt>(Clr'TlONAl TOIIIlMO'.'f) ey~•mN~~-~-•m~--------~~ 464 ...... •n ...... so1. ~M6 "''· "'' r:')m't.S TO IE l'ltf5fllo'ftlfiOM llC USTOIF ntfUWOR.nt TOM "I:SfltWO ~-~~~~••••~-~m••-=M--·-­as. l40,So41, '"· J90, Jtl,-w>l,.w1,44l,44l. ""·•e.s. <195.4 ~~. @ Tli:EU TO IE TJV."'-"lNoiTfO U$1Hf A l11ff $fAOE l,3 ,6,1,9 ,10,1l,17,2$,h,lt ,)4,~,90.1l5,1n ,ll6,1.0 I6Z,.)()I,UJ,3.,)4f,J!O,Mil!57 3~.369 ,544 , ~l.57<1 ,6l'l NOT< AIU. rvTVRf WOV.sf r ADS. OIUYIWAYS ANO MOTOQ COJitlSAJIE C~Al ON.Y THE 1\fT\MflOCAnON Of THE ..OUSES ONTM LOT:5 9WL. If DECIOEO 4 lftowtl IV THE I\..AN1NIS DEPAATMfNT D-ClVlDVAL YON E.Aa-1 LOT. All ~5 AP'f"ECTEDIY T'He~JCI.NJTY~ A CONaFTVALH0\./5E,AO ,.~-~.--~-- R-1 :10 / ,- I I I ' I . I / I I ·~1 J ·: ' / ' ' ' \ ' c .!~ ~ i a ,-_~;.;- ' . . . @ ' ' ' ' ' ' I / ... __ .. . / • E X ISTING SIT E • .. I T RE.e5 & D RIP LIN ~S ____ SOACC. , •• ,..,.---~\ I I ... ... I " D D !EXHIBIT 6 SITE LOTS INFO SETIACU lNDIVlOVAI.. LOTS FRONT seTBACk 30' -fT SlOES SETBACl l0'-0" Qf ASl sET8ACl l5'..o" MIN. LOT SIZl 40,000 S.f MAXIU1LC>IN6HEIGHT FROM ('E)6RADE l 5'·0" l -~-\ R-I:JO ~~R -1:12 \ I -I ' ------_.....,________ I -----------.j__ R-1:1 2 r-----~------------~------~----. \ I R-1 :10 L ~In X nu:u TO IE t~OYfD IY IIOAO$ (WTW'f&l CUitlS) 1,1J.Zf,t9.U',6l,d lOt,IIO,UZ,J.H, J.4Z,:U.l ,4!m X U$TOF'TJIH5 TOIEitEMOYeOIYC(JIIoiQPTVA-HOUSE PAt>~­ LOT No. I ' ~~(IN~ Hf:Al n-4 fiECOMINOEO TO IE REM.CM:O) LOT No, f .4410,4-49,!10Z 510,1tl2,&20,&l:l,!ll5,St9,630,5lt, Ul jNON No\fM. fllffS) X TREUAff'KT(OIY~UOIHf -41,15,16,11,19,Z4 -'0,4f,J04,102 JOl ll 7.J4$~7 . 34,,9,360.:U,Z...Z &Uf, 54)(MU5TCIF TWE5E TIIHSAAfi..MOA~ ~ YAU.(Y OAIC) X nus AF,.fCTto evEMfHENCY ...ca:s.s lOAOfTOIElVAUIATtoJ Ml. 336, !.4i,l99 l'C)nlft5tt-~POOI:HlAl.,....Af<CMlNO(OT011!~0(0PTICNM.. l0rc£MO\It) ~~-~-~~------------~~-­........... n .... l.!l07,11•.6UN7 f':')TREU TO. N fSEIIVfO,JlOM YM!U5T 0¥ TI&S WOitl'H TO IE PH5fi:\IIO ~~~~-~~~-~~~-m~--mm~~-m~ zas. J.+O, J 41,lU,l90, HZ • .OJ,441, 441 , .. J . 467, 4U, .-9~. 4 1161 NOTE SR H'E'T A·~'ReE:OJ»>$lnONTAil.fFOClAMCitEDETAJl. J .. CMM.ATlONOf £ACH ntffQt.l TMESJT'E ·-------• lNOICATULl.IIIJlSCW 'n.RCANa'YS.f'SIASU.Al.wlt1jlfY --··-JNOlCATUUMITS Of'ff.ADIHf IYHAO:IHtJI\..AN NOT< AU.. P'VT'VItf HOUSE PAC$, CfUVE WAY$ ANO ""OTOR:COJR ARe C THE f\IT\JRE lOCATION OflWE HOUSE$ a-In£ LOT ' t 8Y THE 1'\..ANIN!i OO'AAfMfNT lNOlVIC>VAlY AU.'T'keE,-A~ ~ I Cfu ' I ' ' ·:. ':' •·'~ _, -= ':' . , re t•;: trrr ~" I n lr I~ I " lu r '. - 532-12-003 OUGGNS 532-18-0:M 531-JI-Oil -~ ..... , /" _____ _ ' I Hill.LBROOK SCHOOL ... •PR O POSED SUBDIVI S I O N PD • 10 HOM e SITt:.S SCALI:. 1·=50'-o· \ ' ., \' II .. , ... ; \ ' '' '.OPeN SP~CE ' LbTB · ·, ' ! . \ \ \ . ~­':;.' •b 8£RTO..Om 5ll-16-039 ____ ,' --,-,,"'' -, ...... ___ ,-' -, I •, I ' ' ~~- R-1:10 R-1:10 ~ .... 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