Item 3 - AddendumTo: From: Subject: Date: GPC 10/28/15 ITEM3 ADDENDUM MEMORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT General Plan Committee - L l R P . 'T' M /C . D Ylat-~/_,(_ ~J ;t~l-f r aure . reveth , town anager ommumty efei'6pment'Dtrelfotf Twin Oaks: General Plan Amendment (GP-12-00 1) from Agriculture to Hillside Residential . October 26 , 2015 The applicant submitted the attached letter (Exhibit 7) after the original memorandum for this item was finalized. Additionally, a neighbor has requested that the meeting be publicly noticed based on her belief that previous reviews by the GPC have included that direction. Staff does not have that direction documented within meeting notes or GPC minutes from those meetings. The GPC is not a publicly noticed meeting; however, staff has provided a courtesy notice of the meeting to nearl y 50 individuals via email including all parties that provided email comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Exhibits: 1-6. Previously submitted with the October 28 ,2015 Memo 7. Letter from applicant, received October 23 , 2015 (two pa ges) cc: Tom Dodge, 851 S. McGlincy Lane, Campbell CA 95008 \. I Jl \ r]•( l \ I ! \ ·~ ... J )l. ~ .i i '1 , October 22. 20 15 RE: GP Amendment APN: 532-16-006 TO: Members of the General Plan Commitlee RECEI V ED . ; ·~ ·~ /;j'i5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION -:I-:=. ~.,., 'P1\R1\GON URBAN DESIGN & PLANNING Robert (Bob) Dodge along with his partner purchased the existing Surrey Farm home site in the early 1950's 'v\ith the intent of developing single-family homes. These homes built by Bob and his partner are now enjoyed by many families and viewed by them with pride of ownership. Bob Dodge had always planned the subject 17.55 AC site for future development. There is evidence of this when in 1956. Bob had a local civil engineer prepare a preliminary plan that shows 14 lots complying 'v\ith the R-1-20,000 zoning designation that was on this property at that time. This remaining 17.55 AC of the originally purchased property is surrounded on three sides by ''Hillside Residential" developed uses and the remaining abutting uses are ''Low Density Residential''. The Dodge Family is simply requesting that this last piece of the original land purchase, complete the SurTey Farm community as originally conceived. The current GP designates this property as ··Agriculture" and not as ··open Space." Secondly the GP clearly does not include this property as either "Prime Agricultural Land'' or as "Unique Farmland.'' The builder of .. Surrey Farms" always conceived this parcel to be the last phase of his development. At the time that the GP designation was changed to "Agriculture (AG)'' the AG designation was considered to be a holding use for all W A properties as there was no other designation available. This property was placed into the W A in coordination with the Town changing the GP to AG as a hold until future development was implemented. The time has come to complete Surrey Farms as originally conceived. • Site is no longer suitable for agricultural uses with developed uses surrounding • Property would no longer qualify to enter into a W A Contract • Development of site 'v\ould allo'v\ Trail System to be extended to open s pace • Development would add emergency vehicle access to existing dead-end roadways • Development will complete a water-line connection improving emergency sen ice The Dodge Family requests that the General Plan Committee recommend to the Planning Commission that thi s property's GP Designation be changed to match it's neighbors designation , "llillside Residential.'' 2923-GPC-10 28 15-ltr.doc 'P1\R1\GON DESIGN GROUP, INC. 409 Alberto Way Suite 1 Los Gatos. CA 95032 EXHIBIT 7 1-----LOW DENSITY MARCHMONT LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 0-5 DUlAC ci 0 I I 0:: 0 I I \ ~ I 4l I I <C HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL 0-1 DUlAC HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL 0-1 DUlAC . RESIDENTIAL I -------- 0-5 DUlAC LONG MEADOW DR. LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 0-5 DUlAC f-~4 ~~0 J-.-?o • SURREY FARM ESTATES • GENERAL PLAN FOR SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD 0 1 00 200 300 400 500 FT P-t.•• I I I I MAP LEGEND ~ . .l LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ._L ____ ---1 0-5 DU/AC I I HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL .__ ---.....J. 0-1 DU/AC OPEN SPACE I I AGRICULTURE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 0-5 DUlAC HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL 0-1 DUlAC HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL 0-1 DUlAC