09-13-17 Minutes - GPC 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 The General Plan Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on September 13, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Melanie Hanssen, Vice Chair Kendra Burch, Committee Member Kathryn Janoff, Committee Member Steven Piasecki, Committee Member Marcia Jensen, Committee Member Jeffrey Barnett Absent: Committee Member Barbara Spector PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee Member Kathryn Janoff led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve the Minutes of February 8, 2017 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Kathryn Janoff to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Marica Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE GPC MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC Minutes\2017 Minutes\09-13-17 Mins.docx PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 202 University Avenue General Plan Amendment GP-17-002 Requesting approval of a General Plan amendment from Office Professional to Medium Density Residential. APN 529-04-001. PROPERTY OWNER: Barry and Lisa Cheskin APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Opened Public Comment. Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Applicant speaking on behalf of the project for the owners of the property. This property shows up on the Historical Roster with some unique characteristics to it. It is the intent of our clients to return this to a single-family residence to keep up with the immediate neighborhood. Chair Melanie Hanssen She wants clarification that this is turning back into a residential property rather than a business (office) property. Bess Wiersema Yes, that is correct. Closed Public Comment. Committee discussed the matter. Committee Member Marcia Jensen She has some questions for staff that are procedural. She states that GPC has limitations on how many General Plan Amendments they can do, so where would this project fit into that as a recommendation? Joel Paulson This is a land-use project, so you can do fourper element typically. And as others come forward, we would look to bundle those. Currently, this year, we haven’t approved any General Plan Amendments, so we are able to approve several still, this year. Committee Member Marcia Jensen Can a Residential Use be a conditional use in an Office Zone? PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE GPC MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC Minutes\2017 Minutes\09-13-17 Mins.docx Joel Paulson It can. Committee Member Marcia Jensen Historically, why was this changed to office? Sean Mullin In researching the Zoning Maps, it is believed that the use of the property was tied to the zoning. The property originated as a R-2, or residential use in 1943. It then progressed to a C-2, or Commercial Use, in 1956. In 1988 is the first time we see an Office Zoning Designation. There is record of a Development Review Committee (DRC), and Planning Commission approval to convert the residential use in a commercial zone to an office use that wasn’t a rezone. Committee Member Marcia Jensen Do we need to do a zone change if it was converted as a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)? Sean Mullin It didn’t appear to be a CUP. Joel Paulson For more background, since this has come up on a few other projects, there was information provided to staff that if we can convert the zoning and/or the general plan designations so they are consistent for residential use rather than the conditional use permit process , that that was preferred. Chair Melanie Hanssen What kind of Office uses have we seen at this property? Sean Mullin He didn’t find a history of the offices that have occupied this property. There was a sign permit approved in 1979 for Los Gatos Properties, so it was likely a Real Estate office at on e point. Chair Melanie Hanssen Committee Member Janoff mentioned it might be a professional business use, or small business. Sean Mullin Yes, professional business use. Committee Member Steven Piasecki What types of offices could be permitted at this property because we have dental offices? PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE GPC MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC Minutes\2017 Minutes\09-13-17 Mins.docx Joel Paulson We would have to look at the parking to ensure it met the 6 spaces per doctor. Committee Member Steven Piasecki Services are not permitted like nail salons or hair salons. Joel Paulson They would be permitted in this zone as a personal service. The only time we require a Conditional Use Permit for those types of businesses is if they are in the C-2 Zone. Committee Member Jeffrey Barnett He has a concern regarding page one of the General Plan Committee Report. In the Background, it states that multi-family use would be permitted under the General Plan revision, not necessarily single-family. Joel Paulson The General Plan designation of medium-density residential allows a density range of 5- 12. That doesn’t mean that single-family use is not permitted. A single-family use is a permitted use in that land use designation Committee Member Jeffrey Barnett He states that his question is whether the opposite is true. Would this property be able to transition into a condo or apartment complex and what procedures would be put in place for that? Joel Paulson At a minimum it would require a Conditional Use Permit. It would have to go through the architectural and site application process and fall within the Town Codes in place. It would be a challenge to do this due to the lot size. The medium density is just a density and the R1-D has a number of conditional uses that are listed in the Town Code. And there are no other multi-family homes in this neighborhood, so it is unlikely that staff would recommend support of it. Committee Member Jeffrey Barnett Is density based on gross acres or net acres? Joel Paulson Gross in this case which would be the same as net. Committee Member Jeffrey Barnett So, it doesn’t include in portion of the street. Could they do a Duplex? PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE GPC MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 N:\DEV\GPC\GPC Minutes\2017 Minutes\09-13-17 Mins.docx Joel Paulson A Duplex would be a permitted use. Committee Member Kathryn Janoff She is interested in seeing this property not be reverted back, but to be restored back to its original residential use because of its status as a contributing structure in a historic neighborhood. It reads like a house when you see it. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Marcia Jensen to recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment request with an additional recommendation that once it is rezoned to its intended use, that it remains part of the Historic Preservation list. Seconded by Committee Member Kendra Burch. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Prepared by _____________________________ _____________________________ /s/Joel Paulson /s/Alexa Nolder Community Development Director Executive Assistant