10-27-16 Minutes - GPCMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2016 The General Plan Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Thursday, October 27, 2016, at 6:00 pm. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Town Manager Prevetti called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Matthew Hudes, Vice Chair Marico Sayoc, Mayor Barbara Spector, Public Representative Jeffrey Barnett, Planning Commissioner Charles Erekson, Planning Commissioner Melanie Hanssen Absent: Business Representative Todd Jarvis, Community and Senior Services Commissioner Lisa Marshik VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (AUDIENCE) None. 1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Sayoc to nominate Commissioner Hudes for Chair. Seconded by Mayor Spector. VOTE: Motion passed 6-0. MOTION: Motion by Chair Hudes to nominate Vice Mayor Sayoc for Vice Chair. Seconded by Mayor Spector. VOTE: Motion passed 6-0. 2. Approval of Minutes – October 28, 2015 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Hanssen to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2015 meeting, as amended. Seconded by Vice Chair Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0 with Chair Hudes and Mayor Spector abstaining. 3. North 40 Specific Plan Amendments Addendum Discuss the Town Council suggestions for potential changes to the North 40 Specific Plan. Chair Hudes opened the public hearing. Committee members asked questions of staff. Committee members discussed the matter. Edward Morimoto - Commented that the North 40 Specific Plan is incredibly complex, with hundreds of decisions made to create it, and any responsible amendment of it calls for full consideration of those decisions. The housing component of the North 40 Specific Plan is a balanced and responsible way for Los Gatos to shoulder its share of the solution to the Bay Area housing shortage. Page 2 of 3 General Plan Committee Minutes October 27, 2016 Maria Ristow - Commented that she doesn’t understand how the town can look at amendments to the North 40 Specific Plan at this point with the lawsuit looming, because they can’t even accept any applications for the Northern District until the lawsuit is settled, so if they want to encourage housing there, the only thing that makes sense at this point would be to increase the amount of total housing. Jan Olsen - Commented that she would be directly impacted by the North 40 development. The North 40 project should be a green project with LEED certifications, alternative energy uses, pervious pavement, low water uses, use of plants and trees for shade, and solar energy. She is concerned about what the new Samaritan Drive project will do to the area’s traffic. Sandy Decker - Commented that the North 40 Specific Plan states “The Specific Plan standards and guidelines supersede the existing Los Gatos Commercial Design Guidelines and development of the Specific Plan area,” and she is confused, because unless the General Plan Committee is ready to say where the Specific Plan does not meet General Plan requirements, why is the meeting being held? If the Specific Plan does supersede General Plan requirements, the first meetings should have been the Planning Commission. Rod Teague - Commented that moving forward he hopes whatever changes are made to the Specific Plan that the Town will defer to the Vision Statement and Guiding Principles of the Specific Plan, because that is the foundation and the Town’s goal. The Grosvenor application had a lot of row houses and aspects that were in contrast to what Los Gatos is about, things like open space and housing that conforms to the community. Tom Spilsbury - Commented that this project started out as the grand vision of the North 40, but it has been pared down to the North 20, not what the Specific Plan stated, and jamming all the houses into 20 acres is not what anybody wanted. The biggest issue is traffic, and it has not been solved yet. Committee members asked questions of Mr. Spilsbury. Woody Nedom - Commented that the best way for the GPC to proceed is to determine how the proposed development does not comply with the Specific Plan, such as it does not spread housing over the full development, the units are too large, it does not meet the unmet needs of Los Gatos, it doesn’t mitigate impact on schools, and it doesn’t reflect the Town of Los Gatos. Diane Dreher - Commented that she supports the Town Council’s suggestions for potential amendments to the Specific Plan, specifically that housing be spread across all three districts; smaller, more affordable units; and senior housing on the ground level. Chair Hudes closed the public input portion of the hearing and returned to the Committee for deliberation. Committee members asked questions of staff. Committee members discussed the matter. Page 3 of 3 General Plan Committee Minutes October 27, 2016 4. Adjournment Chair Hudes declared the meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm. TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE Wednesday, October 27, 2016 APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ /s/ Joel Paulson Community Development Director