10-22-14 Minutes - GPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ON OCTOBER 22, 2014, HELD AT THE LOS GATOS ADULT RECREATION CENTER, 208 E. MAIN STREET, ROOM 208, LOS GATOS, CALIFORN IA. The meeting was called to order at 5:33p.m. by Marico Sayoc. ATTENDANCE: Members present: Marico Sayoc, Marcia Jensen , Barbara Spector, Margaret Smith, Michele Boudreau, Bob Beyer Members absent: Matthew Hudes, Charles Erekson, Todd Jarvis Staff present: Laurel Prevetti , Assistant Town Manager and Community Development Director; Joel Paulson, Planning Manager; Mami Moseley, Associate Planner; Robert Schultz, Town Attorney ITEMl APPOINTING CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR C hair Marico Sayoc continued this matter to next year since the appointments to the Committee will mo st likely change at the end of the year. ITEM2 TWIN OAKS DRIVE Chair Marico Sayoc recused herself due to a conflict of interest. Marcia Jensen chaired the remainder of the meeting. Staff provided a brief staff report and background of the application. The Committee members asked questions about: the Williamson Act cancellation and process, the impact of the existing General Plan Environm ental Imp act Report (EIR) for the Town on the application, and the possible intensification of the appl ic ation on that E IR. The a pplicant's representative, Roger Griffin, provided a briefbackground on the application Committee Comments/Discussion : The Committee members discussed the status of the EIR for the application. The Committee members discussed the po ssibility of continuing th e item until the E IR ts available. General Plan Committee Minutes October 22, 2014 Page 2 of2 Barbara Spector commented that most of the provided General Plan Policies cannot be determined without the information contained in the EIR. Marcia Jensen commented that additional policies beyond those provided in the report would be relevant. Robert Shultz clarified that the role of the General Plan Committee is to assist the Planning Commission and the Town Council on the consistency of the General Plan Amendment to the existing General Plan. If the additional information within the EIR would assist the Committee in making a recommendation on that limited scope, it is within their purview to request that. Marcia Jensen moved to continue the item to a date uncertain once the Draft EIR is available. Motion passed 5-0. ITEM3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 Marcia Jensen continued the item to the next regular meeting due to a lack of a quorum for the item. ITEM4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for November 12 , 2014. Prepared by: N :\DEY\GPC\20 14minutes\GPC I 0-22-14 .doc