09-25-13 Minutes - GPCDRAFT TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2013, HELD IN THE LOS GATOS TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AT 110 E. MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chair John Bourgeois. ATTENDANCE Members present: John Bourgeois, Barbara Cardillo, Charles Erekson, Todd Jarvis, Matthew Hudes, Joe Pirzynski, Marico Sayoc, Barbara Spector Members absent: Bob Beyer Staff present: Sandy Baily, Community Development Director; Suzanne Avila, Senior Planner; Erwin Ordoñez, Senior Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Beverley Bryant thanked the Committee for all its work. ITEM 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Joe Pirzynski made a motion to approve the minutes of August 14, 2013, as submitted. The motion was seconded by Charles Erekson and passed unanimously. ITEM 2 REVIEW ILLUSTRATED DRAFT AHOZ DESIGN GUIDELINES AND REVISED SETBACK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AHOZ ZONING ORDINANCE DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA Erwin Ordoñez commented that at the last meeting on August 14, 2013, the Committee reviewed and approved the redlines for the design guidelines, reached consensus on the majority the AHOZ Zoning Ordinance Development Criteria (with the exception of setbacks for the four new sites), affirmed maintaining the AHOZ site base density at 20 dwelling units per acre, deleted additional density bonuses as a potential developer concession, and requested that the Consulting Architect provide his own recommended setbacks and more refined design guideline schematics after a review of the four new sites. Erwin Ordoñez then noted that the architect had competed the work requested by the Committee and had provided a final fully illustrated draft for its review. He then gave an overview of the document and the architect’s recommended setbacks for the new sites. General Plan Committee Minutes September 25, 2013 Page 2 of 4 Oak Rim-Blossom Hill Road Site • Existing apartment complex with 30 units. • Two buildable pads at different elevations with a steep grade between them with tree canopy. • Recommendations for 15-foot side setbacks adjacent to Higgins site unless combined, 25- foot setback on Blossom Hill Road, and 10-foot setback from Highway 17. Barbara Spector asked about retention of the tree buffer recommended by Mr. Prizynski and the slope/topography considerations recommended by the other members of the Committee, and if those recommendation have been addressed by the architect. Erwin Ordoñez commented that on page 39 there is documentation on the vegetation. John Bourgeois clarified that the circular “AS” symbol on the illustrations indicates that open space amenities are needed in that general area. He suggested that the architect provide a note defining the symbol in the final draft. Marico Sayoc asked if a future environmental review process for a development determines that units should be further from the freeway than the recommended 10 feet, would revisions be required. Erwin Ordoñez said that typically when a formal application is received, an initial study is prepared which would identify potential impacts and mitigations, and the developer would have to address them as part of the environmental and entitlement process. He noted that as part of the review process, the developer could accept the mitigations, change the project, or work with the Town and consultant to develop other alternative mitigations to address the concern noted. Higgins Business Park Recommendations are for 15-foot side yards adjacent to Oak Rim site unless combined, 10-foot setback from Highway 17, and that the setback on the east property line will be based on a geology report and set as part of the Architecture and Site Review process. No comments from the Committee. Los Gatos Lodge Sites A and B Recommendations for 25-foot setback on Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, 20-foot setback from Los Gatos High School, and a setback from the 360-foot topographic contour on the east property line. Erwin Ordoñez noted that the elevation contour ranged from a few feet to approximately 95 feet from the property line and that the architect had recommended a minimum of 15-foot setback that would increase depending on the location of the contour. Internal setbacks would be established by the Architecture and Site Review process. John Bourgeois commented that he did not see the “unless the sites are combined” comment under the Lodge sites illustration. Erwin Ordoñez said staff will clarify with the architect and that can be added if it was inadvertently left out. General Plan Committee Minutes September 25, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Matthew Hudes asked about the side setbacks from the shared property line. Erwin Ordoñez said that the corresponding dashed lines on the Lodge main parcel can be added for clarification after confirming with the architect. Matthew Hudes commented that provision of an emergency vehicle access to the high school might be premature and asked about the Town’s contact with the high school. Erwin Ordoñez said that it is common to have potential emergency access required with a development application. He also noted that the Town Manager is facilitating the discussion with the school district. John Bourgeois asked about the setbacks from the common property line and why it is 20 feet on one side and 25 feet on the other. It would be more consistent to have both setbacks 20 feet. He noted that he was comfortable with the 20 feet but wanted that confirmed with the architect. Barbara Spector commented that she agrees unless the Architect made that recommendation based on topography or another consideration. Erwin Ordoñez noted that would be confirmed with the architect and reflected in the final draft. Marico Sayoc said she would like to have both setbacks 20 feet unless the Consulting Architect provides a valid rationale for the setbacks being different. South Bay Site - No changes were made. Erwin Ordoñez asked the Committee to affirm the consensus from the previous meeting and summarized the following items associated with the proposed AHOZ Zoning Ordinance amendments that would be recommended to the Planning Commission and Town Council: • Site Development Standards (Committee is OK with everything including new setbacks) • Unit Affordability ratios (Committee is OK with proposed ratios) • Allowable concessions (Committee deleted density concession and is OK with list) • Density of 20 units/acre (Committee recommends no density bonus above 20 units/ac) He then restated the following requested changes to be made to the final design guidelines recommended by the Committee: • Site amenities symbol to be defined • Setbacks on common property line for Los Gatos Lodge sites to be 20 feet and verified with the consulting architect. Barbara Spector made a motion to recommend approval to the Planning Commission and Town Council as summarized by Mr. Ordoñez. The motion was seconded by Joe Pirzynski. General Plan Committee Minutes September 25, 2013 Page 4 of 4 Public Comments Jeff Loughridge commented that no exceptions to height should be allowed. He would prefer to have the Town allow the minimum number of concessions that are being required by the State (i.e. only three for the density bonus ordinance), and no more than that. Lois Sklar commented that she lives near Lark Avenue and it is becoming unbearable to live in Los Gatos. The traffic keeps getting worse. She believes that crime will increase with addition of affordable housing. Chris Cowan, resident on Oka Road, asked if density bonus is being required or if is being recommended by staff. Erwin Ordoñez responded that the Committee is recommending a maximum density of 20 units per acre and to not allow any density bonus as part of the developer concessions. He stated that the intent of the AHOZ is to develop guidelines for housing types that are more compatible with the Town character and to encourage developers to apply under the AHOZ instead of the Density Bonus Ordinance. He noted that up to four concessions could be requested in AHOZ (while the State requires three to be provided under the Density Bonus). He noted examples of concessions. Erwin Ordoñez noted that Committee has made significant changes to the AHOZ guidelines and development criteria in response to the public input it has received since the Town Council asked the committee to reconsider the AHOZ sites in January 2013. The motion passed unanimously. Erwin Ordoñez commented that this matter will be considered by the Planning Commission on October 9, 2013. The Addendum EIR will be available for the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm. ITEM 4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 28, 2013. Prepared by: ____________________________ Suzanne Avila, Senior Planner N:\DEV\GPC\2013 Minutes\GPC 09-25-13.doc