02-25-04 Minutes - GPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, FEBRUARY 25, 2004 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Chair Michael Burke. ATTENDANCE Members present: Josh Bacigalupi, Barry Bakken, Michael Burke, Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Mark Sgarlato, Morris Trevithick Members absent: Phil Micciche, Mark Weiner (excused) Staff present: Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development; Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner; Larry Cannon, Cannon Design Group VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None ITEM 1 COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Larry Cannon, Cannon Design Group asked if anyone had questions or observations from the Downtown walking tour. Josh Bacigalupi noted that the new Walgreen’s design appears unbalanced. Bud Lortz explained that the shopping center it is located in is three separate parcels and there are two different property owners involved and that impacted the design. Barry Bakken asked if there is a way to address buildings that are in disrepair. Bud Lortz said that the issues of buildings that could be improved has been discussed previously under a proposed ordinance addressing property maintenance. The Council did not support the ordinance as it felt it would be too intrusive on property owners. Barry Bakken said he likes the variety in the Downtown. He likes the buildings that are immediately adjacent to the sidewalk. Steve Glickman noted that the Town has grown organically. Buildings should look attractive but they do not all need to be the same. He doesn’t think there needs to be too much emphasis on similarities in styles or building facades. Larry Cannon asked about a new modern style architecture with a lot of glass and metal, and whether that would be appropriate. Steve Glickman said no, as that would not be compatible with the small town village feel. Mike Burke said he has lived here most of his life. While the Town has changed, there are still a number of recognizable elements. It gives a sense of continuity. There are strong links to the past that really haven’t changed much. Josh Bacigalupi said he appreciates the input on styles that might be considered extreme. A building like the Chart House is important for its historic value but we wouldn’t necessarily want to recreate it. Human scale and warmth are important. Diane McNutt said the role of landscaping is important as it can really enhance (e.g. Maid’s Quarters) or hinder the look of a business or property, and in some cases can be a hazard. S ome businesses are in need of some landscaping. She also noted the importance of building entrances. Morris Trevithick is interested in the edges between streets and parking areas, and integrating buildings into the streetscape. Steve Glickman commented on the part of N. Santa Cruz closest to Main Street. Places closer to the street don’t provide any area for outdoor dining or display of merchandise. Larry Cannon suggested limiting the size of outdoor dining areas so they don’t become too large. Steve Glickman asked for input from the rest of the Committee on use of space in front of buildings. Josh Bacigalupi suggested creating variation. Having all buildings at the property line or all setback is not a good thing. Its better to have a mix that creates depth to a facade (when set back) and provides contrast. Mike Burke said he likes the variation, and also likes seeing the first floor set back with the second floor cantilevered. He also likes the pass through buildings where you can walk through to parking area. Morris Trevithick said it’s a kind of community benefit. Barry Bakken agreed with the comments. Bud Lortz noted that the C-2 zone requires a 10 foot setback from the front (street) and rear, although it can be reduced by the deciding body if appropriate. Steve Glickman agreed on the dual access provided that there standards to ensure high quality for both entrances. Larry Cannon said the guidelines for the businesses backing onto parking lot 4 encourage more modest entrances on the side facing the parking lot. Barry Bakken asked if there is a rule on the number of access points from N. Santa Cruz to rear parking lots. Bud Lortz said there is not a specified number, but the Town is sensitive to not having too many. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of February 25, 2004 Page 3 of 7 C-2 Sub-District On creating sub-districts, Mike Burke said he likes that approach. Larry Cannon said sub-area C-2B is small scale and the guidelines should reinforce that. Bud Lortz said as the guidelines materialize staff and the Committee can consider changes to the Zoning Ordinance if there is something that needs to be translated into the Town Code. Mike Burke asked what the term use of wood should be provisional means. Larry Cannon said that would limit the use of wood, but would not prohibit it. Steve Glickman said he is concerned about wood not being high quality and well maintained. He noted that on Carry Nations, the wood works well. It should fit in with overall guidelines and within the Downtown. Barry Bakken suggested soliciting input from business owners. Larry Cannon said that if the Committee wants to have a meeting for that purpose it can be worked into the process. There will be three phases to the guidelines; general discussion, key items, and details. Mark Sgarlato noted that retail businesses on the second floor don’t have much exposure. Bud Lortz said that some communities are focusing their personal service businesses on second floors. Mike Burke asked if there is a way to address retail or personal service businesses on the second floor. Larry Cannon commented on the use of directory signs. Steve Glickman suggesting contacting downtown building owners once there is a draft document to review and comment on. Larry Cannon asked for input on the dividing line between areas A and B within the C-2. Josh Bacigalupi said demarcations are useful, but that areas of transition are sometimes the most interesting. Mike Burke said that in transition areas there should be a mix rather than a dividing line with two completely different styles. Bud Lortz suggested staff and the Consulting Architect walk the area again to determine if there are obvious areas to have the dividing line. Sometimes a street is the best place to use as a divider. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of February 25, 2004 Page 4 of 7 Diane McNutt expressed concern about the use of the term “multi-story building”. She would like to see buildings over two-stories discouraged. Mike Burke prefers no new buildings that are higher than those adjacent. Steve Glickman said he would like to encourage outdoor dining as long as it is not the majority of a restaurant’s seating. He doesn’t want top preclude outdoor dining. Larry Cannon noted four variables associated with outdoor dining. Mike Burke asked about precluding trademark buildings in the Downtown. Bud Lortz said that this is something staff would like input on. Steve Glickman said in terms of formula frontage, the Town should not look like a mall. Having something unique like The Diner is ok, but KFC wanting a corporate building might not be appropriate. He noted that Bank of America looks like a bank and it is ok that way. Larry Cannon said franchise trademark buildings can look like a theme like Forbes Mill Steakhouse. Josh Bacigalupi commented on the requirement for use of stucco, stone and brick and minimizing use of wood. He feels stucco is over used, and that if it is used, it needs to broken down with brick or wood or stone. Use of wood can be appropriate. Mike Burke would like to stay away from stucco unless it is well done. Steve Glickman noted that the stucco exteriors of GAP and Banana Republic are not done as well as the Los Gatos Hotel. Diane McNutt said that limiting on-site parking is not a positive comment. Any place that we can get parking is good. Steve Glickman said that having some alcoves or driveways is good for police surveillance. Bud Lortz summarized that there should not be a net loss of parking. Josh Bacigalupi suggested changing bullet 3 on page 1: “consistent” to “compatible”. He also would like to leave some breathing room in the second to last bullet point under C-2A. C-1 Sub-Area Larry Cannon asked for input on the idea of having separate criteria for opposite sides of the street. Diane McNutt said one side backs up to residential and the other abuts industrial, so they need to be different. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of February 25, 2004 Page 5 of 7 Steve Glickman agreed with that concern but questioned whether the frontage needed to be compatible with residential. He felt the scale was more important. Mike Burke said he thinks its fine to have different criteria for the two sides of the street. He noted that the scale seems larger on the4 ast side where buildings are pushed back from the street. Josh Bacigalupi said it comes down to design. Some styles would not be appropriate as they would not fit in. Barry Bakken said a mixture of texture and materials is good. Steve Glickman said that the style of the building should be appropriate for the use. An office building trying to look like a home doesn’t work. Bud Lortz commented that corner buildings are important and sometimes provide a transition to adjacent residential. Steve Glickman would like to get input from realtors as to issues that arise when selling residential properties abutting commercial uses. Mike Burke would like to see buildings on corners that are entrances to a residential neighborhood be acceptable to the residents (striking a balance between appropriate design and transition to neighborhood). Morris Trevithick said transition areas would need to be identified and it might be difficult to put that into guidelines. Bud Lortz said the west side has the residential interface and the east side does not. Diane McNutt commented on entrances to the underground parking. It needs to be better designed so it can be located, but doesn’t look unattractive. Parking questions on page 2; four options: Bud Lortz commented that parking lots adjacent to residential present privacy issues. Mike Burke said if this area is made more of a pedestrian area it might be detrimental to the Downtown. Josh Bacigalupi asked if mixed use should be addressed under the guidelines. Bud Lortz said that it should be there are already mixed use buildings. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of February 25, 2004 Page 6 of 7 Steve Glickman is very supportive of anything that adds residential units. Bud Lortz said the Town has struggled with whether to create mixed use guidelines or if it should just be encouraged in particular areas. Residential is allowed in any zone. The question for the Committee is, should it be encouraged. Steve Glickman suggested discussing this topic at the upcoming joint meeting. Front setback treatments: Larry Cannon said there should be a strong statement about what is wanted along the frontage. Diane McNutt likes the trees on the west side of the street. She would like to see more landscaping. Steve Glickman said that the trees and landscaping make it more attractive. Mike Burke suggested the use of a landscape assessment district. Bud Lortz noted that landscape and lighting districts have been used in the past and they are very time intensive. Larry is asking if there should be landscape and hardscape palettes. Mike Burke said if there is an entrance right at the sidewalk, it should be used as such (example of where this was not done is Blossom Hill Pavilion). Bud Lortz said that the Committee could formulate a memo or report to the Council explaining what is being considered and asking for input. Larry Cannon will develop what he has heard as the vision for the C-1 and C-2. Discussion on Los Gatos Blvd. will begin at the next session on March 24. ITEM 2: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mike Burke made a motion to approve the minutes of February 11, 2004 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Josh Bacigalupi and passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm by Chair Mike Burke. The next meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 5:30 pm. Prepared By: ___________________________ General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of February 25, 2004 Page 7 of 7 Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2004minutes\GPC-2-25-04.wpd