01-14-04 Minutes - GPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, JANUARY 14, 2004 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting called to order at 5:30 pm by Vice Chair Phil Micciche. New members Mayor Steve Glickman, Council member Diane McNutt and Community Services Commission representative Barry Bakken were welcomed. ATTENDANCE Members present: Josh Bacigalupi, Barry Bakken, Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Mark Sgarlato, Phil Micciche, Lee Quintana, Mark Weiner Excused Absences: Mike Burke Staff present: Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development; Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None ITEM 1 COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Bud Lortz said that the scope of work and work schedule were sent out for review and no comments have been received. He clarified that the existing Town documents for commercial areas will be incorporated into one cohesive document. There were no additional comments from the Committee on the scope of work or schedule. Bud Lortz explained that the issue of sustainability and green building and how that topic relates to the Commercial Design Guidelines. This topic may need to be a stand alone document due to its complexity and the need for a consultant and additional budget. The Council has been interested in moving the Commercial Design Guidelines quickly and to address the issue of screening of rooftop equipment. The need to address auto dealerships is also important. Phil Micciche asked about the pros and cons of the two methods. Bud Lortz said that creating a separate document for sustainability/green building is more costly and would require an RFP process to hire a consultant and is complex. Lee Quintana would like to include criteria for commercial and work on sustainability in the Commercial Design Guidelines. Josh Bacigalupi said he is concerned that it would get lost if separated. As much as we want the green issues to be addressed, a consultant could take both residential and commercial into account at one time and would be more complete. Phil Micciche noted that it would be as effective to have a separate document. Lee Quintana said by including it, it would be implemented earlier. Mark Sgarlato noted that double work would be done if bifurcated. Diane McNutt asked for clarification of the solar panel issue as that is important to Council that it be addressed. Bud Lortz said that we will look at rooftop screening inclusive of solar panels, recognizing how they operate, what they look like, and how they fit with the building. Cell antennas and other passive equipment have also been an issue. Diane McNutt pointed out that this is driving the concern about expediting the Commercial Design Guidelines. Lee Quintana asked if the Council decides there should be two separate documents, could the Commercial Design Guidelines at least address things like insulation and windows so that the most basic things are incorporated into the document. Bud Lortz said that we can discuss including some of those concepts with the Consulting Architect. Steve Glickman asked whether, assuming that the green building criteria is well enough understood that if it can be addressed in a separate document, it would be faster to prepare the guidelines. Bud Lortz said that there are different options for evaluating solar panels, perhaps using a percentage of panels that could be visible. One problem is funding. A document could cost $40 to 50,000. Barry Bakken asked for clarification on the solar issue. Bud Lortz said that perspectives vary depending on who you talk to. The green building presenter said that it is more cost effective to take other steps to save energy before using solar panels. Josh Bacigalupi asked about Title 24 implications. Bud Lortz noted that the state passed Title 24 standards in the 70's to reduce energy consumption. Title 24 regulates HVAC systems and window glazing. One way of dealing with it is to require an applicant to increase Title 24 requirements by a certain percentage, such as 10%, so they can accomplish it through a variety of measures. Lee Quintana said the use of performance standards is one approach. She feels that 10% is not high enough. Bud Lortz said that when he uses a figure, it is only as an example. It is important to consider the cost when applying standards. Diane McNutt asked if there is an opportunity to get a grant to prepare sustainability guidelines. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of January 14, 2004 Page 3 of 4 Lee Quintana suggested PG&E. Josh Bacigalupi said that it would be easier to have two separate documents becaus e sometimes people don’t have the budget to do a lot of expensive options. Title 24 compliance is applied to every project. Architects are used to applying a document and referring to another that is referenced for other topics. Steve Glickman said that one of the incentives for someone who is building to look at green is to save money through a decrease in their energy bills, rebates from the state, etc. The Town might want to look at this from a more regional perspective. If it is a good thing to encourage use of non fossil fuel alternatives, we may want to include use of green as a motivation. Phil Micciche said that energy is an issue that we need to face. If energy is that important, we need to require things even if it is a cost to an applicant. Mark Sgarlato said that one thing he likes is green building provides a rational rating system that can be measured. Steve Glickman said using a percentage increase goal is one option. Another option is to require some minimal things. Lee Quintana said using a performance standard is a good way to go and can give options to reach the goal. Mark Weiner said that some flexibility is good. Lee Quintana asked if the Alameda County material can be obtained for the Committee. Barry Bakken asked if the Town gets any recognition for using green building techniques. He likes the idea of a point system. Its obviously important and while there may not be a direct benefit (outside recognition) it is still a positive Committee Consensus was to recommend a separate document for sustainability and green building. Two Committee members preferred an integrated document. Steve Glickman asked that there be an opportunity for at least a cross reference. Meeting schedule: The regular meeting schedule was provided to the Committee. Staff would like at least a two hour time block for meetings with the Consulting Architect in attendance. The Committee decided to start the January 28 meeting at 5:00 pm. The Planning Commission meeting can start late if necessary. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of January 14, 2004 Page 4 of 4 Mark Weiner asked that the agenda And any attachments be emailed in advance as we were doing late last year. ITEM 2 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Bud Lortz advised the Committee that there is a Zoning Ordinance amendment that will be coming forward. Courtside Club is proposing a parking lot on the old Elks Club property at Newell Avenue & Winchester Blvd. The Newell neighborhood does not want a General Plan or zone change as the residents feel it opens the door for a commercial proj ect in the future. As such, the applicant (Courtside) is requesting that the Code be amended to allow parking lots in R-1 zones when on an arterial. The use of a narrow definition would limit the areas where other parking lots could potentially be proposed. The other item to be worked on in the immediate future is the Personal Service Businesses regulations. ITEM 3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steve Glickman made a motion to approve the minutes of December 10, 2003 as presented. The motion was seconded by Mark Weiner and passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm by Phil Micciche. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 5:00 pm. Prepared By: ___________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2004minutes\GPC-1-14-04.wpd